How many kilograms does 1 cube weigh? Specific gravity of a cube of concrete

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Often, when planning construction work, you need to know how much a cube of concrete weighs m300, m400, m500. Let's see how much a cubic meter of concrete mixture will weigh, depending on its type. The mass of the concrete mixture is determined by the mass of the aggregates used.

Weight m3 of concrete grades M100, M200, M300, M400, M500.

According to the specific gravity, the concrete mixture can be:

  • especially light up to 500 kg;
  • light 1000 to 1800 kg;
  • heavy 1800 - 2500 kg;
  • especially heavy 2500 to 3000 kg.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated when calculating the mass of concrete mortar, and then we will consider in more detail the question of what mass of concrete different brands, we will also provide detailed tables.

SpecificAndVolumeweight of concrete in 1m3, table of weights of all brands.

Concrete is the main component of any construction work, be it ordinary repairs or the construction of pits and structures. It has high strength initially, but with the use of additives it can improve its characteristics.

During construction, first of all, how much concrete weighs is calculated, since based on this characteristic it is determined by the specifics of its use and application. The weight of the solution depends directly on the components added as filling. These can be materials such as crushed stone, expanded clay, pebbles and many others.

Also, when kneading, the volume of water consumed is taken into account. Based on these characteristics, concrete is divided into four types: light and heavy, especially light and especially heavy.

Weight of 1 cube of concrete of all brands and classes, table:

Detailed weight table.
Concrete grade Concrete class Weight of 1 m3 of concrete (kg)
M250IN 202348

Types of specific gravity of 1 cube of concrete.

The most common way to classify the mass of a cube of composition is by dividing it according to specific gravity.

According to volumetric mass, there are such types of concrete as:

  1. Extra light: Weight 500 kg maximum per cubic meter. Characterized by the content of air cells with a diameter of 1-1.5 mm and a porous base. These are the familiar foam and gas blocks, which are based not only on classic cement and sand, but also on a foaming agent that creates cells with air. This allows for low weight and good thermal insulation properties.
  2. Lungs- concrete compositions filled with lightweight porous aggregates, such as expanded clay or without aggregates, but having a porous structure, such as foam concrete or aerated concrete. A cube (cubic meter) of lightweight concrete weighs from 500 to 1800 kg. A cubic meter of concrete includes about 600 kg of sand - the main and essential component. Lightweight concrete is usually used in the form of ready-made building blocks.
  3. Heavy. This is the most common (classic) type mortars. It is best suited for the construction of main elements load-bearing structures, pouring screed, erecting fences, etc. The composition of heavy concrete includes large-sized and massive fillers: coarse sand, gravel, crushed stone. They occupy the bulk of the mixture. A cubic meter of such material weighs 1800-2500 kg.
  4. Particularly heavy. Metal fillers are used in production to give it massiveness. finished products. The weight of a cube of concrete is 2500-3000 kg. Super-heavy mixtures necessarily contain high-strength cement. They are not used in private housing construction. They are usually used to make protective structures for special purposes, for example, for nuclear reactors.

What determines the weight of 1 meter of cubic concrete?

As in any other case, we need to start with theoretical foundations. First, let's find out what exactly this weight of concrete pavement is for every 1m3.

Weight of a cubic meter of concrete depending on the aggregate:

Type of concrete, aggregateSpecific gravity cube, kg
Reinforced concrete2500
Concrete on gravel or crushed stone2400
Pumice concrete800-1600
Concrete on volcanic slag800-1600
Expanded clay concrete on expanded clay sand, expanded clay foam concrete500-1800
Expanded clay concrete on quartz sand800-1200
Expanded clay concrete on perlite sand800-1000
Shungizite concrete100-1400
Perlite concrete600-1200
Slag pumice concrete (thermosite concrete)1000-1800
Slag pumice foam and slag pumice gas concrete800-1600
Concrete based on granulated blast furnace slag1200-1800
Aggloporite concrete on boiler (fuel) slags1000-1800
Concrete on ash gravel1000-1400
Gas-ash concrete and foam-ash concrete800-1200
Aerated concrete, foam concrete, gas silicate and foam silicate300-1000
Vermiculite concrete300-800

What are the main indicators of concrete quality?

  • strength and durability;
  • frost resistance and moisture resistance;
  • degree of adhesion (hardening speed);
  • weight of concrete per 1m3.

This, of course, is not all, but the main indicators (all indicators are in guest standards, tables, if desired). It is important to understand here that the concept of weight per 1 m3 implies the intersection of the concepts of strength and weight. The fact is that strength and ability to hold various kinds the load on concrete will be based on the density of the product. We already know that concrete blocks there are different ones.

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The volume and weight of building materials are calculated at the design stage of the facility. Crushed stone 5...20 mm during the erection of reinforced concrete buildings and structures is delivered to the site in large volumes; it is necessary to determine its mass in advance in order to select the correct equipment for transportation and order the required number of deliveries. There are many varieties of this bulk material and they all have different weights.


The weight of 1 m 3 of crushed stone depends on several factors:

  • The rock from which the stones are obtained;
  • Fraction and flakiness. For construction purposes, a grain size of 5...20 mm is often chosen; for preparatory and other work, larger or finer fractions are used.

Based on their origin, crushed stone is divided into several groups:

  • Granite is the most durable and in demand, at the same time expensive and durable. The stones are dense, hollow, and flakiness according to GOST 8267-93 allows no more than 5% of flat grains. As a result, the density of the embankment is maximum.
  • Limestone natural crushed stone is used as a filler for low-strength concrete and for the preparation of lime and its containing materials. Calcium compounds have a relatively small mass, so 1 cube weighs less than granite.
  • Gravel is a product of crushing rock, which is mined during quarrying in the mountains, river beds and reservoirs. This is in demand construction material, possessing optimal characteristics, close to granite, but much cheaper and more common.
  • Slag is crushed stone obtained as a result of metal processing. Durable and cheap material with an impressive cube weight.
  • Sandstone is crushed stone from hard rocks, used in general construction work.
  • Terricone is black crushed stone, a product of the dump of old coal mines. The grains are used in road construction due to contamination.

There are other types of coarse aggregate, but the listed types are mainly used in construction.

The presented types of rocks from which crushed stone is obtained have different characteristics: water absorption, weight, porosity, etc. This is the determining factor in the weight of a cubic meter of material.

Table weight

It is impossible to determine the absolute density of crushed stone in cubic meters - it is a bulk material and there are always air gaps between the grains. Therefore, the larger the faction, the more space between stones, the lighter the bag of crushed stone (sometimes 5...30, 40, 50 kg) and other units of volumetric measurement.

As already mentioned, the volumetric weight of crushed stone depends on the characteristics of the parent rocks. Based on this, we have compiled a table showing how many kilograms of bulk material of different types are in a cube, practically translated into standard buckets:

The weight in a cube of crushed stone can vary depending on humidity, usually it is a small fraction - about 1-3% of the total mass of the embankment.


The weight of lumber (timbers, boards, logs), moldings (linings, platbands, skirting boards, etc.) and other wood products depends mainly on the moisture content of the wood and its species.

The table shows the weight of 1 cubic meter of wood (volume weight) depending on the type of wood and its moisture content.

Weight table 1 cu. m (volume weight) timber, boards, wood linings various breeds and humidity

Depending on the moisture content, measured as a percentage of the mass of water contained in the wood to the mass of dry wood, wood is divided into the following moisture categories:

    Dry wood (humidity 10-18%) is wood that has undergone technological drying or has been stored for a long time in a warm, dry room;

    Air-dry wood (humidity 19-23%) is wood with equilibrium moisture content, when the moisture content of the wood itself is balanced with the humidity of the surrounding air. This degree of humidity is achieved during long-term storage of wood under natural conditions, i.e. without the use of special drying technologies;

    Raw wood(humidity 24-45%) - this is wood in the process of drying from a freshly cut state to equilibrium;

    Freshly cut and wet wood (moisture content greater than 45%) is wood that has been recently cut or has been in water for a long time.


The weight of one beam, board or any molded product also depends on the moisture content of the wood from which they are made and its species. The table shows data for the wood most used in construction - pine with damp moisture for timber and edged boards and air-dry humidity for floorboards and linings.

Weight table for one beam, one board and lining


The number of pieces of any lumber or molded product in 1 cubic meter depends on its dimensions: width, thickness and length. Data on the quantity of lumber in 1 kb. m are presented in the table.

Cement mortar is one of the most popular materials in construction. When constructing any structures, it is important to take into account the specific gravity of the substances used. For example, if construction involves the use of cement, then you need to know how much a cube of concrete of a particular configuration weighs. Reinforced concrete and concrete structures are the basis of many buildings, so it is impossible to neglect their properties at the design stage.

Classification by weight

Concrete mixtures are used in quite a variety of variations. Modern cement is necessary for the following operations:

  • interior decoration of residential premises;
  • construction of reinforced concrete building foundations;
  • construction of dams and monolithic structures.

It is also used for other purposes - this is just a sample list that shows the variety of uses of this material. Of course, from cement to interior decoration and foundation construction require different characteristics, which is why all mixtures are divided into classes and brands.

Using classification, you can determine the weight of 1 cube of concrete. Mass increases with type change:

  • thermal insulation (extra light, classes below B7.5);
  • light (classes B7.5-B15);
  • heavy (B15-B30);
  • super heavy (more).

The first includes brands from M50 to M75, their specific gravity does not exceed 500 kilograms. The second - from M100 to M200, which vary from 500 to 1800 kg. “Heavy” ones are labeled as M200-M400, and their specific gravity is 1800-2500. All brands from M450 are considered especially heavy. The specific gravity of such concrete reaches three tons.

Thermal insulation mixture

This cement contains a large volume of fillers, thanks to which a level of 85% of voids is achieved. Although the mass of a cubic meter of such a mixture does not reach half a ton, and in a frozen state it cannot withstand heavy loads and perform a load-bearing function, the brand has the lowest thermal conductivity values. Porous structures do not withstand cold well and quickly wear out under the influence of frost, therefore, to increase strength, a plasticizer for concrete is also included in the mixture. Moisture instability should not be ignored, which is why installing waterproofing is mandatory.

Medium types

“Light” mixtures are not uncommon, especially M150. Many types of ready-mix concrete fall into the 500-1800 kg specific gravity range. Most building blocks have pores in their structure. Air bubbles in the mass are created using foaming agents or cellular fillers. Among the latter, expanded clay is often used.

“Heavy” concrete is used much more often than other types, because it is used for the construction of many structural components. First of all, it is used for parts that perform a load-bearing role. A cube of M300 concrete weighs at least 1800 kilograms - this applies to all mixtures of the heavy type. If there is a need to make the supporting structure stronger, the density is increased to 2.5 tons per cubic meter. This is done by changing the ratio of sand and coarse filler. The density of the latter also plays an important role - crushed gravel is much heavier than granite or expanded clay.

Extra heavy concrete

This species is not very common due to its specificity. Such concrete can reach maximum values ​​when one meter cube weighs approximately three tons. To achieve such indicators, metal fillers are included in the mixture, many of them are relatively specific materials for the construction industry. In addition, they are quite expensive. But the M450 brand perfectly prevents the spread of radiation.

Extra heavy concrete is used only for the construction of special structures. Walls made from dense mixtures with metal impurities reflect most of the radioactive radiation. This is beneficial for construction nuclear power plants, laboratories and “sarcophagi” at the sites of radiation-related disasters.

Volume and specific gravity table

Volumetric weight is calculated during transportation and differs from the actual weight. Density depends not only on the brand, but also on the state (liquid or dry) of the mixture.

As it becomes clear from the table, the weight of concrete is 1 m³ higher in the liquid state than in the dry state.

The values ​​​​of how much 1 cubic meter of concrete weighs in kg actually and calculated always differ. The actual values ​​are shown in the second table.

If we compare these two tables, we can see that the calculated weight of the M200 brand is equal to the actual weight of the M250 cube. This also applies to other species. How much a cube of M300 concrete weighs in fact, is how much M250 weighs according to calculations.

Attention! Exact compliance of the described characteristics with the specified brand is achieved only during factory production of the mixture.

Concrete is an integral part of renovation or construction. It has high strength indicators, is easy to use and provides buildings with durability and reliability. One of the main technical characteristics- the mass of concrete in one cube. Its value makes it possible to evaluate the composition, physical and mechanical properties material. This value is not constant, because depending on the specifics of the work, concrete is divided into several types, which differ in the ratio of components, structure, and most importantly, in specific gravity. Before starting construction, you need to carefully calculate the materials, and the question often arises, how many kilograms are there in a cube of concrete?

Division by specific gravity

  1. Particularly light - up to 500 kg per 1 m3. They contain air cells with a diameter of 1 to 1.5 mm and many pores (they make up 85% of the total volume). Cell size – up to 1.5 mm. The solution is prepared from cement, sand and without the use large fillers. These include foam concrete and aerated concrete, which provide high thermal insulation, for example, when sealing seams and joints.
  2. Lightweight - 500-1800 kilograms per cubic meter They also have a porous structure due to the presence of lightweight fractions: expanded clay, tuff, pumice, vermiculite. Contains 600 kg of sand per 1m3. This concrete mixture is used to make blocks that make up wall partitions and lightweight structures.
  3. Heavy - 1.8-2.5 tons per cubic meter. They may contain large rocks as filler - gravel and crushed stone, as well as coarse sand. In addition, the mass of the material includes up to 200 liters of water, cement (250-450 kg). This variety is the most popular and has a wide range of applications: from load-bearing structures to concrete foundations.
  4. Particularly heavy - 2.5-3.5 tons per 1 cubic meter. Filler - barite, hematite, magnesite. Given the huge mass, it is rarely used, mainly for special industrial facilities, requiring a high degree of protection.

Separation by brand

They are called classic because of their wide range of applications. They have several brands that differ in the proportions of their components. The most common ones are listed below:

  • Brand M100 - specific gravity of 1 m3 = 2494 kg. Main application: preparatory, construction road surface, installation of curbs.
  • Brand M300 belongs to the class of heavy concrete. Weight varies from 2.2-2.5 tons per 1m3. M300 is used for manufacturing monolithic foundations, fences, walls, staircases, floor slabs.

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