200 countries and their capitals. Capital cities of European states in alphabetical order

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Geography is a fascinating subject that is easy for many at school. But for some people it can be difficult, especially in remembering place names. Don't despair. You just need to want it.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

So as not to forget

Why study capitals?

The world is becoming more open, borders are being erased and distances are being shortened. Therefore, knowledge of countries and the names of their capitals goes from being a brilliant erudition to a vital necessity. Today, not understanding this issue means becoming a modern Mitrofanushka, who argued that geography is not needed, because there are cab drivers.

If you know the states and main cities, you will be able to:

  • easily solve crossword puzzles;
  • surprise the company with your knowledge by offering a game or competition;
  • easy to navigate the world of news;
  • get excellent grades in geography;
  • do not “blink” your eyes at the travel agency, and when your friend talks about a fun vacation.

And just be a modern, knowledgeable person.

How to quickly learn capitals?

There are several ways to quickly remember the countries of the world and their capitals. Some are more suitable for individual training, others will be effective if you team up with buddies. We will tell you about the most popular, interesting and simple techniques.

c"> Engaging visual memory

If you have a good visual memory, use it to learn all the capitals and countries. To do this you will need:

  • geographical atlas;
  • contour maps;
  • colored pencils and pen.

Subscribe to contour map the name of the state and its center, and then carefully color over this territory with a colored pencil. Not only the names will remain in your memory, but even the outline of the border by association with the selected color. You can still finish drawing national flag, it will also be recorded in your memory.

Do not try to quickly get around the whole globe. Psychologists say that a person cannot remember more than nine positions at a time. Therefore, first select nine countries of the world on different continents, the next day add one neighbor to each independent territory and thus move forward. This method is also good because you will remember relative position states and forever understand that Austria lies between Germany and Italy, and Kenya is north of Tanzania.

d"> In a playful way

Now we’ll tell you how to learn the capitals of Europe and other continents while playing.

The simplest method involves the following steps.

  1. Prepare pieces of cardboard.
  2. Write the country on one side and its capital on the other side.
  3. For each continent, choose a different background or font color.
  4. Place the cards in a box or envelope.
  5. As you take them out one by one, try to remember what is written on the back.


This is a fun game to play with a group. The rules can be complicated: the one who answered incorrectly must tell something interesting about this state. If his knowledge is not enough, another player can replace his partner, earning additional points. A funny or interesting fact about the state will be remembered by you along with the geographical names.

There is another version of this game that will help you easily learn all the capitals. Prepare two sets of cards. On some, write the names of countries, on others, their main cities. Divide the prepared game cards into two groups. Taking out a card from the first group, look for a pair for it in the second.

In a similar way, you can play with a friend or a group of up to 5 people. In this case, the presenter selects a card from one box, then from another, and the players find pairs orally. Award points for each correct answer. The one who gives the most correct answers will win.

Mnemonics and associations

Associative thinking is one of the main advantages of a person. How to learn, for example, republics and their capitals quickly and easily? Several methods can be suggested:

  • break the list into several parts and for each part, compose a song or choose the motive of a famous hit;
  • for each pair, come up with or find a poem, a little rhyme, or a saying;
  • apply the mnemonic method.

You can find nursery rhymes to help you learn the main European cities. For example, this one: “Ships of tall Norwegians are sailing to the city of Oslo.” If you can write poetry, try to come up with similar short couplets yourself. After such an exercise, you will never forget the capitals of the world.

A good trick is to choose words that rhyme and sound similar. Take Gabon and Liberville. Remember: Gabon - trombone Liberville - vaudeville. Can't rhyme? Then find a similar-sounding phrase: the country of Mali, the city of Bamako - a small shoe.

Mnemonics, as a way to quickly and permanently remember something, has been known since ancient times. It was also used by ancient Greek speakers so as not to forget a prepared speech. This method is based on phonetic associations.

Come up with a picture that is associated with a specific title. For example, you want to remember that the center of Bosnia and Herzegovina is Sarajevo. The word "Bosnia" is associated with the word "boss", "Herzegovina" - "duke", and "Sarajevo" - "barn". Now imagine a dilapidated barn in which a fat boss in an expensive suit and an arrogant aristocrat live. How brighter picture you create in your imagination, the more reliable the association will be.

If you know how to draw, you will learn all the countries and all the capitals even faster. Draw pictures - illustrations of your associations. Just make them colorful and bright - it’s better absorbed.

Magic table

It has long been noted that information in table form is easier to remember. Make a table with the following columns:

  • country;
  • capital;
  • interesting fact.

On the Internet and encyclopedia you can easily find an interesting story or interesting event associated with this country. For example, the legend about the founding of the city or the history of its name. Enter in the column " Interesting fact» summary this information.

Here's a simple example. Asuncion is the capital of Paraguay, it has a very long name in Spanish: “the city of the Assumption of our Lady St. Mary the Virgin.” In everyday life this is extremely inconvenient. Therefore, from the seven words, only the ending remained over time - Asuncion, which means “dormition”. It is enough to write this word in a table so that the name of the metropolis is firmly entrenched in memory.

Almighty Internet

On the World Wide Web you can find many games and quizzes on this topic. Download the appropriate application to your smartphone and train at any time. free time. There are such programs for desktop computers.

Here are a few resources to choose from:

  • newtonew.com;
  • igames.com.ua;
  • online.seterra.com;
  • geo.koltyrin.ru.


You can find many others, as new samples appear every day. Also on YouTube you will definitely find funny videos and cartoons, videos and trainings just for this purpose.

So as not to forget

Our brain is designed in such a way that unclaimed information is forgotten over time. If you do not want to forget what you have memorized so diligently, you need to periodically repeat the material. To do this, it is better to use a different method than you used to teach. Suppose you have learned all the states using mnemonics. Repeat using a computer program or game cards.

The exciting game “Gallop across Europe” will help you. Use the same two sets of cards, choosing one from each box. Let's say we got enough of Spain and Minsk. All participants in the game, without looking at the map, must write a route from the capital city of Spain to the main city of Belarus. Indicate the country you need to travel through and its central city. Then check the routes on the map. The one who makes the shortest and most correct path wins.

Find a site on the Internet where you can take the appropriate test. Ask friends or family to give you an exam. Put in a little effort and everything will work out!

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How many European capitals can an adult name? Without preliminary preparation, perhaps no more than twenty. Not everyone can verbally provide a complete list of the capitals of European states. There are forty-four in total. This article presents the capitals of European countries in alphabetical order.

A short introduction

Before naming the capital of a European state, which ranks first on our list, it is worth saying that cities can be classified according to various criteria. And by area, and by population, and by age. But in this article we will not give preference to any city. All of them will be named exclusively in alphabetical order. There is a lot that can be said about the capitals of European cities, but only brief information is presented below.

On "A"

Amsterdam is the capital of the European state of the Netherlands. Exact date its foundation is unknown, but the first information about the city dates back to the beginning of the 13th century. In the 14th century, Amsterdam became a major trading center.

Andorra la Vella- the main and largest city of the country called Andorra. Just over 20 thousand people live here and there are interesting architectural monuments created back in the Middle Ages.

Which city is the capital of Greece? Even a child can answer this question. Athens is the city where the government of the country sits, which, according to legend, has everything.

On "B"

Belgrade is the capital of a European state, founded earlier than Berlin, Paris and other famous cities. It was first mentioned under its modern name in the ninth century.

There are many European states and their capitals. But there is a city whose history contains an incredible fact. For several decades it was divided into two parts by a high wall. This is the city of Berlin.

What is the name of the capital of the state that produces the best chocolate and cheese? Berne! And this is perhaps one of the most picturesque cities in the world. However, the one named below is not inferior to it in the beauty of city landscapes.

In the center of Europe is a city that was once the capital of Hungary, but today it leads Slovakia. This is Bratislava.

Capital of Belgium - small town with a difficult history - Brussels. About 150 thousand people live here. At the same time, ethnically the population is quite diverse.

Budapest was founded at the end of the 19th century. It is the largest city in Hungary.

The main events in the cultural and economic life of Romania take place in Bucharest. Its population is 180 thousand people.

On "B"

There is a very tiny country in Europe where they speak exclusively German. It gained independence in the sixties of the 19th century. The capital of this state, Vaduz, is home to only five and a half thousand people.

Valletta is the economic and political center of Malta.

Warsaw is an ancient European city that was almost completely destroyed during the worst war of the 20th century.

The name of which capital is similar to the name of the state in which it is located? Of course, the Vatican.

Which city hosts the most famous music festivals? Of course, in the Austrian capital - Vienna.

And finally, which Baltic city begins with "B"? There are many such people who can be named. But only one of them is the capital. This is Vilnius.

From "G" to "L"

The most big city One of those located on the island of Ireland is Dublin. And the largest in Croatia is Zagreb. The ancient and majestic Kyiv lies on the picturesque banks of the Dnieper. And on the Byk River, which flows into the Dniester, there is Chisinau. The cultural, governmental and economic center of Denmark is Copenhagen. The capital of Portugal is Lisbon.

Even schoolchildren, for whom geography is the most hated subject, know that the main city in the country, so often called Foggy Albion, is London. But they are unlikely to be able to answer the question of where the main political and economic institutions of Slovenia are located. And they are all concentrated in Ljubljana. Another capital whose name coincides with the name of the state is Luxembourg.

From "M" to "O"

In the central part of the Iberian Peninsula, Madrid is located - the main city of the country of bullfighting and flamenco. And on southeastern slope of the Minsk Upland stands Minsk, founded in the tenth century. The next item on this long list is the capital of the largest state in the world. It is sometimes called White Stone, although in architectural ensemble, located in the very center, completely different shades predominate. Like Rome, it stands on seven hills. Of course, this is Moscow. And after it on our list comes the largest Norwegian city - Oslo.

From "P" to "X"

The Eiffel Tower, the Champ de Mars, the Seine River - all these are symbols of Paris. What associations do people have when they hear the name of the Montenegrin capital? If he has been to Podgorica, he may remember the Cathedral Church or the palace complex of King Nikola I Petrovic-Njegos. But the symbols of Prague are considered to be St. Vitus Cathedral, Charles Bridge and the Powder Tower.

Among the European capitals there is one whose name in Russian can be translated as “smoking bay”. This is Reykjavik, a city located on the Seltjadnarnes peninsula. The political center of Latvia is Riga. And the capital of Italy bears the name of the once powerful empire, the birthplace of Julius Caesar: Rome.

San Marino is the capital of the state of the same name. Sarajevo is the political and economic center of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Skopje is the birthplace of the famous Mother Teresa and the capital of Macedonia. What can you say about the Swedish capital? Several decades ago, most of the residents of our country associated this city with the self-confident Carlson. Today, Russian citizens have a deeper knowledge of the culture of Stockholm.

Our list has come to an end. There are only three cities left to name. It's about about the capitals of Estonia, Albania and Finland. The political, economic and cultural centers of these states are Tallinn, Tirana and Helsinki, respectively.

Knowing geography is not only interesting, but also necessary. Every person dreams of traveling, and for the dream to come true, you need to start with the fact that you will know the name (heart) of the capital of a particular state. Below is a list of capitals of countries around the world. In this article you will learn not only what countries there are in the world, but their capitals.

Let's start with the European part of the earth.

Europe- part of the world in the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth, washed by the seas of the Arctic and Atlantic oceans, has an area of ​​​​about 10 million km? and a population of approximately 742.5 million.

State Capital

Netherlands Amsterdam

Capital and largest city Netherlands. It has been the capital of the kingdom since 1814. Located in the province of North Holland in the west of the country at the mouth of the Amstel and IJ rivers. Amsterdam is connected by the Noordsee Canal to the North Sea.

Andorra Andorra la Vella

The capital and largest city of Andorra, one of the seven parishes into which the country is divided. Population: 22,615 people Area: 12 km?.

Greece Athens

Capital of Greece. It is located in the historical region of Attica and is the economic, cultural and administrative center of the country. The city is named after the goddess of war and wisdom, Athena, who was the patron saint of the ancient polis. Athens has rich history; During the classical period, the city-state reached the pinnacle of its development, defining many trends in the development of later European culture. Thus, the names of the philosophers Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, who laid the foundations of European philosophy, and the tragedians Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides, who stood at the origins of drama, are associated with the city; political system ancient Athens was a democracy.

Serbia Belgrade

The capital and largest city of Serbia. One of the most ancient cities in Europe. The first settlements on its territory date back to the time of the existence of the archaeological culture of Vinca.

Germany Berlin

The capital and largest city of Germany, the second most populous and fifth largest city in the European Union. It is one of the 16 states within the Federal Republic of Germany.

Switzerland Bern

A city of federal significance, the actual capital of Switzerland. The capital of the German-speaking canton of Bern and the administrative center of the Bern-Mittelland district. Located in the central part of the country north of the Alps, in the valley of the Aare River.

Slovakia Bratislava

A city in Central Europe, the capital of Slovakia, and from 1541 to 1684 the capital of Hungary. The population of the city is about 460 thousand people, the agglomeration is about 700 thousand people. The area of ​​the city is 368 km?.

Belgium Brussels

Capital of Belgium and the Brussels-Capital Region. Brussels houses the institutions of the French and Flemish Communities and Flanders, the headquarters of the European Union, the NATO office, and the secretariat of the Benelux countries.

Hungary Budapest

The capital of Hungary and the largest city in the country. In terms of population, amounting to 1.745 million inhabitants in January 2014, Budapest ranks eighth in the European Union. The city was formed in 1873 as a result of the merger of several Hungarian cities: Pest, located on east side the Danube, Buda and Obuda rivers, occupying the western bank of the Danube.

Romania Bucharest

The capital of Romania, the most important economic and cultural center of the country. More than 1.8 million people live in Bucharest and its suburbs. It is one of the most populous cities on the Balkan Peninsula.

Liechtenstein Vaduz

Capital of the Principality of Liechtenstein and seat of the national parliament. The city, located in the upper reaches of the Rhine, is home to over 5,400 inhabitants, most of whom are Catholics. Cathedral The city is the seat of the Archbishop of the Roman Catholic Church. Area – 17.316 km?. The official code is 7001. The postal code is 9490.

Malta Valletta

The capital of the Republic of Malta, the economic and political center of the state. Named in honor of the knight, naval commander, Master of the Order of St. John Jean Parisot de la Valletta, who founded and defended the city from the Turks. The city of Valletta itself has a population of 5,719 people, while the suburbs are home to almost 394 thousand people.

Poland Warsaw

The capital and largest city in Poland by population and territory. The city became the de facto capital in 1596, when after the fire at Wawel Castle in Krakow, King Sigismund III moved his residence here, while the capital status of the city was confirmed only in the Constitution of 1791.

Vatican Vatican

A dwarf enclave state within the territory of Rome, associated with Italy. The Vatican's status in international law- auxiliary sovereign territory of the Holy See, the seat of the highest spiritual leadership of the Roman Catholic Church.

Austria Vienna

The federal capital of Austria and at the same time one of the nine federal states of Austria, located inside another state, Lower Austria. Located in the eastern part of the country. Vienna has a population of 1.87 million; together with the suburbs - about 2.6 million; Thus, Vienna is the largest city in Austria by population, ranking seventh among the largest cities in the European Union and second among German-speaking cities after Berlin. The cultural, economic and political center of Austria.

Lithuania Vilnius

The capital and largest city of Lithuania. The municipal entity is formed by the Vilnius City Government. Population - 622,543 people, or 18% of the country's population; the second largest city in the Baltic countries.

Donetsk People's Republic Donetsk

A city in the Donetsk region of Ukraine, located in the east of the country, on the Kalmius River. Since April 2014, it has been controlled by the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic and is considered by it as the capital.

Ireland Dublin

City-county in Ireland, the capital of the country. Located in the administrative county of Dublin. Located where the River Liffey flows into Dublin Bay and the Irish Sea. Most big city on the island of Ireland and in the republic, occupying almost 115 km?. The country's main port on the Irish Sea. The main center of political, economic and cultural life of the country. Population – 506.2 thousand people, with suburbs – about 1.8 million.

Croatia Zagreb

The capital and largest city of Croatia. Population – 790,017 people, area – 641.29 km². The city is located on the Sava River, a tributary of the Danube, at 45.815° north latitude and 15.98306° east longitude, at an altitude of 104 meters above sea level next to the Medvednica mountain range. Zagreb is over 900 years old

Ukraine Kyiv

The capital and largest city of Ukraine, Hero City. Located on the Dnieper River, the center of the Kyiv agglomeration. A separate administrative-territorial unit of Ukraine; cultural, political, socio-economic, transport, scientific and religious center of the country. In addition, Kyiv is the administrative center of the Kyiv region and the Kiev-Svyatoshinsky district of the Kyiv region, although it is not part of them, having a special legal status. Located in the north-central part of Ukraine. Kyiv is the seventh most populous city in Europe after Istanbul, Moscow, London, St. Petersburg, Berlin and Madrid.

Moldova Chisinau

The capital and largest city of Moldova. An economic and cultural center located in the center of the country on the Byk River. Chisinau has a special status in the administrative division of Moldova - it is a municipality. In addition to the city of Chisinau itself, the municipality of the same name includes six surrounding cities and twenty-five settlements, united into thirteen communes.

Denmark Copenhagen

The capital and largest city of Denmark. Located on the islands of Zealand, Slotsholmen and Amager. The population of the historical city is just over 0.5 million people, with its suburbs - more than 1 million inhabitants. Part of the city - the self-proclaimed Free City of Christiania - is partially self-governing.

Portugal Lisbon

The capital, largest city and main port of Portugal. Lisbon is one of the oldest cities in the world and the oldest city in Western Europe, centuries older than modern European capitals such as London and Paris.

UK London

The capital and largest city of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Administratively, it forms the Greater London region of England, divided into 33 self-governing territories. With a population of 8.6 million, it is the third largest city in Europe. It forms the Greater London agglomeration and the wider metropolitan area. Located in the southeast of the island of Great Britain, on a plain at the mouth of the Thames, near the North Sea. The main political, economic and cultural center of the United Kingdom.

Lugansk People's Republic Lugansk

A city of regional subordination of the Lugansk region of Ukraine, located in the east of the country, on the Lugan River. Since April 2014, it has been controlled by the self-proclaimed Lugansk People's Republic and is considered by it as the capital.

Slovenia Ljubljana

City, capital of Slovenia. Forms the urban community of Ljubljana, divided into seventeen districts. Population – 258.9 thousand people, or 13% of the country’s population. Over 500 thousand people live within the agglomeration.

Luxembourg Luxembourg

State in Western Europe. It borders with Belgium in the north, France in the west and south, Germany in the east, and has no access to the sea. The name comes from the Old High German “lucilinburch” - “small city”. Luxembourg's total area is 2,586.4 km², making it one of the smallest sovereign states in Europe. The population as of January 1, 2016 is 576,249 people.

Spain Madrid

The capital and largest city of Spain, as well as the administrative center of the province and autonomous community of the same name. The municipality is part of the Area Metropolitana district. The largest economic, political and cultural center of the country. The city's population is 3.165 million inhabitants.

Belarus Minsk

The capital of Belarus, the administrative center of the Minsk region and the Minsk region, which it is not part of, since it is an independent administrative-territorial unit with a special status, Hero City. The largest transport hub, political, economic, cultural and scientific center of the country. It is the core of the Minsk agglomeration. The headquarters of the CIS is located in Minsk. The tenth most populous city in Europe, the third in the EAEU. The city is located near the geographical center of the country and stands on the Svisloch River. The area is 348.84 km2, the population is 1974.8 thousand people, excluding the suburbs.

Monaco Monaco

A dwarf state associated with France, located in southern Europe on the shores of the Ligurian Sea; on land it borders with France. It is one of the smallest and most densely populated countries in the world. The Principality is widely known for its casino in Monte Carlo and the stage of the Formula 1 championship, the Monaco Grand Prix, held here.

Russia Moscow

Capital Russian Federation, a city of federal significance, the administrative center of Central federal district and the center of the Moscow region, which it is not part of. The largest city in Russia and its subject by population - 12,380,664 people, the most populated of the cities located entirely in Europe, one of the top ten cities in the world in terms of population. Center of the Moscow urban agglomeration.

Norway Oslo

The capital and largest city of Norway. Until 1624, according to the map of A. Ortelius of 1539, the Viking capital was called Vikia, from 1624 to 1877 it was called Christiania, from 1877 to 1925 - Christiania.

France Paris

City, capital of France; administrative center of the Ile-de-France region. Forms a commune and department, divided into 20 districts.

Montenegro Podgorica

City, capital of Montenegro. The administrative center of the metropolitan community of Podgorica, consisting of two urban communities: Zeta (central city - Golubovtsi) and Tuzi).

Czech Republic Prague

The city and capital of the Czech Republic, the administrative center of the Central Bohemian Region and its two regions: Prague-East and Prague-West. Forms an independent administrative-territorial unit of the country. Population: 1.2 million people, the fourteenth largest city in the European Union.

Republic of Kosovo Pristina

A city on the Balkan Peninsula, since 2008 it has been the capital of the partially recognized Republic of Kosovo. The population is 198,000 inhabitants, predominantly Albanian. According to the position of Serbia and the states that do not recognize the independence of Kosovo, the capital of the autonomous province of Kosovo and Metohija.

Iceland Reykjavik

The capital and largest city and community of Iceland. The population is 118,814 inhabitants, and including satellite cities - about 202,000, which is about 63% of the total population of the country. It is the world's northernmost capital city.

Latvia Riga

The capital of Latvia and the largest city in the Baltic states with a population of 639,630 people. The political, economic and cultural center of the country. It is located on both banks of the Daugava River, near its confluence with the Gulf of Riga.

Italy Rome

The city, the capital of Italy since 1870, is the administrative center of the province of Rome and the region of Lazio. Located on the Tiber River. Rome is one of the oldest cities in the world, the ancient capital of the Roman Empire.

San Marino San Marino

One of the smallest states in the world. Located in Southern Europe, surrounded on all sides by Italy. Within its current borders, San Marino is the oldest state in Europe. The name comes from the name of the Christian saint, who, according to legend, founded the state.

Bosnia and Herzegovina Sarajevo

The city, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina and its part - the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Administrative center of Sarajevo Canton. It forms the municipal entity “city of Sarajevo”, divided into four self-governing districts.

Macedonia Skopje

City, capital of the Republic of Macedonia. It forms an independent administrative unit of the country consisting of ten communities, the population of which is about 670 thousand people. Located on far north Macedonia, near the border with Kosovo, on the banks of the largest river in Macedonia, the Vardara, in a valley surrounded by mountains.

Bulgaria Sofia

The capital and largest city of Bulgaria. The administrative center of the urban region of Sofia and its only community Stolichna. Population – 1.43 million people.

Sweden Stockholm

The capital and largest city of Sweden. Located on the channels connecting Lake Mälaren with the Baltic Sea. Since the thirteenth century it has been a major economic center of the country.

Estonia Tallinn

The capital of the Republic of Estonia, a major passenger and cargo seaport. Political, scientific, economic and cultural center of Estonia.

Albania Tirana

The capital and largest city of Albania, the main political, economic and cultural center of the country. The city forms an independent administrative unit and is also the administrative center of the region and district of Tirana. Area – 30 km?.

Transnistrian Moldavian Republic Tiraspol

A city in southeastern Europe on the left bank of the Dniester, the capital of the unrecognized Transnistrian Moldavian Republic; the second most populous city located within the official borders of Moldova, and the largest in Transnistria.

Finland Helsinki

The capital and largest city of Finland, the administrative center of the province of Uusimaa. Located in the south of the country, on the shores of the Gulf of Finland of the Baltic Sea. Population – 630,225 people. Foreign citizens make up about 10% of the city's population.

Asia – Asia is the largest part of the world, both in terms of territory and population. Together with Europe, it forms the continent of Eurasia. Area - about 43.4 million km?. Population - 4.2 billion people.

UAE Abu Dhabi

the capital and second most populous city in the UAE, located in the emirate of the same name. Located on an island in the Persian Gulf, a quarter of a kilometer from the mainland, with which it is connected by three road bridges

Jordan Amman

The capital and largest city of Jordan. In ancient times it was called Rabbath-Ammon, in the Hellenistic-Roman era - Philadelphia. In the 7th-9th centuries it was part of the Arab Caliphate. From 1516 until the end of the First World War - as part of the Ottoman Empire.

Türkiye Ankara

Capital of the Turkish Republic. The city's population is more than 4.9 million people. It is the second most populous city in the country after Istanbul.

Kazakhstan Astana

The capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan since June 10, 1998. Akmolinsk received city status on September 26, 1862. The population of Astana as of May 1, 2016 was 880,191 people, which was the third highest in Kazakhstan after Almaty and Shymkent. On July 4, 2016, it was announced that the millionth resident was born in Astana. The official statistical agency of Kazakhstan, KazStat, has not confirmed this date for reaching the population size, despite the fact that KazStat, according to its leaders, has changed the methodology for estimating population numbers, which has led to a statistical increase in population estimates...

Turkmenistan Ashgabat

The capital of Turkmenistan, the largest administrative, political, industrial, scientific and cultural center of the state. Ashgabat is a separate administrative-territorial unit of Turkmenistan - a city with the rights of a velayat.

Iraq Baghdad

The capital of Iraq, the administrative center of Baghdad governorate. With a population of over 9 million people, the city is one of the largest cities in the Middle East. Baghdad is the political, economic and cultural center of Iraq.

Azerbaijan Baku

The capital of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the largest industrial, economic and scientific-technical center of Transcaucasia, as well as the largest port on the Caspian Sea and the largest city in the Caucasus. Modern Baku has developed as a territory united under a single administrative control with a population of 2,181.8 thousand inhabitants, which includes 1 city with a population of 1,217.3 thousand people; as well as 59 urban-type settlements with a total population of 964.5 thousand people.

Thailand Bangkok

The capital and largest city of Thailand with a population of 5.6 million people. The name given at the founding was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest city name in the world. The city is located on the eastern bank of the Chao Phraya River near its confluence with the Gulf of Thailand.

Brunei Bandar Seri Begawan

The capital and largest city of the Sultanate of Brunei. The administrative center of Brunei-Muara district.

Lebanon Beirut

The capital and largest city of Lebanon. Estimates of the city's population vary from 300 thousand to 2 million people. This is due to the fact that there has been no population census in Beirut since 1932. Situated on a peninsula in the middle of the Lebanese Mediterranean coast, it is the country's largest and main seaport. The Beirut region consists of the capital city and its suburbs. The first mention of this metropolis can be found in the ancient Egyptian Tell el-Amarna archive, dating back to the 15th century BC. The city has been inhabited continuously since then.

Kyrgyzstan Bishkek

The capital of Kyrgyzstan and the largest city in the country. It constitutes a special administrative unit and is a city of republican subordination. Old names - Pishpek, Frunze.

Laos Vientiane

The capital and largest city of Laos, located on the Mekong River near the border with Thailand, the country's largest economic center. Population: 797,130 people. In December 2009, Vientiane hosted the 25th Southeast Asian Games.

Bangladesh Dhaka

The capital and largest city of Bangladesh. Located in the Ganges delta, on the left bank of the Buriganga. Dhaka was the capital of Bengal in 1608-1717, the capital of Bangladesh since 1971. The population of the city is 9,724,976 inhabitants, with its suburbs - 16.6 million people.

Syria Damascus

The capital and second largest city in Syria. Located in southwestern Syria near the eastern foothills of the East Lebanon mountain range on the Eastern Plateau in the lower reaches of the Barada River, where it divides into seven branches. Damascus is geographically located in the subtropical zone; however, despite the proximity of the Mediterranean Sea, the city's climate is hot and arid.

India Delhi (New Delhi)

The official capital of India, Delhi region. Covering an area of ​​42.7 km?, New Delhi is located in the Delhi metropolis and is the seat of the Government of India and the Government of Delhi.

Indonesia Jakarta

Special Capital Region, the capital and largest city of Indonesia. It is located on the northwest coast of the island of Java at the confluence of the Ciliwung River into the Java Sea. Area – 664 km?.

East Timor Dili

The capital and largest city of East Timor. Located on the northern coast of Timor, the easternmost of the Lesser Sunda Islands. Dili is the main port and commercial center of East Timor, its population is 193,563 people. It is home to the airport in Comoro, named after national hero East Timor Nicolau Lobatu. The city is also the capital of the administrative region of Dili, which includes surrounding areas.

Qatar Doha

The capital and largest city of the Arab state of Qatar, located off the coast of the Persian Gulf. Administrative center of the municipality of Ed-Doha. In May 2015, Doha was officially selected as one of the "Seven New Wonder Cities", along with the cities of Beirut, Vigan, Durban, Havana, Kuala Lumpur and La Paz.

Tajikistan Dushanbe

The capital of Tajikistan, a city of republican significance, the largest scientific, cultural, political, economic, industrial and administrative center of the country. The country's highest government bodies are located in Dushanbe, including the residence of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan in the Presidential Palace.

Armenia Yerevan

The capital and largest city of Armenia in terms of population and area, one of the oldest cities in the world. In Russian transcription until 1936 it was known as Erivan. Located on the left bank of the Ararat Valley. The population is 1.068 million people. The area of ​​the city is 223 km?. Yerevan is a political, economic, cultural and scientific center, as well as the most important transport hub of the country. The city is served by 2 airports, a metro, and a railway station.

Israel Jerusalem

The official capital of Israel, a city in the Middle East. Located on a plateau in the Judean Mountains on the watershed between the Mediterranean and Dead Seas, at an altitude of 650-840 m above sea level; The climate is Mediterranean, with hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters. The city is sacred to the three major Abrahamic religions - Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Populated by representatives of many national, ethnic and religious denominations; The population of Jerusalem is residents.

Pakistan Islamabad

Capital of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The cultural, political and economic center of the country.

Afghanistan Kabul

The capital and largest city of Afghanistan. It stands on the Kabul River. Located at an altitude of 1800 meters above sea level. The highway connects with the cities of Ghazni, Kandahar, Herat, Mazar-i-Sharif. Ammunition, fabric, furniture, and sugar are produced in Kabul.

Nepal Kathmandu

The capital and largest city of Nepal, its historical, economic, political and cultural center. The city's population is more than 1 million people. The mountain valley of Kathmandu, with an altitude of about 1300 m, is a historical region of Nepal, famous for the Newar cities of Kathmandu, Lalitpur, Bhaktapur, Kirtipur, Panauti and numerous monasteries, temple centers and cultural monuments.

Malaysia Kuala Lumpur

Capital of Malaysia. The population as of 2009 is 1,809,699 people. (Kuala Lumpur translated: “dirty mouth”).

Maldives Male

The capital of the Republic of Maldives and also the largest populated area archipelago. It is one of the most densely populated cities in the world. The area of ​​Male is 5.8 km². The population estimate published in September 2014 is 133,019.

Bahrain Manama

The capital and main economic center of the Kingdom of Bahrain. About 157 thousand people live in the city. It is located on the northeastern coast of the island of Bahrain in the Persian Gulf - where it almost comes close to the island of Muharraq, in the capital governorate.

Philippines Manila

The capital of the Philippines, one of the 16 cities that form the Capital Region of the country. It borders the cities of Navotas and Caloocan, Quezon City, San Juan and Mandaluyong, Makati and Pasay. In the west it is washed by the waters of Manila Bay. With a population of 1,660,714 as of the 2007 census, Manila is the second largest city in the country after Quezon. With an area of ​​only 38.55 km?, Manila is considered the most populous city in the world.

Oman Muscat

The capital and largest metropolis of Oman, also the seat of government and the largest city of the governorate of the same name. According to the National Center for Statistics and Information, the total population of the governorate in September 2015 was 1.56 million people. The metropolis, whose area is almost 3500 km2, includes 6 vilayets. It gained fame at the beginning of the 1st century AD due to its transformation into a major trading port on the way from the Western to the Eastern world. At different periods of history, Muscat belonged to various native tribes, as well as to foreign powers who carried out foreign policy expansionist character: Persia, Portugal and Turkey...

Myanmar Naypyitaw

Capital of Myanmar. Located 320 km north of former capital Yangon. The city was built on the site of the village of Chepyi, 17 kilometers west of the city of Pyinmana in Mandalay County. The capital was moved to Naypyitaw on November 6, 2005.

Cyprus Nicosia

Capital of the Republic of Cyprus and the partially recognized Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. Located in the central part of the island of Cyprus. 276 thousand inhabitants. The international airport has been closed since 1974 and is the headquarters of UN peacekeeping forces.

China Beijing

The capital and one of the cities centrally subordinate to China People's Republic. Beijing with three sides surrounded by Hebei Province and borders Tianjin in the southeast.

Cambodia Phnom Penh

The capital of Cambodia, a city under central jurisdiction, is located on the Tonle Sap River. Population – 1,501,725 ​​inhabitants.

DPRK Pyongyang

Capital of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Pyongyang is the administrative, cultural and historical center of the country. The word "Pyongyang" in Korean means "broad land", "cozy area".

Yemen Sana'a

The capital and largest city of Yemen. Population - 2,575,347 people (2012). Sana - ancient city, based at the turn of the new era.

Republic of Korea Seoul

City, capital of the Republic of Korea. It forms the only city of special status in the country, divided into 25 self-governing districts. Official name cities - Seoul City of Special Status Population - 10.1 million people, or 19.5% of the country's population.

Singapore Singapore

A city-state located on islands in Southeast Asia, separated from the southern tip of the Malacca Peninsula by the narrow Strait of Johor. It borders the Sultanate of Johor, part of Malaysia, and the province of Riau Islands, part of Indonesia.

Uzbekistan Tashkent

The capital and largest city of Uzbekistan, a city of republican subordination. The largest city in Uzbekistan by population and Central Asia, the center of the Tashkent urban agglomeration, the most important political, economic, cultural and scientific center of the country, as well as an aviation, railway and road junction. Administratively divided into 11 districts.

Georgia Tbilisi

The capital and largest city of Georgia, located on the banks of the Kura River with a population of about 1.1 million people. The city was founded in the 5th century. Its strategic location at the crossroads between Europe and Asia has repeatedly made Tbilisi a bone of contention between various forces in the Caucasus. The multifaceted history of the city can be studied by its architecture: starting with the spacious Rustaveli and Agmashenebeli avenues, and ending with the narrow streets of the Narikala district, preserved from the early Middle Ages.

Iran Tehran

The capital and largest city of Iran and one of the largest cities in Asia. The administrative center of the ostan of the same name, the political, economic, transport, trade, financial and cultural center of the country. Tehran is located in the north of the country at the foot of the Elborz mountain range, 90 km south of the Caspian Sea coast.

Japan Tokyo

The capital of Japan, its administrative, financial, cultural, industrial and political center. Largest urban economy in the world. Located in the southeastern part of the island of Honshu, on the Kanto Plain in the bay of Tokyo Bay Pacific Ocean. Besides the capital, Tokyo is also one of the country's forty-seven prefectures. The area of ​​the prefecture is 2188.67 km², population – 13370198 people, population density – 6108.82 people/km².

Bhutan Thimphu

The current capital of the Kingdom of Bhutan, which has long been the capital of the historical province of Thimphu. Thimphu City is also the administrative center of the Thimphu administrative district of the same name.

Mongolia Ulaanbaatar

Capital of Mongolia. The largest city in Mongolia by population - 1,401,200 people, is separated into an independent administrative unit. Located in the valley of the Tuul River, at an altitude of 1300-1350 m.

Vietnam Hanoi

The capital of Vietnam and the second most populous city in the country. The main political, educational and cultural center of the country and the second most important industrial center (after Ho Chi Minh City).

Sri Lanka Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte

The capital of Sri Lanka, seat of the country's parliament. A suburb of the country's largest city, Colombo.

Kuwait Kuwait

Capital of the state of Kuwait. The city's population is 150 thousand inhabitants (2008), with its suburbs - more than 1 million inhabitants. The first information about the city dates back to the 18th century.

Saudi Arabia Riyadh

Capital Saudi Arabia, the center of the administrative district of Riyadh. Population – 6,506,700 people.

State of Palestine Ramallah

A Palestinian town in the central West Bank, adjacent to Al-Bireh. Located 13 km north of Jerusalem.

Republic of China Taipei

Capital of the Republic of China. According to the point of view of the PRC leadership, Taipei is the capital of Taiwan Province within the PRC.

Africa- the second largest continent after Eurasia, it is washed by the Mediterranean Sea from the north, the Red Sea from the northeast, the Atlantic Ocean from the west and the Indian Ocean from the east and south.

Nigeria Abuja

The capital of Nigeria since December 12, 1991. Before this, the capital was Lagos. Abuja is located 800 km north of the former capital. The population of the city is 778,567 inhabitants, the population of the agglomeration is approximately 1.4 million people.

Ethiopia Addis Ababa

Capital of Ethiopia and the African Union, as well as its predecessor, the Organization of African Unity. Population: 3,041,002 inhabitants. It is the world's largest city located in a landlocked country. It has the status of a separate region of Ethiopia.

Ghana Accra

The capital of the Republic of Ghana and the center of the Accra district, the largest city in the country, which is also its cultural and industrial center. The word Accra is derived from the word Nkran - ants. The city's population was 2,291,352 according to the 2012 census.

Algeria Algeria

A state in North Africa in the western part of the Mediterranean basin, the largest African state by territory. Algeria borders Morocco in the west, Mauritania and Mali in the southwest, Niger in the southeast, and Libya and Tunisia in the east. Most of the country's territory lies in the Sahara Desert. The capital is the city of Algiers.

Madagascar Antananarivo

The capital of Madagascar and its province of the same name. Population – 2.61 million people.

Eritrea Asmara

The capital and largest city of Eritrea. The city's name was previously also pronounced "Asmara", which means flowering forest in the Tigrinya language. Textile, clothing, footwear, food, ceramics industries. University, public library, airport, railway station.

Mali Bamako

Capital of Mali. The population is 1,809,106 people. The city is located on the banks of the Niger, in the southwestern part of the country.

CAR Bangui

The capital and largest city of the Central African Republic. The majority of the country's population lives in the western regions of the republic near Bangui.

Gambia Banjul

Capital of Gambia. Residents - 34 thousand people, with suburbs of 523,589. Banjul is located on St. Mary's Island, where the Gambia River flows into the Atlantic Ocean. From the north, St. Mary's Island is connected to the mainland through freight and passenger ferries, and from the south - through bridges. Banjul Yundum Airport is located 24 kilometers south of the capital Banjul on the west coast near the town of Kombo.

Guinea-Bissau Bissau

The capital of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau, the administrative center of the autonomous sector of Bissau. Population: 387,909 inhabitants.

Republic of the Congo Brazzaville

The capital and most populous city of the Republic of the Congo, is located on the right bank of the Congo River, opposite Kinshasa. The population as of 2010 is 1,408,150 people. Brazzaville is home to a third of the population of the Republic of Congo and employs about 40% of people employed in non-agricultural industries.

Burundi Bujumbura

The capital and largest city of Burundi. Population is about 550 thousand. The city is adjacent to Lake Tanganyika from the northeast and is the country's main port on the lake.

Seychelles Victoria

Capital Seychelles, the largest city in the country. Located on the northeast coast of Mahe Island. Population – 24,970 people. Founded in the 18th century as a port and named after Queen of England Victoria Port Victoria.

Namibia Windhoek

The capital and largest city of the Republic of Namibia. Population – 334,580 people. Windhoek is the social, economic and cultural center of the country.

Botswana Gaborone

Capital of Botswana. According to the 2011 census, the city's population is 231,626. Named after a local ruler in the 19th century.

Senegal Dakar

The capital, major seaport and largest city of Senegal, located on the Cape Verde Peninsula, on the Atlantic coast. Dakar is the westernmost city in Africa. The population of Dakar is 1,030,594 people, with 2,450,000 people in its suburbs. Dakar was founded in 1857 as a French fort.

Djibouti Djibouti

State in East Africa, in the Horn of Africa. In the east it is washed by the waters of the Gulf of Aden. It borders on Eritrea in the north, Ethiopia in the west and south, and unrecognized Somaliland in the southeast, the territory of which is considered part of Somalia by the international community.

South Sudan Juba

The capital of South Sudan, the administrative center of the South Sudanese state of Central Equatoria.

Tanzania Dodoma

The capital of Tanzania, the administrative center of the province of Dodoma.

Egypt Cairo

The capital of Egypt, the largest city in the Middle East. Egyptians often call it??? – Masr, that is, the same word as the entire country of Egypt. In the past, Cairo could also be called Egypt in other languages, in particular in Rus' in the 15th-17th centuries.

Uganda Kampala

The capital of Uganda, near the northern coast of Lake Victoria, the administrative center of the Central region and the district of the same name.

Rwanda Kigali

City, capital of Rwanda. Population – 1,029,384 people.

Democratic Republic of the Congo Kinshasa

The capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, is located on the Congo River, opposite the city of Brazzaville, the capital of the Republic of the Congo. Although the city's population in 2012 was 9,464,000 people, 60% of its territory is sparsely populated countryside, which, however, falls within the administrative boundaries of the city. Densely populated urban areas occupy only a small part of the territory in the west of the province.

Guinea Conakry

The capital of Guinea since 1958 and the administrative center of the administrative region of the same name. Port on the Atlantic coast. The population of the city as of 2012 is 2,164,182 people; according to the 1996 census it numbered 1,092,936 people. Administratively, it is divided into five communes and 97 neighborhoods.

Gabon Libreville

The capital of Gabon, the administrative center of the province of Estuary and the department of Libreville. Located on the northern bank of the Gabon River, at the mouth of the Gabon Bay. Population: 703,939 inhabitants.

Malawi Lilongwe

Capital of Malawi. It is located in the southwest of the country, west of the Malawi River, near the border with Mozambique and Zambia.

Togo Lome

The capital of Togo, the administrative and industrial center and main port of the country. The city has people's house, founded at the end of the 18th century, conference hall.

Angola Luanda

The capital of Angola, the largest political, cultural, financial and industrial center of the state.

Zambia Lusaka
Equatorial Guinea Malabo
Mozambique Maputo
Lesotho Maseru
Swaziland Mbabane
Somalia Mogadishu
Liberia Monrovia
Comoros Moroni
Kenya Nairobi
Chad N'Djamena
Niger Niamey
Mauritania Nouakchott
Mauritius Port Louis
Benin Porto-Novo
Cape Verde Praia
South Africa Pretoria
Morocco Rabat
Sao Tome and Principe Sao Tome
Libya Tripoli
Tunisia Tunisia
Burkina Faso Ouagadougou
Sierra Leone Freetown
Zimbabwe Harare
Sudan Khartoum
Ivory Coast Yamoussoukro
Cameroon Yaounde
Somaliland Hargeisa
Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic of Laayoune

America- a part of the world that unites two continents, North America and South America, as well as nearby islands. This part of the world is also called the New World.

Paraguay Asuncion
Saint Kitts and Nevis Basseterre
Belize Belmopan
Colombia Bogota
Brazil Brasilia
Barbados Bridgetown
Argentina Buenos Aires
USA Washington
Cuba Havana
Guatemala Guatemala
Guyana Georgetown
Venezuela Caracas
Saint Lucia Castries
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Kingstown
Jamaica Kingston
Ecuador Quito
Peru Lima
Nicaragua Managua
Mexico Mexico City
Uruguay Montevideo
Bahamas Nassau
Canada Ottawa
Panama Panama
Suriname Paramaribo
Haiti Port-au-Prince
Trinidad and Tobago Port of Spain
Dominica Roseau
Salvador San Salvador
Costa Rica San Jose
Dominican Republic Santo Domingo
Chile Santiago
Antigua and Barbuda St. John's
Grenada St. George's
Bolivia Sucre
Honduras Tegucigalpa
Guiana Cayenne

Australia and Oceania- a part of the world consisting of the mainland Australia, islands adjacent to Australia, and islands included in Oceania. The total area of ​​Australia and Oceania is 8.51 million km², the population is 24.2 million people.

Samoa Apia
New Zealand Wellington
Australia Canberra
Marshall Islands Majuro
Palau Ngerulmud
Tonga Nuku'alofa
Micronesia Palikir
Vanuatu Port Vila
Papua New Guinea Port Moresby
Fiji Suva
Tuvalu Funafuti
Solomon Islands Honiara

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