3 life lines. Which hand is the life line on? Palmistry for Beginners

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One way to find out the future is to read your hand. You can learn a lot about a person and what trials he faces just by looking at his hand and seeing the lines on it. This method of fortune telling is quite ancient, it was used even before our era in Ancient India, but then it was not just fun, as in the current technological world, but a way to learn more.

This article will examine one of the main lines - the line of life (description, designation of various marks on it, etc.).

Palmistry. General information

The ancient art of reading lines on hands is making a comeback today. In certain circles you can find real specialists who will tell you a lot about this, and also completely read your life from the palms of your hands. To become an expert in these matters yourself, you should learn quite a lot; in addition, intuition is very important, since sometimes it is quite difficult to understand the intricacies of the lines. You also need to know the small nuances.

If we turn to history, we can find out that many minds of the past were fond of palmistry. For example, Hippocrates, doctor Galen, Aristotle. In the Middle Ages, Paracelsus and Johann von Hagen systematized already known knowledge. That is why palmistry became so popular among the population at that time. It was also studied in medical universities of the time.

Only in the 19th century, the scientist Darpentigny from France discovered that on one palm the lines remain unchanged, but on the other they are constantly changing. Today this ancient tradition(reading fate by hand) is returning at a rather slow pace. The first to realize that reading lines could help treat diseases were psychologists. Indeed, hands reflect the character of people, as well as their future. More and more famous doctors are interested in the science of dermatoglyphics. It looks for a connection between the signs on the fingers and the outlines of the lines on the palms with certain genetic factors.

How to read lines on hands?

To read them correctly, you must first find them. Moreover, on the left and right hands they can differ significantly - be on one and completely absent or have a different shape on the other. Why is this happening? The thing is that one hand shows what a person came into this world with, what was destined for him by fate, and the second hand talks about what is actually happening now. This is why the lines on the hands are different.

So, the hand that shows what is destined is the left one, and the right one tells about what actually happened to the person, what he was able to change in his life and what he achieved. However, if, for example, the life line on your left hand (which, in fact, will be discussed in our article) is long, and on your right hand it is short, then this is not a reason to panic. Usually palm specialists look at two hands at once, so they determine comprehensively future destiny, because the life line is usually influenced by the lines adjacent to it, as well as various inclusions on it. Of course, the life line is of great importance, because it is one of the most important on a person’s hand.

It should also be noted that all of the above conditions are valid if a person has active right hand(i.e. he is right-handed). If a person is left-handed, then everything happens exactly the opposite. The right one will show and the left one will show everything that actually happened, what was achieved through one’s own labor.

The main lines of the hand and some minor ones

Now let's look at what the most important lines on the hand are. There are only four of them, and they are more clearly marked on the hand:

  1. Life line.
  2. Head line.
  3. Heart line.
  4. Line of fate.

So, if you want to know what awaits you in the future, what challenges, then study your hand and the lines on it, and palmistry will help you with this. on your hand can warn about possible unfavorable health situations, show your well-being and changes in life (anything from injuries to moving). will talk about emotional stability, love situations, some mental illnesses or heart problems.

The head line indicates how sociable a person is, how high his intelligence and breadth of thinking are, as well as his thirst for knowledge. The line of fate is no less important. It shows how much a person’s life is influenced by external circumstances that he cannot control.

There are also lines that are not main, but can significantly influence fate or predict your future. So, let's look at them in more detail.

  • Line of the Sun. It determines talent and happiness in a person's life.
  • Shows emotion and sensuality.
  • Also important are those called bracelets. The first bracelet shows your health, the second one tells about wealth, and the third one about love.
  • Marriage line. Everything is clear here. They show your serious romantic connections.
  • Baby lines can show how many children you plan to have in your life.
  • Travel lines. With their help, you can find out about future trips, as well as whether they will be successful or not.
  • The line of intuition is no less important. If it exists, then this means that a person quite often anticipates future events and his actions.

Life line

In this article we will talk in more detail about the life line. Let's look at its location on the hand and find out where the life line is located. It starts between the thumb and index finger, most often located closer to the thumb. Its length will indicate the possible life expectancy, and also show the degree of human health. Let's just say that a short life line does not always mean that a person's life will not be very long. This may also indicate that health will be weak, so it will need to be taken care of.

The life line on the left hand is also important. It needs to be studied carefully. After all, if you are destined to live a long time, then you just need to reconsider your present life. If you compare two hands, then those areas that are the same are the main ones and will have an impact on your life. You need to pay special attention to them.

The ideal line of a person’s life is not very deep, long, smooth (without any sharp turns), Pink colour along the entire length of the strip. Also, it should not have breaks, islands or other defects, because they are the ones that signal the difficulties that await a person during this period. You also need to pay attention to how the life line begins. Decoding this data is also important. For example, if the head line and the life line only touch under a slight acute angle, then that's good.

Less favorable if the angle is obtuse. Then human well-being is unlikely. If they do not touch at all, but are at a wide distance from each other, then this indicates sadness. It also affects a person’s temperament. Connected lines represent the presence of prudence, forethought and insight. If they are separated, then these qualities do not exist, but if they are at a distance from each other, then this means that the person is stingy and vain.

It is unfavorable if the life line and the head are connected over a long period. This indicates that a person’s perception is inhibited. A life line that is close or connected to the heart line speaks of misfortune. Here you need to be very careful. Now, knowing how to determine the life line on your hand, as well as some of its location features, you can consider what your line looks like.

Features of life lines in women

Now let’s look at the features of the life line in women. For example, if you can see round or oval “islands” on it, then for the fair sex this can symbolize menopause (as these are signs of changes in physiology or body). If you correctly calculate the age along the line, you can even tell when it will arrive.

Short life line: feature

So, it is now clear that a long life line is almost always good and positive. But what does a short life line mean? How negative is this for a person? A little was said about this above, but I would like to repeat once again that a line that does not reach the wrist does not mean short life. Here you should carefully examine both the left and right hands and compare. You also need to pay attention to other main and secondary lines, they are also important.

In some interpretations, a short life line (especially if it is the same on both hands) suggests that a person is “facing” an easy and long life, which will be happy and rich both in youth and in adulthood. The downside is that a person can be too arrogant, which affects his relationships with people, he can be quite lonely. To eliminate this, it is recommended to evaluate events correctly, then there will be less disappointment. But still, the person is energetically quite weakened and this should be taken into account. As well as the fact that there may be obstacles along the way that need to be overcome.

What do the different icons on the short life line mean?

A life line without various defects is a rather rare occurrence. Usually she has various signs(for example, a triangle on the life line), which warn of danger or other events in a person’s life. This is especially important for those who have a short life line, which may indicate a lack of energy in the body. Let's take a closer look:

  • Dashes. This indicates some turmoil at the stage of life where they are.
  • Breaks. This reports illnesses, often fatal, and if the lines overlap, this indicates changes in life.
  • The chains that make up the line. These are periods of loss of energy or lack of it. As a result, apathy or depression may appear.
  • If a cross is found on the line, then this marks a difficult period in life.
  • Lattices speak of an aimless lifestyle, when a person simply lives it day after day, without thinking about the future or his development.
  • Pronounced islands on the line indicate illness, chronic or sudden, a difficult period. This may be a sign of depression due to some event.
  • A square on a line is very favorable, especially if it is present where there is a gap. This suggests that a possible threat to life will be successfully overcome. And if after this event the line life goes on clean and smooth, then there will be no consequences.
  • Having found specks on the line, we can say that the person is quite fragile and prone to illness.
  • A triangle on the life line is a sign of an intelligent and diplomatic person.
  • The presence of a star indicates an injury or accident. As a result of this event, shock may occur, as well as weakening energy and poor resistance to external factors.
  • Grooves on the line indicate a nervous person.

Forked line of life (short) and branches on it

Very often, at different intervals, the life line bifurcates or has different branches. This can say a lot, so let's take a closer look.

  • If at the beginning of the life line there is a small downward branch, then this indicates psychological trauma (if the life line and the heads go together at some interval) or an illness for life (if the life line and the heads are at a distance from each other).
  • Notice the end of the life line. If there are small branch lines there, then the person will be financially secure, and from childhood. It is like a material benefit of its own kind. But there is also the other side of the coin. This person may have many enemies waiting for his downfall. If this is exactly what happens, then you need to protect yourself. You cannot tell about your successes or any secrets to people whom you cannot trust one hundred percent. There is no need to cooperate with the same people, otherwise deception is possible.
  • Pay attention to how the life line relates to the fate line. If it connects with it in some area, and a small but very clear line appears nearby, then we can say that the person has in his past psychological trauma, and after that there was a period of recovery and everything returned to its previous place.
  • If your life line simply bifurcates in any place, then this means a double life. Such people often deceive and do not do what they promise. They may have a second family, which may also include children. Moreover, the first family is also important for such a person, and he would not want to lose it. If you calculate the age at which branching begins, you can find out when the period of double life begins.
  • If the end of the life line has a large and clear fork, then this is a very sociable person. He constantly needs to have fresh impressions, he needs flirting and travel. Such a person is always in a hurry somewhere, thinking about something. Often he doesn't really notice important events and the people in his life.
  • If the fork at the end is small, then we can say that this is a dreamer. He has good intelligence and imagination, but is very susceptible to external factors. Even if there is good ideas he can reverse if he encounters resistance and rebuff.
  • If your life line looks like a twig (i.e. has various branches), then this is favorable, but only if the branches are directed upward. Yes, there will be difficulties, but everything will end well.
  • If the branch is pointing down, it is much worse. In this case, a person has quite diverse interests, which prevents him from achieving results in at least one thing.
  • More rare branches on the life line indicate a good analytical mind. Such a person is bored and uncomfortable with people who are not up to par with him. Negative trait This type of character can be called distrust, which is why such people are lonely and unsociable.
  • If there are very few branches, but they are quite well drawn, then such a person is a leader. This is a fairly independent person who implements her plans immediately. Such a person will not tolerate interference in his life; he is quite stubborn and firm.
  • There is also a life line where branches of short length are directed downward. This is the sign of a person who does not interfere unnecessarily in the affairs of others. At the same time, he feels good almost everywhere, can become the life of the party or easily make new acquaintances. Prefers to travel.

Now you know what it means if the life line bifurcates, as well as if it has different branches on the hand.

What do breaks in the life line mean?

No less significant are the gaps in the life line on the hand. This is especially important to know if it is short. In most cases, this indicates danger (illness or injury), and it can lead to death. During this period you should be very careful and attentive. Particular attention should be paid to the life line that continues after the breakup. If it goes smoothly and clearly, then there is nothing to worry about. Whatever happens, everything will end well.

If they are enclosed in a square, then this is a very favorable sign - the person will be saved, nothing bad will happen. It is also favorable if there is a second life line next to this place, which denotes a guardian angel. Then a person’s personal energy will definitely be enough to overcome difficulties and illness.

Branches from the life line to the hills

If, looking at your life line, you see that it has long branches to the hills of the hand, then this is often a sign that warns of misfortunes. When deciphering the lines on the hand, this is not the least important. If your life line is short, then these signs can show how difficult your life will be. In rare cases, it promises luck. Let's take a closer look.

  • Line going to the Mount of the Moon. A person will be overtaken by an illness that is associated with a fight or injury. There may be an accident resulting in serious physical injury.
  • The line going to She warns about the illness of your husband or wife.
  • Line going to the Mount of Jupiter. There will come a period in life when career growth or good luck in financial matters (for example, winning the lottery) is possible.
  • Line going to the Mount of Saturn. This is a sign of problems at work. It also indicates that there will come a period when there will be mutual misunderstanding in the family (problems with children, husband/wife), and irritation with loved ones.
  • Line going to the Mount of the Sun. Luck and luck await you here. Financial well-being is possible.
  • Line going to the Mount of Mercury. This is a sign of a successful marriage and good relations with loved ones.
  • Line going to Mars. This is a sign that a person is destined to travel a lot. Perhaps he will be able to see the whole world.

Double life line

Two life lines that run parallel to each other are a rare and very favorable sign. The second line is located closer to the Mount of Venus and is also called the line of Mars or the guardian angel. A person with such a line is very successful, he has a huge supply of energy, very good intuition and extraordinary talents. Also, most often he miraculously avoids various troubles and troubles in life. Even if he has an interrupted life line, the presence of a second line can neutralize this.

However, it should be noted that you need to look very carefully at the location of the sister line. It may not run parallel along the entire length of the life line. Where it ends, the guardian angel ceases to act. From now on, a person needs to rely on his own strength and be more careful and attentive.


Now you know where the life line is on your hand, as well as various signs on it that can warn of misfortunes in your life. However, you should remember that you can only be warned of impending troubles. This is exactly what palmistry means. The life line on your hand can change if you yourself change (lifestyle, actions, attitude towards the world). Even fatal diseases can be mitigated by taking care of your health and exercising. Remember that to correctly read any lines on a hand, it is necessary to compare both hands, since sometimes the signs on one are neutralized by the signs on the other.

Many have heard and know about what a life line is. But not everyone understands its meaning and can interpret its messages. Palmistry will help you understand the signs from above.

Palmistry is a beautiful and reliable way know yourself and anticipate difficulties in time. Knowledge of palmistry allows you to tell fortunes by hand. But no less important is a timely understanding of the pattern on the hand. Especially if we're talking about about the life line.

What is the life line and where is it located?

The life line is an arc that exists in the palm of every person. It begins between the thumb and index finger and extends down toward the beginning of the thumb and hand. It is named so because it shows the vitality of a person and even the development of such a character trait as love of life, depending on what this line is. It can be used to determine a person’s endurance and energy.

The more clearly defined the life line and the deeper it is, the better. It encircles the Mount of Venus, thus directly connecting with vital energy and strength. The closer the life line is to the thumb, the more likely a person is to develop qualities such as passivity, slowness and increased fatigue.

Dating along the life line

Often people, seeing a short life line, are afraid that a person will not live long. Actually this is not true. To determine the death of a person by hand, many other factors must be taken into account. Moreover, throughout life, the pattern on the hands can change. It means that negative events, read on your hand and associated with some dangerous incident, may soften or be eliminated after some time.

There are several ways to tell about a person’s age at the time of certain events, based on the life line. This is not so easy to do, however.

The first and easiest way is to draw a vertical line from the middle finger down and see where it intersects with the life line. This would be an age indicator of 35 years.

There is another way to approximately determine the time period in which this or that event will occur. Find the point closer to the base of your thumb where the life line begins to curve around it. This is approximately the 70 year mark. You can measure the length of your life line (using, for example, a thread) and determine the time frame relatively accurately. Or you can divide it into three equal segments, each of which will be equal to a period of 20 to 25 years.

Life line signs

Gap in the life line: this is a sign of change, which is often associated with serious psychological stress. This could be a break in a love relationship, an illness, or any other dramatic event. But due to mitigating circumstances, they can be less painful.

Square on the life line: this sign may turn out to be both favorable and, conversely, undesirable. It’s good if it seems to contain a break in the line of life within itself. IN in this case the square shows that the person will have enough strength to cope with difficult situation. If it is simply located on the life line, then it indicates the isolation of a person. It could be a monastery, or it could be a prison.

Ovals (islands) on the life line: this sign most often speaks of emotional problems, illnesses and hospitalizations.

Drawings often found near the life line

Sister line: goes next to the line of life, located a little closer to the thumb. It often begins from the very beginning, but can occur at any point in your life line. It indicates that during these periods you will be protected from bad influences.

Concern lines: Most people have many fine lines that move from the thumb towards the life line. Sometimes there are a lot of them, but they can also be located in a specific area. These are lines of concern. They indicate periods and events that will cause you a lot of trouble and worry.

It is believed that with the help of palmistry you can even find out. But still this is not always necessary. Remember that you yourself can change your life. Best wishes, and don't forget to press the buttons and

21.08.2016 05:07

The lines on the hand can tell a lot about a person, including his future. Should...

What do the lines on the hand represent? The science of palmistry claims that these are signs of fate laid down at a person’s birth and renewed throughout his life. The phrase “guessing by hand” means nothing more than the ability to notice, explore, and correctly interpret both the main and secondary features in the palm.

Main line

It is generally accepted that the life line has always been in the area of ​​special attention. Even those to whom the science of palmistry has probably heard about it is something absolutely unattainable and mysterious. Perhaps not every novice palm reader realizes what a huge number of points need to be taken into account in order to decode such an important sign. We will help you with this issue, we’ll tell you what serious information the life line actually carries; how to “read” it correctly; Which hand (left or right) should you look at so that everything fits together?

Let's start from the very beginning, that is, with the location of the line. The important stripe originates between the index finger and thumb; bending around the second, “moves” to the base of the palm.

Space from thumb to the specified trait called the Mount of Venus. We will also mention it, but a little later. It is considered very good sign, if the life line is a smooth, deep slot without additional “branches”, long and straight. But this, experts say, happens very rarely.

In most cases, “weakening” areas are noticeable on the strip; even breaks and irregularities, bifurcations at the end are possible, and its length can be very short. What does it mean? That a person is destined to die early? Not at all! Never make such hasty conclusions, because the topic is serious. Perhaps at certain periods a person will not have enough vital energy, his health will begin to deteriorate... But this can be corrected if you pay attention in time, get examined, and receive treatment.

If there are any controversial polls

Palmistry, as the art of decoding lines, the ability to tell fortunes by hand, is not prone to “blurry” statements, unclear, fuzzy reasoning. It is based on facts and its theoretical foundation, consisting of clear definitions, is very strong. If you are an amateur in this area, and you are faced with controversial issues, it is better not to experiment with human destiny and seek help from a more experienced practitioner. Well, we will try to “break everything down for you” in the most accessible way possible.

Supposed situation: the life line on the right hand is slightly shorter than on the left. What should I do? Which palm should you use to guess in order to get the correct information? Let's return to the basics of science. The main, active palm is the one you work with. That is, for a left-hander - left, for a right-hander - right. The active palm is either something that has already been lived, or the present, perhaps the very near future, in a word, active. On the passive palm is what is destined for you from above for the rest of your life.

Example: your active hand is right. The life line on it is shorter than on the second one. Don't worry, it's yours left hand is responsible for the future. On the main one, the trait may well still sprout over time. A clear break in the line on both hands is considered a harbinger of death.

In other cases, a single interruption should be considered as a huge change, entailing loss, loss of faith in one’s own strength.

About the signs

Let's talk in more detail about the signs that palm fortune telling reveals to us. Having carefully studied the line of life and everything, even the slightest formations on it, here are the conclusions that can be drawn:

  • a deep point on the strip will tell you about deteriorating health;
  • a certain circle located there can serve as a harbinger of weakening vision;
  • the intersection of a cross-shaped line at the edge symbolizes a poor existence in old age, but if the cross is located on the very hill of Venus, this is a sign of malaise;
  • the disease will be indicated by islands formed on the line; the degree of the disease depends on their size;
  • branches directed upward indicate prosperity of energy and strength; down - about their waste, decline.

Secrets of geometric shapes

In the overwhelming majority of cases, fortune telling, in which the main sign is the life line, comes down to just such a study. But we can add one more thing. Palmistry reveals secrets geometric shapes, located directly on the strip itself, or near it. A square is a talisman that helps protect a person from all sorts of troubles. If he breaks the line of life, this should be understood as the fact that the person will be able to successfully overcome the problems that have arisen.

But the triangle on the main line is a warning. A person should be wary of the flame; it is from this that he can suffer greatly. But! When a triangular figure is located near the stripe, the interpretation changes radically, foreshadowing considerable profit. Several lines placed perpendicular to each other (forming the shape of a cell) can mean a closed institution in a person’s life. Places of detention are not the only option; it could be an army unit or educational institution with barracks accommodation.

Hill of Venus

As promised at the beginning of the article, we will make a small description of the Mount of Venus.

Such an analysis will complement the overall picture of the study and help provide more accurate forecast. It is generally accepted that the amount of strength and vital energy depends on the size of the hill. Therefore, the larger it is, the better.

But he has one more calling: he is responsible for passion, a person’s inclination towards love. Restraint in matters of the heart is inherent in those whose Mount of Venus is not too prominent.


It doesn’t matter whether you are making a forecast for yourself or for another person, do not concentrate your attention on the negative aspects, especially if they arise from fortune telling on an active palm. Let us repeat: on the left palm (if the left hand is not a working hand), fate has inflicted something that will once be in your life. The right one is more responsible for real events. We have the right to correct life, we can do it.

Set yourself or the person who turns to you for an interpretation of the life line for exactly this situation. Don't let anxious moments turn into scary ones. Their calling is to prevent danger, and not to “break” the strength of spirit and lead to a complete decline in mood. Be happy.

The main arc in the palm is the line of Life. For fortune telling, it is important to know which hand it is on (right or left), how it is interpreted, what impact breaks, branches and figures have on the overall meaning.

Where is the line

This is the main feature in palmistry. The interpretation of signs on the palm begins with it. Many people are interested in which hand the Life line is located on. It starts between the index finger and thumb, describes a semicircle and ends under the base of the thumb.

Everyone's Life Trait different lengths, forms. It does not predict the number of years allotted, but indicates the expected duration of existence. It is used to determine the accumulated or withdrawn vital energy and how active or passive a person is.

It is important to note that the Life line is looked at on both palms. When deciphering the meaning, pay attention to all the dashes, tubercles and additional symbols. Without this, the interpretation of the arc will be unreliable.

How to interpret the Life line

The Life Line is indirectly responsible for the years lived. Based on the tubercles around it, you can calculate the allotted time of a person’s existence. If the molt is long, this does not mean that he will live to be 100 years old, and vice versa.

The arc speaks about the allocated vital energy, how active a person is, what are her preferences and readiness for change. Length reveals the quality of life and thoughts. The longer the line, the richer the fate will be. Short description Other characteristics of the line are given below.

Clear (deep) Increased vitality, interest in everything, good health.
Fuzzy (shallow) Laziness, lack of energy, passivity.
Short Vulnerability, touchiness, modesty, passivity.
Long Stability, good life.
Broken Constant struggle, loss, desire for self-realization.
Bifurcates, but looks like one whole line The desire to start a lot of things, but little will be completed. Severe absent-mindedness.
Double (two adjacent lines) Having a soulmate, even if nothing is known about her.
No line It is there, but it is practically invisible. Life is anxiety, difficulties, pain, disappointment.

These are only some of the cases by which palmists evaluate the Life trait. To see the full picture, it is worth looking at the second palm.

Which hand are they looking at?

All features look on both hands. If a person is right-handed, then his active hand is right. If left-handed, left. The active palm is the present and the future. It has clearer outlines and tubercles. Also, dashes and additional characters may change throughout life. They become shorter or longer, and the signs disappear or appear.

The passive palm is the past and the script of life. Nothing will change on this hand. Here one can read the general purpose and path of a person.

The final characteristic of the trait is formulated based on two palms. Lines are often of different lengths - this is normal for both men and women. The activity and passivity of the palm are determined according to the standard principle.

How to date time using an arc

To presumably tell what age a person will live to based on his trait, it is worth visually dividing the entire palm into sectors. First you need to find the middle of the thumb on the Mount of Venus (the bulge below it) and visually draw a straight line. This midpoint means 30 years of life.

Further along this line, visually draw arcs to each finger. Line to index finger- life span up to 10 years; to the middle of the middle finger - 15 years. The oval is drawn until the interval between the middle and the nameless one is 20 years. To the middle of the ring finger - 25 years. The last arc before the gap between the ring and little fingers is 30 years of life.

It is impossible to extend the arc. Its longest segment is the bend behind thumb. It indicates years of life from eighty years and more. The lower segment should be divided again. The point at 30 years and until the possible end is determined by the second segment of life, divided in half. The middle of this lower half-arc signifies the sixtieth birthday.

How to explain a short line

There is a short line of Life. The duration of existence along such a strip is determined relatively. A short line speaks of weak energy, lack of desires and aspirations.

He is a modest, calm and passive person. He does not want to conquer heights, climb the career ladder, or hold on to family ties. He doesn’t want to do something new, to create, to create, to help.

The shorter the line on both palms, the less interested a person is in everything. If the arc of Life reaches 30, this is a representative of the golden mean. He is interested in the public, relaxes, develops, but also spends time with his family and does not infringe on anyone.

What do the signs on the palms in this zone say?

In palmistry the palm is inner part the hand on which the lines and bumps are located. Everything else is symbolic designations. They can be congenital or acquired. Each symbol has its own meaning and carries meaning. It is important to determine where it is located.

On the Life line you can often find distinctive marks:

  • moles;
  • triangle, oval, circle, square;
  • star, cross, etc.

The line takes up a lot of space on the palm, the Mount of Venus next to it is also quite large, so the chance of meeting a figure near this line is great.


A triangle means danger, an accident, an absurd tragedy. The sign must be on both palms. If it is only on the right, then it is a symbol of a probable accident. If only on the left, beware of smoke and fire.

When the sign is at the beginning, and after it the line continues, then it has the meaning of a warning: an accident will occur without severe consequences. If a triangle completes the line, you should turn to corrective palmistry.


A fork appears at the bottom of the line, it means weakened strength and loss of patience. This means that a person will experience psycho-emotional disorders.

The stronger his connection with his family, the better this difficult period will pass. A fork at the very beginning of the line speaks of problems in childhood or adolescence.


Means poor health, poor nervous system, problems with blood vessels. The point does not carry anything deadly.

If such a sign is at the beginning of the line, and then it continues, then health will not be seriously damaged; rather, the person will face minor medical manipulations. The owner of a point on the line should always monitor his health.


Ambiguous sign. It protects from harm and limits freedom. It can be found in the palm of a sick person, a subject with a damaged psyche, a reckless and too adventurous personality.

The square blocks development. He protects the owner and exposes all his vices at the same time. The larger the figure, the more difficult it is to communicate with such a person. A small sign warns of a love of adventure and gambling.

Crosses and stars

A cross anywhere on the line means problems with the heart and everything connected with this organ. In addition to this sign, it is worth taking a closer look at the Heart line on both hands.

A star is a bright event in life. It could be anything: the birth of a long-awaited child, the fulfillment of a cherished dream, the purchase of a favorite car or home. It also signals danger: there are bad people next to good events.


The dots come in two colors. Red means danger from nature, and dark means health problems. If the sign is of an unclear color, then you should expect two problems at the same time.

There are also dots different sizes. If the stain is large, it's a big problem. Small is the opposite.


Moles on the Life line are bad omens. They warn of dangers. The sign has the worst meaning when a mole breaks its arc, this means death.

Moles on both palms indicate constant danger, congenital defects. The more there are, the more health problems there are. They can be removed and you will get scars, but this is a completely different sign.


Cuts and scars do not interrupt a person's life - this is a myth. There are many cases where a patient died with a long stroke and was left with a damaged one. A chopped, cut, dissected line will not shorten a person’s life if in these processes he does not develop gangrene.

The scar is a warning that soon a person’s life will be divided into creative and spiritual. Some parts of consciousness and values ​​will cease to be important, and past imperfections will gain weight, or vice versa.

What is the influence of other factors

Changing the active hand is of great importance in palmistry. If a person has been right-handed all his life, moved to another country and had to relearn, then his active hand will change.

It is important to pay attention to all the lines, hills and values. Without them, it is impossible to put together a complete picture. Features can intersect with each other, appear and disappear, the hand can grow, and the signs will change along with it.

Long-term prognosis cannot be made using palmistry. She only sees a few years ahead. A relative analysis of fate and preference can be made from the inactive hand, but it is still worth looking at the active palm.

Can a trait change?

The Life Trait on the passive hand does not change. You cannot influence it on your own. You can change your destiny in only two ways: corrective palmistry and a great desire for change.

Corrective palmistry

This type of palmistry was invented by Boris Akimov. At one of his sessions, he was struck by the brilliant idea that lines are not a sentence, they can be changed. Missing or bad lines are drawn on the palm. By the power of thought and desire, a dream is made to come true.

After some time, Boris's clients noticed that their lives and preferences began to change. After this, his theory gained mass popularity. Many modern palmists use corrective palmistry on both palms.

They change fate on the passive hand, where the human program is laid down; it will not be possible to radically change it, but it is possible to improve or prevent bad events.


The Life Line is looked at on both hands. One of them is passive, the other is active. Each one tells about its own period of time.

The dash does not show how long a person will live, it speaks of relative years. This is a multifaceted sign that should be interpreted as a whole.

If you look at a person’s palm and study all the marks and signs, you can certainly find out his fate. Only the life line will tell you the most about this. It is she who carries all the information about a person’s past and future, and also knows the date of his death.

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The line of life is the same line that comes out of the line of the head, and, going around the Mount of Venus, descends to the wrist. Although this does not happen to everyone. For some people, the life line is so short that it does not even reach the middle of the palm.

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      Life line on hand

      Few people believe that the life line can really tell a lot about a person. In practice, experienced palmists often collaborate with the secret services. They can very quickly and accurately tell a lot about the criminal, for example, about his weaknesses, psychological character and what he will face throughout his life.

      • Competent decoding is impossible without a clear definition of the direction of movement. Gives Additional information the case when it connects to another line. For example, if it goes to the line of fate, then this indicates that the owner of the palm very often receives all kinds of gifts from fate. If two lines seem to merge into one, then such a person will have a very successful career. A straight line foretells the owner the possibility of frequent travel and travel, without which he simply cannot imagine his life.

        Forked dash

        Many people have a bifurcated life line. However, here it is necessary to see exactly whether it actually bifurcates or whether it is a second line that has a completely different interpretation.

        First you need to consider where exactly the fork begins. If both branches have noticeable depth, then this indicates a possible change of residence. If they have a fuzzy appearance and are barely visible, this indicates poor health of the carrier. When the forked line reaches the hand itself, this indicates possible dementia in old age.

        It is necessary to rest more for those people whose branch lines have a calm and straight appearance. This indicates their excessive fatigue:

        • A wide fork on the hand is found among people who love communication. They are constantly in need of some company. Such individuals experience frequent mood swings, changes in desires and needs. For happy life they need bright emotions and a constant change of environment.
        • A small fork is a sign of dreamers. They have a sharp mind, imagination and extraordinary abilities. However, as experienced palmists note, such people lack the assertiveness to realize their desires and ideas.

        The line of fate bifurcates and intersects with the line of life - what does this mean?

        Additional signs

        To obtain accurate information regarding the future and past, it is necessary to pay attention to the signs found on the hand:

        • The circle speaks of vision problems.
        • The branches will tell about the peculiarities of human existence. All the lines going up indicate an increase in strength and the acquisition of favorable gifts from fate. But the lines that have a clear downward direction will tell you that a person will live this period of life incorrectly or completely in vain.
        • The star located in the inner part of the life line will tell about cowardice and indecision.
        • The presence of an islet may indicate diseases. So, an island near the hand itself, that is, at the beginning, speaks of diseases associated with the head. The island in the center of the line is about lung problems. And the island at the end of the line will tell you about diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
        • The resolution of the current illness and complete healing are promised by a square located on the life line.
        • The grille does not always matter - a government house. Just what it will be: a prison or training in some place, a hospital, the shape of the lattice itself will tell.
        • A cross located at the beginning or middle of the line means the onset of depression and difficult times, nervous strain. This is a very unfavorable sign and is very rare. But the cross at the end of the line foreshadows natural death in old age.

        Features of meaning

        The life line will be considered good if it is free of various defects. It can be compared to a river that will flow steadily only where there are no obstacles. Ideally, it should not be very wide and not very narrow, have smooth turns, bends and a uniform color, it should not have any marks.

        Like a river, the line should flow slowly, around the Mount of Venus, and head up the arm, without encountering any obstacles on its way. It is then that the fate of the owner of such a palm will be favorable and his health will be good.

        Short life line

        A short line means a short life. If such a line is interrupted on only one hand, this portends a serious illness for the person. Provided that the line is connected in the future, then he will survive this illness, and in the future it will not bother him.

        A broken line is deciphered in a completely different way, which then does not connect into one continuous line, but has the shape of islands. Such a sign suggests that a person will also be able to overcome his illness, but it will repeatedly remind itself of itself in the future.

        Breaks in the life line are an unfavorable sign that indicates difficult times In human life. Rupture in many cases means serious illness or even death. For accurate interpretation of this sign, it is necessary to take into account all the lines present on the hand.

        Double and triple

        The presence of another one next to her indicates the excellent genetics of the individual, which also helps him a lot in real life. This line is usually called the sister line, the Mars line or the Guardian Angel line.

        In addition, such people are extraordinary individuals with strong energy. It is she who helps them overcome all sorts of life difficulties. Such people have the ability to recover and the ability to pull themselves out of the most difficult situations.

        People with a double life line are extremely rare. They are among those who have the strength to lift themselves from a wheelchair or start life with clean slate, having once remained at the bottom. They are considered lucky and darlings of fate. Such people are successful military career. And if the lines have a reddish tint, then we can say that such individuals are very loving and spend all their endless energy on representatives of the opposite sex.

        People with this sign need to be extremely careful when choosing their environment. Very often, out of a feeling of envy, they are damaged and all kinds of evil eyes are cast upon them.

        In traditional palmistry, a double life line is considered to be a mark of the lucky ones. It is she who protects a person from misfortunes and serious illnesses, protects from evil and unfavorable signs of fate.

        A similar phenomenon in the form of a triple line can be found extremely rarely. It is believed that the bearer of this sign has psychic abilities.

        Begins from the Mount of Jupiter

        When it begins with the Mount of Jupiter, it speaks of a person’s excessive pride, of his inflated self-esteem, which he likes to feed in every possible way. However, such lines also mean that this person always achieves his goals, only luck accompanies him in business, and fortune turns his face towards him.

        If she sends out small shoots to the rosette (transverse lines on the hand), often called bracelets on the hand, then this symbolizes the possible collapse of plans, material losses and shortages Money, which may even end in poverty.

        The shoots directed upward always symbolize only joyful moments in a person’s life. This could be a successful purchase of housing or a car, a promotion, or the birth of a child.

        Pale line

        If it is wide and has a dull color, then this indicates poor human health. Such a sign symbolizes the envious nature of the wearer and his evil thoughts.

        Possible nervous breakdowns, depression, and overexertion can occur in people whose hands are crossed by many small capillaries. This sign foreshadows stressful situations, which will only bring moral and physical exhaustion.

        Crossing the line of life, head and heart

        In the case when the lines of the heart, life and head seem to emerge from one point, unpleasant events can happen to the carrier. This sign means that his heart and mind are controlled by instincts, which always ends in something bad: a serious illness, a sudden injury, death. Such a person seems to be walking along an abyss of troubles with his eyes closed, which makes him very vulnerable.

        If the lines of the head and life are far enough from each other (from 3 mm), then this indicates a person’s impulsiveness. The farther they are from each other, the more hasty and stupid things a person will do. This sign indicates excessive fussiness, which always has a negative impact on decision-making. A person with such a symbol on his hand will make the wrong decisions throughout his life.

        If the life lines and heads are in starting point connect only with each other, then this symbolizes a cautious person. Before you do anything or take anything important decision, he will think and weigh everything a thousand times, and only after that will give his answer. He is cautious in everything and constantly thinks about his safety. This sign is deciphered as the presence of cowardice in a person.

        Small bump

        A small triangle on the hand, which points towards the thumb, indicates the possibility of receiving an inheritance or winnings. This is a favorable sign, symbolizing the acquisition of something significant for the bearer of this sign.

        A square on the hand is a sign of protection and neutralization of possible diseases or troubles. This is a symbol of the fact that a person quickly copes with all difficulties and returns to the former flow of his everyday life.

        Life line in fortune telling

        To obtain accurate information regarding the past and future, fortune telling must be done on both hands.

        Moreover, if a person is right-handed, then the right hand will be responsible for all serious and significant changes in life, and the left hand will tell about the current course of affairs. And, conversely, if a person is left-handed, then it is the left hand that will give answers to questions of interest.

        Fortune telling by hand

        By paying attention to the shape of a person's palm, you can learn about his character. Thus, a wide, square palm of a reddish color indicates that a person has such qualities as stubbornness, practicality and responsibility. Such people have their own point of view on everything, which they try to adhere to until the end. They are ardent materialists and prefer to do only manual labor. This palm shape is most often found in men.

        People whose palms resemble a rectangle and whose fingers are short act relying only on their emotions and instincts. They are characterized by such qualities as spontaneity, impulsiveness, selfishness and courage.

        People with rectangular or square palms with long fingers and dry skin take radical measures in everything. They are characterized by sociability, wit, malice and pettiness.

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