46 tax check yourself and your counterparty. Federal Tax Service: check by TIN

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If you know the TIN of the counterparty and want to get additional information about it, then just use the official website of the Federal Tax Service - nalog.ru. This resource allows you to get a lot of information about how individuals, and about legal ones.

How to check a counterparty on the Federal Tax Service website, and what exactly you can find out on the Federal Tax Service website - we will tell you in this article.

The need to verify the counterparty

When choosing business partners, it is important to show foresight. Although this is more a right than an obligation of an entrepreneur. However, when checking information about a counterparty through the nalog.ru portal, there is no doubt about the reliability of the information received, because it was obtained from a reliable source of information.

The official website of the Federal Tax Service makes it possible to obtain the following data:

  • get acquainted with information about the counterparty and draw a conclusion about its solvency (including mandatory payments to the treasury);
  • can the counterparty be classified as a one-day company;
  • find out the last name, first name and patronymic of the head of the organization;
  • find out the legal address of the company.

It follows from this that checking counterparties on the Federal Tax Service website does not provide the full amount of information in order to determine the degree of reliability of a particular entrepreneur.

1. Select the “Legal entity” option and indicate it:

  • OGRN;
  • or TIN.

2. Or enter the name of the company or organization and (optional) the subject of the Russian Federation as its location.

To search for an individual entrepreneur or peasant farm you should:

1. Select the option “Individual entrepreneur/peasant farm” and indicate it:

  • or TIN.

2. Or enter your full name. and the subject of the Russian Federation where the individual entrepreneur (peasant farm) resides.

Please note that the Federal Tax Service updates data on counterparties daily.

Additional information about the counterparty on the Federal Tax Service website

Using the nalog.ru service using the counterparty’s TIN, you can obtain the following information:

  • about the name of the organization (company);
  • about the legal address of the organization (firm);
  • on the date of state registration;
  • OGRN;
  • about termination of activity (including date);
  • on invalidation of registration (with date).

Please note that the service on the Federal Tax Service website allows you to not only download, but also print an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, which contains a broader list of data about the counterparty that interests you. In particular, this information:

  • about the founders and (or) participants;
  • about the size authorized capital organizations;
  • on types of activities (according to OKVED);
  • about persons who can act without a power of attorney on behalf of an organization or company.

The Federal Tax Service publishes it in its open databases full list information about individual entrepreneurs and organizations. It is given in the order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 5, 2013 No. 115n.

How to find out the corporate history of a counterparty?

In addition to all the above information, you can also find out the corporate history of the counterparty using the State Registration Bulletin of the Russian Tax Service. It can be found by following the link - http://www. vestnik-gosreg.ru/publ/vgr/

From the State Registration Bulletin you can obtain the following data about companies that, based on the current legislation of the Russian Federation, are required to post public messages:

  • about closure and reorganization;
  • on reducing the authorized capital;
  • on the LLC’s purchase of 20% of the authorized capital of another company and other data.

The list of organizations that cannot be contacted at the legal address they declared during state registration is updated daily by the Federal Tax Service. You can check the counterparty by TIN using the following link - https://service.nalog.ru/baddr.do

How to find out about tax debts from a counterparty?

In order to find out whether a counterparty has tax debts, you need to click on the following link - https://service.nalog.ru/zd.do

Please note that the service will make it possible to obtain information about the organization in the following situations:

  • the company doesn't give tax reporting more than one year;
  • if as of April 1, 2017, her tax debt to the budget is more than 1,000 rubles and a procedure for forced collection of this debt has been initiated.

In conclusion, we would like to add that this service is on this moment is at the testing stage, but updates, according to tax officials, will occur at least once a month.

Statistics show us a not very pleasant fact: a transaction with every 20 organizations usually ends in losses only because the counterparty company did not check it for reliability. How to study the company's reputation and come to honest cooperation? Let's try to figure it out.

In what cases should counterparties be checked?

Verification of counterparties is usually carried out either by experienced businessmen or experienced lawyers. Do you know why? Because they have already understood that they need to work only with reliable companies and, moreover, only you are responsible for checking this reliability.

To ensure that there are no unpleasant situations when working with a counterparty, it is customary to “run” new partners through a whole list of checks. Moreover, there are a number of cases when such checks are mandatory:

  1. If you decide to work with a new partner for the first time. Checking will help you avoid possible mistakes.
  2. If you are aware that the potential counterparty is a new company that was registered quite recently. Of course, a new company by itself cannot bear risks, however, working with it can still do its best.
  3. If you know that a potential counterparty is not very flatteringly spoken about. Of course, no one has canceled the evil language of competition, but still the old proverb says “trust, but verify.”
  4. If a potential counterparty works exclusively on prepayment. By checking the company for reliability, you can protect yourself from under-delivery of goods or from providing low-quality services.

Checking a company is a separate service that many organizations provide, however, with the proper skill and free time, you can do it yourself.

The relevance of checking the company's reliability for different areas business should not be questioned. Even in such a seemingly undeniably reliable activity as leasing, there are not entirely honest “players”.

What information can you get about a potential partner?

So, let's look at what information you can get about a company using easy access in Internet. Most easy way- this is to go to the tax service website and use a search to find all the necessary information there, or use the services of third-party resources, which, by the way, are sometimes paid.

Checking the TIN

The first thing that characterizes a company as a company that really works and works honestly is the TIN. If you have an organization’s TIN, then you can easily check how real it is. TIN, or individual tax number, is a code built using a special algorithm. If the company took it out of its head, then checking this number through any service convenient for you will not give any result.

The easiest way to check your TIN is to use the verification service on the tax service website (more details on this at the end of the article).

We request a certificate of state registration

Requesting a certificate of registration is the right way find out how realistic the activities of a potential counterparty are. This way we will find out whether the company actually exists, that is, whether it is registered with the Federal Tax Service as a taxpayer.

Of course, the presence of a certificate does not yet tell us that the company is very reliable. Maybe she has just ceased her activities, or maybe she does not submit reports, or is generally a tax debtor.

You can request a copy of the state registration certificate directly from the company, or again use the services of third-party resources.

We receive an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities/Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs

If you can get a fresh extract for the counterparty from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities/Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, this means that the organization is still afloat. Moreover, the extract contains all the necessary information to verify the integrity of the organization: its owner, place of registration, licenses and other data.

The extract can be downloaded from the official website of the Russian Tax Service (which is much easier) or requested from a potential partner. If you need a certified extract from the register, you can apply for it at any branch of the Russian Tax Service.

We analyze financial statements

An excellent tool for analyzing an organization is analyzing its financial statements. Request balance sheet from the counterparty, or use third-party services.

Using your balance, you can check several types of data at once:

  • the company successfully closes quarters and submits reports;
  • the company conducts business activities;
  • What assets does the company own?

The assets of a company are, first of all, its authorized and other types of capital and liabilities. If a company has practically no assets, then this is a reason for you to think about whether it is worth connecting your business with it.

Also, if you know that you are planning a major transaction with a company, and its assets or turnover are very small compared to the amount of the transaction, then this is also a reason to think: most likely it is hiding part of the income, which also does not show it on the positive side.

Based on the balance, you can make a complete the financial analysis, which will not only be able to demonstrate the company’s development vector, but also understand how stable it is on its feet. If you need a reliable partner, then this is one of the main indicators.

Checking the registration address for “mass”

What do you know about mass registration address? Most likely nothing. However, this is one of the most basic signs of so-called fly-by-night companies. If you are afraid that your counterparty may be just such a company, then just check their address.

This can be done on the tax service website at service.nalog.ru/addrfind.do.

Most companies are registered at one address, but are actually located at a completely different address. We also advise you to check the actual address of the company’s location - whether the partner’s office actually exists and what it is. If you have not previously worked with this partner and the amount of the planned transaction is high, then such a check will not be superfluous.

Checking tax arrears and reporting

If you doubt that your counterparty is playing honestly, then, just in case, ask the Federal Tax Service for information about the payment of taxes by this company.

What is it for? It's simple. If the case between you and your counterparty reaches arbitration, then your contact with the Federal Tax Service for additional information will be a huge plus. In order to record the fact of the application, the request must be submitted in person, and the Federal Tax Service office must mark the receipt of the request (or send the request by registered mail with notice).

Knowing his TIN, you can conduct such a check of the counterparty on the tax service website - service.nalog.ru/zd.do.

Taking into account the fact that this online service operates in test mode, you need to understand that the information received cannot be considered 100% reliable.

Government contracts

Government contracts are great way check all the information about the prospective partner. Executing companies for such transactions are selected very strictly. So, for example, the executor cannot be a company that has debts. If a company sometimes enters into government contracts, this is an indicator of its reliability and stable position in the market.

You can check a company for participation in government procurement on the website zakupki.gov.ru, or on other electronic trading platforms.

People data

What people in in this case will we talk? First of all, about the management and founders. So, along with mass registration, there is also such a thing as “mass leadership”. If a person is a director in several companies at once, then you have every reason to believe that the potential counterparty is a fly-by-night.

In addition to the fact that you will see how many companies a person manages, you will also have access to data about all the companies that he previously led. If you find out that many of the companies that a person led went bankrupt, then this is a reason to think: most likely, you are dealing with an unscrupulous company, which may not exist tomorrow.

It would be a good idea to check whether the manager is listed in the register of disqualified persons. This can be done on the tax service website - service.nalog.ru/disqualified.do.

Checking an organization by TIN on the website of the Tax Service of Russia

Let's try to figure out how to find and check a counterparty using the TIN on the tax service website. To do this, follow the link egrul.nalog.ru, or open the main page of the resource and in the “Electronic services” section select “Business risks: check yourself and your counterparty.”

You already know by what parameters you can check a company through the resource of the tax service of the Russian Federation, so now we will look at the most common of the necessary checks - checking by TIN.

For example, we will check the TIN of PJSC GAZPROM. Don't forget that in addition to checking legal entities, check is also available there individual entrepreneurs.

As you can see, everything is extremely simple. We enter the individual tax number in the required window and enter the captcha to confirm that we are not a robot.

The result is pleasing: the tax office immediately provides the company’s location address, its OGRN, INN, KPP, as well as the date of assignment of the OGRN:


To avoid misunderstandings when working with a new counterparty, it is necessary to check its reliability. Such a check can easily be carried out on the official website of the Russian Tax Service or use other services.

Based on the results of the check, you can draw conclusions - whether you should start cooperation with a new company, or whether you need to cut off all ties right now.

Video - why it is important to check counterparties before concluding a deal:

Every experienced entrepreneur sooner or later resorts to concluding agreements with other legal entities. At the same time, the question always arises whether such people can be trusted. How to protect yourself? How to protect your business?

When this question arose decades ago, then you could only rely on your intuition and the ability to negotiate correctly. After all, you can understand the true face only when you are well versed in human psychology. But today this method doesn't even come to mind. Why? Thanks to new technologies and developments, the Federal tax service allows you to check yourself and your counterparty.

Features of the Federal Tax Service

In 1573, an era began in Russia to collect information about all the incomes of subordinates. Chambers, boards and many other systems were created to track unfavorable entrepreneurs. Decades passed and already in 2002 the provision of tax returns V in electronic format. Over time, the official website of the Federal Tax Service (FTS) began its work, providing access to your personal account. Since 2013, all residents of Russia can watch an updated and improved version of this project.

Now the nalog.ru page contains a lot of different information that allows you to track bona fide taxpayers. Individual entrepreneurs and legal entities can use personal account. Here the user will be able to get acquainted with what package of documents is required for registration, what taxes are required to be paid and when it is important to do this. But a special achievement of the Federal Tax Service is a new section: “Check yourself and your counterparty.”

Location of the new section

In order to find the section “Check yourself and your counterparty” on the page dedicated to the Federal Tax Service, you need to go to the main page of nalog.ru. Next, each user can select the region in which he lives, use the video assistant to navigate the site, select Russian or English language, increase the text font. The service meets all international standards and declares high level reliability and security. He cares about providing honest information about entrepreneurs and makes this work easy, accessible to everyone. Below there are 3 tabs: “News”, “Media about the Federal Tax Service” and “Electronic services”. “Check yourself and your counterparty” is located in the “All services” tab. You must click on this inscription. Next, you can use the search bar on the site or, scroll a little lower, find the following heading: “Business risks: check yourself and your counterparty.”

How to check

This database will help answer many questions about an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. The information on it is updated daily. You can check yourself or a counterparty (a person who is considered as a future employee of a company or other entrepreneur) using the main state registration number (OGRN), identification number (TIN), full name and region of residence or the main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur (OGRNIP). Next, you need to enter the numbers from the picture and click “Find”. After this, a list of registered entrepreneurs will open (if you search by name) or a specific person (if you search by TIN, OGRN, OGRNIP). A table will appear on the website, which will indicate the exact location, numbers (TIN, OGRN, KPP), the date the number was assigned and the date when the entrepreneur ended his activities. A PDF document is also provided for your attention. It will contain more information: who the co-founders are, when they were registered, whether they have any debts, and much more. This document also has electronic signature. It is equivalent to one supplied with one’s own hand and access is provided only if there is a special software. For this purpose, the Federal Tax Service website contains a link to a page on which the user can familiarize themselves with the requirements for obtaining the right to access a document and its storage.

Additional ways to verify a counterparty

Every entrepreneur must collect a number of documents before signing an agreement with another company. Moreover, they all must be certified and valid. This will help protect yourself in case of an unexpected tax audit. Therefore, it is important to obtain all copies of the constituent bodies, passports, TIN, OGRN (IP). There are also additional databases on the Internet that allow you to check yourself and your counterparty. All extracts must be available and certified before the signing of the cooperation agreement. After reviewing the documents received by the Federal Tax Service, the entrepreneur is advised, if possible, to go to the place of registration of the company and check its actual existence.

The Federal Tax Service also provides assistance in the following matter: a legal entity can send a written request. It is compiled in free form. The document will allow you to request information about whether a certain person is a bona fide taxpayer and whether he has violated the laws.

Some entrepreneurs refuse to provide necessary documents for verification. But lawyers will help you get acquainted with the articles and laws tax law It clearly states what can and cannot be called a trade secret. Therefore, use the Federal Tax Service, the official website of the inspectorate, checking yourself and your counterparty for debts. This will help you protect yourself and enter into an agreement with honest people.

Business portal website provides information about. So, the page talks about land tax. You can read about taxes in Belarus on purchases on Aliexpress. This and other information will help you be “clean” in the eyes of the tax authorities and reduce fiscal expenses.

Risk is an integral element of entrepreneurial activity. However, it is reasonable to strive to minimize it. Moreover, exercising due diligence when doing business is a necessary requirement imposed on companies by regulatory authorities. After all, without checking its counterparties, an organization may encounter partners who do not fulfill their obligations, or even one-day companies. Considering that in the Federal Tax Service system, the TIN (taxpayer identification number) is the main unique attribute of an organization, individual entrepreneur or individual, it is by it that you can get important information, which will allow us to draw a conclusion about the reliability of the counterparty. Or perhaps the organization simply wants to clarify the legal address of another company or full name. her leader. How the Federal Tax Service of Russia on its website helps organizations check their partners using the TIN, we will tell you in our material.

Federal Tax Service: check by TIN

On the Federal Tax Service website you can check the counterparty by TIN in several ways.

The most common is the online service “Business risks: check yourself and your counterparty” (nalog.ru / Electronic services). By entering the organization's INN in this Federal Tax Service service, you can find out the full name of the organization, its legal address, OGRN, INN, KPP and state registration date. In the same place, if there was a termination of activity or invalidation of registration, their dates will be indicated. Here you can also download an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, which contains more detailed information about the organization: the size of the authorized capital and information about the founders (participants), information about persons acting on behalf of the organization without a power of attorney, types of activities according to OKVED and other data.

Also on the website of the Federal Tax Service, the organization’s TIN will help answer the question of whether the company made decisions on liquidation, reorganization, reduction of authorized capital, as well as other facts, messages about which should be published in the journal “Bulletin of State Registration”. To do this, you need to contact the online service “Messages of legal entities published in the journal “Bulletin of State Registration””.

If the tax authority has made a decision regarding an organization regarding its upcoming exclusion from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, such information is also published in the journal “Bulletin of State Registration”. You can check such information using your TIN on the Federal Tax Service website.

Entrepreneurial activity- it's always a risk. Including the risk associated with a lack of information about partners (buyers, suppliers, contractors), especially about their financial condition and business reputation.

Even a deal that is well thought out in terms of ensuring the fulfillment of obligations, if concluded with a fraudster, can result in large material losses.

You can verify the reliability of your partner and partially protect yourself from unscrupulous performers and customers by using the online electronic service posted on the website nalog.ru, “Check yourself and your counterparty.”

Request it from your counterparty constituent documents, TIN, or main state registration number. The service “Business risks: check yourself and your counterparty” nalog.ru by TIN or OGRN will provide more accurate information about any legal entity, individual entrepreneur or peasant (farm) enterprise. The fact is that several companies with identical names and entrepreneurs with the same last name, first name and patronymic can be registered, even in the same region.

Follow the link. When creating each request, you need to enter the code from the image. Using the capabilities of the site, generate a current extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Individual Entrepreneurs (USRLE or Unified State Register of Entrepreneurs). From it you will find out when and where the company was registered, who its founders and managers are. Get information about species economic activity enterprises, existing licenses, if the activity is licensed.

To avoid losing profits or even being subject to criminal prosecution for participating in corruption schemes and money laundering, before concluding an agreement, collect and analyze information about your counterparty.

Using the information posted on the page "Check if your business is at risk?" Make sure your potential partner meets the criteria listed below.

  1. The organization is active and is not threatened with exclusion from the register of legal entities by decision of the tax inspectorate.
  2. The types of activities necessary for the execution of the contract are included in the OKVED list of the organization or entrepreneur, all are available necessary permissions and licenses.
  3. The future partner is not in the process of liquidation or reorganization.
  4. The head of the company is not included in the register of disqualified persons, and disqualified persons are not included in the executive bodies organizations.
  5. The leader or founder is not a “mass” leader or founder. Such information is especially important if it turns out that one of the controlled companies is in bankruptcy or is a defendant for a significant amount.
  6. The company is not registered at the address of mass registration of legal entities. Registration in itself, for example, at an address in a business center, is not yet an alarming factor. But this is worth paying attention to if there are other signs of a “fly-by-night company.”
  7. A legal entity is not included in the list of those that have tax arrears and have not submitted tax reports for more than a year. However, it is not yet possible to obtain such information regarding individual entrepreneurs.

Check yourself and your counterparty - “nalog.ru” official website

As of June 1, 2019, it will be possible to check yourself and your counterparty in even more detail. nalog.ru is the official website of the Federal Tax Service using the online service “Business risks: check yourself and your counterparty / Check if your business is at risk?” will provide the opportunity to access data that was previously considered private. You can find out the following information about a business partner:

  • The amount of income and expenses for the year according to financial statements.
  • Information about the number of employees.
  • Special used by the organization tax regime(simplified system (STS), single tax on imputed income (UTII), etc.).
  • Amounts of arrears on taxes, fees, insurance premiums, debts on penalties, fines.
  • Amounts of taxes and fees paid for the year.

In turn, your counterparty will have at its disposal similar information about your company.

How to use this information?

Based on data for the previous year on income and expenses, the number of employees, taxes and fees paid, you can determine the scale of the organization’s activities and compare it with the volume of the contract being concluded. Is it realistic that a company that has received at most a couple of million rubles in revenue in a year, having only 1 person on its staff (most likely a director), is able to fulfill a construction contract worth 500 million?

Overdue debt to tax office may lead to blocking of accounts in all banks. It can also be a signal that the partner is undisciplined and uncommitted, or that he has financial difficulties.

nalog.ru. Check the counterparty by TIN, and do not fall for the bait of the “great combinators”

Government agencies constantly publish on their websites open information at their disposal, thereby giving business partners the opportunity to study each other.

The services of the website of the Federal Tax Service nalog.ru - verification of the counterparty reveal the basic data about the counterparty described above.

The official website of the Federal Bailiff Service fssprus.ru allows you to obtain information about open enforcement proceedings using the “Data Bank of Enforcement Proceedings” service.

Using the “Card Index of Arbitration Cases” service, posted on the website of the Higher Arbitration Court RF arbitr.ru you can obtain information about the participation of a potential partner in legal proceedings.

Study your counterparties, use these and other available sources of information. In this way, you will protect yourself from cooperation with unscrupulous partners, reduce tax and financial risks, and the risks of loss of business reputation.

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