Do you know why flowers smell? The best flowers and other plants with a strong aroma

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Smell plays a big role in everyone's life - it is a familiar component of our sensations, and we do not focus much attention on it. Smells surround us everywhere and affect our mood, physical state. Some of them are pleasant, some are annoying and cause headaches, and some bring back memories and evoke visual images. This fully applies to flowers that smell - their aroma can be both pleasant and irritating. It even happens that the name of a flower does not mean anything, but its smell immediately gives away a visual image.

Reasons for the smell of flowers

The reason for the smell of plants lies in the presence of essential oils in its various parts: stem, roots, leaves, flowers, bark, seeds. The chemical structure of oils has its own characteristics - when exposed to certain temperatures, it breaks down into molecules that spread through the air, emitting a certain odor. The combination of all these odors gives the plant its aroma.

On a note! A flower that smells attracts pollinating insects or, conversely, repels pests and herbivores - nature has arranged it so that everything in it strives to extend its life cycle.

Also, phytoncides of essential oils help plant organisms resist infection by bacteria and viruses.

Each flower crop is uniquely adapted to specific pollinators, for example:

  • flowers pollinated by moths open closer to night, and their aroma at this time reaches its maximum;
  • bright large beautiful flowers attract insects by their appearance, therefore, most often, their aroma is less pronounced than that of small flowers;
  • the aroma of light-colored flowers is more fragrant and delicate;
  • predator plants smell foul and unpleasant, thereby repelling insects, but attracting flies, which pollinate them.

The most fragrant flowers in the world

In the variety of flowering crops, there are very fragrant flowers, and there are also those whose aroma is barely noticeable. These are representatives of exotic species, and those that are not particularly remarkable, but they are all beautiful in their own way and deserve attention and recognition. Let's get acquainted with some of them - find out the name of the flower, its features and where it comes from.

Plumeria in nature is tall tree with long, oval-shaped, leathery leaves of bright green color. The birthplace of culture is the tropics on the islands Pacific Ocean, Caribbean Islands, South American continent and the southern part of the Asian region.

The tree is decorated by leaves and fleshy five-petal flowers with a strong pleasant aroma, similar to stars with rounded edges, collected in dense inflorescences. The color of the flower is delicate, warm shades, and in the center it is golden yellow, which makes it especially attractive.

The flowers emit their strongest aroma before sunrise and in the evening, when the sun goes down. Interestingly, in bright sunshine the flowers have almost no scent.

On a note! The smell of flowers attracts insects in search of nectar, but there is no nectar in plumeria flowers! But the aroma played its role - the plant was pollinated.

It is impossible to say that the aroma has a specific smell - it contains jasmine and citrus notes, and the aroma of forest lily of the valley, spices and gardenia flashes through.

IN temperate climate the crop is grown in room conditions as a decorative tree.

Interesting facts about the flower:

  • in Nicaragua he is a symbol of the nation, his image is on banknotes;
  • petals can withstand temperatures up to 500°C;
  • is a sign of marital status in Polynesia - if a woman has it behind her right ear, then she is looking for a couple, if behind her left ear, then she already has a couple;
  • in Indian culture it is a symbol of immortality - the tree is planted near temples and in cemeteries so that fallen flowers decorate the graves.

Many people know what lavender smells like - its aroma is often used in various perfume compositions. In nature, the culture is found in regions with warm climates, and in temperate climates it is grown as an indoor flower.

Lavender represents tall lush bush(up to 1 m) with narrow leaves and inflorescences in the shape of a semi-umbrella or ear. The originality of the plant is given by the flowers of lilac-violet color with a strong spicy aroma and tart taste.

Interesting! Not only fresh flowers smell strongly, but also dried ones - moths, mosquitoes, and mosquitoes do not like their aroma.

Interesting Facts:

  • the name of the plant comes from the Latin word “lava” (to wash) and, it turns out, in former times the flower was used for washing and washing;
  • together with other spices, flowers and leaves are used to treat insomnia, migraines, they serve as raw materials for the production of lavender oil and culinary seasoning;
  • dried flowers are added to smoldering sawdust and coal when smoking meat;
  • Lavender honey has medicinal properties.

Alyssum is grown in garden plots, on balconies and terraces as an annual ornamental plant with a strong aroma. It can also be used in special plantings as a honey plant - the flowers emit a strong, delicate honey aroma, attracting bees.

The culture gained well-deserved popularity for decorative look a low bush and an original small spherical inflorescence.

Interesting Facts:

  • White flowers smell stronger;
  • Flowers of any type of alyssum become larger after pollination and attract insects to neighboring bushes just preparing to bloom.

As an ornamental crop, ylang-ylang (fragrant galanga) is of no interest to gardeners - it is an inconspicuous evergreen tree with “fading” flowers. The greenish-yellow or pale pink flowers really seem drooping and fading, but they smell so that their aroma cannot be confused with other odors - it is so strong and memorable.

The characteristic rich smell of flowers contains a whole bouquet of aromas - you can catch notes of jasmine, neroli, gardenia, and orchid.

The natural habitat of the crop is the warm regions of Southeast Asia and northern Australia.

Interesting Facts:

  • An Indonesian wedding must have a garland of fresh ylang-ylang flowers;
  • in religious and magical rituals in the Philippines, the aroma of dried flowers is used when burning them;
  • Ylan-ylang is considered a strong aphrodisiac, and garlands of fresh flowers are placed at the head of newlyweds;
  • the plant's aromatic oil was used in the harems of the Middle East;
  • in Victorian England the flowers were used as hair pomade;
  • Ylang-ylang began to be used as an aroma for alcohol perfumes in France and, what is important in perfumery, its aroma goes well with other perfume scents.

The plant owes its name “Tuberose” or “Polianthes tuberiferous” to the structure of the root system (in Latin, the word “tuberosa” is derived from the word “tuber” - tuber) and has nothing to do with the rose.

Many peoples call the flower the “queen of aromas”, “king of aromas” - this is due to a distinctive feature of the culture imported from Mexico. Tuberose is valued for its beautiful snow-white flowers and for its sweet, delicate, many-hued aroma, incomparable to anything else. Some people consider it refined and sophisticated, but for others it seems cloying.

Interesting things about the flower:

  • To produce 1 liter of tuberose oil, about 1000 kg of flowers are required;
  • tuberose oil is one of the most expensive oils in perfumery - 1000 ml of oil costs about $12,000;
  • the aroma gains maximum intensity at night;
  • tuberose was the favorite flower of King Louis XIV of France;
  • After cutting, flowers continue to accumulate aromatic substances.

The cultivation of matthiola (lewkoy), native to the Mediterranean and southern European regions, has a specific purpose - aromatherapy of the area. During the day, other flowers in the flower garden are fragrant, and in the evening the main role goes to matthiola - closed in daytime the flowers open and emit a pleasant aroma, filling the entire space around them. That’s why they plant beautifully smelling flowers near gazebos, terraces, and along paths to fully enjoy the aroma on an evening walk.

Reference! Another name for the flower “night violet” conveys it distinctive feature– flowering at night.

Unusual facts about the flower:

  • the aroma of the flower repels pests, so it is recommended to plant the flower next to potato plantings;
  • in the Middle Ages, gillyflower was valued in the same way as roses and lilies, but later lost its position;
  • alcohol tincture of matthiola leaves has antibacterial properties.

Gardenia jasmine has long been cultivated at home as a beautiful ornamental plant in the form of a low bush with dense green leaves and large white flowers. A native of Japan, China, and India, it has firmly established itself in temperate climates and is very popular among lovers of original indoor plants.

A distinctive feature of the culture is not only its decorative appearance, but also the breathtaking aroma of the flowers, which smell like a mixture of vanilla and cinnamon. The aroma of gardenia in the cold winter brings back memories of summer and romantic evenings.

Interesting facts about gardenia:

  • many perfume brands, for example, Nina Ricci, Chanel Gardenia, Dior Miss Dior use the scent of gardenia jasmine;
  • substances contained in plant phytoncides have a calming effect on humans and improve mood;
  • the flower is used to attract the attention of the opposite sex (powder from dried flowers is rubbed into the skin before a meeting);
  • fruits and roots are used in traditional medicine recipes.

Beautiful flowers with an unpleasant smell

The world of flowers, diverse and multifaceted, is most often associated with beautiful, pleasantly smelling flowers. But not everything is so simple in the world of plants - among flowering crops there are those whose appearance does not fit in with the fetid odor they emit.

A flower that smells so much that you want to leave and not hear this smell cannot look beautiful and original, but, nevertheless, it is so - beauty is combined with an unpleasant, impossible smell.

In appearance, the succulent plant with succulent and fleshy shoots resembles a cactus, and the flowers, covered with villi and spots, look like five-pointed star. Despite his external attractiveness, he is handsome bright flower smells like rotting flesh.

The heat-loving flower is native to South Africa and grows where the only pollinators are flies. This explains bad smell– flies are attracted only by such a specific “aroma”.

Attention! When growing slipway, you should be prepared for the fact that during flowering you will need to either put up with the smell, or move the flower pot away from the most visited places.

Lysichiton is a wetland plant and grows in one place for more than one year. The flower is so called because of the presence of a “veil” around the inflorescence, reminiscent of a calla lily. The cover gradually collapses as the fruit ripens. Unusual plant can be found in Alaska, in the Far Eastern regions, and in the western regions of the USA.

The popular name for Lysichiton is “swamp skunk.” This is due to the fact that the beautiful lemon-yellow or white flowers smell like fetid, stagnant swamp slurry. The smell is not associated with beauty a delicate flower, but Nature arranged it this way to attract pollinators.

Interesting things about Lysichiton:

  • blooms very early - in April;
  • the flower produces heat that can melt nearby snow - this allows the plant to survive in cold weather;
  • Perfect for decorating ponds and low areas with stagnant water;
  • in ancient times it was used as a plant with medicinal properties.

Nature has given man the opportunity to enjoy beauty in its various manifestations - very beautiful flowers with a wonderful, enchanting aroma and no less beautiful, but disgustingly smelling plants. But nonetheless, amazing world plants add beauty and positivity to our lives, sometimes forcing us to think about what - everyone has their own reason for this.

Inhaling the aroma of flowers, have we ever wondered why flowers smell? Let's try to answer this question. First of all, flowers, by spreading their scent, attract insects, which transport pollen from one flower to another during the process of reproduction. It is noticed that bright flowers, opening in the daytime, do not always have a strong aroma, because their color already attracts many insects. At the same time, flowers that open only at night have a stronger scent so that moths and other insects can find them based on the oils they secrete. In addition, not all plants have a pleasant smell; some of them also have a pungent odor that repels insects, which feast not only on nectar, but also directly on the flowers and leaves. Man noticed this feature of plants and began to use it for his own purposes. For example, the aroma of wormwood and mint repels mosquitoes, and lavender flowers protect clothes in the closet from moths.

During their life, plants produce oils from roots, leaves, flowers and fruits that have a complex chemical structure. Under certain conditions vegetable oils decompose and transform into volatile compounds, giving the flowers their scent. Each plant has its own smell, due to the presence of different chemical elements and their combination. For example, there is a flower with the smell of decaying meat. This smell attracts flies, whose larvae feed on rotting foods, so they can lay their eggs on such a plant. Essential oils are regulators of transpiration (evaporation of water by plants). In addition, essential oils, evaporating, surround the plant with an invisible cloud, protecting it from hypothermia at night, and from overheating during the day, since the air mixed with essential oil vapor is less permeable to heat rays.

The scent of flowers

Even in ancient times, they noticed that odors have different effects on the human body, namely on the central nervous system and emotional background. It has been noticed that vanillin reduces the rapid heartbeat and normalizes the temperature of human skin; the bitter smell of wormwood increases the strength of muscle contraction; the smell of camphor or musk stimulates brain activity. The aroma of jasmine enhances a person’s performance and gives peace of mind, the aroma of roses lifts the mood, driving away sad thoughts and improves mood, the aroma of violets gives strength and optimism. Such properties of plant odors began to be used in a special healing technique - aromatherapy.

People began to use a large number of essential oils in perfumery, obtaining them by extraction from living plants. Ancient Egypt considered the birthplace of perfume. The Egyptians began making incense for temples and later for cosmetic purposes. The beauty of the human body Ancient Greece was elevated to a cult, the Greeks believed that the smell of flowers was a complementary element in overall harmony.

Flowers with a strong aroma and beautiful long-lasting flowering are a real decoration of the garden and home flower beds. Last time fragrant plants steel is also particularly popular and widely used for home and interior decoration.

Popular flowers for the garden with a strong aroma

Fragrant annuals and pleasant-smelling perennials can be used for the garden. To get a spectacular and fragrant long time flowerbed, you need to know which are the most unpretentious garden plants form a fragrant flower.

The most fragrant flowers for the garden

Garden fragrant flowering crops can be annual or perennial, which allows you to create attractive compositions:

  • sweet pea– an annual plant with a pleasant, distinct aroma. It is distinguished by a variety of colors, which helps to create front gardens or flowerpots in different styles And color solutions. Bush-type varieties and hybrids look impressive in flower beds and ridges;

  • flowers Alyssuma or sea lobularia smell like honey and are not afraid of spring frosts, so they are ideal for growing in cold regions;
  • short Lily of the valley grows well in the shade. This perennial forms small flowers, and goes well with peonies and carnations;
  • the most common daffodils white-flowered and yellow-flowered varieties have a very subtle and very refined aroma, which new varieties and hybrid forms;
  • spring Hyacinths especially popular in early flower beds and flower beds. The plant is represented by numerous varieties with all kinds of flower colors, which allows you to choose best option for registration;

  • shade-loving viols It is best to sow before winter, which improves resistance to negative weather factors. This is an ideal solution for decorating difficult-to-cultivate areas and tree trunk circles garden plantings;
  • many varieties Carnations They are distinguished by flowers with a persistent aroma that can effectively repel mosquitoes and many plant pests. The most unpretentious species include lush, blue-gray and feathery carnations.

No less popular among gardeners are lilies, roses, chrysanthemums and peonies that bloom profusely with fragrant flowers.

Flowers that smell at night

The fragrant flower in the evening is popular in the design of garden areas and flower beds located in close proximity to the house. Night flowering plants or ornamental crops that smell amazing at night:

  • tropical annual Mirabilis is able to bloom profusely throughout the entire summer season, and forms delicious-smelling delicate white, pink, red and yellow inflorescences that open in the evening;
  • evening relatively small flowers of fragrant tobacco not only attractive, but also very fragrant. The most popular varieties include winged, forest and jasmine;
  • Name Mattiola known to many amateur flower growers. This annual opens its flowers to smell in the late afternoon and does not tolerate sunny areas, therefore it is sown in flower beds and flower beds in the shade of lilac or dahlia;

  • beautifully blooming Levkoy is a relative of matthiola, but the significant difference is represented by magnificent flowers with many shapes and colors;
  • garden Mignonette fragrant especially highly valued by landscape designers for beautiful shape leaves and a pleasant unusual aroma that persists at night;
  • night violet or Hesperis female is the most common decorative type of violet in home gardening, characterized by abundant flowering and a characteristic pronounced aroma.

annual flower Moonflower is best suited for decorating an evening garden, and delicate aroma worsens after sunset. The plant is best suited for areas with hot and sunny climates.

Fragrant flowers for the garden (video)

Spicy herbs and fragrant plants

Spicy-aromatic fragrant plants with characteristic healing properties, are widely cultivated in most regions of our country. The most popular plants include:

  • Peppermint, longleaf, curly, garden and apple are perfect for growing in garden plots, and are a valuable ingredient in salads, soups, meat dishes, various drinks and homemade baked goods;
  • Melissa officinalis is a popular perennial essential oil herbaceous plant, called lemon balm, which is due to the pleasant smell of lemon that the plant retains even when dried;
  • Catnip or catnip - the culture is not only useful, but also very decorative, thanks to its purple or lilac flowers, as well as grayish-blue leaves;

  • Oregano or oregano is a beautiful ornamental plant with a very pleasant aroma, which intensifies on sunny days. The flowers have an attractive pale lilac or pinkish color;
  • ordinary, creeping or lemon Thyme known as thyme or Bogorodskaya grass and has a delicious smell as well as a spicy taste;
  • Hyssop or blue St. John's wort refers to semi-shrubby spicy plants with a tart taste, blooming with attractive spike-shaped blue inflorescences;
  • essential oil and decorative Monarda or garden bergamot refers to medicinal and spicy-flavoring plants, and cut ones are bright red, pink, white or purple flowers Perfect for composing compositions.

  • medium-bodied spicy-aromatic Lovage has very beautiful pinnately dissected leaves and can become a real decoration not only for garden beds, but also for flower beds;
  • perennial spicy Fennel has bluish-green split leaves and a characteristic, very pronounced smell of anise, due to which it is widely used in soups, vegetable, fish and meat dishes;
  • Tarragon known to many as tarragon. The leaves of this medium-sized plant are widely used in a variety of fish dishes French cuisine and when preparing poultry.

No less popular among domestic gardeners are such spicy and aromatic crops as dill and basil.

Fragrant flowers for indoor growing

In the conditions of modern indoor floriculture, not only highly decorative, but also aromatic plants with a long flowering period:

  • madagascar jasmine or Stephanotis belongs to the semi-shrub vines, and prefers good lighting. The star-shaped white flowers have an exquisite aroma, but the perennial requires support and careful regular care;
  • capricious fragrant gardenia needs to good lighting, warmth and moisture, therefore most often grown only by experienced gardeners;
  • exotic Amazon lily or Eucharis has a very pleasant and delicate aroma. The bulbous perennial is distinguished by large dark green foliage and umbellate exquisite inflorescences;
  • Hoya or wax ivy forms flowers with a strong sweetish smell, which intensifies in the evening. The liana is unpretentious and drought-resistant, and also has attractive leathery leaves and long shoots.

Features of growing eucharis (video)

Any parts of the following indoor plants have a pleasant, pronounced aroma: ornamental crops:

  • coniferous plant Araucaria often grown at home and is characterized by a pleasant pine smell, and is also capable of saturating the air with beneficial phytoncides;
  • indoor mint or Plectranthus highly valued by indoor gardeners due to the ease of care and decorative attractiveness of the foliage;
  • evergreen perennial Myrtle has leathery leaves and single or numerous white flowers, collected in short racemes.

When placing fragrant plants in the house, you need to remember that fragrant crops are not recommended to be grown in the bedroom and children's room.

Fragrant ornamental shrubs and trees

This category of decorative fragrant crops is in great demand in the design of homestead landscapes. Many fragrant ornamental shrubs and trees go well with flowering and decorative deciduous annuals and perennials. The following are especially popular in home garden decor:

  • tall decorative witch hazel, which in early spring produces a huge number of yellow-orange flowers with a characteristic almond smell;
  • Extraordinarily attractive Mahonia Biel has a pronounced lily of the valley aroma, and reaches a height of two meters;
  • short ornamental shrub Daphne common blooms in early spring, immediately after the melting of the main snow mass and its aroma resembles garden lilacs;
  • Tall, unpretentious Japanese scarlet reaches a height of 6-7 meters and is distinguished by early spring flowering with inconspicuous flowers that have a characteristic smell of cinnamon, vanilla and caramel;

  • Medium-sized spikelet Corylopsis blooms in early spring with attractive yellow flowers with a slight scent reminiscent of primrose;
  • Tall and widespread bird cherry blooms with abundant and large white inflorescences in the last ten days of spring;
  • low growing shrub Fothergill the mountain one has a strong honey smell emitted by white May inflorescences;
  • Medium height Skimmia japonica distinguished by white flowers with a relatively subtle lily of the valley scent;

  • Common and Chinese lilacs forms inflorescences of various sizes and colors with a rich lilac smell;
  • Tall Rhododendron yellow has a sweetish smell that comes from golden inflorescences that bloom in the last ten days of spring;
  • The medium-sized and unpretentious ornamental shrub has a characteristic strong odor. Mock orange crown;

  • Popular Honeysuckle Honeysuckle characterized by long shoots and yellow flowers with a pleasant honey scent;
  • A profusely flowering medium-sized garden plant has a spicy and very pronounced smell.
    Calicant brownish-red flowering;
  • The garden plant has a long and very abundant flowering with a spicy aroma. Buddleya David, the height of which often exceeds a couple of meters.

Perhaps the most popular and widespread in landscape decoration is still the fragrant Viburnum with fragrant pink flowers.

Despite the fact that almost all fragrant flowers are among the unpretentious ornamental crops, to maintain their attractiveness and abundant flowering they must be provided with adequate care. Among other things, you need to remember that crops with a very pronounced trailing aroma cannot be planted under the windows of a bedroom or kitchen.

Rich and varied vegetable world of our planet. Flowers - amazing creatures. They are beautiful, gentle, perfect. And their amazing aroma captivates women and inspires perfumers all over the world. We present to you the favorites of the perfume industry.

Rose is the queen of perfumes. This flower with a warm, slightly spicy, sweetish odor was one of the first to be used by humans to produce essential oil. The aroma of a rose combines tenderness and regal splendor, beauty and inaccessibility. In perfumery they use Rosa Centifolia, which grows in Morocco and Grasse, and Rosa Damascene, which is grown in Turkey and Bulgaria.

It is impossible to imagine modern perfume production without lavender. Lavender exudes an attractive, pleasant scent that promotes calmness—the aroma of serenity. Endowed with the aroma of misty freshness, lavender is much loved by perfumers in all countries.

The elegant, sophisticated scent of jasmine makes it the king of flowers in perfumery. Its aroma is floral, fresh, light, with a sweet fruity nuance.

The flower is native to the Philippine and Comoros Islands. Ylang-ylang, which Filipinos call the “flower of flowers,” is considered the flower of seduction and pleasure. The unique aroma of ylang-ylang is the top note of the well-known Chanel No. 5 perfume.

5. Orange tree flower or orange blossom

The refined aroma of orange blossom is somewhat similar to the scent of jasmine, but shimmers with more honeyed and tart shades. Fresh, delicate and clean aroma - the aroma of happiness and love. It is not for nothing that the orange tree flower is called the “Flower of Happiness”, “the Flower of Brides”, “the Flower of Innocence”.

Thanks to its intoxicating, intoxicating and captivating aroma, tuberose is a symbol of forbidden pleasures and passion. The scent is very intense, like sweet honey, with hints of jasmine and orange, heavy and sensual. Essential oil This magnificent flower is considered one of the most precious floral oils in modern perfumery.

Gardenia flowers emit a sweet, silky scent reminiscent of jasmine. Gardenia symbolizes love, harmony and grace. Its warm, voluminous, but at the same time light and airy aroma is often used as the “heart” of floral perfume compositions.

The delicate, very fresh, tart, cool aroma of lily of the valley awakens sensuality and creates an atmosphere of love. This is the most spring smell; a scent that lifts your spirits and gives you confidence.

9. Lily, whether Asian or Oriental

Lily flowers have a pleasant, mysterious, exciting aroma. The Greeks attribute divine origin to the lily; among the Spaniards and Italians, as well as in other Catholic lands, the lily is considered a flower Holy Virgin, among the French in the Capetian and Bourbon eras, the lily was a symbol of royal power. Thick, slightly balsamic, with a sweet floral note, the scent of lily is intended for real kings and queens.

Hyacinth is a flower of love, happiness, fidelity. Its aroma is honey-sweet, floral, bright, with a hint of lily and jasmine, it makes you dizzy and excites. Perfumers often use the scent of hyacinth as top or middle notes.

11. Plumeria or frangipani

Plumeria is a tropical plant with amazingly beautiful flowers. correct form. Plumeria exudes a warm, sweet, deep floral aroma with soft fruity notes, attracting perfumers all over the world.

12. Tiare or Gardenia Tahitian

It is the national flower of French Polynesia and the Cook Islands. Graceful creamy white tiare flowers are endowed with a strong, pleasant, captivating aroma. The sweet, exotic scent of this flower conjures up images of calm seas, a spice island, and the lush vegetation of a tropical paradise.

Mimosa flowers have an extraordinary aroma; you can’t confuse it with anything else. Sweet, floral, woody, green, with a bitter honey note - this is the smell of spring, a holiday.

Peony in China is one of the most revered plants; they say about it: “a hundred roses in one flower.” Its subtle, sweet, floral aroma is reminiscent of old roses. The romantic aroma of love of this flower has taken its rightful place in perfumery.

Narcissus flowers have a strong, sweetish, slightly bitter, intoxicating smell. Early spring permeated with this evocative aroma. Narcissus absolute is very rare and expensive, it is used only in high-end perfumes.

Flowers are one of the most beautiful gifts to people from Mother Nature. Various flowers in the culture of the peoples of the Earth they symbolize love, friendship, sympathy and many other positive feelings. And if we give someone a bouquet of flowers, we thereby want to show our affection or respect. In this rating we have collected the ten most pleasant-smelling flowers so that you can create the most fragrant bouquet of aromas on occasion.

This perennial flower from the Passionflower family, which includes over 500 species. One of the most beautiful passion flowers is Blue Passionflower, a plant purple with white stripes.

Different types of passion flowers have medicinal properties, but are known more for their exotic and very pleasant smell. The plant blooms during the rainy season and grows in places where there is frequent rainfall.

The Italian Giacomo Bosio described the passion flower as the natural embodiment of the Passion of Christ.

  • The three stigmas of the pestle are the nails with which the Son of God was nailed to the cross.
  • The stamens are the five wounds of Christ.
  • The outer crown is the crown of thorns, and the 72 threads of the inner crown are its thorns.
  • The spear-shaped leaves of passionflower symbolize the spear of Longinus.
  • The symbol of the 30 pieces of silver of Judah became the pieces of iron on the reverse side of the sheet.

The appearance of this climbing plant with clusters of large purple flowers - a sure sign of spring. Only at this time of year it smells sweetly, for which gardeners love it. The name “wisteria” itself is translated from Greek as “sweet”.

In Russia, wisteria is found in the south, including Crimea. It can also be grown at home, in the form of a bonsai.

This is the national flower of Nicaragua, so honored due to its amazing beauty and pleasant scent. It is also known as frangipani, named after the noble Italian family who created the plumeria-scented perfume.

The delicate aroma of these flowers cannot be described in one word, because it changes depending on environmental conditions. It manifests itself most clearly in the morning hours.

Frangipani oil extracts are often added to face creams and skin cleansers. They have regenerating, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

These tiny white-yellowish flowers, about 5mm in diameter, grow in the Mediterranean region. During the spring season, they exude a pleasant aroma and are perfect for making wreaths.

You can plant sea lobularia in a pot and it will bloom in the sun and shade. This flower is widely used as an ornamental plant; it is unpretentious and requires minimal investment of time and money.

The bright ornamental plant is one of the most fragrant flowers on Earth and has been grown for over 300 years. Sweet peas come in a variety of shades, from red to pink and yellow to white. It can often be seen in Russian gardens and dachas.

However there is certain types sweet pea, which, contrary to their name, do not have a pleasant smell. Therefore, before purchasing seeds of this plant, carefully read the product description.

This plant has another name - Four o'clock - which gives an idea of ​​its main feature. The flowers of the night beauty open in the middle of the day and remain open throughout the night.

Gardeners usually plant night beauty to the patio or closer to the windows to enjoy the pleasant smell that is strongly felt in the evening. The plant is unpretentious, can grow in both sun and shade, and needs very little water.

If you love chocolate, then this flower is for you. Chocolate cosmos (aka black cosmos) is distinguished from its “brethren” by its unique reddish-brown color and sweet, delicious aroma of vanilla and chocolate. And the heat makes this smell surprisingly rich.

Just don’t eat black cosmos, even if you really want chocolate. She's poisonous.

This plant was previously found only in its homeland - Mexico - and was considered endangered for a long time. Now you can buy its seeds in Russian specialized online stores. However, keep in mind that they have poor germination and most often propagate cosmos by dividing the tubers.

This genus of tropical plants was named after the famous Scottish botanist Alexander Garden. Gardenia flowers are a common decoration for weddings because they have important religious significance and retain their beauty and fragrance, reminiscent of jasmine, for a long time. White color gardenia symbolizes purity and innocence, and perfectly complements the bride's dress.

In large quantities, the intoxicating aroma of gardenias can “clog” all other odors in the garden. These fragrant beauties are finicky to care for and susceptible to aphids and powdery mildew.

In second place in the top 10 most fragrant flowers is the sweet-smelling white jasmine. This is a flower of the tropics, but its smell is familiar Russian women. After all, jasmine is used to make many cosmetic products, from shampoos and hand creams to perfumes and face masks.

Jasmine flowers are the source of one of the most pleasant and popular fragrances in the world. However, they are also used in cooking, giving a unique smell to tea and desserts, as well as in folk medicine, for example for skin diseases and as an antidepressant.

1. Rose

There is no other flower on Earth that can be compared with beauty and aroma blooming rose. Depending on its color, it is a symbol of love, passion, nobility, purity, virginity and spiritual unfoldment. And the rarest rose in the world is the black rose, growing in Turkey in the village of Halfeti. Surprisingly, its petals are initially dark red, and only acquire a rich charcoal color towards the end of summer. This is explained by the properties of the soil that is washed away groundwater with very high level pH.

There are ten of the most fragrant varieties of roses according to the American Rose Society. These include:

  1. Aida;
  2. Duftwolke;
  3. Mr. Lincoln;
  4. Tiffany;
  5. Dublin;
  6. Captain Harry Stebbings;
  7. Royal Highness;
  8. Limelight;
  9. ‘Miss All-American Beauty;
  10. Folklore.

Queens of flowers demand large quantity sunlight, warmth and frequent pruning, but their wonderful aroma more than makes up for all the difficulties in care.

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