Causes of hellish headaches. Features of wandering headache

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Most patients do not think about why they have headaches, trying to eliminate the unpleasant discomfort with the help of pills. Severe migraine attacks are most often a symptom of a disease, the cause of which must be established before treatment begins. Pain syndrome may be the only sign that allows timely diagnosis of a number of serious illnesses.

There are different types headaches. Depending on the type of cephalgia, specific diagnostic methods are used and treatment is prescribed.

  1. Primary is a pathology in itself. This could be: cluster syndrome, migraines, tension headaches.
  2. Secondary pain is a sign of some disease. What factors can trigger an attack: neck and head injuries, infections and medications, drugs and “fun” cocktails, neoplasms of the “gray matter”.

Headaches are very common due to neuralgia, which affects representatives of both sexes. Crises can last from 2-3 seconds to 5-6 minutes, repeat and are characterized by varying degrees of intensity. The syndrome is caused by pinching of one of the nerve endings.

In practice, doctors most often use the pathogenetic classification of cephalalgia, which links types of headaches with pathophysiological development. According to this technique, the following types of syndrome are distinguished:

  • vascular spasms;
  • HDN and liquorodynamic crises;
  • mixed and neuralgic attacks;
  • psychological pain.

Frequent severe headaches, the cause of which cannot be determined, requires urgent intervention if it does not go away within 24 hours, worsens with coughing, sneezing, and is accompanied by fever, vomiting and weakness.

Correct classification of cephalalgia is the key to successful therapy. The method of therapy depends on the type of headache throbbing pain. Seizures in children require urgent consultation with a doctor.

Origin of primary headache

Migraine is the most common cause of cephalalgia. Migraine syndrome has characteristic features; a description of the crisis is sometimes enough to diagnose the disease. But during the examination, it is necessary to exclude the presence of “gray matter” tumors, which can lead to irreversible consequences.

Migraine headaches can be triggered by:

  1. Stress, emotional overstrain.
  2. Some products: nuts, chocolate, hard cheeses, spicy and smoked products.
  3. "Entertainment" cocktails.
  4. Mental and physical stress.
  5. Lack of rest or, conversely, prolonged sleep.
  6. Tobacco smoke.
  7. A sharp change in climate conditions.

A doctor can determine why a headache hurts only after a comprehensive diagnosis, based on the results of which an appropriate course of therapy will be prescribed. If there are no organic changes, the patient is advised to take medications to get rid of the symptoms of cephalgia.

Mental stress can trigger migraines

Migraine headache, depending on the type, which depends on the exact diagnosis, is recognized by the following signs:

  • unilateral pulsating spasms;
  • intense pain accompanied by vomiting and dizziness;
  • increased sensitivity to sharp sounds and light;
  • a crisis without therapy lasts from 4 hours to several days.

Sometimes a simple attack can acquire a protracted head start and transform into a status that is a dangerous condition and requires emergency proper treatment. In the absence of adequate therapy, there is an increased risk of cerebral stroke.

Cluster acute headache - histamine or cluster. This is a very intense one-sided syndrome. Localized in the temporal region, lasting 2-3 seconds or several minutes, but in successive attacks.

Characteristic signs of severe headache are redness of the eyes, increased tearing, rhinorrhea, nasal congestion, excessive sweating on the face, constriction of the pupil. Cluster syndrome is sometimes so severe that some patients have attempted suicide as a result.

Another characteristic symptom is that only Indomethacin helps get rid of headaches, and the spasms are exclusively one-sided.

Etiology of the secondary syndrome

Headache is a consequence of a pathology, which most often the patient already knows about. Secondary attacks of cephalgia can be presented:

  1. Post-traumatic crises due to TBI or neck injury.
  2. Bursting, intense headaches caused by vascular diseases.
  3. Spasms due to intracranial disease of a non-vascular nature.
  4. A syndrome that develops as a result of the use of certain drugs or their withdrawal.
  5. Infection crisis.
  6. Spasms developing as a result of diseases internal organs.

Symptoms of headaches can occur due to structural disorders of the brain, cervical region, organs of hearing and vision, diseases of the nasopharynx, neoplasms of the “gray matter,” and dental ailments.

Neck injuries can trigger secondary attacks of cephalgia

Overvoltage syndrome: causes

HDN is the most common. A similar headache can occur in any person; attacks occur with a certain frequency or become chronic. To prevent further development of the pathology, it is necessary to begin treatment as soon as possible.

Causes of tension headaches:

  • increased fatigue, as evidenced by a “shaky” emotional state;
  • mental, psychological disorders: depression, anxiety;
  • predisposition to constant headaches;
  • excessive intellectual and physical activity;
  • lack of rest, insomnia.

Overexertion headache and its symptoms consist of squeezing spasms, usually this syndrome is aching, pulling, and constant. HDN does not intensify during movement, being evenly distributed over the entire surface.

If the syndrome makes itself felt once, the patient needs to lie down to regain strength or take analgesics. But if pain in the head occurs constantly, this indicates that you need to reconsider your habits and consult a doctor.

TTH is observed during low carbohydrate diets. Constant pain may be a sign of insufficient brain nutrition. If the syndrome worsens, you should immediately visit a therapist

Cluster crises in men

Women suffer from CG very rarely and only after gynecological operations. Cluster headaches have causes and symptoms that are similar to migraines and have some differences - a series of attacks haunts the patient throughout the day or week only at night.

The crisis lasts from 30 seconds to 2-3 minutes, then the spasms subside for 5 minutes or an hour before returning again. And so on up to 6 times a night for 3-4 days.

The causes of headaches in such cases are not fully established, as is the pattern of development of the syndrome. But doctors suggest that the sources of cluster spasms are:

  1. Dilatation of the artery (carotid).
  2. Irritation of the nerve endings located behind the eye sockets.
  3. Hormonal disorders: structural destruction of testosterone.

Headaches in men are accompanied by severe spasms that reach the very “gray matter”. The signs of GKB are quite eloquent:

  • the ears are blocked, accompanied by a sharp bursting pain behind the pupils;
  • the eyes become red and there is tearing;
  • stuffy nose;
  • the person begins to sweat heavily.

In the first crisis, the spasms are one-sided; in the second crisis, the discomfort spreads over the entire surface of the head. Cluster headaches do not require treatment at home, traditional methods will not give the desired therapeutic effect. To eliminate pathological symptoms, the help of a qualified doctor is required.

Eye redness and watery eyes are signs of tension-type headache

Attacks of cephalalgia during pregnancy

While waiting for the baby, the pathological symptoms observed before may worsen. But frequent headaches in pregnant women occur for the following reasons:

  1. Hormonal imbalance: cephalgia constantly occurs, mood changes, you want to sleep.
  2. Low pressure: intense headaches, causes and treatment, which are closely interrelated, most often occur in the back of the head, accompanied by dizziness and increased fatigue.
  3. Problems with sleep, disruption of wakefulness and rest.
  4. Irritants: with a headache while expecting a child, a woman becomes very emotional, external factors lead to spasms.
  5. Changes in the menu: when replacing foods familiar to the body, migraine attacks occur.
  6. Overstrain, emotions.

Your doctor will be able to tell you how to get rid of a headache after a full examination. But the first thing you need to do is to maintain the correct daily routine and protect yourself from unnecessary worries.

Drug treatment of headaches involves taking antispasmodics: “No-shpy”, “Drotaverine”. Paracetamol will also help relieve cramps, but it can only be used from the 2nd trimester. It is forbidden to take potent drugs that can quickly relieve pain; they are contraindicated during pregnancy.

Headaches may worsen during pregnancy

Diagnostic technique for cephalgia

When visiting a doctor with complaints about how to relieve a headache, a person goes through several stages of examination. During the interview, the doctor clarifies the duration and nature of the discomfort, its location, and identifies provoking and accompanying irritants.

For an initial diagnosis, it is enough to consult an ophthalmologist, dentist, otolaryngologist, or neurologist. But a number of techniques will help you determine how to cope with headaches:

  • EEG – allows you to study the performance of the “gray matter” in general, detect deviations from the norm, establish vascular disorders, hematomas, neoplasms;
  • radiography - makes it possible to determine the presence of sinusitis, trauma, hydrocephalus;
  • MRI is used to detect blood flow disorders in the “gray matter”, neoplasms, consequences of a stroke, and other pathologies. Based on the results obtained, the doctor will be able to determine how to relieve the headache;
  • CT scan – detects hemorrhages, disorders of the structure of brain tissue and arteries. Computed tomography allows you to determine the presence of neoplasms, aneurysms, cysts, atherosclerosis, thrombosis;
  • electromyography – used to diagnose pathologies of the neuromuscular structure, damage to nerve fibers, and also helps determine how to deal with headaches;
  • Ultrasound – diagnoses atherosclerosis, various vascular pathologies, blood flow disorders, aneurysm.

Laboratory research techniques are used to detect inflammation, autoimmune pathologies and infectious diseases. Also, based on the results obtained, the doctor will be able to determine how to treat the headache.

EEG will help diagnose cephalalgia

Therapy for cephalalgia at home

Various types of headaches and the causes of the pathological condition can be eliminated with the help of medications prescribed by a doctor after examination. Independent methods syndrome control and prevention include:

  1. Light exercises for the muscles of the neck and back that soothe tense tissues.
  2. Breaks during work.
  3. Reducing the amount of caffeine consumed.
  4. Correct daily routine with walks fresh air and rest.
  5. Sleep for 8 hours in a ventilated room.
  6. A balanced diet that will cleanse the body of toxins.
  7. Warm baths with the addition of a decoction of medicinal herbs will help quickly relieve headaches.
  8. Physical activity: swimming, roller skating.
  9. Refusal from “recreational” cocktails and tobacco products.
  10. A doctor can tell you how to quickly relieve pain in osteochondrosis, but a special orthopedic mattress and a pillow will help reduce tension in the muscles of the neck and back.

Preventive measures have a beneficial effect on the blood vessels of the brain and the functioning of internal organs in general. But before you start doing them, you need to find out why your head hurts.

Non-drug therapy for spasms involves silence, complete rest in a dark, ventilated room. The use of tinctures and herbal decoctions is permissible only after consultation with a doctor.

If the syndrome does not go away and becomes more intense, you should not decide on your own how to quickly get rid of a headache, but consult a therapist. The pathological condition can be a symptom of a dangerous disease - a malignant brain tumor, stroke.

Sleeping for 8 hours in a ventilated room will help eliminate headaches

Drug treatment of cephalgia

Severe spasms, regardless of their cause and etiology, cannot be endured without taking any measures; in case of intolerable syndrome, painkillers should be used. Depending on the type of cephalgia and its etiology, the following drugs are indicated:

  1. "Paracetamol". A gentle antipyretic, pain-relieving medication, approved for use by children and women in an “interesting” position. It removes moderate spasms caused by infectious or cold pathologies, inflammation.
  2. "Migrenol." A combination drug in which the active ingredient, paracetamol, is supplemented with caffeine. The medicine is allowed to be used by hypotensive patients to eliminate the pathological syndrome caused by changing weather conditions, migraines, VSD, and low blood pressure.
  3. "Solpadeine." Anti-spasm product with caffeine and codeine. How to get rid of pain with their help is described in detail in the instructions. But the doctor can prescribe his own regimen of the drug depending on the course of the syndrome and the presence of chronic pathologies. The medicine is indicated for use for severe spasms.
  4. "Analgin." An effective painkiller will quickly relieve painful discomfort, but with prolonged use it has a negative effect on the blood, inhibiting the reproduction of white blood cells.
  5. "Sedalgin Plus". An analgesic containing the beneficial substance B1, caffeine. The medicine quickly relieves attacks caused by low blood pressure, migraines, emotional overstrain, chronic fatigue and colds.
  6. "Ibuprofen." The remedy can make severe pain less pronounced. It is used to treat cephalalgia of various origins.
  7. "Spazmalgon." Analgesic with spastic action. The drug is recommended for syndrome developing against the background of vascular spasms.
  8. "Brustan". A combination medication that combines two components - ibuprofen and paracetamol. Used to eliminate severe discomfort when other medications are not effective.

How to calm a headache, because constantly using medications and combining them with alcoholic drinks is not recommended. The doctor must prescribe a specific medicine and its dosage, depending on the severity of the syndrome and the individual reaction of the patient.

For severe headaches, you should take painkillers

Essential oils for cephalalgia

The aroma of the essential oil should be pleasant to the patient, then the aromatic remedy can not only reduce the intensity of spasms, but also quickly eliminate them.

How to cure headaches with essential oils:

  • Mix geranium and ylang-ylang, 2 drops each, rub into the temple area;
  • pine oil – 3 drops, geranium – 2 drops, lemon juice – 2 drops. Mix everything well, rub into whiskey;
  • rosemary and mint oil - a few drops each, eucalyptus - 3 drops. Apply to the temple area;
  • add lemon, mint, pine oil 2 drops each to the aroma lamp. Lie down and enjoy the pleasant aroma;
  • if the crisis occurred as a result of overwork, you should relax in the bathroom: add geranium and heel oils - 4 drops each, orange 2 drops each. You can drop 4 parts of lavender oil and 2 parts of ylang-ylang.

Aromatic oils will help with mild migraine attacks. To prevent unpleasant discomfort from returning, you should consult a therapist about what to do if you have a headache. Based on the examination results, the doctor will be able to prescribe appropriate therapy.

There are many reasons for simple pain. All pathological conditions require different treatment tactics and diagnostic techniques; some do not pose a serious threat, others are dangerous to human life and health.

If painful symptoms constantly return and become pronounced, immediate action must be taken. Self-medication in this situation is not recommended; it can only worsen the course of the pathology and complicate further therapy. To combat the syndrome, it is necessary to determine its root causes and eliminate irritating factors.

There is no condition that is more common and has more numerous and varied causes than headaches.
Also G.A. Zakharyin wrote in 1889: “Painful conditions soft parts head and bones of the skull and face, so many nerves of the head, organs of higher senses, and most importantly the brain, in which, in addition to its independent lesions, disorders in all other parts of the body are affected in different ways, these are the reasons for the frequency of headaches or severity.” A headache is any painful sensation in the head area.

Possible causes of headaches

Every person, even healthy ones, has had a headache at some point. Any cold with an increase in temperature, such as acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, will definitely give an intense headache. Stress, changes in weather conditions, overeating and undereating, sleep disorders, overheating and hypothermia, physical overexertion, smoking, alcohol, any disease or condition leading to oxygen starvation and insufficient nutrition of the brain and its membranes will lead to headaches. Headache is present in many diseases, and sometimes can be the only and leading manifestation of the disease. Headache can be caused by pathology of any structures of the head and neck.

The development of headaches is based on irritation of pain receptors in the dura mater, brain arteries, trigeminal, glossopharyngeal, vagus nerves and skin nerves, head muscles, and cervical spinal roots. The most severe headaches occur when the blood vessels, cranial nerves, and dura mater are irritated, since they are richly supplied with nerve sensory receptors responsible for pain sensitivity. Neurochemical changes cause headaches and affect the emotional-behavioral aspect of pain perception. The emotional component determines the degree of suffering, facial expressions, gestures, posture, and verbal description of pain.

The headache can be throbbing, squeezing, bursting, or dull; mild, moderate and severe, unilateral and bilateral, frontal with a feeling of pressure on the eyes, temporal, parietal, occipital; different duration and frequency; with and without harbingers; with and without concomitant neurological symptoms; with increased blood pressure and decreased blood pressure; with nausea and vomiting; with dizziness; with visual impairments... as you can see, the variety of suffering and combinations are enormous. Intensity, duration, localization, nature of the course, recurrence are important for making a diagnosis.

A healthy person can sometimes get a headache, but intense, new pain, often recurring, of the same type, and growing pain should definitely lead to a doctor. The main thing is not to miss a serious illness by becoming addicted to analgesics.

According to the international classification, headaches are distinguished:
- migraine,
- tension headache,
- cluster headache,
- headache not associated with structural brain damage,
- for traumatic brain injuries,
- for vascular diseases,
- for diseases of intracranial structures,
- when taking medications, chemicals and their withdrawal,
- for infections,
- for metabolic disorders,
- with pathology of the cranial nerves.

Headache can be primary, that is, be the main manifestation of the disease: tension headache, migraine, cluster headache, idiopathic headache, pain from external compression, cold pain, pain during physical exertion, sexual activity.

Cluster headache

Secondary headache is a headache as a manifestation of another disease: head injury, vascular diseases, intracranial diseases, infection and intoxication, metabolic disorders. Secondary headaches can result from a myriad of causes, ranging from life-threatening ones such as brain tumors, strokes, meningitis and subarachnoid hemorrhages to less serious but common causes such as caffeine abuse and analgesic (pain medication) withdrawal. Many people suffer from a "mixed" type of tension headache, in which a secondary headache can cause a migraine.

Diseases for which headache may be a symptom

Headache is an obligatory symptom in vascular diseases: vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypertension, transient ischemic attack, stroke, subarachnoid hemorrhage, intracerebral hematoma, vascular malformation, arteritis, venous discirculation.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia can give a very diverse headache and its combination with dizziness, nausea, neurotic disorders, and fluctuations in blood pressure. Exacerbations more often occur with changes in weather conditions and neuro-emotional overload.

At hypertension headache is most often localized in the occipital region, bursting, combined with heat in the head, dizziness, noise in the head, flashing “spots” before the eyes, staggering, nausea, pain in the heart.

Venous dysfunction will give a dull bilateral headache in the evening and morning time, heaviness in the head, pressure, distension.

At acute stroke its first symptom will be an intense, sharp headache.

At temporal arteritis– throbbing severe headache in the temporal region.

Headache when vascular diseases combined with impaired cognitive functions, asthenia, and emotional lability.

Headache occurs when traumatic brain injuries– bruises, concussion, brain contusion, compression of the brain, epi- and subdural hematomas. Acute traumatic brain injury is always accompanied by headache. Depending on the severity of the injury and the degree of loss of consciousness, the pain will vary in intensity and location, accompanied by nausea and vomiting. There is a delayed headache with traumatic hematomas, that is, immediately after the injury everything is fine (“bright interval”), but after some time the condition worsens, intense headache and focal neurological symptoms appear. Headache can be a consequence of a traumatic brain injury if there is a violation of cerebrospinal fluid dynamics.

Headache will be a symptom meningitis, encephalitis, infectious viral and bacterial nature, viral infections. Acute infection always debuts with high fever and headache, diffuse, bursting, heaviness, with a feeling of pressure on the eyes and ears, often with nausea and vomiting. In the future, neurological symptoms are added in the case of meningitis and encephalitis, in the case of acute respiratory infections - runny nose, sore throat, cough...

Headache occurs with single or prolonged taking nitrates, alcohol, ergotamine, analgesics, caffeine, drugs, contraceptives, hormonal drugs.

Headache will occur when hypoxia of any origin.

Headache will be a symptom of eye diseases - glaucoma, strabismus, refractive errors. With glaucoma, the patient may experience a headache that is dull, aching in nature, often combined with pain inside the eye, behind the eye. The patient feels a feeling of fullness, heaviness behind the eye and in the head. This is primarily due to high intraocular pressure.

Headache will be present when diseases of the ear and paranasal sinuses, teeth. The localization of pain will correspond to the area of ​​inflammation - above the maxillary sinus or above the frontal sinus, shooting in the ear, associated with jaw movement and chewing.

Headache is a mandatory symptom neuralgia of the cranial nerves: trigeminal, glossopharyngeal, occipital. This is a short-term, paroxysmal, very severe pain, stabbing, “shooting,” “like an electric shock,” in the area of ​​innervation of the affected nerve. More often, an attack is provoked by talking, swallowing, chewing, brushing teeth, shaving, washing cold water, emotions, physical activity, touching trigger points. The patient freezes from intense pain, does not speak, does not eat. There is no pain during the interictal period.

Headache occurs when pathology cervical spine spine– degenerative-dystrophic pathology, instability of the cervical vertebrae, discogenic radicular symptoms. In this case, the head hurts more often in the occipital or occipital-parietal region and neck, the pain is associated with turning the head, tilting the head forward, and the neck muscles are also painful. The pain can be dull and severe, or it can be intense, long-lasting, often unilateral, with possible irradiation to the shoulder girdle and arm. Cervicogenic headache is provoked by mechanical factors - movements in the cervical spine, forced uncomfortable long-term posture, hypothermia, external pressure on the neck muscles or spinous processes of the cervical spine.

Headache may be a symptom of metabolic disorders with cancer, diabetes, kidney failure. The headache is dull, severe, aching, constant or increasing, accompanied by cognitive impairment and asthenia.

Headache due to infectious diseases

Headache is a fairly common symptom of infectious diseases. Most often this is a consequence of intoxication, i.e. the impact of microorganism toxins on the body of a sick person (most often with influenza, ARVI). In this case, headache occurs against the background of typical signs of intoxication - increased body temperature, sometimes chills, muscle aches, pain in the eyes. Most often, headaches with colds and flu are of moderate intensity, and go away after taking antipyretics.

However, headache is also a characteristic sign of a serious disease - meningococcal infection. In the most dangerous forms of meningococcal infection - meningococcemia (when microorganisms enter the blood) and meningococcal meningitis (when the meninges are damaged) - headache is one of the first symptoms. Meningococcal infection is extremely dangerous; there are fulminant forms of the disease that lead to death within a few hours; Timely diagnosis of the disease is extremely important for successful treatment.

In all cases, in addition to headaches, there are symptoms of underlying diseases. Differential diagnosis is carried out by a doctor.

Examination of a patient with headache

Given the variety of causes that can cause headaches, the patient needs a comprehensive examination. Consultations with an ophthalmologist, therapist, neurologist, and, if necessary, a neurosurgeon and infectious disease specialist are necessary.

Of the laboratory tests, the most commonly used are a general blood test, sugar, lipid profile, and then as needed. Functional examination includes Doppler ultrasound, electroencephalography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, examination of the cervical spine and thyroid gland. The scope of prescribed examinations is individual and is prescribed taking into account all the patient’s complaints and detected somatic diseases.

Headache treatment

Treatment for headaches depends on the type and severity of the headache and other factors such as the patient's age. Treatment of headaches, as a symptom of these diseases, consists of treating the underlying disease. Having established an accurate diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe treatment.

To relieve acute headaches, they use analgesics - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - paracetamol, ibuprofen and combination drugs based on them with the addition of antispasmodics, caffeine - solpadeine, pentalgin, panadol, imet, noshpalgin... tablets and capsules, instant powders and effervescent tablets - a huge arsenal in fight pain. You can take it once or twice on your own, but long-term use is unacceptable - you need to go to the doctor, look for and eliminate the cause of the headache.

Depending on the diagnosis, valproates, gabapentins, muscle relaxants, sedatives, B vitamins, venotonics, diuretics, antioxidants, neuroprotectors, and vascular drugs can be used.

Physiotherapy can be used for treatment - darsonvalization of the head and cervical-collar area, electrophoresis, acupuncture, massage, water procedures, sanatorium and resort treatment. I repeat once again - the doctor will prescribe treatment individually. You cannot choose a drug from the proposed list and undergo treatment yourself. The doctor will explain what means you can use to stop an attack specifically in your case, what to take as a preventive measure. After all, if the cause of the headache is, for example, a brain tumor, you can’t cure it with pills, you will need an operation in the neurosurgical department. Abuse of analgesics as self-medication can cause a number of side effects from the outside gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys.

Consultation with a doctor regarding headaches

Question: What is an overuse headache?
Answer: This is a headache caused by regular chronic use of drugs - analgesics - aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, barbiturates, benzodiazepine drugs, ergotamine. Chronic use of tablets becomes a “lifestyle”, the analgesic effect decreases, the number of tablets increases.
An overuse headache should occur for at least 15 days a month, intensify when the drug is discontinued, and resolve approximately a month after the drug is discontinued. Treatment requires discontinuation of the drug on an outpatient or inpatient basis with the prescription of symptomatic medications to relieve side effects. For prevention, it is necessary not to abuse these groups medicines.

Question: how to reduce headaches with a cold?
Answer: take quickly soluble forms of medications - Coldrex, Fervex, Solpadeni, imet with noshpa, you can rub your temples and forehead with fresh lemon, take hawthorn compote, multivitamins.

Question: Which headache is especially dangerous?

  • If the headache is accompanied by vomiting, especially when vomiting does not provide relief
  • If the headache does not go away after taking antipyretics and painkillers
  • If neck pain makes it difficult to lift your head from the pillow from a lying position
  • If any disturbances of consciousness occur
  • When a rash appears. Meningococcal infection is characterized by a hemorrhagic rash - i.e. small hemorrhages in the skin, which look like dark red spots that do not protrude above the skin level and do not turn pale when pressed. They most often occur on the buttocks, legs, and abdomen, and then can spread throughout the body.

Doctor – neurologist Kobzeva S.V.

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There is probably not a person in the world who does not experience what we call “a splitting headache.” In some cases, you can solve the problem yourself, in others you should immediately go to the doctor.

To accept the right decision, website collected for you detailed instructions about how to determine the type of headache, find the cause and alleviate your condition.

Tension headache

It is also called tension. This is the most common type of headache in the world - each of us has experienced it at least once in our lives.

Signs. This is usually a mild, non-pulsating pain. There is a feeling of pressure around the top of your head, as if you were wearing a helmet small size. It may seem that the muscles of the forehead and eyes are very tense and cannot be relaxed. The intensity often increases in the evening.

Reasons. Tension pain can be associated with severe stress, overwork, poor posture and uncomfortable head position long time. Chronic is rare (less than 3% of cases) and is often associated with injuries to the muscles of the head and neck.

How to treat. To get rid of such a headache, a painkiller is usually enough. However, be careful: you should not abuse pills either. If the headache appears too often and does not go away for a long time, it is better to consult a doctor. Also try to do light exercise, regularly stretch your shoulders and neck, and spend more time outdoors to relieve stress.

Sinus headache

Occurs when the sinuses become inflamed. Accompanied by fever, swelling of the face, tension in the forehead and cheekbones.

Signs. Severe pressure and pain in the sinus area: forehead, eyebrows, area under the eyes. When you move your head suddenly or bend forward, the pain intensifies. The nose does not breathe, the congestion practically does not go away. Constant fatigue.

Reasons. Occurs due to infection and inflammation of the sinuses. Due to obstruction, pressure arises, lack of oxygen leads to fatigue. It may occur as a complication after a cold or be the result of seasonal allergies.

Treatment. This type of headache rarely goes away on its own. If you have allergies, antihistamines may help. Otherwise, you should see a doctor as soon as possible, who will likely prescribe antibiotics.


All migraine symptoms occur during an attack, which has 4 stages of development, although not all of them may be fully expressed.

Reasons. Migraine is often a disorder in metabolic processes or blood vessels of the brain. There is also a hereditary predisposition to the development of this disease.

How to treat. There is no cure for migraines completely. However, for many people it goes away on its own. There are many medications to relieve symptoms; your doctor will help you choose the right one. Exercising regularly and staying fit will also greatly improve your well-being.

Cluster headache

Signs. Pain in the eye area occurs more often at night, usually on one side of the head. The eyes may become red, teary, and severely sensitive to light. Last from 15 minutes to 1 hour and are repeated daily. And then they can disappear, sometimes even for several years.

Reasons are not known for sure, but may be related to a person’s biological clock, since pain occurs at certain times of the day.

Treatment. This type of pain is difficult to treat because it appears sporadically and can disappear just as unpredictably. Treatment only as prescribed by a doctor.


Reasons. There are a lot of guesses about exactly how alcohol contributes to headaches. One of them is that alcohol dilates blood vessels in the brain and disrupts the functioning of serotonin. Additionally, alcohol dries out the body, and dehydration is also known to trigger migraine attacks.

How to treat. The best remedy is a painkiller tablet, water and good sleep. But you shouldn’t joke about a hangover. If your head hurts even after a small dose of alcohol, it may be a mild form of migraine, and alcohol simply provokes attacks.

Head pain is a sign of a disorder in the functioning of cerebral circulation. This type of pain is most common in medical practice. This is not only an unpleasant consequence caused by a provocative external or internal factor, but also possible symptom diseases in the human body. First of all, it is important to determine the causes of regular headaches, this will help you choose a way to cope with them.

A persistent headache must have a cause, which can be caused by:

  • stressful situation;
  • lack or excess of sleep;
  • eye strain;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • long-term use of medications;
  • overweight;
  • head injury;
  • drinking alcohol;
  • chronic fatigue.

Stressful situations

Although minor stress does not harm the body, being in a constant state of stress and tension leads to daily headaches and insomnia.

Lack or excess sleep

Healthy sleep restores the physical and psychological state of the body as a whole. With a lack of sleep or, conversely, with too much sleep, headaches may occur, which over time can become regular. For normal functioning and the absence of unpleasant consequences, a person needs to sleep 6-7 hours a day.

Eye strain

When working for a long time with papers or in front of a computer monitor, with incorrectly selected glasses or not too bright lighting in the room, overstrain of the eye muscles occurs, which can provoke severe pain in the head.

Hormonal imbalance

Changes in hormone levels can cause headaches every day. Such changes in hormonal levels most often occur in women during the menstrual and premenstrual periods, during menopause or menopause, as well as pregnancy.

Taking medications

Long-term use of medications can also cause daily headaches, such as when taking painkillers. It may also be a signal that some medicine prescribed by the doctor is not suitable for you, and daily headaches are just side effect, which can be eliminated by replacing the drug with an analogue.


If you have a headache every day if you are overweight, this is a sign from your body of a possible illness.

Head injury

Head pain from a traumatic brain injury can last 2-8 weeks. If the attacks do not stop even after, you should consult a doctor due to chronic post-traumatic headache.

Alcohol consumption

A certain dose of alcoholic drink or poor tolerance to alcohol can lead to discomfort.

Possible consequences

Regular pain in the head is a consequence in itself that can occur if you start treating the disease; it can also be a signal from the body about the appearance of health problems. In addition, the pain can develop into a serious illness - migraine, if you do not take action to get rid of the pain. Consequences of daily headaches may also include:

  • dizziness,
  • nausea,
  • loss of strength,
  • vomit,
  • depression,
  • insomnia,
  • temperature, etc.

Headache is a possible symptom

Daily headaches vary in severity and frequency throughout the day, and can be a signal from the body about an illness. In addition, pain in the head may also be accompanied by other symptoms, such as dizziness, nausea, darkening of the eyes, vomiting, etc.
List of possible diseases with a similar symptom:

  • traumatic brain injury;
  • hypertension;
  • cancer;
  • osteochondrosis in the cervical region;
  • meningitis;
  • intoxication;
  • glaucoma;
  • diabetes;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • atherosclerosis.

We should also not forget that most often the cause of headaches that a person experiences every day can be fatigue, overexertion, etc.

Main types of pain

  1. Stress, pressure changes, active mental work and overexertion most often lead to regular pain in the temples. This is also caused by advanced migraines and long-term use of medications, to which the body can develop an addiction.
  2. If you have a headache in the back of your head every day, this may be a sign of high blood pressure, a disease of the cervical spine (for example, osteochondrosis) or severe stress on this area, as well as a sign of a neurological disease.
  3. In the frontal part of the head, pain may occur due to written work or long-term use of a computer, in a noisy or crowded place, due to visual strain. Pain in the frontal region can also be a signal of a number of diseases, such as:
    1. neoplasms or vascular diseases of the brain,
    2. illness associated with a mental state,
    3. chronic intoxication (infectious or toxic) and others.
  1. The reason why pain can occur in the morning and even last all day is lack of sleep or, conversely, too much sleep. In the latter case (and when daytime sleep every day) pain occurs due to an increase in the influx of a special fluid - cerebrospinal fluid, which washes the brain.
  2. If nausea or dizziness is added to your problem, in the first case this may be due to high or low blood pressure, obesity or intoxication of the body.
    In the second case, dizziness and fainting are added with severe injuries, with cerebral edema or with a severe migraine attack.
  3. Weakness in the form of tingling or numbness in the fingers and toes, as well as a feeling of heaviness in the back of the head, may be a sign of a serious illness, such as:
    1. meningitis,
    2. infection of the tissues of the brain or spinal cord,
    3. arthritis, etc.
  1. Temperature is usually added during colds and infectious diseases, meningitis and during the menstrual cycle.
  2. Throbbing pain is associated with:
    1. vegetative-vascular diseases,
    2. tumors,
    3. with mastocytosis,
    4. drinking alcohol or due to stressful situations.
  1. Pressive pain is a more common type of pain, usually due to overexertion or working too long, but can also be a symptom of brain abscess, encephalitis and other diseases.

What to do for headaches

First of all, you need to consult a doctor if you already have a headache every day. for a long time, therefore self-medication is recommended only in the initial period. Depending on the type of pain and its severity, the doctor will prescribe the necessary tests, which may include:

  • general and clinical blood test;
  • Doppler ultrasound (otherwise known as Doppler ultrasound) of the vessels of the cervical spine and head;
  • MRI of the cervical spine, brain, and back;
  • electroencephalography (otherwise EGG);
  • lipid profile;
  • consultation with an ophthalmologist, psychologist or other specialists.

It is important to find out the nature of the pain and identify the cause of its occurrence, and then get rid of it. Tablets (analgesics and painkillers) only temporarily reduce headaches and therefore are not a solution to the problem.

You can usually get rid of most types of headaches by doing the following:

  • taking a shower or warm bath;
  • a walk in the fresh air;
  • massage of the head, temples or back of the head;
  • physical warm-up of the shoulders and neck;
  • warm milk with a little honey or hot tea with valerian, lemon balm, motherwort and other herbs with a calming effect.
  • breathe fresh air more often (walk and ventilate the room where you are);
  • Avoid noise and harsh sounds if possible;
  • maintain a strict sleep schedule - sleep 6-7 hours per day;
  • avoid odors and strong tastes;
  • apply a cold compress to the forehead;
  • use aromatherapy with lemon, lavender, rose and other oils;
  • include more vegetables and fruits in your diet;
  • avoid sudden changes in temperature;
  • in cool weather, use a hat;
  • avoid stress and anxiety;
  • use deep breathing exercises that involve the abdominal muscles;
  • Doctors advise sleeping in a room with good ventilation and average temperature;
  • repeat eye exercises daily;
  • drink enough fluids throughout the day;
  • relax the muscles of the shoulders and neck with massage;
  • take vacation if possible;
  • turn on the TV or computer as little as possible;
  • plan rest and work time.

Prevention of headaches

Preventative actions are also important when getting rid of headaches in order to avoid their recurrence.

Some practical advice How to avoid headaches:

  1. do not slouch, do not lean on the armrests of the chairs, this causes the muscles of the neck, shoulders and head to tense;
  2. It is not recommended to make the chin a fulcrum (for example, press it to the chest);

A severe, sharp headache is often accompanied by nervous tension. That is why most people attribute such manifestations to overwork or basic fatigue.

Usually a person takes painkillers to relieve the painful condition. But even rarely occurring periodic pain should not be ignored.

After all, these symptoms may indicate a hidden pathology or the development of a serious disease. The advanced course of the disease can result in irreversible processes in the body.

A distinctive feature is the unexpectedness of the appearance of a sudden headache, the location, as well as the intensity and nature of the painful syndrome.

Depending on the cause of cephalalgia, an attack can occur rapidly, covering the head for several seconds. Be in the form of a short-term headache or, on the contrary, continue for several hours or even days.

After recovery and normalization of a satisfactory condition, the frequency between the appearance of acute headaches can be quite long.

Particularly dangerous is a sharp piercing pain that can shoot through the head. At the same time, the vision may darken, creating a feeling as if from a strong blow.

The appearance of piercing pain in the head indicates that a blood vessel may burst. This condition requires immediate hospitalization.

The best option when sharp and acute pain occurs is to contact a specialist. It is necessary to undergo a full examination to identify the cause of pain.

Types of headaches

When a person suddenly has a sharp headache, this is most often explained by neurological problems or vascular dysfunction.
Through numerous studies, scientists have identified about 200 types of sensations and about 45 types of cephalgia.

Severe headaches can be caused by many factors, each with varying symptoms. For example:

  • cluster pains occur more often in men and are one-sided in nature, for example, sudden cephalalgia piercing the temple in the left hemisphere for several seconds;
  • cervical osteochondrosis or myogelosis causes long-term or short-term headaches that appear due to muscle spasm or compression of the vessels of the cervical region;
  • inflammatory processes occurring in the trigeminal or occipital nerves cause sharp short-term pain in the back, which can pulsate to the back of the head or intensify with movements, turning the head or bending;
  • weather dependence can provoke a condition when a person suddenly begins to have a headache due to changes in weather.

Any acute manifestations may be a sign of serious disorders in the body. It is highly recommended not to self-medicate, so as not to pose a threat to your own life.

Let's look at the most common types of sharp stabbing pain.


Acute headache is a pronounced sign of the presence of an illness and unhealthy condition. Such pains are called symptomatic, as they arise due to certain disorders:

  • mechanical damage to the skull;
  • dysfunction of the cardiovascular system;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • infections, viruses, ;
  • metabolic or metabolic disorders, dysfunction of the facial structure, dental or cranial problems.

Each violation must be considered separately, dealing with the occurrence of prolonged or momentary sharp pain with the help of professionals.


Migraine or hemicrania is a disease of a neuralgic nature, characterized by one-sided (usually in the right half) short-term or.

This is one of the very common conditions that can affect both teenagers and adults. In most cases, migraine affects women, especially against the background of hormonal disorders, the onset of menopause or menstruation.

Often, such ailment begins with the appearance of precursors - sensitivity to light, sharp sounds, smells, unmotivated mood swings, depression or apathy.

Attacks can appear unexpectedly, develop rapidly within half an hour, or take quite a long time to pass. In most cases, an attack occurs when you get out of bed or at the moment when a person just wakes up.

Localization of acute headache can radiate to different points of the body - ear, eyebrow, temporal lobes, etc. The symptoms accompanying the disease are also of a different nature. It depends on the type of migraine.

For example, abdominal hemicrania is usually accompanied by vomiting, nausea, dizziness, bloating, or pain in the abdomen.

The provoking factors for the appearance of migraines are considered to be neuroses, stress, disturbances in the psycho-emotional state, lack of sleep, medications, etc.

Tension headache

Such sharp and acute pain is the most common type, affecting the age group from 20 to 35 years.

Acute paroxysms are very similar to cluster pain. However, they are highly sensitive to indomethacin.

Subarachnoid hemorrhage

With this pathology, hemorrhage occurs under the arachnoid membrane of the brain when a vessel aneurysm ruptures.

The anomaly can be either congenital or acquired. In the latter case, the provoking factors are atherosclerosis, autoimmune vasculitis, and smoking abuse.

An aneurysm is rarely accompanied by any symptoms. A vessel may burst due to a specific reason. In this case, a sharp and acute pain occurs in the back of the head, crown area, temples, eyes and frontal lobes.

Pituitary apoplexy

The pituitary gland is an endocrine gland located in the brain. Apoplexy refers to the effusion of blood into the tissue structures of the pituitary gland.

As a result of this process, a sudden increase in the size of the gland occurs, during which compression of adjacent vessels or nerve endings occurs.
Severe headaches are usually accompanied by blurred vision and confusion. Treatment involves surgery.

Harris migraine neuralgia

This species appears unexpectedly for no apparent reason. Severe attacks are otherwise called tension headache or cluster headache.

The pathology usually affects middle-aged men. Cutting pains usually occur at night. The location is on one side of the face, extending to the temple or eye.

Migraine cephalgia may be accompanied by increased tearing, sinus congestion (left or right), and redness of the affected facial area.

Pathology of the autonomic nerve ganglia

Pain in the area of ​​the facial structure associated with neuralgia of the branches of the nerves of the skull. The pathology is paroxysmal in nature.

Burning, piercing headaches occur in outbreaks, which tend to shoot through adjacent parts of the head and body.

When introduced into deeper structures, pain may radiate to the temple, crown, forehead or ear.

Mental or physical stress

A sharp headache does not necessarily occur due to the presence of pathology. Mental or physical stress is also a cause of cephalalgia.
This type of headache is the scourge of office workers or workaholics. Discomfort is easily eliminated by good rest and adherence to the regime.

Taking medications

Severe headaches can be caused by drug abuse. This type of cephalalgia is quite common. Another name for abuse pain.

Often occurs as a result of abandoning the usual painkillers. Sometimes acquired pathology has a complex course and long-term treatment. Therefore, drugs must be selected by a specialist and strictly individually.

How to get rid of cutting pain in the head?

A number of comprehensive measures will help eliminate acute and severe headaches:

  • taking painkillers prescribed by a doctor;
  • in case of stress, it is recommended to take a herbal medicine, for example, valerian or motherwort;
  • Regular filtered water will help ease the pain; adding lemon increases the effect by an order of magnitude;
  • various relaxation techniques help relieve pain;
  • massage of certain points of the head or body, for example, the second metacarpal bone, located between the thumb and index finger;
  • compliance with preventive measures.

If the attacks are constant, self-treatment at home will not provide the proper effect and relief. It is necessary to undergo a detailed medical examination.

Brain examination

For an initial appointment, you should contact a therapist or neurologist. The doctor will conduct a survey, give a referral to other specialists, as well as to undergo a brain examination:

  • laboratory tests (blood, urine);
  • MRI or CT (tomography of brain structures);
  • EEG (electroencephalography) to check brain activity;
  • Ultrasound for examination of blood vessels;
  • REG to identify pathologies of the cervical spine and skull bones;
  • fundus examination.

After establishing the cause of headache, the doctor prescribes a course of competent treatment with a long-lasting therapeutic effect.

First aid

First aid measures at home are as follows:

  • taking medications or folk remedies;
  • drinking plenty of water or herbal decoction;
  • taking a contrast shower or a warm, relaxing bath;
  • provide yourself with isolation from light or noise, lie down on a flat surface and rest;
  • Hot lotions on painful areas or, on the contrary, cold compresses (for example, an ice pack) help relieve the condition;
  • use of massage and relaxation techniques.

Treatment with folk remedies

Many people prefer to use folk natural remedies rather than chemical ones.
Apple recipe
If you have a sudden morning attack, it is recommended to eat a slice of apple sprinkled with salt. At the same time, drink plenty of warm water. The painful condition will gradually subside.
Mint recipe
Brew peppermint or dried lemon balm (1 tbsp) with a glass of boiling water, close the lid and let it brew for a while. Next, you need to strain the broth, adding a spoonful of honey. This is an excellent proven remedy for severe pain in the head.

Fast acting tablets

To get rid of severe acute pain in the head of a domestic nature, provoked by external factors, there are a lot of remedies that can be bought without a prescription.

How to prevent pain

Seizures can be prevented if you follow simple rules and recommendations from doctors:

  1. Introduce regular sports activities into your life, such as yoga, aerobics, running or brisk walking.
  2. Walking in the park area in the fresh air will provide the necessary amount of oxygen.
  3. At work, try to take at least a minute break every hour.
  4. Make it a rule to drink two liters of plain water daily, this will relieve the body from dehydration.
  5. It is recommended not to take large quantity coffee, eliminate alcohol and nicotine.
  6. A properly selected diet enriched with vitamins, iron and other beneficial microelements will help avoid irritation of pain receptors in the head.
  7. Following a daily routine, sleeping patterns and eating patterns will greatly facilitate the task of preventing severe headaches.

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