Air fryer: what it is, how it works and types of food prepared. Do you need an air fryer in the kitchen?

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On modern kitchens You can see a variety of useful equipment that helps you cook quickly and tasty. Among other multifunctional appliances that make healthy food, we can highlight the air fryer. Not everyone knows what this device is intended for. To answer the question: convection oven, what is it, let’s look at its structure and functions.

An air grill is a unit designed for cooking and processing food. In addition to direct cooking various dishes, you can defrost, reheat, preserve, etc. In a device such as a convection oven, the operating principle is to blow hot air over the food. It is also called a convection oven. This device consists of a glass bowl covered with a lid on top, which contains a heating element and a fan.

After turning on the device, the heating element begins to heat up to the desired temperature. Food can be cooked in it at temperatures from 60 to 260 degrees Celsius. The heated air is distributed inside the container using a fan. The round shape of the tank promotes uniform movement of hot masses, due to which the products are heated equally on all sides.

The special feature of the air fryer is that it allows you to cook food without the use of oils, which means that the food you get is healthy and nutritious. The set for the device usually contains several grids, a mesh baking sheet, skewers and tongs for removing food.

Fish and meat are cooked on grates, the baking tray is used for stewing and baking vegetables, etc. The operating principle of the unit makes it possible to cook several dishes in it at the same time. Since the tank is glass, you can watch the cooking process. The device has several cooking modes and a specific set of functions.

Device functions

This device can be considered universal, since you can cook almost all types of food in it. These can be first and second courses, pastries, desserts and much more. The air fryer has these ample opportunities, which can replace several devices at the same time. With it you can:

  • fry, bake and stew any food;
  • cook porridge and soups;
  • steam food;
  • make kebabs;
  • bake culinary products;
  • produce hot and cold smoking;
  • make fermented milk products (yogurt, kefir, etc.);
  • dry fruits, mushrooms, berries, etc.;
  • pickle, preserve;
  • reheat and defrost food;
  • make jam and jelly from berries;
  • make punch, mulled wine and other similar drinks.

An air grill can have a standard set of capabilities or be multifunctional. Devices with good functionality operate at three different speeds, thereby ensuring different processes. Depending on what dish you want to cook, the desired temperature regime.

Different device models have different sets of capabilities. The following air fryer functions are considered useful:

  • maintaining the temperature to keep the dish hot;
  • automatic heating
  • self-cleaning function;
  • timer with sound signal;
  • delayed start, which makes it possible to prepare the dish at the appointed time.

Criterias of choice

When buying an air fryer you need to pay attention to several important points. One of them is the volume of the bowl. The more spacious it is, the more products you can put in it at the same time. This is important because this device allows you to cook several dishes at once.

Some models have the ability to increase the volume of the tank if necessary. For example, when sterilizing jars, roasting whole poultry, etc. For this, an enlarger ring should be included in the kit.

If you plan to grill kebabs, make sure your kit includes skewers. Also a useful device would be special tongs for gripping ready-made food.

The presence of a removable wire will make the unit easy to clean. It will also be more convenient to store. Check that the protective grill can be easily removed. Then it will be easy for you to remove it and wash it separately from the device itself.

Pay attention to the type of heating element. Metal heating elements last about 10 years, while a halogen tube can last about three years.

Advantages of the device

The list of advantages of an air fryer is simply huge. Its wide capabilities will allow many consumers to lean in favor of choosing this particular type of household appliance.

One of the main advantages is its versatility. This device is capable of replacing several devices for processing products at once. You do not need to buy a separate oven, microwave, smoker, yogurt maker, etc. One device that does not take up much space will perform the functions of all these devices.

Another important advantage is the preparation of healthy food. Frying, stewing and baking is carried out without the use of oil. The method of operation of the device - exposure to hot air - allows you to preserve all the vitamins found in the products. The food turns out very tasty and healthy.

The cooking process is greatly simplified, since there is no need to alternately load different ingredients into the bowl, stir, etc. All components are added at the same time and at the end of cooking you have a finished dish.

Saves time on washing a large amount of dishes, which is usually left over after preparing food in other ways. Here, in order to cook, you only need the air fryer itself. In addition, you can save time on the cooking process itself, since you can make several dishes at once.

The air fryer allows you to cook foods at home that you previously bought in the store. For example, hot and cold smoked fish, fermented milk products, etc. This makes it possible to significantly reduce food costs for the whole family. This device is mobile, you can take it with you to the dacha to cook a variety of dishes there.

Based on the above-described functions of this device, we can conclude that it is useful for home use. This modern device new generation, economical and energy efficient.

An experienced housewife always has her own specialties, which she is happy to pamper her guests with. dining table. Her an indispensable assistant There is an air fryer in the kitchen. What kind of device is this, how does it work and what foods can be cooked in it? Let's take a closer look at these questions.

What is an air fryer?

Since ancient times, people have cooked food over fire. Hearths, ovens and gas stoves people used to provide their food. The air grill is a modern invention that has recently appeared in our kitchens. It was created only in the mid-80s of the last century in the USA and was originally called a “convection oven”. In English, “aerogrill” means the radiator grill in a car engine. When the convection oven appeared in Russia in the 90s, it began to be called an air grill.

Distinctive features - minimal amount the fats used, high speed and quality of food preparation. A convection oven usually includes several items. The grates are used, in particular, for cooking meat. As a rule, there are three of them, different in height. A mesh pan is necessary for steaming and deep-frying food, as well as for drying. There are skewers for kebabs and a spit for cooking poultry. To remove food, dishes and racks, special tongs are used. Finally, an enlarger ring is designed to regulate the volume of the container.

According to the principle of operation, control of convection ovens is divided into electronic and mechanical. Electronically controlled devices have several operating speeds and various additional functions. A mechanically controlled convection oven is naturally cheaper and has one operating mode.

How the air fryer works.

The convection oven is based on an electric oven that heats food not from below, but from above. This device is located on plastic stand a round glass container in which foods to be cooked are placed. It is covered with a lid with an electric heater. The fan operating in the heater circulates hot air inside the container. These vortex currents warm up the cooking food. The temperature inside the air fryer can reach 260 degrees. It can be adjusted using a thermostat.

Food is cooked in an air fryer with virtually no oils. Almost any utensil can be used for cooking. If you bake meat on a wire rack, then excess fat drains onto the tray of the container. You can cook several dishes at the same time in an air fryer. Since the cooking container is transparent, you can monitor the cooking from the side.

When purchasing, pay special attention to how the lid is secured. A hinged lid attached to the body is much more convenient than a completely removable one. The air fryer should have at least three speed settings. Select the container volume that is most suitable for your kitchen. You can increase it with a special ring, but then the cooking time will increase by almost one and a half times. The capacity has great importance, because the air fryer is washed by hand. It is important that the voltage in the convection oven stabilizes. To avoid fire, the air fryer must be kept on a fireproof stand. Before use, it must be warmed up and then allowed to cool down.

What can you cook in an air fryer?

In fact, the air fryer is a universal device for preparing all types of hot food. You can cook soups, borscht and other first courses in it. It’s no problem to cook any porridge, bake potatoes in pots, or prepare original pizza. Kebabs, cutlets, vegetables, and fish are perfectly fried in an air fryer. You can test your culinary skills and bake pies, buns and simply fragrant homebaked bread. Cold and hot smoking, drying mushrooms, berries, fruits and vegetables for the winter are also possible with an air fryer. The most refined taste of your guests will be fully satisfied.

Air fryer functions.

The air fryer has many necessary functions. Cooking in absolutely any container, frying meat and fish without using oil is only a small part of what this magical device is capable of. He can stew, boil and bake vegetables, and create baked goods from all types of dough. Deep-frying, steaming and cooking homemade cottage cheese and nutritious yogurt - all this can be done effortlessly with an air fryer. You can’t do without it for summer preparations – for canning and pickling. You can cook jam and prepare mulled wine in an air fryer, rise the dough, defrost food and reheat ready-made food. And this is not the limit! New models of air fryers, produced taking into account all modern requirements, have additional functions. The article has been prepared with the support of KIV.KZ. We hope that the new generation units will pleasantly surprise even the most experienced housewives.

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The modern kitchen appliances market offers consumers a huge selection of functional devices. They not only save time and make the cooking process enjoyable, but also allow you to eat healthy. Recently, the air fryer has become very popular among health-conscious consumers. How does this device work and what are its advantages?

What is an air fryer for?

This device is used for various food processing and preparation of complex dishes. There is an opinion among consumers that an air fryer, thanks to its functions and operating principle, can replace almost any kitchen appliance. But it is not so.

Important! Some dishes, such as baked goods or soups, are still better prepared using alternative options.

At the same time, this great option for students, young families or small kitchens, where it is not possible to place all modern kitchen appliances.

How the air fryer works and its equipment

The device consists of:

  • bowls made of durable heat-resistant glass that can withstand high temperatures;
  • a cover with a built-in heating element and fan;
  • metal ring, which is present in standard models. Thanks to it, you can increase the volume of the bowl, which means you can load more products at a time.

The basic package also most often includes grates of different heights, a baking tray with small holes for steaming, deep-frying and drying vegetables and fruits, and skewers for preparing kebabs from meat, fish and vegetables.

As an example, look at the Hotter air fryer device

The question of what a convection oven is, why it is needed and how it works has been sorted out. Now we can move on to consider its capabilities.

Functions and principle of operation of the device

The device operates on the principle of convection. Thanks to the built-in fan, products are prepared by blowing hot air, the source of which is most often halogen heaters.

Cooking programs may differ depending on the model. Generally speaking, what is a convection oven, the functions and operating principle of which are based on vortex propagation warm air inside the bowl, the following possibilities can be distinguished:

  1. Puts out;
  2. fries;
  3. Bakes;
  4. Cooks, including steaming;
  5. Marinates;
  6. Smokes.

In addition to cooking, you can defrost, reheat, sterilize and preserve.

The device also has a self-cleaning function. At the end of the work, the user needs to pour water into the flask and start the process - the air fryer will become clean again.

Video about how the air fryer works

Types of air fryers

These can be divided into three groups:

  1. Traditional models. IN in this case we're talking about about the usual devices with a glass bowl and a lid with a heating element and a fan. The difference between the models of this group may be in the volume of the bowl and the control system. In budget options, it is mechanical - two regulators (power from 60 to 250 ° C and a timer from 5 to 120 minutes). In more expensive ones - electronic, with a small display where the settings selected by the user are displayed;
  2. Air fryer lids. A convenient accessory for multicookers from the Rendmon company. The device itself is no different in functionality and capabilities from the lid of a conventional convection oven: the same mechanical control with two regulators, only smaller in diameter. This accessory can be used with any suitable cookware. For example, a glass bowl required diameter for cooking in microwave oven, saucepan or 5-liter multicooker bowl;
  3. Multi-aerogrills. Improved models that recently appeared on the air fryer market. A few words about what such a device looks like. In addition to the halogen heater and fan built into the lid, they have a lower heating element, which is hidden under the non-stick surface. The latest models also provide a function for stirring food during cooking.

This is what a traditional air fryer looks like Air fryer cover Rendmon

Multi-aerogrill Multi-aerogrill with food mixing function

Attention! Instructions for use and capabilities of the device depend on the choice of model and manufacturer.

Pros and cons of air fryers

Based on reviews from users who have already evaluated this device, the following advantages can be identified:

  • opportunity to eat right. For many, this is a primary need, which is why an air fryer is needed. Baking, frying and stewing are possible without adding oil. And thanks to the design and product-friendly principle of the air fryer, most vitamins are retained in them;
  • multifunctionality. The air grill is capable of performing the functions of several kitchen appliances at once, designed for processing and preparing food (microwave oven, multicooker, double boiler, toaster, bread maker, stove, etc.);
  • Ease of use. Most often, to prepare, you just need to put the ingredients in a bowl, select the mode, depending on which the products will simmer, boil, fry or bake. At the end of the timer, all that remains is to take out the finished dish. After use, you can turn on the self-cleaning function and the device will be clean without extra effort user;
  • easy control. As a rule, the user only needs to select the power and cooking time, after which the device will turn off automatically;
  • possibility of sterilization. A necessary function when preparing for the winter or for families with small children;
  • possibility of cooking several dishes at once. But here it is important to make a reservation that everything depends on the type of dish chosen. It is necessary that the ingredients are in harmony with each other to avoid mixing of odors, for example, meat and potatoes or fish and vegetables.

Sterilization of pickles in an air fryer

As for the disadvantages of this device, many note its bulkiness. Before purchasing, you should consider where to place it. But this only applies to regular models. For a small family, separate aerogrill lids are quite suitable, which can be used in conjunction with a multicooker bowl.

Users also often note the cooking time in reviews. Of course, this device is inferior in speed to a conventional stove. But this disadvantage is compensated by the quality and usefulness of the products prepared in this way.

What dishes can you cook in it?

From the above, it is clear why a device such as a convection oven is needed - preparing and processing food. But what kind of dishes can you cook in it?

In simple models you can easily prepare delicious and healthy dishes from meat, fish, chicken, which are cooked in own juice, and all excess fat flows into the pan, vegetables, pizza, hot sandwiches.

There are many more options for what can be cooked in more expensive and innovative air fryers. Their arsenal includes a variety of baked goods (from the simplest sweet buns and biscuits to choux pastry products), smoked products (both hot and cold ways), cottage cheese, yogurt and fermented baked milk, dried fruits, mushrooms and berries, etc.

Usually, basic recipes, which will help you understand how to cook in an air fryer, are included with the device.

Depending on what you plan to cook in the air fryer and for what purposes it is purchased, the features of choosing this device depend.

Having considered the questions about why such a device as an air fryer is needed, what functionality it has, and what dishes can be cooked in it, we can draw several conclusions:

  • firstly, the cooking process is simple and convenient;
  • secondly, the food cooked in it is tasty and healthy;
  • thirdly, diverse the lineup will allow everyone to choose a device for themselves, in accordance with functionality and financial capabilities.

Happy owners of an air fryer call it a real miracle of technology. Numerous customer reviews are not an exaggeration. This type of device combines the functions of many types of kitchen appliances and can prepare almost any dish. In order for the purchase to fully justify itself, let’s figure out which air fryer is better to buy from which company and what parameters to pay attention to when choosing.

What is an air fryer - functions and capabilities

The design of all air fryers is similar. They consist of a housing, a heating element, a fan, a bowl and a lid with a touch control panel. In addition, each model has a certain configuration - additional devices for preparing culinary masterpieces.

The operating principle of the air fryer is based on the convection method, when food is treated with hot air during the cooking process. The first model of such a device appeared in the mid-80s of the last century in the USA. Equipment manufacturers announced it as a multifunctional device for using food at picnics and in the country. Over the course of 30 years, air fryers have been constantly improved and acquired new capabilities.

Today even the most simple model allows you to cook chicken, cook first courses, eggs, bake meat, fish and vegetables. In more advanced models, you can dry mushrooms, nuts, prepare baked goods, and even sterilize jars for winter preparations. There are functions for smoking fish, heating and steaming.

The air grill is considered a “clean” kitchen appliance, since during operation no smoke or other pollutants enter the air, and no greasy marks are left on the furniture. Finished products retain beneficial substances and do not accumulate carcinogens.

Main characteristics of air fryers

Considering that the air fryer replaces up to ten kitchen devices, it has a large number of characteristics and functionality. All of them need to be taken into account in order to make an informed, competent choice.


The air fryer bowl is shaped like a saucepan. Her standard width— 30 ​​cm. Depending on the intensity of use and the number of people in the family, you can choose a device with different volumes:

  • small bowl - from 8 to 10 liters
  • medium bowl – from 10 to 12 liters
  • large bowl - from 12 to 16 liters

air fryer bowl with grates for placing food

Some models have special rings that increase capacity.
The optimal choice would be devices with a bowl volume of at least 10 liters. Less capacious models may occasionally cause inconvenience when placing cooking products in them.

Control type

Air fryers use two types of controls - mechanical and electronic. Which one to choose is a matter of your convenience and budget.

    • Mechanical control is carried out using traditional buttons located on the lid. The capabilities of such convection ovens are limited, which is why they are usually produced in the inexpensive segment. The functionality they are equipped with allows you to fry, bake and defrost food in metal or porcelain dishes.

    • Electronically controlled models can be identified by their touch controls and display. They are produced in a more expensive segment and provide greater possibilities for setting cooking modes.


A high-quality air fryer that will truly replace a traditional one in the kitchen household appliances, should have the following functions:

  • Temperature regulator that allows you to adjust the temperature during cooking.
  • Temperature sensor that will automatically turn off the equipment in case of overheating.
  • The keep warm mode will allow the cooked dish to remain warm for a specified period of time.
  • The self-cleaning feature makes cleaning the bowl easy. When using it, pour into the flask hot water, detergent and start the mode. When finished, simply rinse the bowl with clean water.
  • Delay start allows you to set the exact time when the air fryer should start working. In devices with mechanical control, a delay of no more than 60 minutes is possible.
  • Adjusting the speed of movement of heat flows allows you to change the speed of blowing products.

It is desirable that the convection oven has temperature control functions, a temperature sensor and a temperature maintenance mode. These features are really useful. The presence of the remaining of these functions is less critical.


Typically, the power of air fryers ranges from 800 to 1700 watts. A more powerful model will cook food faster, but when choosing such a device, make sure that the wiring in the apartment can withstand this load.

A power of about 800 W is suitable for models with a small bowl size. When selecting a medium and big size It is desirable that its power be at least 1000-1200 W so that cooking takes less time.

A heating element

The convection oven uses two types of heating elements:

    • halogen - characterized by rapid heating and greater resistance to aggressive environments, but is more fragile.

    • metal is more durable, but heats up more slowly. According to reviews, they are considered more reliable.

A tubular water heater or heating element is one of the most critical components of an air fryer. That is why increased demands are placed on its quality. A halogen heating element can fail in an average of 1.5-2 years. The service life of metal ones is up to 10 years. The cost of an air fryer with a metal heating element is higher, but the financial costs are justified and pay off over many years of use.

What else should you consider when choosing

Experts advise when choosing a convection oven to also pay attention to the following points:

  1. Equipment.Many models additionally have useful devices, simplifying the cooking process:
    • gratings
    • skewers
    • pizza cutter
    • lid stand
    • expansion ring, which increases the volume of the bowl
  2. Cover design. In air fryers, it comes in two types – removable and on a bracket. The choice of a specific modification primarily depends on the storage location. If free space there is not much in the kitchen, it is better to purchase a device with a removable lid - such a device will be more compact. The option with a non-removable lid takes more space, but it is more comfortable to use, since you can open the lid at any time and both hands will remain free.
  3. Device Dimensions. For air fryers, optimal parameters have been found that allow you to cook the optimal amount of food and find a place to store the device in the kitchen. Standard sizes:
    • width – 30 cm
    • length – 45 cm
    • height – from 30 to 60 cm
  4. Protective grille. During operation, the heating element is protected by a special grill. It also regulates the supply of heated air to the dish and prevents direct contact of the heating device with the food. Given that this important element design, it is usually neglected when choosing a convection oven.

    The best choice would be a model with a metal grill that can be removed and cleaned. You should not buy a convection oven with a wire grill, as it may rust during operation, and a grill protected with a non-stick Teflon coating, which can release hazardous substances when heated.

  5. Bulb material. Most models have a glass flask, which is convenient because you can observe the cooking process. The glass must be heat-resistant, otherwise the material will not withstand high temperatures and will burst.

Calculate carefully required power air fryer. If you do not plan to use the grill function, there is no point in buying a very powerful model - this will save money on the purchase and energy in the future.

Review of the best manufacturers

According to reviews from customers and experts, some of the best convection ovens are produced by Hotter, a pioneer in this market. Its products are recognized for their high quality and durability. Its only drawback is its high price. In addition, Hotter products are not available for sale everywhere.

Products with optimal ratio The following brands offer prices and quality:

  • Redmond
  • Smile
  • Homus
  • Domus

Among their products you can choose an air fryer to suit every taste, budget and design.

Popular models

I will give examples of some popular models

  1. Hotter HX-1047 Universal. Convenient and easy to use model. Ready-made dishes with it turn out tasty and healthy. The convection oven is able to operate even during power surges.
  2. VES AX 745. Optimal choice, if you select a high-quality, reliable model in an affordable price range. The air grill has electronic control and has an original design.
  3. REDMOND RAG-240. The brand specializes in the production of high-quality elite household appliances. This model has an attractive design, is compact, and the price is designed for a wide target audience.
  4. SUPRA AGS-1101. The model is different high quality assembly, attractive design, impressive set of functions and accessible controls.
  5. Mystery MCO-1503. It’s a budget convection oven, but its overall quality is not inferior to expensive models. This a good choice if you are looking for a reliable one kitchen assistant. The disadvantages include the lack of a self-cleaning function.

We looked at the main parameters that you need to rely on when choosing an air fryer. Now let's talk about the differences and similarities between an air fryer, a steamer and an electric grill, and when to choose which of these types of devices.

What is better to choose - convection oven or electric grill?

An air grill is a more modern and technically complex device. It has a wide range of functions and can be used at home and outdoors. An electric grill is a simple device with fewer functions. Its main task is baking food.

Younger models of electric grills are cheaper than air grills, but more advanced modifications are comparable in price. An electric grill is chosen for use only in the country, for preparing barbecue several times a month. For daily cooking, an air fryer is, of course, much more practical and convenient.

For convenience, I have tabulated a comparison of the capabilities and features of these two types of devices.

Air fryer Electric grill
Products are cooked under the influence of hot air flows Products are simply fried on a special grill
Product processing is uniform The device does not guarantee uniform cooking
Has a wide range of functionality Features are limited
The cooking process is automatic and does not require human presence It is necessary to constantly monitor the cooking process so that the dish does not burn.
Retains odors, they do not spread throughout the apartment Not only does it spread odors, but it can also “smoke” when cooking meat
Adapted for use at home Can only be used outdoors

Which is better - an air fryer or a slow cooker?

The answer to this question depends on your preferences. Why - read below.

A multicooker can do a lot - it replaces a double boiler, a saucepan, even an oven; its capabilities are wider than those of an air fryer.

Air fryer is a device with high power, which also replaces many kitchen devices. Unlike a double boiler, you cannot put two different products into it at the same time, for example, meat and fish. During the cooking process, the smells are mixed, and the result may disappoint you.

In terms of comfort, both the multicooker and the air fryer deserve the highest score. Both devices allow you to prepare food for a large family; the design allows for easy cleaning.

The multicooker uses electricity more economically and heats up less from the outside, since its body is additionally insulated. In a convection oven, a lot of energy is spent on radiation; the body heats up in the process.

If cooking for you is not just a process, but an art, you will appreciate the air fryer for the opportunity to watch the cooking. The body of the multicooker is opaque and all processes occurring inside are hidden from view.

If you need to cook a lot of dishes for children, your choice is a multicooker. It is in it that you can quickly and with minimal effort prepare children's soups, porridges, and stewed vegetables.

The main difference between a multicooker and an air fryer is the taste of the food being prepared. In both of these devices, everything turns out delicious, but different in taste. Due to the peculiarities of cooking, food from a multicooker turns out similar to traditional stewed, boiled, fried food. Air fryer dishes turn out lighter and juicier when steamed.

Truly juicy meat can only be cooked in an air fryer. These devices are designed to prepare the most variety of recipes meat dishes without using oil, you just may need additional pots or foil. Thus, for lovers of varied foods with a rich flavor palette, an air fryer is more suitable.

When choosing between an air fryer and a multicooker, take into account the recommendations in this article. But if you haven't tried food prepared by these types of devices yet, making a choice is more difficult. In this case, tasting such dishes with one of your friends or in a special steam kitchen restaurant can help you make a choice.

Precautions when using the air fryer

Like any other electrical appliance, the air fryer is a high-risk device, so when operating it you must take certain precautions:

  • Be sure to follow the manufacturer's recommendations for using your air fryer.
  • When you turn it on for the first time, it may appear bad smell and a small amount of smoke. This is a normal phenomenon - the factory lubricant burns out. It is enough to turn on the “self-cleaning” mode once for this effect to go away.
  • To install the air fryer, choose a flat, hard surface, otherwise it may quickly fail.
  • Please note that after turning the device on and off it will take some time to heat up and cool down.
  • When the air fryer is turned on, under no circumstances should you touch it with wet hands or put it in water.
  • At the end of use, the device should always be unplugged from the outlet.
  • Do not unplug the power cord while any program is running.
  • The lid should be opened by moving away from you and without tilting your head over the convection oven to avoid getting burned.
  • Use only special utensils approved by the manufacturer, otherwise the device may malfunction or even explode. So, you cannot cook in plastic and wooden containers.
  • During cooking, do not cover the air fryer with a towel, oven mitts or other objects - this may cause a fire.
  • Do not use aggressive chemicals for cleaning.

Remember that compliance with all safety rules will ensure long-term reliable operation of the air fryer and will allow you to avoid financial costs for its repair.

So, how and which air fryer is best to buy for your home? To choose the right one you need:

  • decide on the size, power, type of control and type of heating element
  • decide what additional functionality you need
  • evaluate additional selection criteria described in the article

Good luck with your choice!

Finally, I will bring to your attention a short video review of the Hotter air fryer

In terms of importance in the kitchen, an air fryer is as important as a blender. Do you already know how to choose it correctly? Read on this topic.

Convection oven or convection oven - comparatively the new kind kitchen appliances, but has already won the love of many housewives. If you are thinking about purchasing this equipment, but don’t know how to choose an air fryer for your home, we will try to tell you below.

What is an air fryer for?

An air grill is a unique device that can simultaneously replace an oven, a stove, a microwave, and even a toaster or a double boiler.

The aero prefix means that the grill operates thanks to air flows. It works using convection: the heating element creates hot air, which gradually heats the food, and the fan distributes the air so that the food is heated evenly.

Important! This food preparation process is safer than, for example, in a microwave.

Device and equipment

A typical convection oven consists of:

  • fan;
  • glass flask on a stand;
  • covers with heater and control panel.

Important! Depending on the configuration, baking sheets, racks and even skewers can be installed inside the flask.

The ability to install several grates and baking trays allows you to cook several different dishes in the appliance at once.

Important! Don't fry meat and try to bake buns at the same time. The smells of the food will mix, and you will not get the result you expected.


Different models have different sets of functions. In new types of convection ovens, mechanisms have been developed that allow housewives to regulate not only the temperature, but also the blowing speed. To choose the right convection oven for your home, you must take into account the functionality of the device based on your needs.

Main functions of air fryers:

  1. Temperature control is a required feature and should be supported on all models. Temperature conditions may vary, but generally range from 60 to 260 degrees Celsius.
  2. Maintaining temperature is additional function, at which the dish will maintain its temperature after it has been cooked.
  3. Convection speed control is an optional but very useful feature. With its help, you can regulate how much the dish will be blown. This will affect the formation of an appetizing crust and the speed of cooking.
  4. Delay switching is not available in all models, but it is very convenient. With this function, you can set the timer for the required time, and the dish will be prepared exactly for your breakfast, lunch or dinner.
  5. Cooking programs - this smart option is available in most expensive models. It is convenient for those who do not want to monitor the temperature or time. The option allows you to simply add necessary ingredients dishes and set the desired mode.

Important! Various manufacturers also offer the following additional modes:

  • defrosting;
  • drying;
  • grill;
  • frying;
  • bakery;
  • smoking.

But not even the most expensive model Easily copes with cooking meat, fish, vegetables, baking and heating food.

Choosing an air fryer

Before you rush headlong to buy new equipment, you need to analyze its main functions, compare models and choose suitable option. Various manufacturers offer an extensive range of functions, and among this variety remains difficult question, what a beginner should pay attention to. Let's consider important parameters, which you should pay attention to before choosing an air fryer.

A heating element

Today, heating of convection ovens is represented by metal tubular electric heaters or glass halogen lamps:

  1. The first type of heater can easily last up to ten years, but its heating occurs very slowly.
  2. The service life of a halogen lamp is only about three years. But a halogen lamp has its advantages: it processes food more carefully, and unlike heating elements, it is not subject to oxidation and will cook food much faster.

Important! If you decide to purchase a convection oven that will last a long time, then it is better to choose the option with a tubular heater. If the price of such a device is too high for you, you can purchase a more budget-friendly but less durable option.


The quality of its operation and the food being prepared will depend on how securely the air fryer closes.

Today, instrument covers are presented in options with and without mounts:

  1. The disadvantage of an attached cover will be the additional weight of the equipment and a reduction in its volume.
  2. Among the disadvantages of the removable option, housewives note the risk of getting burned and the inconvenience of storing a separate element.


  1. Controlling air fryers in modern models Such household appliances are presented in mechanical or electronic versions:
    If you only need to know time and temperature to cook, then mechanical option will do just fine. All its control is concentrated on the switch, which is rotated to the required values.
  2. If you need more controlled functions, for example: adjusting the blowing speed, precise temperature, various cooking modes, delayed cooking at a given time, then your option is an electronically controlled convection oven. This device is equipped with a display with basic information about its operation.

Important! The display can be touch-sensitive or powered by buttons, and everyone can choose the most convenient option for themselves.

If we compare the cost of these options, then the mechanical control of the convection oven is much cheaper than its advanced electronic counterpart. Consider this factor before choosing an air fryer.


Typically, the size of convection ovens is indicated in two numbers:

  1. The first one means the size of the inner bowl.
  2. The second one indicates the volume if additional elements are present.

Conventionally, devices can be divided into small - up to 12 liters with additions, medium and large (more than 16 liters):

  1. Larger models take up more space and cooking time, but can cook for 10 or more people.
  2. Small models are compact, much easier to clean, and are designed for a family of 2-3 people.

Important! The most popular models today have a volume of 5 to 12 liters.


It is important to pay special attention to this characteristic. An air fryer is not one of those devices that saves electricity. Small convection ovens with a minimum set of functions can operate at a power of 1000 W, but large models with a large bowl and all the additional parameters may not need 1700 W.

Important! Home option- this is the golden mean with a power of about 1300 watts. If you are planning to purchase more powerful option, prepare for the fact that your electricity bill may increase significantly.

Additional accessories

Manufacturers often add additional useful accessories to the device itself. Their presence, of course, increases the price, but in most cases they are very useful, and sometimes irreplaceable.


  1. Grille - usually there are several pieces included in the package. This makes it possible to cook several different dishes in the device at once.
  2. Baking tray - perfect for cooking in foil or for baking.
  3. Additional rings allow you to expand the volume of the air fryer.
  4. Skewers - it’s convenient to cook kebabs on them without leaving home.
  5. Grill attachment - any meat is much healthier if you cook it in an air fryer, rather than buying ready-made grilled products in stores.
  6. Tongs help housewives not to get burned when removing cooked foods.
  7. Steamer - it makes it easy and simple to cook healthy food in an air fryer.

Important! The list of additional accessories does not end there, so before deciding which convection oven is best to choose, pay attention to its configuration. Choose those options that will really be useful to you, so as not to overpay for unnecessary functionality.

Popular models

Today manufacturers present various models, with completely different prices for air fryers. Functions are sometimes so incomprehensible that it is easy to get confused not only for a beginner, but also for an expert. Let's try to compare the most famous brands. Let's start with the most budget options and gradually move on to more expensive models.

Air fryer UNIT UCO-916

Unit is an Austrian brand, known in Russia since 1993. The company has established itself as good manufacturer inexpensive household appliances for the home and kitchen - from small kettles to vacuum cleaners and air fryers.


  • The heater is halogen.
  • Volume - 7 liters.
  • Power - 1000 W.
  • Control is mechanical.
  • The cover is removable.
  • There are no additional rings.
  • Additional functions: self-cleaning, hour timer, indicator light.
  • Equipment: tongs, lower grill.

Important! Customer reviews note the bulky design and the inability to add an additional bowl. The advantages include an attractive price and fast heating device.

Air fryer DAEWOO DAG-2211

The Korean company DAEWOO has long been familiar to Russian consumers, since the huge corporation includes various divisions that produce everything from cars to household appliances. The brand's division, DAEWOO Electronics, makes various mid-priced electronic devices, which include both office and household appliances.

Air fryer characteristics:

  • The heater is halogen.
  • Volume - 12 liters.
  • Power - 1200 W.
  • Control is mechanical.
  • The cover is removable.
  • Additional rings - one.
  • Additional functions - self-cleaning, hour timer, indicator light.
  • The set includes tongs, lower and upper grilles.

Important! The price of such a device is quite attractive, but the device is large, so it will be difficult to find in a small kitchen appropriate place installations.

Air fryer POLARIS PAG 1207

Polaris is also a prominent representative of the household appliances market in Russia, but the company began producing air fryers relatively recently. The middle price segment and quality of devices of this brand attracts buyers.

Model characteristics:

  • The heater is halogen.
  • Volume - 7-10 liters.
  • Power - 1000 W.
  • Control is mechanical.
  • The cover is removable.
  • Additional rings - one.
  • Additional functions: 60-minute timer, self-cleaning, auto shut-off.
  • Includes: tongs, baking tray, two wire racks.

Important! According to reviews, problems with self-cleaning and the small volume of the flask are noted; the advantages are the compactness and low price of the device.

Air fryer VES AX-730

VES is a company not well known to Russian consumers, whose main focus is the development and sale of air fryers. Since the company does not spray on various household appliances, the quality of its products increases in comparison with previous models, but the cost also becomes above average.


  • The heater is halogen.
  • Volume - 12-17 liters.
  • Power - 1350 W.
  • Management is electronic.
  • Cover - bracket.
  • Additional rings - one.
  • Additional functions: automatic shutdown, self-cleaning, 2-hour timer, LCD display, temperature maintenance and adjustment, convection speed adjustment.
  • Equipment: two racks, 4 skewers, tongs, lid stand, poultry stand.

Important! Users note the simplicity and convenience of this air fryer, comparatively low price and compactness. At the same time, many housewives complained about the inconvenience of the cover bracket and the long warm-up time of the device.

Air fryer Hotter HX-1098 Smart

Hotter is by far the most famous brand of air fryers. Thanks to their quality, appliances from this brand have won the hearts of many housewives. Price segment Hotter air fryers - average and above average.


  • The heater is metal.
  • Volume - 10-14 liters.
  • Power - 1300 W.
  • Management is electronic.
  • Cover - bracket.
  • Additional rings - one.
  • Additional functions: self-cleaning, convection speed control, touch screen, 10 different cooking programs, protection against power surges, daily timer.
  • Contents: 3 grids, mesh tray, tongs, 4 skewers.

Important! Reviews note the convenience and ease of control, fast heating. The disadvantages include the not very large flask and the high cost.

Safety precautions

Whatever air fryer you choose, it is important to remember the following precautions:

  1. The flask must be warmed up before use.
  2. If the device has a sensor, do not allow water or grease to come into contact with the panel.
  3. Never operate the air fryer with plastic or wooden products inside.
  4. When opening the lid of the device while it is turned on, you should be as careful as possible.

Important! The device makes life easier for many housewives, it is simple and easy to use, but if there are small children at home, it is better to play it safe and think in advance about a place where it cannot cause harm..

Pros and cons of air fryers

If you are still in doubt whether you should choose a convection oven for your home or whether you can do without it, it would be a good idea to know about the advantages and disadvantages of such equipment.


  1. The main advantage of convection ovens is the ability to cook food without using oil. Processing food with hot air allows you to create delicious dishes, with maximum preservation of all nutrients.
  2. Another important advantage of this equipment is its compactness - the air fryer will fit in any kitchen, and it is also easy to transport.
  3. Most housewives love air fryers for their multifunctionality.


  1. High power consumption of the device.
  2. Small volume, as well as various advertising gimmicks of manufacturers. For example, difficult-to-prepare baked goods are not possible using an air fryer.


An air fryer is a very convenient device that allows you to cook a wide variety of dishes without oil and fat. Its functions depend on the chosen model, but even the most simple options can replace a stove, microwave, toaster, multicooker or double boiler.

If you compare such popular kitchen appliances as a convection oven, a multicooker and a microwave oven with a convection function, you cannot definitely say which appliance is better. The difference between all three devices lies in their operating principle:

We hope that now it’s much easier for you to decide what you really need, and you can choose an air fryer for your home not so that it just sits, but so that you actually use it regularly and delight your loved ones with delicious and healthy food.

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