What is incense and what is it for? Beneficial properties of incense

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Esotericism has always been quite popular among the people. People liked to use special incense in everyday life to improve physical condition, increasing tone and lifting mood. One of them is incense. How to use it in different occasions?

Incense is a mixture of hardened juice (resin) of a mass of African plants of various varieties and species. Its main feature is considered strong aroma, arising during the heating process. The smell is sweet, heavy and thick and belongs to the balsamic type. If the pieces of incense are heated further, then they will catch fire and will smoke heavily. This substance does not dissolve in water or alcohol, but forms an emulsion. How to use incense at home? And what general properties are attributed to this type of hardened resin of exotic plants?

The main use of incense is demonstrated in churches. It is often set on fire, and believers are fumigated with smoke. Frankincense has been known to people for a very long time, dating back to the reign of the Egyptian pharaohs. At that time it was used as incense. Incense has always been very valuable. Its cost is almost

was equated to gold, since such an exotic substance was quite difficult to obtain.

How to use incense yourself? First you need to decide on its properties. In ancient times, it was believed that the aroma of incense gave a person enlightenment and wisdom. Its smell is soothing nervous system, relieves stress and strong emotional arousal, tension. Therefore, incense is often used in the process of meditation. Such vapors make breathing more regular and deep, and restore heart rhythm. How to use incense in your apartment? It is best to enjoy its wonderful smell using a special aroma lamp.

In Egypt, it was previously believed that it could relieve even severe joint pain. Therefore, it was carefully rubbed into the right places. In China, it was used to treat leprosy and scrofula. Frankincense was even added to masks to rejuvenate facial skin. This is also practiced today. After all, this oil perfectly renews, restores and smoothes the skin. With its help you can even get rid of small wrinkles. How to use incense for oily skin? It can be added to previously prepared creams or rubbed into the pores before bed. Due to its astringent effect, it is very useful even for those with problem skin. Frankincense is endowed with healing properties. They are recommended to treat small wounds, rashes, inflammations of various kinds, boils and carbuncles.

How to use incense in magic? It is believed that its aroma repels and drives away evil spirits from the house that can harm a person. It can also give you strength for the whole next day. Therefore, start your morning by burning a small amount of incense on a candle or in an aroma lamp. In the evening you can take a relaxing bath. Add a few drops to the water and your fatigue will go away.

For convenience, special incense sticks and cones made of incense are now sold. They are designed specifically for home use.

Frankincense is an aromatic tree resin obtained from trees of the genus Boswellia (Frankincense tree) that grow in the Arabian Peninsula.In February or March (depending on weather conditions), small cuts are made on the Frankincense trees, from which the resin flows out over a long period of time. When the resin completely covers the tree trunk and dries, harvesting begins. The process of collecting and processing incense is done manually.

Typically, incense is used during services in Orthodox churches. But you can also burn incense at home, especially considering the beneficial effects of incense aroma on a person. How to do this correctly - read our article.

What is incense used for?

The tradition of using incense in liturgical practice and in home use dates back to ancient times. Thus, the Ishmaelite merchants, together with Joseph, brought balm and incense to Egypt for sale (Gen. 37:25). Burning incense in Jerusalem Temple was prerequisite serving God (1 Chron. 9:29, Neh. 13:5). And in the Gospel, incense, along with gold and myrrh, was brought as a gift to the Lord Jesus Christ by the wise men from the east (Matthew 2:11).

Boswellia tree and pieces of hardened resin from which incense is made

Frankincense is also widely used in perfumes, aromatherapy and cosmetics. In addition, frankincense is used to make aroma oils. Frankincense is also used in medicine as an additive to ointments.

Frankincense calms the nervous system. Incense smoke contains incensol acetate, which has an antidepressant effect.

Some people note that when using incense, the process of recovery from illnesses occurs faster. In this case, it is recommended to use Bishop's incense. About the types of incense - below.

What you need to light incense

You can buy incense in almost any candle shop of an Orthodox church or order it in an Orthodox online store. Incense may differ from each other in its smell. There is nothing wrong with this, since incense is made in various places, where they try to give it their own unique aromas. For example, Jerusalem, Athos, Rosny and other types of incense are on sale. Boxes for sale typically contain from 200 to 500 g of incense. With daily use, such a box lasts on average 2 weeks.

To most easily light incense, which is sold in the form of solid pieces, you will need incense, incense coal, a censer or a lamp with a spider.

If there is a metal spider, no coal is needed

Used in church services different kinds incense The use of incense varieties depends on the type of worship. So, on the Resurrection of Christ you can burn incense with “Easter” incense. On the twelve and great holidays, Fragrant incense is used. IN Sundays they cense mainly with incense “Bouquet of Athos” and “Holy Mountain”. On weekdays, when not big holidays, use a simpler incense - “Pine”, “Cypress” or “Rose”.

Among the types of incense, “Bishop”, “Altar” and “Cell” incense stand out.

Bishop's incense is the most expensive in cost. It has a solemn and rich bouquet of fragrant aromas. It is most often used at bishop's services or on twelfth and great holidays.

Altar incense is fragrant with a bouquet of bright aromas. It is used to incense the altar and the entire temple on any holiday except the Twelve and Great Feasts.

Cell incense is used by monks for burning incense in their cells, as well as during church posts, when committing “Following the Prayer Service to drive away sorcery (witchcraft) and magical spells (temptations, demonic attacks) from a person”. This type incense is the most ascetic. It is quite discreet and does not contain strong aromas.

Everything you need can be ordered in our store with delivery:

1. Do not leave used coal unattended. Extinguish it with water.

2. Smell the incense before purchasing. Buy only incense that you like and that does not make you feel worse.

3. Check yourself for diseases for which burning incense is contraindicated.

4. Keep incense and charcoal out of the reach of children.

5. Do not touch burning incense and coal with your hands.

Do not throw the coal in the trash. This not only can lead to a fire, but from the point of view of Orthodoxy it is also irreverent. It is better to take it to the temple or consult with the priest about this.

Now we are all ready to burn incense. Let's start and “Let my prayer be corrected, like incense before You”(Ps. 140.2).

Incense is an integral attribute in the life of Orthodox Christians, as it is used not only by priests in churches, but also by lay people at home. In this regard, believers, especially beginners, may have a question: How to properly use incense at home? This is done in accordance with established tradition.

The most important thing about incense

Before answering the question of how to use it at home in Orthodoxy, we must say a few words about this substance itself.
Frankincense is an aromatic resin extracted from Boswellia trees native to the Arabian Peninsula. After processing, incense appears as pebbles different color and size, which depend on its type and purpose of use. As a rule, in temples and even at home, incense is used together with incense coal. When lit, it exudes a pleasant, calming aroma and at the same time also carries certain spiritual symbolism.
Frankincense is not some kind of innovation, since it was known and used for a variety of purposes back in Ancient world. In addition to religious needs, this substance was used in ceremonies, medicine, and body care. But, of course, the most important thing is that incense was used in worship among the Old Testament Jews as a shrine dedicated to God Himself.
Overall in temple worship incense is used to express the Church’s respect to the Almighty, to set a solemn tone for worship, to tune in to prayer, and also to ward off dark (fallen) spirits with its help.

The use of church incense: how to use it at home

At home, incense is most often used by believers during intense prayers for the health or repose of one of their relatives and friends, as well as during the reading of other prayers, including akathists and canons. Naturally, in connection with this the question may arise: how to light incense at home, at home, and how to burn it with incense?
First, let's talk about what it takes to light incense at home on your own.
Firstly, you will need one, which, by the way, can be purchased in an assortment in our online store. In addition, and we also have this, you will need: a censer or with a “spider”.
It is important to note that incense can be different types, and in temple worship they are all used in different days or for various reasons. However, at home you can use the most simple types incense, even the same one. At the same time, if possible, special, festive types of this substance can be used on holidays. In addition to incense, as noted above, you will need: censer coal - for lighting it, a censer - so that you can not only pray in one place, but also go around the entire home with lit incense; a lamp with a “spider” can also be useful.
When everything is ready, you first need to heat the incense charcoal, for example, on a kitchen burner. If the coal is covered with white ash, then it is hot enough. After this, it is placed in a censer, into which a little incense is poured around the coal. Immediately after this, the incense begins to emit fragrant smoke, so you can fumigate your home with a censer.
When answering the question of how to light incense at home, you should know that this can be done in an ordinary lamp, however, it will not be possible to go around your home with it. IN in this case, you need to light the lamp in the usual way, and then place a “spider” on it - a special metal attachment. A piece of incense should be placed on the “spider” (in the form of a piece, not a powder). Next, you should wait a little until the lamp warms up and the incense begins to release its aroma (this may take longer).

When answering the question of how to light and kindle incense at home, it is also important to note that you can light it as many times as you like during the day. However, you should use no more than the amount of incense that fits in the censer.
Under no circumstances should a censer or lamp be left lit overnight.. Firstly, it threatens with fire, and secondly, with suffocating smoke. In addition, since the smell of incense is still specific, if you inhale it for a long time, you may feel dizzy or have a headache, and in general your condition will worsen.
It is best to extinguish coal in a censer with water, but not with your hands. Also, do not touch the hot incense itself with your hands. In general, both it and the coal should be stored in a safe place, out of reach of children.
Used charcoal, as well as if there is incense left, or for some reason you do not need it, You can't throw it all away, since these are still religious attributes. It’s better to take it all to the temple or ask the priest what to do with the coal and incense.
Now, if you have a question about how to burn incense at home correctly and why to do it, you can use our advice, as well as purchase from us the incense itself and everything that is useful to burn it.

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Knowing about its extraordinary properties, many people wonder how to use incense at home.

The oldest incense is incense, traditionally used during services in churches. Previously, this incense was valued even higher than gold.

Let's talk in more detail about the properties of incense and how to use it at home.

How to use church incense at home

Frankincense is a fragrant resin that the wise men brought as a gift to the newborn Jesus Christ. The oldest recipe was received from God by the Prophet Moses (book of Exodus, chapter 30, verses 30-38). It is used in churches during worship services.

Priests light incense on burning coals in a censer. When burned, incense is formed - fragrant smoke.

However, you can light incense at home. In addition, incense not only has sacred properties that help us turn to God, but also treats many diseases and generally improves human health.

The most common way to burn incense is with censers. But to use them you need coal, which makes this process a little difficult at home. It is easier to use a lamp with a spider, a special metal device.

At home, incense should be lit during prayer or for strengthening general condition spirit and maintaining health. If you have serious condition spirit, then by walking around the house with a censer, you will cleanse your home and fill it with a light and favorable smell.

How to light incense at home

Heated coal is placed in the censer; the easiest way is to heat it on a gas burner. Pieces of resin are placed on the side or on top of the hot coals, which heats up and begins to release aromatic smoke.

Be very careful with the coals so they don't spill, and don't use paper or plastic coverings.

To use a lamp, you need oil and a wick; the wick should be dipped in oil, threaded through a hole specially designed for this purpose and set on fire.

The fire will heat the metal spider, on which the incense will be located. The incense will warm up and begin to release fragrant smoke.

Why do you need incense candles at home?

Using incense candles at home is much easier than using a censer or lamp.

All you need to do is take a censer candle (it can be divided into parts if you don't want the smell too strong), light it, and after a few seconds blow out the fire so that the candle smolders.

With the help of smoke, a pleasant aroma of incense will spread throughout the room; the supplied candle can also be carried throughout the apartment.

Healing properties of church incense

First of all, incense has specific properties based on religious belief. But he also has medicinal properties, widely used in medicine, for example, it strengthens memory and calms well.

In addition, the aroma of this resin rejuvenates the body, heals old scars, improves brain function and activity gastrointestinal tract, has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. Therefore, in Rus', even in ancient times, incense was folk remedy

from all diseases.

Incense incense has a healing effect on patients possessed by demons. Like prayer, incense is a medicine more for the soul than for the body.

What to do with used incense

Under no circumstances should the pieces of incense and coal remaining after combustion be simply thrown away, since not a single consecrated thing should be trampled underfoot. Remains of candles, shells from blessed eggs, paper from Easter cakes, etc. - clergy Orthodox churches

It is recommended to bury these remains in a clean place where people do not walk, or pour them out and throw them into the river. You can also burn it.

Do the same with pieces of used incense. The most correct thing to do would be to lower the remaining tar and coals into a channel or river and let them float away. You can also put them in a special, inviolable, revered place, like a special casket.

Conclusion If you're wondering where to get incense, the answer is very simple. In any Orthodox church

Incense is an aromatic tree resin that is used to burn incense on church services Oh. Incense, including incense, was used back in Old Testament. Each symbolizes the grace of God, which is given to a person during prayer. At Orthodox services, incense is carried out using a special vessel called a censer. Charcoal is placed in the censer, then the coal is lit, after which a particle of aromatic resin is placed on it and incense is burned. Incense has a calming effect and helps you tune in to prayer. During church services, the deacon usually censes.

Wide Application There is church incense, but not everyone understands how to use it. Incense can be used not only during church rituals, but also at home. To do this, you need to have at home: a censer, (a censer is a small vessel used for fumigation with incense), matches, coal, incense. In church shops you can buy censers in which coal is placed before it is lit. Instead of a censer, you can use a plate or metal tray. Lighting incense at home is possible using two types of coal: regular coal and self-igniting coal. At home, it is better to use self-igniting coal; it is faster and easier to light. There are different types of incense that differ in their scent.

In ordinary everyday worship it is customary to use incense, which is called cedar of Lebanon. During the holidays, rose incense is lit. In fact, there are many aromatic variations of incense. For home use You can choose any scent you like. Incense can be bought at any church shop, as a rule, it is sold in a small plastic box or in a small plastic bag. To light incense at home, you need to place charcoal in a censer, then use matches or a lighter to light it, then place a particle of incense on the surface of the coal. You cannot put incense on hot red coal, otherwise it will simply burn.

About how to use church incense, we can say that it is better to light it immediately before home prayer rule. As a rule, icons located in the apartment are fumigated with the help of frankincense; this must be done while reading a prayer (you can read any prayer from Orthodox prayer book) . Each room is moved in a clockwise direction. Some people light incense at night, before going to bed, as it calms the nervous system. But it must be borne in mind that high concentrations of incense can sometimes cause poor health. Church incense, also used when lighting a dwelling by a priest, during funeral services.

Thus, we can conclude that the use of incense when performing prayers, both church and home, has a purely symbolic meaning and is not a prerequisite for prayer at home. For home prayer rule, first of all, the heart of a believer, his sincerity and repentance are important. You can also light charcoal over gas stove, you can hold the coal with tweezers so as not to burn your hands. It is appropriate to use a special fire liquid. If desired, with the blessing of the priest, you can purchase a liturgical censer for home.

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