Miraculous healings: St. Tikhon of Zadonsk (1724-1782). Saint Tikhon, Bishop of Voronezh, Zadonsk Wonderworker

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Pray, and your prayers will definitely be heard! In difficult times, we can always count on our patron saints.

One of the saints is Tikhon of Zadonsk, people pray to him out of despondency, and he gives joy! They ask him for the healing and health of the mentally ill, and he helps. The virgins ask Tikhon for marriage and he gives them a husband.

If you ask him for something from pure heart, with an open soul, he will definitely help you too! God bless you.

Being a great Christian teacher and preacher, Tikhon also became the author of famous works. He carried out religious propaganda among the population and devoted all his efforts to eradicating pagan beliefs and traditions. He refused all the pleasures of life, spent a lot of time in prayer, and was an example of humility and love for his flock. He surprised those around him with his insight and miracle-working. Even after Tikhon’s death, Christians did not stop honoring, praising, respecting the saint, and also turning to him for help. Every Christian can count on the protection and support of the saint.

Prayers are addressed to Tikhon of Zadonsk when you need meekness and gentleness, mental strength and health. Prayer has special power in the presence of mental illness. It's about about sadness and despondency, alcoholism, drug addiction, mental insanity and demonic possession. Tikhon helps restore vision and the ability to walk. People in extreme need, living in conditions of poverty, turn to Tikhon for protection.

This Reverend is extremely revered Orthodox theologian and activist. He lived in the 18th century, and after his death he was solemnly canonized among the holy wonderworkers of the Church. For his services to the Lord, he received the title of bishop, which allowed Tikhon to expand his charitable activities.

The life of Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk demonstrates the correct spiritual life, which includes tireless asceticism and mercy towards one’s surroundings. The monk strove for a simple life and food, was not shy about hard work, and became famous for his sincere love for the Creator.

Childhood and adolescence of the future saint

Tikhon lived in the 18th century, which was distinguished by the widespread prevalence of atheistic beliefs. The atheists viewed faith as an ordinary ethnographic feature more of people. In Russia, atheism took root after the introduction of the reforms of Peter the Great. The task of the saint was to maintain the authority of Christianity and fight against the sin of blasphemy.

Read about the saint:

The father of the future monk was listed as a sexton (a clergyman without the degree of priesthood) in the Novgorod province. He died, leaving his wife and five children. Tikhon was born in 1724 and was named Timofey. His eldest brother followed in his father's footsteps, and the middle one went to military service. Timofey and two other children lived in great poverty. In such conditions, he had practically no chance of getting an education even for the position of church sexton.

Icon of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk

However, a family friend, a childless and wealthy coachman, felt a special parental affection for Timofey. He showed great concern for the teenager and wanted to adopt him. The mother decided to give her son away after assessing the family’s disastrous financial situation. However, the elder brother, who returned from service on time, dissuaded her by saying that he would get the money himself and try to teach Timofey to read and write. This episode shows how God's will from early childhood she directed the fate of the future saint.

Timofey remained in parental home until the age of 14, living very meagerly and eating black bread. Often he went to plow for a rich landowner to get some food.

During this period, Empress Anna issued a decree stating that all clergy children who were not learning to read and write must go into military service. Timothy's mother, in the hope of saving her son from such a fate, went with him to be considered for a theological school. The elder brother helped with the improvement of the new place, taking on the responsibility of supervising the future monk.

Interesting! The saint received from the Lord the gift of seeing the future and performing miracles; moreover, he could read the thoughts of his interlocutor. Chronicles attribute predictions to Tikhon of Zadonsk during the reign of Alexander the First. He saw the victory of the Russian troops and the defeat of Napoleonic plans.

years of education

In 1728, Timothy was enrolled in a religious institution, which two years later became known as a seminary.

The young man was distinguished by his ability to acquire knowledge and soon earned a transfer to free education. However, Timofey continued to be in need and sold half of his rations to buy candles. Some students from wealthy families mocked his poverty, but the young man did not hold a grudge and continued his humble self-education.

  • Timofey stood above all his peers and successfully passed exams for 14 years. Here he became skilled in grammar, rhetoric and theological philosophy. The duration of training was due to the small number of teachers in the theological seminary. The future saint completed his studies in 1754.
  • He received the position of teacher of Greek, as well as rhetoric and philosophy. Timofey was remembered by everyone as a modest, friendly teacher and a man of pious character.
  • During this period, the future saint gravitated more and more towards the Lord, studied the Holy Scriptures and strove for contemplation of God. Those around him noticed: in this man a great spiritual personality was maturing, who would be destined to revive the authority of religion in an atheistic age.
  • Tikhon of Zadonsk made the final decision about monastic life after the sign in heaven.
On a note! The saint was one of the few monks who supported the desire to be honest and observe moral principles. His words never conflicted with subsequent accomplishments, and his thoughts never conflicted with integrity.

Period of monasticism

In April 1758, Timofey took monastic vows and received the name Tikhon. After this event, the clergy sent him to St. Petersburg, where the saint received the rank of hieromonk. At the local seminary, Tikhon taught philosophy and received the post of prefect.

Saint Tikhon the Wonderworker of Zadonsk

  • After a year of work in St. Petersburg, he was appointed archimandrite of the Zheltikov Cathedral in the Tver province. At the new place, my father taught a theological subject and served as abbot of one of the monasteries.
  • The saint advanced quite quickly in his spiritual career. Many brothers appreciated his pious, humble disposition and prophesied for him highest rank bishopric.
  • For two years Tikhon Zadonsky taught at the Tver Theological Seminary. During this period, his book was published, describing the principles of true Christianity, where general edification was outlined for the Russian Orthodox tradition.
  • Tikhon himself never thought about the highest rank of monasticism, but the Lord had other plans, and He ordered that the saint be elevated to the place of spiritual teacher of the entire state.
  • Soon the ceremony of choosing a new bishop took place. At first, Tikhon's name was not included in the list of candidates because he was young enough to receive the highest rank. However, the archimandrite from Smolensk persuaded the meeting to accept the candidacy of the Tver rector. The lot was cast three times, and each time the name of St. Tikhon came up. The meeting agreed that fate and God were on the side of the young priest.
  • At the age of 37, Tikhon became a bishop. He preached Christian doctrine and encouraged the brethren and parishioners to wake up from the deep sleep imposed by the present age.

About other saints of the Orthodox Church:

Interesting! In Voronezh, they continued to celebrate a holiday glorifying the pagan deity named Yarilo (the sun god of the Slavs). This celebration earned an unpleasant reputation due to the outrages and disgusting behavior of the celebrants. Saint Tikhon personally appeared on this holiday and publicly denounced all those who behaved immorally. His words worked perfectly, and this celebration was stopped.

Life at peace

Hard work as a bishop upset the health of the Monk Tikhon of Zadonsk. In 1767 he submitted a request for dismissal, his last years spent in a peaceful monastic life. His daily routine included long prayers, readings of the Holy Texts, charitable deeds and the composition of useful religious works. Tikhon spent no more than four to five hours a day sleeping.

Life of Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk

Every day he came to the temple, and at home he often knelt before the images of saints and cried out for the salvation of all creatures. When the saint went on a journey to monastic places, he always took with him a miniature Psalter. This most merciful man gave his entire pension to the needs of the poor.

He considered it his duty to visit the prisoners of the city of Yelets, where he tried to console them and persuade them to sincere repentance.

His life was simple, Tikhon ate like an ordinary peasant. Sitting down at the table, the saint remembered the poor, the hungry, and was worried that he was not able to feed everyone. He had a great conscience and was not ashamed to bow deeply to those whom he could offend with a word. But he always responded kindly to insults from the outside.

Saint Tikhon was endowed with the gift of seeing the future; he performed miracles and read the thoughts of his interlocutor.

The monk loved communicating with common people, consoled the unfortunate and disadvantaged, helped with finances and things.

Finding the relics

Before his death, Tikhon of Zadonsk asked the Lord about the exact time of his death, and the answer came in the morning. The Almighty promised the saint entry into the Heavenly abode in three years. After this, the elder retired to his own cell, liturgical vestments and a coffin were prepared for him, in front of which he often shed tears.

One day, after a divine dream, Tikhon felt ill, his left cheek and leg stopped working. The monk accepted the illness with sincere joy. The death became clear after a dream in which the people helped Tikhon climb the stairs to the kingdom of God.

In August 1783, at the age of 59, the saint passed away. The remains, which performed manifold miracles, are kept in Vladimir Church. The canonization of Tikhon of Zadonsk took place 88 years after his peaceful death.

Testaments of the saint

Thanks to the knowledge gained scriptures and with his innate nobility, the monk had the power to morally influence a person seeking salvation from suffering.

  1. Find joy in misfortunes, because the first is overcome by the second. This rule applies to all vices.
  2. See God Almighty and Omnipresent everywhere. This helps a person distance himself from committing crimes against nature.
  3. The believer must understand that every sin is a monstrous stupidity that does not bring any happiness, since everything committed is reflected on the doer.
  4. To receive a leadership post, a person must become a true Christian, having a prudent mind and a strong will.
  5. Those who have a high position must be simpler, so as not to become proud and forget to consider themselves objectively.
  6. The wise Tikhon advises those who are given difficult trials to rejoice, because God sends as much as a person is able to endure.
  7. True love is unselfish love for everyone around you.

Tikhon Zadonsky, born in the 18th century, had to fight the surrounding atheism. Despite his rapid advancement through the ranks of the church, the saint did not succumb to pride and continued to lead a simple life, helping the poor and everyone who asked.

Having left behind many testaments, Tikhon Zadonsky still has colossal fame in Orthodox world.

Life of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk, Bishop

5 strong prayers Tikhon Zadonsky

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Prayer to Tikhon of Zadonsk from despondency

“Oh, great Pleasant of God and glorious Wonderworker, Our Hierarch Tikhon!
With tenderness, we bend our knees and fall before the race of your honest and multi-healing relics, we praise, glorify and magnify God, who glorified you, and who showed great mercy in you to us unworthy, and who diligently, with faith and love, honors your holy memory, we pray to you: bring our prayer to all to the sustaining and saving man-loving Lord, to whom you now stand as an Angel and with all the Saints, that He may establish Him in His holiness Orthodox Church the living spirit of right faith and piety, and all its members, purified from superstition and superstition, worship Him in spirit and truth and are diligently concerned about keeping His commandments, may its shepherd give holy zeal for the salvation of the people entrusted to them - the right of believers to observe, weak and Strengthen the weak in the faith, instruct the ignorant, reprove the contrary.
And again, with hope, like the child of our father who exists for us, we pray to you, Saint Tikhon, for we believe that you, living in heaven, love us with the same love with which you loved all your neighbors, so that you may always remain on earth, ask from the all-merciful Lord and give us all the gift that is beneficial to everyone and everything that is useful for the temporal and eternal life, peace, the establishment of our cities, the fruitfulness of the earth, deliverance from famine and destruction, preservation from the invasion of foreigners, consolation for the grieving, healing for the sick, restoration for the fallen, return to the path of truth for those who go astray, strengthening for those who strive in good deeds, prosperity for those who do good, blessing for parents, upbringing and teaching for children in the passion of the Lord, knowledge and piety for the mentor, admonition for the ignorant, help and intercession for the orphans, the poor and the needy, departing from this temporary life to the eternal good preparation and parting words for those who have departed to blissful repose.
For all of these, most especially, ask us, Saint Tikhon, from the Generous God, for you have great boldness towards Him: for you are the owner of the ever-present intercessor and warm prayer book for us before the Lord, to whom all glory, honor and worship is due.
To the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

Prayer to Tikhon the Wonderworker of Zadonsk for healing

“O all-praised Saint and Servant of Christ, our Father Tikhon!
Having lived like an angel on earth, you, like a good angel, appeared in your wondrous glorification.
We believe with all our souls and thoughts that you, our merciful helper and prayer book, are constantly contributing to our salvation through your honest intercessions and the grace abundantly bestowed upon you from the Lord.
Accept therefore, blessed Servant of Christ, even at this hour our unworthy prayer: free us through your intercession from the vanity and superstition that surrounds us, the unbelief and evil of man.
Strive, quick intercessor for us, to beg the Lord with your favorable intercession, may He add His great and rich mercy to us sinners and unworthy His servants, may He heal with His grace the incurable ulcers and scabs of our corrupted souls and bodies, may our petrified hearts dissolve with tears of tenderness and Contrition for our many sins and may He deliver us from eternal torment and the fire of Gehenna; May He grant to all His faithful people peace and quiet, health and salvation, and good haste in everything, so that having lived a quiet and silent life in all piety and purity, let us be worthy to glorify and sing the all-holy name of the Father with the Angels and all the Saints and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Prayer to Tikhon of Zadonsk, Bishop of Voronezh for the mentally ill

“Our Father Tikhon, we praise you! You are a saint of Christ, a saint of God! Your existence is like that of an angel, like an angel you appeared and gave people hope. We send you our faith and our good thoughts. Your mercy, your help saves our souls. Intercede for us before the Lord, ask for spiritual salvation for us. Hear our unworthy prayers, be merciful to us, intercede for us. Give us wisdom, protect us from human evil, protect us from evil deeds and thoughts. Pray for us before the Lord, grant us great strength and good mercy. Sinful and unworthy servants of God (names) turn to you, asking for healing of our physical and mental ulcers. Deliver us from the wounds on our bodies. Let the tears of tenderness and contrition dissolve our stony hearts. Enlighten us about repentance, deliver us from eternal torment and the fire of hell. May faithful people be granted peace and silence, health and salvation, success in business, good people along the way, piety and purity. We pray to you and glorify your image. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever."

Prayer to St. Tikhon of Zadonsk for marriage

“O great servant of God and glorious miracle-working saint, our Father Tikhon!
Falling tenderly before your icon, we pray to you: bring our prayer to the Lord who loves mankind, may He grant longevity of mental and physical health to the servants of God (names) and parishioners of this holy temple, may He add His great and rich mercy to us, sinners and unworthy of His servants, may our petrified hearts dissolve with tears of tenderness and contrition for our many sins and may He deliver us from eternal torment and the fire of Gehenna, may we sing and glorify the ineffable generosity of the Lover of God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your fatherly intercession, in forever and ever. Amen."

Tikhon (Sokolov), Bishop of Voronezh and Yelets, Zadonsk miracle worker, saint (1724–1783)

Hungry childhood

Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk was born on the territory of the Novgorod province, in the village of Korotsk, in 1724. At birth, his parents gave him the name Timofey.

The father of the future saint, Savely Kirillov, served as a sexton in the village and had a modest income. He died early, and the burden of supporting his children, four brothers and two sisters, fell on the shoulders of his widow, Dominicia.

The need that the family faced after the death of the breadwinner sometimes seemed so bleak to the mother that one day she almost gave Timofey up to be raised by a childless neighbor who served as a coachman and wanted to adopt him. Timothy's elder brother, Peter, who took his father's place, encouraged his mother as best he could. In this case, he intervened in a timely manner and dispelled her spiritual doubts.

It happened that the family did not have enough money even for meager food. Often the only food was black bread, and even that was not enough. In order to somehow help his mother, Timofey hired himself out to wealthy landowners to dig up beds for pennies or for food. At the same time, all children were raised in the love of God, and it is obvious that it was hope that saved the family from excessive sadness and sorrow.

Seminary training. The beginning of the monastic path

At the age of thirteen, Timofey was assigned to a theological school that functioned at the Novgorod Bishops' House. The poor mother, of course, did not have the means to pay for her son’s education, but here again his older brother, Peter, intervened, promising to take over Timofey’s maintenance at the school. Timofey himself, knowing how hard it was to get the funds he needed, whenever possible, he worked part-time where he had to.

Soon the school was transformed into a seminary. Timofey studied diligently and in 1740, among the best students, continued his studies at the seminary at public expense. He approached education with all responsibility. Often, while his peers allowed themselves to play and be naughty, he sat behind his textbooks. It happened that he sold part of the ration, bought candles with the proceeds and read at night.

It happened that frivolous peers made fun of him, censing him with their bast shoes and addressing him with mocking dignities.

Due to the seminary not being fully staffed with teaching staff, the training lasted longer than the usual regulated period.

In 1750, while a student in the theological class, Timofey, having proven his worth to the leadership, began teaching Greek language, for which he received 50 rubles in salary and some flour. Later, after completing the course, he was entrusted with the position of teacher of rhetoric and philosophy.

In April 1758, one of Timofey’s most cherished desires came true: he accepted monastic tonsure. Then he was given a new name - Tikhon. During this period he took the place of prefect of the seminary.

Soon he was called to St. Petersburg and ordained a hierodeacon, and then a hieromonk.

In 1759, Father Tikhon was sent to the Tver diocese, and upon arrival in Tver he was elevated to archimandrite of the Zheltik monastery. Somewhat later, he was sent to the Otroch Monastery and appointed to the post of rector of the Tver Seminary. During this period he established himself as a teacher of Theology.

Episcopal activities

In May 1761, Father Tikhon was consecrated Bishop of Kexholm and Ladoga.

This statement was preceded by a remarkable incident. One day, during Divine Liturgy, when Archimandrite Tikhon served in the Tver Church together with Bishop Athanasius and asked to remember him, instead of the phrase “your sacred archimandrite...”, he unexpectedly said, “may the Lord remember your bishopric...”.

When Saint Tikhon visited the city of Novgorod, where he spent his youth, among the clergy he met those of his peers who had once made fun of him, feigningly giving undeserved honors. He reminded them of their pranks without malice. They asked him for forgiveness and he forgave them in a Christian way.

Moreover, here he met his sister living on the brink of poverty. The saint was ready to take her under his care, but she soon died. He personally participated in her funeral service and, as historical sources testify, at that moment her face expressed a smile.

In 1763, by decision Holy Synod(at the insistence of the empress) Saint Tikhon was appointed to the Voronezh see in place of the deceased Ioannikis of Pavlutsky.

By this time, much Voronezh diocese needed reorganization. There were not enough clergy, and the religious and moral state of the laity left much to be desired. Bishop Tikhon, having taken up his new duties, quickly took stock of the situation and took the necessary measures. During his service at the department, he personally traveled around preaching to villages and villages, fought against pagan prejudices, received and listened to visitors, organized schools, and worked to improve the moral and educational level of the clergy entrusted to him.

In order to improve the quality of education for future clergy, he recreated the Voronezh Seminary, personally attended classes, talked with students, developed rules of conduct, and made efforts to increase the library collection.


Monastic feats and struggles with numerous difficulties undermined the health of the saint. In addition, he increasingly strove for a solitary contemplative life. He sent a request to the leadership three times for release from managing the diocese. Twice he was refused and he was forced to turn to the empress.

Finally, in 1767, his request was granted. The saint was dismissed to his long-awaited retirement with a pension payment of 500 rubles.

At first, the Tolshevskaya Transfiguration Monastery was chosen as the place of further stay, but due to the inconsistency of the conditions there with the deteriorating health of the saint, in 1769 he moved to the Zadonsk Monastery.

Here he gave away his meager property, leaving only the essentials, and lived a simple life. monastic life: regularly participated in divine services, regularly prayed in private, and was involved in monastic economic affairs.

He often went out to people under the guise of an ordinary monk, wanting to learn about their difficulties, and then helped, including from his pension, those of them whom he considered necessary.

Not all the inhabitants of the monastery treated Saint Tikhon with the respect due to his rank: some slandered him, some whispered after him. He accepted this humbly and liked to repeat that forgiveness is better than revenge.

For the holiness of life, God rewarded His saint with the gift of clairvoyance.

The saint learned about the time of approaching death, as often happened with holy ascetics, in advance. On August 13, 1783, he rested in peace in the Lord.

As a literary heritage, many works have come down from St. Tikhon of Zadonsk. Among them there are instructions of a moral, ascetic and dogmatic nature.

The most famous works include: , .

Troparion to Saint Tikhon, Bishop of Voronezh, Zadonsk Wonderworker, tone 8

From your youth you loved Christ, O blessed one, / you were the image of all in word, life, love, / in spirit, faith, purity and humility, / and you also dwelt in the Heavenly abodes, / where you stood before the Throne of the Most Holy Trinity, / pray to Saint Tikhon, // save our souls.

Troparion to Saint Tikhon, Bishop of Voronezh, Zadonsk Wonderworker, tone 4

Teacher of Orthodoxy, teacher of piety, preacher of repentance, zealot of Chrysostom, good shepherd, / new Russia O luminary and wonderworker, / you have preserved your flock for good / and you have instructed us all with your writings, / you have also adorned us with the crown of incorruption / from the Chief Shepherd, // pray to Him to save our souls.

Kontakion to Saint Tikhon, Bishop of Voronezh, Zadonsk Wonderworker, tone 8

Successor of the Apostles, / adornment of the saints, / Orthodox teacher of the Church, / Lord of all, pray / to grant greater peace to the universe // and great mercy to our souls.

Prayer to Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk

ABOUT great saint Christ and the miracle worker Tikhon! Hear us, many sinners, who come running to you with warm faith and tender prayer. We know beforehand your angelic good life on earth, we glorify your mercy in everything, we are in awe of your height Christian virtues, even in good times you prospered to the glory of the Lord who wondrously glorified you. You truly were the good shepherd of the verbal flock of Christ, the valiant builder of the mysteries of God, the pillar and adornment of the Orthodox Church, the Russian Chrysostom, the strong exterminator of pagan customs, the most skilful interpreter of the Gospel teaching, the zealous guardian of the sacred traditions of the fathers, the lover of monastic hopelessness. a prayer inspired by God for the collector of treasures of spiritual wisdom from this visible world, created with wisdom by God. You, as a chosen vessel of grace, unfailingly taught all those who thirsted for salvation in word, life, love, spirit, faith, purity and humility. You were the merciful protector of the orphans, the care of widows, the poor and a quick comforter to all those in troubles and misfortunes, and now we know that you stand before the face of the Lord of glory and have great boldness towards Him; For this reason, Father, we come running to you and earnestly pray to you: be an intercessor for us all at the Throne of the Most High. May He forgive our iniquities and untruths; may it enlighten our mind, darkened by vanity, and direct it to the true light of knowledge of God; may our weak hearts be preserved from the lustful, sinful passions and pernicious wisdom of this age; may the land be given timely irrigation of rain and fruit, and all that is useful to us, even to the temporary and eternal life, and all that flows to the race incorruptible relics yours will find peace, love and serenity. For our Church, ask the Heavenly King for mercy, prosperity, salvation, and victory and victory for our enemies. Protect our Fatherland with peace and quiet. Preserve your holy monastery from all temptations and teach us all to reverently and fearfully walk along the paths of God’s commandments, so that we, together with you and with all the saints, may be honored to stand at the right hand of the Lord of hosts on the day of His terrible universal judgment. Remember, O saint of Christ, Saint Father Tikhon, in your holy prayers the souls of our departed father and brothers, may the Lord rest them in the heavenly villages; do not despise our sighing, so that we may glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

A prayer request to the saints has great importance in the life of a believer. Every day we have to fight with everyday troubles, the temptations of this world and the slander of the evil one. The holy prayer books set us an example with their God-fearing lives and help us in difficulties even after their death. One day, a friend of mine told me about a miracle that happened after turning to St.

Tikhon. A prayer to Tikhon Zadonsky about despondency helped her young son get rid of protracted depression. The guy already wanted to commit suicide, and the matter could have ended with hospitalization in a mental hospital. But the saint came to the rescue in time, freeing the young man from grave sin. I'll tell you what you can pray for and ask the saint.

Life of Tikhon of Zadonsk

The holy saint was born into a poor family of a deacon who served in a church in the Novgorod province. His father died early, so (that was the name of St. Tikhon in the world) he hardly remembers him. The mother could not cope with supporting the children, so she simply wanted to give Timofey to strangers for adoption. But the elder brother begged him not to do this. Then the mother sent the boy to a religious school, where Timofey received government support. He had food and clothing, and the boy also worked part-time in his free time.

When the young man comprehended the wisdom of knowledge, he was appointed teacher of the theological school in which he himself studied. Timothy taught theology and Greek. Soon he took monastic vows and received a spiritual name. It received the name Zadonsky because of educational activities in the area of ​​residence of the Don Cossacks, among whom there were many Old Believers.

Days of veneration of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk - August 13 (second discovery of relics) and July 19 (presentation).

In old age, Tikhon of Zadonsky weakened in health and asked for solitude in the Zadonsky Monastery. He was assigned a pension, which the elder gave in full to those in need. The saint never demanded for himself comfortable conditions accommodation and was content with the most modest comfort: he slept on hay and took cover outerwear(sheepskin coat). The saint prayed tirelessly, instructed people in the faith and wrote theological works. But his health became so weak that Tikhon died before reaching the age of 60. His death was peaceful and calm, as if he had simply fallen asleep.

The saint was canonized and gained popular love; he is revered as a miracle worker. At the opening of his relics, about 300,000 pilgrims gathered in the small town of Zadonsk. St. Tikhon is heavenly patron monks, students of theological seminaries, church choristers and catechists.

Finding the relics

The saint was buried in the crypt of the Zadonsk Monastery under the altar. When they were going to build a new cathedral in the monastery, the incorrupt relics of Tikhon were discovered. This was in 1845. Not only the saint’s body was not touched by decay, but also his clothes, although it was very damp in the crypt. A message was sent to the Synod about the discovery of incorruptible relics. After this, Tikhon of Zadonsk was officially canonized, although the people revered him as a holy wonderworker during his lifetime.

After the revolution, persecution of the church began, and the relics were taken out of the monastery. For some time they were kept in museums, and after the war they tried to open the relics to believers. But party policy did not allow open worship of Christian shrines. And only in 1991 the relics of the saint found peace in their monastery in the city of Zadonsk.

What to pray for

Believers revere St. Tikhon of Zadonsk, to whose icon prayers are offered:

  • about strengthening faith;
  • with emotional excitement and anxiety;
  • for depression and despondency;
  • for peace and humility;
  • from aggression and anger;
  • from mental and physical ailments;
  • from poverty and lack of money;
  • from witchcraft and sorcery;
  • from madness.

The saint is asked for liberation from addiction to alcohol, drugs and other addictions. They also pray to Tikhon of Zadonsk for liberation from witchcraft influence and damage.

What else do they pray to Tikhon of Zadonsk? When the meaning of life is lost and everything seems gray and dull, the prayer of the saint will console you in any situation.

The saint was distinguished by his explosive character and temperament by nature, but he managed to tame his violent temper and learned meekness. Therefore, prayers are offered to him when they want to get rid of aggression and anger.

Prayer for despondency:

tell friends