Flowering hibiscus garden. Garden hibiscus: features of growing in open ground

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Tropical plants have gained unusually wide popularity in areas with temperate climatic conditions. Growing hibiscus, for example, is not a particularly difficult process. It is enough to remember the basic techniques for caring for a bush flower, and know about the main features of the species itself. What is a garden hibiscus plant, how to grow it? own plot and how to propagate hibiscus? Read about it below.

perennial shrub Hibiscus is primarily distinguished by the presence of large flowers, the diameter of which can be about 12 cm. The buds have a variety of shades, but among the most common: white, red and purple. Interestingly, street shrubs begin to grow 3–4 years after they are planted in the ground, since they grow garden decoration pretty slow.

There is one more nuance regarding the flowering characteristics of hibiscus: its buds bloom literally for one day. During this period of time, it manages to open up, and by the evening it falls off. The next day, a fresh bud takes its place. If the cultivation and care of the shrub is provided correctly so that it blooms already in early June, then the flowering phase will come to an end no earlier than September.

As a rule, gardeners give preference to bush hibiscus if they want to decorate their site with a lush flowering plant. And all because this plant reaches a height of about 3 m and a width of 1.5 m. To achieve such parameters, you need to master the basic aspects of caring for a flower and study pruning technology. By doing it correctly, you can make your garden bush much more branched and lush, as well as stimulate its growth.

Types and varieties

Growing hibiscus is not a very burdensome process. With proper care, the shrub will decorate even a shady area in the garden. However, you need to choose based on the climatic conditions in your region. If we're talking about In a temperate climate (for example, in Belarus), it is best to give preference to the following varieties of trees:

  • trifoliate;
  • Syrian;
  • swamp;
  • herbaceous;
  • gardening

Interestingly, beginners may confuse the shrub with another variety - a garden one. That is why the first copy is often called tree-like. Its flowers are simple or double. Initially, their shade was either white or purple, but now there are many more varieties of tree-like hibiscus, and the palette of shades has been replenished with pink, red and blue.

What is good about swamp hibiscus is its frost resistance. IN open ground it can be planted calmly, because it tolerates temperatures down to -30 °C. Among the types of hibiscus there is also a herbaceous plant. Its flowers are quite large, and the bush reaches a height of about 3 m. This category includes many hybrid hibiscus (at least 1 thousand varieties have been bred by breeders). As for the trifoliate species, it is classified as medicinal annual plants. Its flowers are light yellow, and they open only in the morning for a few hours.

Optimal environment for of this plant- a well-lit and protected from the winds area with light, fertile soil that allows moisture to pass through. The soil characteristics should be similar to the substrate in which you usually plant roses. It is recommended to plant a garden plant in spring. Wait for the end of the night frosts and then safely plant the hibiscus. In this case, by the onset of autumn the bush will have become stronger and will be completely ready for the upcoming winter.

To ensure that planting and care are carried out correctly, try to follow all the recommendations of specialists. For example, if you decide to plant a tree-like plant on your site, the hole dug for the seedling should be twice as large as the rhizome of the flower.

Be sure to make sure there is drainage. To do this, you can take broken bricks. Then add a small layer of sand, compost and more sand (each layer should be about 10-15 cm thick). It is recommended to mix the soil itself with peat and sand. IN this composition you will plant hibiscus. Upon completion of planting, be sure to hill up the plant: it will need to be watered frequently and abundantly, and this procedure will allow the water to go directly under the root of the flower.

It is not difficult to plant garden hibiscus and ensure cultivation according to basic recommendations. And in return you get something beautiful flowering plant, which will certainly decorate any corner.

Growing and care

In the summer, when the temperature is quite high and the soil dries out too quickly, you can water the hibiscus every day. Spraying is a good option for a garden specimen. Its leaves must be cleaned of dust. In this way, the flower will be saturated with moisture in a sufficient volume, and you will prevent the invasion of spider mites.


You can provide complete care and propagation for garden hibiscus without much difficulty. It is also very important to be able to properly prune hibiscus. Since flower buds appear only on young shoots, formative pruning is recommended annually. It is advisable to start pruning in February, when the process of sap flow has not yet begun.

When the bush grows well, do not forget to start anti-aging pruning at least once every three years - remove old and dry branches, the bush can be replanted. It is advisable to start this procedure in early spring when the flower is still dormant. The transplantation technology is no different from the process of planting young seedlings.


Garden hibiscus is propagated by both cuttings and seeds. Knowing how herbaceous shrubs reproduce, you can grow several such specimens on your site. It is best to propagate hibiscus by cuttings - by using this method, you will quickly get a rooted plant. Seedlings obtained after cuttings are rooted in soil or water. In general, hibiscus reproduces without the use of complex agricultural techniques.

Disease and pest control

To preserve a herbaceous plant for many years, you need to know how to feed it in spring and winter, as well as how to prevent pest invasion. Most often, hibiscus is threatened by spider mites. You can get rid of it by treating the flower with special preparations; the main thing is to notice the first signs in time (yellow dots on the leaves and cobwebs).

As for common ailments, these primarily include chlorosis. It manifests itself due to a lack of fertilizers, especially iron. That is why do not neglect feeding the herbaceous plant. The bush should also be fed in order to avoid the occurrence of fungal diseases. Let the flowering of the grown hibiscus be bright and long-lasting.

Video “Caring for garden hibiscus”

From this video you will learn how to properly care for garden hibiscus.

Tree hibiscus is popularly called very romantically - the flower of love. This plant can safely be considered one of the most beautiful creatures nature. The color hibiscus gives its owners is simply breathtaking.

When it blooms, its huge bright flowers cannot help but attract the gaze of every passerby. Among residents of the southern regions of Russia and Ukraine, Syrian hibiscus is very popular and especially beautiful. In the northern regions, it can only be grown in large flowerpots, so that when frost occurs, the plants can be brought into warm rooms.

Hibiscus varieties

Hibiscus tree belongs to the Malvaceae family. Under natural conditions, there are about 200 plant species, which differ in shape and size. Flowers different types also of different sizes and colors, there are some that are the size of

Hibiscus species

Syrian hibiscus has very bright green leaves and large double or single flowers. Their color varies. It grows slowly and for the first time pleases with flowers only in the third or fourth year.

The dissected hibiscus is a species that boasts interesting dissected petals that are bent back, hence the name. It blooms from May to November with flowers 8 cm in diameter in red, orange or mixed colors. Chinese hibiscus is very similar to this species.

Trifoliate hibiscus is a tall species with petiole-shaped, tripartite leaves. Pale yellow, relatively small flowers with a purple center open in the morning for about 4 hours, and close again in the afternoon.

Hibiscus Drumond - the plant has three-segmented leaves with dissected edges and five-petaled flowers of purple or pink color with a dark center.

It is worth noting the fact that among all the varieties, only the tree hibiscus, or Syrian hibiscus, has taken root well at home.

Description of hibiscus tree

Frost-resistant and completely unpretentious - this is a description of such a plant as the tree-like garden hibiscus. Planting and care are quite simple. This shrub looks great as a living flowering hedge. Hibiscus is characterized by a long flowering period, the first flowers bloom with the onset of summer, the last ones delight with their beauty in late autumn.

Tree-like garden hibiscus has small, ovoid leaves that grow quite late. If you care for the bush correctly, it can reach three meters in height and one and a half meters in width. The fact that the plant is cared for according to the rules can be seen by its shiny green leaves and large bright flowers. In spring and autumn, when the air is cold, hibiscus leaves may turn yellow.

Lovely color: hibiscus tree

Anyone who has ever seen a hibiscus bush strewn with flowers knows what it is. The diameter of the flowers often reaches 12 cm. The color is so bright that it immediately attracts the eye and causes delight. Flowers are arranged one at a time, at a distance from each other.

This one lives beautiful flower just one day, in the morning it blooms, until the evening it fades, and its petals fall off. But, despite this sad fact, the hibiscus bush does not remain without buds. After all, new ones bloom on it every day.

Tree hibiscus: planting and care

Garden hibiscus, as mentioned earlier, can be grown in your garden without much difficulty. Planting tree hibiscus, although not a very difficult matter, still needs to know some rules.

The soil for this plant must be prepared fertile, loose and rich in humus. In order for the bush to fully develop, and during the flowering period to be strewn with beautiful flowers, a sunny, quiet, draft-free place is selected for it. The plant should be watered regularly and often, but flooding should not be allowed; the soil near the hibiscus should be constantly moist.

Young plants need special attention from their owner, especially in the cold season. They definitely need to be covered so that they can survive the frost. If hibiscus is planted in the soil in the fall, then before winter arrives, the ground around the bushes is mulched.

Proper planting and watering are not all the rules that need to be followed when caring for a plant. In order for the bush to grow for a long time, it must be fed. Fertilizers are applied once every two weeks, most importantly, they must contain a lot of phosphate. Before winter comes, the hibiscus needs to be fed; this will support the bush and help it survive the frosts.

If you follow all the above rules, this beautiful plant can live up to twenty years or even more.

Reproduction by cuttings

Tree hibiscus can be propagated in more than one way. The cutting method has proven to be the most effective. If you decide to plant this beautiful bush in your garden in this way, then there will not be any special difficulties.

It is recommended to carry out cuttings in the spring, before the hibiscus blooms; for this you can use those parts that remain after pruning. Prepared cut cuttings must be placed in water and wait until roots appear on them.

It is better to immediately plant cuttings with roots in flowerpots and place them in the garden. Thus, with the onset of the first winter, it can be hidden in the same flowerpot in a warm place and the still very weak plant can be protected from frost.

Propagation by seeds

Garden hibiscus can also be successfully propagated by seeds; this method also does not pose any particular difficulties. You can sow seeds from January to March. First, the planting material must be soaked in the Epin solution. Prepare the soil for planting from a mixture of sand and peat, fill with peat mixture flower pot and sow the prepared seeds into it. Cover the pot with seeds with glass. To get excellent shoots, you need to maintain a high temperature, about 27 degrees. The container with seeds must be ventilated periodically.

When the seedlings have several leaves, they are picked and planted in small separate pots. Then everything is the same as with the cuttings; in the warm season, leave small hibiscus in the garden, choosing a cozy place for them. And for the winter, move them to a warm place.

How to prune correctly?

Another important procedure is necessary in caring for the plant - pruning the hibiscus. It is recommended to do it at the end of winter, until the time when the bush begins to “wake up” and actively grow.

Pruning hibiscus ensures that the plant will delight the gardener with a huge number of flowers. This is due to the fact that flower buds of a beautiful bush are formed only on the shoots of the current year.

You can prune this garden beauty for a beautiful plant appearance and will serve as a wonderful decoration for any yard, balcony or terrace. Southern residents make pyramids, balls, diamonds, and various other shapes from hibiscus, strewn with bright large flowers. The spectacle is very beautiful!

Some people have the impression that the plant may suffer from pruning, but this is not the case. Hibiscus tolerates such a haircut normally, while getting rid of dried branches. Each gardener prunes and shapes the bush to suit its surroundings at his own discretion.

Preparing hibiscus for winter

As mentioned earlier, this ornamental bush is a southerner, so it is quite natural that many are interested in how hibiscus overwinters. It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally; it all depends on the variety, on the area, on the climate. Most non-double varieties of garden hibiscus are considered frost-resistant. For plants of this species, which “live” in the southern regions, special preparation for wintering is not needed. But for northern plants it is necessary to provide shelter from frost, otherwise winter time The hibiscus may die.

For tree and herbaceous hibiscus, preparation for winter is carried out in the same way. The plants need to be trimmed and watered abundantly, this is done before the first frost. Several days after watering, the bushes are earthed up, preparing soil mixed with sand for this purpose.

At the end of November, hibiscus need to be insulated. To do this, build mounds 15-20 cm high around the plants using sawdust and dry leaves. If the plant is young, then it is recommended to wrap it completely for the winter. This is not too difficult to do; the entire bush is bent towards the ground and covered with a special material; the top must also be covered with plastic film.

On the issue of wintering hibiscus: it is worth drawing the attention of gardeners to the fact that the Syrian hibiscus “wakes up” in the spring for a very long time, because of this there are cases when the owner of the plant uproots a living bush, deciding that it died during frosts.

What causes hibiscus disease and how to avoid it?

If it is not enough to water your hibiscus or it will not have enough nutrients, then the flower buds will begin to form, but will fall off almost immediately.

If the water with which the plant is watered contains excess iron, then upper leaves will begin to turn yellow, and the lower ones will fall off.

If the hibiscus has drooping and withered leaves, this means that the plant is “asking to drink”, it doesn’t have enough moisture.

If the ground is too cold, it can cause the hibiscus's roots to dry out and die.

Take a closer look at your green pet, take good care of it, and then the garden hibiscus will delight you with its unusual southern charm for many years.

Garden hibiscus, the care and propagation of which is within the power of everyone, is frost-resistant, ever-blooming and evergreens. Its flowers can be either simple or double, and they are very bright and colorful. Hibiscus can bloom with yellow, red, purple, pink or white flowers.

Plant varieties

Garden hibiscus can be divided into 3 types:

  1. Bush hibiscus With. This variety is a slow growing plant with big amount branches. Shrub hibiscus can bloom throughout the entire season, the diameter of the flowers is from 5 to 25 cm. If you form several types of shrub hibiscus into 1 trunk, you can get small beautiful trees strewn with flowers.
  2. Herbaceous hibiscus With. This species can be described as a large bush with strong branches and large leaves sticking out in different directions. The flowers of the herbaceous hibiscus reach large sizes- 40 cm in diameter. The bush dies off every autumn, and young shoots appear in early spring.
  3. tree hibiscus. Hibiscus tree at proper care can reach 6-7 m in height, while it is covered with an abundant crown and small flowers all season long.

All 3 varieties have one characteristic feature- a flower can only live for 1 day, but as soon as the bud fades, it is immediately replaced with a new one, and therefore the flowering of the plant seems to be constant.

Hibiscus care

Caring for this crop is not difficult, but everything needs to be done regularly - this is the only way to grow a beautiful and neat plant that will delight its owners. Whatever the variety of hibiscus, it is important to remember that the plant loves bright sunlight. It needs to be fed with nitrogen or phosphorus fertilizers at least once a month. However, in extreme heat you should not fertilize the flower; in this case, it is best to simply spray it thoroughly with water. Spraying should only be done when the sun begins to set, otherwise the plant may simply burn out. Closer to autumn, you should stop feeding the flower with nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers and replace them with potash ones.

A plant like hibiscus is very fond of aphids. To prevent its occurrence, it is advisable to plant a lavender bush near the hibiscus, since its smell repels insects and prevents their appearance. Growing and caring for lavender does not cause any problems.

Hibiscus propagation

How to propagate hibiscus depends on its species. For example, tree hibiscus propagates by cuttings, seeds and through grafting. In addition to these methods, herbaceous hibiscus can also be propagated by ordinary division of the bush. Shrub hibiscus plus everything can be propagated by layering.

Seed propagation is best done from January to March. Before starting work, the seeds should be kept in Epin's solution for 9-11 hours, and then washed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Prepared seeds should be sown in pre-moistened soil, and after finishing work, cover the container with the crops with glass or cling film. The optimal temperature for hibiscus propagation is thus +20…25ºС. The surface of the soil must be moistened as it dries, not forgetting to remove the resulting moisture from the glass or film. The seedlings can be transplanted into a separate container only after the young shoots have individual leaves. In May, the strengthened seedlings can already be transplanted into the garden at permanent place.

Hibiscus grown by seed begins to bloom only in the 3rd or 4th season, and it is worth noting that some decorative properties are lost.

Cuttings are the most common method of plant propagation among both amateurs and professionals. Reproduction can be carried out in this way in 2 ways:

  1. Treat the branches of a plant with several buds cut in summer with a composition intended for the growth of the root system and immediately plant it in a container with soil. As soon as the cuttings have roots, they should be planted in separate pots and left for the winter, and in the spring they can be planted in a permanent place.
  2. Place cuttings with buds cut in summer in water, previously mixed with a solution to stimulate root growth, and leave in it until the first roots appear. Next you should proceed exactly the same as in the previous version.

When propagating hibiscus through cuttings, there is a high probability that it will begin to bloom in the first year after it is transplanted into the ground.

Reproduction of hibiscus by division is not only the most quick way, but also the most faithful for flowering. Dividing the bushes must be done in early spring; to do this, you need to completely dig up a three- or four-year-old bush and divide the rhizome into several parts. When dividing a bush, you should follow the rule: for 1 individual plant there is no more than 1 trunk. If the plant is older, then you can leave several trunks on 1 plant. The resulting sections must be immediately sprinkled with ash or crushed coal.

The holes for planting the plant must be prepared in advance, since the flower must be immediately planted in the ground after division. The first feeding of the plant can be carried out no earlier than 2 or 3 weeks after planting in the ground. This propagation method is good because hibiscus can please its owners with flowers in the first season after planting. It is important to remember that planting should be done in the early morning or at sunset, but in no case during the day when the sun is still high.

Bush pruning

Bush pruning plays important role in hibiscus cultivation, so it is important to know when and how to produce it. Some people believe that young shoots of a plant should never be pruned, but this is not so; they must be pruned, since only in this way can the hibiscus be given the correct shape. beautiful shape and improve its flowering. Plants must be pruned annually; this is best done in late February or early March. The branches of the plant must be cut to at least 1/3 of their main length.

Anti-aging pruning is carried out in the fall, usually if the bush has become very thick. During autumn pruning you need to cut off all the dry branches, leaving only the most necessary ones, i.e. skeletal. Anti-aging pruning should be carried out regularly, i.e. at least once every 3-4 years - this will help strengthen the plant and make it even more attractive and beautiful.

The Chinese rose has long been known in many countries of the world, as it is distinguished by its bright colors, ease of care and abundant, long flowering. In total, more than 250 varieties of this evergreen shrub are known, which in nature reaches 6 meters. Hibiscus comes from Southeast Asia, but its other varieties are from America, Africa and the Pacific Islands.

At home care Chinese hibiscus is not difficult, so the bush in the room grows up to 2 meters without any problems. It has oval, long leaves of a dark green color, with small teeth along the edges. The size of its buds can vary, but the maximum reaches 14 cm. The colors of the petals vary. These colors can be white and fiery red, pink and cream, yellow and orange. Usually the buds appear in early spring and are replaced before late autumn, however, for this, caring for the hibiscus rose must be correct.

In its homeland, hibiscus is considered not only decorative flower, but also an excellent healer, because the shoots and young leaves of the flower are used for cooking. In addition, the roots, seeds, fruits and leaves of roses are used in folk medicine. In production, paint is obtained from flowers Food Industry and cosmetology. And also very well known to many delicious tea Hibiscus. These are Chinese rose petals, which are dried and added to fruit tea.

When caring for indoor hibiscus at home, you need to remember that it loves well-lit window sills, but does not tolerate direct sunlight, so its leaves can get burned. IN summer time the flower can be taken outside, but it must be placed in a place where there is no wind or draft. The most optimal temperature for this shrub is from +18 to +21 degrees. If care and watering are good, the Chinese rose will bloom from spring to autumn. It is very important to ensure good watering and drainage of the soil during flowering.

Good appearance The flower will benefit from daily spraying, especially if the hibiscus grows in the winter in a room where heating elements operate that dry out the air. Many people complain that their rose does not bloom, what's the matter? Not everyone knows that the flower buds of this plant are formed when optimal temperature+15 degrees. With this temperature, the soil does not dry out, and watering becomes rare. Therefore, if you have the right hibiscus: care and cultivation, then flowering will occur very quickly.

Many have seen that in office establishments and educational institutions Huge roses grow in tubs, because it is cool there, so the plant feels great in such a climate and gives those around it abundant blooms throughout the warm season. Therefore, if the house is cool enough, then this is the most best option for Chinese rose. But if the apartment is very hot, then for a while it is better to move the flower to a cool place, for example, to a balcony or loggia. Watering in winter should be rare, since the plant is dormant and does not require much nutrition.

Plant propagation by seeds

Almost all ornamental shrubs begin to form seeds after the buds bloom, so propagation of hibiscus by seeds is also possible. Using seeds, you can get good, strong seedlings, which are planted in pots or in open ground, depending on the type of shrub.

In nature, hibiscus disperses independently with the help of birds and wind. After a while, the seeds are buried in the ground and germinate. In harsh climates with severe frosts, the seeds simply do not ripen. If the flower grows in the southern regions, then it is very easy to propagate hibiscus from seeds. Each type of this ornamental shrub is capable of reproducing in this way, but the herbaceous species is the best in this regard.

Growing hibiscus in open ground: features and varieties

In terms of external qualities, a flower can be in the form of a shrub, tree or herbaceous plant, so care and propagation of hibiscus in open ground may differ slightly. For example, a tree variety is usually grown in open ground, as a small shrub or standard tree. This variety includes the Syrian rose, which grows up to 1.5 meters. The herbaceous species has many hybrid varieties that are annuals and perennials, and each hibiscus is attractive in its own way in the spring.

Despite such diversity, types and varieties of Chinese roses, they all have common features. For example, their leaves are petiolate, notched, the flowers are bright, large, there are yellow double or simple hibiscus, large or small. Regarding flowers, red, yellow, white, lilac, crimson, purple, violet and blue petals are very common. There are also spotted varieties that may have a border around the edges of the petals and splashes of a different color. The fruits of the shrub are five-leaf, forming a seed capsule. Today, more than 500 varieties and varieties of this plant are known. For example, Sumish, Copper King, Hardy, Schizopetalus, Fireball.

Varieties of hibiscus flower

There are cultivated and wild species hibiscus, which are annual or perennial.

The main three types of flowers are: shrubby, treelike and herbaceous. Color palette is diverse and has several thousand colors and colors, with the only exceptions being black and blue. There are variegated hibiscus (Cooper) with dark green leaves, with large or small flowers, and the largest bud can reach up to 30 cm when opened. The seeds of the rose are covered with fluff or are completely smooth, depending on the variety. If it is a hybrid garden hibiscus: its care and propagation will be different, since many hybrids cannot tolerate frost. A flower can grow in one place for more than 20 years; in early spring it needs pruning, which makes the bush more branched. If the conditions are most comfortable, then the bush can reach a height of 3 meters or more.

Syrian hibiscus

The Syrian rose or Ardens is a very beautiful, deciduous shrub, whose height is 6 meters. Its leaves are large - up to 10 cm in length, their color is bright green. In terms of bud size, the Syrian rose is inferior to the Chinese rose, but is distinguished by beautiful, double, two-color flowers. Providing proper care Syrian hibiscus in the garden, you need to prune every year a bush or tree that blooms all summer, including the first week of September.

The Syrian rose was brought from Western Asia and China, and today it grows successfully in Moldova, Central Asia, Caucasus, Kuban and Crimea. Very often, Ardens hibiscus is planted in parks, on streets or squares, where the shrub has gained immense popularity. However, it grows very slowly, so the first flowering begins only after the seedling is three years old.

Growing Syrian hibiscus: planting and caring for it should be the most optimal, taking into account the climate. The rose blooms almost the entire warm period, but the bud only lives for one day. Since there are a lot of buds on the tree, young ones replace old ones. A rose bush in one place can be about 20 years old; it needs periodic pruning at the end of winter and after flowering.

tree hibiscus

A fairly unpretentious, frost-resistant variety that is very easy to replant and prune. It will make a wonderful flowering hedge on any summer cottage, will decorate every garden and windowsill of the house. Carrying out good care for tree hibiscus, its flowering will be abundant and long-lasting. The very first buds bloom in late spring, and the last ones in late autumn. The garden tree shrub is distinguished by medium ovate leaves that appear very late. The bush can be up to three meters high and 1.5 meters wide.

In autumn and spring, the leaves of this type of flower can acquire a yellow tint, which becomes characteristic feature. When a hibiscus is transplanted, you need to use a good, fertile soil, where there will be a lot of humus. In order for the bush to produce abundant flowering, it needs to choose a quiet, sunny place where there will be no drafts. Watering the flower should be frequent and regular, but the roots should not be allowed to flood, as they will rot, and hibiscus diseases may also develop, which are difficult to cure. In open ground, young seedlings are necessarily closed for the winter, which will help them survive frosts.

Swamp hibiscus

A fairly large, herbaceous perennial, which is distinguished by dying shoots in winter. The plant can reach a height of 2.5 meters, so pruning hibiscus becomes a necessity. Its leaves are heart-shaped with a jagged edge, slightly rough on top with a faint edge. The buds of this species are large, simple, up to 20 cm in diameter. The color of the flowers can be pink, white, crimson and red. To plant it, it is better to choose wet, sunny places with a lot of moisture. It should be noted that swamp hibiscus, unlike other species and varieties, is the only one that grows in the swamp.

Therefore, if in suburban area There is artificial pond, damp and illuminated area, then this flower will become a real decoration of this unclaimed place. When planting swamp hibiscus: planting and care in open ground it should include acidic soils where the moisture content is maximum. If planting in a hot area, it is better to choose partial shade for planting. Ideal place for such unique flower– this is next to a stream or small pond.

herbaceous hibiscus

Among other types of shrubs, the herbaceous perennial outdoor hibiscus was obtained by crossing several types of flowers - swamp, armed and bright red.

It can be annual or perennial, but most gardeners choose the second option, since it does not require additional care and constant planting. Each variety of this species is distinguished by incised, petiolate leaves and bright flowers.
Moreover, their colors can be very different: snow-white, lilac, blue, crimson, burgundy, yellow and pale pink.

There is also a hibiscus mix, that is, when there are two shades on one flower. The bush is able to reproduce by seeds that ripen in a five-leaf box. Providing care for herbaceous hibiscus does not require much effort and time, since the flower is able to grow well in any climatic conditions, it tolerates frost and drought, and does not require mandatory pruning or additional fertilizing.

When planting herbaceous hibiscus: planting and care should include soil with a high acidity level. It is advisable to add rotted needles to the soil before planting and organic fertilizers. Seedlings of this type of hibiscus are planted in the spring, when there is no threat of frost. Over the summer, the young trees will take root and get stronger, so wintering will be successful. Herbaceous varieties grow well in sunny meadows that are protected from drafts and wind. And if there are roses nearby, then their growth and the condition of the crown will only be better. You can read the article: .

Today, many varieties are grown in temperate regions tropical plants. One of the brightest representatives of the flora of warm countries is garden hibiscus, which even a novice gardener can grow.

Breeders have developed many varieties of hibiscus that grow and develop well even in latitudes with harsh winters.

The flower is often used in landscape design. He can perform the most important element flower beds or front garden, and also fits perfectly into flower arrangement from many types of plant crops. It accepts care with gratitude, and its reproduction occurs through ripened seeds.

Description of the plant crop

Hibiscus belongs to Malvaceae family. It grows freely in the tropics and subtropics of the New and Old Worlds.

The flower can be grown as indoor or garden plant. garden plants may be represented by trees, shrubs or herbaceous plants. The tree-like Syrian rose is grown as a standard tree or shrub in height up to 1.5 m.

The herbaceous garden dweller is the hybrid hibiscus and can be grown as a perennial or annual.

Despite the species diversity, all representatives of the genus have some common features. The stems are covered with notched, petiolate leaves. Large flowers of simple and double forms usually have shades of yellow, red and blue. Some varieties have an eye or border on the petals. The fruits are represented by five-leaf capsules in which the seeds are formed.

Many people still cannot understand why hibiscus is called the flower of death. In the distant past, people believed that this plant brought misfortune to the family and could become an omen of death. However, this applies to indoor view called Chinese rose. About garden varieties and there are no signs of hybrids, so you can easily grow hibiscus on your site and enjoy it beautiful flowers.

There are up to 250 varieties of garden hibiscus, photos of which can be found on the Internet. Often different varieties, differing in shape, size and color of flowers, are used to create the overall composition of a flower garden. Frost-resistant plant species are cultivated in temperate latitudes.

Syrian hibiscus grows freely in China. The height of the deciduous shrub can reach 5-6 m. The bright green leaves, 8-10 cm long, are ovoid in shape.

Single flowers of double or simple form can be different colors. The plant is grown as a bush or standard tree. Popular varieties of this variety:

  • Vayelit Ilar Double. On powerful upright bushes, double or semi-double flowers appear during flowering. The violet-blue petals have red spots towards the center.
  • Diana. The shrub grows up to 2 m in height. The white flowers consist of petals with wavy edges and reach a diameter of 10-12 cm.
  • Carneus Plenus. The shrub variety is characterized by flexible branches. Double pale pink flowers have a purple spot in the center.
  • Pink Giant. The plant is grown as a bush. There is a purple spot at the base of the single pink flowers.

Homeland hibiscus trifoliata is Central and Northern Africa. Today this species is grown in almost all countries. herbaceous plant characterized by a taproot system. Branched shoots grow straight and reach 0.9 m in height. Tripartite leaves growing on petioles are arranged alternately. The diameter of the yellowish flowers with a dark red center does not exceed 5 cm. This species is interesting because its flowers open in the morning for several hours and form a bud in the afternoon. The herbaceous plant blooms for a whole month, as new buds form in the axils of each leaf blade, and when favorable conditions New flowers appear daily.

Also used in gardening hybrid hibiscus. To obtain varieties of this variety, three North American species of flower were taken - holly, bright red and swamp. Hybrid hibiscus are herbaceous perennials with spectacular large flowers. Flower growers prefer to grow the following hybrid varieties:

  • Pale pink. The height of the herbaceous bush reaches 1.6-1.7 m. Yellow-green leaves with jagged edges grow on short shoots. Large tulip-shaped pink flowers have a white bottom and calyx.
  • Late. The height of a compact bush usually does not exceed a meter. The dense foliage consists of toothed, oval-arrow-shaped, petiolate leaves. The color of the bell-shaped flowers is raspberry-pink with a lilac tint. Narrow bells, 6-7 cm in diameter, bloom on thick peduncles.
  • Pink porcelain. The bushes, growing up to 1.2 m, have branched stems strewn with deeply cut leaves of a yellow-green color. The petiole leaf plates reach a length of 6-7 cm. The flowers, which have a white throat and barely noticeable yellowness, are characterized by a large bell-shaped shape and a light pink tint. On short peduncles they gather in bunches.
  • Youth. The weakly branched bush reaches a height of 1.5 m. The stems have a light yellow-green tint. Leaves of the same color can be three- or five-cut. The diameter of pink flowers ranges from 9-10 cm. They are characterized by a tulip-shaped shape.

Under favorable conditions, hibiscus can live in one place more than 20 years. Therefore, it is important to choose the right site for it. Select a place for the plant that is well-lit and isolated from wind drafts. The soil must be fertile, light and permeable.

Hibiscus should be planted in the spring, after the last frost has passed. In warm weather it will quickly take root and grow stronger. Planting is done as follows:

  • A hole for the seedling is dug 2 times larger than the root system of the bush.
  • Pour into the bottom of the hole thick layer drainage from broken bricks 15 cm thick. Then there is a layer of sand 10 cm thick and compost 15 cm thick. The final layer of sand is filled with the same thickness.
  • The excavated soil is mixed with peat and sand.
  • The seedling is carefully placed in the hole, the root collar should be just below the soil surface. Free space covered with prepared substrate.
  • The earth should be hilled up so that there is a wide recess around the bush into which water will be poured to feed the plant.
  • After planting, the soil is moistened in this circle, into which a little more soil is then poured to level the surface of the area.

Hibiscus can be planted in the fall, but in this case you will have to mulch it and tie it with spruce branches. trunk circle bush.

Caring for garden hibiscus pretty simple. The flower needs regular watering, which should be done after the soil has completely dried. During the hot season, the bush should be watered more often than usual. Sometimes the dry period drags on, then the soil will have to be moistened daily.

The soil around the hibiscus should be loosened regularly. It is also necessary to rid the ground next to the bush of weeds and excess grass.

During the growing season, the plant is fed with phosphorus and nitrogen.

Fertilizers must be added twice a month. With the onset of autumn, fertilizing with potassium is added to these products.

With the appearance of young green shoots, old branches should be removed so that the bush does not thicken. Hibiscus flowers exist only for one day, but the appearance of flowers one after another contributes to abundant flowering, so it is necessary to remove faded specimens in time, making room for new ones.


Growing shrubs requires mandatory sanitary pruning. The procedure should be carried out early in the spring, before sap flow begins. The bush is removed from diseased, old, dry and underdeveloped shoots. Last year's growths are cut back by one third to stimulate the appearance of new buds. Abundant flowering can be achieved only with strong pruning of branches.

For aged bushes, anti-aging pruning should be carried out. All old and dead branches are cut off, the remaining shoots are shortened by two-thirds.

Decorative pruning is done when you want to give the shrub an attractive appearance with a certain shape. Usually a tree is grown from it, however, it will take a lot of time and patience to complete the plan. After planting, the branches of the young bush are pruned to two or three buds; a well-developed trunk is left untouched. Every year at the end winter season the side branches are shortened to one or two buds, and the main trunk to 6-7 buds. When the main trunk grows to required height, the desired crown of the tree is formed from strong branches, which need to be cut into 2-3 buds. The top of the bush should be slightly trimmed, and the lower shoots should be completely removed.

Winter care

In temperate latitudes, garden hibiscus left on the site for the winter must overwinter with shelter. This rule is mandatory for species with double flowers. The plant is prepared for winter dormancy in the fall. The ground part is cut off almost to the very surface of the earth. The soil is moistened and hilled. If the winter is expected to be snowless or too cold, then mulch in the form of sawdust or dry fallen leaves is added to the flower.

In November, when the temperature drops to -4-9 degrees, a shelter with lutrasil, spunbond or agrotex stretched over a frame is built around the bush. With this material, the plant tolerates winters well at temperatures not lower than -16 degrees. Spruce spruce branches are able to protect the flower in winter from both cold and overheating.

In regions with harsh winters, gardeners dig up plants and replant them in large containers or boxes. The containers are moved to the basement or other cool room where the hibiscus spends the entire winter. The bushes are replanted back into the garden with the onset of spring.

Hibiscus propagation

Garden hibiscus can be propagated in several ways, but the seed method and cuttings are more reliable.

Plant propagation by seeds

Growing hibiscus by seed lasts from January to March.

Strong specimens are immediately placed in a permanent place, and weaker bushes are grown in a training bed.


Vegetative propagation spend in the summer.

  • Cuttings are cut with two or three internodes.
  • The lower sections must be treated with a growth stimulator.
  • The branches are planted in a greenhouse with peat. Bottom lighting is provided for cuttings.
  • Within a month, the hibiscus takes root.
  • Then they are transplanted into containers with a substrate of turf, leaf soil, peat and sand. Plants are provided with regular watering.
  • With the appearance of new shoots, pinching is done, which promotes dense branching of the bush.
  • After the bush has formed, the plants are planted in open ground.

With proper care, the shrub can be expected to bloom in the first year after planting in the garden.

Garden hibiscus

Diseases and pests

Hibiscus has an average degree of disease. If you care for it properly, the bush will grow healthy. But a lack of fertilizing with nitrogen and iron can lead to the appearance of chlorosis, which is expressed in the falling of old foliage and yellowing of new leaves. To avoid this disease, the plant must be fed in the spring with fertilizers containing nitrogen, and watering should be done with iron chelate.

During dry periods, hibiscus may appear spider mites, whiteflies or . Insects can be controlled using insecticides.

Growing hibiscus in the garden is not difficult if you follow necessary rules care A healthy plant will regularly delight the eye with variegated flowers. various forms and colors.

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