Ornamental crop Lychnis rosetta: features of growing from seeds. Lychnis: planting and caring for the garden, growing from seeds

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Lovers of bright and contrasting flower beds should definitely plant Lychnis chalcedony in their garden. The plant blooms with bright, bright red, fiery, pink, white, dark crimson flowers that attract with their appearance. Let's take a closer look at how Lychnis chalcedony is grown and propagated, as well as where it is used.

Short description

The plant is sometimes called Zorka vulgaris, thanks to its fiery bright inflorescences it seems as if she is glowing.

A perennial plant can grow in one place for five years. It has erect stems covered with ovate or lanceolate leaves. The bushes can grow up to one meter in height.
Lychnis chalcedony blooms in June and blooms for 75 days. to his decorative look it gives the garden a fabulous beauty with bright luminous flowers.

The bushes have small red flowers with two-lobed petals, which are collected in spherical inflorescences with a diameter of 10 centimeters.

Features of planting

Zorka vulgare stands up to a wide variety of weeds and blooms harmoniously at the appointed time. You can plant the plant in the fall or in early spring by sowing seeds in the ground. In the second year after planting, it will bloom in late summer.

In order for Lychnis to bloom the same year it is planted, it is important to keep the seeds in the refrigerator for 14 days and then sow them in March for seedlings. It is recommended to grow seedlings in bright light and low temperature air. As soon as the seedlings grow up, they are transplanted from the greenhouse or greenhouse into open ground.

Important landing rules:

  1. Lychnis is planted on any garden, light, permeable and non-acidic soil.
  2. If land plot is located near groundwater, make drainage using coarse sand.
  3. It is important to ensure that the bush does not die due to too much dampness.
  4. Too heavy soil can be lightened with sand.
  5. When planting seedlings in open ground, add humus or compost in a small amount to the holes.

Read also: Reproduction of helenium, planting and care in open ground, placement on the site

The place for planting the plant should be sunny and open. As soon as the dawn is planted in the ground, be sure to sprinkle it with soil and water it.

Since Lychnis chalcedony easily tolerates drought, it is rarely watered. If the summer is too hot and you want to maintain the decorative appearance of the plant, water it once a week.

In spring it is important to feed the bush complex fertilizer. In autumn, cut off the above-ground part. The terry type of plant must be covered for the winter. All other varieties are winter-hardy.

Every five years, the bushes are dug up in spring or autumn, divided into several parts and transplanted to new places. When planting between plants, be sure to leave a gap of 30 centimeters.

Harvesting the plant

Common dawn is often used to create medicines or household funds. Therefore, it is important to know how you can prepare raw materials.
For the preparation, flowers, leaves and roots of the plant are collected. The raw materials are dried and stored in a dry place.

Collection is carried out at the beginning or during flowering. It is during this period that all the beneficial active substances accumulate in the plant.

Protecting the plant from various attacks

It is easy to care for lychnis, but it is important to protect it from various diseases and insect attacks.

  • Most often, bushes are affected by rust, root rot, and leaf spots. It is important to carefully inspect the plants and perform good drainage. Such measures will prevent the occurrence of unwanted diseases.
  • Lychnis can be completely damaged due to aphids and leaf rollers. If larvae of such insects are found, treat with tobacco decoction or tomato tops. If there are too many pests, gardeners save the plants by using special chemical insecticides.

Reproduction methods

The Lychnis plant propagates by seeds, cuttings or dividing the bush. Each method has its own characteristics of reproduction.

Seed propagation

Often the plant reproduces on its own, scattering its ripe seeds throughout the garden. You can collect them and sow them in open ground in April.

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Before sowing, dilute the soil with sand, humus or compost. In order for the plant to germinate better, stratify the seeds before sowing them. In other words, keep the seeds for several weeks in the refrigerator, placing them in the ground. After a while, just leave the seedlings in the room on the table so that they produce their first shoots.

After two leaves appear on the seedlings, they are transplanted into separate cups.
In early August, flowers are planted in open ground on permanent place growth. There should be a distance of 30 - 40 centimeters between the bushes.
Lychnis planted by seed will bloom only in the second year.


Cut cuttings 20 centimeters long in June. Root them in the usual way, sprinkling them with soil and covering them with film. In September, transplant the plants to a permanent place of growth.

Dividing the bush

In the fall, dig up a bush and carefully divide its rhizomes into several parts. Plant the resulting cuttings in a permanent place of growth, leaving small gaps between them.
By dividing the bush, you can propagate common zorka even during flowering. It is important to act carefully when carrying out the procedure to prevent destruction of the root soil ball.

Features of the use of the plant

Lychnis is used in folk medicine, on the farm and to create beautiful landscape. Rules for the use of common dawn:

  • in some countries the plant is used as an anti-inflammatory and antimycotic agent to treat skin and blood diseases. It is contraindicated to use products with the plant in case of individual intolerance, during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in childhood. It is important to consult a doctor before use;
  • The farm uses powder from the roots of the plant. It is used to make soap that eliminates greasy spots from clothes and hands;
  • for creating landscape design Gardeners plant Lychnis both individually and in whole groups. Plant it near non-aggressive plants. It is recommended to plant red flowers among green perennials. They decorate garden paths, borders, flower beds, banks of small ponds.
  • Flower growers like to plant common dawn on their plots, as it is easy to care for and pleasant to use for useful purposes.

Read also: Unpretentious perennials - bush carnations

Now you know how to plant and care for Lychnis chalcedony, how it reproduces and where it is used. Since the plant is unpretentious, anyone can grow it, even those who do not understand gardening. If you decide to treat skin diseases with remedies based on the dawn, be sure to go to the doctor with this question.

Lychnis is called beautiful plant, blooming for many years from the Carnation family. It grows in temperate and subtropical climates. Lychnis is incredibly beautiful, gardeners love it and professional designers enjoy using it. Its name is of Greek origin - “lychnos” meaning “lamp”.

It is no coincidence that it bears this name, because in ancient times the plant was used as a wick. The popular name is “dawn”, “adonis”, “soap plant”. The first two names were received for the bright flowers that burn in the middle of the flower bed.

The last name was assigned to the flower due to its unusual soapiness. Therefore, in ancient times, the plant was not only a wick, but was also used as soap. Caring for Lychnis is not difficult. Even a novice gardener or an ordinary amateur can cope with this task.

The most popular variety is “Maltese Cross,” so named because it has cross-shaped flowers.

  • Lychnis of Jupiter. Born on the alpine slopes. The plant is tall, reaching 80 cm. The stems are completely covered with oval-shaped leaves. Blooms from mid-summer. Flowers up to 3 cm in diameter are purple in color. This type of lychnis loves sunny places, is resistant to drought and easily tolerates frost. It is advisable to rejuvenate the bush every 4 years.


The correct conditions for planting lychnis in open ground are the first step to successfully growing beautifully flowering plant. It can grow and bloom in dark places, but all the beauty of flowering will be shown only when growing in sunny areas.

The inflorescences not only become brighter, but also acquire big sizes. In winter, there is no need to cover lychnis; the plant easily tolerates any cold.

The soil in which lychnis grows must necessarily consist of moistened sand. Its quantity is calculated as follows: per one square meter pour a bucket of coarse sand into the area.

The soil must be constantly loosened, this will protect the plant from death as a result of stagnant water. If it is possible to prepare the soil for planting lychnis in a month, potassium magnesium, superphosphate and humus are added by digging.


The plant does not require special care and does not cause any difficulties. All that is required is timely watering, fertilizing, fertilizing, mulching and removing dead shoots and flowers. With the onset of autumn, Lychnis is cut off completely.

How to fertilize lychnis?

Despite the ease of caring for the plant, it must be constantly fertilized with minerals. Feeding is carried out approximately 2 - 3 times during one growing season.

Initially, they try to feed Lychnis when it is actively gaining growth, but is not yet blooming. The feeding solution should consist of potassium sulfate, superphosphate and urea. Watering is carried out with three buckets per square meter.

When the plant is actively blooming, the solution should already include potassium sulfate, superphosphate and Agricola - 7, mixed in a tablespoon in 10 liters of water. This solution is also suitable for autumn feeding.


Lychnis propagates vegetatively using cuttings, dividing the bush, or seeds. Let's consider each option separately:

Diseases and pests

Lychnis can very rarely attract the attention of pests or be affected by serious diseases.

However, if the plant is not properly cared for, it may be attacked spider mite, aphid, powdery mildew and leaf roller.

With constant overwatering, the plant develops root rot, rust, smut, and leaf spots.

Soil drainage is mandatory when growing lychnis, and thinning the bush is also very important. You can treat the ground before planting lychnis with various mild preparations.

If a bush is damaged by a leaf roller, it is treated with biological products such as tobacco or tomato tops. If the defeat has acquired serious proportions, only chemicals( , ). They will save the plant, but it will not be able to bloom for the next year.

Combination with plants

Lychnis looks great with the following colors:

  • aster;
  • chrysanthemum;
  • cornflower;
  • bell;
  • gypsophila;
  • carnation.

Landscape use

Lychnis is used by landscape designers when creating flower beds and mixborders. Ideal for rocky slides.

Lychnis is also often planted along the banks of garden ponds and even lakes. Tall species are suitable for decorating walls, fences and gazebos in the summer.

Lychnis alpine is planted on sunny areas mainly in rock gardens. Bright flowers look great against the background of plants with yellow inflorescences.

You can make bouquet arrangements from lychnis, but unfortunately they do not last long. That's why the best option The use of this bright plant is in flower beds and rock gardens.

It is in such places that you can enjoy the rich colors of this amazing flower in person.

These plants have bright, pure pink or red flowers that attract butterflies. They make a great addition to garden borders and are good for cutting. Small species suitable for rocky gardens or raised beds, and Lychnis flos-cuculi (Lychnis cuckoo flower) is suitable for damp places, for example on the banks of ponds.

Many species have sticky glands that catch (but do not digest) small insects.

All species listed here are herbaceous polygons.

Alpina (syn. L. viscaria var. alpina) (L. alpine)

Pink-purple flowers about 1 cm across with notched petals form capitate inflorescences in the summer, starting in late spring. The dark green linear or spatulate leaves are mainly collected at the base of the plant. This small bushy perennial does not live long, but easily propagates by self-sowing. The height and diameter of the plant is 15x10cm.

Pink-purple flowers

Arkwrightii (L. Arkwright)

In summer, bright red flowers up to 4 cm in diameter bloom. The plant tolerates frosts down to -20°C. It is especially prized for its greenish foliage with a purple tint. The height and diameter of the plant is 40x20 cm.

Bright red flowers


A variety with bright orange-red flowers about 5 cm in diameter.

Variety with bright orange-red flowers

Chakedonica (L. chalcedony, Zorka vulgaris)

A long-time favorite species with fiery red flowers about 3 cm in diameter with notched petals on inflorescences that bloom in the first half of summer. The leaves are light green, lanceolate or oval, located oppositely on hard stems. Doesn't like excessive dryness. The height and diameter of the plant is 80x40 cm.

Species with fiery red flowers

Coronaria (L. coronata)

Branched inflorescences of bright reddish-purple flowers up to 3 cm in diameter bloom throughout the summer. Beautiful gray pubescent oval or lanceolate leaves are arranged in pairs on straight stems. In harsh climates it is short-lived - after abundant flowering dies, turning into a biennial. The height and diameter of the plant is 60x45 cm.

Angel's Blush

Large white flowers have a pink tint.

Large white flowers have a pink tint


A group of cultivars with dark pink flowers and pale gray foliage.


The group has white flowers with a bright pink eye.

L. flos-cuculi (L. cuckoo flower)

Bright pink flowers up to 4 cm in diameter with deeply incised, narrow-lobed petals in loose, branched inflorescences. Blooms in summer and early autumn. This graceful, wide-spreading perennial has opposite, pointed, dark green leaves. Homeland - Russia, Europe. The height and diameter of the plant is 60x40 cm.

Bright pink flowers up to 4 cm in diameter

Flos-jovts (L. color of Jupiter)

Bright purple, pink or white flowers up to 2 cm in diameter are collected in dense inflorescences located on straight stems. This bushy, pubescent plant blooms in summer. In central Russia it behaves like a biennial. The height and diameter of the plant is 45x45 cm.

Bushy pubescent plant

Hort's Variety

Dense pink capitate inflorescences.

"Hort's Variety"

Nana syn. “Minor

The flowers are red; The height of the plant is only 25 cm.

“Nana” (syn. “Minor”

Haageana (L. hague)

Bright red or orange-red flowers with a diameter of about 5 cm are collected in few-flowered inflorescences. Blooms in summer. The oval green leaves may have a purple tint. A short-lived perennial that can withstand temperatures down to -20°C. It blooms in the first year after sowing and can be grown as an annual. The height and diameter of the plant is 45x30 cm.

Oval green leaves


The variety produces red flowers up to 7 cm in diameter.



The flowers are salmon pink.

L. viscaria (L. sticky, Common gum)

In summer, inflorescences of reddish-purple flowers about 2 cm in diameter with purple calyxes bloom. The rigid stems of this bushy plant in the area of ​​the upper internodes are very sticky, for which the plant received its name. The leaves are elliptical, dark green. The height and diameter of the plant is 45x30 cm.

Leaves are elliptical


The flowers are purple-pink, with pubescent leaves and clusters of bright pink flowers. The height and diameter of the plant is 40x30 cm.

L yunnanensis (L. yunnan)

Flowers are white to light pink, up to 2 cm in diameter, with notched petals. The inflorescences are loose and bloom from late spring to summer. Excellent view for rocky gardens. This hairy perennial has thin stems and narrow, oval, bright green leaves. The height and diameter of the plant is 20x15 cm.

Inflorescences are loose


All plants tolerate frosts down to -25°C, and sometimes lower (exceptions are mentioned in the text). Apart from L. flos-cuculi, which requires moist soil, all others grow well in most well-drained soils in sun or partial shade. Small plants for alpine slides you need compost with sand and a place in bright sun. The species I. arkwrightii and L. haageana can be grown as annuals and tend to flower well each year spring sowing. The species I. coronaria, L. flos-jovis and L. viscaria propagate in the garden by self-seeding, and the young plants can then be transplanted to the desired locations.

Mirabilis - herbaceous plant native to North America. IN natural conditions prefers to settle on sunlit mountain slopes. Comes from the Nyctaginaceae family. Valued in ornamental gardening for its beautiful flowers, similar to large bright funnels, and also for their relative unpretentiousness in breeding. Feels great in summer in open, unprotected ground.

Mirabilis will easily take root even with an inexperienced gardener, since it does not require special care. Planting and caring for it are quite simple; the plant will not require your constant presence in the country. There are approximately 60 in total in the world various types mirabilis. But in our country, one of them is mainly bred, this is the Jalapa variety, originally from Mexico. This species has several quite beautiful and decorative varieties, which are loved by our flower growers for their unpretentiousness and excellent external characteristics, which can be assessed from the photo. The flower is also called for its night blooming night beauty. Watch a video showing mirabilis blooming at night.

Mirabilis has amazingly beautiful flowers. They can please you with absolutely any color, but in any color they remain beautiful, bright and delicate. Flowers have the peculiarity of blooming only in the afternoon, while they give out their maximum beauty and aroma at night. With the first rays of the sun, the flower closes, only to open again in the afternoon and then smell fragrant all night.

In nature, this plant is perennial. In hot countries it lives on average four or five years. But in our climate, it is cultivated as an annual, because, as a rule, mirabilis does not survive our frosts due to its weak root system, which is located too close to the soil surface and freezes out during the winter.

Common colors of mirabilis petals:

  • white;
  • red;
  • yellow;
  • pink;
  • crimson;
  • orange.

In this case, the petals can be not only monochromatic, but also colored in two contrasting colors, this makes the plant even more decorative. This coloring is called marbled. This is, for example, the Morning Dawn variety.

Plant care

The soil

Mirabilis variety Jalapa does not tolerate acidic soil. In addition, it is very important that the place where you plan to plant the plant is dry. Swamps and high humidity the flower will not tolerate. It is also good to add lime to the soil, this will extend the life and growth of the plant.


Mirabilis begins to bloom in June, and new flowers will appear on the bush until the first autumn frosts. The Velvichia variety is especially famous for its long flowering. When flowering stops, a brown box with seeds appears in place of the flowers. These seeds can be collected, dried and used for planting next year. Keep in mind that Mirabilis seeds of any variety can maintain good germination if proper storage, for three years. Sometimes the plant is also called lollipop for its bright flowers, reminiscent of children's candy.


Occurs mainly by seeds. How is it grown from seeds? At the beginning of spring, Mirabilis seeds can already be sown in greenhouses. You should first soak them for a day in warm water. But even without this trick, the plant’s seeds have an amazingly high germination rate. The temperature in the greenhouse should not be very high; 18-20 degrees is ideal for good germination. After the sprouts appear, they will grow rapidly, and by mid-summer your area will already have mature, strong plants. flowering bushes mirabilis. It is not recommended to immediately sow seeds in open ground.

The sprouts sprout approximately a week or two after sowing; exceptions are possible only for the Mirabilis Matis variety. After the sprouts appear, they should be planted in different containers. It is important to keep in mind that the root system of Mirabilis is taprooted, so the glass or pot for the first independent planting should not be so wide as it should be high enough to give the root enough space.

Planting for a permanent place of residence is carried out only after the sprouts have become stronger and you are sure that night frosts will not set in again. Usually the beginning of May is suitable for this. In the northern regions - later. It is important to leave enough free space between plants, at least 40 centimeters, because they will soon grow and may become crowded. Planting a Mirabilis plant should provide it with sufficient freedom, which will ensure best conditions for lush flowering.

Both planting in open ground and further care of the plant involve the use of polyethylene at night until consistently warm weather is established. This will protect your delicate flower sprouts from unexpected cold spells at night.

Reproduction by cuttings

Such propagation as vegetative propagation is used in relation to Mirabilis much less frequently. It's easier to do this with seeds. But if it suddenly happens that there are no seeds, then you can try to propagate garden mirabilis by cuttings. Just keep in mind that this is a long and rather tedious task. Propagation procedure by cuttings:

  • We take cuttings that are half woody.
  • Dry the cut a little, after which you need to dip the tip in a growth stimulator, “Kornevin” will do.
  • We place the cuttings in a nutrient substrate for root growth; ordinary water is also suitable for this. The temperature in the room should be 20-22 degrees. At lower temperatures, the plant will not be able to take root.
  • The roots will sprout in about 2-3 weeks. If after three weeks you cannot see any signs of roots on the petioles, then you will have to throw away the petioles; they are no longer suitable and will not germinate. But mirabilis (night beauty) usually always germinates.

There is a little trick adopted by many flower growers. In order for the roots to grow faster, the lower part of the container, where the germinating cutting is located, is heated to 24-26 degrees. Try this method, it can be quite effective. And you will definitely grow beautiful mirabilis flowers.

After the roots have appeared and become a little stronger, the seedlings should be transplanted into prepared soil. It is better to do this immediately outside in a place where the flower will grow constantly.

Then care mainly comes down to timely cleaning of the flower bed from weeds, pests and regular watering. The advantage of the plant is that it very rarely gets sick and is also resistant to pests. The plant very rarely reproduces by tubers.

  • Lighting. Mirabilis loves light areas. It should not be grown in the shade.
  • Temperature. Caring for a southerner named mirabilis involves sheltering it from the cold, especially from frost. Only summer warmth suits him. But, for example, the Hoya and Broken varieties have already been bred, which are quite cold-resistant.
  • Watering. Tolerates drought with ease. This is preferable to overwatering. But we must keep in mind that it is still necessary to water, since the plant will stop developing in the absence of watering, and in this case you will have to completely forget about flowering.
  • Feeding. For the bush to be lush and active flowering, sufficient regular feeding with nutrient solutions is necessary. But you shouldn’t do this often; just water it with a fertilizer solution once every four weeks, and that’s it. The Colors variety requires watering more often.

In general, caring for mirabilis is not a very troublesome task and will not be difficult even for a novice gardener. You don’t have to tie it up, shape the crown, remove the inflorescences, or carry out any other manipulations that require constant presence nearby. The plant is completely independent. The only thing is that you still have to water and fertilize periodically.

Garden decoration

The decorative mirabilis flower, depending on the variety, can grow from 30 centimeters to one meter in height. The height of the plant determines where in the garden you place it. It is advisable to move tall bushes into the background so that they do not block their lower counterparts. And vice versa, 30-centimeter mirabilis bushes, such as the Olympus or Butterfly varieties, are best brought to the foreground for the harmony of the entire garden landscape composition. Keep in mind that those plant varieties that are tall are ideal for beautiful original and decorative hedges. Suitable neighbors for them are:

  • daisies and daisies;
  • marigolds, as well as their mixture;
  • nigella and other annual flowers.

Mirabilis is used not only as garden plant, but also grown in pots and pots on terraces, balconies and verandas. In this case, it is necessary to select containers that are deep enough for the plants.

Mirabilis is valued by gardeners and landscape designers for its uniqueness and the slight touch of romance that it gives to the garden, the most popular mirabilis Jalapa. Some of its varieties are quite capable of turning an ordinary garden into a fabulous and magical one. When flowering occurs, it is impossible to take your eyes off it.

But unfortunately, the exotic mirabilis flower, despite its unpretentiousness and excellent external characteristics, is not yet found too often in our dachas and personal plots. It is also interesting because if the day is cloudy and the sun is not showing, it can even bloom around the clock.

Growing mirabilis flowers is possible both as individual specimens and in group compositions. It looks very picturesque against the backdrop of uniform green grass or lawns.

Mirabilis tolerates winds and drafts well; it also does not need to be protected from precipitation in the form of rain. But if it suddenly starts to hail, then, of course, you should cover the plant plastic film. Mirabilis seedlings also need film cover.

  • Mirabilis produces its first flowers in June. If there is no flowering yet in the second half of June, although the buds are already ready, increase watering of the plant. Most likely it doesn't have enough moisture. But the Phyllanthus variety can bloom beautifully in dry soil.
  • You cannot fertilize the plant with fresh organic fertilizers. They have a bad effect on the tender root system mirabilis, the plant may even die from this. Ideally for root tubers, dry mineral fertilizer, previously diluted in water, is suitable.
  • Your mirabilis will really enjoy such care procedures as loosening the soil, weeding, and thinning out excess specimens. The plant loves light, loose, air-rich soils.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the name mirabilis translates as “amazing,” which is quite justified - the beauty of the flower is truly amazing.

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