Business communication types of tactics and strategies of the organization. Business communication tactics

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Business communication, as a certain process of interaction between people, has a strategic line and tactics for its implementation. Strategy involves setting a specific goal that stimulates the will of a participant in business communication, forces him to act consciously, intensively, mobilize his abilities, knowledge, experience, and be able to subordinate his forces to achieving this goal.

Business communication tactics involves the choice of a certain model of behavior, which in a given situation will most contribute to achieving the goal. Tactics (maneuverability) communication is based on certain principles, the most important of which are:

Variability (you should have several options for behavior in the same type of situation and be able to quickly use them);

Conflict-free (no confrontation or conflict with a business partner should be allowed);

Interactions (in business contacts one should skillfully use the mechanisms of human interaction: people’s affection for each other, sympathy, antipathy, trust, respect, etc.);

Ideology (you should be attentive to new, although unusual at first glance, ideas);

You need to be able to master those patterns of behavior that bring success in business relationships;

You should be able to show, present yourself and capture, correctly assess your reaction and the reaction of your partners when communicating, changes in the situation.

In business communication we can distinguish three phases :

1. Initial , during which initial contacts are established, the mood for communication is established, and orientation in the situation occurs. In this phase, the task appears: to encourage the business partner to communicate, to create interest, and the maximum field of opportunity to discuss the problem. Here the emotional state of the partner is also assessed, the strategy and tactics of communication are determined, due to which a certain tone of the relationship is chosen, the partner’s self-esteem is taken into account and roles are distributed.

2. Main , during which a certain sequence of actions is implemented, namely: establishing the intermediate and final goal of communication, direct linguistic, non-linguistic and documentary contacts, mutual analysis of output and intermediate proposals, search for agreed solutions, distribution of roles according to the principle of “dominance-subordination”, determining the prospects for communication.

3. Final , during which the results of business interaction are formulated, contact is exited, and the foundations for subsequent interaction are formed.

Business relationships are carried out in two

Business relationships take place in two forms: contact and interaction. Contact - this is a single act in which there is no system of coordinated actions of partners in relation to each other. The basis of the relationship between business partners is not contacts, but their interaction. Interaction – these are systematic, fairly regular, complementary actions of partners aimed at achieving the set goal. During the interaction, information is exchanged between both partners, a strong interest in the partner is formed, emotions and actions are exchanged.

Communication Strategies and Tactics

There are various concepts that describe methods, models and styles of communication. The diversity of approaches to a certain extent contributes to a deeper study and analysis of the basic process and helps everyone to rely on the concept that is most understandable to them and corresponds to their ideas about themselves and others. However, it is difficult to understand the large number of approaches, given that not all are described, and, of course, the difference in terms that are used to characterize the same phenomena interferes. You can combine the variety of terms and corresponding phenomena by introducing the concept of “strategy and tactics of communication.” This will allow you to describe the process in an integrated manner and facilitate the systematization of information.

It is worth noting that some scientists used the term “communication strategy,” but mainly in a mathematical context (according to game theory). In works on management and marketing, this concept covers not only communication, but also the entire system of strategies that are used in an organization (enterprise, firm, etc.). For example, in marketing, a distinction is made between product sales-oriented and customer-centric strategies. Today, the training of American bank managers is based on teaching them strategies and tactics.

There are different definitions of the concept “strategy”. In our understanding, this is a general scheme of actions. American authors believe that this is a general plan for achieving the goal. Describing and const hustling in life communication strategies, it is advisable to navigate on both definitions. In addition, it is also necessary to take into account whether the goal is achieved during communication by one subject or both (the motivational component of strategies).

When two subjects strive to do certain work together, exchange thoughts, feelings, assessments, and reach agreement, they, by communicating, strive to achieve a common goal. If each or one of the subjects wants to satisfy only their own interests, they set themselves an individual goal. Sometimes people communicating may not have a specific goal in mind (actual communication).

For complete characteristics of strategies to motivational component it is necessary to add more content. The fact is that a joint or individual goal may correspond to humanistic or manipulative (selfish, even cruel) attitudes of communication. In the first case, this is most often readiness, which is realized in communication through acts of cooperation, complicity, mutual assistance, mutual understanding and mutual respect. In the second case, this is a focus on actions in which the selfish, egoistic interests of one or both subjects are visible. It is these attitudes of each of them that lead to manipulation and violation of communication ethics.

For characteristics of strategies are important not only the goal and communicative attitudes, but also the nature of the construction of communication. Its strategic parameter is a certain relationship between dialogue and monologue. If during interaction subjects take turns exchanging information, thoughts, gestures, and feelings, then they adhere to dialogue. If one person speaks long enough or, while speaking, everyone thinks only of themselves, then a monologue or two monologues occur. Perceiving the monologue of one of the subjects, the other can conduct an internal dialogue with him. A dialogical approach to communication (preferably in the context of external dialogue) is optimal from the point of view of organizing communication and has great developmental and creative potential.

The main types of communication strategies, taking into account the described components, are shown schematically in rice. 1.

Rice. 1. Types of communication strategies:

A - humanistic-dialogical, aimed at achieving a common goal;

B - humanistic-monological, aimed at achieving a common goal;

C - humanistic-dialogical, aimed at achieving an individual goal;

D - humanistic-monological, aimed at achieving an individual goal;

E - manipulative-dialogical, aimed at achieving a common goal;

B - manipulative-dialogical, aimed at achieving an individual goal;

K - manipulative-monological, aimed at achieving a common goal;

L - manipulative-monological, aimed at achieving an individual goal.

These business communication strategies can be explained with examples.

So, before creating the company, Nikolai Iz. and Anna P. independently managed their funds. Now they must conduct financial affairs together. To do this, it is necessary to make a single decision that would satisfy both partners. But Nikolai Iz. declares: “I am the eldest, and for this I will manage the money.” This is K's strategy.

Economist M. saw something new on the department head’s desk staffing table. She did not find her post in it. She burst out: “Oh, so?!” How could he do this to me? I won't allow this to happen." This is strategy b - manipulative-monological, its goal is individual.

And here is an example of strategy A - humanistic-dialogical. Its goal is common. The head of the organization says: “In next year We will produce other products, more complex ones. What should we do now for this?” Subordinates made the following proposals: develop documentation, decide on resources, find buyers, etc. “Let’s specifically determine who will be responsible for what,” the manager asked. The heads of services began to formulate their tasks.

Communication strategies shown in Fig. 1 and in the examples are so-called pure. In life there are often combinations of them.

A system of consistent actions that contribute to the implementation of a strategy and the achievement of a goal is called tactics. The same communication strategy can be implemented in different tactics. The construction of a strategy or its selection depends on the characteristics of the subjects who carry it out, their system of values, interests and necessarily on communicative installations. The construction and selection of tactics are based primarily on knowledge of the situation and the characteristics of specific interlocutors. In general, the development of tactics as a system of actions in communication is of course influenced by strategy, if it is conscious. It is she who determines the nature of the actions that subjects use, transmitting certain information and influencing each other.

Consequently, the method and strategy of communication are two related phenomena that reveal the operational aspect of human interaction. They are an important tool for achieving a goal.


Methods of communication are a system of actions used in the activity or interaction of people to achieve a goal.

A method of communication that serves to convey information is a message.

The ways people influence each other in the process of communication are persuasion, suggestion, mental infection and imitation.

A communication strategy is a general scheme of action (or a general plan for achieving a goal). Unlike the methods and models communication she describes more than one of him side, and characterizes in unity motivational, content and operational.

Communication tactics are a system of actions used to implement a strategy.

The moral culture of communication presupposes the ability adequately select and implement effective communication strategies and tactics in accordance with the situation and psychological characteristics of the interlocutors.

Effective communication strategies include those that implement primarily humanistic communicative attitudes.

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Functions and structure of communication

Communication is a specific form of human interaction with other people as members of society; social relationships between people are realized in communication.

There are three interconnected sides in communication:

1) communicative the communication side consists of the exchange of information between people;

2) interactive side is organizing interaction between people, for example, it is necessary to coordinate actions, distribute functions or influence the mood, behavior, beliefs of the interlocutor;

3) perceptual the communication side includes the process perceptions of each other communication partners and establishing on this basis mutual understanding.

Means of communication include:

· Language- a system of words, expressions and rules for combining them into meaningful statements used for communication.

· Intonation– emotional expressiveness, which can give different meanings to the same phrase.

· Facial expressions– the pose and gaze of the interlocutor can enhance, complement or refute the meaning of the phrase.

· Gestures as means of communication can be either generally accepted, i.e., have meanings assigned to them, or expressive, i.e., serve for greater expressiveness of speech.

· Distance in which the interlocutors communicate depends on the cultural, national traditions, on the degree of trust in the interlocutor.

The communication procedure includes the following stages:

1. Need for communication(it is necessary to communicate or find out information, influence the interlocutor, etc.) - encourages a person to come into contact with other people.

2. Orientation for communication purposes, in a communication situation.

3. Personal orientation interlocutor.

4. Content planning of his message - a person imagines (usually unconsciously) what exactly he will say.

5. Selection of means of communication. Unconsciously (sometimes consciously) a person chooses specific means, phrases, which will be used, decides how to speak, how to behave.

6. Perception And grade the interlocutor's response, control communication efficiency based on establishing feedback.

7. Adjustment direction, style, communication methods. If any of the links in the act of communication is broken, then the speaker will not be able to achieve the expected results of communication - it will turn out to be ineffective.

These skills are called “social intelligence”, “practical-psychological intelligence”, “communicative competence”, “communication skills”.

Communication competence. Strategies, tactics, types of communication.

Communication is the process of two-way exchange of information leading to mutual understanding . “Communication” in Latin means “common shared with all.” If mutual understanding is not achieved, then communication has failed. To ensure the success of communication, you must have feedback about how people understood you, how they perceive you, how they relate to the problem.

Communication competence- the ability to establish and maintain necessary contacts with other people.

Reasons for poor communication may include:

A) stereotypes - simplified opinions regarding individuals or situations, as a result there is no objective analysis and understanding of people, situations, problems;

b) " preconceived notions" - inclination reject everything that contradicts one's own views, what is new, unusual (“We believe what we want to believe”). We rarely realize that another person's interpretation of events is as valid as our own;

V) bad relationship between people, because if a person’s attitude is hostile, then it is difficult to convince him of the validity of your view;

G) lack of attention and interest of the interlocutor , and interest arises when a person realizes value of information for yourself (with the help of this information you can get the desired or prevent undesirable developments);

d) disregard for facts , i.e., the habit of drawing conclusions in the absence of a sufficient number of facts;

e) errors in the construction of statements : wrong choice of words, message complexity, poor persuasiveness, illogicality and so on.;

and) wrong choice communication strategies and tactics.

Communication Strategies:

1. open - closed communication;

2. monologue - dialogic;

3. role (based on the social role) - personal (heart-to-heart communication).

Open communication - the desire and ability to fully express one’s point of view and the willingness to take into account the positions of others.

Closed communication - reluctance or the inability to clearly express one’s point of view, one’s attitude, or available information.

Types of communication

· "Contact of masks"- formal communication, when there is no desire to understand and take into account the personality characteristics of the interlocutor, familiar masks are used(politeness, severity, indifference, modesty, compassion, etc.) - a set of facial expressions, gestures, standard phrases that allow you to hide true emotions and attitude towards your interlocutor. In the city, contact masks are even necessary in some situations, so that people don’t “hurt” each other unnecessarily to “dissociate” yourself from your interlocutor.

· Primitive communication When evaluate another person as a necessary or interfering object: if necessary, then they actively come into contact, if it interferes, they will push away or aggressive, rude remarks will follow. If they get what they want from their interlocutor, they lose interest in him and do not hide it.

· Formal-role communication, When regulated and content and means of communication and Instead of knowing the personality of the interlocutor, they make do with knowledge of his social role.

· Business conversation, when they take into account the personality, character, age, mood of the interlocutor, but the interests of the case are more significant than possible personality differences.

· Spiritual. Between personal communication friends when you can touch on any topic and don’t have to resort to words - your friend will understand you by facial expression, movements, and intonation. Such communication is possible when each participant has an image of the interlocutor, knows his personality, interests, beliefs, attitudes, and can anticipate his reactions.

· Manipulative communication aimed at extracting benefits from the interlocutor using different techniques (flattery, intimidation, “showing off”, deception, demonstration of kindness) depending on the personality of the interlocutor.

· Social communication. The essence of secular communication is its pointlessness, i.e. people do not say what they think, but what is supposed to be said in such cases; This communication is closed, because people's points of view on a particular issue do not matter and do not determine the nature of communications.

Code of Social Communication :

A) politeness, tact: “respect the interests of others”;

b) approval, agreement: “do not blame the other,” “avoid objections”;

V) sympathy: “be friendly, friendly.”

Business Communication Code other:

1. principle cooperativeness: “your contribution should be such as is required by the jointly accepted direction of the conversation”;

2. principle sufficiency of information- “say no more and no less than is required in this moment»;

3. principle quality of information- "do not lie";

4. principle expediency- “don’t deviate from the topic, manage to find a solution”;

5. " express your thoughts clearly and convincingly for the interlocutor";

6. " know how to listen and understand the right thought";

7. " be able to take into account the individual characteristics of the interlocutor for the sake of the interests of the cause."

If one interlocutor is guided by the principle “ politeness", and the other - on the principle cooperativeness, they may get caught up in awkward, ineffective communication. Hence, rules of communication must be agreed upon and followed by both participants.

Communication tactics- implementation in specific situation communication strategy based on mastery of techniques and knowledge of communication rules.

Communication technique- a set of specific communication skills: talk and listen.

Positions in communication The following are distinguished:

1) a friendly attitude of acceptance of the interlocutor;

2) neutral position;

3) a hostile position of non-acceptance of the interlocutor;

4) dominance, or “communication from above”;

5) “communication as equals”;

6) subordination, or position “from below”.

From a comparison of these two factor-vectors in a circle, Leary identifies 8 individual styles communication:

The analysis of positions in communication is also carried out in the concept of transactional analysis (E. Bern).

Business conversation– this is the interaction of people, which is subordinated to the solution of a specific task (industrial, scientific, commercial, etc.). Business communication strategy and tactics– the use of certain techniques aimed at organizing joint activities of people within the framework of interpersonal communication.

The Code of Business Communication includes the following principles: 1) the dominant factor of business communication is the interests of the business; 2) in business communication it is necessary to be a partner, to observe the principle of equality and corporatism: act towards your partner as you would like him to act towards you; 3) business communication requires taking into account the individuality of the partner: study the partner in order to use his knowledge individual characteristics in the interests of the cause; 4) high-quality information should be used in business communication, partners should not deceive each other; 5) the information you provide to your partner should be sufficient: no more, but no less than the interests of the case require; 6) information in business communication must be targeted, you cannot deviate from the topic or subject of communication, this saves your time and the time of your partner; 7) in the process of business communication, information must be clearly presented to the partner and adequately accepted by him, therefore it is necessary to clearly explain your position and be able to listen to the partner.

A necessary condition for effective business communication is the ability to listen. Hearing is the process of perceiving, comprehending and understanding the speaker’s speech.

There are two types of listening: unreflective and reflective. Non-reflective listening consists of the ability to remain silent and not interfere with the interlocutor’s speech with your comments. Such listening is not always appropriate because silence can be misinterpreted as acceptance of the opponent's position. The essence of reflective listening is to actively intervene in the speech of the interlocutor, to create favorable conditions for communication, to ensure that the interlocutors understand each other correctly and accurately.

Types of interlocutors The type of interlocutor plays a special role in speech interaction.

Dominant interlocutor strives to take the initiative in verbal communication, does not like to be interrupted. He is often harsh, mocking, and speaks a little louder than others.

To achieve the goal of communication, it is not recommended to seize the initiative from the dominant partner, interrupt, or use expressions of speech pressure. You should use the “verbal exhaustion” strategy: after waiting for a pause, quickly and clearly formulate your interests. The dominant interlocutor will be forced to take them into account and somehow evaluate them.

Mobile interlocutor does not experience any difficulties in verbal communication. He easily enters into a conversation, speaks a lot, willingly, interestingly, often jumps from topic to topic, and does not get lost in unfamiliar company.

Rigid interlocutor usually has difficulty engaging in verbal communication. When the stage of entering into a conversation is over, the rigid interlocutor clearly formulates his position; he is logical, reasonable.

Introverted conversationalist does not strive to take the initiative and is ready to give it up without much objection. He is often shy, modest, and inclined to belittle his capabilities. Harsh, rude phrases can unsettle him, and the presence of strangers during a conversation significantly constrains his behavior.

Knowing the characteristics of each type of interlocutor helps to establish contact with the participants in a business conversation and makes the dialogue more fruitful.

Basics of public speaking

The term "oratory" (lat. oratoria) of ancient origin. Its synonyms are the Greek word rhetoric and Russian eloquence.

Oratory is the art of constructing and delivering a speech in public with the goal of producing a desired impact on an audience.

Depending on the goals and forms of public speaking, the following types of oratory are distinguished:

I. C socio-political eloquence (report, parliamentary, rally, military-patriotic, diplomatic, agitator speech).

II. Academic eloquence (university, popular science lecture, scientific report, scientific review, scientific message).

III. Judicial eloquence (lawyer, indictment, self-defense speech).

IV. Spiritual and moral eloquence (church sermon).

V. Social and everyday communication (anniversary speech, table speech (toast), funeral speech (funeral word).

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