Infant formula without palm oil. List of the best infant formulas without palm oil and GMOs: choosing harmless food for newborns

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Every parent wants to provide their child with the best from infancy. Therefore, moms and dads often try to find out which baby formula without palm oil and other harmful additives. In this article we will talk about why you should generally be wary of oil palm products and where to look for quality nutrition for newborns and one-year-old babies.

From this article you will learn:

Harm of palm oil for children

Palm oil belongs to a number of vegetable oils. To obtain it, the fleshy part of the fruits of the African oil palm (Eleis guinea) is used. For the first time, such a squeeze appeared 5 thousand years ago in Ancient Egypt, and since 2015, the production of the product has been 2.5 times faster than the creation of sunflower oil. The same company "Nestlé", famous in the world baby food, purchases 420 thousand tons of this product annually. The largest producing countries are Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand.

Contrary to existing myths, palm oil is obtained in classic version without the use of trans fats and chemicals. Fresh fruit bunches from palm trees are first sterilized, threshed, boiled, and then sent under mechanical press. Then the raw material is filtered and washed, after which it goes through the stages of deodorization and refining.

To determine the risks of this product, let's first study the composition and properties of palm oil:

  1. main feature chemical composition This substance has a high content of saturated fatty acids. This component has useful features in the human body, in particular, participation in metabolism, assistance in the formation of hormones, acceleration of the absorption of vitamins, etc. However, excess saturated fat leads to excess weight, an increase in cardiovascular disease and an increased risk of diabetes. Saturated fatty acids contained in palm oil clog blood vessels, increase the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood and increase the level of toxins in the body.
  2. A special physical characteristic of the palm fruit product is its high melting point. For this reason, it is not completely broken down in the digestive system and is not absorbed. Thus, even the good substances contained in palm oil - vitamins A and E, unsaturated fats, strong natural antioxidants - do not have the opportunity to enter the body and bring benefits. The unprocessed part remains in the body, namely, it hangs in the intestines. The fact is that palmitic acid and calcium compounds do not dissolve in water, are not absorbed by the walls of the intestinal tract and are difficult to excrete in feces. As a result, the child simply begins to have problems with bowel movements.
  3. Along with digestive difficulties such as constipation, gas, colic, regurgitation and bloating, palmitic acid brings another problem. It weakens the absorption of calcium by 20%, which can lead to thinning of bone tissue and slower skeletal growth.

Now that you know why you shouldn’t buy formulas with palm oil, let’s study the opinion of an expert in pediatric medicine, let’s take a look, so to speak, from the outside.

Dr. Komarovsky about palm oil

The nationally known pediatrician and TV presenter is trusted by hundreds of thousands of mothers, and for good reason. The specialist knows how to break down any complex topic and clearly answers all questions. Dr. Komarovsky has his own point of view on any issue, and the benefits and harms of palm oil are no exception.

  • Komarovsky recalls that although baby food with palm oil is absorbed worse than mother’s milk, its absorption rates are not that bad. In particular, milk fat from cow's milk is digestible by 90%, and palm oil by 95%. So baby formula with such an ingredient should not cause difficulties in a small body.
  • The doctor notes that the main thing in such baby food and formulas, among other things, is the manufacturing technology of the palm product that was added there. If not a “pure” component is taken, but only palmitic acid and olein, then no harm to the child is observed. Under no circumstances should you buy food containing industrial palm oil, but it is best to choose a modified version: the modified composition allows you to avoid digestive problems in your child. That is, we come to the conclusion that a milk formula without palm oil, as well as a mixture with it in the composition, has an equally beneficial effect when the manufacturer correctly mixes all the ingredients and adds vitamins and minerals.
  • Palm oil, according to Komarovsky, helps to diversify baby food and make the mixture complete, because it contains vitamins that are beneficial for the baby. It is better to let the child consume specially formulated food, even with palm oil, than cow or goat milk, which is often given by parents instead of mother's milk. Animal milk should not be given to children under one year of age, because it contains a lot of calcium and phosphorus, which puts a strain on the kidneys. Remember that processed protein, even in combination with palmitic acid, is more natural for a fragile body and does not cause allergies if the technology is followed.
  • If you give your child formula with regular palm oil, try to prevent or compensate for calcium deficiency. To do this, you need to increase the volume of this element by daily diet. At the same time, Komarovsky reminds, it is important to monitor the child’s stool and regularly visit the pediatrician.

Thus, from the point of view of the famous doctor, palm oil is just one of the factors that can, in theory, affect the baby’s health. But under other normal conditions, when the child eats with appetite, has a varied and high-quality menu and actively spends accumulated energy, there will be no harm from the palm product. Moreover, in some situations, adding this ingredient not only does not reduce the cost, but increases the cost of the entire production. So, according to Komarovsky, you can buy milk formulas with palm oil, but it is important that they are properly adapted in accordance with the age of the baby and preferably hypoallergenic.

Palm oil-free baby formulas

Palm oil free infant formula

Vegetable oil is added to the mixture in order to restore the fat content level as close as possible to that of breast milk. If we abandon palm oil in production, technologists still need to look for a source of fatty acids and vitamins for the child. Before we find out which companies are engaged in the production of baby food without olein and palmitic acid, let's find out which alternative views Infant formulas without palm oil generally exist these days:

  • Fermented milk mixture. In addition to valuable amino acids and micro- and macroelements, it contains lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, probiotics and prebiotics. These mixtures are developed for children of different ages, but they always have a positive effect on the microflora of the stomach and intestines, improving the digestive process.
  • Nutrition with modified palm oil. This product does not react with calcium, so the composition of vegetable fat immediately approaches that of human breast milk. In the modified formula, palmitic acid occupies a central position in triglycerides and does not interfere with absorption. IN currently There are mixtures with modified fats not only from palm oils, but also from other vegetable oils. But they are very expensive.
  • Goat milk mixture without palm oil. It is well absorbed even by children prone to allergies and difficult digestion. It has the necessary set of vitamins and minerals, a complex of high-quality vegetable fats, lutein and kartinin. Such casein mixtures are often hypoallergenic and are as close in composition as possible to breast milk.
  • Whey mixture. It is closer to the previous breast milk (although it is also made with goat’s milk, but with the addition of whey), therefore it is considered highly adapted. Reduces problems with stool, improves intestinal health, but does not promote sufficient production of bifidobacteria.

Palm oil free formula for newborns: list

Classic blends without added palm olein are from the following well-known brands:

  • "Similac";
  • "NANNY";
  • "Nestozhen";

They also stopped adding oil palm oil to the NAN mixtures: 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Blends without palm oil, the list of which you saw above, unfortunately, contain other plant extracts. Thus, traces of safflower, soybean and coconut oil were found in Similak products. The latter, by the way, contains much more saturated fatty acids than palm oil. Vegetable fats are in any case different from mother's milk, especially if they are not modified.

In addition, Similak, like NANNY, is not considered a highly adapted mixture. This means that they have an equal ratio of casein and whey proteins, whereas in human milk the latter predominates over the former. Therefore, such mixtures are not suitable for newborns. So we study the rating further and look for more acceptable and high-quality options.

Infant formulas from 0 to 6 months: which is better without palm oil?

  • A complex of modified vegetable fats that will be well absorbed is in the Materna infant formula. Cheaper analogues with only beta palmitate are Nutrilon Comfort 1, Heinz Infanta 1, Cabrita Gold 1, Hipp Comfort, Celia Anticolic, Humana Anticolic.
  • Among the whey mixtures, you can choose the Danish products “Mamex” from International Nutrition Co, “Nestozhen”, which, however, contains coconut extract, and “NAN” (coconut + rapeseed). They also recommend Cabrita Gold.
  • The most famous representatives of casein mixtures are baby food products “Nanny Classic” and “Similak Premium”.
  • Fermented milk formulas are represented on the baby food market by the products “Nutrilak”, “Nutrilak Premium” and “Nutrilon” without palm oil.

Hypoallergenic formulas for newborns without palm oil: list

Palm oil free formula for newborns: list

In the presence of artificial feeding, the occurrence of dermatitis and skin irritations in general is not uncommon, especially if there is a hereditary factor. Then it is better to switch to hypoallergenic mixtures, where partially hydrolyzed whey protein is added. It is ideal for feeding babies up to six months. There are different types of such baby food:

  • Dairy-free with soy protein - for children with absolute intolerance to cow's milk.
  • Low-lactose and lactose-free. Useful for diarrhea and intestinal infections.
  • Adapted protein - prescribed for poor weight gain in a child, severe forms of allergies, as well as for premature babies.
  • Gluten free – if you are intolerant to cereals.
  • Without phenylalanine - for babies with phenylketonuria.

The hypoallergenic mixture can be therapeutic and prophylactic according to its intended purpose, and in the form of dry, ready-made or in the form of a liquid concentrate. Today the best mixtures in this category are recognized as:

  • "Nan is hypoallergenic";
  • "Similac hypoallergenic";
  • “Nestozhen hypoallergenic”;
  • “Nutrilak is hypoallergenic”;
  • "Bellakt is hypoallergenic";
  • "Friso is hypoallergenic";
  • “The baby is hypoallergenic.”

Palm oil and GMO free infant formula

Products with genetically modified organisms should not be given to children to avoid intoxication and allergic reactions. In addition, after consuming GMOs, treatment with antibiotics is difficult. According to technical regulations, the level of GMOs in any product should not exceed 0.9%. In 2015, an examination was carried out, which showed that GMOs are 100% absent in the following mixtures:

  • "Agusha-1";
  • "Nestle NAN 1 Premium";
  • "Similac Premium 1";
  • "Nutrilak Soya 1";
  • "Baby-1".

Please note that Nestle was noticed several years ago for using GMOs in various product lines, but the NAN premium blend is acceptable for consumption without any complaints.

Baby cereals without palm oil

In dairy-free cereals there is no need to replace milk fat, so you won't find palm oil there. Dry milk porridges with dry cream and the same whole milk also do not contain vegetable fats, and, therefore, palmitic acid and olein. You can safely buy high-quality and natural milk porridges from brands:

  • "Bibikashi"
  • "Mamako";
  • "Heinz";
  • "Bellakt";
  • "Swaddle";
  • "Clever girl";
  • "Frutonyanya";
  • "Baby."

Modified palm oil is found in Nutrilon milk porridges, but the usual harmful variation of the product can be found from manufacturers Nestlé, Malyutka and Humana.

By the way, following the advice of Dr. Komarovsky, when choosing a manufacturer of infant formula and cereals, pay attention to companies with an assortment for different ages. This way, you can be sure of a gradual change in diet without sudden fluctuations in taste and aroma, which can reject the child. In general, it is not recommended to change mixtures frequently. Try to buy baby food that you are guaranteed to be able to find on the shelves of a nearby store in your country any day.

Infant formula for newborns is as close in composition as possible to mother's milk, all components meet the needs of the young body. But what does palm oil do in products for little ones? According to experts, this substance, which contains a lot of cholesterol, causes weight gain in babies.

Is a chubby baby healthy? Unfortunately, obesity leads to numerous problems: here are diseases of the cardiovascular system and the threat of diabetes. Oil palm extract interferes with the good absorption of calcium, which leads to increased bone fragility. Do you want a healthy baby? Choose baby formulas without palm oil!

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    Secrets of the mysterious oil

    But is everything so sinister? Why do manufacturers add this substance to food intended for newborns, knowing about its shortcomings? Is palm oil really dangerous?

    Why is it needed?

    Palm oil is produced in hot tropical countries from the fruits of the oil palm. The finished product is red in color and is valued for the following qualities:

    1. 1. The extract is saturated with a large amount of carotenoids (natural pigments present in the tissues of animals and organisms). The benefits of carotenoids are enormous: they are powerful immunomodulators and antioxidants. Substances act as the body’s defense against the formation of cancer cells and prevent the development of inflammatory processes.
    2. 2. Oil palm extract is a real Klondike of vitamins. It contains a large amount of vitamin B (tocopherol), a free radical fighter, and vitamin A (retinol).
    3. 3. Unlike the usual sunflower, olive and corn oil, palm oil has high level saturation (96%). It's very nutritious!

    This product is successfully used in the manufacture of various food products, in cosmetics and perfumery - after all, the cost of palm oil is many times lower, and it is beneficial for manufacturers.

    But why is such a substance used in infant formulas? Breast milk is rich in fat. To bring the composition of baby milk food as close as possible to breast milk, oil extracts of natural products are included in the mixture.

    Palm oil compares favorably with its analogues (corn, olive, sunflower, soybean, coconut, rapeseed). This product is the only natural ingredient capable of providing infant formula with palmitic acid.

    To best match breast milk, infant formula should contain 20-25% palmitic acid.

    Caution - danger!

    But pediatricians are sounding the alarm - palm oil is dangerous to health! In its composition in large quantities contains saturated acids that cause gastrointestinal problems in children's bodies (colic, constipation, discomfort when digesting food). Once in the intestines, oil palm extract thickens the stool and prevents the normal absorption of beneficial calcium.

    What threatens regular use nutrition with palm oil:

    • after 4-5 months, the mineral density of the baby’s bone tissue will decrease significantly (by 10-12%);
    • with age, a child raised on a diet with palm oil will increase the risk of developing atherosclerosis (according to doctors’ observations, this disease is rapidly getting younger);
    • by the school period, such a child will have problems in the musculoskeletal system (the risk of severe comminuted fractures, injury to cartilage and muscles will increase);
    • In children, the risk of gastrointestinal diseases and serious disruption of the digestive system increases several times.

    Whether you give your baby food with palm oil or not is up to you. For those mothers who do not want to experiment with the health of their precious baby, the developers have created an expanded line of infant formulas that do not contain a dangerous product.

    Safe mixtures - healthy eating

    Palm oil and GMO free baby formula is completely safe. Saturating the small body with all the important vitamins and fats, it does not provoke the development of gastrointestinal problems in infants. Such mixtures belong to the Premium Class segment and have the following advantages:

    1. 1. Bifidobacteria included in the diet (probiotics and prebiotics) form a healthy intestinal microflora in a newborn, supporting proper development Gastrointestinal tract.
    2. 2. The IQ complex, represented by lutein and Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, promotes full brain development, nervous system and organs of vision.
    3. 3. The required viscosity in the baby’s stomach is ensured by the starch or gum included in the product.
    4. 4. Nutrition without adding oil palm extract contributes to the formation of strong immunity in the child.

    Important! Studies have shown that products for newborns without the use of oil palm extract increase the absorption of fat and calcium by the child's body by 25-30% (according to the Research Institute of Nutrition).

    Types of safe baby food

    It is not difficult to understand the vast world of children's products for the little ones. To make the right choice for a healthy formula, get to know the main types of infant formula. Infant formula without palm oil is divided into the following types:

    • Antireflux. Designed specifically for infants suffering from constant regurgitation and colic. Such products are prescribed only by pediatricians depending on the baby’s health condition.
    • Lactose-free (or low-lactose). Pediatric doctors recommend feeding newborns with such mixtures if they have lactose (milk sugar) intolerance.
    • Hypoallergenic. Indicated for infants prone to allergic manifestations. And children at risk (if parents or siblings suffer from allergies).
    • Fermented milk. This type of food is intended for babies with impaired or decreased gastrointestinal function and digestive problems (dysbacteriosis, gastric dyspepsia, colic, reduced immunity).
    • Soy. Medicinal mixtures created for feeding newborns suffering from celiac disease, galactosemia and atopic dermatitis caused by intolerance to cow's or goat's milk.
    • With prebiotics. Such milk mixtures help improve and normalize the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, improving intestinal motility. This nutrition contributes to the formation of complete intestinal microflora.

    For completely healthy children, the developers have created a number of mixtures without palm oil with the addition of vanilla and chocolate. This food is not only healthy, but also very tasty and satisfying.

    Review of the best baby formulas

    Only three leading manufacturers have completely removed oil palm extract from nutrition for newborns: Nanny, Nestle and Similac. But the companies Heinz, Cabrita and Nutrilon approached this problem in a different way. They changed the structure of the beneficial palmitic acid found in palm oil.

    Infant formulas from these manufacturers contain beta palmitate. This is a unique substance that:

    • guarantees almost complete absorption of calcium;
    • promotes mineralization of tissues of the skeletal system;
    • Helps in the proper mental and physical development of the child.

    The following list of high-quality infant formulas will help parents navigate the world of healthy infant nutrition without dangerous product content. Here are products intended for completely healthy infants and for babies suffering from allergies, lactose intolerance, and gastrointestinal problems.

    Mixtures from the Similak company

    The product's name a brief description of Age category
    Similac Premium 1, 2, 3 The composition includes micro- and macroelements, minerals, bifidobacteria (pro- and prebiotics). The mixture regulates and improves digestion, its composition is as close as possible to mother's milk.From birth to 18 months
    Similac 1, 2 With a complex of prebiotics, the food is intended for feeding healthy infantsFrom birth and for babies 6-12 months
    Similac QA 1.2 A dairy product designed for babies with allergies. The components included in the composition prevent food allergies, normalize the functioning of the digestive system and improve immunity.For newborns and babies 6-12 months
    Similac PediaSure with chocolate and vanilla The composition includes a balanced mineral-vitamin complex and bifidobacteria. The product is intended for feeding healthy children. It has an attractive aroma and enhanced taste.For children from one year of age
    Similac Isomil The mixture includes antioxidants, prebiotics and soy protein. This nutrition prevents the appearance of colic, gas formation, and regurgitation. Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, helps in the harmonious development of the baby.For newborn babies with an allergy to cow's milk and lactose intolerance
    Similac Low-lactose Contains a balanced complex of prebiotics, helps improve digestion.From birth (for lactose-sensitive infants)
    Similac 1 (Similac) Antireflux The composition includes a developed complex of essential for health nutrients. The mixture normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.From birth (for children with colic and constant regurgitation)
    Similac NeoSure The product contains a complete, optimally formulated complex of balanced nutrients. The mixture promotes good growth and baby development.From birth (low birth weight) and premature infants (less than 1.8 kg)

    Products from NENNY and NESTLE

    Food name a brief description of Age category
    NANNY 1 Classic (with prebiotics) A highly adapted mixture that helps the harmonious development of an infant, strengthening his immune system. Nutrition helps cope with constipation, colic and gas formation.From birth to six months (suitable for children with allergies to cow's milk)
    NAN 1 (NAN) Premium (produced by Nestle) High quality premium blend, provides optimal mental and physical development crumbs. The composition includes live bifidobacteria, important minerals and a full range of essential vitamins. The product is also enriched with iron, which prevents the child from developing anemia.

If a child is fed artificially, then the question becomes urgent: which formula is best for a newborn? This is a difficult choice, because modern market there are many varieties of them. From the variety offered, you need to choose exactly the one that suits your specific baby.

Classification: first of all, choose the type of mixture

Infant formula is not just a powder in a bright jar with a lot of vitamins in its composition. Mixtures differ from each other according to characteristics that will be discussed below.

By consistency

They are divided into liquid and dry. The first ones are already ready to eat; you just need to heat up the food. Dry ones need to be diluted with water yourself.

The Russian market is 90% dry; liquids can only be found in major cities. Liquid food does not last long, literally 2-3 days, so sellers give preference to dry food, as it is easier to transport and store.

Zakharova D.I., pediatrician, Morozov Children's City Clinical Hospital, Moscow

Feeding a newborn with formula is a necessary measure.

If this happens, then in the first six months it is very important to choose the highest quality product without focusing on the price.

This period in the development of the baby is the most significant.

By composition

Infant formulas for newborns are made from cow's milk. But it must enter the body in a modified form, since it is not as easily absorbed as mother’s milk.

According to this feature, mixtures are divided into:

  1. Adapted. They add modified whey, which adapts cow protein. This makes it easier to digest and closer to breast milk. It can be argued that this best mixture for newborns.
  2. Less adapted. The base is casein. They take longer to digest, but are more satisfying. The child remains full for 3-3.5 hours after administration. This food is prescribed to children who often.
  3. Partially adapted. Suitable for children after six months. They bear little resemblance to mother's milk, as they do not contain whey. These foods often contain starch and sucrose.

According to the age

For a newborn baby and for a one-year-old child, the mixture will differ in composition. The main difference is the amount of adapted protein. How older child, the more unadapted protein in the diet.

The gradation by age is as follows:

  • 0 – this number on the box means that the product is suitable for newborns or children;
  • 1 – for babies from 0 to 6 months;
  • 2 – from 6 months to a year;
  • 3 – over 1 year.

By purpose

Infant formula for newborns not only plays the role of a source of nutrition, but also has medicinal properties.

Regarding this sign they are:

To choose the most suitable mixture, carefully study the packaging. There is information about the composition, useful components, preparation and age of children for whom the mixture is intended
  1. Fermented milk. They are prescribed for digestive problems - frequent regurgitation, severe colic or constipation. They are often recommended for treatment. The composition contains lactic acid and bifidobacteria.
  2. Hypoallergenic. They are used for babies with strong allergic reactions. Cow protein itself is a strong allergen, so it will be difficult to choose a mixture. In such a product, the protein is already partially digested with the help of special enzymes.
  3. Lactose-free. They are suitable for those who have extreme intolerance to cow's milk, for which even milk will not help. In this product, protein is replaced by soy.

Belova N.A., pediatrician, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Institute of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Mothers often ask the question: how much formula should a newborn eat?

With mixed feeding, it is quite difficult to determine this portion, because it is not known how much breast milk the baby received. You will find more answers.

Fermented milk formula for newborns and others listed species Medical nutrition is slightly more expensive than standard adapted ones.

Specialized medicinal mixtures should be introduced into the diet only after consultation with a pediatrician if indicated.

After desired type chosen, you should familiarize yourself with each representative on the baby food market separately. All manufacturers use different formulas for the composition. Ingredients found in one brand may not be found in another.

With full artificial feeding it is easier - on all jars of food there is a table for feeding a newborn with formula.

When choosing infant formula for newborns, reviews can be very different for each brand. You need to be guided by medical recommendations and the baby’s reaction.

Rating of infant formula: 10 most popular brands


Formula for newborns, which has been leading the list for many years; more than one generation has grown up on it.

Mothers prefer it because it contains taurine, iodine, Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, as well as whey, which brings nutrition closer to breast milk.

An additional advantage is the affordable price.

The disadvantages include the presence of palm oil and soy lecithin among the components.


A mixture for newborns, the main advantage of which is its unique composition. It is adapted to the intestinal microflora, which helps reduce colic and bloating.

It also helps to avoid problems with colic. The list of ingredients contains a complex of minerals and vitamins necessary for the normal development of a child. The disadvantages include the presence of palm oil and the high price of the product.


Infant formula produced by the Swiss company Nestle. It is produced both for healthy children and for those prone to allergies, in the form of a lactose-free and hypoallergenic product.

The composition includes bifidobacteria, nucleotides, taurine, iodine, iron, vitamin C, phosphorus and other beneficial vitamins and minerals. The disadvantage is similar to the previous types - the presence of palm oil.


The Swiss manufacturer is also available on the baby food market with this brand. Available for healthy children aged 5 different types, varying in age.

Prebiotics restore digestion, and the sweetness of the product is given exclusively by lactose. It has an affordable price. Disadvantages: low fat powdered milk and soy lecithin in the composition. There is slightly less iodine in the product than in previous brands.

What is the difference between probiotics and prebiotics, as well as for the intestines of all family members, read in a separate review.


Another domestic product. The composition contains 50 useful substances, which contributes to the normal development of children. Available for different age categories of healthy babies, as well as for those prone to allergies. Consumers note the affordable price of the product.


Formula for newborns from a German manufacturer. The composition contains Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, which contributes to the mental development of the child. There are no nucleotides in the list of ingredients. There are no sucrose, colors or flavors, although this product is distinguished for its good taste.

The most noticeable drawback is the high price; not every parent will be able to purchase Humana. It is as close as possible to breast milk, enriched with vitamins and prebiotics.


Another representative from a German manufacturer. Contains all necessary ingredients, including taurine, vegetable oils, iron and lactobacilli. Disadvantages include the presence of potato starch and low iodine content.


This is a palm oil free formula for newborns.. This is important for those parents who are opponents of this component.

It is replaced by coconut oil. Nucleotides and prebiotics help reduce colic, and fatty acids help brain development.


A popular Russian product. In addition to nucleotides and taurine, it is rich in vitamins and minerals. Disadvantages include low iodine content, as well as excessive sweetness, which children, on the contrary, like.


This is another answer to the question: which formula to choose for a newborn with mixed feeding. It contains slightly less iron, calcium and potassium than previous brands, but when fed along with breast milk, this is quite enough.

Name (manufacturer), cost/rub.

1 Nutrilon (Holland),
Strengthening immunity, improving digestion. From 0 months to 2 years
2 NAS (Switzerland),
Strengthening the immune system, varieties for those prone to allergies. From 0 months to 2 years
3 Nestozhen (Switzerland),
For healthy children from birth. From 0 months to 2 years
4 Nutrilak (Russia),
There is a hypoallergenic series. From 0 months to 2 years
5 Humana (Germany),
For premature babies who are not gaining enough weight and are prone to allergies. Cow's milk, with vitamins and minerals. From 0 months to 1 year
6 Hipp (Germany),
For babies from 2 weeks to 10 months, cow's milk, contains prebiotics
7 Agusha (Russia),
Fermented and unleavened, based on cow's milk. From 0 months to 2 years.
8 Semilak (Spain),
Contains nucleides, prebiotics, fatty acids, no palm oil. From 0 months to 1 year
9 Malyutka (Ukraine),
Contains nucleides and prebiotics, iodine, taurine. From 0 months to 2 years
10 Friso (Netherlands),
For premature and low birth weight babies, suitable for mixed feeding. From 0 months to 1 year

The final decision on which formula is best for a newborn should be made by the mother together with the doctor.

How to make the right choice

By observing your baby, you will understand whether the formula is right for him. If he eats enough and there are no allergic manifestations, you are on the right track

In order to select food, you need to evaluate the following criteria:

  1. Baby's age.
  2. The degree of adaptation of the mixture.
  3. Type of feeding.
  4. Individual tolerance.

If everything is clear with the first three points, what about the last criterion?

This can only be understood by trying this or that product.

It is not suitable for a child if:

  • allergic rashes appeared;
  • stools have become looser and more frequent;
  • even after feeding, the baby shows signs of hunger;
  • sleep is disturbed;
  • weight loss is noted.

Sokolova L.G., pediatrician, “S-Profi” clinic, Moscow:

The best formula for newborns is the one that suits a particular child.

Any baby requires an individual approach, especially in matters of nutrition.

Which formula should I choose for a newborn in this case? The product should be replaced with another one, taking into account the symptom that appears.

If you are underweight, you need to choose one with a higher protein content, if you are anemic, you should choose one with an increased iron content; if you have allergies, you should choose a hypoallergenic series. You can read about allergy symptoms in a child

You shouldn’t change the mixture just for the sake of testing.. There must be significant reasons for this.

Palm oil, or more precisely its liquid olein fraction, has been used for a long time. Its use was due to the fact that manufacturers sought to bring formula for newborns closer in composition to breast milk. It is known that mother's milk contains a lot of nutrients, and one of these predominant components is fats, and in particular palmitic acid (almost a quarter of all fats). In palm oil large quantity fat – at least 45%.

Palmitic acids from mother's milk are remarkably absorbed. But the same acids in the mixture are not.

It's all about the structure of molecules, the placement of acid in a fat molecule. In breast milk, fats contain molecules whose acids are attached in the center (beta arrangement). But the molecules in the mixture are different.

Here the acids are at the edges. And that's why they Baby formula is digested much worse than breast milk Moreover, they form soapy substances, which can cause some health consequences (poor bone mineralization, colic, severe regurgitation, constipation, heavy stool in a child).

These effects were found in studies that included several groups - infants fed formula with palm oil and pure breast milk.

Babies who ate formula had low bone mineralization. Calcium simply was not absorbed, and due to the formed soap molecules, it was excreted from the body. The child's stool became harder and less frequent, which in turn contributed to the appearance of constipation. In addition, the studied babies had colic and frequent regurgitation (compared to the control group on breast milk).

Indications and contraindications

Largely thanks to these studies, modern mixtures with palm oil have changed; they began to add more calcium, vitamin D, as well as pre- and probiotics.

However, this did not completely solve the problem. All children are different, and especially Sensitive babies react to food with palm oil - regurgitation, colic and constipation.

But it is worth noting that food has appeared that contains modified, structured palm oil, the so-called β-palmitate, which is identical in structure to mother fats. And the use of such mixtures does not entail the consequences mentioned above.

Selecting a mixture is a very important moment. And unfortunately, not all foods without palm oil can be called adapted to the needs of the child.

No one excludes an allergic or other reaction to some components of mixtures, especially those based cow protein(which is also known to cause gas formation).

Direct indications for the use of palm oil-free mixtures:

Contraindications to such formulas for newborns: individual intolerance to the components of the mixture.


Palm oil-free formulas are an alternative to regular nutrition. Often, people come to them having already tried some food, which for one reason or another did not work.

Or they immediately begin to introduce supplementary feeding with a formula without palm oil (based on personal opinion, advice and experience of those around them).

Rating of the 5 best manufacturers

Large manufacturers who have completely abandoned the production of food with palm oil or replaced it with a more suitable and safe structured oil can be counted on one hand.

Abbott Global

They produce mixtures under the Similak brand. There is no palm oil in the composition, but there are pre- and probiotics, as well as nucleotides. represented by a very wide range of very diverse products - from simple formula for healthy children, to medicinal ones (for premature and low birth weight babies, anti-reflux, fermented milk, hypoallergenic and others).

Similac mixtures do not contain GMOs, palm oil, preservatives or dyes. It has been the best baby food for many years. They help normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract of babies, reduce the frequency of constipation and colic, form normal stools and promote optimal absorption of calcium, compaction of bone tissue, including hypoallergenic Izomil mixtures based on soy protein.


Bibikol - manufacturers of the Nenny brand. Goat's milk formula from New Zealand, adapted. Available both with and without prebiotics.

The line of formulas is designed for children from birth, from six months and over one year. The traditional formula is used for children from birth in the absence of mother's milk.

It contains everything necessary for the natural growth and development of your child, since it is made from natural goat milk without the addition of whey and palm oil.

Kids love NENNY mixtures for their pleasant taste, and responsible mothers love the fact that they retain the beneficial properties of natural goat milk as much as possible and are at the same time fully adapted for small children.


They produce two at once trade marks, for different price segments: Nestozhen and Nan. Nan has wider variability in the choice of mixtures(there are medicinal ones), but it is also more expensive.

Nestozhen, which can be classified as a medicinal mixture, contains only fermented milk. Cow's milk based formulas. It is believed that Nana has the optimal ratio of whey protein and casein.

A mixture that, due to a special BIO-fermentation technology, provides additional protection, promotes easy digestion and the prevention of intestinal infections. It improves digestive processes and also provides additional protective properties against the risk of developing intestinal infections. Children quickly get used to the pleasant and soft taste of fermented milk.


Cabrita - produce mixtures based on goat milk under the brand name Cabrita Gold. Dutch production. Contains pre- and probiotics.

The composition includes lactose and vegetable fats, among which the DigestX complex, which includes natural oils (rapeseed, palm, sunflower), stands out. The mixture contains goat whey protein concentrate, skim goat milk powder and whole goat milk powder.

The product contains corn starch, as well as fructooligosaccharides and galactooligosaccharides. The mixture is enriched with minerals. It contains fish oil, a source of docosahexaenoic acid from the Omega-3 class. The product also contains arachidonic acid, vitamins, and taurine. Kabrita includes choline and nucleotides, bifidobacteria and mesoinositol.


Materna brand mixtures (there are both adapted and medicinal mixtures). Materna mixture based on milk with the addition of modified butter.

Is different high quality(there are products that are considered “kosher”, for example, Mehadrin) and prices. You just can’t find similar brand products in regular supermarkets. As a rule, it comes only to order.

Materna baby food was developed by highly qualified Israeli specialists, and all nutritional components were selected with special care so that the formula closely matches the composition of breast milk.

List of baby food products

Each child is individual, and what suits one person may not suit another.. There is no mixture that is 100% suitable for everyone. Blends without palm oil or with β-palmitate are a worthy alternative to conventional products. They come in a variety of types, both simply adapted and special - medicinal.

It is worth noting that this product is quite competitive and, along with others, is included in a variety of top best mixtures.

Nan Optipro 1

A mixture based on cow's milk, with lactose. The composition also contains live bifidobacteria, fish oil, Omega 3 and 6 acids, maltodexin, and a number of useful microelements. Optimized for protein content.
Among the advantages:

  • Lots of positive feedback.
  • Quite common.
  • Pleasant taste.

The downside is the high price. Indicated for feeding healthy children from birth to six months. Contraindication is individual intolerance to the components.

Side effects:

  1. allergic reaction;
  2. increased gas formation;
  3. constipation

The price is 441 rubles.

Similak 1

Based on cow's milk, with lactose. Contains prebiotics, nucleotides.

Among the advantages:

  • Well distributed.
  • Budget.

It dissolves poorly, which is a minus.

Side effects:

  1. allergic reaction;
  2. increased gas formation;
  3. constipation

Approximate price 279 rubles.

Similak Premium

The series is supplemented with probiotics, the “IQ-Intelli-Pro” complex and is as close as possible to breast milk. This is a more expensive food option (compared to simple Similac).

Created to feed healthy children from birth to six months. Contraindication is individual intolerance to the components.

Side effects:

  1. allergic reaction;
  2. increased gas formation;
  3. constipation

Approximate price 390 rubles.

Nestozhen 1

In its composition contains prebiotics and lactobacilli. Based on cow's milk, with lactose. It is a budget alternative to Nanu.


  • Inconvenient cardboard box.
  • It dissolves worse (compared to Nan).

Adapted for feeding healthy children from birth to 6 months. Contraindication is individual intolerance to the components.

Price 275 rubles.

Nutrilak Premium

Contains essential acids Omega 3 and 6, fish oil, prebiotics and a whole complex of micro- and macroelements and vitamins. Based on cow's milk, with lactose.


  1. Acceptable price.
  2. Dissolves well.

For feeding healthy children from 0 to 6 months. Contraindication is individual intolerance to the components.

Possible side effects:

  • allergic reaction;
  • increased gas formation;
  • constipation

Price 242 rubles.

Nutrilon Comfort 1

The mixture is based on cow's milk (hydrolyzed whey protein concentrate), contains structured oil, lactose, fish oil, nucleotides, vitamins and minerals. If the mixture is suitable, it can solve problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

The disadvantages are:

  • Expensive.
  • Bitter taste.
  • Does not dissolve well.
  • The smell of fish.
  • Healthy children with a tendency to constipation and colic from 0 to 6 months. Contraindication is individual intolerance to the components.

    Among the side effects:

    1. allergic reaction;
    2. increased gas formation;
    3. constipation

    Approximate price 500 rubles.

    Nanny 1

    Made from goat milk. Essential acids (Omega 3, 6), nucleotides, vitamins and minerals, 1 – enriched with prebiotics. Absorbs better than cow's milk.

    Created for healthy children, as well as those with cow's milk intolerance, from 0 to 6 months. Contraindication is individual intolerance to the components.

    Among the side effects:

    1. allergic reaction;
    2. increased gas formation;
    3. constipation

    Approximate price 953 rubles.

    Kabrita GOLD 1

    Based on goat milk. There is modified palm oil, pre- and probiotics, a complex of vitamins and minerals, nucleotides, as well as Omega 3 and Omega 6. Helps with problems with the gastrointestinal tract.


  • Expensive.
  • There are fakes.
  • Created for healthy children with allergies to cow's milk from 0 to 6 months. Contraindication is individual intolerance to the components.


    1. allergic reaction;
    2. increased gas formation;
    3. constipation

    Approximate price 920 rubles.

    Materna Classic Milk

    A mixture based on milk with the addition of modified oil, it contains Omega 3 and 6. It is of high quality.


    • not common, can only be purchased to order;
    • high prices.

    Created for healthy children from 0 to 6 months. Contraindication is individual intolerance to the components.

    Side effects:

    1. allergic reaction;
    2. increased gas formation;
    3. constipation

    Price 2300 rubles.

    Materna Mehadrin

    A mixture based on milk with the addition of modified butter, contains Omega 3 and 6. It is considered kosher.


    • not common;
    • very high prices.

    Created for healthy children from 0 to 6 months. Contraindication is individual intolerance to the components.

    Side effects:

    1. allergic reaction;
    2. increased gas formation;
    3. constipation

    Approximate price 2300 rubles.

    When choosing a mixture, always pay attention to the quality of packaging and expiration dates.

    If the mixture is produced in different countries, then give preference to the product that you have already used. Even minor differences in the production of the same brand can affect the baby’s well-being.

    Do not buy opened packages by hand. There is no guarantee that exactly “yesterday” this package was opened.

    The mixture from the opened package should be consumed as quickly as possible. At most within a month (and some manufacturers claim even less time).

    Always follow food preparation instructions strictly. It says “measuring spoon without a slide”, which means only a measuring spoon (and the “slide” can be removed with a knife or on the protruding edge of the jar). Carefully observe the water temperature. A number of mixtures simply do not mix completely if the water is cold.

    Be sure to sterilize bottles. Use purified and/or boiled water.

    Do not store ready mixture on outdoors. If this is provided and stated by the manufacturer on the packaging, then undrinked food should be stored in the refrigerator.

    Recently, there has been heated debate about the role of palm oil in baby food. Palm oil free infant formula – a subject of dispute between baby food manufacturers, pediatricians and caring mothers. Let's try to justify the addition of palm oil to infant formula.

    It is an indisputable fact: mother’s milk remains the ideal food for babies in all respects. Those who are left without it are left to eat specialized mixtures. Their production technologies are constantly being modernized with only one goal - to reproduce breast milk as accurately as possible. The main raw material for the production of its substitutes is cow's milk, and less often goat's milk. For children with lactase deficiency, soy or almonds are used as a base component. Cow's milk differs significantly in composition from human milk, so it is adapted - artificially made closer in many respects. Let's consider the adaptation mechanism of the fat component, because it is for this purpose that palm oil is added to infant formula.

    Correction of the fat component:

    In breast milk and cow's milk, the quantitative composition of fats is approximately the same, but their chemical structure significantly different. 50% of human milk lipids are unsaturated fatty acids: myristic, palmitic, oleic, linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic. They have high biological activity, are not synthesized in the human body, but are indispensable in the diet. The manufacturer must not only solve the issue of containing them in the mixture in a physiological ratio, but also fulfill a practical task: ensure the product is protected from oxidation and has good solubility. This significantly affects quality and tolerability.

    In order for a mixed or bottle-fed child to grow and develop normally, the fat component of the formula must provide:

    Optimal ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids (from 1:5 to 1:15)
    Correct distribution of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids
    A sufficient amount of unsaturated acids
    The necessary ratio between the main antioxidant vitamin E and unsaturated fatty acids for protection against lipid peroxidation.

    For this purpose, milk fat is partially or completely replaced by a combination of vegetable oils. In isolation, each of them cannot meet stringent requirements. For better absorption, lecithin, mono- and diglycerides are added to the mixture. Infant formula without palm oil: how justified is its use?

    Palmitic acid makes up one quarter of the fat in breast milk. Its main natural source is the oil of the oil palm (Elaeis guineensis). This substance is widely used in food production due to its low cost, valuable components and resistance to oxidation. It contains the following set of fatty acids:

    palmitic – 45%
    oleic – 39%
    linoleic – from 4 to 13%
    stearic – about 6%
    myristic – about 1%.

    Human milk contains a substance called beta palmitate. In it, palmitic acid is located in the second position of glycerol (beta position). This is exactly how it is located in tropical palm oil, the only natural source of this substance. As you can see, if you use a formula for a newborn without palm oil, in which it is replaced by other vegetable fats, you can deprive it of physiological essential substances.

    In addition, the production uses the liquid component of palm oil - palmitic olein, which concentrates the most useful substances - fatty acids, carotene, antioxidants. Does palm oil-free infant formula still seem preferable to others? Well, let's give more arguments.

    ...and more about palm oil:

    The phospholipids included in its composition are used by the body to “build” nerve cells. Vitamins A, E, linoleic acid enhance immune defense and affect the formation of teeth and bones. The presence of coenzyme Q10, one of the main catalysts for metabolic processes, makes palm oil unique in composition.

    Saturated acids in palm oil are predominantly short-chain. This promotes the formation of normal intestinal microflora. Infant formula without palm oil lacks the benefits of tocotrienol, a substance that helps lower blood cholesterol, excessive formation of phagocytes, prevents the formation of blood clots, and improves immunity.
    Palm oil-free and GMO-free infant formula is another subject of debate. A number of documents regulate the quantitative and qualitative composition, mandatory ingredients, sanitary and hygienic standards, etc. In Europe, this is Codex Alimentarius and EU Commission Directive No. 2006/141/EC. In accordance with them, the composition of milk mixtures should not include genetically modified raw materials, as well as sesame and linseed oil. They do not mention restrictions on palm oil.

    Which mixture to choose?:

    If our arguments still do not convince you, we will provide a list of infant formulas without palm oil. It is not so big: Similak (Abbott, USA) and Nenny (Bibikol, New Zealand).

    Similak – one of the leaders in the production of baby food in the USA. Really high quality adapted milk formula without palm oil. Its absence has become a brand of the product. The fat component is adapted using high oleic sunflower, coconut and soybean oils. Note that palmitic acid in them is represented by a difficult-to-absorb compound. Similak positions itself as a palm oil- and GMO-free infant formula, although it does contain soybean oil.  

    The products meet all modern requirements for a highly adapted mixture, and the price is appropriate. The range is represented by starter, follow-up and special mixtures (hypoallergenic, soy, anti-reflux, low-lactose).

    Nanny - infant formula without palm oil with goat's milk. It is in many ways similar to women's: it has a similar amino acid and fat composition, is easier to digest, and contains less lactose. “Minus” is the casein formula of the mixture. The share of whey proteins in it is only 20%. This fact indicates low adaptation of the protein component of the mixture.
    But they are represented by alpha and gamma lactalbumins, as in human milk, in contrast to beta globulins in formulas based on cow's milk. A special form of casein promotes the formation of a delicate food clot and better digestion of proteins. The manufacturer indicated on the packaging that the mixture contains at least 46% goat milk. Valuable for dietary nutrition raw materials cause high costs.


    Infant formula without palm oil is more “bad” than “good.” It contains palmitic acid, which is essential for the body, in a beta position favorable for absorption. In other vegetable oils, its structure causes slow absorption of Ca and fats. Taking this fact into account, all adapted mixtures are enriched with calcium and vitamin D.
    To adapt the fat component, an oleic liquid fraction is used, which contains all the most beneficial components of palm oil. Its harm is rather a marketing ploy by companies that use other vegetable oils to replenish milk fat. But if you are a stubborn opponent of palm oil, then you can choose for your baby a modern adapted formula without it - Similak. She is suitable for breastfeeding from birth. Nanny's mixture is low-adapted in protein composition, so it is best used as additional nutrition.  

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