Arch design between the kitchen. Arch as an element of decor and zoning of a kitchen space

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Those who carried out the redevelopment own apartment Having combined the kitchen and living room into one unit, they begin to think about how to play up the boundaries between these two rooms. The idea of ​​expanding the kitchen by removing the partition is, in principle, optimal for this particular case.

But still, the organization of space must be respected. Therefore, designers offer a number of options with which you can beat the interior of the newly created room.

One such option is an arch between the living room and kitchen. This method of separation has been known for a long time, but even today it is used quite often. And the whole point is that the arch, as a design element, fits well into almost any style of room design. In addition, this is a kind of door substitute in terms of marking the entrance.

Types of arches

Today, designers most often offer two main types:

  • Symmetrical designs with a minimum decorative design, which are suitable for styles such as hi-tech and minimalism.
  • Luxurious arched openings, rich, decorated like palace halls.

And if the first option is used most often, because the arch between the kitchen and the hall (living room), in principle, should mainly serve as an element of zoning (separation) of two rooms. That is why it is characterized by simplicity. Typically, such structures are made of plasterboard, like simple material, suitable for these purposes.

The second option is used in in this case infrequently. There is no point in decorating such an opening that leads to the kitchen. Although the taste and color of a comrade is not there, this is known. But in any case, the use of one type or another makes our homes somewhat standard.

And if you want to get something special, exclusive, then it makes sense to take completely different options. For example, asymmetrical arches or oval and so on. There are quite a few options. But it should be noted that the price of such structures is several times higher than standard ones.

Arches in different rooms

Fashion is a capricious lady, and what was once fashionable and in demand returns after a few years, or maybe even centuries. The same thing happened with arches. Currently, to create an open-plan apartment (this is fashionable today), in interior openings designers began to use arches.

Kitchen - corridor

With this design you can avoid the monotony of the situation. It opens up the prospect of a view of other rooms, which obviously appeals to apartment owners who have to cook and look after children at the same time. In addition, the interior of the kitchen itself becomes more elegant. How are arches built between the kitchen and the corridor?

There are several options, but the simplest two are:

  • Build it using drywall or plywood.
  • Arrange over a rectangular standard door transom in the form of an arch. By the way, this is probably the simplest option.

Kitchen - room

But it is precisely in this option - the arches between the kitchen and the room - that one thing works very well. important rule, which must be taken as the basis for future interior design.

The wider the arched opening, the closer the two rooms will be to each other - both in color, in design, and in lighting.

How to build a plasterboard arch

This process is quite simple, so you can do it yourself without any problems.

If suddenly someone does not quite understand the entire production technology, then for them the video is like instructions for use.

  1. First of all, the width of the opening is determined (it is measured with a tape measure). Then we decide on the height of the arch. It's completely up to you.
  2. Preparing the frame. To do this, three sizes are marked on the profile for drywall: two for the height of the arch, one for the width of the opening. The height is marked from the edges of the profile, cuts are made according to the resulting markings, and the profile itself is bent in the shape of the letter “P”. There should be two such structures; they are attached to the edges of the opening.
  3. On the plasterboard sheet it is necessary to draw an opening for the future arch, which is cut out. There should also be two of them.
  4. The parts obtained in this way are applied to the frame and fastened to it with self-tapping screws., the distance between which is determined by the range of 10-15 millimeters.
  5. Now you need to measure the length of the arch. AND this indicator transferred to the profile, which is cut and trimmed into small shelves 12-15 centimeters long. After which the profile is bent into an arc, which defines the arch of the vault.
  6. The profiles are installed to the plasterboard meadows and attached to them with self-tapping screws from the sheet side, the distance between them is 15 centimeters. This is very important point, so you will have to monitor the accuracy of the installation - the metal arc must lie exactly along the edge of the plasterboard arc.
  7. It is necessary to prepare and attach the lower element. To do this, a rectangular piece with dimensions is cut out of a plasterboard sheet, equal to length arcs metal profile and the width of the opening.
  8. T Now, every 10 centimeters, transverse cuts are made on this piece of drywall(only the layer of cardboard that will look inside the structure is cut off). The sheet bends.
  9. We apply the prepared sheet to the arches and from the middle we begin to form the lower part(photo below). Fastening is also done with self-tapping screws from the center to the edges every 15 centimeters.

Conclusion on the topic

As you can see, nothing is difficult. In this case, it is important to take correct measurements and accurately install all elements at their destination. After all, all you have to do is finalize the structure, seal the joints, putty and finish.

Arches have long become one of the most popular design elements, successfully combining decorative components and convenience. Thanks to the arched opening, the room visually expands, even if it is modest, small apartment. In studios, they help to separate the kitchen area from the general space without bulky, heavy ceilings.

The popularity of this universal frame is also facilitated by its accessibility; it is not necessary to hire a team of craftsmen and install an expensive structure. You can improve the interior yourself; the arch between the kitchen and living room will become the highlight of the apartment, and will cost a reasonable amount.

Variety of arched openings

Arches are one of the oldest architectural solutions that have remained relevant for thousands of years. They go well with different styles and can combine spaces that are different in functionality and design. The following types of arches are considered the most popular in modern interiors.

  • Classic– with a smooth arch, the opening is framed by platbands, without accentuating elements.
  • Curly– interesting shape, with an emphasis on finishing.

Classic arches usually mark the partitions between the kitchen and the room, the kitchen and the hallway. Such an opening looks better than the standard one, and is made from cheap, easy-to-work materials - plasterboard, plywood or MDF. A symmetrical, oval arch between the kitchen and living room or in the form of an ellipse, there are a lot of options, just a little imagination is enough to enliven the most boring environment.

Figured arches more often found in luxury mansions or apartments with a substantial area. They are designed to emphasize the status of the owner and draw attention to the decor. They design the transitions to the dining room, Big hall, a huge hallway. Naturally, such luxuries are assembled from expensive wood and decorated with stained glass windows and lighting.

Openings decorated with arches

Fashion trends tend to appear quickly and also quickly be replaced by new trends. There is no point in trying to keep up with extravagant ideas if you cannot renovate yourself every season. In this regard, arches win, they are always relevant, look amazing and perform several tasks at once.

  • They zone the room - they separate spaces with different functions, in studio apartments, this is just a godsend.
  • They increase the useful area - the absence of a door allows you to more actively use the desired meters.
  • They decorate – interestingly decorated arches become an additional decorative element.
  • Individualize - with the help of arches you can really change it beyond recognition standard layout, turning the dull “Khrushcheba” into luxurious apartments. The main thing is when you touch load-bearing wall, get a permit first, otherwise you will have to pay a hefty fine and return the laboriously hollowed out bricks to their original place.

Perhaps only bedrooms and bathrooms should be closed with doors for privacy, but for other openings arches are quite enough.

From the kitchen to the living room

The arch between the kitchen and the living room helps to connect two rooms that are completely different in purpose, erasing sharp boundaries. In typical one-room apartments the doorway connecting the corridor with the hall is often moved to the kitchen. And in order not to take up space, which is already sorely lacking, an arch is made instead of a door. This move helps to move away from the standards and transforms both zones. An arch between the room and the kitchen is also very convenient - you can talk with household members without raising your voice, the distances traveled per day are reduced, and table setting in the hall for holidays is simplified. And it’s easier to control the kids, both what they watch on TV and when they interfere where they shouldn’t.

If the arch between the kitchen and the room is wide, the design of both rooms should coincide in direction and color scheme. Otherwise, there will be dissonance and instead of joy for the eyes, there will be a reminder of the mistake. A narrow opening is simpler in this regard, so before choosing an arch model, it is worth deciding on the possibilities in terms of furnishings.

Of course, arches of fancy shapes look more interesting than symmetrical ones, but they are more difficult to execute. In addition, not every interior is compatible with such bells and whistles. Having focused on individuality and uniqueness, do not forget about the rest of the design; the arch should fit organically into it, and not become an eyesore.

From the kitchen to the hallway

The arches between the kitchen and the hallway are more functional than decorative, although they undoubtedly add a certain elegance to the hallway. Replacing a door with an arched opening frees up space above the wall where you can place a beautiful painting, panel, photograph, or hang a shelf. In addition, the hallway becomes lighter and appears larger, which increases the options for using finishing materials.

The easiest way is to make it from the kitchen to the corridor arch - portal. At the same time, it remains rectangular shape, only ordinary platbands are replaced with relief ones and the top one should be wider and more massive than the side ones. In fact, a portal arch is an ordinary doorway, only beautifully finished and with an emphasis on the top.

We do it ourselves - a classic plasterboard arch

One of the most versatile and popular building materials, this is drywall. No one can do without him modern renovation, so the easiest and cheapest way to make an arch is from plasterboard. The frame is made of metal profiles, self-tapping screws are used as fasteners, parts are cut out with an ordinary construction knife or jigsaw, if available. You can also use a sharp, thin hacksaw for cutting.

Which drywall to use depends on the functionality of the arch; when it is purely decorative and does not require shelves or lighting, you should choose a lightweight ceiling sheet. For an arch combined with lighting fixtures or complex decorative elements, dense wall material is more suitable. Fasteners for profiles are chosen based on the quality of the walls; sometimes dowels or longer screws may be needed.

On top and on the sides of the opening, load-bearing profiles are attached in parallel (on each side), the distance from the edge should take into account the width of the sheet so that the drywall does not protrude beyond the wall. If you decide to make an arch on finished walls, take into account the thickness of the finishing layer (reinforcement, putty). The length of the sidewalls depends on the dimensions of the sheet in which the arch will be cut. Some people advise using a whole profile, cutting it and bending it at the corners, but this is difficult. It is much easier to cut pieces of the required length and screw them around the perimeter.

Using a compass, stencil or other available means, the outline of the side parts of the arch arch is drawn on the sheet and cut out. The sidewalls are mounted to the profile with a screwdriver, the distance between the screws is about 10 cm. If you use a regular plastic threshold, you can actually draw a perfectly even, symmetrical arc. It is enough to use a tape measure to find the center of the sheet and apply the threshold to the corners. Gradually moving the resulting arc, it is brought to the central point and the border is drawn with a marker or knife.

For the frame under the end part, the measured profile is carefully cut at an equal distance, this allows it to be bent and screwed to the sidewalls. If the opening is wide, it is worth making several lintels from the same profile so that the sheet does not sag over time under the weight of the finishing layer. Self-tapping screws must be screwed at right angles into the middle of the sheet. The edge of the profile and the drywall must match perfectly, otherwise you will have to tinker with putty.

The end part of the arch is cut according to measurements in the form of a rectangular strip; it should close the arched opening without going beyond the boundaries of the sidewalls. To bend a part, you can cut it along the wrong side without touching the outer paper part. Or you can use a needle roller: the workpiece is moistened and rolled; it is best to use a spray bottle. Wet drywall becomes flexible and accepts the required form, when it lies down a little. Mount the end on self-tapping screws, retreating 10 or 15 cm. To ensure that the heads do not interfere with the finishing process, the screws need to be slightly twisted, but not too deeply. This will reduce the finishing layer and simplify the work.

When in the future it is planned to cover the arch with plastic platbands, it is enough to reinforce the surface (primer, layer of putty, fiberglass mesh, finishing layer of putty). Before other types of finishing it is worth using a special plastic corner– it takes any shape and protects the edges from damage. A corner is also needed if you plan to cover the arched opening with tiles, plasterboard or decorative bricks.

A little imagination, more patience and attention, a standard set of tools and available materials. Not so much, but the result is an arch that will become a decoration of the house and a source of pride for the handy owner. Decorative, functional, always in fashion - arches for all times and occasions.


An arch is a chic architectural detail. It emphasizes the given style of the living room. It’s like a link that connects all the interior parts.

The arch in the living room looks impressive and serves not only to decorate the doorway, but also establishes a certain framework between the rooms.

Advantages of arches in the living room. Do they exist?

When creating a modern living room interior, the arched system is most often used to decorate the doorway. Why is it so good and how does it fit perfectly into stylish designs?

The door of a standard room sometimes reduces space because the doors open and close, and for this you need free space. Thanks to the arch of such nuances, there will be no problem that it will no longer be possible to isolate the rooms from each other.

An arch in the living room interior of a wide shape is a win-win option if your room is large. And for designers this is generally interesting detail, because it not only visually limits the rooms, but also completely saves space.

And it doesn’t matter that many consider the arch to be an outdated element - that’s their right. In fact, thanks to the number of shapes, you can surprise your guests so much that spending time in your living room will become a special joy for them.

The design of arches in the living room is quite varied. Sometimes this is decor with carved details or patterns - and all these elements make the arch look a little more elegant.

The use of arches in the living room

Standard semicircular arch. This design is most often found in rooms where guests gather. Its whole popularity lies in the fact that it is universal, it can be used in a variety of compositions, except where it is better to choose something unusual.

Rectangular arch. Side surfaces straight and parallel to each other. Similar view The design is practical and gives the room a certain beauty.

The arch is wavy. Everything is already clear here. The surface on top is in the form of a sea wave with curves, which allows the design to look incredibly chic. Such arches are used for light, weightless rooms in beige shades.

Trapezoidal arch. They are almost never used in current interiors. And all through sharp corners that limit designers in the design of the structure.

Elliptical arch. The system is often used in classical directions. Usually this wooden structures, decorated with carved elements.

In the photo of the arch in the living room you can see the most popular types of systems.

Materials for an arched structure in the living room

Arches can be made from different materials. For a beautiful appearance, you need to consider the shape and application.

If your future system is wooden, then it doesn’t matter what kind of wood it is, the main thing is to process it correctly. Plasterboard panels are most in demand for making arches.

The material is cheap and ideal for the design; it is also easy to install, which allows you to create systems of different shapes.

Arched doors to the living room made of plastic are often used, since the panels bend and are easy to cut; during installation, it is enough to connect them together. It’s like a construction set from which arch systems of different shapes are made.

Brick structures have long been a thing of the past, because today there are many other materials, and they were able to replace a rather heavy system.

You may ask, how to make an arch in the living room? This is a personal question; if a person has previously trained, then there will be no problems, but a novice specialist would be better off turning to qualified builders for help.

Photo of the arch in the living room

Many apartment owners strive to original design, for example, replacing doors with arches. In this case, the arch is often mounted at the entrance to the living room, kitchen or between these rooms. Let's consider all the nuances of implementation.


When designing an opening, you should remember that such a design matches the main design. Much has to do with the style of the room: for classic cuisine Plasterboard or wooden modifications with stucco are suitable. For modern kitchens

in high-tech style or it is recommended to use stone, plastic or painted drywall. Arches installed in doorways will help diversify the interior. Classic doors are massive, and the arch will provide freedom and space. If you place it between the living room and kitchen, it will make the space freer and emphasize good taste

owner, high social status.

Often the cost of arched structures is less than door ones. They do not require fittings. All you need to do is select decor for them. These are more durable products, for the design of which you can choose any material and design. Assembly arch kits can be made according to designer sketches. The arch does not prevent the spread of unnecessary odors and extraneous noises that appear during the cooking process. Therefore it's not the best option

if there are children in the apartment.

Interior arches and their functions Designers offer a variety of stylistic solutions and shapes, which will allow you to choose an arch for any interior. If the kitchen is located near the nursery or bedroom, then the arched system is not installed. It will interfere with a peaceful rest.

But if you need to show the room in all its glory, then the arch will be optimal solution . Additionally, you can equip a powerful hood to prevent odors from spreading. It is better to place it at the exit from the kitchen, which will allow you to calmly take out the trash and bring in shopping bags.

Arched structures are ideal for dividing areas into zones, suitable for studios or large rooms with numerous areas. You can also divide the dining room with a corridor or hall. Some people prefer to share work area and a dining room. In this case, the structure can replace the partition.

Types of structures

Now designers offer arched models of different shapes. These are not only semicircular systems, any style and design ideas can be used.

Connoisseurs of classicism believe that all arched elements should be in the form of a classic semicircle. They are mainly combined with semicircular window frames, different furniture, where similar outlines were used. They are often combined with decorative details, different curls and patterns. They classify arched details as elegant, sophisticated systems that cannot be combined with other styles.

Arches are produced in simple or luxurious designs.

The first option is more universal, suitable for arranging any interior. They are produced according to standard or individual parameters, at the request of the customer. Elements can be made of plywood, wood and plasterboard.

Based on the area of ​​the opening, wide or narrow arches can be made. This indicator affects the structural thickness and the width of the passage between rooms. By design, there are standard symmetrical and asymmetrical unique options, which depends on the bending radius. There are also models with rounded outlines or an unusual angular design.

The following types of arched structures are distinguished by shape:
  • semi-arch. This form involves the use of straight lines and a rounded opening, characteristic of classical designs. They are suitable for rooms with a narrow passage from the kitchen; they are often placed when the exit goes into the corridor;
  • eastern. The designs have elaborate and unusual asymmetrical shapes. Their main difference lies in the complexity and versatility of execution. They are usually characterized a large number sharp corners, convex parts. Eastern arches are suitable for interiors designed in oriental or Mediterranean style. These are extravagant and original elements;
  • Roman. This classic type has symmetrical, rounded, regular outlines. They are called Roman because for the first time in the construction of houses, the inhabitants of Rome began to use such products instead of doors. Such housing became pompous. Classic models are suitable for arranging any opening and will complement every interior. They are often used in rooms with high ceilings. They are most often placed in the passage between the kitchen, living room or corridor;
  • ellipsoidal. Such models are among the most popular options (except for the classic one). Their top part has the outline of an ellipse. These universal arches are considered more refined in comparison with round and rectangular counterparts. They will fit perfectly into any design, including modern finishes Houses;
  • portal. In appearance, this form is the simplest. The design is presented in the form of a rectangle. It is almost no different from the standard opening, but provides interesting design. This is an excellent solution for owners of small apartments with low ceilings. It is the portals that provide visual extension spaces, look simple, strict and add coziness to the interior.

The parameters of the arched elements depend on the height of the ceilings and the width of the opening. Large structures are used when there is a lot of free space at the exit. For small kitchen It is advisable to choose narrow models that take up little space.

There are options with large sizes and width. They are installed in the passages between the kitchen and living room.

They look elegant and become a replacement for 2-leaf swing doors.

With a hint of minimalism - nothing superfluous

For narrow passages, small arches are used. This applies to openings between the kitchen, balcony or hall.

Between other rooms

An arch installed between the living room and dining room connects two rooms with different purposes and smoothes out sharp boundaries. IN small apartments This technique visually expands the space, transforming both zones. The design allows you to talk with relatives, simplifying table setting on holidays.

If you choose a wide product, then the design of both rooms should be combined in color and direction. Otherwise there will be dissonance. Before choosing a product, determine the possibilities of the environment so that it fits organically.

A shaped structure made of plasterboard will be effective in spatial division. It is puttied and painted to match the shade of the wall, from which it merges into a common element. It seems that an opening was cut out in the ceiling. This option is ideal in spacious rooms; it further increases the space.

The installation of an arched element with a bar counter would be original.

This will allow you to prepare cocktails and serve them in the living room. Many people consider this design prestigious and unique. But this requires a wide opening between the rooms, so that in addition to the counter there is space for passage. You can create asymmetrical and symmetrical shapes with shelves, columns, and modern finishes.

In such interior details, you can install spotlights using halogen, fluorescent or LED bulbs. All lamps create even, flicker-free lighting. They are economical, have lower power compared to incandescent lamps, and do not harm the body.

From plasterboard

Before starting construction, you need to choose the design of the element. The shape of the structure can be a full circle or describe part of it.

GCR is an inexpensive material with an arched design that can take any shape. It is easy to install and lasts about 15 years. But the material is not very durable, although this disadvantage is compensated by its low cost and visual properties.

Drywall - an inexpensive material for decoration

To install such an element, the passage is expanded in width and height after taking measurements. For arched frame guide profiles made of aluminum are used, which are finished plasterboard sheets. They are secured with self-tapping screws.

The length of the profiles is determined as the sum of double the height and width of the opening. The profile is bent to the required shape, and after facing it can be designed to suit your taste. To cut drywall, use a jigsaw, hacksaw or construction knife. If the material is slightly moistened, it will not collapse, it will become soft and elastic, so it can be used to create fantastic shapes.

The type of gypsum board depends on the functionality of the structure. For decorative finishing, without lighting and shelves, you need to choose lightweight ceiling sheets. For arched elements combined with complex decorative details and lighting fixtures, denser wall material is suitable.

Profile fastenings are selected according to the quality of the walls.

Installed lighting will add elegance and comfort to the design and further zone the rooms. In the plasterboard frame you can easily make holes for lamps of any shape.

After complete installation, the surface is puttied and applied before painting. decorative plaster or paste wallpaper. The decor can be made with any materials (mosaic, glass, stone, liquid wallpaper).

Curtains to close

One of simple options There will be curtains to cover the arch. They are selected in accordance with the interior. But the fabric is not very practical, as it absorbs odors, so it requires regular washing. More functional are wooden and plastic blinds horizontal or vertical type. Based on the chosen shape, they can visually expand or increase the height of the room; when assembled, they are almost invisible.

Unlike the usual interior doors, plasterboard arches look solemn, visually raise the ceilings and expand the space of the apartment. The plasticity of this building material allows you to cut out oval reliefs and all sorts of smooth curves from it, which complement the interior so beautifully. A variety of plasterboard arches, their features and design functions will be discussed later in the article.

Features of plasterboard arches in the interior

Drywall arches are three-dimensional structures that decorate openings between rooms in private houses, apartments, cafes, galleries, theaters, educational institutions and temples. They can be different diameters, narrow or occupying almost the entire wall, simple or unusual shapes.

The basis of the arch is metal carcass, to which curved drywall is attached. To give the material its shape, factory processing is used (production of arched blanks of the GKLA brand), as well as dry and wet bending of initially flat sheets. In the first case, cuts are made, in the second, the drywall is soaked in water, bent and dried in this form under a press.

The positive aspects of plasterboard arches are their aesthetics, ease of installation and low cost (compared to concrete, brick, and wood). Among the disadvantages, low resistance to humidity can be noted. In some cases, the disadvantage may be that the arched opening in the wall remains open, which means drafts will penetrate through it, extraneous sounds, smells, light.

What forms exist

Reminiscent of ancient temples and Renaissance palaces, vaulted passages add sublimity to the interior. They are great for visual zoning of hallways, corridors, landings, living rooms, and reception rooms. A large number of geometric shapes that can be given to drywall provide the opportunity to choose the ideal option for any type of interior.

Round arches made of plasterboard

Round and semicircular arches will harmoniously complement the classical, Greek, Byzantine, and Victorian styles. They should be decorated with plaster stucco, gold or silver ornaments, and the side parts should be made in the form of columns. The finish should be plain, white or a color very close to it.

Rectangular arches made of plasterboard

Such portals are very similar to doorways. This a good choice for minimalistic and modern interior. They can be part of partitions with shelves located on the sides, and, if necessary, even closed with sliding screens.

Elliptical arches made of plasterboard

Arches made of plasterboard, the upper part of which is made in the shape of half a horizontal ellipse, are suitable for rooms with low ceilings (from 2.5 m). They fit well into styles such as modern, Provence, loft, country - you just need to find the appropriate frame.

Arabic / Oriental plasterboard arches

The eastern openings look like pointed domes. This type of arches is typical for India, Turkey and all Muslim countries. As an addition, jagged and wavy reliefs and complex miniature patterns in rich colors are possible.

Trapezoidal plasterboard arches

Arches with geometric angles look good surrounded by wood and stone, because these materials do not allow smooth bends. They are especially good for country houses, offices, pubs and libraries.

Curly arches made of plasterboard

Fantasy soft reliefs can become the highlight of an interior made in a futuristic, romantic or playful style. By the way, a plasterboard arch can not only decorate an opening in the wall, but also serve as a decorative frame around a niche.

Finishing plasterboard arches

After giving the plasterboard arch the desired shape, applying the base putty and primer, it appearance can be significantly improved with decor. There are a great variety of finishing options, and among them you can choose any that suits the price and aesthetic qualities.


Alkyd enamel will help achieve a glossy effect, and water-emulsion and water-dispersion compositions will provide a matte surface.


To apply drawings to the arch, you can use stencils, and if you have artistic talent, you can do them by hand. Techniques and materials in this case are limited only by the imagination of the master.

Stucco molding and PVC decor

Stucco molding, as well as inexpensive polystyrene foam products in the form of various shapes and lace will help instantly decorate any arch. Due to their low weight, they are easily glued to the plasterboard base.


Wallpapering is one of the most available ways finishing of arched structures. It will only require greater skill and accuracy than smooth walls- so that the seams are not visible.

Decorative rock

Natural or fake diamond will perfectly frame the opening, giving the interior a luxurious and complete look.

Wood veneer

The unique cut pattern of expensive tree species on a plasterboard arch will make a simple interior look elite with minimal financial costs.

Stained glass, glass, mirrors

Decorative slots can be filled with translucent or reflective inserts. This design looks elegant and creates a beautiful play of rays.

How to make a plasterboard arch with your own hands

To carry out the installation of the arch you will need the following materials:

— drywall (beginners should choose an already curved arched one (GKLA);
- metal or wooden profiles, plywood;
- screws, dowels;
- putty, primer.

Tools you should prepare include measuring instruments (carpenter's square, tape measure), large compass, pencil, drywall knife, metal cutting scissors, screwdriver, fine-grained sandpaper for polishing edges, spatula, personal protective equipment.

Stages of work

1) Design. Based on the parameters of the room and the design idea, it is necessary to accurately determine the dimensions and relief of the future structure.

2) Calculation of materials. It is better to take more drywall and consumables than required. This way, in case of accidental damage, you can safely continue installation.

3) Cutting and fastening of profiles. The result should be a kind of frame suitable in width. TO concrete wall They must first be attached to dowels, and then fixed with self-tapping screws. Optimal distance between screws - 10-15 cm.

4) Cutting out plasterboard blanks, giving them a curved shape. You can clearly see this process in the video.

5) Sheathing of the frame. The diameter and length of the screws should be selected depending on the thickness of the sheets. After screwing in, their caps should be flush with the drywall so as not to create unnecessary unevenness.

6) Strengthening the structure. To do this, a curved metal profile is attached to the outer edges of the arch.

7) Alignment. At this stage, you need to smooth out the roughness, putty the surface and prepare it for finishing.

Design of plasterboard arches - photo

Our gallery presents the most interesting and striking examples of what plasterboard arches can look like in the interior. For convenience, they are grouped by different types premises. After looking at the pictures, you will certainly find inspiring design options for yourself!

Drywall arches in the living room

Drywall arches in the hallway/corridor

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