Dmitry Leo. Open Heavenly Portals

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Specific tips on how to make a wish on Christmas night so that it comes true

On the night of Christmas, from January 6 to 7, an information portal opens, a direct connection with the Universe. It’s not for nothing that people say that “the heavens open” at Christmas. Anyone who asks heaven for the most secret things will definitely receive the realization of what they want. Why then do many Christmas wishes not come true? Because you need to be able to make wishes and ask heaven on this night. The main advice is that Christmas wishes should not be about material goods. On the night before Christmas they ask for love, for harmony in the family, for children, for the happiness or health of someone close. Although, you can also make material wishes if the realization of this desire will benefit your spiritual development.

For example, if you have a loved one, but you have nowhere to live because you don’t have your own home, then ask heaven for your home in order to build your happy relationships and love in your home. But for example, if you already have a car or an apartment, but want a new one, simply because you’re tired of the old one, then you don’t make such mercantile wishes for Christmas.

You need to make a Christmas wish at 12 am on the night of January 6-7. And most importantly, the formulation of the desire should be in the present tense. Don't think in the future tense. Formulate in the present, as if you already have what you want, and at the end - gratitude. Here is an example of a desire: “This year I meet a man, love flares up between us, and we are thinking about marriage, thank you God for this.” “This year, my beloved and I find compromises in our relationship and live in happiness and harmony, thank you God.” That is, the desire must be formulated in the present tense and in a positive form, without negative statements. For example, “we don’t quarrel” should be replaced with the statement “our relationship is full of mutual understanding and harmony.”

The secret hour is 12 noon and 3 am on January 7th.
At this hour the sky opens.

Christmas (January 7) is the time of fulfillment of our hopes.
At 3am on Christmas Day the sky opens. If you have a desire, go outside at the right time and looking at the sky, pray to Heaven to help you. You can only ask for yourself and not make wishes that could harm someone (you shouldn’t make a wish for a specific man either, you don’t know what is for this person greater good)! Although I once asked for the healing of another person - and the Lord helped!
This night is truly magical - if you make a wish for Christmas while looking at open sky- it will definitely come true!

Millions and millions of people lived on earth. But among them there was not one like Jesus Christ. Just think about it, because absolutely everyone remembers His birthday and everyone sincerely rejoices on this wonderful day, repeating with sincere love His name and the name of His Mother, who gave us eternal life and salvation through Her Son.
The one who washes himself this morning, having said three times before:
The Savior was born, the light of the world appeared.
I too (name) will be saved through Jesus Christ.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen, -
will gain not only mental, but also physical strength. Sick people, by doing this, recover.

According to a secret custom, on the second day of Christmas you need to go out into the street at exactly three o'clock in the morning, raise your hands to the sky and say:

Open up, holy sky,
Give me golden happiness.
How many clear stars do you have, my dear,
I wish (name) had so many happy tears.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

When the first star lights up in the sky, take incense, myrrh and a coin in your hands. Fold your hands across your chest in a prayer gesture, holding the above items between your palms. Looking at the sky, read the petition 4 times, turning to 4 cardinal directions:

“Lord Hosts, God the Father, help me, grant me to know prayer, to discover Your Kingdom within myself by the power of prayer! Your name Illuminate the light within you! Lord Jesus Christ, bless, help and resolve! Grant me to know prayer, to discover the kingdom of the Lord within myself! Life-giving God, help me, revive my prayer! My work and Word are in the name of the Lord!"

Close your eyes, you will see yourself standing between the turns of a shining spiral that is sent into the sky. Whether you feel it or not, the pure spirits of the righteous will stand around you.
Then say three times to yourself, or better yet out loud, the words of the Great Invocation:

From the ocean of invisible Light in the mind of the Almighty, let Light spill into the minds of people. Let the Light descend to Earth!
From the kingdom of incomprehensible Love in the Heart of the Almighty, let love flow into the hearts of people. May the Savior Christ descend to Earth!
From the source, where the Will of the Most High is known, let the goal direct small human wills to what the Universal Teachers consciously serve!
From the source called the Human race, may the Plan of Love and Light be realized! And may he close the door leading to evil! And may Light, and Love, and Power restore the Plan of the Almighty on Earth!

Listen carefully to your feelings, to the thoughts that come to your mind.

These may be the words of a prayer you know or lines that are addressed specifically to you. But, one way or another, any of your prayers will already have great strength. Subsequently, you can turn to the Cosmos for help, advice, information, entering the Cosmic Channel of the Savior Christ by pronouncing the Great Call.

For wishes to come true, they must be made correctly. Psychic and clairvoyant Elena Yasevich will tell you how to do this so that all your dreams come true.

Elena Yasevich is known and loved by many. She went through the “Battle of Psychics” and established herself as a specialist in the field of esotericism, a wide variety of rites and rituals. She often shares simple, but in effective ways make life better. For example, boost your energy with regular kitchen cooking or get rid of problems during a suitable lunar phase.

Elena Yasevich also has advice that tells how to make wishes not into the void, wondering whether it will come true or not, but directly into the Universe. Moreover, she did not invent this trick herself: it is many centuries old, and the clairvoyant simply talks about this method, because it can save someone’s dream and change the future.

Time for open skies

Sometimes, just one minute a day, Heaven hears us especially clearly. What you wish for at such a time will surely come true, you just need to clearly formulate everything you want within one minute, when the countdown begins. The masters of numerology calculated this minute, or the shamans and magicians guessed it intuitively; now it is no longer possible to recognize it. But the technique itself is known, and it works.

Calculating the minute of open skies is simple. You need to look at the calendar to remember the date. The number will tell you at what hour you need to be ready, and the month will tell you what minute to wait.

For example, July 1 is coming soon. Many will probably want to start life anew from the first day of the new summer month. The minute of open skies on this day will come at night, at 01:07 local time. When this time appears on the clock, the most important thing remains: imagine your dream vividly and in detail, literally bring it into reality in your mind, and then ask heaven for help and support. And they will come to meet you.

Since there are only 24 hours in a day, after the 24th of each month the calculation changes slightly. Now the day of the month will show the hour, and the current date will indicate the minute. For example, today, on the day of publication of our article, on the calendar June 29, 06/29. The minute of open skies occurs at 06:29. Almost half past six, which is a bit early, of course, but many early risers will be able to use this method of Elena Yasevich.

Well, if today you have already missed your happy moment of fulfillment of your desires, do not rush to worry. Calculate it for tomorrow. Or even mark out a wish calendar for yourself so that you can devote just a little time to what you want every day. You can also check with to find out which days are more favorable to dream, and on which days it is necessary to reinforce your wish with action.

Personal mantra

There is another great way to attract good luck, which Elena Yasevich talks about. Many of us use mantras or affirmations. The former are usually a set of sounds that connect us with the Universe in a special way, and the latter are settings that change consciousness itself. Elena Yasevich suggests combining this technique.

First you need to clearly formulate your desire. For example, “I’ll be at sea this summer.” Then it is important to believe in it. At this stage, many people break their connection with the Universe, since it is difficult to convince themselves and overcome skepticism. And it is necessary! Otherwise, your desire is not charged for fulfillment. Therefore, the clairvoyant advises: break it into syllables differently, creating your own mantra. For example, BUD UNAM ORE ETH IM LET OM. This breaks down into syllables and plays very well important role: turns your thought into a mantra and at the same time helps to distract from skepticism without depriving your words of the essence. Try repeating this mantra in the morning, energizing yourself for success.

Make your wishes boldly, and they will definitely come true. The world tends to meet us halfway when we open up to it. For the rest, you can simply rely on the laws of the Universe. Good luck, use this daily ritual from Elena Yasevich and don't forget to press the buttons and

29.06.2016 02:58

Elena Yasevich is a famous psychic and master of bioenergy practices. Her 10 rules of life will help you...

Today we will talk about the magic of Christmas. Everyone knows that Christmas is on January 7, but not everyone knows that this is a magical time, why it is customary to celebrate it especially, and it is customary to cook a lot of delicious things. Christmas should be celebrated widely and on a larger scale than New Year. All this needs to be done in the family circle, because this is a family holiday.

It is believed that on the night before Christmas, Heaven opens and angels fly to earth. All wishes that will be made on the night before Christmas and on Christmas itself are filled with bright energy and, accordingly, they come true faster. But desires must necessarily be light and mostly they must be for oneself. Although some say that they made wishes for loved ones and they came true. The main thing is that the wishes come from the bottom of your heart.

Techniques for making wishes come true for Christmas

Technique number one. Before you go to bed on January 6, you need to make your deepest wish. Make a wish and write it on a piece of paper. Next put it on the window. You need to hang either a Christmas star on the window or light a candle. It’s easy to make a star with your own hands. So, hang a star on the window, put a piece of paper with wishes down. You can light an electric night light or flashlight. There is a belief that when angels descend to earth, they come precisely to those houses whose windows have lights on and a Christmas star hanging on them.

The second method will most appeal to those who cannot let go of their desires, who visualize them constantly and constantly spin them in their heads. On the seventh of January a special period begins, which is called “PEACE”. If you visualize your dream every evening for forty days, starting from January 7, imagine it in all its colors, enjoy it, and on the fortieth day you feed the birds with bread crumbs, then your wish will definitely come true.

The third way of fulfilling wishes at Christmas is associated with the fact that the sky opens, the Lord sees us and hears us, and angels descend. It is necessary at 3 o’clock in the morning, when the sky opens, to go outside and, looking up, in your own words, ask God for yourself or for someone close to you. It is believed that all wishes made on Christmas night at 3 o'clock in the open sky come true very quickly.

The fourth way to make wishes come true for Christmas is to draw a Christmas angel. Take a piece of paper and draw how you imagine an angel. Cut it out. The main thing is to draw one eye for him. You will complete the second eye only when your wish comes true. You make a wish precisely in the process of drawing and carving an angel, constantly repeating it. You can then hang the designs on the Christmas tree.

Fifth way. There is another technique for making wishes come true for Christmas. It is about health and recovery. This spell technique helps to get rid of the disease or significantly improve your condition. You need to get up in the morning on January 7th and wash your face with water. First, you need to cast a special spell on the water: “ The Savior was born, the light of the world appeared. I too (name) will be saved through Jesus Christ. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

There is no definite answer when exactly the heavens open, but on these holidays there really is a special magic. After all, they are filled with God’s blessing, the joy of all who honor them, and this creates a certain atmosphere in which people are more spiritually close than ever to the Almighty.

Christmas is one of my favorites Christian holidays. All Orthodox people rejoice at the birth of the son of God - Jesus Christ. Great holiday is also Epiphany or Epiphany. On this day, after the liturgy, the great consecration of water takes place. Both the water consecrated at the temples and the water from the river ice-hole have the same power.

Heaven opens at Christmas or Epiphany: wish fulfillment on Christmas night

Few people know that the night from January 6 to 7 is perfect couple in order to ask heaven to fulfill your desires.

As in all rituals, here you need to follow certain rules. Clairvoyant, psychic and white magician Natalya Razumovskaya, who successfully demonstrated her abilities on the “Battle of Psychics” show, told the secrets of a seemingly simple matter.

The magician said that in order to fulfill wishes, on Christmas night, when the hands show the twelfth hour, you need to go out into the street, raise your hands to the heavens with open palms and say your wishes. At the moment when one day is over and another is just beginning, it happens Christmas magic and the chance to ask heaven to make your dreams come true only once a year.

Heaven opens at Christmas or Epiphany: the desire must be sincere and express gratitude

The heavenly office does not like it when people ask for money. Therefore, if you really need financial assistance, the request must be formulated correctly. To increase your income, or rather, ask the universe new job with a big salary.

It is also necessary to take into account that desires must be formulated in the present tense. It is necessary to talk about the secret as if you already have it, and end the request with words of gratitude. For example, if the desire concerns the search for a soul mate, you need to say this: “This year I will meet a man, we will fall in love, and we are thinking about getting married, thank you God for this.” “This year, my beloved and I find compromises in our relationship and live harmoniously and happily, I bring you, God, my gratitude.” The desire should not contain negative statements; they must be replaced with positive ones.

A person who makes a wish must give something to the sky in return to fulfill it. It is best to keep a strict fast for several days before Christmas or take the sacrament. It will also not be superfluous to pure heart donate money, food, clothing, or something else useful to those in need.

The heavens open at Christmas or Epiphany: you need to ask a higher power for something correctly

The important point is that you need to think carefully about your request in advance, and of course make an effort to fulfill it. When pronouncing your desire, you need to say: “I want,” and if the request concerns not yourself, but one of your friends or relatives, then you need to say: “give, help.”

And the main rule of Christmas night is that in the spoken wishes you cannot ask for a deterioration in the health of others or crave punishment for anyone. It is also prohibited to go against the will of other people, for example, to force a previously indifferent person to love you.

If you still violate this rule and ask Higher powers something like that, then the dream will not come true. Also, the desire will not work if there are serious sins on the conscience, or even generational curses.

The heavens open on Christmas or Epiphany: the sacrament of Christmas Eve

Epiphany - the final big one winter holiday all Orthodox Christians. On the night of January 19, just like on the night of Christmas, the sky will open. During this period, all requests, prayers and desires in heaven will be heard.

It is necessary to look at the night sky on Epiphany Eve, which precedes the holiday. There are rules: before asking heaven for something, you need to put a bowl of water on the table and say: “at night the water itself will sway” - this is a kind of sign. That is, you need to watch the bowl and if at midnight the water still sways, then you can safely proceed to the request itself. First you also have to pray, opening your heart to God.

On the eve of the Feast of Epiphany there is a lot of evil spirits. To protect yourself and your family, you need to draw a cross with charcoal or chalk on the doors of your house and buildings in the yard.

Heaven opens at Christmas or Epiphany: prayer cleanses the soul and brings us closer to God

Well, be it Epiphany or Christmas Eve, certain rules must be followed. Desires must come from a pure heart and not harm others. You also need to cleanse your soul with prayer and thank heaven for everything they have previously given.

Prayer will not bring the Almighty closer to us, but us to him. Thinking about the Creator, spiritual life will always be cheerful and renewed. The heart will be filled with joy and a sense of the presence of God. Prayer is the breath of the soul.

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