Duplicate health insurance policy. How to restore a medical policy if lost: paper and electronic options

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A health insurance policy is an important document, without which a citizen of the Russian Federation will not be able to receive qualified medical care. If lost, it is replaced with a new medical policy. How to restore a document? This issue is being resolved by the insurance company.

Is a lost medical policy subject to restoration?

A person can change insurance company at his own request once a year. Also, if lost, the medical policy is subject to free restoration. A certain sequence of actions is provided for this. Reinstatement of the policy is free of charge.

To obtain a new compulsory medical insurance, a small list of documents is provided. The maximum period for reinstatement of the insurance policy is 30 calendar days from the date of writing the application. In rare cases, the period may be extended.

Documents for reinstating an insurance policy

If a medical policy is lost, how to restore the document? To restore the policy you will need:

  • statement of loss of compulsory medical insurance;
  • passport with registration mark;
  • SNILS.

If you have a temporary residence permit, you will need a registration certificate or residence permit. To restore compulsory medical insurance for a child, the following must be submitted to the insurance company:

  • loss statement;
  • parents' passports;
  • birth certificate;
  • an extract from the house management about the baby’s registration;
  • SNILS.

To restore a lost insurance policy for a child, the parents' passports are required. If they are not there, then you need documents from the guardian or the person who represents the baby at the insurance company. If the child is already 14 years old, then his passport is presented to the company; until this point, a birth certificate is sufficient.

Procedure for reinstating the policy

If a medical policy is lost or burned, how to restore it? If a person does not plan to change his insurer, then to do this they contact the company where the initial document was prepared. An application is written addressed to the manager of the company involved in replacing lost medical policies.

If compulsory medical insurance is restored in another insurance company, then the petition should begin simply with a request for the issuance of a new certificate. In any case, all certificates, passport, etc. according to the list are attached to the application. After receiving the full package of documents, the insurance company will immediately cancel the lost policy.

All the person’s data is re-entered into the file cabinet based on the submitted documents. A temporary certificate is issued during the production of a new policy. The compulsory medical insurance is notified by SMS when it is ready. The number on the new document remains the same as it was on the old one.

How to restore your medical insurance policy online? To do this, you need to go to the official website of the insurance company. The portal always contains information about the nearest branch. There is an application form on the website that needs to be filled out, but in any case you will have to take it to the insurance company and put a “live” signature.

Temporary certificate

When a medical insurance policy is lost, how to restore the certificate? This is done at the company that issued the initial document. While the new one is being manufactured, a temporary certificate is issued to the person. It guarantees the same rights as the original document. A temporary certificate has a certain validity period, most often no more than a month.

Then, in order to receive free medical care, you need to go to the clinic at your place of residence (or another one where the person plans to be assigned). Employees of the institution will re-register. In order not to contact the registry each time later, a barcode is additionally placed on the temporary certificate.

Where is the insurance policy reinstated?

Where can I renew my medical insurance? This is done at the office of the insurance company that issued the original document. In some regions there are special policy issuance points. They are mainly located in small settlements (urban settlements, villages), where there is no branch of the insurance company.

Reinstatement of children's insurance policy

My child’s medical insurance policy has been lost, how can I restore the document? The initial compulsory medical insurance is issued no later than three months after the birth of the baby. Restoring a lost document begins with a statement from the child’s parents about the loss of compulsory medical insurance. The child must have a registration at the place of stay or residence. Further restoration is carried out according to the standard scheme.

Terms for issuing the policy

While a new compulsory health insurance is being prepared, a person is issued a temporary certificate based on the fact of the loss of the previous document. Receiving a restored medical policy is carried out using a passport. The production time for a new compulsory medical insurance may vary, depending on various factors. The minimum period for producing a document is two weeks. The maximum period is two months.

Reinstatement of an insurance policy through the MFC

How to restore a medical policy if lost through the MFC? An application form is filled out at the multifunctional center. Additionally, copies of the necessary documents are provided. At the multifunctional center, only a policy printed on paper is issued. Compulsory medical insurance is received after an SMS notification using your passport.

Restoring an insurance policy electronically

Starting from August 2015, you can now renew your health insurance policy electronically. Insurance companies have already begun issuing new compulsory medical insurance in the form of plastic cards. If desired, instead of a lost policy, you can request it again in electronic form.

It is endowed with the same functions as compulsory medical insurance on paper. The electronic version of the policy is valid throughout the Russian Federation. The document is made in the form of a plastic card, on the front side of which there is a photograph of the owner. Only persons over 14 years of age can receive such compulsory medical insurance.

New type insurance policies, produced electronically, have a small built-in chip. It contains all the necessary information about the person, including a photograph and signature. The chip is considered more reliable than the barcodes of the past. The electronic insurance policy is used only by the owner.

Plastic samples of compulsory health insurance are much more comfortable to wear. They don't tear or wrinkle. Electronic policies do not need to be laminated, and the document takes up little space and fits into a passport or business card holder. You can replace an old or lost paper compulsory health insurance card with a universal electronic card for free. UEC replaces an insurance policy.

Previously, they had a certain period of validity. Now health insurance policies have become unlimited. If you still have an old version of the compulsory health insurance on hand, it must in any case be replaced with a new model.

Medical insurance today is one of the most convenient forms of medical care. Having signed an agreement with an insurance company, its client can expect to receive this type of assistance free of charge in a sufficient amount. In this situation, a medical policy acts as an official document confirming your right to insurance. Naturally, if the policy was lost for some reason, it must be restored, since this is the only way you can easily receive free specialized medical care, undergo the necessary procedures for treatment, and receive medications. Including those whose cost is quite high.

How to restore a medical policy if lost

If you are currently not officially employed and do not know how to restore your health insurance policy, you should contact the district clinic to which you are assigned. There they will tell you which health insurance company you are registered with (which company the clinic has an insurance contract with). It is this company that provides a guarantee of payment for your treatment when an insured event occurs. Information about the insurance company is also available from the Territorial Health Insurance Fund of your city (or area in which you live).

Where to renew your medical insurance?

You will then need to go to the insurance company address provided to you. During the visit, you will need to provide a card from the clinic where you are registered and a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. The medical record usually indicates the number of the compulsory health insurance contract.

Information about the insurance company is also available from the Territorial Health Insurance Fund of your city (or area in which you live).

You can get a new policy from the insurance company in accordance with the data in their database. You will first have to fill out an application for a new policy due to loss. Please note that the lost policy will be canceled and deleted from the database - in return you will receive a new insurance policy with a new number.

Is it possible to restore a medical policy?

The procedure for restoring a health insurance policy is not much different from the procedure for obtaining a new policy. It will be enough to provide the insurance company with copies of the required documents and show their originals. While a new policy is being produced, you will be issued a temporary certificate. Over the next thirty days, you will be able to use it if you need to seek medical help. In thirty days the new compulsory health insurance policy will be ready.

Advice from Sravni.ru: If you are currently officially employed, you can contact your employer directly regarding the loss of your medical insurance. The fact is that many companies today enter into their own health insurance contracts, which apply to employees. In this case, the clinic serving the employer may differ from your local one and, accordingly, the insurance company is selected by the employer - he will direct you to the right address where you can get a new insurance policy.

For a citizen of the Russian Federation, any medical care provided by clinics and hospitals should be free. But in order to really receive help free of charge, a person needs to take out a policy. Only an insured citizen has the right to receive free medical care in any region and city of the country.

But as you know, most policyholders have their policies on paper, which means this document is easy to lose. If you come to the clinic and fail to provide the compulsory health insurance contract itself and name its code, you will have to pay for the services provided.

Therefore, the rapid restoration of a medical insurance policy (CHI) in case of loss is a priority, since without it, when contacting a medical institution, you may be faced with a refusal of help or a large amount for treatment, consultation, medications, etc.

What to do if you lose your health insurance policy?

If the medical policy is lost, then what you should do depends on who initiated the receipt. In case of loss of insurance issued at one's own request, the policyholder should contact the insurance company (IC) that issued the policy in person.

When the employer initiated the registration of insurance, all documents and applications are submitted to him. This means that if the insurance policy is lost in any of the options, you will have to restore it at the insurance organization that issued the policies.

The application sent to the insurer indicates the request for the issuance of a new document and the reason why this happened. When contacting the company in person, you will be asked to come with the necessary package of documents, and then you will be given a temporary insurance form.

Temporary certificate

If you contact the insurance company due to the loss of an insurance form, as well as in order to replace it with a new type of insurance, you will be given a temporary policy form, since the person must be protected during the restoration of the insurance. Simply put, a temporary document has the same powers as an official compulsory medical insurance form. This means that when a document is drawn up in the insurance company and before graduation, the policyholder has the right to receive medical care free of charge.

Until a permanent policy is issued, which takes about 30 days, a person must be insured. If the policyholder has lost his medical insurance policy and is hospitalized, then without a temporary certificate of protection he will be denied free hospitalization. But if the patient is already busy receiving a duplicate and has confirmation of this in his hands, then he has no right to refuse him.

Moreover, the rights of a temporary card extend throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation, and if they tell you that they will not accept you because you are registered in another region, then this is a violation of consumer rights and the perpetrators will be punished. When the time comes, you will be able to obtain a duplicate medical document with the old number.

How to restore your compulsory medical insurance policy?

People contact the insurance company to restore the insurance policy, not only due to the loss of the form, but also due to a change in identification documents, the expiration of the old-style compulsory medical insurance, etc.

In all situations, the policyholder has the right to choose another company, as well as choose the type of insurance (paper, card, UEC). You are allowed to change your health insurance policy with the company only once a year.

The instructions for restoring a document are quite short, as they consist of the following steps::

  1. Go to SK;
  2. To write an application;
  3. Submit the required documents;
  4. Get a temporary form;
  5. Wait no more than 30 days;
  6. Receive an SMS about the readiness of the policy;
  7. Arrive at the appointed time to receive.

Documents for reinstating an insurance policy

Despite the fact that all information about the owner of the compulsory medical insurance is stored in a single information database, restoring a lost document is not so easy and quick. Even if you present all the certificates and copies of documents, they will not be able to give you just a duplicate. The month of waiting includes preparing not only a new form, but also canceling the old one. Although, upon completion of the restoration procedure, the number of the new document will remain the same.

In order to restore compulsory medical insurance, policyholders will need documents such as:

  • Passport;
  • SNILS;
  • Application requesting a duplicate.

Registration through the Multifunctional Center (MFC)

In addition to the insurer involved in your insurance, in villages and small towns you are allowed to submit an application, as well as receive a compulsory medical insurance policy in your hands at a multifunctional center operating on the “one-stop” principle.

The principle of restoring the form is the same in the MFC and in the insurance company. This means that the policyholder will need the same package of documents in the form of a passport and a certificate of pension insurance. It is also worth noting that multifunctional centers can issue a document exclusively in the form of a paper form.

And at the office of the insurance company, you have the right to indicate what type of insurance you want to receive. Obtaining a plastic card or a universal electronic card is free. This means that the policyholder himself determines in what form it is more convenient for him to receive compulsory medical insurance.

How to restore the policy to a child

Upon the birth of a child, parents are required to take care of his insurance and registration within 3 months. If for some reason the compulsory medical insurance is lost, then you must immediately go to the office of the insurance company or to the branch of the multifunctional center (if there is no branch of the insurance company nearby) and write an application to restore your child’s insurance policy.

To restore it to a mandatory minor child, you need to act in the same way as in the previous case. The only difference is an additional document. So, the parent of an insured child needs to add a birth certificate (metrics) to his main passport and SNILS.

Electronic variant

More than three years ago, the production of a new type of compulsory medical insurance began. In addition to the modified paper form, policyholders have the right to receive a document in the form of a plastic card. This type of insurance is much more convenient due to its compactness and strength.

The plastic card is equipped with a chip that stores all the information about the protected person. On the front side there is a 16-digit code and the name of the insurance company. On the back there is information about the owner, namely: full name, photograph, date of birth and date of issue of the card.

Children under 14 years of age receive a card without a photo. It is allowed to return the policy in the form of a plastic card to the insurance company and the MFC. You can restore your VHI policy using the same principle. If you have forgotten which company is involved in your protection, all information about the insurer can be found at the clinic at the place of registration.

Terms for issuing the policy

We have already said that if the policy is lost, the policyholder contacts the insurance company or MFC. In any of the organizations, the restoration of a medical policy will take some time. It’s difficult to say what the deadline will be. Since the time of creation of a new document, cancellation and entry into the database is always different.

The minimum period for compulsory medical insurance restoration is two weeks. The maximum can last more than one month. But no matter how long the procedure for issuing a new form takes, the policyholder will receive a temporary document.

With temporary insurance, a citizen has the right to receive full-fledged free care in medical institutions. Insurance readiness is notified via SMS. Having received a notification about readiness, you need to go to the nearest collection point and receive the form in your hands.

Application form for a duplicate policy

When you contact a company engaged in insurance of citizens in order to restore a lost medical policy form, you will be given a ready-made application form that must be filled out. In the form, the policyholder fills in information about the policy. The main thing is to indicate that you need a duplicate of the compulsory medical insurance and a form (form, card, UEC).

Next, note the reason for the replacement. Usually there are 5 options to choose from. If the insurance is lost, then check the box next to the required option. Then information about the citizen is entered. In addition to your full name, you should indicate the category of the person, namely whether he is a citizen of the Russian Federation and whether he works officially.

In general, no matter what form of insurance you lost, you need to restore it quickly. After all, without compulsory medical insurance, free medical services will become unavailable and you will have to pay out of your own pocket.

To receive free care in medical institutions throughout Russia, as well as in some countries with which agreements have been concluded regarding free medical care for Russian citizens, you must have a compulsory health insurance policy. If this document is lost, assistance in medical institutions will no longer be free. Let's find out how to quickly restore your medical insurance and what you need to do for this.

When applying for a job, the company issues it to the employee. It receives it from one of the city’s insurance companies, which has the right to conclude compulsory and voluntary health insurance contracts. Moreover, when an employee is dismissed, he is obliged to return the policy to the human resources department, which, in turn, returns it to the insurance company. Naturally, if a medical document is lost or damaged, the employee must simply write a statement in any form to the personnel service. The employee does not need to attach documents to the application, because his employer already has all the necessary copies.

After receiving the application to the HR department, the responsible person of the enterprise must contact the insurance company with which the organization has concluded an agreement on compulsory medical insurance for employees. To obtain a duplicate of his employee’s policy, the personnel officer must provide a copy of his passport and SNILS, as well as a completed application form of a certain sample.

If you need to restore a policy belonging to a minor child, then his legal representatives, i.e. parents must personally contact the insurance company with a copy and originals of the child’s birth certificate, SNILS and their passport.

And emergency ambulance services are available to everyone, regardless of whether they have a certificate. How to restore a medical policy if lost: paper and electronic options Without payment, you can only use ambulance services. This means that if this document is lost, it is urgently necessary to restore it. Documents required for recovery as an adult:

  1. SNILS – pension insurance;
  2. passport with registration stamp.
  3. application for loss of compulsory medical insurance policy;

What to do if you have lost your medical insurance? After writing the application, they check it and if everything is in order, they accept and cancel the old or lost policy, but the number remains the same. A package of documents must be attached along with the application. After entering all the data into the card index, a temporary policy will be issued.


Compulsory medical insurance, but it is recommended to do this only once a year. Having arrived at the point of replacement of the compulsory health insurance policy, you need to fill out and give an application to the person who is responsible for replacing or restoring compulsory medical insurance. This is the case if you contact the same insurance company.

When applying to another, you must write an application containing a request for the issuance of a new insurance certificate. The application must indicate:

  • Full name of the applicant;
  • Information about the current place of residence and registration according to the passport;
  • Valid contact information by which they can contact and inform about the readiness of the compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • Information about the company that is the insurer.

After writing the application, they check it and if everything is in order, they accept and cancel the old or lost policy, but the number remains the same.

What to do if you have lost your medical policy and are in another city

Today I called my insurance company and they gave the following explanations: Apply with your passport and SNILS to any insurance company you like at your place of registration. My policy number is in a common database available to all insurance companies operating in this area.

Therefore, they will give me a new one with the same number. How to restore a compulsory medical insurance policy if lost The list of diseases for which medical care is provided free of charge is established by Article 35 of the Federal Law on Compulsory Insurance. Based on the Federal Law on Insurance, employees of medical institutions and executive authorities have introduced a new procedure for registering patients.


Thanks to this procedure, citizens significantly save their time. As the law states, every citizen of the Russian Federation must have an insurance certificate.

How to restore a compulsory medical insurance policy if lost? where to go?

I lost my compulsory medical insurance policy, registration in another city, is it possible to restore the policy at the place of residence (without registration) question number No. 6932001 read 1316 times Urgent legal consultation 8 800 505-91-11 free

  • Depends on the insurance company, but as a rule, it is possible. Contact the nearest office of the insurance company that provides compulsory medical insurance - you will need to write an application to send the insurance policy to a certain office.

    telephone for consultations 8-918-378-50-91 Personal consultation

Do you have an answer to this question? You can leave it by clicking the Reply button Similar questions I lost my new compulsory medical insurance policy.

How can non-residents restore their compulsory medical insurance policy?

Lost your compulsory medical insurance policy, what to do in another city? What to do if you lost your medical compulsory medical insurance policy? Lost your medical insurance policy: what to do? You can restore a lost medical certificate from the medical insurance company that issued it to you. You will find its name on the back of the policy form - in the upper right corner, the CMO employee puts a stamp indicating the name, address and telephone number.


Now let's talk about the recovery procedure in more detail. The action plan is as follows: If you do not know which CMO issued the policy, choose any other.

A list of medical insurance organizations operating in your region is available on the website of the local Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (MHIF). Fundamentally, they are no different: the list of compulsory medical insurance services is the same everywhere, and the service itself is free.

What to do if you have lost your medical insurance?

Restoring a lost document begins with a statement from the child’s parents about the loss of compulsory medical insurance. The child must have a registration at the place of stay or residence.
Further restoration is carried out according to the standard scheme. Terms for issuing the policy While a new compulsory health insurance is being prepared, a person is issued a temporary certificate based on the loss of the previous document.

Receiving a restored medical policy is carried out using a passport. The production time for a new compulsory medical insurance may vary, depending on various factors.

The minimum period for preparing a document is two weeks. The maximum period is two months. Restoring an insurance policy through the MFC How to restore a medical policy if lost through the MFC? An application form is filled out at the multifunctional center. Additionally, copies of the necessary documents are provided. At the multifunctional center, only a policy printed on paper is issued.

How to restore a compulsory medical insurance policy if lost

After this, you need to draw up an application addressed to the company employee who deals with issues of lost documents. In this case, for a period of up to 30 days, the citizen is issued a special temporary certificate, which is valid in the same way as the original document.

If you contact another insurance company, in this case it will not be a question of how to restore the compulsory medical insurance policy if lost, but about getting a new one. Accordingly, to do this, it is enough to submit an application requesting a certificate of health insurance. As soon as a complete package of documents is submitted to the insurance company, the lost policy is canceled automatically. This means that all the data about the person, which is compiled on the basis of the documents previously provided by him, will necessarily be re-entered into the file cabinet. However, it is worth considering that in this case the new form will not be free.

For restoration, you must submit the same set of documents that are required when applying for an insurance policy, that is:

  • main document of a citizen of the Russian Federation (passport);
  • SNILS - insurance certificate of state pension insurance (if available).

If we are talking about issuing a compulsory medical insurance policy for a child, then the legal representative of the latter (parents/guardians can act in this capacity) will have to present the following documents:

  • the main document (Russian passport) of the legal representative who is applying for an insurance policy for the child;
  • a similar document of a minor who has reached the age of 14, or his birth certificate;
  • SNILS number of the child (if available).

It should be noted that you can issue a duplicate insurance policy through a representative, regardless of age.

Compulsory medical insurance is received after an SMS notification using your passport. Reinstatement of the insurance policy in electronic version Starting from August 2015

You can now renew your health insurance policy electronically. Insurance companies have already begun issuing new compulsory medical insurance in the form of plastic cards. If desired, instead of a lost policy, you can request it again in electronic form. It is endowed with the same functions as compulsory medical insurance on paper. The electronic version of the policy is valid throughout the Russian Federation. The document is made in the form of a plastic card, on the front side of which there is a photograph of the owner. Only persons over 14 years of age can receive such compulsory medical insurance. New type insurance policies, produced electronically, have a small built-in chip. It contains all the necessary information about the person, including a photograph and signature.

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