Folic acid instructions for pregnant women how much. Properties and dosage of folic acid during pregnancy and planning

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Between 20 and 100% of the population is deficient folic acid. At the same time, they may not even realize that they have a similar problem, and they cannot even imagine what this means for them. Vitamin B9 (aka folic acid) is one of the most essential for the human body. Moreover, it is a vital vitamin. But this is what is most often missing. Especially in children and pregnant women.

Folic acid deficiency can go unnoticed. But over time, a person loses his appetite, becomes irritable, gets tired quickly, then diarrhea begins, vomiting, and, in the end, ulcers appear in the mouth and hair falls out. Metabolic processes, formation of red blood cells, work gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular, immune and nervous systems - vitamin B9 is involved in many processes. Severe vitamin B9 deficiency inevitably results in megaloblastic anemia, which can be fatal.

Why does your baby need folic acid?

Each organism, with a normal state of intestinal microflora, can produce a small amount of folic acid. However, it does not cover the needs for this vitamin. So we all must ensure that we receive it along with food and vitamin complexes.

During pregnancy, the need for folic acid increases significantly. Just like its importance. This vitamin is actively involved in the formation of the placenta, so its deficiency can cause placental insufficiency and cause premature termination of pregnancy. Together with vitamin B12, folic acid is necessary for cell division, which is especially important for tissues that are actively dividing - that is, during the formation and growth of the embryo. It is involved in hematopoiesis (in the formation of red blood cells, leukocytes, platelets) and is necessary for the formation of nucleic acids (RNA and DNA) involved in the transmission of hereditary characteristics.

Very important role Folic acid plays a role in the formation of the fetal neural tube. Vitamin B9 deficiency is fraught with the development of very severe defects in the fetus. Risks for him due to folic acid deficiency during fetal development (especially during early stages) are very large:

  • hydrocephalus;
  • anencephaly (absence of the brain);
  • cerebral hernias;
  • delayed mental and physical development;
  • congenital deformities;
  • spinal column defects;
  • premature termination of pregnancy;
  • stillbirth.

Pregnant women also suffer from a lack of folic acid. Vitamin B9 deficiency causes leg pain.

When is folic acid needed during pregnancy?

Folic acid is necessary for absolutely every pregnant woman. This is the only vitamin whose importance and the need for additional intake during pregnancy are not denied even by the most ardent opponents of artificial vitamins.

All processes that occur with the participation of folic acid during the formation of the fetus, the development of its organs, physical and mental health, occur in the very early stages of pregnancy - when the woman does not even know about it. On the 16th day after conception, the neural tube begins to form. This process is especially important and, as we have already said, a sufficient amount of vitamin B9 is necessary for its normal completion. It is most important that it enters the body of the expectant mother in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Therefore, it is ideal to take.

But even if you found out about pregnancy much later than you would like, it is still not too late and you really need to take folic acid. The neural tube undergoes various changes throughout the first trimester.

Sources of folic acid for pregnant women

"Folium" means "leaf" in Latin. So folic acid speaks for itself. The most vitamin B9 is found in wholemeal flour and green leafy greens: spinach, parsley, lettuce, onions, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, as well as green peas, avocados, citrus fruits and juices, melon, pumpkin, apricots, beans, yeast. Therefore, vegetarians, as a rule, do not lack it. However, if you consume little plant food (especially winter period) - you definitely need to take an additional vitamin. Of the animal sources, the richest is liver. Significantly less B9 in meat, fish, cheese.

If the health of a pregnant woman is in order and there is no need to take folic acid in high doses, then for the normal development and course of pregnancy the amount contained in vitamin complexes for pregnant women is sufficient. If you are prescribed it additionally, you should always consider its content in your vitamins and set the dosage with this in mind.

Daily dose of folic acid during pregnancy

An adult needs 200 mcg of folic acid per day for normal functioning. But during pregnancy, the need for it doubles - up to 400 mcg. And according to some data, it may be 800 mcg. Many women are embarrassed by what they consider to be high numbers. But there is no reason to worry. An overdose of folic acid can only occur when a person takes hundreds of times the dose of the drug - this is approximately 25-30 tablets per day. In other cases, excess folic acid is simply eliminated from the body without any consequences.

A larger prophylactic dose is required when a pregnant woman is deficient in folic acid, as well as for certain health problems and predisposition to their occurrence:

  • if there are factors that increase the consumption of folic acid or accelerate its excretion;
  • if available high risk development of neural tube defects (in women with epilepsy, s);
  • if there are any developmental defects in relatives;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • vomiting in pregnant women.

If at least one of the above circumstances is present, the dose of folic acid should be increased additionally to 2-3 tablets per day. The tablets should be taken orally after meals.

Overdose of folic acid during pregnancy

Many women are embarrassed by what they consider to be high numbers. But there is no cause for concern, doctors assure. An overdose of folic acid can only occur when a person takes hundreds of times the dose of the drug - this is approximately 25-30 tablets per day. In other cases, excess folic acid is simply eliminated from the body without any consequences.

However, a scientific experiment was conducted in Norway, which established the following fact: women whose blood plasma had an increased level of folic acid were one and a half times more likely to give birth to children prone to asthmatic diseases. Unfortunately, there are no specific doses at which an excess of vitamin B9 occurs during pregnancy.

If you are concerned that your dosage is too high, talk to another doctor about this. But, as we have already mentioned, a slight excess of the dose is not dangerous.

What else do pregnant women need to know about folic acid?

  • The removal of folic acid from the body accelerates during pregnancy.
  • Strong tea accelerates the removal of folic acid from the body.
  • The need for folic acid is increased by some medications: antacids (Almagel, Phosphalugel), estrogens, anticonvulsants (Carbamazepine, Phenytoin), zinc preparations.
  • As with any other drug, allergic reactions to folic acid can also occur.
  • In addition to participating in the creation of cells nervous system The fetus uses this vitamin to “repair” and replace about 70 trillion of the mother’s cells, since human cells are constantly renewed.
  • Folic acid deficiency is transmitted from mother to fetus or newborn child due to insufficient folic acid levels in the mother's body during pregnancy and a lack of folic acid in the mother's body. breast milk.
  • To preserve the folic acid in vegetables, eat them raw or steamed.

Especially for - Elena Kichak

From Guest

The gynecologist also prescribed me folic acid, it is part of Folionorm. It’s convenient that just 1 tablet contains the necessary vitamins for my doll.

From Guest

In general, it’s good to start taking folk music at the planning stage. About three months before the expected conception. The doctor prescribed me folic acid for 9 months, it has a very convenient dosage - 400 mcg, just daily norm. No hassles, just take one tablet a day. And already during pregnancy, as prescribed by your doctor, you can take 2 tablets. In any case, it is very convenient and beneficial compared to the same angiovit. The article is very correct because many people still underestimate the importance of taking folic acid before and during pregnancy. But this is the baby’s health!

From Guest

I also took vitamin B9 both before and during pregnancy. I liked folic acid for 9 months the most, because I don’t have to bother with dosage and calculations, I took one tablet a day and that’s it! I believe that the fact that our daughter was born healthy is thanks to this drug. And of course, a healthy lifestyle in general is also very important!

From Guest

Folic acid is a B vitamin, prescribed when planning pregnancy, treating anemia. I think many of us took it during pregnancy. I took the German drug Folio (folic acid + iodine in one tablet) in the first trimester of pregnancy, and during the period when breastfed. Folic acid almost halves the incidence of congenital malformations in newborns. It is necessary for the formation of blood cells, accelerates the healing of wounds, and is necessary where constant cell division occurs. Therefore, it is very important to take Folio in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. pcs., reasonable price, German quality, ease of administration (once a day in the morning). This is why I chose this drug.

From Guest

From Guest

Angiovitis is a drug that was prescribed to me by the supervising doctor during pregnancy. As the doctor explained, this drug contains folic salt, which is necessary for the unborn baby. Especially in the early stages of pregnancy, when it is determined what the mental and physical health. This drug also contains vitamin B9, which is necessary for fetal development in the first three months of pregnancy. I started taking the drug as soon as the delay began, but in general doctors recommend taking Angiovit while planning a child. By the way, absolutely all doctors recommended this drug to me, so I can safely take it.

From Guest

From Guest

I learned about the drug "Angiovit" from my older sister. At forty-five years old, she was on the verge of a heart attack. Her condition often frightened us. Whatever we did to help her. And so they bought her a ticket to a sanatorium, where she could treat her heart. she arrived from the sanatorium cheerful and clearly with positive results. There were amazing doctors and procedures there. The cardiologist prescribed her to take "Angiovit" for one month, and we saw the result after two weeks of taking the drug. When she finished taking this amazing drug, her heart problems also ended. We now advise everyone, if they have heart problems, to take a course of "Angiovit", of course, after consulting with their doctor first... This drug is recommended for pregnant women to take to control the level of homocysteine ​​in the blood.

From Guest

Folic acid during pregnancy is like brilliant green for a wound, the simplest thing you can think of. Now there is a more advanced remedy, when I was in conservancy, the doctor prescribed me the vitamin complex Angiovit. A partially targeted and safe drug for pregnant women, it has a good effect on the circulatory system of mother and baby, and is also good for the heart. Contains daily norm all the necessary vitamins that cannot always be obtained from ordinary food, and some are completely impossible. I took the full course, I felt much more cheerful and better, I recommend it.

From Guest

In general, folic acid, according to my gynecologist, should be taken before pregnancy, during it, and after, when breastfeeding. They didn’t prescribe it to me in its pure form, I took it in the drug Angiovit, in addition to it there are several other substances useful for pregnant women. And the prices are not outrageous, I took about 150 rubles, which is quite inexpensive compared to other analogues. I took the course 2 times, in the first trimester and before giving birth. There were no side effects, and the tests were always good

From Guest

Oh, I don’t know, girls, I’ve heard completely opposite opinions about this folic acid. It's better not to take risks, I think so. Now there are a lot of alternatives, for example, Angiovit. A very good drug for supporting the heart and blood vessels in general. With our ecology and weather changes, even a healthy person, like it or not, needs support for the body. It is also suitable for pregnant women; even at the stage of fetal formation, it helps to avoid the development of various diseases in the baby, and regulates the homocysteine ​​level in the mother. Of course, you need to see a doctor, but the drug is good, I repeat.

From Guest

My friend felt very bad during pregnancy and didn’t know what to do. The doctor prescribed her Angiovitis due to elevated homocysteine ​​levels. After the first trimester she felt better. In general, angiovitis is usually prescribed because of folic acid, which is in the composition.... Her weakness disappeared, she felt light, wanted to move more, and the swelling went away. The baby was born on time and healthy.

From Guest

This drug was recommended to me by my gynecologist before planning a pregnancy. It contains vitamins that have a good effect on the condition of blood vessels. It normalizes microcirculation of the walls of capillaries and all blood vessels. I have been taking Angiovitis for almost two months now. Afterwards I felt better emotional condition, became less nervous. My sleep improved and I became more alert. It is intended to prevent vitamin deficiency in the body.

Something like folic acid during pregnancy is prescribed to almost everyone, especially during pregnancy planning and its first trimester. Even ardent opponents of admission medicines during pregnancy, they treat folic acid favorably. And this is true, since a lack of this vitamin in the expectant mother’s body (and folic acid is vitamin B9) is fraught with many serious unpleasant consequences. During pregnancy, a sufficient dosage of folic acid is extremely important, since B9 is involved in DNA synthesis, in the process of cell growth and division, and in the process of hematopoiesis. Folic acid is necessary during the development of the nervous system in the fetus; it prevents the development of defects in the neural tube, brain, etc.

· folic acid during pregnancy: dosage

Doctors say that every second pregnant woman experiences a serious deficiency of vitamin B9 (folic acid). That is why it is important to prescribe and sufficient dosage of folic acid during pregnancy. Its deficiency is extremely dangerous both for the mother herself and for the unborn baby. provokes such serious violations as:

  1. formation of defects in the fetal nervous system (cerebral hernias, absence of the brain, hydrocele, spina bifida);
  2. development of cardiovascular system defects, “cleft lip” (cleft lip);
  3. disturbances in the process of placenta formation in a pregnant woman;
  4. increased risk of placental abruption, spontaneous abortion, miscarriage, premature birth, physical and mental retardation of fetal development and other health problems of the mother and child;
  5. anemia of pregnant women, and with severe deficiency of vitamin B9, megaloblastic anemia inevitably develops, which can be fatal for the pregnant woman and child.

At the same time, one should not rush from one extreme to another, although, unfortunately, many do just that: optimists do not believe in “medical horror stories,” and pessimists are ready to rush headlong to the pharmacy after the first paragraph of the article and swallow tons of drugs that can eliminate the deficiency folic acid during pregnancy. Both the first and second are wrong; everything needs a “golden mean”. In the vast majority of cases, the daily dose of folic acid during pregnancy needs to be supplemented with vitamin complexes for pregnant women. But a large dosage of folic acid during pregnancy is not always justified, and taking individual vitamin B9 preparations is not often prescribed. One way or another, during pregnancy it is best to listen to your doctors and not refuse to take folic acid. The main thing is that the dosage of folic acid is set correctly, taking into account the needs of the woman’s body at a particular moment.

· folic acid during pregnancy: daily dose and body need

According to doctors, the requirement for vitamin B9 for an adult is 200 mcg per day (0.2 mg). , providing the body's needs during pregnancy naturally increases. In this case, the minimum “daily dose” is 400 mcg per day (0.4 mg). In most cases, the dosage of folic acid during pregnancy reaches 800 mcg per day (0.8 mg). And when a pregnant woman is at risk (when vitamin B9 deficiency is proven as a result of research and tests), the daily dose of folic acid can increase to 5 mg per day.

How to understand pharmaceutical preparations of vitamin B9, is the daily dosage of folic acid sufficient in your case? First, listen to your doctor’s recommendations, insist that the dose of folic acid is prescribed based on test results, and not just for preventive purposes; if in doubt, consult another doctor. And secondly, always read the instructions carefully.

· folic acid during pregnancy: dose in preparations

The most common are tablets containing 1000 mcg (1 mg) of folic acid. Often the recommended dosage of folic acid during pregnancy is one tablet of this drug per day. An overdose in this case is simply impossible.

In the case of a severe deficiency of vitamin B9 in the body of a woman carrying a baby, stronger “folic acid” tablets will most likely be prescribed during pregnancy: “ Folacin" or " Apo-folic" One tablet of these drugs contains 5000 mcg (5 mg) of folacin, and this is already a therapeutic dose of folic acid.

You should also take into account the intake of other vitamins and complexes for pregnant women, or rather their composition. Typically, all such drugs contain the required dose of folic acid. For example, in the drug " Folio"contains 400 mcg of folacin and 200 mcg of iodine, preparations " Elevit" And " Materna"contain 1000 mcg (1 mg), in " Multi-tabs" - 400 mcg of folic acid, in " Get over it" - 750 mcg, and vitamin tablets " Vitrum prenatal"contains 800 mcg of vitamin B9.

As a rule, if a pregnant woman is taking any of these medications, or another similar one, then supplemental folic acid is not required. Provided there is no deficiency of folacin in the body, of course. But, if folic acid tablets are prescribed during pregnancy in addition to vitamins, then the content of this vitamin in them must be taken into account so that the daily dosage of folic acid can be correctly calculated.

And, of course, we cannot ignore the question: is it possible to overdose on folic acid during pregnancy and what is its danger for the baby and expectant mother? We hasten to reassure you: folic acid is completely non-toxic to humans. An overdose of folic acid during pregnancy can only occur if you take a dose of the drug hundreds of times higher than needed - this is approximately 25-30 tablets per day. Other excesses of the daily requirement, excess vitamins, are simply removed from female body without any consequences. However, the dosage of folic acid during pregnancy should be adequate, that is, one that satisfies the body's need for it.

An excess of vitamin B9 is eliminated from the body on its own, but still, long-term use of high doses of folacin can pose a threat to both: the content of vitamin B12 in the blood decreases, which can lead to anemia in a pregnant woman, gastrointestinal disorders and changes in kidney function may occur , increase nervous excitability. This can happen if you take 10-15 mg of the drug daily for 3 months or longer. It is unlikely that any adequate woman will swallow 15 tablets in one day. Simply put, accidental overdose of folic acid during pregnancy is impossible.

Norwegian scientists conducted a scientific experiment, as a result of which the following fact was established: pregnant women who had an increased level of vitamin B9 in their blood plasma had children born one and a half times more likely to be prone to asthmatic diseases. But, unfortunately, scientists have not identified any specific doses that cause an excess or overdose of folic acid during pregnancy.

Therefore, if you are worried that the dosage you have been prescribed is too high, consult another doctor about this. But, as already mentioned, if the excess is slight, an overdose of folic acid during pregnancy is not dangerous.

· Folic acid during pregnancy in foods

Well, for those who still firmly insist on a “drug-free” pregnancy, we can offer a set of products for the daily diet during pregnancy, containing a large amount of vitamin B9 in their composition:

  1. any vegetables that have dark green leaves ( green pea, lentils, beans, spinach, parsley, broccoli, asparagus, cabbage, green onions, carrots, beets, tomatoes, soybeans),
  2. some fruits (peaches, watermelon, melon),
  3. walnuts, sunflower seeds,
  4. bakery products made from wholemeal flour,
  5. buckwheat, oat and rice cereals,
  6. wheat germ,
  7. powdered milk, kefir, cheese, cottage cheese,
  8. egg yolk,
  9. beef liver,
  10. caviar.

It is no secret that a balanced, nutritious diet can compensate for the deficiency of any vitamins in the body. But if your doctor says you need to take extra doses of folic acid because you are deficient, don't argue. Filic acid does not accumulate in the body, it does not have this property, the excess is excreted, and the deficiency must be replenished with food and vitamins. Therefore, first get rid of the deficiency, and only then adhere to the “drug-free philosophy”. Well, and vice versa: let everyone around you repeat “you need to” - do not take ANY pills without consulting a doctor!

Health to you and your little ones in the belly!

Yana Lagidna, especially for the site

And a little more on the topic of pregnancy, folic acid per day, video:

During pregnancy, a woman should be especially attentive to her diet and intake of vitamins. After all, for the growth of the fetus, a lot of energy, biologically active substances and microelements are needed, which must come from outside. And folic acid during pregnancy is one of these important components for the development of the child.

Folic acid is a B vitamin. It is also called vitamin B9, vitamin Bc, folacin, pteroylglutamic acid. In the 30s of the last century, this acid was isolated by scientists from yeast. And in the 40s it was artificially synthesized. Pteroylglutamic acid was first used to treat anemia in pregnant women, and later its other beneficial properties were studied.

Why do you need folacin?

A deficiency of folic acid in the diet of mothers can cause developmental abnormalities in the child. For example, he may be born with underdeveloped brain. There are also spinal anomalies of varying severity.

Folic acid is necessary for the fetus for other reasons. It prevents diseases of the heart, urinary tract, cleft lip and palate. The woman herself has vitamin B:

  • prevents heart disease;
  • participates in the formation of DNA;
  • prevents the development of certain types of anemia.

Where to find natural vitamin BC

A woman can receive folacin with the following foods:

  • green leaves;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • cereals;
  • all products of animal origin.

But in foods, pteroylglutamic acid is quickly destroyed when exposed to sunlight and at temperatures above 20°C. In addition, the products contain very little of this acid, so its synthesized preparation is much more effective.

Vitamin B is also produced in the human body. It is produced by intestinal microflora. However, any negative factor, such as a busy life or chronic diseases, sharply reduces its production. Pteroylglutamic acid does not accumulate in the body. It is consumed faster during pregnancy, with fatigue, lack of sleep and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

If the expectant mother wants to avoid fetal pathologies, it is not enough to take vitamin BC only with food. Experts recommend that pregnant women take folacin tablets.

Folic acid deficiency during pregnancy and how to compensate for it

Why is folic acid prescribed during pregnancy? First of all, folacin is used in cases of deficiency in the body. Vitamin B deficiency manifests itself as:

  • prostration;
  • decreased desire to eat;
  • mood instability;
  • brittle nails and hair.

In a woman planning a pregnancy, folacin affects the effectiveness of attempts to become pregnant and forms the foundation for pregnancy healthy child. Therefore, vitamin BC is prescribed at the stage of planning a child, when a woman is just about to become pregnant, and the couple is actively preparing for this.

Research shows that taking folic acid several months before a woman becomes pregnant and three months after fertilization can help prevent birth defects.

Usually, folic acid and vitamin E are prescribed together when planning pregnancy and after conception, since vitamin E is also a good immunomodulator and antioxidant. According to reviews from doctors, it is also successfully used in the prevention of infertility and miscarriage.

When and in what quantity do you take folacin?

The World Health Organization, based on the results of multicenter studies, has developed recommendations on how to drink folic acid during pregnancy. According to international statistics, it is necessary to consume 400 mcg of pteroylglutamic acid per day to prevent the occurrence of neural tube defects in the fetus. And women who have already had a child with some changes in the nervous system should take even larger doses of this vitamin.

A few months before conception. And also in the first months of pregnancy, an increased dose of vitamin B is prescribed - at least 800 mcg (0.8 mg) per 24 hours.

From the second trimester of pregnancy. The amount of vitamin depends on general condition women and the characteristics of pregnancy. The range of prescriptions can vary from 400 mcg to 5 mg per 24 hours.

The individual dosage of folic acid during pregnancy is determined by the gynecologist. The doctor will be able to answer the question of how much folic acid you need to drink during pregnancy, and until what month you should take it only taking into account the medical history and lifestyle characteristics of the pregnant woman. In addition, prescribing a vitamin can serve the purpose of both prevention and treatment. For example, a dose of 5 mg is prescribed by a doctor for severe folacin deficiency. The course of treatment in this case lasts three to four weeks.

Based on the prescriptions, it will be possible to calculate how many 1 mg tablets per day should be taken in each case. It is advisable to take an individual dose of the vitamin at the same time of day. It can be done both before and after meals. The tablet does not need to be chewed. Drink with a small amount of water. For better absorption, the acid is drunk together with B12 and ascorbic acid.

Oversaturation of the body with vitamin B prevents the detection of vitamin B12 deficiency in time, if present. Therefore, when taking folacin for a long time, monitoring and supervision by a doctor is necessary.

Can everything be too much

There is practically no overdose of folic acid during pregnancy; vitamin B is not harmful. If the vitamin is not used up in a day, its excess is quickly eliminated from the body. However, the daily limit for consumption of this acid is 5 mg. The number of tablets is calculated based on the fact that the dosage of the vitamin in one tablet is 1 mg. Thus, the highest daily dose is 5 tablets.

Increasing this limit leads to such side effects, How:

  • bowel dysfunction;
  • changes in kidney function;
  • increased excitability.

When is folic acid harmful?

According to the instructions for use, folacin is contraindicated in cases where a woman has an individual intolerance to the drug. Also contraindications are such background diseases as:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • kidney disease;
  • anemia due to lack of B12.

Now it becomes clear why folic acid during pregnancy, along with all the recommendations, is necessarily prescribed by gynecologists. During all 9 months of pregnancy, folic acid is necessary, because at this time the psychological and physiological health of the baby is established.


Folic acid (folacin) is a water-soluble B vitamin. Typically, folacin is produced in the body in the intestinal tract, so its main source is natural microflora.

Folic acid deficiency is the most common cause of hypovitaminosis in pregnant women. During pregnancy, women's need for vitamin B9 increases significantly.

IN daily diet For an adult, foods must be present that provide the body with a set of vitamins. Among the foods rich in vitamin B9 are:

  • dark green vegetables (asparagus, parsley, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, spinach leaves, etc.);
  • legumes (soybeans, green peas, lentils);
  • some berries (watermelon) and fruits (oranges, peaches);
  • eggs (yolk);
  • beef liver;
  • walnuts, sunflower seeds;
  • rice, oatmeal and buckwheat cereals;
  • cottage cheese, kefir, cheese, milk powder;
  • wheat germ (sprouted), whole grain products and baked goods made from wholemeal flour.

However, even a balanced diet for a pregnant woman is not able to meet the increasing daily need for vitamin B9, so there is a need to compensate for the lack of folic acid by additionally taking pharmaceuticals.

According to medical statistics, folic acid deficiency is observed in almost every pregnant woman. Folacin is involved in important processes in the structure of DNA and RNA of newly formed fetal cells. The 3rd and 4th weeks of embryonic development of the fetus are especially critical in this regard, so a lack of vitamin B9 provokes a serious delay in its development:

  • formation of pathologies of the nervous system (hydrocephalus, absence of the brain, various cerebral hernias, spinal defects, etc.);
  • developmental disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • congenital deformities (appearance of a “cleft” lip);
  • pathological formation of the placenta with the threat of its detachment in the future (miscarriages, premature birth).

Lack of folic acid does not go unnoticed for a pregnant woman’s body either.

Vitamin B9 deficiency is accompanied by severe toxicosis, the occurrence of depressive states in women, and anemia develops.

The most common medications to supplement folic acid deficiency are folic acid tablets. 1 tablet contains 1000 mcg (1 mg) of folic acid. When taking 1 tablet per day, an overdose is impossible.

If there is a severe deficiency of folacin (folic acid) in the body of a pregnant woman, doctors recommend taking a stronger drug. This is “Folacin” or “Apo-folic”, the tablets of which contain up to 5000 mcg (5 mg) of folic acid, which already indicates the use of corrective therapeutic doses.

Complex vitamin preparations also contain the “pregnant” vitamin in the required quantity. For example, the preparation "Folio" contains up to 400 mcg of folic acid, and the preparations "Elevit Pronatal" and "Materna" - up to 1000 mcg. Further, "Vitrum Prenatal Forte" - a dose of 800 mcg of folic acid, "Multi-tabs" - up to 400 mcg, and "Pregnavit" - up to 750 mcg of vitamin B9.

Taking any of the above medications eliminates the need for additional “care” about the level of folic acid in the body. As additional measures The attending physician may prescribe a biochemical test for the content of folic acid in the blood, which will help determine the body’s real need for this vitamin.

The only contraindication to taking vitamin B9 is individual intolerance to the constituent components of the drug.

Despite the fact that folic acid is absolutely non-toxic for humans, there is also a danger of overdose with long-term use of B9-containing preparations.

Hypervitaminosis (excess) of folic acid contributes to a significant decrease in the blood level of another vitamin - B12, which leads to:

  • development of anemia;
  • increased nervous excitability;
  • the occurrence of changes in the gastrointestinal tract, digestive disorders;
  • functional changes in the excretory system - renal dysfunction.

The above symptoms are typical for women who take 10-15 mg of folic acid per day for 3 months. With the cessation of taking synthetic folic acid, the condition returns to normal, since the body itself is able to cope with excess folacin.

To prevent an overdose of vitamin preparations containing folic acid, you should not self-medicate. It is necessary to obtain qualified advice from a specialist and strictly adhere to his clear recommendations.

The average daily intake of vitamin B9 is at least 200 mcg of “dietary folate equivalent” (0.2 mg). However, this dosage is clearly not enough for women planning or already pregnant.

During pregnancy, women's need for folic acid increases significantly - up to 400 mcg (0.4 mg). If a pregnant woman is considered at risk, as evidenced by a clear, laboratory-proven deficiency of vitamin B9, then the daily dose increases from 800 mcg (0.8 mg) to 5 mg of folacin.

To smooth out the impact of these factors, the pregnant woman is prescribed folic acid supplements. Just 1 mcg of natural folic acid consumed in food is equal to a dose of 0.6 mcg of folacin obtained in tablet form.

A woman may not always know about her pregnancy. If we consider that the neural tube in the embryo is formed up to 30 days from the moment of conception, then eliminating folic acid deficiency becomes a particularly important measure.

Folic acid is one of the first medications prescribed to all women who find out they are pregnant. Sometimes gynecologists advise taking folic acid even at the stage of pregnancy planning.

In this article, we will analyze the need to prescribe folic acid to pregnant women, the timing of the prescription, the permissible doses of the drug and the duration of use.

Why is folic acid so necessary for pregnant women?

Folic acid belongs to the B vitamins. It is a water-soluble vitamin B 9. In the human body, it is capable of being synthesized by the microflora of the large intestine.

But it is synthesized in the intestines in small quantities. This amount is completely insufficient to cover the daily need for it.

Where to get the missing amount of folic acid? From food. But even with the diversity and proper nutrition a person often does not receive enough daily folic acid.

When a product is heated or exposed to sunlight for a long time, vitamin B 9 is destroyed.

Therefore, during pregnancy, a deficiency of folic acid inevitably occurs in a woman’s body. In this regard, even ardent opponents of taking medications during pregnancy do not neglect taking folic acid.

It is especially important to make up for this deficiency in the early stages - during the period of active growth of the fetus, the formation of all its organs and systems. It is in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy that folic acid should enter the woman’s body in large quantities.

Vitamin B 9 is involved in the process of cell division. Without normal process cell division, organogenesis (the formation of organs and systems of the body) is impossible.

Folic acid is also necessary for hematopoiesis and the formation of blood cells (erythrocytes, platelets, leukocytes). And this is also very important not only for the fetus’s body, but also for the mother’s body. After all, anemia during pregnancy is a fairly common problem.

A deficiency of this vitamin can lead to fetal malformations (defects of the spinal column, abnormalities in the development of the child’s maxillofacial region, and others).

The role of folic acid is very important in the formation and formation of the neural tube - the rudiment of the future nervous system of the fetus.

Therefore, among the pathologies of fetal development in conditions of folic acid deficiency, malformations of the nervous system are possible. For example, various disorders of brain development can lead to intrauterine fetal death, stillbirth, or the birth of a sick child.

Folic acid plays an important role in the synthesis of amino acids and nucleotides.

Proteins in the child’s body are built from amino acids.

DNA is built from nucleotides - the carrier of the genetic information of the organism. Therefore, at normal concentrations of folic acid, the structure of DNA molecules is formed without damage or mutations.

If there is not enough folic acid in the body of a pregnant woman, then over time a toxic substance, homocysteine, begins to accumulate. It can damage the walls of blood vessels, which can lead to dire consequences during pregnancy.

Damage to the vascular wall is fraught with premature placental abruption, which can lead to premature birth.

Also, elevated levels of homocysteine ​​can contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Vitamin B 9 takes part in the formation of the placenta and its blood vessels. Therefore, its lack can lead to uteroplacental insufficiency.

With a deficiency of folic acid, the mother's body also suffers. A lack of vitamin provokes the development of anemia, toxicosis, and depression.

Why do you need folic acid during pregnancy planning?

Folic acid affects the structure of cell division, especially cells of the fetal nervous system. The baby's neural tube begins to form on the 16th day after conception. This is the period when most mothers do not yet know about conception.

Therefore, in many countries around the world, gynecologists recommend that women take folic acid in advance, that is, at the stage of planning pregnancy.

It is considered optimal if the expectant mother takes folic acid for at least 3 months before conception.

If a woman did not take folic acid before pregnancy and found out about her situation, for example, at 6-7 weeks of pregnancy, she still needs to start taking folic acid. Since during the entire first trimester the fetal neural tube undergoes further differentiation.

The preventive dose of folic acid during pregnancy planning and during the first trimester is 400 mcg per day. Otherwise – 0.4 mg.

Only a special group of expectant mothers (women at risk) are prescribed large doses of folic acid - 800-1000 mcg per day.

The risk group for having a child with congenital anomalies includes women who:

  • there was a history of pregnancy that ended in the birth of a child with a pathology of the nervous system or other developmental defects, or fetal death;
  • there are cases of hereditary diseases in the family (even among family members of a distant degree of kinship);
  • have serious illnesses - diabetes, megaloblastic anemia, epilepsy, metabolic diseases, peptic ulcer, celiac disease, autoimmune diseases, severe toxicosis.

In the diseases listed above, the processes of absorption and breakdown of folic acid are disrupted.

And also medications used for such diseases (anticonvulsants, antacids, cytostatics, etc.) impair the absorption of folic acid.

A doctor observing a pregnant woman at risk can adjust the dose of folic acid based on the results of the examination. In some cases, it may be necessary to increase the dose to 2-3 mg of folic acid per day.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that most folic acid preparations contain 1 mg of the substance in one tablet. Therefore, if you are not at risk, you will have to divide the tablet. Or you need to choose a drug that contains a dose that is right for you.

The tablets should be taken orally after meals. It is also acceptable to take folic acid with meals if a woman feels nauseous after taking the pill after a meal.

How not to overdose the drug?

Many women are afraid of high doses of the drug and believe that taking 1000 mcg (1 mg) of folic acid can cause an overdose.

There's really no reason to worry. It is quite difficult to overdose on folic acid. This is a water-soluble vitamin, the excess of which is easily eliminated by the body.

However, you shouldn't get carried away. Long-term use of high doses of the drug can lead to disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, the appearance of a metallic taste in the mouth, sleep disturbances, irritability, anemia (as it leads to a deficiency of vitamin B 12).

Today, there are two opinions among doctors regarding the duration of taking folic acid during pregnancy.

Some believe that taking it for the first three months is enough. And in the future, the pregnant woman is recommended to take vitamin complexes with folic acid and eat well.

Others recommend taking folic acid throughout pregnancy and continuing during pregnancy. breastfeeding. This is explained by the fact that throughout pregnancy and lactation the need for folic acid increases.

At the same time, a vitamin deficiency in the mother’s body that is not eliminated in time will lead to its deficiency in the baby’s body, since there will also be insufficient vitamin B 9 in breast milk.

What should you do? Trust your doctor and his opinion. Don't trust your doctor? Change it to someone you can trust.

Folic acid gets its name from the Latin word folium, meaning leaf. Because folic acid was first obtained from leafy greens.

The main sources of folic acid are green plants. These are spinach, wild garlic, parsley, lettuce, beans, lentils, beans, leeks, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, green peas, avocado.

A significant amount of vitamin B 9 is found in whole grain flour (with bran), cereals with an unrefined grain shell, and yeast.

Folic acid is present in liver, meat, fish, and hard cheese, but heat treatment of such products reduces its amount significantly.

It is better to eat vegetables and herbs raw or steam them to preserve their folic acid as much as possible.

If you infrequently consume the above products, then, of course, you should take additional folic acid in tablets or take vitamin-mineral complexes.

Use large quantity tea negatively affects the absorption of folic acid. Moreover, tea accelerates its elimination from the body.

On the pharmaceutical market there are monopreparations containing only folic acid, and drugs with a combined composition.

Regular folic acid tablets (single drug) are available in dosages of 400 mcg, 500 mcg, 1000 mcg (depending on the manufacturer of the drug). Most often this is a dosage of 1000 mcg.

Foliber is a drug containing folic acid (400 mcg) and vitamin B 12 (cyanocobalamin - 2 mcg). Prescribed for the prevention of heart disease and anemia. Can be prescribed to pregnant women in the first trimester or planning pregnancy.

The drug should be used with caution in patients with impaired absorption of glucose or galactose, galactosemia or lactase deficiency, since the drug contains 23 mg of lactose per tablet. Take one tablet once a day.

Folio. The drug contains 400 mcg of folic acid and 200 mcg of iodine. This drug contains two important element for a pregnant woman in a prophylactic dose.

Folio according to the instructions should be taken once a day, preferably during a meal, one tablet. For diseases thyroid gland Before taking the drug, you need to adjust the dose of drugs already used (due to the iodine contained in the tablets).

Doppelhertz active Folic acid is a vitamin complex. Contains folic acid - 600 mcg, vitamin C - 300 mg, B 6 - 6 mcg, B 12 - 5 mcg, E - 36 mg.

The drug is prescribed for the prevention of heart disease, cerebrovascular accidents, and gynecological diseases. Suitable for the prevention of hypovitaminosis during pregnancy and lactation. Prescribed 1 tablet once a day with meals.

Folic acid with B 6 and B 12 (Evalar). The drug contains: folic acid - 600 mcg, vitamin B 12 - 5 mcg, vitamin B 6 - 6 mg. This is a biologically active food supplement.

Indications for use are the same as for the above drugs. The recommended course of treatment is 4-6 weeks. Take 1 tablet once a day, preferably with the first meal.

Multivitamin complexes such as Elevit Pronatal, Materna, Vitrum prenatal, etc. often prescribed to pregnant women with iron deficiency, deficiency of folic acid and other vitamins when carrying a child and breastfeeding.

Important: do not long time take calcium-containing vitamin complexes for women with excess calcium in the blood.

Folic acid "9 months" and Mamifol each contain 400 mcg of folic acid. Prescribed to prevent folic acid deficiency in women of childbearing age during pregnancy planning stages (1-3 months in advance) and to prevent the development of neural tube defects in the fetus. Take 1 tablet per day.

To treat established folic acid deficiency, Folacin or Apo-filik is used. The preparations contain 5 mg of folic acid per tablet.

There are also iron supplements that additionally contain folic acid. These are Maltofer, Hemoferon, Fenyuls Zinc.

These drugs are used mainly for iron deficiency, folate deficiency and iron deficiency anemia. They are not entirely suitable for the prevention of folic acid deficiency during pregnancy, since they contain a dose of folic acid lower than the preventive dose - 300 mcg.

Folic acid preparations are sold without a prescription and always remain affordable. However, a woman should not make her own decision regarding the intake and dosage of folic acid during pregnancy.

Always check with your doctor about the required dosage, duration of use, conditions for taking the drug, and the compatibility of the drug with other medications you are taking. Including vitamins.

Vitamins are also medicines, chemical substances, which, if handled improperly, can, in combination with other substances in your body, give a chemical reaction that will cause irreparable harm to your body and the body of your child.

Be prudent and careful when using medications. Health to you and your children!

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