Billboard formats. Manufacturing of billboards and frames

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An effective means of promoting goods and services, as well as companies in general, is advertising. Outdoor advertising is used to attract the attention of a wide audience. A billboard is a great tool for posting it.

What is it?

The name of the design “billboard” came from the USA. There, companies hung advertising posters (“bills”, announcements) on boards (“boards”). The purpose of this design is to inform traffic participants and consolidate in their memory advertising information about the types of services provided and the company's products.

So, what can we say about billboards? What is it? These are billboard structures for outdoor advertising. They are frames fixed to a support, covered with plywood or galvanized steel sheets, coated with weather-resistant compounds.

Location matters

Billboards are installed along roads and streets, on highways and highways with heavy traffic flow, dividing strips, on roofs, ends and facades of buildings. Placing outdoor advertising in places with maximum traffic of people and vehicles is the most effective in an advertising campaign, since every day such billboards reach representatives of everyone in

The most advantageous location of billboards with outdoor advertising is in the zone of reduced speed of moving traffic in front of traffic lights and turns, pedestrian crossings and other restrictive signs, in places of constant traffic jams. They are often placed near the place where the advertised product is sold. To attract the attention of pedestrians, it is recommended to install advertising structures along sidewalks. An effective shield is installed on the dividing strip and covers opposite traffic flows.

Billboard advertising

Billboards should not be covered by objects that obstruct visual perception: buildings, trees, heavy vehicles. Convenient and accessible viewing of information on billboards will have a positive result.

Such designs attract the attention of passengers when moving in traffic due to the size of the screen and bright design. These criteria influence visual memory of an image. Billboards should be attractive, but not overloaded with information.

Scientists have proven that the perception and storage of pictures in memory occurs much faster than reading text. The driver has little time to familiarize himself with the information so as not to be distracted from driving vehicle. Therefore, advertising on billboards should be thought out to the smallest detail.

Small tricks

Not too much text, emphasis on the graphic part. An advertising slogan should convey the essence of the offer. To do this, it is better to use a large and clear font. At a distance of more than 50 steps, light text will not be visible, and too bold text will merge into a solid stripe. Simple lettering with contrasting tones is a great option.

Placement on billboards large quantity text information Possibly near pedestrian crossings. This is due to the low speed of people. The amount of information on the boards should be such that a person, while driving, has time to read the text from beginning to end. Bright lighting of billboards at night enhances the impact and also creates a positive image of the company.

Individually designed advertising structures highlight the special features of certain buildings, optimally combining with street architecture from an aesthetic point of view. The size of the billboard should be in harmony with the surrounding objects. This way, the advertising structure will not cover the decorative elements of buildings.

Classification of structures

1. By the number of parties on which information is posted. Depending on this they distinguish:


Double sided. That is, side “A” is directed towards the main movement of the flow, side “B” is opposite to it;

Three-sided billboards. What does this mean? This type involves combining three planes into a structure for installation, for example, at an intersection;

Quadrilateral (less common).

2. According to the form:




3. According to the size of the advertising field. Standard size billboards 6x3 m. Frequently used and popular billboard sizes are 6x3 and 12x3 m. There are also large-format billboards 18.1x6.1 m. One of the advantages of such structures is the production of structures of any size at the request of the customer.

4. Based on the type of construction, billboards are divided into collapsible (transformers) and non-dismountable.

Types of advertising structures

1. Static - these are standard free-standing structures.

2. Dynamic settings are the most effective. Manufacturing technology and design features multiple images appear one after the other. These include prism boards (prismatrons) - these are boards measuring 3x6 m. This design consists of triangular equilateral prisms. When they are rotated by 120°, the images change, and with a 360° cycle, the image changes three times.

Billboards digital format show videos. There are models that use visual special effects, interactive and holographic images.

Today, in addition to traditional stationary billboards, mobile billboards are popular. What are these structures? They are also called auto posters, auto shields, brand cars. Advertising placed on moving vehicles is very noticeable. A parked car easily turns a movable mobile billboard into a stationary one. It is better to use such advertising as a supplement to promotions taking place in various places.

Installation and erection of structures

Before installing billboards, you need to select a specific area and analyze its traffic. This is how the future location of the shield is determined. For structures being installed for the first time, you need to obtain permission for their placement and approval from the relevant services: city authorities, software and architecture departments. Usually these organizational issues are handled by advertising agencies. And yet, the format of the shield is regulated by city architecture departments.

Usually, advantageous places are already occupied, so it is much easier to purchase or rent an installed structure from advertising agencies and conclude an appropriate agreement with them. Install the billboard support on a block foundation or monolithic slab with reinforcement.

Factors to consider during installation

The requirements of the transport inspection are compliance with the permissible distances from the roadway to the shield during installation.

Manufacturing Features

Conditions for placing billboards - high quality manufacturing billboards. To do this, the base is covered with galvanized steel or plywood. The surface is treated with a special protective composition(for example, drying oil) or sheet metal. This prevents destruction from adverse weather conditions.

Poster printing

Posters for billboards are made in a printing house. At non-standard solutions they are combined with special lighting, 3D elements, inserts, and fragments protruding beyond the border of the advertising field. Printing is done:

On thick paper. It does not withstand the effects of weather well, so the service life of such posters is insignificant. Recommended for one-time advertising.

What methods can be used to apply an image?



Self-adhesive film;

Wide format full color printing.

For small print runs of posters (up to 5 pieces), it is recommended to use one that is unpretentious to weather conditions and is available in a large palette of shades. Painting is the most labor-intensive, as it has limitations on the quality of the paint and the duration of production. Used for exclusive advertising with a unique concept.

Popular methods

A popular and simple way of placing on billboards is printing, which involves digital or offset printing. The first method is used for printing posters only from thick paper and small editions (minimum 10 posters).

Using the offset method, information is printed on special banner (vinyl) fabric of different densities. At correct installation The poster's service life is up to 3 months. Over time, it will need to be replaced (due to weather conditions, rapid fading of the dark color). Pre-press preparation and production of a poster from banner fabric takes a lot of time.

To produce a single advertising photo in one day, you can use large-format printing. Special color printers print on both thick paper and vinyl. The electrostatic method is gaining popularity among the methods of applying images.

Advantages of billboards

Influence a wide target audience, effectively influence participants in transport and pedestrian traffic;

Cover a large area when conducting advertising campaigns;

Display colorful picture and text good quality any complexity and size;

The structures have sufficient strength and reliability;

Additionally, areas located next to the shield are illuminated at night.


So, billboards - what are they? This is a type of outdoor advertising that effectively affects all social segments of the population. Panel structures are widespread in modern society and are the most popular in advertising.

An advertising billboard is a large billboard with metal frame and a stand, placed on busy highways and roads, roofs, ends and facades of buildings. The billboard screen (frame) is made of galvanized or plywood sheets coated with a chemical composition.

Billboards are most effective when given a large image with a slogan or contact information. This condition does not complicate the perception of advertising; the audience quickly remembers the incoming information.

If desired, a video using various special effects (holography, interactive, etc.) is placed on the billboard.

The first billboards and the history of their appearance

With the advent of lithography (1794), posters began to be used, which became the “progenitors” of billboards. Most often, they informed residents about performances in theaters and circuses.

The term billboard itself appeared in the United States at the beginning of the 20th century, when the development of the automobile industry led to the creation of a network of urban roads. Most large companies have come to the conclusion that on-road advertising is effective.

The first billboard was designed in 1889 for the Paris Exposition. It consisted of 24 large sheets (posters) glued together.

At the end of the 19th century. - beginning of the 20th century Companies and even entire associations were actively developing, helping to promote products using the first billboards (America, Europe, Japan).

The simplest mechanized billboard appeared in Japan (Osaka) in 1960. Its design included the name Kani Doraku and a moving element in the form of a crab. In Russia, advertising billboards began to be used only at the beginning of the 21st century.

Main advantages, disadvantages and features of billboards


The main advantage of billboards is the accessibility and visibility of advertising. Thanks to impressive size and bright design participants traffic have the ability to remember the necessary information on the go, without interfering with other drivers. With this in mind, companies buy “golden” numbers from operators cellular communication. Combination of identical numbers easy to remember and doesn't require a complete stop.

An additional advantage of billboards is the low rental cost compared to other advertising campaigns. With the correct location and other nuances, the consumer will at least write down the number.

The main advantages of using a billboard are its unobtrusiveness, locality, and wide coverage. Due to these factors, the company is perceived as prestigious and does not use “market” techniques.


The cost of annual maintenance of such advertising is very high. Therefore, they rent a billboard with some frequency and in case of positive returns. This drawback complements the oversaturation of advertising in this format. Companies from different industries, including competitors, also order billboards. This overloads the perception of the urban environment. And in order to somehow stand out, additional expenses are required to develop your own design (shape, lighting).

Other disadvantages of advertising billboards include their limited opportunities. Advertising of this kind cannot be used by companies that produce products for import, as well as participants in B2B commerce that are in no way connected with the end consumer in the territory.


  • are an associative type of advertising (reminding);
  • located in crowded areas or in areas with high traffic;
  • advertising information is addressed to passengers, drivers and pedestrians;
  • the design is laconic and accentuated;
  • variation in formats and fonts of inscriptions depends on the location and specific audience;
  • mounted in open spaces (without trees, etc.).

Types of advertising billboards

According to the principle of operation, billboards are:

  • static;
  • dynamic (rotary).

Dynamic billboard.

By number of shields based (type of design):

  • one-sided;
  • multilateral (2–4);
  • curly.

Figured three-sided billboard.
  • standard (3x6 m);
  • superboard (3x12, 4x12 m);
  • supersite (5x15, 6x15 m);
  • large format (6x18 m or more);
  • city ​​boards and pillars (2.7x3.7 m);
  • city ​​format (1.2x1.8 m).

By shape (location of planes relative to each other):

  • flat;
  • V-shaped;
  • triangular (prismaboard, trivision, prismatron).

According to the degree of illumination:

  • without backlight;
  • with lighting (internal, external).

By type and installation method:

  • collapsible;
  • transformers;
  • non-separable;
  • on reinforced concrete base (for roads);
  • on a reinforced frame (for buildings);
  • car billboard (car poster, brand car).

By target audience:

  • for drivers;
  • for pedestrians.

What methods can you use to apply an image?

Stretch for billboards is made in printing houses from thick paper or fabric.

The image is applied using various methods.

  • The printing method (offset, silk-screen printing) uses large-format printing on thick paper, vinyl, stickers and banner fabric. It is the most common and cheapest method of applying a picture, since the picture is printed using the inkjet or electrostatic method.
    The service life of such a canvas depends on the application of a laminating coating on it, which protects the image from fading. A picture of a large area is obtained by fitting sheets of a smaller format.
  • When it is necessary to create a unique creative billboard, they resort to designer painting with paints. In this case, various stencils, applications and templates can be used. The method is the most expensive and takes more long time, and is also not suitable for ordering a batch of canvases. In addition, they are short-lived and more suitable for dry climates.
  • Applications are mainly applied to vinyl and self-adhesive fabric. They are covered with a special layer (thermal and moisture protection) and can last up to 5 years. The method is the most accessible and popular.

Additional features include 3D graphics, neon and luminous colors for a self-illuminating effect, a creeping line effect, and the overlay of multi-plane images on top of each other (hologram). Some billboards have the ability to change images at certain intervals (depending on the design).

Billboard sizes

  • Billboard format 6x3 m is the most common. They help on busy roads and highways, away from historical places and monuments.
  • Supersites, billboards and megaboards are less common. They can be located along multi-level roads, on large bridges, as well as along highways. They are also often located near large shopping centers and supermarkets.
  • Among the large formats, a variety of prismatrons stand out. They are installed at controlled intersections and are capable of rotating around their axis. Thus, advertising on each of the prism planes can be seen by any road user. Even if a person constantly moves along the same route.
  • City format, pylon and pillar are similar in design and represent a luminous box small sizes, suitable for the city (bus stops, boulevards, squares, metro stations). Often, in their design, such formats require the presence additional elements- canopies and railings.
  • Scrollers and pillars, which have the ability to display scrolling advertisements (5–8 images), stand out separately.
  • Cityboards are most often placed on ring roads and approaches to the city. They are more compact than a standard billboard or designed specifically for an urban environment.

Any billboard format can be equipped with additional lighting or a shaped element that attracts special attention from the audience.

What determines the cost of advertising on billboards?

The cost of billboard maintenance (space rental) is calculated individually, based on the following parameters:

  • specific city;
  • specific location (location);
  • dimensions of advertising space;
  • placement period;
  • number of sides for the banner;
  • type of advertising (commercial, political, social advertising).

The average cost of manufacturing a personal shield is about 200 thousand rubles. (standard). When installing, it is worth considering the need to coordinate the installation of this format with local authorities, as well as all the nuances of legislation on advertising and promotional activities.

Renting a billboard is more expensive over the long term. Therefore, it is more advisable to purchase billboards and place them in a location that is advantageous for the company.

Otherwise, the cost of canvas for a billboard will depend on the method of applying paint and the type of storage medium. Installation and assembly are placed in a separate expense line, the cost of which depends on the complexity of the work on the ground.

How to place a billboard

Ordering billboards, as well as their installation and installation is carried out in specialized companies. The main pre-order condition is the availability of permits for installing the billboard. To obtain it, you need to coordinate the project with the city administration (layout, text, location) or get your own advertising space (linked) through a municipal competition, if such is held.

Also, the development and installation of a billboard can be carried out separately by placing an order in the printing industry and paying for the installation contract, which will entail additional costs for transportation. It is best to place an order with an advertising agency.

Where is the best place to place billboards?

They are preferably located in the following areas:

  • At transport junctions and junctions - airport, train station, controlled intersections, entrance to the metro.
  • In crowded places - parks, pedestrian zones, shopping centers and areas next to them.
  • On roads with heavy traffic - leaving the city, broadband roads.
  • In open areas without trees or buildings.
  • At a certain distance from competitors' billboards.

How to attract attention to billboard advertising

So that the billboard becomes effective means outdoor advertising, you must follow certain rules.

  • The presence of a memorable design that does not overload perception and is deposited in a person’s memory.
  • Text information should consist of no more than 6 words that convey the main idea of ​​the advertising offer.
  • The canvas should contain a large image and clearly readable letters.
  • Entering contact information is allowed if remembering it does not cause difficulties.
  • The layout of the canvas, if there is a corporate style, is made according to the “image” (associative connection).
  • Street advertising is installed in the immediate vicinity of the company, sometimes with a sign (effective for shops, bases, cafes and restaurants).
  • A greater visual effect from advertising is observed when using non-standard billboard shapes (curly image).

The effectiveness of advertising billboards

  • Brand awareness increases.
  • The influx of buyers is increasing.
  • A positive image of the company is created.
  • Long-term trade relations are being established.
  • There is an opportunity for large-scale advertising of promotions.

Example of efficiency calculation

The increase in circulation for this type of advertising is approximately 1.5% (on radio and TV - 3-5%). For example, if the daily flow is estimated at 1000 cars, then 15 of them are guaranteed to contact the company (all other things being equal: the category of car owners should be taken into account when placing a billboard).

With an average check of 1000 rubles. daily revenue from new clients will be 15 thousand rubles. Monthly revenue will be about half a million, but advertising costs will have to be subtracted from this amount. The difference between revenue and expenses will be the effectiveness of the billboard, measured in cost terms.

Business on advertising billboards

The business of producing and installing billboards is profitable and profitable. The payback period for a business plan is on average 1 year. To organize the activities of such an enterprise, it is necessary to have a sufficient knowledge base in the field of legislation, urban planning and technical work. IN small towns such a business has no competitors.

The service initiator must support good relationship with the authorities, to have rough plan for placement of installations. He must take care of interacting with the printing industry or purchasing his own printing equipment. The staff must be staffed in all areas of work - office, transport, installation, electric welding, etc.

The company must have sufficient capital to construct (storage) or purchase billboards. The main disadvantage of this business is its passive nature, requiring the search for clients who need advertising on billboards. In the future, this type of activity will be suitable for competitive enterprises focused on the region.

Billboard For the music magazine, see Bigboard

Side B of the 6x3 shield

File:Eat More Tofu Bigboard.jpg


Billboard, Billboard(English) Billboard) - the term is used to describe the type of outdoor advertising installed along highways and streets. The panel is a frame covered with sheets of galvanized steel or plywood coated with weather-resistant compounds, fixed to a support. This term appeared in the USA when a number of companies began to hang their advertising posters “bills” (hence the name Billboard) on wooden structures.


The advent of billboards was born out of the need to convey information to an uneducated population. The history of billboards began with Ancient Egypt- these were announcements of a reward for the capture of runaway slaves. Further in history, the predecessors of billboards are known - posters. Their appearance became possible thanks to the invention of lithography (a type of printing). Posters were used in the late 19th century to advertise theatrical performances. But the first large-scale use of posters was to advertise circus performances.

By the 20s of the 20th century, everything more people In the USA they began to buy cars and drive them out of town. This became the reason for billboards to increase in size (as the speed of movement increased) and to install them along roads.

In the countries of the former USSR, billboards began to appear as market relations developed and the need to advertise their products in a competitive environment.

In the CIS countries, the term “bigboard”, literally “big board,” has become widespread. The reason for this is that in countries former USSR, in the 90s, the Big Board company was widely represented in the advertising market. At the bottom of the billboards there was the signature “Big Board”, as a result of which the billboards began to be called bigboards.

Space for construction

To obtain space for a billboard, an outdoor advertising operator applies to the authorities for permits and goes through a series of approvals.


Shields can be classified according to various criteria: the number of sides bearing useful information(one-, two-, 3-sided, less often 4-sided), the relative position of these sides (flat, V-shaped, triangular), the size of the advertising field (usually 6x3 meters; in the USA large formats are used - up to 18.1×6.1 m), by design (collapsible, so-called “transformers” and non-collapsible).

Also, the shield usually has two sides:

  • A - in the direction of movement
  • B - against the direction of movement

As a rule, placement on the “A” side costs the advertiser more.

Standard. Rectangular boards measuring 3x6 m can be placed within the city, on country roads.

Superboards. The dimensions are 3x12 or 4x12 m, the shape is an elongated, horizontally oriented rectangle. Superboards are placed at points that provide them with maximum visibility - on hills, along overpasses and bridges.

Supersites. The boards are 5x15 m in size. They are often installed along highways, expressways, and overpasses. The support for the supersite has an increased height, making it better visible from a long distance. Due to their size, supersites dominate other advertising structures and attract more attention.

Cityboards. Have rectangular shape, horizontal side - 3.7 m, vertical - 2.7 m. The design can be complicated if the image on the shield is replaceable. In this case, a series of 5-8 advertising images is applied to a scrolling canvas so that they are viewed in turn. Such shields are called scrollers.

Pillars. A vertically oriented rectangular shield with a height of 3.7 m and a width of 2.7 m. The image on it can also be replaceable (change as the canvas is scrolled).

City formats, city boards, pillars are classified as urban outdoor advertising; the Vek agency uses them in those cities or individual areas where installation advertising structures Large sizes are prohibited.

Classification of billboards by design

One- and two-sided billboards. with a steel base, can be prefabricated or non-demountable. They are static, installed on their own supports (one or two pillars buried in the ground and reinforced concrete base). More often they have external lighting in the form of remote spotlights. The advertising image is printed on banner fabric and attached to the base of the shield. After the end of the advertising campaign, it is replaced with a new one. One-sided billboards are installed along streets, at intersections, along highways and highways at the edge of the roadway. They only have one side “working”, facing the flow of traffic and pedestrians. Double-sided billboards are placed between traffic flows, at junctions, intersections, and areas where both sides of the billboard are clearly visible to drivers and pedestrians.

Three- and four-sided. Complex designs, consist of three or four shields connected to each other to form a triangle or square. The front surface of each shield is oriented in a given direction. Such billboards are effective at intersections, roundabouts, and sections of roads where there is traffic or pedestrian flow on each side of the structure. To install the shields, strong supports consisting of several parts are used. In the upper part of the structure there is a three-dimensional frame on which the shields are fixed. For such billboards, external lighting is often used. They can be static or moving. In the second case, the frame with shields rotates. It is believed that static structures have unequal sides in terms of audience coverage. Moving billboards have equal sides: each of them is shown in each direction for an equal amount of time.

Prismvision Billboards of non-standard design. Their advertising surface consists of separate triangular elements. These elements rotate around their axis. As they scroll, they show three promotional images in succession. Prism vision boards are effective where people look at them for a certain amount of time (ideally, as long as the cycle of showing all three images lasts). They are placed at controlled intersections, near stops public transport etc.

Curly. Typically these are static billboards mounted on a standard 3x6 rectangular frame. Work surface they have a non-standard shape: with protrusions, superstructures, volumetric elements, etc. Curly billboards are used for image, bright, memorable purposes. advertising campaigns. Usually their price is much higher compared to standard advertising structures. This is due to complex production: any protrusion or volumetric element is made individually. It should be placed taking into account the billboard’s own lighting (do not block it). The sizes of such additional elements are limited.

Billboards are classified by target audience:

  • for drivers. They are oriented towards the roadway so that the advertising image is clearly visible to passengers of public and private transport. Such billboards contain a minimum of text information - the driver simply does not have time to read it. The most effective are billboards located where traffic flows slowly (at intersections, traffic lights, in speed limit zones, before exits to roundabouts, etc.);
  • for pedestrians. They are installed along the edges of sidewalks, contain more text information, and do not necessarily have large size. Optimal places for placement: public transport stops, areas in front of shopping centers, main city streets.

Why can't you just install a billboard in Moscow?

  • According to PP 902, placement of advertising structures in the form of free-standing structures is possible provided they are installed within the boundaries of the land plot, and land plot must belong to you by right of ownership or other proprietary or obligatory right upon the fact of introducing advertising structures into the scheme and obtaining permission from the Department of Advertising and Media. If you want to locate on municipal land (99% of the land in Moscow, not counting the new one), it is necessary to hold a tender, which is quite difficult and expensive for the customer.

About the design in more detail

Billboards are the most common type of outdoor advertising, located in close proximity to highways and streets. This type outdoor advertising is aimed at drivers and passers-by. Such advertising is a leader among its other types; it can compete in effectiveness only with banners, which are actively used in the center of large cities. Such advertising was born in the USA (hence the name “billboard”, which is pronounced “billboard” and roughly translated as “poster board”) and is now widespread throughout the world.

Manufacturing technology

The production of billboards, their frames, and installation is a rather labor-intensive and responsible process, because this is not a one-time advertisement, it is a structure that should serve for quite a long time, withstand various weather conditions and bring profit to the owners. In most cases, billboards consist of a frame (frame), which is covered with flat steel sheets (plywood is also used), coated with weather-resistant compounds and mounted on a support.

General price list for the production of billboards for 2016

Name Material Manufacturing cost
Shield 3 by 6 (basic)
Profile pipe, advertising field – moisture resistant plywood 6mm.
Note: without MGL, only the cost of the structure itself.
160,000 rub.
Shield 3 to 6 (all inclusive in Moscow)

1. Profile pipe, advertising field - 6mm moisture-resistant plywood/other materials, delivery and installation (pouring the foundation), special equipment.
Note: “Turnkey”, without MGL, with delivery and installation.
2. In addition to point 1. Lighting: MGL 70 W (4 pcs.). Note: “Turnkey” with MGL, delivery and installation.

1. 228,000 rub.
2. 258,000 rub.
Shield 4 x 2.5 (all inclusive in Moscow)
Profile pipe, advertising field - 6mm moisture-resistant plywood/other materials, delivery and installation (pouring the foundation), special equipment. Lighting: MGL 70 W (4 pcs.). Note: “Turnkey” with MGL, with delivery and installation.
197,000 rub.

Prices for manufacturing structures (3x6, 5x10)

Name Material Manufacturing cost

1. The advertising structure consists of advertising field tablets with total dimensions of 3x6 m, supports d = 219-425 mm (L = up to 5.5 m to the advertising field) and foundation block dimensions 3.2x1.5x0.4 m, which is made of monolithic reinforced concrete with laid foundation studs in the amount of 6 pcs. Tablet - flat design, consisting of profile pipe 80x40x4 mm, timber 40x40 mm, plywood FC 6 mm (moisture resistant) or profiled sheet. Paint anti-corrosion protection of metal structures is carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP. Installation in Moscow.

2. Electrical installation work include installation of brackets and spotlights for MGL lamp 70 W (4 pcs.)

3. Delivery of special equipment using a 25-ton crane, a long length, etc. outside the Moscow Ring Road

4. Design layout (if necessary).

1. 228,000 rub.
2. 30,000 rub.
3. from 15,000 rub.
4. 3000 rub.
Advertising board 5x10, one-sided (leg - 10 meters). Symmetrical with respect to the central pillar.
1. Foundation (25m3 – m-350 concrete) List of works: soil excavation, formwork, waterproofing, installation of anchor group, reinforced frame, waste removal.
2. Electrics: metal halide spotlights, 8 pcs., electrical installation, wiring.
3. Strength elements of the advertising structure: single support, crossbar, load-bearing frame weighing 10 tons.
4. During installation, a team of installers works, special equipment is used: a 25-ton truck crane, an aerial platform, a long length truck.
5. Project documentation includes construction project(wind loads and drawing development), electrical installation project.
6. Design layout (if required).

1. 480,000 rub.
2. 82,000 rub.
3. 730,000 rub.
4. 170,000 rub.
5. 60,000 rub.
6. 3000 rub.
Registration of billboards

2. Tax on registration of architecture and advertising

1. 50000-70000 rub.
2. 25,000 rub.
  • Production time is 10-15 working days.
  • Design documentation (in the case of new development) includes a construction project (wind loads and development of drawings), an electrical supply project (attached to standard products). The cost of development is from 60,000 rubles.
  • Terms of payment. Prepayment – ​​70%, paid after signing the contract. Post payment – ​​30% after signing the acceptance certificate for completed work.
***When ordering less than 2 advertising structures, the cost of production and installation increases K = 1.2

Please note that changes to the above technical characteristics, namely: increasing the size and type of support post, the shape of the design of the tablet of its size, plating decorative elements(including use composite materials), painting method, retrofitting an advertising product with components leads to a recalculation of the cost of the product and a revision of the production time.


  1. We provide a 12-month warranty on all metal structures manufactured by us.
  2. We also provide a 12-month guarantee for installation - installation, foundation construction.
  3. On paint coating All metal structures are guaranteed for the same 12 months.
  4. The warranty on electrical equipment is also 12 months.
It is important that the elimination of any defects, replacement of individual elements of products, if correction is impossible, is carried out by our company at its own expense within a period of no more than 30 calendar days. The exceptions are various cases of improper operation of the product, any defects resulting from the actions of a third party or other force majeure circumstances.

Prefabricated drawing - general view

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