Fortune telling on playing cards by the name of a loved one. Fortune telling by name

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Fortune telling on cards by name is very interesting way Find out how the person you are interested in treats you. The main condition for the success of such a fortune-telling ritual is complete concentration on the object of fortune-telling. This method allows you to better understand a person and determine how successful your relationship will be in the future.

Any involves repeating the guy’s name out loud while carrying out certain actions. Of course, the reliability of the information received will increase if you constantly think about the person during the process of fortune telling.

Fortune telling about the chosen one's attitude

For fortune telling, you will need to use a deck consisting of 36 cards. Retreat to separate room and focus on the image of the person you want to tell fortunes about. Of course, you definitely need to know his name. Constantly thinking about it, start shuffling the deck of cards.

After the cards have been shuffled, you can begin to make the layout. Cards must be taken from the top of the deck and placed face down in front of you. There should be as many stacks as there are letters in the name of the person for whom fortune telling is being carried out. After all the cards have been laid out in piles, you should take the outermost pile on the right and arrange the cards from left to right in the previous piles. This action must be repeated until there are two stacks of cards left in front of you. After this, you need to pick up the pile of cards on which the layout stopped, and transfer all the cards from it to the remaining pile.

After completing all the described actions, you need to pick up the assembled deck of cards and start laying it out one card at a time, face down. If cards of the same value come across nearby, they should be put aside. They are the ones used to interpret the layout.

The meanings of the deferred cards are as follows:

  • Ace - the person you are fortune-telling loves you very much and dreams of being with you.
  • The king - your chosen one takes a closer look at you and is very impressed by your character.
  • Lady - in the life of the person for whom fortune telling is being carried out, there is another woman.
  • Jack - your chosen one’s thoughts are occupied exclusively with you.
  • Tens - a person is very interested in you, but does not dare to take the first step.
  • Nines - the person for whom fortune telling is being carried out sympathizes with you.
  • Eights - soon you will have the opportunity to talk with your chosen one.
  • Sevens - you have a date with the person you are wondering about.
  • Sixes - there is a high probability that you will travel together with the person for whom fortune telling is being carried out.

For this ritual, a full deck of 36 cards is also used. This is fortune telling playing cards the name allows you to find out the attitude of the guy you really like. The main rule of this ritual is that you will need to ask a thoughtful question mentioning the name of your loved one.

For example, it might sound like this:

“Will we be together with (name of the chosen one)?”

It is very important to ask the question immediately before the layout and it is very important to focus on it. It is important that there is no external interference at this moment. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out such fortune-telling in complete privacy, having first turned off all communication devices.

During fortune telling, the following actions are carried out:

  • First you need to choose a king from a deck of cards. You must definitely associate him with your chosen one.
  • You should pick up the selected card and clearly ask the question that interests you. After this, you need to put it in front of you.
  • Then, with full concentration on the question, begin to carefully shuffle the deck of cards, and this must be done within a few minutes.
  • Then, under the king, you need to lay out three cards, which represent the layout that needs to be interpreted.

The interpretation of the layout is carried out according to the suits of the cards that were laid out:

  • Diamonds and hearts represent "yes";
  • Spades and clubs represent "no".

Thus, if in the layout there are cards whose suit means “yes” or similarly “no”, then the interpretation of fortune telling is obvious. In the first case, you will definitely be together with the person you really like. In the second case, you are not destined to be together. If the cards fell out in such a way that two “yes” and one “no” were formed, then in order for the plan to come true, you will need to work hard. And if two “no” and one “yes” appear in the scenario, then the likelihood that the wish will come true is minimal.

This layout can be carried out an unlimited number of times. But you should remember that you cannot guess the same question several times.

If you love a guy, then you can tell fortunes about how your future together will turn out. Fortune telling is carried out with a regular playing deck consisting of 36 cards. First you need to choose a king who will symbolize your loved one. After this, you need to carefully shuffle the cards for several minutes.

The layout begins with the chosen king being laid out in the center. Then there are two cards around it on four sides. The two bottom cards in combination with the cards on the left side indicate how your relationship with your chosen one is developing in the present. The top two cards with the cards on the right side describe future relationships. When deciphering, it is necessary to take into account that this layout is interpreted in relation to the suits of the cards that fell around the king.


  • Hearts symbolize love and happiness.
  • Clubs focus on the fact that there are or will be certain disagreements in life.
  • Diamonds are a forecast financial well-being in the present or future.
  • Peaks indicate minor problems.

More detailed meanings of the cards can be found in a special section of our website. But at the same time, it is very important, when deciphering this alignment, to listen to your own intuition. In addition, you should definitely believe that you will receive true information in this way. But if it doesn’t suit you, you don’t need to be upset, you just need to try to take a closer look at your loved one and try to correct the situation based on the information received.

At the time when we were in school, fortune telling by first and last name on paper was very popular. Of course, many years have passed since then, but modern youth still sometimes resort to these old, proven methods. What if you just take and try to make such a prediction to see if you are actually compatible with your boyfriend, lover, husband? In the end, it won’t take much time, and you’ll always have a pen and paper at hand.

Fortune telling for compatibility by first and last name

This simple fortune telling for girls on paper and a pen can only be used if you know the full name of your chosen one. Of course, if you have been married for a long time, then this will not be a problem for you. In order to find out how compatible your couple is, you need to write down your full name and the name of your loved one on a piece of paper, but we will do this in a special way: We write each repeated letter in a column under the one that already existed. If, for example, your name is Anna, then the first letter A is written in a line, and the second below it, with the letters H we do the same. In the same way, we write down all the letters that are contained in your last name, first name and patronymic and in the last name, first name, patronymic of the person of interest.

As a result, you will get several columns. Now you need to count how many letters there are in each: if there is an even number of letters in a column, put the number 1 under this column, if there is an odd number, then 0. You will get a row of numbers. Now you need to add every two numbers next to each other and write their sum in the middle under them - we will get another number series. Now we repeat the same procedure, but add not two, but three numbers next to each other. Then we repeat, folding again in twos, then in threes. And so on until you get one single number. If it turns out to be from 1 to 10, we evaluate how compatible you are on a ten-point scale. If the number is greater than 10, then we bring it to a single digit by simply adding its components (11 is 1 + 1 = 2, 12 is 1 + 2 = 3, and so on).

Fortune telling by name “Repeating letters”

Among fortune telling for girls on a piece of paper, this method of determining the compatibility of a couple is especially popular. It is much simpler than the previous one. At least you won’t have to count that much.

  1. Take a piece of paper, write your full name on the first line, and on the second line - the name of the young man you are interested in
  2. Next, take a pen and start crossing out repeated letters in your full name. That is, if there is a letter A on your line, cross it out on your partner’s line too. And so with each letter
  3. Now count how many letters were crossed out and evaluate the result of the prediction. If the number is more than 10, we simply reduce it using the numerological method, as in the previous fortune telling.

The meaning of numbers when fortune telling by first and last name on paper

  • 1 - great pair
  • 2 - unsuitable partners
  • 3 - you are overcome by the feeling of falling in love, but when it passes, you will see that this man is not your man
  • 4 - a future together is possible if your feelings for him become stronger
  • 5 - relationships in which people are united only by mutual benefit
  • 6 - sincere feelings, respect, caring for each other, happy union
  • 7 - there is more friendship between you than love
  • 8 - harmony, feeling of comfort
  • 9 - good compatibility, but the relationship needs work

Fortune telling “Repeating letters” - option 2

This fortune telling is very similar to the previous one. It is also carried out by full name, but we won’t cross out the letters. We need to work with each name separately. First, we look at ours and write down those letters that are repeated two or more times. We fix their number. Then we also parse the letters in the partner’s full name. Now let’s compare what we got and count the number of matches. Using the example of 5 such matches, you may get more or less.

The meaning of fortune telling by first and last name on paper with numbers is shown below:

  • 1 - a union of two egoists, where everyone thinks only about themselves
  • 2 - disappointment in each other awaits in the future
  • 3 - true love
  • 4 - the relationship is quite good, but we need to work on it, since lovers often quarrel
  • 5 - you always give in to your partner, think about whether you need this
  • 6 - the fortuneteller is the leader in the couple, but greatly limits the freedom of the partner
  • 7 - harmonious union
  • 8 - relationship is almost perfect
  • 9 - you will have a happy family

"Love Graph"

To find out if they intersect life paths two people, you can use the prediction based on the name “Love Graph”. To do this, we write down the full names of both partners on a piece of paper in a box. Then we cross out in pairs those letters that are repeated in the girl and the guy. Now let’s start building a graph: first, let’s draw the girl’s line. We mark the starting point, and then we are guided by her full name: each crossed out letter means one cell up diagonally, and an uncrossed letter means one cell to the right horizontally. After constructing the “female” graph, we draw the “male” one, starting it from the same point where the previous one began. And then we look at the two resulting lines: if they repeat each other in some fragments, it means that people will be a couple for some time, if they run parallel, they will be friends, and if they go in different directions, they will not have a future together.

Fortune telling by the name "Chamomile"

Another fortune telling for girls on paper is called “Chamomile”. It is enough to know only the name nice guy to predict whether you will be in love with him.

  1. Take a pen and draw a daisy on paper with the number of petals equal to the number of letters in the young man’s full name
  2. We write one letter in each petal
  3. Next, starting from the petal, where the first letter of the guy’s name is, we begin to enter our name - in the same way, one letter per petal
  4. Now let’s see how many daisy petals came out, on which there are two letters, one of which is a vowel and the other is a consonant. And look at the interpretation.
  • 0 matches - nothing happens
  • 1 coincidence - there will be a relationship, but it will be very short-lived
  • 2 coincidences - at first you will be overcome by passion, but then the feelings will subside
  • 3 matches - excellent compatibility, you can even get married
  • 4 matches or more - perfect union for many years

Fortune telling for the betrothed on paper

Do you want to know what the name of your future husband or boyfriend with whom you will be together for a long time will be? Conduct fortune telling on paper in the name of your future boyfriend! It is best to predict your fate during Christmas time, under New Year or Christmas, or on the eve of your birthday. Late in the evening, getting ready to go to bed, take a piece of paper and cut it into 15-20 strips. Write one on each of them male name- names should not be repeated. Then mix these pieces of paper and put them under your pillow. Before going to bed, dream about the future, imagine your ideal man, and in the morning, as soon as you wake up, pull out one piece of paper at random. Read what is written there - this will be the name of the person with whom you are destined to have a relationship.
Predictions using paper are an interesting way to brighten up your leisure time. Of course, they will not always be as accurate as fortune telling using Tarot cards or runes, but, nevertheless, there is definitely some truth in them.

Every person would like to look into the future. How many mistakes could have been avoided if we knew how the story would develop. How much can be achieved by knowing the correct answer to the questions that fate poses to us. And sometimes I would just like to lift the veil of another person’s life, to understand what he really thinks and feels.

This opportunity opens up for us various fortune telling. There are hundreds of ways to shine a light on the future. Some rituals require an offensive a certain day a year, such as, for example, maiden fortune-telling on Ivan Kupala, or Christmas fortune-telling. Other fortune-telling presupposes the arrival of a designated time of day; for example, you can find out the future by contacting otherworldly spirits only with the onset of midnight.

By the way, this fortune telling refers to dangerous magical rituals. These can also include fortune telling on mirrors. By using such practices, an inexperienced person can not only find out his future, but create huge troubles for himself. After all, when opening a portal to the otherworldly secret world, it is difficult to say how the ritual will end and what consequences may arise.

One of the most safe ways fortune telling, which will still help you find out at least small details of the future, and perhaps reveal vital important facts, is fortune telling on cards. Fortune telling with playing cards involves predicting the fate of a specific person. With its help, you can predict a certain course of events in the life of a mysterious person and avoid mistakes.

In order for a fortune-telling ritual to reveal events associated with a certain person, it is necessary to mentally repeat it full name. Each of us has a strong energetic connection with own name. This fact can be confirmed to you by any psychic, esotericist, sorcerer or magician. Our name is fateful for us. It influences our character traits, position in society, development love relationship. Thin threads of our name permeate our entire life and have a powerful invisible impact on it. It’s not for nothing that there is a proverb: “Whatever you call a ship, that’s how it will sail.”

Fortune telling with playing cards does not require being related by blood to a person in order to find out his future. It is enough just to know his full name; under no circumstances should you use diminutive name or nickname.

Fortune telling for a guy

Knowing the full name of the guy you are interested in, using this fortune telling technique you can find out how he really feels about you and what feelings he has.

A new deck of playing cards is all you need to perform this ritual. You can guess at any time of the day; there are no restrictions for this.

Before you start fortune telling, you need to fully concentrate on the person whose fate you want to know, imagine his image, and formulate questions to which you would like to receive answers. After that, take a deck of cards slowly and shuffle them thoroughly, continuing to think about the guy. Then arrange the cards into piles. The number of stacks should correspond to the number of letters in the guy's full name. For example, if your chosen one's name is Ivan, then you should end up with four piles.

The cards must be laid out in the correct sequence. Take cards from the very top of the deck one at a time. There is no need to pull cards from the middle. Lay out four cards from left to right ( we're talking about about four cards, since the name Ivan is taken as a basis), place the next cards from left to right on top of the first ones. So you must lay out the entire deck, you should not have a single card left.

Then take the rightmost stack in your hand, in our case it corresponds to the letter “n” of our hidden name. Divide the cards from this pile among the other three. This must be done, as in the previous case, from left to right. You should end up with only two stacks of cards left. In our example, we need to lay out another stack.

Pick up the pile in which you placed the last card. Cover the remaining stack with it. So you again have a deck of cards. Do not shuffle the cards under any circumstances. Place the cards in one line on the table, turning them face up. When two identical cards match, set them aside. It is by these matching pairs that one can determine the fate and feelings of the mysterious guy.

Meaning of Matched Cards

Aces– the guy you have in mind loves you very much.

Kings– your characters and the young man are very similar, you have many common interests.

Ladies– the mysterious guy is in love with another girl.

Jacks- indicate that the thoughts of the mysterious person are addressed to you, he cannot stop thinking about you.

Dozens- they say that the guy is interested in you, of course, his feelings are not deep yet, but you definitely hooked him.

Nines- drop out when the guy has a certain sympathy for you.

Eights- foreshadow a quick conversation.

Sevens- You need to get ready for a date in the near future.

Sixes- they talk about some road, there is a high probability of traveling together.

Fortune telling by name

These fortune-telling techniques were also used by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers in order to find out at least small details about their future marriage. Such fortune-telling was carried out on Malanka, or as it is now commonly called, on the Old New Year.

Young girls took turns running out of the house and asking the first man they met his name. It was believed that future husband will also be the owner of this name.

Another basic girl's name fortune telling using pieces of paper. You need to write as many names as possible on small pieces of paper, roll them up and mix them well. Pull out any piece of paper and read the written name.

This is how our grandmothers tried to find out who their future husband would be. These fortune telling by names can rather be called entertainment than magical rituals, and therefore the probability of a coincidence is quite small.

Numerological fortune telling for full name

Write down the first and last name of the person you are interested in on a piece of paper. Calculate how many points the first and last names correspond to separately.

The letters A and S get 1 point;

2 points – I B K R;

3 points – G L S Ch Sh;

4 points – M D T;

5 points – E N X;

6 points – U V;

7 points – Z O Yu Ts

8 points – F P F

9 points – Ш

All other letters are equal to "0".

For example, let’s find out the meaning of the name Petrov (8+5+4+2+7+6=32) Ivan (1+6+1+5=14). It is necessary to sum the meaning of the first and last names together (32+14=46). It is necessary that a single digit number remains, so we add the numbers (4+6=10, 1+0=1). This is the first indicator that will help determine a person’s character.

The second number is the sum of all consonants; it will help determine how others see this person. The sum of vowels is an indicator of what a person strives for in his life and what he wants to become.

Meaning of numbers

  • success, luck, self-confidence.
  • sympathy, gentleness, sociability, sincerity.
  • entrepreneurship, curiosity.
  • practicality, straightforwardness, organizational skills.
  • penchant for extreme sports, erudition.
  • kindness and decency.
  • determination, self-control.
  • purposefulness, uncompromisingness.
  • daydreaming, fantasy.

From the moment the first tender feeling was born on our sinful and beautiful Earth, every girl would like to know what the guy she loves is thinking about. A curious person would pay dearly for such information. Looking for an answer to this question, as well as other questions, for example: does he love me or not, the weaker sex turned to witches, sorcerers, fortune tellers and soothsayers of all stripes. Some were really lucky and they learned the truth, while others, having gone through all the circles of hell, remained in the tenacious clutches of scoundrels who kept their “victim” on a short leash: “treatment” for non-existent diseases, false advice and ineffective spells and, as a result, incalculable money infusions. But let’s be honest, all this still exists today. Charlatans are not extinct, as are those who are in an endless search for answers and clues.

However, it’s much easier for today’s girls; now there is a great opportunity without leaving own home, just open the Internet and enter into a search engine: “Fortune telling for a loved one.” And voila! The World Wide Web will immediately offer a lot of esoteric sites. Including our Mogura. By scrolling down the page a little, you can choose those love fortune telling that fully meet your current need for information and advice.

Our great-great-grandmothers would probably die of envy if they found out that while sitting on the sofa in their favorite cafe, you can tell fortunes online and find out what your loved one is doing. Fantastic! For them - yes, for us this is a reality in which there is nothing unnatural. Not only that modern technologies They give you such chances, and you don’t even have to pay anyone. Everything is free!

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