Where is the cloud on the iPhone? What is iCloud and how to use it. ICloud - login to your cloud storage account

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In this post, I told you how to create and log into iCloud. What is it for and how can you use it to restore your iPhone.

What is iCloud

iCloud is Apple's cloud storage that automatically synchronizes information between your devices. For example, contacts and notes between iPhone and iPad.

If there is enough free space in iCloud, then iPhone stores a backup copy of photos and other information there.

You receive iCloud storage automatically when you register an Apple ID, which you will need to use Apple technology.

By default, iCloud has 5 GB of free space available. Of course, this is not enough to backup a phone even with 16 GB of memory. Therefore, I recommend expanding iCloud to at least 50 GB.

50 GB - $0.99 per month;
200 GB - $2.99;
2 TB - $9.99.

How to log into iCloud on iPhone

You can sign in to iCloud directly on your Apple device. To do this, enter your Apple ID in:

Settings ▸ Sign in on iPhone

Login to iCloud through iPhone settings. To do this you will need an Apple ID

How to log into iCloud through a browser

If your phone breaks down or you lose it, you can always access your photos and contacts through the web version of iCloud.

If you log into iCloud through a browser, you can view your email, contacts, photos and other information

If you have an Apple ID, then to log in through the browser you need to confirm your identity with a digital code that will be sent to your other Apple devices or via SMS to your main and backup phone numbers.

How to set up an iCloud backup

Default backup disabled in iCloud. It only makes sense to enable it when you have purchased additional space of 50, 200 or 2000 GB.

Settings ▸ Apple ID ▸ iCloud ▸ iCloud Storage ▸ Change storage plan

By default, you only have 5 GB in iCloud. Additional space can be purchased in the “Change storage plan” tab

You can also enable iCloud backup in Settings:

Settings ▸ Apple ID ▸ iCloud ▸ Backup

You can enable iPhone backup to iCloud in Settings. But, for this you must have enough free memory in iCloud itself

Such a backup will store absolutely all data from the phone, including photos, contacts and videos.

With an iCloud backup, you can completely restore your phone if your old iPhone breaks, you lose it, or you just buy a new one.

How to set up settings synchronization via iCloud

Even if you haven't purchased additional iCloud storage, your iPhone can still store calendars, contacts, and other settings there. And also synchronize this information between your devices.

You can configure applications that have access to iCloud in:

Settings ▸ Apple ID ▸ iCloud

In iCloud settings, check those apps that can sync their settings and data between your Apple devices


  1. iCloud storage is provided automatically. Standard volume - 5 GB;
  2. iCloud is needed to automatically synchronize settings and data between your devices;
  3. If you buy more space to iCloud, you can back up your iPhone and other devices to it.
  4. Additional iCloud storage will also allow you to free up space on your phone.
  5. If you lose your phone, you can access all of its information through the web version of iCloud.

Or other Apple technology, you will have to create your own Apple ID. Do this and remember the password, or better yet, write it down somewhere. An Apple ID is required to synchronize and store data in iCloud, as well as to download programs and media files from App Store and iTunes Store.

Select what you want to sync

If you go to iCloud settings, you will see a bunch of items, and opposite there are switches. Select the types of data that should be on all your devices: photos, contacts, calendars, notes. It’s better not to disable the “Find My iPhone” function - in case of theft or loss, you will thank yourself.

Additional items that can also be synchronized are hidden in other menu tabs. For example, you can receive calls on all devices, regardless of which one you are being called on. Just turn on the toggle switch in the FaceTime item. To sync all messages across devices, go to the Messages section. You can add everything there email addresses and telephone numbers where SMS should be sent.

When purchasing secondhand, make sure all data is deleted

If you are starting to use a phone that someone has already used before you, look at the iCloud settings at the seller. The former owner of the device must delete all data from the iCloud, iTunes Store and App Store sections. You won't be able to do this yourself - the device will ask for a password. Make sure that the seller completely removes all data that was already on the phone/tablet. For your own peace of mind, you should reset all settings in front of the seller - the “Basic” item.

A guarantee that your device will never remember the previous owner will be that he removes the gadget from the list on the website. We advise you to check it.

Don't give your Apple ID to anyone

It's simple - never give your Apple ID to anyone. Even to the best friend, with whom you have been together since diapers. Stupidly, it might set up your devices to sync. In the worst case, change the password. If they did give you a password, check to see if someone else’s phone has been added to your devices. This can be done in iCloud settings.

If suddenly you did give someone your Apple ID and password, there is a huge chance that the devices have synchronized and are being monitored. This is especially true for separated couples: after all, it was so romantic - shared access to iCloud and the App Store.

To understand whether your data is on someone else’s device, scroll through the photos in the photo stream - are there any strangers? The same should be done with the contact list and Safari. The latter can show open tabs on synchronized devices. Don't forget to check your notes in the iCloud section.

Another sign of synchronization is extra contacts in iMessage. Try creating a new message and typing each letter of the alphabet in turn. Doesn't it show strange contacts?

Change your password and check your messaging settings and associated devices

The easiest way to correct the situation is to contact this person and ask him in a good way to erase your access from his phone, at the same time deleting all the data that has already been synchronized.

If a person does not want to get rid of your phone, then you need to change the iCloud password. Then go to the message settings and check which numbers and email addresses SMS messages from iMessage are sent to. Delete unnecessary ones in the “Sending / Receiving” section.

To delete all data from someone else's phone, you need to go to iTunes, connect your phone and look at the associated devices. Remove all other people's gadgets from the list.

After all the above manipulations, the data may stop synchronizing - or not. They can be deleted from someone else's device. Or not. If nothing has changed, contact the service Apple support. After much correspondence and questioning, they will definitely help you.

Don't let your Apple ID be hacked

Today, no one will be surprised by hacking of email and social media accounts. In order to get money, scammers hack your Apple ID, activate “Lost Mode” and turn your phone into a brick. To avoid this, first, never sign into someone else's iCloud. Secondly, set different passwords for mail and Apple ID (as for all other applications).

So, if you entered someone else's Apple ID and your phone is blocked, only support can help you. Call 8-800-555-67-34 and prepare a check. Without it, your phone can be sold for parts, unfortunately.

If the scoundrels found the password to your mail and account, you have a chance to get everything back. To do this, you need to reset your password. Let's go to the official website iforgot.apple.com. You will have to answer three questions and indicate your backup email address: the password reset email will arrive there. After this, you need to go to and in the “Find iPhone” section disable “Lost Mode”.

Google Photos offers unlimited cloud storage for photos and videos for your iPhone and iPad

22.10.16 at 17:07

For many years in a row, the iPhone has become the most popular device for taking photos according to the Flickr service. This did not happen by chance, but thanks to good quality resulting images and ease of use. Unlike popular ones in the past digital cameras and iPhone point-and-shoot cameras are always in your pocket and do not require additional manipulations with the peripherals. In addition, pictures taken on the iPhone immediately go to your Mac and other iOS devices, and information about their location on the map is saved.

Following the simplicity and ease of use of cameras in the iPhone began to actively develop social media and apps like Instagram that aim to share your photos online. The volume of photographs is no longer tied to 36 film frames as in the past and therefore the number of photographs produced has increased many times over. Now every owner of an iPhone and iPad is faced with the problem of storing all previously taken photos. You can download them to your Mac or HDD, but it's better to store them in the cloud, where they will never be lost and you can share them with friends and family.

Where to store huge volumes of photos

2. Flickr
3. Google Photos

1. Sync iOS photos with iCloud

If you have enabled support for photo synchronization in iCloud, then all pictures taken will be sent to Apple's cloud storage. At the same time, there is an option that allows you to save space on your iOS device, which will store low-quality photos on the iPhone only to display their preview. But as soon as you click on the photo, it will be immediately downloaded in the original from iCloud. This is a very clever and convenient trick, you can continue taking photos as much as you like, the originals are stored in the cloud, and your iPhone will remain more or less free for new photos. But here a problem arises: the free volume of iCloud is limited to 5 GB. If all your photos and videos do not fit, you can increase your cloud space by purchasing a subscription.

Price extra space in iCloud Drive

At the same time, deleted photos from iCloud will delete these photos from all your iOS devices.

Pros: iCloud synchronization is built into the system itself operating system Apple mobile devices. It stores originals and saves space on iOS.
Minuses: If you actively use the camera, 5 GB may not be enough; you will need to subscribe to larger volumes.

2. Sync iOS photos with Flickr

Flickr recently released an updated iOS app that lets you sync all your videos and photos to the service. automatic mode. You are provided with 200 times more free iCloud volume. All photos uploaded to Flickr will be marked as private by default, they will be visible only to you and hidden from prying eyes. Deleted photos from Flickr will not affect deleted photos on iPhone.

pros: 1000 GB is many times more than the free iCloud volume. All photos and videos are stored in original quality.
Minuses: This volume may also run out over time. Synchronization requires the installation of a special application, which must be launched periodically or kept in memory. Uploaded photos to Flickr are not deleted from the iOS device, which requires periodic manual cleaning of already uploaded photos from the iPhone library.

3. Sync iOS photos with Google Photos

Google has presented another opportunity, which with its proposal looks very, very appetizing. They offer you unlimited cloud space for all your photos and videos for free.

By installing the Google Photos iOS app, you can upload all your pictures and videos to the Google Photos service and store them there indefinitely without any restrictions on quantity or time. This is definitely a big plus.

What could be the catch? According to Google, the maximum size for stored photos is 16 MP and 1080p for videos. This means that if your pictures were taken with a camera at a resolution of more than 16 MP, they will be reduced to the specified size.

Fortunately, most modern cameras are around this value. In addition, pictures of iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus have a resolution of 8 MP. However, even though iPhone photos are smaller than the specified limit, they will still be slightly compressed to reduce their volume. Visually, it is very difficult to distinguish the difference between the original and compressed versions.

Can I store originals in Google Photos? Yes, this option is also present but requires a subscription. You are given 15 GB of cloud space for free.

How to Sync Photos from iOS to Google Photos

Next, your entire library will be prepared (which may take some time, in our case there were so many photos that it took 2 days to prepare). Photos uploaded to Google Photos can be deleted from your iPhone, just like you can delete them from Flickr manually. In addition, you can free up space on your iPhone if you go to Google Photos, select the photos, click on the menu at the top right and select “delete copies from this device”, while everything that was uploaded to Google Photos will remain there, and these same photos will be deleted from iPhone memory.

However, if you delete photos from Google Photos, they will also be deleted from your iOS device.

All uploaded photos to Google Photos will be recognized smart system visual search. For example, you can click on search and enter the words objects, items, locations. Most of the time, Google Photos finds the things you need. This is a very convenient trick, for example, you can find photographs of a sofa or your dog from your hometown, taken back when cameras could not remember the location of the photograph taken.

In addition, Google Photos can identify places in pictures, even without geotags. For example, having determined that the Eiffel Tower is in the picture, Google will mark this picture as taken in Paris. And subsequently, by entering “Paris” into the search, you will see pictures of this city, even if the photo did not have location information.

In addition to the iOS application, Google Photos has a web version of the service. You can use it to access your photos, but it will also be used if you give access to someone who doesn't have Google Photos.

To summarize, we can say that Google introduced great service, which will allow you to forget forever about the problem of free space filled with numerous pictures and especially videos. Google app Photos has an intuitive, easy-to-use interface, the ability to delete local copies, and is a great, if not 100% replacement for iCloud, at least a way to back up all your footage. This service will undoubtedly be convenient for those who save significant moments of their lives every day using an iPhone or iPad and do this very often.

To sync with Google Photos, you need to install the iOS app and have a Gmail account. After authorization, the application will offer to enable automatic uploading of photos and videos to its service, and will also ask you to indicate what type of storage you choose — free unlimited with pictures reduced to a specified size or storage in paid storage.

Apple has created quite a few branded services for iPhone users that are successful in to varying degrees- some are popular, some not so much. Cloud iCloud storage definitely falls into the first category. However, there are users who do not understand what iCloud is and how to use it. It’s a pity, because this service contains a lot of useful options.

In this article we will talk about the functionality of the service and its subtleties.

Today, users store a lot of useful and useful information in their smartphones. important information and, having lost a device, the owner often regrets more not so much about the material damage as about the lost data. This state of affairs forced IT companies to come up with cloud services. In the cloud, the user can store a backup copy of important data and, if the gadget is lost, restore the necessary information on another device.

iCloud is one of the services cloud storage information that is available by default to all iOS users. Having purchased an iOS device of any model - iPhone 4 or iPhone 6 S, iPad Mini 1 or iPad Pro, etc., the user automatically receives 5 GB in the “cloud” (more space for an additional fee).

Physically, the “cloud” represents the company’s remote servers; in other words, it is a huge hard drive owned by Apple, on which the company shares space with each user.

Synchronization or backup

iCloud has two main functions - sync and backup. Don't you see the difference between these two concepts? And it is significant. Let's take it in order.


A backup can be created automatically or manually. In the first case, copying is performed whenever the device is charging and connected to Wi-Fi networks. In the second, the user decides when to make a backup. To create a copy:

That's all! Pretty simple, right? Now, if automatic backup is configured, you can never return to this menu, but if manual mode is selected, periodically go to the section and click “Create a backup copy”.

The iCloud backup saves almost all types of information that is on the iPhone, that is, both useful data, such as phone book contacts, and not so useful data, for example, some messages from Whats App and other instant messengers, can go there. Of course, if you bought additional space in the cloud and you have much more than 5 GB there, such waste is not very worrying, but if we are talking about 5 GB, the approach of storing everything at once does not seem very reasonable.


This is where synchronization comes to the rescue. If you return to the iCloud menu, to the level where the “Backup” item is located, you will see a bunch of other items, opposite each of which there will be a slider.

If the slider is active, synchronization with the cloud is automatically performed. For example, if the slider next to the “Contacts” item is green, then all phone book numbers are synchronized with the “cloud” via the Apple ID, which is registered in this iPhone. This means the following - if you lose this iPhone, buy a new one and register your old Apple ID in it, you will find all the contacts from the lost device, even if during the initial setup of the device you selected not “Restore from backup”, but “Set up as new” "

So, in essence, backup and sync are capabilities that give the user about the same practical outcome - the data is attached to the Apple ID and is easily restored. But! Synchronization can be controlled by turning on and off the corresponding sliders, rationally using space in the cloud.

Find My iPhone and iCloud Drive

We said a little higher that iCloud has two main options and looked at them. However, the service also has additional functionality. It's quite broad, but as part of this introductory article, it's important to mention two specific options.

Find iPhone

With Find My iPhone, Apple has implemented anti-theft protection. At some point, iPhones began to be stolen so often that it was simply impossible to sit idly by. And then “Find iPhone” appeared. If you turn it on, the so-called Activation Lock is activated. Every time after an update/restore/reset, an iPhone with Activation Lock enabled will prompt you for your Apple ID password.

What does this give? Look, a thief has stolen your device. The first thing he does, of course, is reset the information, because he won’t be able to sell a smartphone with someone else’s data. And after the reset, a surprise awaits him - a request for Apple ID parameters, which cannot be bypassed without knowing the login and password of this account. What remains? Only return the device for spare parts or return it to the user for a fee.

You can also activate Lost Mode using Find My iPhone. To do this you need:

When Lost Mode is activated, the iPhone is locked and a message from the user is displayed on the lock screen.

Another fun option is “Find iPhone”, which will certainly appeal to forgetful people. Next to the “Lost Mode” button, there is a “Play Sound” button; click on it if you don’t remember where you put your smartphone. And even if it is on silent mode, a loud beep will sound.

To enable “Find iPhone”, go to the iCloud menu, find the “Find iPhone” item, tap it and activate the slider of the same name in the menu that opens. This option activation method is relevant for everyone iPhone models- both the old 4 S and the new 6 S and “sevens”.

iCloud Drive

And finally, let's talk about the iCloud Drive option. In general, it’s easier to say that this is not an option, but an application; it is simply configured through the main iCloud menu.

The iCloud Drive application is pre-installed on iPhones with iOS 9 and later versions of the platform. This is, in fact, DropBox from Apple, or if you are not familiar with DropBox, it is a kind of file manager. Documents can be uploaded here manually, or you can configure automatic transfer - to do this, in the iCloud menu, move the corresponding sliders under the iCloud Drive item to the active position.

Unfortunately, not all users understand why iCloud Drive is needed on an iPhone and what to do with it. In our opinion, the easiest way to understand is with an example.

Let's say you started working on a file on your iPhone, but want to continue on your computer or iPad - you simply drop the document into iCloud Drive on your smartphone, then open this application on the device from which you want to continue working, and... actually, continue!

Moreover, directly from iCloud Drive you can upload a document to the desired program. That is, if a file supports, say, working with six programs that are installed on a PC or iOS mobile gadget, you can click on the file and hold your finger on it to select the one you need from all six programs.

Let's summarize

iCloud is a very cool and useful service, and its functionality, of course, goes far beyond the scope of this article. However, now you know at least approximately what iCloud is on an iPhone and, for sure, you have a desire to get to know the service better. Detailed instructions and help in managing the service can be obtained on the official Apple website by reading the relevant sections or by contacting the company’s support service.

iCloud is a unique service from Apple that allows you to store and synchronize all your data between all iOS devices. A frame shot on an iPad instantly appears on your iPhone, and an updated address book on your iPhone keeps the data updated on your iPad. The way iCloud works is quite simple and is clearly shown in the picture:

iCloud includes components such as Mail, Contacts, Calendar, Find My iPhone, iWork, Photo Stream, Notes, and Reminders.

In order to start working with iCloud, you need to log in to your AppleID. To do this you need to go to iOS settings and select the iCloud menu. After which we enter our username and password in the appropriate fields on the left. If you are already logged in as your user, you can skip this step.

Once logged in we will see a list of all the components that have been listed below. Opposite each there is a switch, which, as you might guess, is responsible for the operation of one or another component.

Each user has exactly 5 GB of storage available in iOS. You can purchase additional space, but you will have to pay for it. For 10 GB you will have to pay $20 per year, for 20 - $40 and for 50 - $100, respectively.

I would like to pay special attention to “Photostream”. All your captured photos, regardless of the device they were taken on, are sent to one storage location. However, the maximum number of photos is 1000 pieces, regardless of the tariff you choose. Once you cross the border it will work next diagram— the oldest picture is deleted and a new frame is taken in its place.

However, you will not be able to delete photos from the Photos application. Deactivating a photo stream will delete all photos from that device.

iCloud works almost the same on iPhone. A screenshot is immediately displayed that provides information regarding common place and used, as well as a global iCloud operation switch.

The list of components is completely similar and I don’t think it’s worth repeating.

It should also be said that the iCloud service has a web version, available at iCloud.com. From this site you can access all stored data, delete and move information. You can not only upload documents, but also edit them online. This is very convenient - all changes immediately appear on all your iOS devices. And only in iCloud.com can you delete photos from the photo stream - in this case, devices will leave only those photos that were taken on the same devices, and the limit on the number of stored photos on iOS will decrease, increasing the space for the limit of a thousand photos.

iCloud is very useful and required service, which helps a lot when working with big amount variety of information Try it and see for yourself.

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