Ready-made flower bed schemes. How to create a flowerbed of continuous flowering from perennials: garden planting scheme, choice of plants and video instructions

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It is difficult to imagine a summer cottage without a bright flower garden. You don’t have to be an experienced landscape designer to enjoy the riot of colors throughout the warm season.

Principles of flower garden formation

Before you begin landscaping the territory of your dacha, you need to familiarize yourself with the fundamental principles of designing flower beds.

The shape and location of the flower bed at the dacha affects the choice of plant height. A strict and narrow ridge is often filled with plants with the same height within 15-40 cm. For a round flower garden, a flower bed with tall plants in the center is suitable, then medium-sized specimens are planted, the outer circle is decorated with low-growing species. A mixborder near a fence or building wall is also equipped with plants different heights, but according to a different principle: in the background of the flower beds there are tall flowers or neat shrubs with a gradual transition to medium-sized and then low-growing species.

For beginners, in order to create a harmonious flower garden at their dacha with their own hands, they should first draw up or select a suitable diagram indicating the planting zone of each type. This will make it easier to calculate the requirement planting material and the whole process of landscaping the flower garden.

Information about the flowering period

Flowerbeds continuous flowering transform the dacha, making the area attractive all season long. The key condition when drawing up plans for such a flower bed is the regular presence of at least one blooming species. To correctly complete the scheme, you need to familiarize yourself with the flowering dates of plants:

Types of flower beds and choice of location

The place for the flower bed is determined based on its shape. A flowerbed in a dacha can take on different shapes; the most common types are:

With proper design of a flower garden, even primitive plantings can look impressive and attract admiring glances. When choosing a flower bed design, it is preferable for beginners to choose irregular flower beds, such as a mixborder or an alpine slide. The accumulated experience will make it possible in the future to design regular flower beds at the dacha, where a strict geometric pattern is achieved by selecting plants with the same flowering periods and observing a certain interval between plantings.

A mixborder of thuja, David's buddleia, zinnia, goldenrod and purple coneflower will help attract butterflies.

The optimal place for a flower garden is an area that is clearly visible from all sides of the dacha. Multi-level plantings are usually arranged near walls or fences, original decoration The lawn will become an arabesque flowerbed; beginners should better practice on the alpine slide.

Comment! When forming a flowerbed diagram for a specific area in a dacha, shaded and well-lit areas are marked on it. This will help to properly stock the flower garden, providing the plants with optimal conditions for development.

Preparing the flowerbed

To calculate required amount seedlings, the flower garden diagram is divided into squares with a conventional side of 1 m. After which the area occupied by each species is calculated. The resulting value is divided by the average planting rate per 1 m2:

  • large plantings 1.0-1.2 m high - 2-3 pcs.;
  • 4-6 pieces are enough for medium-sized flowers from 40 to 90 cm in height;
  • with a plant height of 20-40 cm, 7-9 specimens are planted per 1 m2 in a flower garden;
  • for dwarf flowers from 5 to 20 cm, the norm is 16-20 pcs.

To transfer the flowerbed diagram to the dacha site, the planting contours are marked with sawdust, sand or chalk. Before this, the earth is dug up to a depth of 0.4 m, all weed roots and the top layer of turf are removed. Specially prepared soil is poured on top for the flower bed.

An example of a successful decoration of the entrance to a dacha is presented at following diagram, where roses, petunias, thuja, delphinium, lilies, asters and mantle are used in the design of the flowerbed:

Before planting in a flower garden, seedlings need pre-watering 2-3 hours before planting. The optimal time for planting at the dacha is the absence of bright sun, that is, early in the morning or at the end of the day. It's even better to choose a period before it rains. A round flower bed is filled from the center to the edges; a flower bed located near the fence of a dacha or building begins to be decorated from the background according to the chosen scheme.

The roots of the seedlings are straightened, and after deepening, the soil near the neck of the plant is compacted. Upon completion of the work, the flower garden is watered abundantly, tall weak seedlings are supported with a stick. If a flower does not take root, it can be replaced at any time with a new specimen from the pot. Don't expect perfect appearance a flower bed of perennials at the dacha in the first year of planting.

Advice! Unattractive voids in the flowerbeds are temporarily filled with annual flowers that are suitable for the conditions of the entire scheme.

The fragrant flower garden of hibiscus, kufei, penstemon, cottonweed and petunia looks interesting, the diagram of which is given below:

Don’t be afraid to make adjustments to your existing flowerbed design. Replacing one type with another similar in content, changing the outline or area is only welcome.

In addition to the flowering period, when forming a flower garden design for a summer residence, the plant requirements for soil acidity, lighting conditions, as well as their height are taken into account.

The group of low-growing plants includes unpretentious bulbous specimens: hyacinths, snowdrops, crocuses and muscari. For beginners, as perennials for a flower bed design, we can recommend felt tree, subulate phlox and primrose. Bright biennials in the form of daisies, forget-me-nots and pansies. Annual representatives of the flora in the form of low-growing marigolds, petunias, and purslane can organically complement the flower garden scheme.

Flowers of medium height are the basic basis of a dacha flower garden, so for the scheme it is preferable to choose specimens with a special decorative effect. The following perennials meet these conditions:

  • daylilies;
  • peonies;
  • chamomile;
  • lilies;
  • irises;
  • bells;
  • phlox;
  • hosts.

Fill the voids in new flower bed annual species will help in the dacha: marigolds, asters, lavatera and salvia. In the background or in the center of the flower bed, the scheme allocates space for tall plants. Suitable for these purposes are aconite, decorative sunflower, clary sage, delphinium, and lupine.

The shaded areas of the dacha will be decorated with flower beds with Japanese anemones, sedum, hostas of various colors of flowers and leaves, ferns, common primrose and dark geranium. A dacha with acidic soil is a great place to decorate a flower garden with hydrangea, rhododendron, and fern. The flowerbed design can also include herbal dianthus, heather, dogwood, broom or bergenia cordifolia.

Examples of harmonious flower beds

In conclusion, I would like to give a few more examples of flower beds for gardens of varying levels of complexity.

The simplest flowerbed design for dummies will decorate the dacha with a warm palette of pink, orange and red flowers, diluted with a purple tone. Tree heliotrope is planted in the background (1). Terry marigolds and Sander tobacco form the middle tier (in the diagram they are marked with numbers 3 and 2, respectively). The parterre of the flower garden is occupied by low-growing New Guinea balsam at number 4.

For an extensive mixborder flower garden you will need:

  1. Giant mallow Pleniflora.
  2. Ten-petalled sunflower.
  3. Icelandic poppy.
  4. St. John's wort
  5. Lobelia cardinalis.
  6. Fassin's catnip.
  7. Bell.
  8. Catananche "Blue Cupid"
  9. Avens
  10. Sedum Matrona.
  11. Heuchera Miracle.

A diagram of a flower garden, shaped like a piece of cake, needs to be prepared:

  1. The corner of the flowerbed is filled with daylilies in the amount of 3 bushes.
  2. Under the number 2 they go silver leaves wormwood, 2 copies on each side.
  3. Dark red bark is planted in the center, 6 pieces are enough.
  4. The edges of the flower bed are decorated with 3 heuchera bushes with burgundy leaves.
  5. On the front of the flowerbed there are 5 specimens of silvery leaves of the chistets.

The absence of a pond at the dacha can be partially replaced by a flower bed, the design of which contains flowers in blue and blue shades. The stream bed is imitated by large pebbles, painted blue. Glass beads will add transparency and dynamism. The flower garden is decorated with the following plantings:

  1. Bamboo leaf-grass.
  2. Bearded iris.
  3. Lubelia.
  4. A tenacious creeping creature.
  5. Bell.
  6. Aubrieta hybrid.
  7. Brunera macrophylla.
  8. Bryozoan awl-leaved.
  9. A tenacious creeping creature.

The proposed schemes are not an unshakable postulate. Based on them, at your dacha you can create your own unique flower garden, pleasing to the eye throughout the warm season.


Leafing through glossy magazines on landscape design, you sighed more than once and asked yourself the question: “How can I create such beauty? with my own hands? Naturally, in order to create landscape compositions, be it a flower bed, alpine slide or stream, certain knowledge is required.


If you do not have sufficient knowledge of how to plant a flower garden at your summer cottage, but you still enthusiastically take on creating it, the result may not meet your expectations. What is the way out of the situation?

There are several options: - sign up for landscape design courses, pay a tidy sum for them, spend several months and gain basic knowledge about plants, soil and flower beds. But you will still have to create flower beds yourself, making annoying mistakes and mistakes. - choose a simpler method that will give guaranteed result, - use ready-made flower bed schemes suitable for your conditions summer cottage.

A beautiful flower bed will be made from irises of various colors, which are planted in rows on a round flower bed.

The ready-made patterns of flower beds, which are given below, will help you create compositions of perennials with your own hands, without much difficulty:

A flowerbed of perennials such as doronicum and tulip looks bright and contrasting, and its main advantage is the random arrangement of flowers, which makes it easier for a novice gardener to design a flower garden with his own hands.

Below is a plan for a flower garden that can be arranged in any part of the garden by placing several boulders and planting several varieties of perennials. Which perennials can be used are indicated in the diagram:

Do you have a desire to create? Then I advise you to choose more, more affordable option. This option is not as complicated as it seems at first glance if you have ready-made schemes and designs for flower beds. After studying them, you can start “painting with flowers” ​​- create the flowerbed of your dreams with your own hands.


First of all, on the plan of the dacha plot it is necessary to determine the place for the flower bed. A flowerbed can be different: a ridge or mixborder along a path, an arabesque flowerbed against the backdrop of a lawn, a rustic or romantic flowerbed in a shady corner of the garden. The shapes of flower beds are also different: geometric and free. Which flower garden to choose - it all depends on landscape design site and your preferences. Flower garden-mixborder On the flower garden plan it is necessary to note the illuminated and shady places. This is very important for the right choice assortment of plants and creation for them optimal conditions development and flowering. These rules must be adhered to when forming a flower garden of continuous flowering or, as it is also called, a “flower garden of four seasons.” These flower beds look beautiful all year round.


The right combination of perennials makes it possible to contemplate the blooming splendor of plants throughout the entire season - from spring to late autumn. If you supplement the flower garden with conifers and some types of tall grasses, as well as a border of periwinkle or tenacious, the flowerbed will remain elegant even in winter. When choosing plants for a continuous flowering bed, you must remember that the number of plant species depends on the size of the flowerbed. If the flower garden is small and there are too many perennials, instead of a feeling of harmony, we get the completely opposite effect - a feeling of disorder and discomfort. Low-growing perennials reveal their beauty in large groups. Their correct placement in the flowerbed will become evident during flowering. Low-growing perennials blooming in spring (snowdrops, primroses, muscari, hyacinths) are placed in the foreground.

Plants of medium height (tulips, pyrethrums, foxgloves) will occupy the middle part of the flowerbed. The background will remain behind tall summer and autumn perennials - sedums, chrysanthemums, September flowers. Between them, grasses are planted - mantle and blue fescue. Naturally, you shouldn’t count on being able to create the perfect flower garden project in one season. Therefore, if you have no experience, it is better to start with simpler flower bed designs. Mistakes made can be corrected by planting annual flowers between perennials.



Here are examples of decorating a garden with your own hands, using ready-made flower bed designs.


The shape of the flower bed resembles a piece of cake with a diameter of 2 meters. There is a place for such a flower garden in any corner of your garden. The color scheme of the flower bed is red-crimson and silver.

Sketch of a flower garden “Piece of Cake”

Flower garden scheme “piece of cake”

1. In the corner of the flower bed we plant a dark red daylily “Ed Murray” - 3 bushes.

2. Silver leaves of wormwood “Silver Queen” will emphasize the beauty of velvety daylily flowers and create an advantageous background for heuchera - 4 copies.

3. Macedonian barkweed, variety “Mars Midget”, dark red - 6 specimens.

4. Heuchera with burgundy leaves - 6 bushes.

5. The wide part of the flowerbed will be decorated with silvery leaves of chistets. We plant 5 copies.


If you really want to see the fruits of your labors this year, I offer a flowerbed diagram for the impatient. Its peculiarity is that all plants will require a lot of sun. The background for this flowerbed will be a fence, a blank wall or a group of coniferous plants.

Sketch of a “flower garden for the impatient”

Scheme “Flower garden for the impatient”

1. In the background of the flower garden we plant white, red and yellow stock roses.

3. The Icelandic poppy will make the flower bed even brighter with its flowers.

4. Lobelia cardinalis will lie like a red ribbon in the flower garden.

Blue-blue accents in the flower garden will be placed by:

6. Catnip.

7. Poskharsky's bell.

8. Blue catananche.

Bright red spots will create:

9. Gravilate “Feuerbal”.

10. Sedum “Matrona” will delight you with its splendor in the fall.

11. Blood-red heuchera leaves will decorate the flowerbed until frost.


You can make a continuously flowering flower garden more vibrant and expressive if you plant perennial and annual plants in it. When planning to create such a flower garden, we take the same perennials as a basis and plant annuals in the free spaces between them, which will decorate the flowerbed with abundant and long-lasting flowering. Usage annual plants- an ideal option when you need to cover unsightly places in the flowerbed after perennials, for example, bulbous ones, have bloomed. It is better to start the process of creating a mixed flower bed armed with a sheet of paper and colored pencils. On the plan of the flower garden, the basis of which is perennials, between faded plants or in their place, taking into account the color scheme and flowering time, we “write in” annuals with pencils. This way you can choose the perfect combination of colors in a mixed flower bed.


Do you love everything bright? I offer you a flower garden project that will become a real decoration for your dacha. It is so simple that even a “teapot” can create it. Color range - red, orange, pink and purple tones, and, naturally, the bright green of the leaves.

In the background of the flower bed we plant the perennial heliotrope tree (1),

the middle tier of the flowerbed is formed by Sander tobacco with scarlet flowers (2)

and double bright orange marigolds (3).

In the parterre flower beds a place was given to pink New Guinea balsam (4).


Although dahlias are perennials that require special care: digging up in the fall and storing in the basement in winter, many gardeners really like them. Bright and expressive, dahlias will fit perfectly into a summer flower bed. The peak flowering period for these beauties is July-September.

In our flower garden scheme, a bright yellow dahlia (1) is in the center of the flowerbed, next to it are blue hybrid delphinium (2) and monarda (3). The lower part of the flowerbed is allocated to Common Dubrovnik (4).

To make this flowerbed look well-groomed, it is necessary to regularly remove wilted monarda and dahlia flowers. If after the first flowering of the delphinium you remove all the flower stalks, at the end of summer it will bloom again.



If you need to brighten up a dark corner of your garden or are getting irritated bright flowers, you can use a ready-made flower garden scheme made from annuals, which looks very noble and elegant.

Only three plants were planted at the club:

smooth molucella (1), caudate amaranth (2), snapdragon (3), but they created a stunning effect.


If there is a dry stream on your site, plants are planted on its banks. You might be wondering: how to properly lay out a flower garden around a dry stream to create the illusion of cool, babbling water?

Here is one of possible options. We fill the stream bed with large round pebbles. We paint the stones in the center blue. You can use blue glass balls for decoration. All these design “tricks”, together with plants of cool colors, will create a feeling of dynamics and coolness.

Leafy bamboo (1) will give the composition a sense of volume. If there is no bamboo, we can replace it with ostrich. Hybrids of bearded iris (2) will find their place on the bank of the stream; lobelia (3) and creeping tenacious (4) will feel good next to them. Downstream, between the boulders, will grow lush bushes of Poskharsky bellflower (5), hybrids of aubrieta (6) and large-leaved brunera (7). The awl-leaved bryozoan will add bright greenery (8). The whole composition will be completed by the creeping red tenacious (9).

Creating a beautiful flower bed is akin to art. By combining plants and flowers, you can bring to life intricate patterns and designs that will become an original decoration for your garden plot. There are various forms of flower beds, thanks to which the flower garden will always look beautiful and neat.

From our article today on “Dream House” you will learn what forms of flower beds there are, as well as how to recreate this or that flower garden yourself.

Geometric flower beds

The classic approach to landscape design involves creating a flower bed of the correct geometric shape. It can be a circle, oval, square, rectangle, triangle, etc. Geometric flower beds are good because they are easy to make yourself and, moreover, they look harmonious in any landscape.

Flower bed shaped like a rectangle

Beautiful flower bed rectangular shape

Before choosing the shape and size of the flower bed, you need to determine in which area it will be located. As a rule, geometric flower beds look best on a flat, well-kept lawn. However, the geometry of the flower bed must be clearly visible from all sides, otherwise the object will look sloppy. To do this, experts recommend paying attention to two important details:

  • diagram of the future flower bed;
  • planting density of plants and flowers.

Creating a design for a triangular, rectangular or any other geometric flower bed is not at all difficult. You just need to prepare the area by drawing the outline of the future object on it. As for the density of planting flowers, much depends on the characteristics of their growth, as well as on how many varieties you use in the flower garden. For example, if the flower bed consists of identical plants of the same color, then they need to be planted like a “carpet”, as close to each other as possible. If there are free areas left in the flower garden, this will disrupt the beauty of the shape and visually spoil the geometry of the figure.

Flowerbed shape photo

If the flower bed includes plants of different shades and sizes, then their planting scheme requires careful planning. Most often, the most tall plants, and around the office - the brightest, which allows you to emphasize the shape of the object.

Shapes of flower beds photo

Shapes of flower beds photo

Flowerbeds of square, round or rectangular shape can be made multi-tiered. To do this, the tallest plants are located in the center, and each subsequent row is filled with more low flowers. Ultimately, the flowerbed will resemble a pyramid or a multi-tiered cake. However, to create beautiful shape It is important that plants in the same row have the same height.

To emphasize the geometric correctness of the flower bed, you can use auxiliary elements, namely, edging. For example, a round flowerbed can be decorated with a fence made of stones, and a flowerbed in the form of a square or rectangle can be decorated with a border of wooden beams or pegs.

Round flower bed with stone border photo

Irregularly shaped flower beds

Flower beds look no less impressive irregular shape. The phrase “irregular shape” should be understood as the absence of classical geometry. For example, such a flower garden can be planted in the form of wavy lines, arcs, abstract patterns, etc.

Shapes of flower beds photo

Shapes of flower beds photo

Irregular shaped flower bed

DIY flower bed shapes photo

An irregularly shaped flower bed can also be created as a combination of different flower beds. For example, in one area there are small round flower beds, which are connected by a wave-like covering of bright flowers and plants. To make the composition look harmonious and complete, the areas between the flower beds are filled with gravel, fine or. To create a flowerbed of an unusual and multifaceted shape, you must first develop a diagram by drawing its outline on the soil.

Flower beds - shape, size, color, patterns and ornaments

Flower beds of unusual shapes

Please note that the more complex the shape of the flowerbed, the more varied its filling should be. Therefore, select plants so that they bloom either simultaneously or alternately.

In addition, in order for the original shapes of the flower beds to look neat and beautiful, you need to take care of the combination of plant shades. The filling of the flower bed can be either contrasting or similar color scheme, but in the second case it is important that the shades of the plants do not merge with each other, otherwise the flowerbed will lose its expressiveness.

Beautiful flower bed shape

Original flower beds of different shapes

Figured flower beds

Figured flower beds, also called “arabesques,” resemble paintings painted by nature itself. Arabesques can be made in any form, but most often preference is given to floral ornaments and patterns.

For example, the shape of such a flower bed may resemble the outline of a butterfly, flower, insect, etc. Creating such a beautiful flower garden is a complex and time-consuming process. First, you need to draw a diagram of the future flower bed on paper, thinking through not only its outlines, but also the filling patterns. For example, a flowerbed in the shape of a flower may consist of multi-colored petals, and the wings of a “butterfly” may be decorated with intricate wave-like patterns. Typically, figured beds are a continuous flowering type, so it is important that all plants mature and bloom at the same time.

Shapes of flower beds and flower beds photo

Flowerbed in the shape of a butterfly

To create contours and patterns inside arabesques, it is recommended to use the brightest flowers, planting them in dense rows.

If you don’t know what shape to make a flowerbed, start from the characteristics of the plants. For example, if a flowerbed is filled with roses, you can design it in the shape of a heart. Yellow flowers will look good in flowerbeds shaped like the sun, and blue ones in a flowerbed shaped like a river or clouds.

Flowerbed in the shape of a heart

Flowerbeds of geometric shapes

Flower bed in the shape of a "stream"

A bright flower “stream” flowing through your site will become an expressive decoration of your landscape design. Despite such original form, there is nothing difficult in creating such a flower bed.

First of all, it is necessary to select low-growing creeping plants, for example, agetarum, sedum, petunia, etc. Plants are planted in a dense row in the form of a wavy line, which will subsequently imitate a raging “stream”. For the best visual effect, a flowerbed-stream should have its own “source” - a container from which “water” flows. As such a “source” you can use large flowerpot, decorative barrel, jug, etc. To make the composition look like a harmonious element, start planting flowers inside the container.

Country style is one of the most popular interior styles not only for houses and apartments, but also for personal plots.
The basis of the country style is the simplicity of the rustic direction. It is worth considering that country style may be associated with the country that you love. This could be a hint of a Russian hut, an American ranch or a Swiss chalet.
Most often, country style is used for giving or country house, because this style will bring romance and unity with nature to your dacha. A flower garden in this style will be distinguished by its naturalness and harmony.
To create a cozy flower garden in this style, you must first carefully plan it, work out a preliminary diagram, decide which plants are best used in a particular option, and only then start laying out the site. This flower garden does not involve any exotic plants, only simplicity and naturalness.
For country style, wicker baskets, carts, old cans and wooden wheels. You can also decorate such a flower garden with stones various shapes and sizes.
Asters, daisies, lupine, helenium, coleus, milkflower, and snapdragons will fit perfectly into the design of a flower garden. Shrubs you can use include boxwood, viburnum, corn, ornamental cabbage and multi-colored hydrangea.
In this style, you can also decorate a ceremonial flower garden. Since the flower garden is located in the main place of the garden - it decorates the entrance to the house, all the plants in it perform a purely decorative function. Its appearance changes during the summer. At first, the tone is set by the bright scarlet inflorescences of lychnis on a silvery-white background of wormwood, small petal and bellflower. By autumn, yellow and purple colors begin to predominate, echoing the golden colors of fading nature. When replacing individual plants in a planting scheme decorative effect will change the more the more changes are made.
Country style gives great opportunities for your imagination. To decorate such a flower garden, you can use old wooden utensils (cart wheels, etc.), various cans and basins. The arrangement of plants in such a flower garden can be varied; most often, upright and tall plants are planted in the center. These could be crops such as yellow marigolds, gloxinia or primrose. Lower or ampelous forms of plants are planted along the edges: hybrid petunia, fittonia. Bright accent In a flower garden, ordinary garden strawberries can serve. Planted violets or forget-me-nots will add romantic notes to this piece of landscape design.
It is worth noting that the lawn located near such a flower bed does not have to be well-groomed. Naturalness is the basis that will help you connect all the elements into one. Therefore, wild poppies, dandelions and clover growing on the lawn will only be an excellent addition.
An example of a flower garden in a country style: 1 - goldenrod, 2 - small-petalled, 3 - wormwood pursha, 4 - Lychnis Chalcedonian, 5 - helenium, 6 - bellflower, 7 - sapling, 8 - coleus.

It is difficult to imagine a dacha without flowers - on any plot there will always be at least a few flowering bushes. And for real flower lovers, the dacha attracts attention from afar with the abundance of colorful flower beds and flower beds, arches of roses and clematis. Anyone can make flower beds at their dacha with their own hands, and the most ordinary materials will do.

Flower beds differ in shape, size, flowering time, and compositional combinations. Most often, the following types of flower beds are used in the country:

It should be noted that vertical, suspended and multi-level compositions require not only constant maintenance, but also high costs. In addition, the process of creating such a flower garden is very labor-intensive. The easiest way is to plant an irregular or monoflower bed, and proper placement and selection of plants will make it spectacular and attractive.

To create original flower beds, many craftsmen use any available materials. These could be old stumps, fallen tree trunks, car slopes, unnecessary plastic barrels, wooden boxes and even real cars that have fallen into disrepair. Borders from natural stone, glass bottles, wicker wicker.

In order for the composition to always look bright and fresh, and at the same time be in harmony with the surrounding landscape, you need to carefully select not only the shape of the flower bed and the materials for laying it, but also the plants themselves. Moisture-loving flowers should not be placed in small containers, especially hanging ones, where the soil dries out much faster. For vertical and arched structures you need to select climbing vines with abundant flowering And big amount leaves. In multi-level flower beds, you cannot plant tall, dense plants in the foreground, otherwise they will cover everything else.

Laying a simple flower bed

During the work you will need:

  • shovel;
  • crushed stone;
  • stones for borders;
  • cement mortar;
  • black soil

Step 1. Select a location

Choosing a place for a flower garden is the most important stage. A lot depends on what plants will be planted there: some flowers love open, well-lit areas, others prefer shade, others need protection from drafts and wind. Inappropriate conditions reduce the decorativeness of flowers and the flower bed loses its attractiveness.

Step 2. Marking

When a place is chosen, markings are made the desired shape. It can be a circle, oval, square or rectangle, any other geometric figure. The perimeter of the flower bed is marked with twine stretched on pegs. If the soil in the area is soft and not overgrown with grass, you can simply outline the contours with a sharp rod.

Step 3. Preparing the pit

Inside the perimeter, use a shovel to select a layer of earth to a depth of 20-30 cm. For drainage, the bottom is laid out with crushed stone, broken brick or stone, leveled well and compacted. If on site groundwater located too high, before laying the drainage, the bottom is lined with film or roofing felt, the edges of which are brought out and temporarily reinforced with stones.

Step 4. Decorating the border

Now you need to decorate the walls of the flower bed: using cement mortar A border of stones is laid around the perimeter of the pit. If the area is completely overgrown with grass, dig a shallow trench 15 cm wide around the hole and fill it with small crushed stone or gravel.

Step 5. Planting

When the solution hardens, the flower garden is filled fertile soil and leave for 1-2 weeks. During this time, the soil will compact and settle a little, so you will have to add more black soil. Then all that remains is to plant the flowers and level the soil.

The border can be made not only from stones or bricks; The edging made from bottles buried upside down, from short wooden rods, or from neatly cut planks looks great. If a composition is created from several flower beds at once, the borders should be the same.

If there are old withered trees on the site, they will become an excellent material for small picturesque flower beds. You can use not only trunks, but also stumps, as well as round cuts of thick branches. So, the tree is cut down, leaving a stump with a height of 30 to 70 cm. Using available tools, a recess is knocked out on top of such a size that the flowers can take root well. A through hole is drilled on one side through which excess moisture will drain.

The walls of the stump must remain thick enough, otherwise the tree will begin to collapse faster under the influence of moisture. Another important point: if the cause of the tree’s death was disease, and not old age or exposure to external factors, it cannot be used for a flower garden. The disease can spread to flowers, and all efforts will be in vain. In any case, treating the stump with protective agents will not be superfluous.

The finished stump is filled with fertile soil and left for ten days. When the soil settles, add more, lightly compact and level it. After this, you can start planting plants. When choosing flowers, you should take into account the diameter and height of the stump: in small ones it is enough to plant a couple of tulip or daffodil bulbs and plant some small perennial, but on stumps of large diameter a whole flower composition. In stumps with a height of 0.5 m, hanging flowers or low-growing vines look great.

Tree trunks can also be easily used to decorate a summer cottage. Barrel length and diameter special significance Dont Have.

So, the process of making a flower garden from a log has the following order:

  • the tree is trimmed on both sides, branches are sawed off;
  • if necessary, remove the bark;
  • Having retreated 15-20 cm from the edge, make a transverse cut on the trunk with a hacksaw;
  • perform the same actions from the other end;
  • the wood between the cuts is knocked out to create a container in the form of a trough;
  • the bottom is drilled in 2-3 places, the inner walls are treated with an antiseptic;
  • fill the inside of the log with soil and compact it a little.

After a few days, the soil needs to be replenished, and after that you can plant flowers.

The flower garden created from old acacia cuttings looks original. To do this, the tree trunk is cut into several pieces 20 cm thick. The bark must be left, it gives the composition a natural look. The middle of the cuts is knocked out, leaving a thin bottom. If you couldn’t do this carefully and the bottom turned out to be broken, you should stuff a piece of plywood or a wide board underneath.

A flower garden is formed: three saw cuts are laid out on a flat, compacted area so that they touch each other closely. Fill them with fertile soil and sprinkle with coarse wood shavings or wood chips. Another cut is installed on top, placing it exactly in the center of the composition. The top cut is also filled with soil and planting begins. It is important to choose the right flowers here. So that they match each other and do not cover the walls of the flower garden.

Flower garden from an overturned barrel

Such original flower beds are good decision for hilly areas. Almost any elongated container is suitable for creating a composition. It could be plastic and wooden barrel, aluminum can, buckets different sizes. Moreover, the container fits even with damage, because only one side remains visible.

Select a suitable elevation and lightly excavate its top. Place the barrel or bucket on its side and dig in well so that the container does not move. Inside, the bottom is lined with mulch film and soil is poured. The slope located at the opening of the barrel is carefully loosened, cleared of weeds and also sprinkled with flower soil. When the ground settles, low-growing flowers can be planted.

To create the effect of a spreading puddle, it is recommended to plant creeping and hanging plants with whites or blue flowers. For example, if you use an aluminum can and white daisies, it looks as if milk is pouring out of a fallen can and turning into flowers.

Petunias look beautiful in such a flower garden, as well as multi-colored violets and small carnations. You can use an old unnecessary wheelbarrow: it is placed on one side of the hill, tilted slightly so that the lower edge rests on the top, and strengthened with improvised means. Then they fill the wheelbarrow with earth, and at the same time prepare the soil on the mound. Plants are planted over the entire surface of the elevation and in the wheelbarrow itself; it is better to use bright and colorful flowers.

Video - DIY flower beds at the dacha

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