The name Elmira origin and meaning. The secret meaning of the name

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What does the name Elmira mean?
This name means “ruler of the world.”

Origin of the name Elmira:
This name has Arabic roots.

Character conveyed by the name Elmira:
In early childhood, Elmira was extremely sickly, and even somewhat unsociable, to the point of being completely strangers She will not go into her arms at all, as she is always very afraid of them. Already in kindergarten She plays quite willingly with different children, but she is distinguished by a certain silence and even shyness. She always succeeds in studying at school, and in addition to the general education school, she often attends a music school, and she often has good plastic surgery. Elmira is madly in love with reading, and in her early childhood she almost constantly asks her parents to read her a variety of books. And she has very few girlfriends, but her closest permanent friend is only one. Already matured, Elmira is quite reserved and even very flexible, sometimes one might say, even always submissive. She often has an external resemblance to her father, but her character is always more similar to her mother’s. After school, without any special difficulty, she always enters a prestigious higher education institution. educational institution, and can even continue his musical education at the conservatory. Often distinguished by excessive modesty, Elmira always gets married quite late.

The most energetic and decisive of all is winter Elmira. She, as a rule, is the absolute leader in her family, and her husband is under her clear leadership. I must admit that in the morning she doesn’t like to get up early at all and, as a rule, it’s better not to wake her up. She is always a good cook. In addition, Elmira, who was born in December, sometimes even marries twice.

But autumnal Elmira tries to clearly calculate all her actions, has remarkably developed intuition, is madly in love with change, and even permanent place She quickly gets bored with heavy furniture in the house, and, of course, that’s why she often does a complete rearrangement in the house. She cooks well and often likes to host numerous guests. She herself doesn’t go to visit very often, perhaps due to an incredibly heightened sense of disgust. It must be said that her personal life is not always happy.

It is summer Elmira who has the most difficult family relationships. She is not very friendly and affectionate with her husband, and she also finds it difficult to relate to her own mother. mutual language. But in her family she is the absolute leader. Later, after the birth of children, mother Elmira, as a rule, does not work at all, constantly focusing only on their upbringing. She cannot be called capricious at all, but she can be extremely contradictory.

The meaning of the name Elmira in Spanish is “princess.”

Diminutive variations of the name: Mira, Elya, Alma, Almira, Amira, Elmi, Elma.

Origin of the name

The origin of the name Elmira is German, Tatar, Muslim. According to one version, it is a traditional Muslim name. It has such variations as Almira, Ilmira. Which in translation from Tatar means “conscientious, honest”, as well as “famous, illustrious”.

According to another version of origin, the name is European. From the ancient Germanic language it is interpreted as “famous warrior”, “glorious defender”. In French There are male variations of the name - Edelmir, Elmir, Ademar, Adelmar, Aldemar.

The name is common mainly among Muslims, but is also found among Russians and Armenians.

Characteristics of the name


Characteristics of the name Elmira are secrecy, receptivity, friendliness, impulsiveness, discretion.

Elmira as a child is a silent and shy child. She dances and sings well, and pleases her parents with excellent success at school. Loves books and is drawn to reading. As a rule, a girl is similar in character to her mother, and in appearance to her father. She is hardworking and flexible.

According to the seasons

  • Autumn“Elmira thinks through every step and is very prudent. She has good intuition. Often feels the desire to change something in his life. The girl enters the university and studies with ease. In any field of activity, he actively uses intuition and promptings from his inner voice. As a profession, he can choose to be a teacher, doctor, accountant, engineer, architect. However, after the birth of a child, Elmira often devotes herself to home and gives up her career.
  • Winter” more energetic and decisive. She gets married late. Most often she leads her husband. She is a great cook and a homebody.
  • Summer“The owner of this name strives to be a leader everywhere. She has difficulty finding a common language with her husband, and is not very friendly with her mother or mother-in-law.
  • Spring” closed in communication. Doesn't like to visit. She is very careful in her relationships with people. She is friendly, loyal, reliable.

Personal life

In love she is sincere and impulsive. She is not capricious, but very jealous. Elmira is a generous soul, gives a lot to her husband, but also demands no less.

Name compatibility

The name Elmira is well compatible with male names: Harry, Adolf, Igor.

Not suitable for marriage: Albert, Vladislav, German, Maxim. Elmira's personal life usually goes well.

Name day

Elmira does not celebrate her name day.

Famous people

Famous people with the name Elmira: Elmira Galeeva (Russian singer), Elmira Antonyan (Soviet athlete), Elmira Skripchenko (French chess player), Elmira Kotlyar (translator, Russian poet), Elmira Zherzdeva (Soviet artist), Ilmira Nagimova (Tatar singer), Shamsutdinova Ilmira (photo model).

  • Zodiac sign: Aquarius, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Leo, Aries.
  • Planet: Mars, Jupiter.
  • Color: beige, yellow.
  • Stone: , jasper.
  • Metal: iron.
  • Name number: 9.
  • Totem plant: gorse.
  • Totem animal: termite, vulture.

Other forms of the name: Elya, Mira, Elma, Elmi.

Origin of the name: Tatar, Muslim.

The Spanish translation means “princess”, and there are also other forms of translation, such as “ruler of the world”, “honest, conscientious”. There is another version of the origin, which says that the name is European, and in French it has a paired masculine Elmir, which translates as “glorious protector”; according to another version, the name is Arabic.

Character and personality

As a child, the baby’s character is cheerful and sociable, but if people she doesn’t know are around, she immediately becomes shy and withdrawn. She is quite easy to raise due to her obedience, and her parents are constantly happy about her progress in school. Already in early age she has a developed understanding of good and bad things, she does not like risks very much and prefers caution, which remains with her in adulthood.

The girl is smart, as can be seen even in kindergarten, she loves books very much, and this thirst for knowledge remains with her forever, she often asks to read to her, and in the future she may even become the organizer of an entire book club. She gets into university quite easily, and thanks to her innate musical talents, she can study at a conservatory, and may also have an excellent predisposition for dancing due to her flexibility. Practically does not fall under Negative influence environment, has a cold calculation.

The girl values ​​friendship very much, and can take one truly faithful and true friend with her into adulthood. Outwardly, Elmira looks more like her father, but her character comes from her mother. She has a very developed intuition, it happens that she feels the need for changes in life, she can see prophetic dreams more often than others.

As Elmira grows up, she stops trusting as much as before and becomes more withdrawn. She doesn't like noisy places, but she does like reading interesting book at home is another matter. But at the same time, she becomes flexible, submissive and resigned, which can often be abused by others, and will never be rude to her superiors.

In general, her character can be called balanced. She does not like to rush, and will always prefer to think seven times before cutting off, but despite this, she can often commit not very thoughtful actions. An important part of her character is her responsiveness and sympathy for other people's troubles; People often turn to her for help, and, unfortunately, such help may turn out to be without gratitude, but the girl does it selflessly.


It is necessary to take very good care of your health, both in childhood and in adulthood. Constant attention will help to avoid problems with immunity, allergies, metabolism in adulthood and poor appetite in childhood.

Work and career

A girl may be suitable for the role of a teacher, a doctor, she can realize her talent in the field of music and dance, becoming a teacher. He can also master the profession of accountant, engineer and architect. It is often possible that after the birth of the child she will leave work to become a housewife.

Love and relationships

Her relationship certainly cannot be called easy. Because of her modesty, Elma may get married quite late, she rarely takes the initiative in making acquaintances, and when meeting people she does not know how to open up, being careful and keeping her distance. She is looking for a lover who is more energetic and bright than herself, but one who does not overshadow her.

The girl’s nature attracts sophisticated men, but with such a man she will be unkind and even aggressive. Not inclined to frequent changes partners, since it is difficult for her to adapt, but having opened up, she becomes impulsive and sincere, does not hide her emotions, wants games and romance. Sometimes he can be jealous, but he is not capricious and has spiritual generosity.

A girl in a relationship gives a lot to her husband, demands no less in return, is more passive in sex and has little influence on the process itself, but is very good at explaining herself in words. It also happens that a girl takes on the role of head of the family. She can be squeamish, and doesn’t visit guests often, although she sometimes comes to see them, more of a homebody, an excellent cook.

A woman sees the meaning of life in children, so she will be a wonderful mother - she will raise good children. It often happens that Elma gives birth to girls.

Good compatibility: Atrem,

Elmira – female name, belonging to a very integral nature. Her thoughts are pure and often innocent. The meaning of the name Elmira reveals a kind person who can empathize with others. Despite her good nature, Elya knows her worth. She rarely changes her established views in response to fashion trends.

The meaning of the name Elmira for a girl allows us to talk about her as a little princess, distinguished by a vulnerable character and refined tenderness. Such children are often very shy and timid. Elya is frightened by any manifestation unfamiliar to her outside world. She is especially careful with men.

Among her peers, Mira behaves modestly and quietly, trying not to attract undue attention to herself. The meaning of the name Elmira for a child reveals a diligent personality, capable of learning. Elya herself will never be the first to join the noisy children having fun, but if they call her, she will willingly join the group of children playing.

Usually Mira is friends with one or two girlfriends of a similar character. Often their friendship lasts a lifetime. For these women, friends are of considerable importance. The interpretation says that such children willingly read books. Reading, with some effort from parents, can even become Eli’s life’s work.

Mira also has well-developed creative abilities. These girls dress beautifully and tastefully, move and sing. In most cases, Elya enters a higher educational institution to study. Conscientiousness and diligence help a girl complete it successfully. Elmira likes to spend evenings at home in a quiet environment. Avoids youth parties, smoking and alcohol. Traditional family values ​​are important to her.


When communicating with representatives of the stronger sex, Mira is also shy. This means that her innate moral principles prevent her from having many love affairs. Often it is the man who initiates the acquaintance and it is thanks to his initiative that their romance develops. It is modesty that prevents such a woman from getting married early.


The lot of women named by this name is late marriage. IN family life Elya shows herself to be an excellent housewife, a devoted wife and a caring, sensitive mother. With her beloved husband, Mira is capable of being sensual and quite emotional. A man in her face finds good friend and a competent adviser. All of the above means that Elya is perfect for the role of a wife. She sincerely enjoys the role of a caring, loving mother.

Business and career

Mira is an excellent specialist with high efficiency. It is dedication to work that often serves as a reason for serious envy of colleagues. This woman has almost all the knowledge that a good leader needs, but she will not be able to climb the career ladder due to timidity and modesty. This means that you should be more active.

Elmira should choose the profession of a health worker, musician, librarian, art critic or teacher. It is in these fields that she will work most comfortably. Of great importance when choosing a profession is the responsiveness and good disposition of this person.

Origin of the name Elmira

Its main etymology is "princess". The origin of the name Elmira has several versions. The Arabic version says that this adverb was formed from the male name Amir. History also reports that this name may be of Arabic origin. If you translate the male name Elmir from Arabic, you get “ruler of the world.”

But these are not all the versions of where this adverb came from. There is an opinion that it was formed from the European Edelmir. The man whose name was Edelmir was called “glorious protector” and “famous warrior.”

Characteristics of the name Elmira

Mira's character is distinguished by her flexibility and balance. Such a woman extremely rarely enters into conflicts. Elya is distinguished by her special prudence and complaisance. In her actions and decisions, she is extremely careful and prudent. He never makes overly quick conclusions. He tries to look at the situation from different angles.

The pros and cons of personality make such a woman an ardent moralist and guardian of morality. Mira's integrity often remains incomprehensible to the people around her and causes amazement. These ladies are very kind and are not prone to hypocrisy, meanness or rudeness. Such women have their own decency great importance.

Eli's positive character traits make her unable to respond to the rudeness and rudeness of strangers. Faced with unfair treatment and insults, Mira often simply withdraws into herself and gets lost.

The characteristics of the name Elmira define it as independently thinking man. Without attracting unnecessary noise, she confidently builds a framework for her future life. A comfortable life is quite important for Mira.

“Winter” Elis are distinguished by much greater assertiveness than the owners of this name, born in other seasons. “Autumn” Worlds like to think through absolutely all their actions especially carefully. These women love to greet guests, but they rarely go out themselves, as they are extremely squeamish.

Those born in the summer can be a little withdrawn, especially if they are upset. For these ladies, the distribution of roles in marriage is of great importance. They themselves often take on a leadership role, forcing their husband to be a follower.

The mystery of the name

The mystery of the name Elmira becomes clearer after a careful study of the signs and symbols related to it:

  • The stone is Lapp blood, as well as amethyst and jasper.
  • There are no name days.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Aries and Scorpio.
  • The planet Mars.
  • Color – red.
  • Talisman – horse, dog, vulture.
  • Plants - asparagus, radish, and beans.
  • The most successful days of the week are Tuesday.

Famous people

  • Elmira Abdrazakova (born 1994) is a model, took part in the Miss Universe contest in 2013.
  • Elmira Kalimullina (born in 1988) is a singer, Honored Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan, finalist of the show “The Voice”.
  • Elmira Suleymanova is an Azerbaijani professor, as well as a Doctor of Chemical Sciences.

Different languages

The exact translation of this adverb from Spanish is “princess”. There are several options for how this name is translated and written in other languages:

  • In Chinese - 埃爾邁拉. Read (Āi ěr mài lā).
  • In Japanese it is エルマイラ. Reading (Erumaira).
  • In French - Elmira.
  • In English – Elmira.

Name forms

  • This adverb has the following numerous derivatives: Elechka, Mira, Era, Emma, ​​Elya.
  • Full sound - Eleanor with emphasis on the last letter "o". Short name- Ela, Era, Elya.
  • The diminutive sounds like Elmirochka, Elenka, Elusya.
  • Declensions: Elmira – Elmira – Elmira. There is no such name in Orthodoxy.
  • Options for beautiful nicknames: Eleanor, Elma, and Mirel.

Value (description):

The meaning of the name Elmira is detailed description origin and characteristics of the name, name day dates, famous people.
Short form of the name Elmira. Elya, Mira, Almira, Alma, Amira, Mira, Elma, Elmi.
Synonyms for the name Elmira. Ilmira, Amira, Almira, Almirya, Almara.
Origin of the name Elmira. The name Elmira is Tatar, German, Muslim.

The name Elmira has several versions of its origin. According to the first version, the name Elmira is a traditional Muslim name. Among the Tatars, the name Elmira sounds like Ilmira, Almira, Almirya, Almara. It is translated as “honest, conscientious”, and also has the meaning “illustrious, famous”.

According to the second version of origin, the name Elmira is a European name. In French, Elmira is a female name for a couple. male name Elmir (Elmer), Edelmir, Adelmar, Ademar, Aldemar, Almar, Helmer translated from ancient German meaning “glorious defender”, “famous warrior”.

According to the third version, the name Elmira is a Soviet revolutionary name, which is formed from the combination “Electrification of the WORLD”.

The name Elmira is widespread among Muslims, but is also found among both Armenians and Russians. The diminutives Mira, Amir, El are also independent names.

Little Elmira in kindergarten is a shy and silent girl, but she makes contact with everyone who approaches her. In subsequent years, Elmira will delight her parents with her successes in school and in music studies. The girl is flexible, sings and dances well. Elmira is drawn to reading; as a child, she persistently asks adults to read to her. Having matured, the girl looks like her father, and takes her character from her mother. She is flexible, one might even say submissive. Elmira is not lazy, but in the morning she likes to sleep longer, and you shouldn’t wake her up.

“Autumn” Elmira is prudent and thinks through her every step well. He often feels the need to change something in his life and has good intuition. Elmira often has prophetic dreams.

Elmira easily enters the university, and thanks to her success in music, she will be able to study at the conservatory. As a profession, he chooses to be a doctor or teacher. Can become an accountant, architect or engineer. He rarely chooses a career as a salesperson or fashion designer. However, Elmira does not work for long. After the birth of a child, he often gives up his career and devotes himself to home.

A girl named Elmira is very modest. That's why she gets married late. “Winter” Elmira is more decisive and energetic. She strives to lead her husband. She knows how to cook deliciously and is a homebody. In Elmira's marriage, girls are more often born. A woman born in December will most likely be married twice. In her personal life, a girl is not always happy. The owner of this name, born in summer, is not very friendly with her husband, has difficulty finding a common language with her mother, and is incompatible with her mother-in-law. In a family, a girl wants to be a leader. In love, Elmira is an impulsive and sincere girl. She is generous at heart, but does not tolerate heart complications. Elmira is very jealous, but not capricious. She gives a lot to her husband, but demands no less.

Elmira is somewhat withdrawn in communication. Has only one real friend. Elmira, born in the fall, does not like to visit people, but she often invites her to her house. In relationships with people, a woman with this name is very cautious. She tries to adjust her life in her own way, and she succeeds. In many ways, he relies on his intuition more than on the arguments of reason.

Famous people named Elmira

  • Elmira Kotlyar ((1925 - 2006) Russian poetess, translator, Member of the Union of Writers of the USSR (1961) and the Union of Moscow Writers)
  • Elmira Skripchenko ((born 1976) famous French, formerly Moldavian chess player, European champion (2001), multiple champion of Moldova and France, international grandmaster)
  • Elmira Galeeva ((born 1962) Russian singer, songwriter, laureate of the Grushinsky Festival, author of more than 200 songs)
  • Elmira Zherzdeva ((born 1936) Soviet singer, Honored Artist of the RSFSR)
  • Elmira Antonyan ((born 1955) Soviet athlete, seven-time USSR champion in singles (1976), doubles (1975, 1976) and mixed doubles (1976, 1977, 1980, 1981), two-time European champion in team competitions (1974, 1976 ), two-time medalist of the world championship in doubles (1975) and mixed doubles (1975) in table tennis; master of sports of the USSR of international class (1972))
  • Ilmira Shamsutdinova ((born 1976) Soviet and Russian fashion model, Miss USSR 1991)
  • Ilmira Nagimova (Tatar singer)
  • Elmira Abdrazakova ((born 1994) Russian model, winner of the Miss Russia contest in 2013, in the same year she represented Russia at Miss Universe)

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