The name Leonid in different languages. Leonid: meaning and characteristics of the name

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The meaning of the name Lenya

From Leonid or Alexey.

Numerology of the name Lenya

Soul Number: 4.
Those with the name number 4 are prone to exact sciences and a scientific approach to everything in the world. “Fours” are excellent scientists, engineers, and designers. They are stable, reliable and conscientious. They are respected by friends and colleagues. “Fours” rarely quarrel and are not prone to hostility. However, one should not expect any unexpected actions, improvisations, or creative manifestations of character from the “fours”. Their whole life is calculated in minutes and there is little that can displace them from a pre-planned plan. They are stingy with emotions, often cold. However, the “fours” are reliable and you can rely on them in any situation. life situation. They are strict and even harsh parents and very obedient children.

Hidden Spirit Number: 3

Body number: 1


Planet: Jupiter.
Element: Air, warmth-dryness.
Zodiac: Sagittarius, Pisces.
Color: Raspberry, blue.
Day: Thursday.
Metal: Tin, electrum.
Mineral: Sapphire, beryl, hyacinth.
Plants: Basil, lavender, violet, oak, pear, apple tree, mint, chestnut, cinnamon, jasmine, apple of paradise, apricot, eucalyptus.
Animals: Deer, elephant, sheep, swallow, pelican, partridge, peacock, dolphin.

The name Lenya as a phrase

L People
Yo (YO = O) He (O, Ob)
N Our (Ours, Yours)
I (YA = A) Az

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Lenya

L - subtle perception of beauty, artistic (artistic) talents, desire to share knowledge and sensations with a partner. A warning to its owner not to waste his life, to find his true purpose.
E - energy of self-expression, emotionality. A person does not always manage to restrain his passions.
N - a sign of protest, inner strength not to accept everything indiscriminately, a sharp critical mind, interest in health. He is a hard worker, but cannot stand “monkey work.”
I am self-esteem, the desire to achieve the respect and love of others and the ability to receive them.

Happening male name Leonidas, from the ancient Greek Leonidas. “Leon” means lion, and “idea” means appearance, appearance. In a word, the meaning of the name Leonid can be interpreted as the son of a lion, similar to a lion, of the lion family, similar to a lion. But it is worth noting that the popularity of the name Leonid last years dropped noticeably.

    Planet: Sun.

    Stone: Amethyst.


What does the name Leonid mean? Let's try to find out what character this name hides. Leonid is a man with a strong character and a masculine core. At the same time, his behavior can be quite flexible and diplomatic, which attracts many new acquaintances and friends to Leonid. For friends and colleagues, Leonid is an irreplaceable person. Leonid easily and naturally makes new acquaintances. He is not particularly demanding of others and easily adapts to any circumstances.

What does the secret of the name Leonid hide? Leonid often acts as a peacemaker if squabbles arise between his friends, in right moment he will show firmness and determination. Leonid is a very capable person, he always gets things done and Leonid has enough time for both work and family.

From the point of view of astrologers, the meaning of the name Leonid suggests that he can become a great man if he shows his kindness to the fullest extent. Such a man is characterized only best intentions, but Leonid often chooses the wrong paths to implement these intentions. For this reason, the fate of Leonid is not always simple, especially if the man Leonid has power over people. At times, Leonid only cares about satisfying his own desires, forgetting about family and friends.

In relationships with women, Leonid has practically no equal; he has an excellent understanding of the psychology of the weaker sex. But with all the height of his feelings, Leonid can be upset in his chosen one by his inability to manage a house and cook poorly. The way to the heart of a man named Leonid is through his stomach. He is very squeamish, and his mood can be spoiled by poorly washed dishes.

A man named Leonid is quick-witted and easily comprehends new information. He is also smart and hardworking, and tries to find intellectual qualities in the people around him. Leonid only takes as his wife someone who is sufficiently intellectually developed. He is not one of those men who is repelled by a woman’s intelligence; education, on the contrary, can attract her.

Leonid does not shine with any special talents and often relies on his intuition; nevertheless, he achieves good results in his chosen profession.


We have already learned what the name Leonid means, now let's talk about the health status of the person with this name. Since childhood, Leonid has learned to take careful care of his health on his own.

He will definitely smear even a small scratch with brilliant green. And at a low temperature he will remain in bed. Leonid takes his health very seriously and tries to follow healthy image life.


Among the celebrities you can find such Leonids that the secret of the name becomes obvious, including the first Secretary General CPSU Central Committee Leonid Brezhnev, singer and composer Leonid Agutin, theater and film actor Leonid Bronevoy, famous Soviet film director Leonid Gaidai, President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma, Soviet director, actor and screenwriter Leonid Bykov, Russian TV presenter of the show “Field of Miracles” Leonid Yakubovich and Russian actor theater and cinema Leonid Yarmolnik.

Leonid is a wonderful male name, but for some reason in the 21st century it comes to our lips less and less often.

If you looked here, it means you want to learn more about the meaning of the name Leonid.

What does the name Leonid mean?

The name Leonidas means lion-like (Greek)

The meaning of the name Leonid is character and fate

A man named Leonid is cunning and dexterous, easily adapting to any conditions. He willingly does favors for friends and knows how to be grateful if he is given a favor. He never lends money, but he knows that a person can be tied to himself by dependence on small favors done to him. He does not open up completely even to close friends, for fear of being uninteresting to them, of losing the opportunity to intrigue them. He may not show that he was offended, but he will definitely take revenge, he is vindictive, suspicious, he sees a catch in everything, and tries to play it safe. But he goes straight to the goal, stubborn, persistent. He is very concerned about his health, even a low temperature will put him to bed for a few days, sip cold water will make you gargle all evening. He trusts only one, well-tested doctor. Leonid is one of those men whose path to the heart lies through the stomach. He is very squeamish, and a poorly washed plate can ruin his appetite for a long time. A man named Leonid drinks little, only good wine and quality cognac in moderate doses. Leonid's first marriage was not very successful, and it did not last long. The second one is happier. "Summer" Leonid is an incorrigible idealist who dreams of fidelity, devotion, and self-sacrifice. A strong attachment to the past usually does not allow him to live fully emotionally and sex life.

Meaning of the name Leonid for sex

Leonid tries to establish himself in the world of love, afraid to admit that in fact he is tormented by lack of confidence in himself and his masculine strength. Leonid will never show that he is experiencing mental suffering, considering it weakness. A man named Leonid is very erotic, but in bed he behaves selfishly, caring only about his own satisfaction. Leonid is impulsive, easily carried away, but his sexuality manifests itself only in a familiar environment and with a woman he knows.

The character and fate of the name Leonid, taking into account the patronymic

First name Leonid and patronymic....

Leonid Alekseevich, Leonid Andreevich, Leonid Artemovich, Leonid Valentinovich, Leonid Vasilievich, Leonid Viktorovich, Leonid Vitalievich, Leonid Vladimirovich, Leonid Evgenievich, Leonid Ivanovich, Leonid Ilyich, Leonid Mikhailovich, Leonid Petrovich, Leonid Sergeevich, Leonid Fedorovich, Leonid Yurievich calm, balanced, intelligent, avoids Conflicts, does not raise his voice, even in a state of strong excitement. He has good manners, which attracts women. He is generous, loves to do something nice for his loved ones, and knows how to turn everyday life into holidays. Women in Leonid's life play important role. He does everything he can to help them find themselves. Leonid made many women believe in themselves and get on their feet. He gets great satisfaction from helping someone. However, with men Leonid is completely different. He knows his worth, is never in debt, but does not allow others to remain in his debts. Leonid is talented, but luck does not always smile on him, this makes him distrustful and tough. What he values ​​most in women is intelligence. He is not afraid of the female mind - unlike other men, he knows that he can always stay on top of the situation. He often connects his life with an extraordinary woman with a brilliant mind and is able to make a wonderful match for her. Can't stand cold and arrogant beauties. He gives birth to boys.

First name Leonid and patronymic....

Leonid Alexandrovich, Leonid Arkadyevich, Leonid Borisovich, Leonid Vadimovich, Leonid Grigorievich, Leonid Kirillovich, Leonid Maksimovich, Leonid Matveevich, Leonid Nikitich, Leonid Pavlovich, Leonid Romanovich, Leonid Tarasovich, Leonid Timofeevich, Leonid Eduardovich, Leonid Yakovlevich sensitive, easily hurt. However, this does not prevent him from being stubborn and persistent in achieving his goal. Cunning, diplomatic, talented. Amorous, inclined to believe women. He gives himself completely to his hobbies. Marries after twenty-five years. He loves his family, is ready to do anything for her, but never forgets about himself. Like no one else, this Leonid knows how to show his individuality in love. He needs a woman to see him as an unsurpassed man. Has children of different sexes.

First name Leonid and patronymic....

Leonid Bogdanovich, Leonid Vladislavovich, Leonid Vyacheslavovich, Leonid Gennadievich, Leonid Georgievich, Leonid Danilovich, Leonid Egorovich, Leonid Konstantinovich, Leonid Robertovich, Leonid Svyatoslavovich, Leonid Yanovich, Leonid Yaroslavovich changeable in mood and hobbies. He often changes sex partners and breaks up with them without regret. Hot-tempered, but decisive and unshakable in his views. True to ideals. Excessively squeamish. The family has a good husband and an attentive father, who tries to help his wife with the housework whenever possible. He loves order in the house and maintains it himself, he is very neat. This is an incorrigible idealist who dreams of fidelity and devotion. Sometimes he is strongly attached to a woman with whom his personal life does not work out; he secretly yearns for her for a very long time. He often feels insecure about his masculine strength, but never shows it. These doubts bring him a lot of suffering, so this Leonid prefers to have a woman next to him who idolizes him. Married has sons.

First name Leonid and patronymic....

Leonid Antonovich, Leonid Arturovich, Leonid Valerievich, Leonid Germanovich, Leonid Glebovich, Leonid Denisovich, Leonid Igorevich, Leonid Leonidovich, Leonid Lvovich, Leonid Mironovich, Leonid Olegovich, Leonid Semenovich, Leonid Filippovich, Leonid Emmanuilovich arrogant, selfish and capricious. He does not tolerate superiority over himself and at the same time does not accept flattery, praise, or fawning addressed to him. Even without this, he enjoys respect from those around him and has authority among his loved ones. Leonid knows how to control himself, although in an unusual situation he can flare up. She loves herself and never forgets about her needs. However, his family does not suffer from this. He is an attentive husband, a good father to his sons.

First name Leonid and patronymic....

Leonid Alanovich, Leonid Albertovich, Leonid Anatolyevich, Leonid Veniaminovich, Leonid Vladlenovich, Leonid Dmitrievich, Leonid Nikolaevich, Leonid Rostislavovich, Leonid Stanislavovich, Leonid Stepanovich, Leonid Feliksovich, Leonid Filippovich knows his own worth, feels superior to others, but never shows it. Intelligent, smart, erudite. He loves women very much, but is careful with them. Afraid of their deceit. Most of all, he does not tolerate dependence on anyone. Always finds an opportunity to escape from the tenacious hands. He is a good strategist, correctly assesses the consequences various situations, never suffers from remorse. Leonid is impulsive, easily carried away, sexy, but prefers to deal only with proven, reliable women: he does not need scandals and troubles either in the family or at work. Sometimes he marries twice, has two or three sons from different wives, and cares about everyone equally.

Numerology of the name Leonid

Education must be true, complete, clear and lasting.

Jan Amos Comenius

The meaning of the name Leonidas is “like a lion” (Greek).

There are many memorial days, including 03/22, 03/23, 07/30, 11/12.

Personality. Son of Leo.

Characteristics of the name Leonid by letter:

L - the need for love, tenderness, harmony;

E - protection of heaven, Zeus;

O - mission;

N - selectivity of sympathies;

And - love for art;

D - sense of duty, responsibility.

What does the name Leonid mean in numerology:

LEONID = 467615 = 11, the great number of Proserpina, wonderful people of a new level; these are now called “indigo”.

Characteristics of the name Leonid, taking into account the analysis

Leonid can become a great philosopher, seer, guru, occultist, white magician. He is given a lot by nature, he is capable of achieving a lot, if only he does not lose his best qualities. He is intelligent, well educated, successful in business, lucky, holds high positions, and no the best leader than him. While going about his business, he remains devoted to it to the end, as well as to his friends and relatives. He is very zealous in his work, forgets about everything, is unyielding, and sometimes gets fixated on one thing. Being the chosen one of the great Proserpina, he often does not fully realize this and takes the wrong course.

Average sexuality. Selective, fastidious. Loyal in the family. Reliable, devoted, caring, but stubborn and unyielding. The wife should know these features and regulate the course of the family ship. The names of his women: Vera, Nadezhda, Lyudmila, Larisa, Svetlana, Diana, Daria, Natalia.

Names: origin and forms

Leonid- (from Greek) like a lion.

Derivatives: Leonidka, Leonya, Lenya, Lenya, Lenusya, Lesya, Lesya, Leka, Lyokha, Lyosha, Ledya.

Directory of Russian names

Like a lion(from Greek).

Usually broad-minded. With a solid inner core. Accessible, unpretentious. Reasonable, quick-witted. Loving, “gourmet lovers.” They are attentive and affectionate with children, but their family, alas, is not always long-lasting.

The mystery of the name

Leonidas - similar to Leo (ancient Greek).
“Leon” is a lion, “idea” is appearance, appearance, that is, similar in appearance, but not in internal qualities. The name was common in the 19th and first half of the 20th centuries. In recent years, its popularity has fallen markedly, although it is one of the most favorable names for life.
Zodiac name: Leo.
Planet: Sun.
Name color: gold.
Talisman stone: diamond.
Favorable plant: cedar, rose hips.
Patron of the name: Leo.
Lucky day: Sunday.
Happy time of year: summer.
Main features: broad nature.


Leonidas of Egypt, martyr, June 18 (5).
Leonid the Martyr, August 21 (8).
Leonidas of Corinth, martyr, March 23 (10). For confessing the faith of Christ after suffering, he was drowned in the sea on the first day of Easter, 3rd century.
Leonid Ustnedumsky, hieromonk, July 30 (17). An ascetic who lived in the 17th century. The main desert on the Luza River in the Vologda province.


March 23, on Leonid, if the day is foggy, there will be fibrous flax.
July 30 is the height of the harvest. The first harvested sheaf is celebrated. Autumn threshing begins with it, sick cattle are fed with its straw, the grain of the first sheaf of rye is considered healing for animals, birds and people.


As a child, Lenya was a cheerful and sociable kind child. He is lucky, even if he gets into an unpleasant situation with his friends, as a result he can gain good friend, he himself will rise to the occasion and will be admired, or so regretted that others will become envious... In a word, he will definitely receive some kind of good compensation.

Frequent childhood successes, still associated with some degree of risk, will develop in the adult Leonid an amazing sense of people, the ability to predict circumstances, perceive and comprehend new things.

Leonid is a loyal and reliable friend. He adapts remarkably well to people and is able to resolve any conflict. He can also be firm and principled. Leonid has both a synthetic and analytical mindset, which especially helps him in solving complex and confusing problems.

Leonid is receptive and impressionable, but this does not affect his career. He has enough ambition and energetic efficiency. Best of all positive traits find application in the field of electronics, mathematics, journalism or government activities. Leonid especially skillful hands, he can be a car straightener, a great driver. “Spring” Leonid is especially sensitive; he is a musician, actor, satirist, and humorist.

Love is the meaning of life for Leonid. He manages to amazingly combine feeling, sex, pleasure. Leonid is well versed in female psychology, prefers beautiful, extraordinary women, and is not afraid of smart ones. For him it would be a tragedy to marry a cold, insensitive woman. Leonid is a gourmet. He is that classic type of man, the path to which lies through the stomach. He absolutely cannot stand hunger.

Leonid is squeamish, suspicious, and takes his health too seriously. Jealous, especially when drunk, which happens because he likes to sit over a bottle of wine with friends. In this case, he does not tolerate any comments from his wife. So marriage with Leonid is quite difficult, and sometimes unsuccessful. Having suffered a shipwreck, Leonid experiences loneliness especially acutely and soon creates a new family. A marriage with Alla, Anna, Valentina, Vera, Veronica, Lyudmila, Natalya, Polina, Yulia can be successful.

Patronymic: Leonidovich, Leonidovna.


Leonid Ivanovich Solomatkin (1837-1883) - Russian artist, one of the most interesting genre painters of the mid-19th century.

Orphaned early, Leonid was given “to the people” from an early age, in his own words, as a child he endured “everything that falls to the lot of a poor orphan.” Until the age of thirteen, he managed to work as a driver and shepherd, and was a transporter-chumak. Horse fairs, markets, the noise and diversity of inns, a mixture of clothes, languages ​​and faces, the habits of horse dealers, wanderers, coachmen - everything seen on these trips will be deposited in the boy’s lasting memory. By the age of seventeen, Leonid was already an experienced man, acquired independence, a penchant for rude jokes and fairground entertainment. However, the young man had a lofty dream - he wanted to study painting.

Having learned that the Moscow School of Painting and Sculpture accepted everyone without distinction of classes, Solomatkin set off from the city of Sudzha to Moscow. I got there the Lomonosov way - on foot, for several months, on the way I earned whatever I could for food. He entered the school, and later became a volunteer student at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts.

Solomatkin’s works are original; each time he easily found new solutions. The life of tramps, traveling artists, scenes at taverns and taverns, bourgeois everyday life and holidays - these are the favorite subjects of his paintings. His everyday stories are ambiguous; like a parable, they have a double meaning, one direct, connected with the plot, the other, deeper, always emotionally conveyed. A wonderful, joyful family celebration is “Wedding,” but the painter exposes the imaginary nature of this prosperity in the picture. Its coloring is ominously alarming, yellowish-red, smoky, with wavering shadows. The walls and ceiling of the festively decorated hall leave an almost physical feeling of languor, stuffiness. The chandeliers flicker like a visible embodiment of melancholy - as if even the candles are suffocating here. Both guests and young people obsequiously bend before the boss, who has honored the society with his arrival. False smiles on swollen faces resemble grimaces.

Another picture is "The Mummers". A group of officials who have been having fun are making fun of the antics of the masks that amuse them at Christmas time. And the hosts of the holiday are unaware that their own faces are little more alive than the masks they put on, and one can still hear Gogol’s immortal: “Who are you laughing at? Are you laughing at yourself!” Solomatkin takes the prose of everyday life to the point of fantasy.

An interesting story with Leonid Solomatkin has come to us in a retelling by the famous satirist M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. Claiming to be an art connoisseur, Mayor Trepov ordered to report to him about all the artists who ended up in St. Petersburg jails. Once, when Solomatkin was brought to him, he graciously offered to immediately paint his portrait. They brought the canvas and paints, Solomatkin, professionally squinting, tilting his head to the side, tries on the model... and suddenly bursts into laughter. The dignitary was amazed. The artist explained: “I can’t be indifferent to seeing the generals... So your Excellency introduced himself to me as an Indian rooster.” Apparently, this “cheerful pessimist” did not appreciate the general’s mercy.

Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology.

The male name Leonidas has Greek roots and comes from the name Leonidas, consisting of the words “leon” - “lion” and “idea” - “appearance”, which means “like a lion”, “of the lion’s kind”. It came to us from Byzantium and over the centuries it has become quite widespread. Currently, the name Leonid, although it is often found in Russia, has lost its former popularity.

Characteristics of the name Leonid

Phonosemantically, this name gives the impression of something optimistic, good, but weak. And if optimism and some lightness are really present in Leonid’s character, then you can hardly call him weak, because he is a man with a broad soul, reliable, strong-willed, and not susceptible to emotions. IN childhood Leonid shows great cheerfulness, kindness and flexibility of character. He always finds mutual language with friends, knows how to resolve any conflict, is diplomatic and balanced, studies quite well (in any case, his teachers see that this child has an excellent memory, and he grasps information on the fly). The concept of masculinity plays a big role for Leonid; he will never show that he is hurt or offended, because, in his opinion, this is a sign of mental weakness, and he considers himself exceptionally strong. An adult owner of this name is energetic, has business acumen, ambitious, and reliable. He has some inner core that allows him to achieve a lot in life, but it should be said that the fate of the Leonids is not particularly pampering - all the time it strives to present them with some kind of life test. In his communication, Leonid shows gentleness, diplomacy and accessibility, and therefore he has many friends and good relationships with colleagues.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

This name is most suitable for a boy born under zodiac sign Taurus or Libra. Reliable and simple Taurus (April 20-May 20) is in many ways similar to Leonid, whom he will make very a good man- non-conflict, harmoniously developed, intelligent, patient, decisive. Libra (September 24-October 23) is a more temperamental and enterprising sign; it will make Leonid solid, active, able to please, but largely dependent on his mood.

Pros and cons of the name Leonid

What are the positive and negative sides can be noted in the decision to name the child Leonid? On the one hand, this is a familiar name for our country, which thanks to this sounds good in combination with Russian surnames and patronymics, and also has many abbreviations and diminutive forms, such as Lenya, Lenechka, Lenyushka, Leonidka, Lesya, Lesik. The big advantage of this name is good character most of its owners. But on the other hand, life for Leonids is usually quite difficult, and besides, many parents do not like this name because it sounds somewhat simple-minded.


Leonid's health is not bad, but he tends to invent illnesses for himself in order to attract attention. Typically, men with this name carefully monitor the quality of food and drink, take care of themselves, and at the first sign of illness run to the doctor.

Love and family relationships

IN family relationships Leonid is very demanding of his wife and children. He wants an ideal life, cleanliness and neatness, and expects from children good grades and exemplary behavior, but he is also ready to improve himself, knows how to show tenderness and affection.

Professional area

As for the professional sphere, Leonid is equally good at working with his hands and his head. He can become a responsible engineer, a car mechanic, a driver, a carpenter, a journalist, a manager, a salesman, an enterprise director, a director, or a farmer.

Name day

Name day by Orthodox calendar Leonid celebrates March 23, April 28, April 29, June 9, June 18, July 30, August 21, September 12, September 15 and September 28.

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