What does the average bill consist of? How can all these indicators be increased? What can an average check tell you?

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To increase the average check, you need to find buyers who will absolutely need your product. Sometimes you even need it like air.

Even if you understand your target audience in general, this knowledge may be vague and insufficient. Niching needs to be done. This is what one of Oy-li’s clients did, a company that organizes training for parents and children. As a result of working with it, it was revealed narrow niche– parents whose children suffer from psychosomatic illnesses. This specialization made it possible to achieve a significant increase in the average price.

Several tools used by Oy-li experts help identify potentially profitable niches.

  • SWOT analysis
  • ABCXYZ analysis
  • Focus groups with industry experts
  • Setting up and running tests marketing campaigns, targeting different niches.

How to increase the average check: work with your share in the client

Find out your share in the customer’s total purchases. To do this, conduct a survey among buyers. Try to get answers to questions.

  • How much of a similar product is purchased?
  • What do you like and dislike about working with competitors?

Based on the survey results, conduct or order training on up-sale and cross-sale. Looking ahead, we will say that usually in this case, the right sellers, increasing their skills in negotiations and the use of bargaining variables, as well as improving the conditions of interaction with customers (preferably not at the expense of profitability) help increase the average result.

How to increase the average check: motivate and control employees

After a debriefing with the client Oy-li in a company that trades raw materials and tools for confectionery production, it was possible to increase the average bill simply by introducing management tools.

  1. Planning according to a clear scheme with obtaining a predictive conversion model
  2. Setting up a regular reporting system for sellers
  3. Introduction of the average value of a single shipment into the system of indicators

The last point requires further clarification. If you motivate sellers to sell expensive goods or accessories, you will automatically increase the average bill. And the KPI indicator will be met.

Approximately 70% of bonuses at retail outlets are paid to sellers specifically for expensive, highly profitable goods and their resale. Such material motivation is realized through an increased bonus percentage. You can also incentivize sellers based on the “quick money” principle. Sold something expensive or met a daily KPI? Received 1000 rubles from the cash register.

Add not to material incentives financial motivation: competitions, recognition at general events, involvement of beginners in training.

How to increase the average check: increase customer loyalty

Customer loyalty increases if you pay enough attention to them. They literally have to feel your “love.” To increase your average check, use several methods.

1. Conduct surveys on the current database, ask about wishes, take recommendations if they meet the requirements of significant groups of buyers. As a result of this work, you will also regularly measure your loyalty index.

2. Organize leisure time for buyers. Event marketing and internet marketing tools are suitable here. If your business topic allows, hold competitions, master classes, and webinars.

3. Implement special loyalty programs based on different criteria based on the social and demographic characteristics of the audience. There are many ideas on the market on how to do this. But you know what’s best for each specific niche: cumulative discounts, additional services, bonuses, gifts.

4. Improve the product itself. Moreover, do this in accordance with those “trend” wishes that were identified as a result of surveys and loyalty index measurements.

5. Showcase your improvements and “report” them to customers. Report that the company has become better using PR, SMM, and event marketing tools. Use this as a “clarity hook” when upselling.

6. Constantly work with your people to make it convenient and pleasant for people to interact with the company. To do this, regularly conduct research on the customer journey. Keep in mind that this path may vary greatly depending on the channel through which the buyer came and continues to come into contact with you.

7. Keep “cases” with your regular customers to keep up to date with their lives. Remember that according to the rules of networking, especially networking, the client often turns into “just Joe.” Namely in ordinary person for whom it is important to be congratulated on his birthday, to pay attention to his children, to appreciate his achievements in areas that are especially important to him, and to rejoice at his successes.

8. Improve and optimize the way you provide “free” care. In case a person has difficulties with the product sold. He should always be able to call, reach, come.

9. Be honest and responsible. You need to be willing to admit mistakes or keep promises on time. Or apologize if this is not possible.

10. Instill corporate values ​​in your employees so that any of them, when meeting a satisfied/dissatisfied, loyal/disloyal customer, can bring him to desired point contact regardless of area of ​​responsibility. Believe me, this attitude also helps to increase the average check.

How to increase your average check: create a lead magnet

A lead magnet is a “sharply” attractive product in the eyes of the consumer. It could be something free - e-books, disks, accessories, demo versions.

It’s not a fact that, having applied for the coveted lead magnet, the buyer will choose it. If at this moment you offer him something more expensive, based on the real value and need identified using the SPIN technique, then the deal will most likely go through. In addition, a lead magnet always expands the possibilities for up-sale and cross-sale.

How to increase the average check: sell in large volumes

It’s easy to say “sell more.” To achieve this and increase the average check, you need actions in 3 directions simultaneously.

1. Increase in material and non-material motivation sell employees in large quantities. Material motivation includes monetary rewards for meeting KPI indicators and a system of complex salaries and bonuses that increase if the manager sells more.

2. Conduct trainings among sellers that will not only teach them, but also psychologically prepare them to work with large sums. Many people are simply embarrassed to ask for more. And sellers are no exception.

3. Increasing customer motivation, in which a larger volume per unit of product guarantees a lower price.

This is achieved through larger packages, where you sell more and the buyer pays less in relative terms. You can also take advantage of the guaranteed bonus method, when a person receives a gift when purchasing for a certain amount. At the same time, there is no need to “gift” everyone. Turn on the mechanism only if you see that the person “falls short” of a certain amount.

In this case, you should have commodity “pairs” prepared. For example, you see that the product certain type purchased for 750 rubles. In accordance with what was purchased, something “in harmony” with it is offered for at least 250 rubles. If a person agrees, he receives a gift.

How to increase the average check: create sets

Analyze your assortment matrix. See what products can be combined into sets to increase your average bill.

Of course, simply creating sets will not make a person buy more. Therefore, the products in the set should cost less than when buying them separately.

Naturally, carefully calculate the “economics” of such an event. You should not sell at a loss. Therefore, include high-margin products in the sets.

How to increase the average check: increase the cost of goods

The concept of average check came to us from retail. The main task in this area is to increase its performance, as well as traffic and traffic indicators.

So, how to increase the average check in a clothing store, for example? The first way is to increase the cost of one product.

This problem can be solved in 3 ways that will help increase the average bill overall.

1. Conduct specialized training on selling expensive goods. The key modules in this training should be questioning techniques on SPIN and product presentation. SPIN will help identify/create the need for a more expensive purchase. And already in the presentation, the seller, based on the key criteria for choosing a buyer, forms the “true” value of the product.

Information about key criteria reaches the manager as a result of a “SPIN survey”; at the same time, a new need is created, and then a presentation is made highlighting the benefits “needed” by the buyer.

2. Master the “art” of merchandising. In fact, it is not the most complex science, but it is effective. Basic principles of merchandising:

  • expensive goods are clean and neatly displayed at approximately eye level;
  • price tags in the product line are in descending order;
  • priority and expensive products are located at the ends of the racks and are arranged additionally.

3. If the segment and location of the store allow you to increase the average check, expand the line with high-margin and more expensive products. But before you do, consider how you will attract high-net-worth buyers. Through what channels will they come to you?

It is also important to understand that the average cost of one product in a receipt is critically influenced by positioning and geographic location point of sale. How to increase the average check in an economy-class store located in a residential area by increasing the average cost of the item? Quite problematic.

How to increase the average check: increase the number of products

You can increase the average check by increasing the number of positions in it. So, how to increase the number of sales in your receipt? There are several techniques for retail.

1. Proper placement of goods in the store will help increase the average check. Thus, the most popular products that are in daily demand are placed at the back of the store. In the case of supermarkets, for example, these are bread, milk, eggs, and meat products.

2. Clear navigation - information signs, signs, shelves located in such a way that the goods are clearly visible - all this also helps to increase the average check in the store.

3. There are also so-called “golden meters” in stores. These include the cash register area and the ends of the shelves. High-margin, but inexpensive in absolute terms, goods should be placed in the pre-checkout area. The ends of the racks are filled with expensive products, which are “masked” as promotional items.

4. Don't forget about such a resource as cashiers. This is another “milestone” at which it is often possible to increase the average bill. Cashiers are engaged in upselling the most popular goods, the attractiveness of which is enhanced by promotions.

5. At the entrance to the retail space, “slides” with seasonally available goods are lined up. These are such attractive “islands” that capture the customer’s attention, which help to significantly expand the customer’s basket and increase the average check.

6. It is very easy to increase the average check in clothing or shoe stores if you do not forget to offer the buyer additional accessories. Usually the client experiences a mild form of euphoria from the purchased main product, so there is every chance of upselling him some care products or beautiful wardrobe items: scarves, belts, hats.

How to increase the average check: make upsells

Up-sale is something that will definitely provide an opportunity to increase the average check. Sellers should never have the idea of ​​“letting go” of a buyer after purchasing one item.

Explain to salespeople and reinforce this in KPIs that the practice of offering something more to the client is not an option, but a mandatory requirement. The main rule is that related products should be slightly cheaper than the main one.

Offer a belt for trousers, a hat for a coat, and care products for shoes. Stimulate up-sales with promotions. For example, 2 items: 10% discount on the first one purchased and 20% discount on the second one.

For example, you can attractively lay it out in a vertical line outerwear, trousers and shoes. Or place it next to expensive coffee"noble" chocolate.

How to increase the average check: mark down the product

This is a kind of white lie. To stimulate the sale of stale goods, you simply “draw” a slightly inflated figure on the price tag. Then cross it out. And you place a new one at about 10-20% below the actual cost.

It turns out that a rather serious difference is formed between the crossed out price and the current one due to the “overstatement” of the first and the “understatement” of the second. Sometimes this difference can reach 50-60%.

Taking into account the “laziness” of the human brain, it is easier for the buyer to focus on the figure that is given to him and believe it, rather than find out the real cost of the product.

How to increase your average check: use the latest technologies

How to increase the average check? Start using IT tools that will help you more effectively engage your audience in the sales process. These include:

1. CRM systems;
2. chat bots;
3. cloud services;
4. messengers;
5. integrated with smart video monitoring systems;
6. analytical systems for accounting for goods purchased by the buyer, etc.

All these tools will allow you to constantly be in touch with your clients, study their purchasing habits, and competently guide the lead through the funnel.

Recently, there has been an increase in efficiency from the implementation of chatbots. It is a useful artificial intelligence that attracts and maintains a community of adherents. He will be able to carry on the conversation, send necessary materials in response to a person’s request, even segment his needs and guide him through different funnels.

Chatbots are designed to stimulate revenue growth through up-sale and cross-sale channels. Since they “know how” to segment the current base, they can easily create point solutions for the buyer in accordance with his needs. This will help both increase the average check and the volume of revenue in general.

An increase in the average bill can also be the result of correct integration of a CRM system, IP telephony, video monitoring, and programs that analyze the assortment and sets of receipts. How to tie it all together?

The simplest option is that a client calls you and, thanks to telephony integrated into CRM, you can easily identify him and see the entire history of the relationship with him. Accordingly, you know what to do with it.

Video surveillance systems can also be adapted for the purposes of identifying customers who make repeat purchases. This is especially true for shops, beauty salons, etc. At the same time, the history of their purchases is also stored in the “memory” of the CRM.

So, having “recognized” the person, the system will promptly notify the seller or cashier about what else can be sold to this client. Moreover, she will make her choice based on an analysis of the composition of his check, and will also compare it with the sets that he purchased before.

We talked about what you should do if your goal is to increase your average bill. Methods range from direct influence on the buyer to internal management decisions.

In sales. The average check can be calculated by dividing turnover by the number of checks. Naturally, the higher the average check, the better for the trading organization and increasing this indicator should be aimed at. Average check, traffic and conversion are the main indicators in retail and you need to constantly work on increasing them.

How to increase your average check

Average check can be increased in two ways: by increasing the number of goods in the receipt and by increasing the average cost of one product. The average cost of one product is turnover divided by the number of products. The average purchase price can vary greatly depending on the geography of the store and the positioning of the outlet (economy or premium segment stores). But in general, this is an indicator that can be influenced.

You can increase the average cost of one product in the following ways:

  1. Train sellers in selling expensive goods. Naturally, the buyer always wants to buy cheaper; this is a normal and natural desire for everyone. Managers of a trading organization must not only sell expensive goods, but also conduct training on expensive goods; sellers must know where the expensive goods are located. Naturally, sellers must be good at selling expensive goods. And it is especially important to teach about expensive goods and conduct a high-quality presentation of the product.
  2. Thoughtful merchandising. In general, all technologies have been known for a long time, I will list only the main ones: the product line should be displayed in price from expensive to cheap, expensive goods should be displayed at the ends and in priority places, expensive goods should always be clean and neatly displayed.
  3. Naturally, expensive goods are bought by wealthy people and such people need to be attracted to the store purposefully. For example, the average bill in areas where wealthier people live is usually higher, from 30% to 50%. But you can attract wealthy people through advertising in the media and building a high-quality service.

For expensive goods, as a rule, the markup is much higher than for advertising items that are aimed at attracting customers. Therefore, the store’s policy for selling expensive goods must be thoughtful.

As stated above, we can also increase the average check by filling your shopping cart. Any store needs to ensure that the client buys not just one product, but as many as possible. Large retail chains They do everything to increase the number of goods in the receipt and to see all the tools you just need to go to any large store. Let us describe the main ways to increase the number of goods in a receipt:

  1. Correct use of "golden meters". The golden meters of a store are considered to be the pre-checkout area. Here you need to place small products that are in constant demand. The pre-checkout area must be replenished with goods on time and kept clean and tidy. Very often the cashier is responsible for the order at the cash register.
  2. Display of seasonal goods at the entrance. The island slides at the entrance are always filled with seasonal or heavily discounted items to attract the attention of all customers.
  3. Decoration of the ends. Products on the ends sell out much better; the most popular products from the main line or discounted items can be placed here.
  4. Arrangement of goods according to the degree of need. The most necessary product, for which the client came, should be located at the end of the store, and while you are going to it, you will walk through the entire store and definitely become interested in whatever.
  5. Cross-merchandising. Cross-merchandising is the correct placement of related products. A related product is an addition to the main one (chips for beer, washing machine– powder, etc.)
  6. sales of accessories. Sellers, as a rule, sell goods that require advice, and you can always sell many useful accessories for them.
  7. Good navigation around the store and transparency of the hall. The client must always find what he is looking for. Therefore, the display of goods should be logical, and shopping room must be viewed. Posters and signs should help with navigation.
  8. Using cashiers for sales. Cashiers can upsell hot items very effectively. And many networks use this.

Motivating employees to increase the average bill

Very often, the financial motivation of sellers is tied to the size of the average check. has shown its effectiveness, and sellers should be interested in selling expensive goods and accessories. In many sales organizations, about 70% of the bonus comes from these indicators of the seller’s performance.

But many managers forget that among them there is also. You should recognize the best sellers at meetings in front of the rest of the team; motivation for recognition is often much more effective than any money.

Average check – a starting point for sales plans and important marketing tool. In this article we will tell you how and why a financial director should calculate the average bill, as well as how it can be increased.

What is the average check

Any business depends on revenue. Whether it is trade, manufacturing or the service sector, the amount of revenue determines the success of the business along with the amount of net profit. Naturally, when revenue is calculated, the business grows, but stability or decline are indispensable signs that the company has problems.

But revenue is too general a concept to be analyzed or forecast for any long period of time. Revenue depends on many factors. There are many analytics that you can use to break down your revenue: by market segment, geography, product portfolio, business lines, etc.

But in this article we will look at this formula:

Revenue = Sales amount × Number of sales

That is, if a company wants to increase the amount of revenue, it must manage each of two multipliers:

  • look for ways to increase sales (check) to each customer,
  • look for ways to expand your customer base.

In businesses with a relatively small number of customers, all relationships with whom are described by contracts, this will be individual work for each specific case. And in retail sales, service sector, retail?

This is where the concept of “average bill” comes into play. Since there are many customers, they are “impersonal” and make a huge number of purchases in total, there is neither the opportunity nor the need to analyze each specific purchase. Therefore, marketers, financiers and managers operate with a convenient “average bill”:

Average bill = Revenue ÷ Number of purchases

As you can see, the formula for the average check is as simple as possible, but this does not detract from its importance in the analysis and assessment of current sales, and in forecasting sales for the short-term, and especially long-term periods.

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How to increase the average check

When you know the amount of the average check of your business in various sections, of course, next question The question you will ask yourself will be: “How can I increase the average check amount in order to receive more revenue?”

Let's first understand the structure of the check. The check consists of:

  1. Quantities of product items (“receipt depth”).
  2. Quantities (weight, volume) of product units in each position.
  3. Unit prices.

Accordingly, work on increasing the amount of the check should be in the indicated three directions.

The simplest step towards increasing the check amount is to increase the price per unit of goods. Let's not repeat tritely, supply and demand. We only note that any price increase must be calculated and based on market indicators.

An alternative to raising the price would be the work of the seller (manager, website) to reasonably convince the buyer to buy an analogue product, but more expensive. This is an art and requires knowledge of both assortment and sales technologies, but usually it works.

The number of product items in the average receipt can be increased by encouraging the buyer to buy those goods that he did not initially intend to buy or wanted to buy elsewhere. A very sad situation with marketing for companies whose average receipt contains only one item. This indicates both an insufficient assortment and incorrect layout, as well as the incompetence of the sellers.

Find a counterparty to check

How to increase the average check? The topic is very large, so I suggest not to waste time going into it from afar, but go straight to the point - how to earn more from one client.

This is especially true for those companies that have already built a stable flow of customers or have simply hit the ceiling in terms of market volume.

Count and know

Before we move on to ways to increase the average bill, let’s decide how to calculate it. Everything is simple and complex at one moment.

The difficulty of the process depends on your business. If your assortment matrix is ​​large, then you will have to work hard, if there are only 1-5-10 products, then consider yourself lucky.

Average check– the average amount of money that a client spends on one purchase.

This indicator does not require additional explanation. The most difficult thing for many is to understand how to calculate the average check. And I’ll immediately break the myth - in any company you can calculate this figure.

Therefore, I don’t need to sing a song now about “all our purchases are different. Every client is different.” Even in such cases this is not a barrier.

The basic formula for calculating the amount of an average check: We take the entire sales volume (for a certain period) and divide it by the number of purchases.

Voila! We get the average check. But there are important points that can ruin everything for you.

Seasonality. If your business “floats” from month to month, then consider the average purchase for a certain period. The more volatile the market, the shorter the settlement period.

Range. If you have a large assortment, then divide it into groups and calculate your indicator for each of them.

Clients. If all your clients are different in income, then calculate the average bill for each category of consumers (at least economy and VIP).

In most cases, calculating the average check does not require dancing with a tambourine. Everything is easily calculated according to the basic formula with minor adjustments to the specifics of the business.

Raising prices

Yes! The easiest way is to raise prices. As they say, everything ingenious is simple. The simplest, but at the same time, the most terrible way for any business owner and manager.

I’m generally silent about marketers. It will immediately hit them in the face as soon as they go to the manager with such a proposal. Accurate in 95% of cases.

In general, in Russia it is customary to raise prices only in two cases: the supplier raised prices or a competitor raised prices.

Meanwhile, I can say with confidence that this method of increasing the average bill is one of the simplest and most effective. We raised prices in retail stores (even grocery stores), catering, beauty salons and other companies.

And in all cases, they only received an increase in profits. At the same time, there was no strong dissatisfaction from clients (very little). To achieve the same effect, increasing the average check must be done according to several rules:

  1. There is no need to raise prices for (a popular product in the company);
  2. Do not immediately raise prices by 10 percent or more;
  3. There is no need to raise prices for all goods/services at once;
  4. Write scripts for your staff justifying price increases;
  5. Be sure to collect feedback after the price increase.

I would like to draw your attention to point 4. This idea was born after we raised prices for one client and brought a recording of a conversation with the seller (who was then fired). It looked like this:

– Why did the prices become higher?
- Don't know! Maybe the suppliers have raised prices, or maybe the management simply doesn’t have enough money for a vacation.

In marketing, such a tool is called “Zoom-price”. And if the owner wants to quickly increase profits, then usually the whole action begins with him. So don't be afraid, do it smart. Our video can also help you:

Cross-sell and Up-sell

Our blog is also useful because we describe each method in detail with examples and even scripts that you can give to your employees. And these two methods are described in detail in the article.

The essence of this method is to help the client make a more expensive purchase and additional products to it. Let's look at it more specifically and with an example.

Up-sell – transferring a client to a more expensive product. Example: buy a TV not 50 inches, but 60 or even better, 80.

Cross-sell – an additional sale to the main purchase. Example: buy a TV mount, warranty, hdmi cable, installation, apple TV, antenna, 3D glasses or even game console Play Station.

For successful implementation you need to work out and control with.

As a rule, you already have all this, you just need to take it and put a lot of emphasis on it, you can even launch it to get the maximum effect.

Another way to upsell something to your customers (based on the cross-sell tool) can be cross-merchandising.

This is when you place related products near products that sell well, which sell much less well. For example, you can place a juicer near a basket of oranges.

In a door store, you can place film for them next to the doors. In general, you can get really creative here.

Upsell example

And we’re not just talking about retail goods. This technique is also applicable in services. They just use , or instead of shelves.

By the way, cross-merchandising is included in the list of 100 free tools to increase sales 😉

Small wholesale

Example of small wholesale

For example, let's take a fitness club. A monthly subscription costs 5,000 rubles. Subscription for 3 months – 12,000 rubles.

There will be people who will buy a subscription for 12 thousand to save money. I personally always do this, and most often I immediately take it for a year. But if we talk about sports fanatics, then most often people take it for a year, and at best go for 6-9 months.

Small wholesale is when you start selling what you sell individually in large volumes. Offering a discount, gifts, bonuses, etc. for this.

There are tons of examples! For example, a case of beer costs less than buying one bottle at a time. Roses in a store from 10 pieces are sold 10 rubles cheaper (well, you can’t give a girl 10 roses, you’ll need to buy another one).

Or full Maintenance car is always more profitable than doing it individually throughout the year.

Yes, goods/services will be purchased in bulk less often, but if you are not greedy and sell them with tangible benefits, you can make a good increase to the average bill.

And you also don’t need to think that in this way you are not making enough money due to loss of margin. More often than not, people who buy in bulk had no intention of taking it and only took it because they were convinced and shown value.

Important. Don’t make the main mistake of all entrepreneurs - don’t introduce only discounts always and everywhere. Use gifts, bonuses, etc.

For example, instead of giving a discount on a 3-month membership to a fitness club, you can give the 4th month as a gift. If you calculate the money correctly, you will win more.


Or, in Russian, these are sets consisting of several goods or services. The simplest example from a sports store is a Young Skier's Set - a ski suit, skis, poles and boots.

If you buy everything individually, the purchase amount will be 45,000 rubles. If you buy in a package, the price will be 37,000 rubles. For many, this can be a deciding factor in their decision.


By grouping products, you can convince the client to buy even what he doesn’t really need (sometimes not the most popular ones are inserted with popular products).

For example, if there are 5 creams in a cosmetic set and one of them is extra for you, you will still buy it, since it is beneficial for you. Plus, our Russian people will always need everything.

Exists different ways combining products into sets. A set of services, a set of goods, or a set of services and goods. Think about what will be beneficial to you and valuable to the client. The entire “Bundle” approach is built on these two words.

Interesting. It also happens that a bundle costs more (or not less) than taking everything individually. And people buy. Perhaps you even fell for this bait, you just didn’t notice.

Magnet on top

Each person has with him (physically or mentally) a “stash” that he will spend if he sees a valuable offer.

Therefore, it would be a sin not to use it, especially if you really have good idea which the client will like.

The magnet on top is based on this “stash”. In short, when purchasing for 3,400 rubles, you will need to offer the client to purchase up to 4,000 rubles so that he receives, for example, a discount card of your company. Along with a discount card, there may be an additional product or service.

For example, I was recently offered to buy only 800 rubles more and I would receive a bottle of branded perfume (of my choice) as a gift.

The result of the purchase is that I have a new perfume. So implement it. This technology for increasing the average bill is described in more detail in the article.

Promotional products

This method is ideal for retail stores. And perhaps you have even seen it in large chain stores such as Zara, H&M, Ikea and many others. Or maybe they even fell for it. We got it right.

The idea is simple - at special points there are baskets with promotional products (towels with a 90% discount, etc.).

Because the price is very attractive, people buy this product even though they had no intention of doing so.

Please note the difference from cross-sell. In that case, we were talking about a regular upsell to the main product.

IN in this case we are talking about selling a product that may have nothing to do with the main purchase. This is a cardinal difference.

Some people call it a sale, but in my opinion, it’s just a properly placed promotional item, because a sale is a purposeful action in trading that needs to be prepared for a long time and carefully (if you want it to be profitable).

You can implement the same thing in services by placing a promotional offer on marketing materials. Or by issuing a ready-made sales script for your managers.

Payment Methods

The average bill can be increased not only by interesting and unusual ideas. Everything could be much simpler. And our practice shows that by working with payment types, you can also achieve increased sales growth. We are studying.

TO redits

If you have goods from the expensive segment, then I highly recommend agreeing on a partnership with a bank so that it can issue loans to clients of your business on favorable terms.

Customers are more willing to take out a loan for a product they like than to save their own funds for it.

In bad situations, customers simply refuse to buy, believing that they don’t need it or can’t afford it. Therefore, let clients get credit.

AND kind request– do everything possible to make the loan process comfortable. Guide the client from A to Z. Don’t leave him with the words “Try it. If it works, come back.” This strategy fails, we tried it.

B cash payment

What if the purchase is unplanned and you don’t have any cash with you? Or do I only have credit card, and the money won’t come soon? And there are many such examples.

I understand the desire of owners to receive money in cash. Some people don’t want to pay % to the bank for transactions. Some people don’t want to show their income to the tax authorities.

But if this prevents you from earning extra money, then what is the point of saving? Miser pays twice. But the choice is always yours.

By the way, now some companies, on the contrary, attract customers to pay only by card. This is done in order to attract customers who pay via credit card.

And also large businesses have an agreement to lower rates when paying by card. Such promotions for card payments are now not uncommon in completely different areas.

Example of a promotion when paying by card

Installment plan

Interest-free installment plan from your company for a product or service for a client. Exactly from YOUR company. And not from the bank. Scary?

All owners are afraid of such installments. Why are they afraid? They think they will never see their money again. The fact that you will have to knock them out.

There is good news - the non-return rate is very small and rarely exceeds 10-15% (and this is the maximum). We worked with different niches that provide similar installment plans and in all cases we saw a positive result.

Even if you simply “forget” about non-payment, then as a result you will be in the black, since the company’s turnover will increase.

There is only one result - installment plans increase the opportunity to buy from you and at the same time the percentage of non-return is low. But if you are still afraid, then here is a small life hack for you: raise prices for installments by 5-10% and protect yourself, and it will still be much more profitable than any loan.

Additional options

But this method will be simply ideal for all businesses, especially for those that complain that they can’t sell anything else in their field. This can happen either due to a small assortment, or due to the fact that the client has already bought everything.

Let's imagine a situation: you are installing plastic windows and you have very cheap prices for this service due to constant competitors.

What, in this case, can you offer customers, for which they will be willing to give you money?

  1. Fast production. Standard – 7 days, express – 3 days;
  2. Individual production. Standard view– 5,000 rubles. IN individual design– 10,000 rubles;
  3. Additional guarantee. Standard – 1 year, another 2 years for money (example – M-video);
  4. Installment payment. For cash – 20,000 rubles. With installments for 6 months – 24,000 rubles;
  5. Additional service. Once a month, your master will come, tighten all the bolts and lubricate all the joints;
  6. etc..

You need to think about what this might be in your case, what other services you can offer the client.

“Additional warranty” is suitable for almost all businesses; from our experience, it brings a lot of net profit if the product is of high quality. But, as you can see from the example above, there can be a lot of ideas.

Price line

It will be extremely difficult for you to increase the average check in a store if you only have one price range.

I’m not even talking about the fact that you will also lose a significant part of buyers, since people are now accustomed to choosing. And to confirm this, my video about it:

Therefore, to increase the average check in a store, you need to introduce products with different pricing policies.

This does not necessarily mean that you need to go down to economy or go up to the VIP segment. These goods and services must be in your price range.

In addition to increasing the average check, when creating a price line, you get other advantages that you didn’t even think about initially. Pay special attention to point two:

  • Anyone who has already bought from you is more likely to purchase expensive products because they trust you;
  • Compared to expensive products, cheap ones will seem more accessible and people will be more willing to purchase them.

We all belong to this category of people, the only difference is that everyone reacts this way to different numbers.

Briefly about the main thing

As you can see, there are many ways to increase the average check. Only in this article I wrote several that can be applied in any business - retail, services and b2b.

But how do you know what exactly will work in your business? There’s no way other than implementing what you liked. Or better yet, all at once. Then your average bill will inevitably increase.

Without working with it, you lose up to 30% of your profits. Of course, this is not the doubling that all marketing agencies are talking about. But you and I know that the result consists of such small and targeted actions.


In other words, if store sales amount for a period, divided by the number of customers (checks) in this period (for example, 1 month) - we get the average arithmetic sum check. This is the amount that the average customer leaves in your store.

I must say that this is the simplest formula for calculating the average bill. You can also calculate the average check as a weighted average, you can add to this formula the values ​​of the service coefficient, as well as the percentage of the number of people who bought from all those who just came in to take a look... But today we will leave the science of forecasting and data analysis to applied mathematicians. Let us only note that this indicator is not the only value that allows one to judge the efficiency of trade and personnel. There are a number of other indicators that allow you to evaluate the performance of a store and its growth potential (conversion or service rate, salesperson performance, etc.). But about them next time. Our task today is to consider how we can influence average check size store in the direction of increase.

For limited service restaurants

Now divide your estimated annual sales by square feet. See where they fit in the results below. If you fall into the lower category for your restaurant type, you can look at your menu and overall plan for your restaurant in the first year and adjust accordingly.

Height retail business requires expansion: expansion in terms of increasing the number of stores in stores or increasing the number of customers in a store. But there are several other ways to increase profits, although many of them are often ignored by most retail store owners. While you should be looking at total sales, cost of goods sold and overhead, having tabs in the following retail metrics will ensure that you are monitoring other elements of your business that will ultimately impact your bottom line.

2. To properly organize in-store loyalty programs. For example, when a store owner wants to implement system of cumulative discounts, bonuses or promotions, which the Torgsoft program offers. We are often asked: “For what amount is it better to issue a discount card?”; “What amount can you start giving a discount from? What is the percentage of the discount?”, “What amount should the promotion start from?” For each store, the answers will be individual, and many questions can be answered by the average receipt.

Sell ​​“First-Best-Price” Position

We have classified these indicators into two parts: the revenue side and the cost side, based on their impact on either of the two. Tracking the number of visitors to your store is a basic metric that every retailer should accurately track. Whether it's a shopping season, a new store location, a new display window design, or a loyalty program you recently launched, the steps will help you understand what's working and what needs to be improved. Once you know your steps, it's important to track whether they're generating dollars for your business.

3. And finally, to increase store revenue! Analyzing not only the size, but also the composition of the average check, you can understand what is more profitable: selling 3 large crayfish for 5 rubles, or 5 small crayfish for 3 rubles...or maybe reduce the price of large crayfish and sell them in larger quantities?.. .

Why increase the average check?

Naturally we want increase store revenue. Let's theoretically estimate how this can be done:

1. Raise prices: increase the markup, or bring in a more expensive assortment. It’s good if you have a product that is unique to the entire area. In life, not everything is so simple - there are competitors around, but just like that! - and changing the assortment or pricing principles is not a matter of one day. All of these can be seen as strategic opportunities.

2. “Catch up” with more visitors. In law large numbers, and there will be more purchases;

3. Make it so that out of those who simply entered the store, there were more people who bought;

4 . Achieve to the buyer left more money for one purchase. That is, so that the average bill becomes larger!

Ideally, it’s a good idea to use all these methods in combination; each of the tasks deserves an article.

Of the four given ways to increase store revenue, increasing the average check seems to be the most feasible, because allows you to take action today, without changing key aspects of the store as a whole. This is the first.

You may have heard it before: happy employees lead to happy customers, which means a thriving business! But employee attrition is highly counterproductive to this equation. Recruiting and training a new employee costs enormous resources in terms of money and time, although retaining an existing employee is usually much cheaper.

Here are some additional disadvantages of losing an employee. It may take a new employee several months to several years to reach the same level of productivity as an existing employee. Service Quality - Customer service suffers due to mistakes made by new employees. Loss of Personal Touch - Especially in the case of smaller retail stores, employees hold the key to healthy one-to-one relationships with customers. Influences culture. Other employees who see turnover around them often lose productivity and may even re-evaluate their plans to continue.

  • Abridged edition.
  • Therefore, the loss of an employee can lead to the loss of clients!
There are inventory costs for inventory that remains unsold on the shelves.

Secondly, working on the average bill is profitable: the costs of attracting buyers to the store remain the same, but revenue grows. Just like the turnover of goods is growing. Third, it pays off in the long run. According to research, a person’s loyalty to a store (establishment) is higher, the more money he left there.

Before the recession, small retailers rarely felt pressure to achieve operational efficiency. At the time, sales performance more than compensated for such operational inefficiencies. The economic downturn has become a wake-up call for small businesses. When everyone thinks about big data in retail, you have to believe that tracking these metrics will go a long way to ensuring the sustainable success of your store. What retail metric do you use to track your store?

How to increase the average check?

Let's break this task down into 3 simpler subtasks. The purchase amount will be larger if a person:

a) bought a lot of different goods in your store,
b) bought the same product, but in larger quantities;
c) bought a more expensive product (more precisely, a product with a more favorable markup for you).

There are two universal methods of increasing sales - pre-selling a product (up-sell) and selling related products to the main product (cross-sell). These techniques are so accessible that they can be used in almost any store. Because offering more is the easiest way to increase sales without spending almost anything. The main thing is to know what and how to offer.

Determining the average bill

Achieve your goals faster and with fewer clients, increasing your average transaction value. Growing your business by increasing the number of clients, like most businesses, is the most expensive, demanding and time-consuming option available to you. The cost of selling them is no longer significant in comparison.

Bonus - trading engine

Increasing both the number of clients and the average amount each client spends on each transaction they make with you, using some of the methods listed here is the fastest and easiest shortcut to achieving your goals.


Let's start with an example. There is a pharmacy near my house. It employs an elderly pharmacist, who has absolutely simple sales increase technique. After the buyer has announced the list of medications and the check has almost been cleared, she will definitely carefully (this is important) ask: “Is Citramon in stock?”, or “Now the weather is changing, do you have medications for blood pressure?”... I admire her every time ingenuity and insight! She will definitely offer something sympathetically, and always on topic: vitamins and tinctures for immunity during colds, baby teas for young mothers, “anti-hangover” during the holidays...

Offering added value or a better deal right at the point of sale, when your customers are most receptive, is one of the easiest and most effective ways to instantly increase the size and profitability of your sales. Cross-selling gets your customers to buy an additional product or service that will give them a superior result. Packaging products or services.

A combination of a group of individually desired products or services that naturally complement each other and offer a complete package for one fixed price that provides almost insurmountable value to your customers, compared to purchasing the components separately. This can significantly increase your profit margin and also allow you to sell complete solutions that lock the customer into using those products. It's definitely a win-win situation for both you and your clients.

That's right! In order for the buyer to purchase as many products as possible in your store, you need to offer related products (or services) in addition to the main product correctly and in a timely manner.

Don't worry that your offers will irritate or seem intrusive to the buyer. If everything is thought out, most buyers will appreciate that the seller cares about his customers and is involved. For example, simply offer the buyer an item of a similar style, saying: “Look at this pendant for the earrings that you liked.” Or “Try this bolero on, it looks good with this dress.” If the client hesitates, you can make him a special request. an offer, for example, to give a discount (“When you buy this and that, we have a discount on that.”

They get a simplified purchasing process and a discount on the complete solution, while you increase sales and can often own your market. This method has changed the fate of many organizations. Offer larger purchasing units. Increasing your size minimum unit shopping is a powerful and remarkably simple way to increase your average transaction value. If people buy one week's supply, you can offer them monthly, quarterly or annual consumption units at an attractive and competitive price.

Tactical ways to increase the average check

Your customers will appreciate the added value, huge savings and added convenience of buying in bulk, while your average unit of sale will be significantly increased and you will also keep your customers locked in for longer. As an added bonus, many people who were turning down the offer and would never have bought in the first place will now buy your smaller units.

How to use:

1. Observe and figure out what a person wants from purchasing a product, and what will more fully allow the buyer to realize his expectations.

2. Find products (this could also be services) that will complement the solution the customer came for. Think about combinations and combinations of such products and convenient situations in advance. To use this technique, you must have the right assortment structure and upsell products.

Increase your prices and profits. There is no law that says your product or service must be a commodity that is simply purchased on price. People will be willing to pay more for most products or services if they perceive it to be more valuable. The more distinctive your product or service is, and the better you educate your customers, the more valuable your market will be. Increasing your prices usually means you can afford to serve your customers better, work with them better, include additional products or services in the transaction, and do more than your competitors.

3. Offer useful additions to the main product. Please note that the offer must be justified (price, convenience of purchasing in one place, saving time, etc.).

The main thing here is to really try to benefit each individual customer.


Upselling encourages us to buy more goods than planned. Typically, such incentives are achieved using the “Cheaper by the Wholesale” principle. Or any other tempting offer that promises benefits when purchasing a “Large package”, “3 for the price of 2”, “Year subscription”, “Cheaper in a set”, “Discount from 1000 UAH”, “Free delivery when purchasing from …" etc.

This will allow you and your business to share favorably in the eyes and minds of your customers and allow you to charge what you are truly worth. Market positioning. If you are good at what you do, promoting your products or services, raising the profile and positioning of your business to a higher level of distinction or quality than your competition can significantly improve your business. By repackaging your product or service to appeal to more sophisticated or wealthy buyers in some parts of the market other than those you currently serve, you can often command higher prices in the market and leave behind the type of business that gives you all your head pain.

Two important points. The technique will work if, when purchasing a larger quantity, the price per unit of goods will be lower. And second: the proposal must be adequate and correspond to the realities of life. That is: you would rather buy 4 packs of yogurt for the price of 3x than 16 packs for the price of 12x, right?

Yes, such promotions apply to goods that are stale or whose expiration dates are running out. But even without these conditions, you can successfully use the upselling method. The main thing is to think: how to shift the buyer’s attention from the thoughts “Why do I need so much” to thoughts about benefits.

The more you improve your market positioning, the more your existing customers are likely to respect and appreciate what you do, often leading to even greater loyalty and referrals. Providing additional products or services to each customer right at the point of sale is one of the simplest, most immediate and predictable methods for increasing average unit sales. You can attract their attention by showing "impulse" items, or by using signs, literature and displays.

You can also offer attractive deals at trade shows or seminars, or offer incentives for first-time sales. This can significantly increase your profit per transaction without additional time, effort or additional costs.

How to use:

1. Think about how many units (kilograms, packs) of a product or service will be useful to your circle of customers in situations caused by events in social life, weather conditions, work, etc.?

2. How much can your customer buy? For each store and product, the answers will be different: from “how much can he carry in his hands” - for a home goods store, to “if every schoolgirl brings a friend, then they can buy 2 pairs of jeans between the two of them...” - for a youth clothing store.

Increase horizontal penetration. If your customers are not aware of the full range of products or services you offer, they are also unlikely to think of you when they have a problem that could be solved by your product or service. Training them to use the full range of products and services using a simple yet powerful matrix will immediately allow you to focus on penetrating each of your products or services into your existing customer base. It will also identify any opportunities to increase the penetration of your product or service, for strategic alliance opportunities, to block your competitors and increase both your average unit sold and your profits.

3. Calculate how much you can reduce the price per unit of goods so that it is beneficial for both you and your buyer?

4. Having come up with several options for promotions and special offers, test them to find the most effective ones. Enter the goods and terms of the promotion into the Torgsoft program, and when selling, the seller will no longer decide on a discount and calculate the price - the program will determine everything automatically.

What about specific methods for increasing the average check?

It is obvious that despite the universal ways to increase sales(average bill), each store will have its own techniques. Depending on the assortment, product, external environment (holidays, fashion, trends), time of year, area... By combining competent merchandising, assortment, sales techniques, service standards, you can achieve a significant increase in sales!

. Show to buyers ready-made solutions, harmonious combinations of your products, a finished look of the set. For example, in a clothing store, these are things that create a complete image on a mannequin, including clothes and accessories (scarves, belts, glasses, etc.). A furniture set complemented by decorative items. Uniform style in a plumbing store. In addition to the purpose of selling additional items, ready-made compositions themselves greatly increase the chances of a purchase at all;

. Use the principle of completeness. Many household items have additions. Special dishes for the microwave. Cream - for shoes. Hat for scarf. Wallet to bag. Light bulb - to the lamp. There is a tablecloth at the table. And there are many such options. As an experiment, change the display of goods, teach sellers to prompt and remind customers which products can functionally complement each other. Prompt with posters or signs “They often buy something with this product.”

Also, many devices and things require consumables, care or protective products, fittings or accessories, or simply “gadgets”. For example, in household appliances and electronics stores - cords, cables, connectors, cases and bags, memory cards, stands, spare light bulbs and batteries...

. For online stores There are a lot of possibilities in this regard. Display your 3-5 most popular products in a prominent place. Show off new products. Display products that are purchased along with the product you are viewing. The system can track what a person put in the cart last time and offer to repeat or purchase additional items on the topic. Set up an automatic discount offer when you reach a certain amount.

. Offer gift certificates or cards. This way, you can make fairly large sales to business buyers in your area. Firms, organizations and teams are often puzzled by buying gifts for employees, colleagues or corporate events.

Give opportunity pay by bank card. This way, buyers tend to spend more than with cash payments. For goods that are purchased unplanned, this is perhaps one of the decisive ways not to miss random client without the required amount of cash. (The program provides for accounting of non-cash sales).

. Easy return or exchange of goods. If the buyer knows that he can exchange the product if something happens, or even take the product to try on, then he decides to buy more easily and has less doubts. Of course, the exchange or return process requires more careful consideration from the store owner. approach to product accounting and issuing sales receipts to customers. But the costs are paid off thanks to increased sales. In the Torgsoft program, you can print a sales receipt automatically for each sale. The receipt contains a barcode, after scanning which the seller sees the composition and amount of the purchase, and can return selected items to the store.

Offer obviously more goods, counting on the fact that the buyer will not waste time on trifles. Rolls out in grocery stores and markets (“Will you take one hundred kilos (instead of 1 kg?”); “I don’t have change, let me weigh it for ten”) and the like. Giving goods “for change” is the same thing, the main thing is not to overdo it.

. Inexpensive, small items at the checkout. Seduces with availability, reminds customers what they forgot to buy.

. Create a buzz.“Last time this season. Quantity is limited!"; "Limited Collection"; “NO more than three packs per hand,” etc.

Offer paid gift wrapping ahead of the holidays.

. Focus on more expensive products. Can your salespeople immediately name the benefits of the most expensive items? Do they have the skills to “sell the price” and sales techniques in general?

Conduct promotions or create purchase conditions on the topic “collect this amount and get a bonus (prize, discount on your next purchase, free shipping).

Organize efficient service process: consultations, availability of readable price tags, ordering goods, delivery to the sales floor, shipment, payment at the checkout. As few queues as possible, as much accuracy as possible in the work of sellers. In this matter, it will be an indispensable help store automation.

. Consider a motivation system for sellers. Have you noticed that when the store owner himself is on the sales floor, the average check these days increases and trade goes better? If this is your case, it means that the store’s motivation system for salespeople is not working well enough. Now the Torgsoft program allows you to calculate the individual profit of each seller and maintain a system of additional payments, take into account the efficiency of the “teams” of sellers, calculate the rating of each employee based on his personal sales results for the period, incentives and fines, and other issues related to the calculation of an employee’s salary.

Main secrets for success

1. Offer a related or additional product It is necessary when the buyer has already made a decision to purchase the product he came for or chose. When he is ready to pay, you offer him something else, less expensive, but also useful or profitable. After making a decision to buy, it is much easier to sell to a person in advance than offering it right away and risking being in a “buy something” situation.

2. Every sales technique you use must add value. for your buyer - direct or indirect. It is important. Because only with this approach you will get more money. And convey this to your sellers. Otherwise, the mindset of stupidly adhering to the sales plan (or up-sales plan) will turn your store into an establishment with a bad reputation, where “they just want to sell”, “they stupidly push things in”, “obsessive sales people”, etc. Don't try to sell something a person doesn't need. Don't go too far! Otherwise... they may make the purchase, but the residue will remain.

An example from life. We are sitting in a kebab shop. We ask the waitress to bring a cup of ground natural coffee(I can’t drink instant). They bring coffee, I take a sip and realize that it is instant. In response to the remark, the waitress explains: “We don’t have ground…”. Well, why didn’t she say this right away, you ask?!

3. Don't be afraid to seem intrusive! Be professional and caring. Offering an additional product will definitely work, even if not every second, but every fifth will definitely buy something additional. Checked!

Encourage sellers to approach the process mentally and creatively, supervise and lead by example.

Good luck with your decisions and great sales!

Average check– is one of the sales. The average check can be calculated by dividing turnover by the number of checks. Naturally, the higher the average check, the better for the trading organization and it should be aimed at increasing this indicator. Average check, traffic and conversion are the main indicators in retail and you need to constantly work on increasing them.

How to increase your average check

Average check can be increased in two ways: by increasing the number of goods in the receipt and by increasing the average cost of one product. The average cost of one product is turnover divided by the number of products. The average purchase price can vary greatly depending on the geography of the store and the positioning of the outlet (economy or premium segment stores). But in general, this is an indicator that can be influenced.

You can increase the average cost of one product in the following ways:

  1. Train sellers in selling expensive goods. Naturally, the buyer always wants to buy cheaper; this is a normal and natural desire for everyone. Managers of a trading organization must not only sell expensive goods, but also conduct training on expensive goods; sellers must know where the expensive goods are located. Naturally, sellers must be good at selling expensive goods. And it is especially important to teach about expensive goods and conduct a high-quality presentation of the product.
  2. Thoughtful merchandising. In general, all technologies have been known for a long time, I will list only the main ones: the product line should be displayed in price from expensive to cheap, expensive goods should be displayed at the ends and in priority places, expensive goods should always be clean and neatly displayed.
  3. Naturally, expensive goods are bought by wealthy people and such people need to be attracted to the store purposefully. For example, the average bill in areas where wealthier people live is usually higher, from 30% to 50%. But you can attract wealthy people through advertising in the media and building a high-quality service.

For expensive goods, as a rule, the markup is much higher than for advertising items that are aimed at attracting customers. Therefore, the store’s policy for selling expensive goods must be thoughtful.

As stated above, we can also increase the average check by filling your shopping cart. Any store needs to ensure that the client buys not just one product, but as many as possible. Large retail chains are doing everything to increase the number of goods on a receipt, and to see all the tools, just go to any one. Let us describe the main ways to increase the number of goods in a receipt:

  1. Correct use of "golden meters". The golden meters of a store are considered to be the pre-checkout area. Here you need to place small products that are in constant demand. The pre-checkout area must be replenished with goods on time and kept clean and tidy. Very often the cashier is responsible for the order at the cash register.
  2. Display of seasonal goods at the entrance. The island slides at the entrance are always filled with seasonal or heavily discounted items to attract the attention of all customers.
  3. Decoration of the ends. Products on the ends sell out much better; the most popular products from the main line or discounted items can be placed here.
  4. Arrangement of goods according to the degree of need. The most necessary product, for which the client came, should be located at the end of the store, and while you are going to it, you will walk through the entire store and definitely become interested in whatever.
  5. Cross-merchandising. Cross-merchandising is the correct placement of related products. A related product is an addition to the main one (chips for beer, powder for a washing machine, etc.)
  6. sales of accessories. Sellers, as a rule, sell goods that require advice, and you can always sell many useful accessories for them.
  7. Good navigation around the store and transparency of the hall. The client must always find what he is looking for. Therefore, the display of goods should be logical, and the sales area should be visible. Posters and signs should help with navigation.
  8. Using cashiers for sales. Cashiers can upsell hot items very effectively. And many networks use this.

Motivating employees to increase the average bill

Very often, the financial motivation of sellers is tied to the size of the average check. has shown its effectiveness, and sellers should be interested in selling expensive goods and accessories. In many sales organizations, about 70% of the bonus comes from these indicators of the seller’s performance.

But many managers forget that among them there is also. You should recognize the best sellers at meetings in front of the rest of the team; motivation for recognition is often much more effective than any money.

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