Which profile is better to choose plastic windows from? Characteristics and types of window profiles Normal profile for a plastic window

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Profile selection is not the same simple task, as it may seem. The question is, which profile to choose for plastic windows? , quite relevant. Exists a large number of options. Range of materials for construction market very large, so without precise knowledge of the profile features it is easy to get confused. You can choose not only among dozens of manufacturers, but also among hundreds of models produced by one company.

What to look for when choosing a profile

The profile for plastic windows is one of the most popular. Every self-respecting company produces products from it. It is worth noting that most import companies have their production in Russia.

Each window consists of glass, double-glazed windows, profile systems, and fittings. The profile inside is empty. There should only be partitions inside, creating separate chambers that are filled with air; Some manufacturers make the structure airtight and pump nitrogen into it. It is believed that such a window profile will better retain heat in the room, and the glass will not fog up.

The number of chambers, no matter what they are filled with, affects the profile’s ability to retain heat - the more there are, the warmer the material. In Russia, designs with 3-5 chambers are most often used, with a profile thickness of 60 mm. This material is relatively inexpensive and can withstand severe frosts.

The note: Manufacturers achieve a variety of colors by heating a special film onto products. It cannot be peeled off. No fading or blistering will occur over time.

Selection of profile and glass design

From quality PVC depends on how long the product will last, how it will cope with weather conditions, how attractive it will be appearance. The best windows PVC must meet GOST standards and have the necessary certification.

In fact, there is no particular difference which company produces the product. In order for the structure to have sufficient rigidity, reinforcement is carried out. Steel is used for this. The core made of it has the shape of the letter P, or can be a closed oval with a square cross-section. The window profile in this case will be a little more expensive, as it has increased strength.

The double-glazed window is a sealed structure. It may include a different number of glasses. Usually there are two or three. There may be inert gas or rarefied air between the glasses if the design option is cheaper. The number of chambers of a double-glazed window is calculated relative to the free air spaces: if there are two glasses, the double-glazed window is single-chamber, if there are three, it is double-chambered. There are products with five chambers, but they are quite rare.

Double-glazed windows can differ in thickness: the thicker it is, the heavier the product, but the higher its ability to insulate noise. The minimum thickness of quality glass is 4 mm.

There is energy-saving glass: the peculiarity is that, with a relatively small thickness and weight, the double-glazed window has high insulating properties and can replace a three-chamber double-glazed window, surpassing it twice in quality. The price for such a product is slightly higher.

It is worth noting the reduced weight of such a window, which is quite important if the wall structure has a weight limit. The fittings will also experience less stress and will be able to work longer without replacement.

When choosing plastic windows, the profile must be considered first, but it is also worth taking a closer look at the glass itself. There is a wide variety of glasses that differ from each other in technical characteristics and cost. For example, there are reflective glasses - they can protect the room from excessive sunlight, make it cooler. There are extra-strength glasses, and if you have children, it makes sense to install just the right kind so that they don’t accidentally break. High-strength or mirror glass is also suitable for residents of the first floors. Such material will not only protect the window from mechanical damage, but will also save you from prying eyes.

, no matter how high-quality they are, they will not be able to last long without good fittings, because it determines what functions the window will have, how it will open, and how tightly it will close. Any window includes at least 20 parts of the mechanism. From 15 to 20% of the cost of a window is the price of fittings. It is better to entrust its selection to a professional, since it is important that the fittings not only fit in size, but are also strong enough relative to the size of the structure.

Window profiles last a long time, and over the period of their existence the sash endures at least 50 thousand openings. The fittings must be able to withstand such loads without problems.

Choosing a plastic window manufacturer

There are quite a few companies producing plastic windows on the market. The most popular brands are:

  • Rehau;
  • Novotex;
  • Veko.

Each of them has its own distinctive features. Rehau is considered a leading manufacturer whose quality is looked up to. The products are carefully checked at the factory and have high performance characteristics. The average price for products is from 6 thousand.

Veko is a company of German origin. Products can be recognized by their perfectly smooth, clean plastic white. profile reinforcement is always closed. The plastic is 3 mm thick, and each bead has a company logo. Average price is from 7.5 thousand rubles.

KVE is also a German brand. In Russia it is very popular. The range of products is very wide - from one- to five-chamber structures of any size and type. Prices start from 5 thousand rubles.

Novotex- a domestic company. It produces high-quality plastic using KVE-Etalon technology. Specifications are not inferior to European ones, but the average price for products starts from 3.5 thousand rubles.

Thinking about which window profile to choose , it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of your region. If cold weather prevails, it is better to purchase a thicker glass unit. If your place is relatively warm in winter, then there is no point in overpaying.

Everyone bases their choice of manufacturer mainly on the cost of the product of interest and trust in a particular brand. The companies listed above produce products of similar quality, which can be equipped with different accessories, due to which the cost can be higher or lower.

Profile classification

You can find profiles of various classes on sale, most often these are A and B. Let’s consider this issue in more detail so that it is clear what this means.

  • “A” class includes products whose outer wall has an additional thickening. This extends to doors as well. Such products have a RAL certificate.
  • Class “B” includes a lightweight profile; it has a thinner outer wall.

As you can see, these types of products are distinguished by strength and weight, but not by quality.

Class B is slightly cheaper, however, when choosing profile types for plastic windows , take into account the characteristics of your structure and the climate of your region.

Class B profile is well suited for glazing unheated balconies and loggias; its installation is relevant for summer houses, since this product is small in thickness and is not capable of retaining heat in the room efficiently. The sound insulation will be worse, but such a design will be able to protect from rain and wind. Its light weight is also important.

Which profiles are most often chosen?

Many buyers believe that the thicker the window, the better, since it is more reliable. But is it? Let's try to figure it out!

  • Classic, 58 mm wide.
  • 60 mm, used on large construction sites.
  • 70-80 mm, most often found in high-rise buildings.
  • 90 mm – reinforced.

58 mm - this was the width that the wooden windows. After the appearance of plastic analogues, according to tradition, the width did not change. It is sufficient to ensure that the structure is sufficiently warm and durable and well insulates noise from the street. This profile is universal for any climate. With the right manufacturing technology, such a window is suitable for installation in any type of building on any floor. It is not very heavy, but has high strength.

The profile thickness of 60 mm is mainly an advertising gimmick, and products with it are not much different from those presented above.

70-80 mm already has significant differences from other models. It is able to better isolate sound and does a good job of retaining heat indoors. Most often this profile is used by residents middle zone Russia, since the winters there are more severe than, for example, in the southern part of the country. .

90 mm: this design appeared relatively recently. Has high strength and good sound and thermal insulation properties. This profile effectively saves energy heating devices, however, it has a large mass and is not suitable for all types of residential buildings.

The difference begins to appear after a few years (sometimes within a year), when the frame and sashes become deformed - they are difficult to open and close, there is wind from the street, condensation appears between the glass panes, and then black mold.

Therefore, it is very important to know the criteria to avoid fakes when choosing a profile for plastic windows.

Types of profiles and their classification

Main structural element The profile serves as a profile for the doors and frames. It determines not only the aesthetic perception of the window, but also its strength characteristics and service life. European standard EN 12608 SR and GOST 30673-99 profiles made of polyvinyl chloride are classified according to several parameters.

1. Thickness of outer walls. The profile is a closed hollow structure with a system of partitions inside. All the main components depend on the thickness of the walls that form the structure. consumer properties windows: cost, strength and durability.

The European standard distinguishes the internal and external walls of a plastic profile. The internal ones include all the outer walls of the profile that are invisible to the eye in an already installed window. From the first definition it logically follows that the outer (outer) walls are the front walls of the window and are visible both from inside the room and from the street (see photo).

Depending on the thickness of polyvinyl chloride in the external and internal walls, three classes of profiles are distinguished (in this regard Russian standard more rigid):

  • "A"— the thickness of the external walls is >= 2.8 mm, the internal ones >= 2.5 mm according to the European standard (minimum 3.0 mm at the outer wall according to GOST), which ensures high level window strength, best heat and sound insulation;
  • "IN"— the outer walls have a thickness of 2.5 mm, the inner walls have a thickness of 2.0 mm (in line with GOST). A profile of this class retains heat 10-15% worse, is 12-17% less resistant to various types of deformation, and blocks street noise 10-20% worse;
  • "WITH"— the European standard and GOST do not impose certain requirements for this class of profile. It is mainly used to make windows for non-industrial facilities. A number of companies, meeting the requirements of one of the parameters of class B, which is important, make economy class windows for the population (in general, this is a class C profile).

Unscrupulous window installers, focusing on low price, persuade customers to install an “object” profile (class C, not a single parameter corresponds to classes A and B), intended for non-residential premises(in fact, the price is almost twice as high as the real one, but significantly lower than the cost of profile B).

Such windows do not retain heat and quickly become deformed. It is visually difficult to distinguish such a profile from a standard one (class B or A) - measurements with a caliper are required. The inscriptions on the profile can also help determine the quality of the proposed profile. protective film"object".

Attention: only if both parameters meet the requirements of the standard, the profile belongs to a certain class, which must be confirmed by the corresponding certificate. Without presenting documents confirming quality, it is better to refuse the transaction.

It is easier for consumers who understand profile classes to decide which plastic to choose for their windows.

2. By temperature zones. In Europe and Asia there are countries with very hot, temperate and cold climates. Window manufacturers took the current situation into account and produced their own line of products for each zone. In Europe it is tied to the hottest month of the year, in Russia - to January.

Depending on the average temperature in January, the profiles produced may be:

  • lightweight version - for countries with hot climates, where the average temperature of the coldest month remains positive (must withstand short-term temperature drops down to -5 degrees Celsius);
  • standard version - for zone temperate climate with an average temperature of -20 o C in January (the maximum permissible negative temperature is -45 degrees Celsius);
  • frost-resistant - for Far North, where the temperature drops to minus 55 degrees Celsius.

The last two types are mass produced in Russia. Lightweight windows are produced only by the Russian company “Krauss” (Krasnodar) - they cover the entire south of Russia.

3. According to impact resistance, the profile is divided into class I and class II. Class I PVC must withstand the fall of a special striker weighing 1.0 kg from a height of 1.0 m at a plastic temperature of minus 10 degrees Celsius. For class II, the fall height is increased to 1.5 m.

This classification allows you to determine how correctly located internal partitions(they counteract the deflection of the outer walls into the structure under mechanical stress) and how plastic reacts to lower temperatures (everyone knows the property of plastics to become brittle in severe frosts).

Consumer properties of profiles that you need to pay attention to

Which profile to choose for PVC windows so that it is warm, quiet, airtight, inaccessible to burglary and, at the same time, not to contact scammers? The main characteristics will help with this.

System width

The first indicator you should pay attention to is the width of the profile structure. It depends on it how warm and cozy it will be in the apartment or wooden house. For consumers who are encountering plastic windows for the first time, it is difficult to understand how the width of the frame and sash affect the comfort in the room. Let's try to explain.

A double-glazed window is installed in the window sash, which consists of several glasses fixed around the perimeter with a PVC profile frame. The air pockets between the glasses are called chambers. In standard windows, there is simply air in them; in the “Premium” segment, inert gas is pumped into the chambers to improve all the characteristics of the double-glazed window.

From school physics lessons we know that air is a poor conductor of heat, and glass with an air pocket is a poor conductor of sound. Therefore, the more cameras in a double-glazed window and, consequently, the number of glasses, the more comfortable it is to stay in the room. Window manufacturers mainly offer classic version profile width is 58 mm, allowing the installation of single-chamber windows. For two cameras a minimum of 70mm is required.

For the regions of the Far North with their extreme temperatures Windows with three or even four chambers are offered. But this requires an appropriate profile width: 90 mm for 3 chambers, 110-120 mm for 4. This type products belong to the “Premium” class. Because of heavy weight It is not recommended to install such windows on balconies and loggias.

Profile width.

Number of profile cameras

The window design has two units with cameras. One is a double-glazed window, which is discussed above. The second is the profile itself. The profile is hollow. To create structural strength, fasten fittings and increase the level of heat and sound insulation, there are partitions inside the profile. The hollow volumes created by them are called chambers. The more there are, the better the performance of the window. The location of the jumpers is calculated mathematically - each of them performs a specific function.

On sale you can find 3-chamber profiles (this is the minimum possible number of cameras) and 7-chamber profiles. The most popular ones are 5-chamber ones. They offer the best combination of price and quality.

It is difficult to check the quality of the samples offered by the company by the installer, but you can pay attention to the little things that will say a lot:

  • The company logo, date and place of manufacture applied to the protective tape will with a 90% probability confirm the origin of the product;

  • The surface texture will also help: for high-quality windows, the surface of the plastic should be perfectly smooth. Graininess indicates the Chinese origin of the product or Russian handicraft production;
  • The applied paint should be uniform in color and without streaks.

The market for plastic windows in Russia is opaque. But we have summarized the information obtained from the Internet and telephone surveys and present to the user a rating of plastic window brands available to Russian buyers. The following parameters were taken as a basis: market preferences of consumers in Russia, popularity among Internet users (based on the number of requests in search engines) and expert assessments.

Brief characteristics of brands

German profile Rehau

1. The confident leader of the Russian market of plastic windows is the German one. It was founded in 1948 and employs 15 thousand employees. The first representative office in Russia was opened in 1995, since 2002. – own production on the territory of the Russian Federation. It has held leadership in the Russian market for 6 years.

Represents 6 window profiles a wide variety of characteristics - both quite budget-friendly prices and elite class. The number of cameras is from 3 to 6, there is an option specifically for the conditions of the Russian North. Positioned as a supplier of environmentally friendly products. The number of queries in the Google search engine is 2.39 million.

You can learn about the principles of choosing PVC windows in the expert review “”
In order for the window to be convenient to use, the choice of fittings is no less important than the choice of profile. How to decide on this question, which one? - also read on our website.
If for any reason you are not satisfied with PVC profiles, read here: about glazing using aluminum profiles!

Windows with Veka profile

2. In second place is . Also of German origin. The company was founded in 1969. It is represented on the Russian market by 9 types of profiles, including unique ones five-chamber windows with an installation width of 104 mm TOPLINE PLUS.

Has two enterprises in Russia. The number of queries on the Google search engine is 402 thousand.

German KBE profile

3. belongs to the German concern Profine. It is represented on the Russian market in five modifications: from the quite budget “Engine” to the elite “Select”. Energy-saving spraying and argon filling of the chambers are used. PHOTO 4 “KBE Windows”

In terms of price, KBE windows are slightly (10-15%) inferior to Rehau, but the brand is also positioned as a symbol of environmentally friendly products. The number of queries on the Google search engine is 328 thousand.

4. " Samara window designs "- domestic brand. Better known as "" - 2.15 million requests in the Google search engine. It is represented by profiles of three series – SOK 3, SOK 4 and SOK 5 and their varieties. The number in the designation indicates the number of chambers in double-glazed windows. The windows comply with Russian and European standards.

Windows with German Salamander profile

5. Another German company is present on the Russian market with three modifications of window profiles: 2 D, 3 D and Streamline. The last profile has rounded outlines of the sash and frame.

The number of queries on Google is 177 thousand. The company’s products do not stand out as anything special, other than traditionally high German quality.

Deceuninck is another German brand of window profiles on the domestic market

6. The company owes its rapid rise in the plastic window market to its purchase in 2002. production facilities of Thyssen Polymer. The Russian market is represented by 5 varieties of window profiles with the number of chambers from 3 to 6. The product range includes, among other things, products intended for elite consumption.

Google for the request “Deceuninck plastic windows” produces only 63.8 thousand queries.

Windows with German Shuco profile

7. The peculiarity of the company, which ranks seventh in the ranking of window manufacturers, is that all its production is concentrated in Germany. Therefore, the products of this brand are recommended as products of the highest quality. It supplies the market with profiles of three series with installation depths of 60 mm, 70 mm and 82 mm (three-chamber and five-chamber double-glazed windows). Seven-chamber models of this brand are also known. All products in Russia are considered moderately priced or elite, or close to such.

The Google search engine gives 74.2 thousand requests for inquiries about this brand.

Plastic windows with Montblanc profile

8. Second Russian brand in the plastic window market – – occupies VIII place in the ranking. Although production is based on German equipment, the factories are located in Russia - in Elektrostal and Khabarovsk (as well as in Belarus - in Mogilev). On the market since 2001. It is presented in six modifications of profiles: three three-chamber, two five-chamber and one six-chamber. The quality meets European standards. The company's products are rather classified as economy class. The number of queries on Google is 85.9 thousand.

Plastic windows with Aluplast profile

9. The company is represented on the Russian market with six modifications of windows with the number of cameras from 3 to 6. It is positioned as a supplier of windows with increased burglary resistance. A subsidiary of the company operates in Russia. The Google search engine provides 94.2 thousand queries for entering this brand into the search bar.

Gealan profile for plastic windows

10. Closes the top ten of our rating. The company was founded in 1992 and is positioned as a supplier of smart windows, the design of which facilitates their installation and operation. It is presented on the market in ten profiles with the number of chambers in double-glazed windows from 3 to 6. Google gives 93 thousand requests for entering this brand into the search bar. 11. In 2013, the Korean company was ousted by European manufacturers from the top ten suppliers of plastic windows to the Russian market, but continues to retain strong positions. It is presented in three profiles - with the number of chambers 3, 5 and 6. Window production is located in China, but the promotion of the brand is well promoted by popularity household appliances LG. The main sales market in Russia is the Far East.

Plastic windows with Koemmerling profile

12. The brand of plastic windows, like KBE, belongs to the German concern Profine, although the company itself has existed since 1887. Initially specialized in the production of glue, it turned to window production only in 1957. The products belong to the premium class. On the Russian market, the brand is represented by two types of double-glazed windows, including the five-chamber Koemmerling Eurofutur. Google rating – 24.2 thousand queries.

Plastic windows with Trocal profile

13. Another brand belonging to the Profine concern - - was popular in the early 2000s. A feature of the products of this brand is increased structural rigidity. It is less susceptible to temperature deformation than others.

It is interesting to note that the brand is represented on the market not only by 3-5-chamber models, but also by 1-2-chamber models. Combined with reasonable prices, this maintains interest in Trokal windows in Moscow and in the cities of southern Russia.

Plastic windows with Proplex profile

14. Another domestic brand - created on the basis of Austrian technologies.

It is presented in three models – three-chamber “Optimum”, four-chamber “Comfort” and five-chamber “Premium”. The popularity of the brand is based on a developed retail system covering all of Russia and Belarus. However, the number of requests on Google for entering this brand is 80.2 thousand.

Plastic windows with Artec profile

15. Despite the fact that the German company has been producing plastic windows since 1995, it is less known in Russia than the brands of other German companies - market majors. Although it offers a fairly wide range of its products - 6 types of plastic windows with the number of cameras from 3 to 5. However, the matter can be fixed. Moreover, the brand’s search rating is high – 620 thousand requests for entering the brand into the search bar.

The company's peculiarity is that ARtec produces windows with a white seal.
in any branch of the company in Russia and the CIS countries.
The white seal is an excellent addition to ARtec windows with a white profile,
such as: ARtec CLASSIC, ARtec EVOLUTION,
as well as for the ARtec TS-60 door profile system.

Plastic windows with “Funke Kunstoffe” profile

16. Since 1962, the German company specialized in the supply of engineering structures from plastic glass. Currently, one of the company's divisions is engaged in the production of plastic windows. There are two types of profiles on the Russian market – three-chamber “Phoenix” and five-chamber “Helios”. But the profiles of the company “Fortuna” and “Delphi” are also known.

Plastic windows with PlusTec profile

17. The German brand was little known in Russia until 2010, but thanks to cooperation with the Ecoplast company, it is currently gaining popularity. The main trump card of the company is environmental friendliness. PlusTec windows are lead and cadmium free. And at the end of their service life, the profiles are 100% recycled and used for the manufacture of new products.

Plastic windows with Wintech profile

18. The strengthening of the position of the Turkish brand of plastic windows was facilitated by the launch of the Vintek Plastic plant in the Serpukhov district of the Moscow region, which produces up to 20 thousand tons of plastic structures per year. The products are presented on the market in three designs with 3, 4 and 5 chambers and are positioned as good combination prices and quality, and prices are in the “affordable range”.

Plastic windows with LGC profile

19. created in Ukraine based on Austrian technologies and German materials. The products are positioned as environmentally friendly. It occupies a strong position in Ukraine and is gaining more and more weight in Russia. Google search ranking – 2.42 million queries. Although the products are provided mainly by only one four-chamber profile. According to a number of sources, the company's portfolio is dominated by corporate customers. 20. The top twenty most popular is completed by the Slovak brand. On the plastic window market since 1994. Production in the city of Novac was established with the assistance of the Austrian company Greiner, which has experience in developing plastic windows for houses in the high Alps.

Plastic windows with Internova profile

A significant argument in favor of Internova windows is the slow destruction of plastic under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. To achieve this effect, the company has developed and patented an exclusive formulation of plastic additives, which is kept secret.

Plastic windows in the house free you from many problems. They make you feel warm and cozy. They are easy to wash. They serve for a long time - up to 40 years. And if you take the cost, then wooden ones with double-glazed windows are twice as expensive. The profile is the main detail in the window, so you need to choose it carefully.

main part plastic window— PVC profile. The basis of this material:

  • kitchen salt;
  • oil;

In addition, there are additives that improve the quality of plastic, in the form of:

  • stabilizers;
  • modifiers;
  • fillers.

A PVC profile for a plastic window is obtained by pressing the initial soft mixture through a special profiling mold with a given geometry.

Very important when comparing profiles of plastic windows, as well as the structure as a whole, is the coefficient that expresses the interdependence between the temperatures inside and outside on the plane of the window and the density heat flow which she misses. The relationship is inversely proportional: the coefficient increases - heat loss decreases. Unit of measurement: m2°C/W.

Key Feature

Products from different companies differ in the installation width of the profile of plastic windows, which is the main parameter of the profile. Most popular offers:

  • standard or classic - 5.8 cm;
  • added - 0.7 cm;
  • increased - 0.9 cm.

How thick is the profile?

The designs differ not only in width, but also in the thickness of the profile of plastic windows. For example: if we take GOST 30673-99 standard, it puts forward the following requirements:

  1. Class A:
  • along the outer wall - 3.0 mm;
  • on the inside - 2.5 mm.

2. Class B:

  • 2.5 mm, 2.0 mm respectively.

3. Class C:

  • both external and internal wall thicknesses are not standardized.

And in accordance with the RAL (Germany) standard, the outer wall should be 3.0 mm thick and the inner wall 2.5 mm. Tolerance - 0.2 mm in either direction. The European Industrial Standard for class A has the same requirements.

The concept of PVC profile rigidity for a plastic window

The window must withstand the following loads:

  • static;
  • dynamic.

Since the polyvinyl chloride, which is used to make the profile, is itself plastic, a reinforcing profile with a thickness of at least 1.5 mm is provided in the central chamber to impart rigidity to the structure. This profile is provided with an anti-corrosion coating. Additionally, the chambers have stiffening ribs. The purpose of the reinforcing profile is also that it is used to fix imposts.

Which profile of plastic windows is better?

When choosing an acceptable profile option for plastic windows, you should study what manufacturers offer. Let's look at several types that are popular:

KVE profile

Manufacturers: Germany and Russia. Available in three versions:

  • Expert - price and quality correspond to each other;
  • Select is something in between;
  • Standard - fully complies with European requirements.

This type of profile for a plastic window has its advantages:

  • it is durable;
  • it is easy to care for;
  • sound and thermal insulation characteristics tall;
  • safe for people;
  • withstands a wide range of temperatures;
  • compatible with different systems.

As a minus, it can be noted that it may not harmonize with every interior, since the color is not snow white. And here are the characteristics in numbers for KBE Standard and KBE Expert to determine which one best profile for plastic windows:

KBE Standard KBE Expert

  • installation width - 5.8 cm; 70;
  • glass unit thickness - 3.4 cm; 42;
  • cameras - 3; 5;
  • light opening - 6.4 mm; 0.78.

Profile Deceuninck

Produced in Belgium by the Deceuninck concern. Systems:

  • Favorite. More modern, more cameras. The cost is appropriate;
  • Bautek - lower reliability. Based on the price, we can say that this is economy class.
  • high heat conductivity;
  • durable;
  • safe;
  • protects well from noise;
  • satisfactory appearance;
  • relatively low price.

Bautek is not a universal system. Not suitable for everyone.

REHAU profile

Produced by the German company REHAU. Produces profiles in seven modifications.

Positive sides:

  • durable, long service life;
  • resistant to very low temperatures;
  • functional;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • heat and sound insulation are excellent;
  • easy to care for;
  • excellent combination with other systems.

The size of the sash is somewhat smaller, since the reinforcement chamber is relatively small in size.

Veka Profile

Country of origin: Germany. Basic profile systems:

  • Softline;
  • Euroline.

They differ in the size of the light spaces. For VEKA Euroline it is larger: 0.6 cm for a non-opening window and 1 cm for an opening one.

  • Distinctive feature: the profile can have a width of 9.0 cm;
  • strength characteristics, heat and sound insulation, temperature - high;
  • are losing their popularity due to a fairly large percentage of lead oxide, which is why they cannot be called completely environmentally friendly.

You now know what profiles there are for plastic windows, but when making your choice, also read other information.

What to look for, what to ask about

The best profile for plastic windows will not guarantee the quality of the window if you do not take into account the following:

  • prevailing temperature regime;
  • where the window will be installed: in the office, at home, in a production facility.

Find out immediately what material is the basis of the profile plastic construction. If it's not galvanized steel, don't buy it. Otherwise, after some time you will have to deal with rust protruding in the holes through which moisture is drained. Besides this, the following criteria are also important:

  • how many air chambers are there in the window;
  • width of the glass unit;
  • insulation contours - how many there are;
  • quality of sound and thermal insulation.

Classes of double-glazed window profiles

Depending on the thickness of the outer wall, they are officially divided into 2 classes:

  • A - high quality, the wall is thick;
  • B - has lower characteristics.

To the air chambers

Number of air chambers in different designs The profiles of plastic windows are different. When choosing an acceptable option for your home, you need to know:

  • the number of cameras in a double-glazed window does not necessarily correspond to their number in the profile;
  • the more chambers in the profile, the greater the strength, heat and sound insulation. The cost, by the way, is also directly proportional to this indicator;
  • most suitable option: a double-glazed window consisting of 2 chambers, inserted into a three-chamber profile.

Double-glazed window

The camera in a double-glazed window is what is located between the glasses. Double-glazed windows are:

  • consisting of 2 glasses - single-chamber;
  • from 3, 4 and so on - two, three, four chamber;
  • are selected depending on the prevailing temperature conditions in the area where you live;
  • The insulating properties of a double-glazed window are also affected by the thickness of the glass.

Glass can be:

  • energy saving;
  • sun protection;
  • laminated;
  • shockproof.

Interesting: to find out if they slipped you a single-chamber double-glazed window instead of a double-chamber one, use a lit match: bring it closer to the glass and count the images. As many images as there are cameras.

Home comfort and fittings

A window in a house will not be good without high-quality fittings, which means it will not provide sufficient comfort in the house. The list of accessories includes the following mechanisms:

  • devices for transoms;
  • locks;
  • loops;
  • rotary handles;
  • tilt and turn mechanism;
  • trunnions and more.

Window fittings must match general style rooms, so she is released different colors. And most importantly: do not skimp on accessories, otherwise even the most quality profile for plastic windows will not live up to your hopes.

IVAPER GmbH is one of the leading suppliers of PVC profiles in Russia. The main activity is the production and supply of window and door plastic profiles IVAPER. Manufacturing process takes place under the constant supervision of German technical specialists. Brand quality, reliability, stylish design - distinctive features profiles from IVAPER.

LG Chem, Ltd. South Korea- is a division of the international corporation LG, which has long established itself in Russia. Today LG Chem is largest producer PVC profile. How PVC manufacturer profile, the company has a long history, the first batch of profile came off the line in 1976. For 30 years now, we have been improving our systems, focusing on internal needs and the characteristics of product markets. The LG profile is successfully sold in the USA, Japan, China, India, Turkey, and other countries.

The Provedal profile system has been successfully used for more than 15 years. The developer of such profiles is the Spanish company Provedal Systemas. In Russia, due to their high thermal conductivity coefficient, they have found their main application for glazing loggias and balconies. Made of metal and glass, they provide excellent protection against strong wind, noise, dust and precipitation.

In 2003, a joint Russian-South Korean enterprise was opened to produce slidors profiles, specially adapted for use in Russian climatic conditions. SLIDORS (Sliders) is a sliding profile PVC system for glazing balconies and loggias, developed by the South Korean company HANWHA.

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