Measuring natural objects. Determining river flow speed

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HILL, hillock, husband. A small hill, a hillock; a hill at the foot of a mountain. Climb the hill. Stand on the hill. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

HILL, Rka, husband. A small hill, a hillock. Run up to Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

hillock- HILL, river, m Same as hillock. Finally, I got over this swamp, climbed a small hillock and now could get a good look at the hut (Kupr.) ... Explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns

M. Small hill, hillock. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary Russian language Efremova

Hillock, hillocks, hillock, hillocks, hillock, hillocks, hillock, hillocks, hillock, hillocks, hillock, hillocks (Source: “Complete accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”) ... Forms of words

hillock- prig orok, rka... Russian spelling dictionary

hillock- (2 m), R. hillside; pl. prigo/rki, R. prigo/rkov... Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

hillock- div. prigorok... Ukrainian Tlumach Dictionary

hillock- noun Fast. ex: vernacular; inanimate; conc.; m.r.; 2 cl. The streams are noisier, the clearings and hills drier2. LZ Small hill, knoll. Word-formation analysis, Morphemic analysis: To enlarge, click on the picture Nepost. ex: pl. number; Them. n. Basis... ... Morphemic-word-formation dictionary

Rka; m. Small hill, slide. Climb, run up to the village. House on a hill. ◁ Hillock, chka; m. Reduce… Encyclopedic Dictionary


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Lesson objectives:

  • To form an idea of ​​ways to depict relief on typographic maps. To familiarize students with the concepts of absolute and relative height, berg strokes, horizontal lines.
  • Learn to determine absolute height and calculate relative height.

Equipment: card with terms: berg stroke, horizontal, absolute height; schematic images of a hill and a hole, with different slopes, atlases, textbook.

Lesson progress

Organizational moment. Setting goals and objectives for the lesson.

Checking homework.

Verification work on options.

Determine azimuths for objects.

Learning new material.

You know what's on earth's surface there are ravines and hills, but the map is flat. How to depict the irregularities of the earth's surface on a flat map? (students' answers)

You cannot answer this question for me, but you can formulate a problem that needs to be solved. Determining this problem will be the topic of our lesson.

In your notebook the date and topic of the lesson.

Imagine that you want to buy yourself a house in a village on the bank of a river. There is information that during floods the water rises several meters, up to 2m. Is the house you are buying flooded with water?

Drawing on the board:

We now have two versions: it will flood and it will not flood.

Why can't you tell me right away: will it flood or not? ( does not know the height of the place where the house stands)

A special tool called a level can help you and me with this. (device demonstration)

The level is a wooden block 1 m long. with a transverse bar attached to its end. A nail is driven into the middle of the bar and a plumb line is tied to it - a thin strong thread with a small load.

To measure the height of a slope with a level, it is necessary to install the device at the foot, in our case, at the water's edge, strictly vertically, plumb. The horizontal bar should face the hillside. Looking along the bar, it is necessary to note at which point it is directed. A stake is driven into this point. Since the height of the device is 1 m, the driven peg shows an excess of 1 m above the water level. Then the level is transferred to the place of the driven peg and they look where it is necessary to drive the second peg. Thus, a measurement is taken to the top of the hill. In our case, the top of the hill turned out to be at a height of m. Will our house be flooded with water? (No)

We found the height of the slope relative to the river. Read page 21 in the textbook and answer the question: what height did we find - relative or absolute? (relative - the plumb elevation of one point on the earth’s surface over another)

There is a drawing on the board.

Call two students to the board, each uses a level to measure the height of the slopes: western and eastern.

The height on the western slope is 3m, on the eastern slope it is 2m.

What is the height of this hill?

To answer the question correctly, we need to find out what absolute height is.

Find the definition in the textbook, page 21 (this is the elevation of a point on the earth’s surface along a plumb line above sea level.)

What's missing from our drawing? (sea level)

It’s inconvenient for us to depict the ocean every time, and we don’t need to do it, cartographers have already done it for us. Take a look at topographic map In your atlases, how is the height of the area depicted there? (working with atlas)

Look at the board.

  • Determine the absolute height of the hill (159.3m)
  • Relative height relative to the western sole (159.3-127=32.3m)
  • Relative to the eastern base (159.3-140=19.3m)
  • Absolute height – measured relative to the sea.
  • Relative height – relative to its sole.

Determine the absolute height of point A. (children find it difficult to answer this question)

To do this, you need to fill in the elevation marks, or you can show them using contour lines - lines on the map connecting points with the same height.

Horizontal lines are drawn according to the typographic map after 1,5,10,15,25,50 meters.

Imagine that you went on an excursion.

Arriving at the hill, you were divided into 4 groups and given the task: to measure the height of the slopes (western, eastern, northern, southern). You did this, and then one of you in each group took a bucket of paint and ran to connect the driven pegs. Moreover, one connected all the stakes with the 1m mark, the other 2m, the third 3m, etc. Then you went up in a hot air balloon, what did you see? (lines)

Such lines are said to be drawn with a cross-section of 1 m.

If the section is 1 m, then the horizontal lines will be 1,2,3,4,5, etc.

If the section is 5m, then the horizontal lines will be 5,10,15,20, etc.

How can we determine which slope is easiest to climb to the top? To do this, you need to look at the distance between the horizontal lines. The closer they are to each other, the steeper the slope and vice versa.

Determine which slope is steeper based on the drawings on the board.

On the board are images of a hill and a hole:

How are these drawings different?

These lines are called berg strokes. These are short lines that show the direction of the slopes. If the lines are outward, it is a hill; if it goes inside, it’s a hole.

homework: §6, question 4.5 in writing. Ruler, pencil.


  • What landform is shown in the picture? (hill)
  • What is the absolute altitude? (49m)
  • How many meters apart are the horizontal lines? (10m)
  • Determine the relative height of the slope (39m)
  • Which slope is steeper? (north-eastern)

Draw a hill, the absolute height of which is 23 m, the relative height is 18 m, the northern slope is gentle, the southern slope is steep, the horizontal section is 5 m.

A hill is a natural or artificial elevation. Hills are fundamentally different from mountains. First of all, they are not that tall. The height of the largest hill cannot exceed several hundred meters. In addition, isolated hills or a chain of such hills are called hills. They are located at a distance from mountain ranges and cannot be foothills.

What is the name of the highest point on the hill?

To understand what the most high place hill, you need to understand such concepts. All of them are associated with the names of the highest points of certain geographical objects:

  • peak. This concept applies exclusively to the highest places in the mountains. Peak means just such a point. But in relation to a hill, it would be incorrect to use the word “peak”. The word "peak" is used only for high mountains. For example, Everest can be called a peak. Or any high place on a mountain that has a pointed shape can be called a peak. But not a hill;
  • height won't work either. This concept means the distance from sea level to the top point of an object. Therefore, the height of a hill is the result of its measurement;
  • the correct answer is top. This term applies to low mountains or hills. Therefore, the top is the correct answer to the question about the top point of the hill.

Thus, the highest point of the hill is called the top.

How the hills were formed

They can form for natural reasons. For example, as a result of geological processes. Earthquakes can destroy high mountains. They collapse and become hills that are less tall than mountains.

Often, hills are created by man. For example, during mining, high soil dumps are formed. Over time, they become overgrown with grass, shrubs and become hills. Some hills are burial mounds. Such mounds were poured over the graves of ancient rulers. Many of them disappeared, becoming level with the ground. But many continue to surprise with their size.

The surface of our planet is incredibly diverse. We can only thank Mother Nature for the fact that we have the opportunity to enjoy various forms relief. There are a huge variety of them! And in this article we will try to answer a number of questions. What is the difference between a mountain and a hill? What is a hill, and what is called a hill?

Mountain, hill, hill, hill - we understand the concepts

So, first you need to define the basic concepts:

  • mountain - a sharp and isolated rise in terrain, with steep slopes and a pronounced foot;
  • hill - a slight rise in the earth's crust of a rounded shape, with gentle slopes and a weakly defined foot.

Already from these definitions it is clear how mountains differ from hills. However, there are other similar landforms that are worth mentioning.

  • a hill is an elevated section of the earth’s surface that is quite large in area;
  • sopka – a general name for low mountains or hills with gentle slopes, comes from the Russian verb “to pour out”, “to pour out”;
  • waste heap is a hill of artificial origin; waste heaps are common in places of mass industrial coal mining and consist of waste rocks or fuel combustion products.

How is a mountain different from a hill?

Both hill and mountain are positive landforms. This means that they always rise above the surrounding area. This is how mountains and hills are similar. How are they different? There are three main differences:

  1. Height.
  2. Genesis (origin).
  3. The nature of the slopes.

So, the main criterion for difference is size. The height of the hills very rarely exceeds 200 meters. But the “growth” of individual mountains can reach 5-8 thousand meters.

Another important difference lies in the origin of both landforms. Thus, the formation of mountains is always associated with active internal (endogenous) processes occurring in the depths of our planet. But hills are often formed as a result of external (exogenous) factors. For example, in the northern regions of Eurasia, hills of glacial origin are common - the so-called kamas and moraines.

Another thing that distinguishes a mountain from a hill is the nature of the slopes. Near the mountains they are steep, steep and often rocky, while near the hill they are usually flat. There may be no vegetation on mountain slopes (especially at high altitudes). But the surface of the hill is almost always covered with a thick layer of soil, on which trees, herbs and shrubs thrive.

The highest mountain on the planet

When talking about mountains, it’s hard not to talk about Everest. This highest point of our planet (absolute height – 8848 meters above sea level). Other names for this peak are Sagarmatha, Shenmufen, Chomolungma. Just look at the photo of this mountain to be convinced of its greatness and splendor.

Of course, Everest attracts a lot of attention from professional climbers. The first to conquer this mountain in 1953 were two people - New Zealander Edmund Hillary and Nepalese Norgay Tenzing. Soviet climbers first climbed Everest only in 1982. An amazing feat was accomplished in 2001 by American Eric Weihenmayer. He conquered Chomolungma, being blind!

Almost all climbers climb Everest wearing oxygen masks. At an altitude of 6-8 kilometers, the air becomes very thin, and it is incredibly difficult to breathe without a mask. On average, climbing to the top takes two months, including time for acclimatization and setting up intermediate camps.

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