Why do you dream about picking mushrooms in a dream? Why do you dream of porcini mushrooms: financial victories or success in your personal life. Basic interpretations - what do porcini mushrooms mean in dreams?

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Almost everyone loves to eat mushrooms, but when they see a mushroom in a dream, many experience real fear. Perhaps this is explained by the fact that for a long time different kinds mushrooms were endowed with magical powers and were often credited with special powers. In fact, the interpretation of a dream directly depends not only on this image, but also on other details. In this article we will tell you why you dream White mushroom, what meanings such a dream could have.

Good sleep meanings

  • In many dream books, porcini mushrooms are a good sign, promising success in financial affairs and career. So, they mean huge success even in an area from which you do not expect profit at all.
  • Very good sign- see the mushroom meadow that you discovered with your whole family. It means family well-being and harmony. Healthy and strong porcini mushrooms discovered alone also promise profit. If you dreamed of a porcini mushroom in the fall, then you should expect a joyful event in the near future.
  • Great and unexpected luck awaits the dreamer who, in a dream, was collecting porcini mushrooms for another person. If he collected a large basket of such mushrooms, then very soon his old dream will come true.
  • Overripe mushrooms that you see in a dream also mean prosperity and satisfaction with life. If they turn out to be wormy, then such a dream should be considered as a new addition to the family. Freud also believed that even for a barren woman this sign means a long-awaited pregnancy.

Bad sleep meanings

  • Porcini mushrooms seen in the spring are often considered bad sign. In some dream books it marks sad news and even death. It’s bad if you pick mushrooms along the road and not in the forest: such a dream foreshadows need.
  • If in a dream someone had already cut off the caps of porcini mushrooms and you saw only the stems in the clearing, then in real life you will witness the achievements of others, but you will not achieve anything yourself.
  • Collecting small porcini mushrooms means minor troubles. An unmarried girl picking such mushrooms will soon meet her future husband, but the marriage will not be happy. Women similar dream, according to Freud, can promise humiliation.
  • Loff's dream book interprets a dream in which a woman eats collected porcini mushrooms as a sign of fiery passion for her, which will be destructive.

You can also read about other meanings of sleep in our article

Why do you dream about picking porcini mushrooms?

Porcini mushrooms are nice and thick-sided. The dream book exhorts that if you dream about it, expect great success where you could not even expect profit. Seeing mushroom hunting with the whole family is a sign that you are on the path to prosperity. But if you picked a basket of boletus mushrooms, and there were fly agarics there, this portends that you will not be paid for your work.

The dream book will be able to more accurately interpret a vision in a dream if you are lucky enough to remember all the details of the action.

I dream that the boletus is strong and great

Collection of porcini mushrooms

Collecting huge porcini mushrooms means gaining experience and becoming wiser. Well, if in place of the cut ones new ones grow before your eyes, you will learn secrets that will help you ruin your business.

Small but noble

Picking small mushrooms in a dream - your success will be insignificant, but your troubles will also be weightless. However, overripe and old ones mean abundance and prosperity, and in the case of wormy ones, expect a new addition to the family.

Not for myself

The dream book states that if you collect boletus mushrooms for someone, you know that the hour will not be long when you will be so lucky to have a hot bird in your hands. To see how in a dream you picked a basket full - old dream will become a reality, but if this was not enough for you, then in reality all your efforts will turn into nothing.

Tops for some, roots for others

Other mushroom pickers are a warning sign

If you see in your vision another mushroom picker with a full basket, be more careful in your actions and words, so as not to offend or slander a good person.
You dream that you have arrived, but the clearing is empty and there are only cut off legs on it - the dream book says that you will learn about other people’s successes, but you yourself will remain with “diamond interests.”

Erotic color

Mushrooms, as a symbol of male power, imply all the ensuing consequences. Collect porcini mushrooms in your dreams, but in reality have disorderly and excessive intimate relationships. The dream book says that seeing a boletus in your hands means having a tendency to caress yourself. If you throw away everything you collected in a dream, you are carried away by unconventional lusts. Why collect a lot of boletus mushrooms with dark brown caps in dreams? You will experience burning passion. But why does a woman dream that she eats chicken? In reality, she will not resist the temptation; she will be carried away by the shameful relationship. I wonder why a barren woman dreams of boletus? Yes to the long-awaited conception. And if you dream about a lot of boletus, then expect twins or triplets.
Why do you dream about boletus mushrooms that an unmarried woman happened to collect? Waiting to meet your soul mate. However, marriage does not always promise to be happy, humiliation is likely.

Good sign

Seeing porcini mushrooms in a dream is a sign promising longevity. Do you know why you dream about a basket in which a large number of Boletus mushrooms over the edge? This promises health and well-being. And white little heads mean help from strangers in a transaction.

Lots of porcini mushrooms

Why do you dream of old boletus with a red hat? Joy awaits you - long-standing problems will be solved. And if in your dreams you saw a clearing with large boletus mushrooms, a magnificent surprise awaits you, all issues will be resolved unexpectedly and reliably.
This also suggests that violent and serious passions are boiling around you. If the boletus stands alone away from everyone else, clearly standing out against the background of the dream, then this predicts that a kind and reliable friend will give the sleeper the right advice that will help him get out of a difficult and seemingly insoluble situation.

In dreams, boletus mushrooms can grow interspersed with inedible ones. This is a very good sign, that is, in reality, by a lucky chance you will be protected from a dangerous situation.

Rarely, however, you may see yourself collecting boletus mushrooms at night. This prophesies the possibility of implementing a long-standing project.

An unexpected place for boletus to grow

If the boletus grows in an unusual place for it, which is familiar to the sleeper, then you need to be more careful about matters related to this place. And if the sleeping person cuts off the boletus, then it’s worth thinking about whether events are developing in the right direction, maybe it’s worth making some amendments. This especially needs to be done if the plant was rotten or wormy.

Let's destroy the legend

Porcini mushrooms are a symbol of prosperity and success It is believed that mushrooms dream of coffins, but white mushrooms do not belong here. After all, it is the boletus in the legends, of which there are quite a few, that is the symbol of the guardian of the forest; it is called. Therefore, having met him, you are doomed to good luck, success and prosperity. However, if a woman dreams of a lonely boletus, then the dream book warns of an unwanted conception.

And size plays a role and quantity

If in your dreams you saw a huge clearing in the middle of the forest, in which there are countless boletus mushrooms, so huge that there is nowhere for your feet to step, then the hour is near when you will become the owner of a huge amount of money. This is likely from the sale of inherited real estate, possibly securities, or a large win. But, if in addition you decide to cut off all the boletus mushrooms cleanly, then this portends a successful investment of your capital, without any risks. Sometimes in dreams you can see boletus mushrooms of gigantic size, taller than a bus or a building. Believe me, your efforts will be adequately appreciated. And even if you don’t hear the rustle of crisp banknotes, then a reward in terms of recognition and an excellent reputation is guaranteed.


If the sleeper dreams that during cutting, the boletus crumbles or the cap falls off, then this warns against unreasonable haste in the desire to increase capital, which does not exclude the possibility of a lawsuit and false, deceitful pleasures.

In case

Warning signs the sleeper intends to eat raw boletus, this promises humiliation, insincerity love relationship

. For a young girl, such a dream reveals the truth of a disdainful attitude towards property and the falsehood of pleasure.

But you may also dream that you are trampling boletus mushrooms. Then this suggests that you are aware of your inertia and are trying to fight it, strive to become more proactive. In your dreams, you may see a situation where another mushroom picker gives you a whole basket of boletus mushrooms. Be careful in reality, this may be a signal for a false accusation.

If, when collecting boletus mushrooms, you do not put them in containers, but immediately throw them away, it means that, because of your stubbornness and unreasonable self-will, you do not take into account the good advice of older people. And in vain.

If you have collected boletus mushrooms and immediately had a picnic, cooked them and eaten them with sour cream, caution is advisable. You are overcome by temptations bordering on sin, which will lead to the loss of your excellent reputation.

If you find boletus mushrooms along the road and are trying to cut them, this can be regarded as a warning of financial problems. Mushrooms, as you know, can be edible and poisonous. Depending on what kind of mushroom, you can draw the first conclusions. Since ancient times, fly agarics and pale toadstools were symbols of caution and suspicion - after all, it was from them that witches brewed their potions, sending damage to people. If in a dream a person tried to pick mushrooms that were clearly poisonous, this may indicate that he needs to be more careful.

On the contrary, if strong and beautiful edible mushrooms, for example, white, this dream can be regarded as good sign- they mean strength and wisdom. There are many ancient fairy tales and legends in which the porcini mushroom or milk mushroom turned out to be a completely positive character - a good wizard or spirit guarding the forest and helping people. Having encountered such a mushroom in a dream, you can expect good luck and prosperity in the near future.

A basket or bucket filled with mushrooms may be a harbinger that a person will face unfounded suspicions against him.

It's not just mushrooms that are important

It is also worth paying attention to other details of the dream in which the mushroom was seen. This can be interpreted quite simply: if, for example, the surrounding forest was light, the trees in it were smooth and beautiful, undoubtedly the meaning of the dream is favorable. However, seeing a snow-covered windbreak or dried branches of old fir trees in a dream can be a warning - the situation at the moment is not the best, it is better to wait out this time.

An empty clearing, where a more successful mushroom picker had collected all the mushrooms a little earlier, may mean some chance missed due to excessive suspicion and indecision.
Mushrooms seen in unusual situations, for example, in an office or on a busy street in a metropolis, may mean some unexpected set of circumstances. You can interpret the dream more specifically by evaluating the mushroom. As already mentioned, a poisonous mushroom can mean the deceit of someone close to you, and a useful one can mean good advice or good decision, a way out of any difficult situation.

Mushroom soup is not the best dream for a young woman

Some fairly popular dream interpreters negatively interpret “mushroom” dreams seen. For example, if you are young and she is eating a dish, you should expect something out of the ordinary. According to one of the European dream books, she may be suddenly overwhelmed by strong but unreasonable desires. According to another interpreter, in this case there is a risk of deep humiliation, as well as the risk of being drawn into a shameful relationship. Young ladies are also warned that they may face a disdainful attitude from their partners, risking losing their own dignity in the pursuit of dubious pleasures.

In ancient Russian dream books, mushrooms have a bad reputation. People were alarmed by the consonance of the words “mushrooms” and “coffins,” and it seemed quite logical that mushrooms in a dream foreshadow the imminent loss of a loved one.

It is interesting that the only mushroom that did not fall into disrepute was the porcini mushroom, or, as it is often called, the boletus mushroom. In real life, he is considered the guardian of the forest, but in dreams he is a sign of health and the fulfillment of innermost desires.

Collect porcini mushrooms in the forest

Dream interpreters say: picking porcini mushrooms in a dream - to great luck. You can count on the fact that the circumstances in which you exist in real life will work out for you in the best way, your affairs will go without a hitch.

Miller’s dream book notes: a person who picks porcini mushrooms in a dream is actually very keen to make capital for himself. He may even bend his heart for the sake of this goal, and here it is important not to cross the line beyond which the opposite process begins - destructive. It can lead to the collapse of your plans and even problems with the law. Advice: no need to chase dubious benefits- and then the dream will continue to promise you only good things.

A person who sees himself picking porcini mushrooms in a dream can expect that in real life his work will be appreciated and rewarded.

However, look carefully in the basket: if in your dream you were picking porcini mushrooms, but at home you found only toadstools, which means you may not be paid for work already completed. Be prepared for such a turn of events and in real life do not allow yourself to be fooled.

If you were picking mushrooms in a dream and carefully sorted them, leaving exclusively white ones means that in reality you manage to adhere to the best intentions. Take care of this gift of yours and under no circumstances allow yourself to be drawn into any dubious enterprises.

But if you are offered some interesting, promising project with reliable partners, feel free to get involved in the work - a dream about porcini mushrooms means that you can do it even things you couldn’t imagine in your wildest fantasies. And, of course, a drop of ointment in a barrel of ointment: if, while picking porcini mushrooms, you discovered that someone had been in the forest before you and cut off the caps, leaving you only the stems, then luck automatically switched to this “unknown”, and in reality you will have to watch someone’s triumph and be a little jealous.

Freud's dream book, which interprets almost any dream from the point of view of gender relations, and in in this case compares the white mushroom with the male genital organ, and therefore promises the night “mushroom picker” active sex life . If a girl dreams about picking porcini mushrooms, in reality she will be with her loved one.

Collect a lot of them in a dream

If an elderly person sees a lot of mushrooms in a dream, and this dream is beautiful and bright, it means that in real life this person will live for many more years and enjoy his good health.

When appears in your dream mushroom picker who has collected a lot of mushrooms, take this as a warning: be careful in your statements and actions, otherwise you can very easily offend a person who has done nothing wrong.

And one more interpretation of the dream: picking a lot of mushrooms means preparing for a pleasant meeting with a representative of the opposite sex. Alas, the meeting in real life will be too short and not will push you to a more serious relationship.

See in cart

This dream has a number of good differing only in nuances interpretations.

  • A full basket means prosperity in the family.
  • If you have filled the basket of whites to the brim - your hopes will come true.
  • A basket of porcini mushrooms - to improve your financial condition.
  • Picking a basket of mushrooms and having fun at the same time is a production award.
  • A basket of porcini mushrooms - to receive dividends and interest on deposits.

By the way, after such a dream you may receive an interesting career offer. Don’t be afraid to take the post that is offered to you - you will definitely succeed.

If in a dream you We didn't pick mushrooms for ourselves, and for some person recognizable in a dream, it means that his old dream will soon become a reality. It turns out that you somehow took part in this important event for him.

Dream interpreters, who are not so optimistic, interpret the dream about a basket of porcini mushrooms as follows: soon you will have to refute someone’s suspicions about you. They will be unfounded, but proof will take time and nerves.

Dreamed in a clearing

Glade with porcini mushrooms - very good dream foreshadowing surprises, gifts, good news. Thanks to them, it will be possible to successfully resolve issues that were difficult to even approach. in the clearing means getting a decent reward for your work and thus improving your financial condition.

But here is an interpretation that must be taken very carefully: a mushroom meadow can mean in real life unhealthy passions boiling around you. It is likely that they are heated by your imaginary friends. Take a close look at your surroundings and try to protect yourself and your loved ones from unnecessary conflicts.

Vanga's dream book predicts many chances that a person will receive in reality. Here it is important to understand which chance to grab with both hands and which to ignore. It's yours at stake further fate. By the way, if there are no visible mushrooms in the clearing, and you don’t even think about picking them, then you will most likely ignore the offered chance.

The meaning of wormy mushrooms

After such a dream don't wait for good news, and you shouldn’t count on success in the business you’re doing either. Try to remember the place and setting in which you dreamed of wormy porcini mushrooms. Most likely, this situation will tell you where to expect problems and troubles.

Vanga's dream book interprets such a dream as probable betrayal. Analyze the situation: which of your colleagues or acquaintances could take the “warpath” and why. However, the option “exactly the opposite” is also possible, when it is not you who are betrayed, but you who are betrayed. And it still won’t end well for you.

According to the boomerang law, the problems that you wanted to transfer to one of your “sworn friends” will return to you.

And a few more interpretations, the most unexpected:

  • in mushrooms means the imminent birth of a grandson (or granddaughter).
  • Worms in mushrooms - the risk of becoming seriously ill due to one’s own sexual permissiveness.
  • After sleeping with wormy mushrooms your business will fail, and your plans will fail.

Cut porcini mushrooms

Here the dream interpreter has the opportunity to speculate in two directions: firstly, why dream of cutting mushrooms (that is, cutting them in the forest and throwing them into a basket) and, secondly, cutting mushrooms at home before throwing them into a frying pan or in soup pot. The first case speaks about the probability fair sharing in any of your affairs. And second ( kitchen option) means an attempt to rid yourself of some desires that give you only sensual pleasure.

Dreams give people the opportunity to visit unknown worlds, but most often at the moment of rest they see quite familiar things, for example, porcini mushrooms. The interest in interpreting what he saw, which will reveal the secret of the future, is understandable.

Often in a dream, people see themselves doing what they love, so when they wake up, they are faced with the question: why do they dream of porcini mushrooms if they saw themselves doing this activity? Interest in the unknown allows you to reveal the veil of secrecy of the future. Sleep is considered a time when it is possible to overcome the boundaries of reality and find out what awaits a person or family in the near future. A dream book is a collection of interpretations in which a particular object or event is examined and the meaning is deciphered.

Porcini mushrooms: what do they portend?

The dream book interprets such a dream in detail and accurately, but in order for what you see to come true, it is necessary to consider the whole picture, and not just ask about the porcini mushroom. General value for sleep - success in the most unexpected place. A person will soon receive benefits where he did not expect, it will not necessarily be material. The dream foretells success and recognition, a certain bonus. All the obstacles that stand in the way life path, will be overcome.

The porcini mushroom is strong, one is a sign of good luck and prosperity, including in monetary terms. Here it is important to accurately indicate the time of year seen in the dream. Seeing a mushroom in the fall means rejoicing, receiving positivity from current events. If you dreamed of spring mushrooms, sad events lie ahead, but if they were not collected, then household chores.

The dream book will provide comprehensive information if a person specifies how the “silent hunt” was carried out. In the forest - quick profit, on the side of the road - to losses or need. If the search for mushrooms takes place with the whole family or with friends, you should expect prosperity and good luck in any endeavor. Actively collecting porcini mushrooms in a dream for another person means luck will smile and luck will accompany you in any endeavor.

If you have collected a lot of porcini mushrooms, then such a dream promises that soon all your ideas and plans will come true, your dream will become a reality. The desire to gather even more whites indicates that all efforts will be in vain. Seeing a half-filled basket is not at all a bad thing - your plan will come true.

The dream book can tell you what awaits a person who saw in a dream only the legs of porcini mushrooms. The interpretation says that in the personal sphere everything will remain as before, but other people’s successes will be the property of the one who saw such a dream. If the “catch” is very large, then the dream suggests that you need to be very careful about your words, actions and deeds, since there is a high probability of offending someone. If the whites are not large, but there are a lot of them, then this dream promises troubles that will be minor, so you should not pay attention to them. Seeing old, overripe mushrooms in the forest means financial wealth, and mushrooms eaten away by worms means a quick addition to the family.

Huge in size, white, according to the dream book of the famous seer Nostradamus, means to know wisdom or to accomplish right choice. In a dream, you can see how new ones instantly grow in place of those that were just collected - this means that a person will have secret information at his disposal that may be useful in the future.

This forest beauty can be viewed from an exotic point of view - Freud’s dream book says that the porcini mushroom is a symbol of masculinity. Collecting them means a mess in your personal life. Accordingly, the dream suggests that a person needs to reconsider his personal preferences. A dream can be interpreted as a reflection of something deeply hidden within the subconscious; a person may not even be aware of it. This dream book interprets boletus in hands as an excessive tendency to caress.

In the event that you happen to see a white mushroom in a dream unmarried girl, then there is only one interpretation - soon there will be a meeting with the betrothed. Some dream books warn about the opposite - the meeting will not bring happiness, there will be no wedding. For family people, this mushroom, seen in a dream, will become a sign of an imminent increase or the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy for those who have been waiting for this moment. It is also a signal that there is a high probability of rash and dangerous actions. According to Loff's dream book, picking mushrooms with brown caps means experiencing fiery passion and strong love in reality. A woman who used them will succumb to temptation and allow herself to be drawn into a relationship that is shameful for her.

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