Why do you have strange dreams? Why do we have unusual dreams?

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Countries - and cities (various) - Those that are not listed by name in the dream book are associated with some concepts that depend on your own perception and mentality.

This is what needs to be deciphered directly.

For example; if you associate Ukraine with rich, satisfying food, then “to go, to be in Ukraine” means prosperity, a well-fed life.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Strange fire

Fantastic, strange fire to see, dark and black, fire drawing in light - danger to life, death of the soul.

The city is burning - the image of one’s own body in a waking state, overwork. Your body is being destroyed by alcohol and drugs.

The earth around you begins to burn - an obsessive fear of any delay. Get lost in the abundance of news, new ideas and knowledge.

A pillar of flame rises from the ground - a sudden insight, a supreme revelation, a new idea.

Seeing a wall of fire in front of you is the last obstacle on the path to success.

A ditch with fire is something irresistible, something that present moment beyond your strength.

Hellfire, most often multi-tiered - sadness, embarrassment, dissatisfaction with oneself.

Burning in it means loss of health.

To escape from it is recovery.

Walking calmly through the flames means rebirth, liberation, soaring of the soul.

To burn in a flame, and not suffer from it, and not get burned - to experience the joy of impunity.

Walking along a road bordered on both sides by fire is the right path to choose.

The fire on a person’s head is burning - some kind of apprenticeship awaits, teacher.

Seeing a fire at the top of the tower is good hope, happy news.

Running from a fire in fear, seeing a person burning in the flames is a picture of the effect of alcohol on the body.

Walking between the fiery pillars means you will have to contemplate other people’s passions.

A vessel with fire is a book of extraordinary value, dishonest wealth.

Interpretation of dreams from


Dream is the only “area” of human civilization that cannot be mapped. People have spent thousands of years trying to understand why our brain is capable of creating strange and otherworldly landscapes and situations during sleep.

Today scientists explained what happens to our body when we fall asleep, and why we need sleep at all. As it turns out, there are some strange connections between reality and surreal images of the dream world.

The dreams of lonely people are brighter and richer

All people dream, but in completely different ways. This was discovered by a neurologist in 2001. Patrick McNamara, exploring the connection between social relationships and dreams.

His team of scientists invited him for research 300 students, which were divided into groups according to their attachment abilities. They first answered questions about how comfortable they felt being in a relationship with someone, or maybe they prefer to avoid relationships altogether? Thus, the state of attachment was assessed as “reliable” or “insecure.”

Students who were uncomfortable in relationships and therefore tended to avoid them altogether reported that saw more dreams every night than the group whose attachment state was “secure.” Moreover, the insecurely attached group had more nightmares and their dreams were more vivid than the other group.

Since the area of ​​our brain called anterior temporal lobe important for feelings of attachment and for REM sleep stages, enhanced dreams, apparently replace feelings of affection.

Video games cause lucid dreams

What are lucid dreams?

Lucid dreaming– the ability to realize that you are in a dream. As soon as you realize that this is a dream, you begin to control what happens around you and do whatever you want. It is not surprising that each of us wants this when going to sleep, but we are not always able to get into lucid dreams.

Thousands of books have been written that teach how to induce lucid dreams if desired. However, as it turned out, the simplest way to learn to have such dreams is to periodically play computer games .

Jayne Gackenbach from Grant MacEwan University believes that the ability to control actions when playing in virtual reality coincides with the ability to control what happens in a dream. Thus, It's easier for gamers to learn to lucid dream.

Jane also discovered that Gamers are much less likely to have nightmares, because when they feel a threat in a dream, they immediately take action to turn it away from themselves, as in games, rather than trying to escape.

Animals see dreams and even remember them

The long-standing question of why we dream seems to have already been answered. thanks to the rats. Researcher Matthew Wilson from Massachusetts Institute of Technology found that when rats were trained to run in a circular path, their brain activity began to manifest itself in a special way. This was recorded using a scanner.

Wilson later scanned the brains of rats while they slept and found that Almost half of the animals showed the same pattern of brain activity, when they were in a stage of REM sleep that coincided with the model while moving in the wheel. This means that the rats continued to run in their sleep.

A dog runs in a dream (video):

Scientists have suggested that the brain of rats saves information, playing it again in a dream, and at the same speed as in reality. Wilson is convinced that one of the main functions of dreams is consolidation of memories. This is why we remember better the information we receive immediately before bed.

People suffering from amnesia see the most strange dreams

If dreams help you store memories, what should you do if you have amnesia? It turns out that people who have lost their memory have very weird dreams. There are several types of memory, and amnesiacs cannot remember some events, special facts or dates. It is interesting that in a dream some things can come back to them, for example, some skills, but in real life they don't remember these things at all.

During the experiments, people suffering from amnesia were told about the game "Tetris", however they They didn’t remember at all what kind of game it was. In the middle of the night they were woken up and asked to tell what they saw in their dreams. Three out of five subjects answered that they saw "falling, overturning blocks".

An ordinary person in a dream, even with the strangest dreams, mainly sees in a dream objects familiar to him. A person with amnesia can see objects that are very strange to him, but he cannot remember where he saw them in reality.

Strange dreams are just a job of sorting through memories

Amnesia research allowed Dr. Dr. Robert Stickgold put forward another hypothesis regarding dreams. He tried to answer the question of why we see strange dreams. Stickgold revealed that amnesiacs retain an image of an event in the subconscious, even if they cannot consciously pull it out of the depths of their memory. For some reason, the brain reproduces this image during sleep.

Why do I have strange dreams?

According to his theory, strange dreams are the brain's attempt to sort different signals in search of connections. For example, you dream that you are in a restaurant with your 5th grade soccer coach, the chairs you are sitting on are made of jelly, and your dog is your waiter.

Your brain pulls out your dog memory file and compares it to what you remember about your high school trainer to figure out How do these two memories relate?. That is, according to Dr. Stickgold, your brain "looks for cross connections". Sometimes these connections coincide with reality, sometimes not.

Other studies have shown that the strangest dreams are associated with increased activity in the right amygdala, an area also relevant to the formation of memories. These studies support the idea that the stranger the dreams, the more difficult it is for the brain to find connections between different memories.

Are prophetic dreams just a coincidence?

Seeing the future in a dream

In the 1960s Medical center Maimonides held a series in New York unusual experiments. One of the experiments was related to the ability to predict the future. Participants were divided into two groups: one group stayed awake and focused on a specific image. The second group was sleeping at that time.

Scientists woke up sleeping participants while they were in the REM stage of sleep and asked them to tell what they saw in their dreams. The strangest thing is that most of the participants in the second group described the images that the first group saw.

Another example is also from the 1960s. After heavy rain a school building in the village was damaged as a result of a coal mine collapse Aberfan, South Wales, UK. More than a hundred people, most of whom were children, died. Psychiatrist John Barker went to Aberfan and asked its inhabitants if anyone had dreamed about this event before it happened. 30 village residents said they dreamed of a disaster. There are millions of such examples, and you probably saw the future in your dreams.

What are prophetic dreams?

Some scientists argue that this kind of prediction is not nothing but coincidences. Various factors come together and there is a chance that someone has these factors in their dreams will coincide with what will happen in reality.

It's one of those things that impossible to prove, so most of us will still believe in something supernatural than in a banal coincidence. Who knows, maybe someday we will learn to predict the future using dreams?

We remember only vivid dreams

It turns out that we can dream not only during the REM stage of sleep, but in any of the five stages, although Dreams are more vivid during REM sleep. Every night we may have several dozen dreams, but most of them we do not remember.

We don't remember dreams mainly because they are quite boring. A person is more likely to remember a vivid and strange dream than something routine. Most dreams are related to everyday activities you did the day before, for example, you may often dream about yourself ironing or checking email.

As in the case of the memories of rats who repeated their actions in their sleep, our the brain is trying to repeat what happened to us, in order to consolidate memories and learn something.

But the most crazy and scary dreams are remembered just like strange and scary events in life. For example, seeing a naked person in a crowd of people is an oddity that you will remember for a long time. You won't remember hundreds of people around, but you will probably remember the face of a naked man for a long time.

How to remember dreams?

Some people claim that they don't dream, when in fact they just don't remember them. Sometimes you dream of something very interesting that you would like to remember and tell to your loved ones, but very quickly after waking up the dream disappears.

To remember your dreams, psychologists advise immediately after waking up to try do not open your eyes or move for a while, mentally replaying in your head what you dreamed about during the night. You need to train every day.

To see vivid and positive dreams, it is also recommended set yourself a proper daily routine, get a good night's sleep, do not remember all the problems of the day before going to bed, but leave their solution to the morning.

You can change your dreams with the help of smells

It is well known that external stimuli, such as lights, smells or the sound of an alarm clock, can interfere with sleep, but Some factors affect overall sleep quality, turning a pleasant dream into a nightmare and vice versa. Smells, for example, can have an impact strong influence on what exactly your dream will be about.

Smells in dreams

In the study, researchers allowed participants to fall asleep and then fed different types of food through a nasal tube. chemicals with smell rotten eggs, roses or no smell at all. They then woke up the participants and asked them what exactly they had seen in their dreams.

Those who smelled rotten eggs reported that in their dreams felt a sharp decline in strength and mood, although they don’t remember any smells. For example, one person said that he dreamed of a beautiful Chinese woman, but suddenly she suddenly seemed very unpleasant to him, although he did not notice any special reasons for this. The sensations in the dream changed sharply from pleasant to unpleasant.

Nightmares have a detrimental effect on your mood

Anxiety? Depression? Nervousness? You may have had nightmares. At least this is the conclusion reached by a group of scientists who asked 147 students to fill out a questionnaire every morning for 2 weeks to track how often do they have nightmares?. After 2 weeks, the researchers conducted special tests to assess the psychological state of people.

Scientists have discovered a strong connection between the number of nightmares a person has and his mood during the day. The more nightmares people had, the worse they were rated mental state. It is difficult to say whether depression was the cause of the nightmares, or whether after the nightmares the person had Bad mood, but one thing is clear that the real mental state and the nature of dreams have a strong relationship.

Dreams and schizophrenia

Some people believe that dreams are very reminiscent of delusional states that schizophrenics experience—both are associated with a specific area of ​​the brain. In other words, the brains of schizophrenics are simply does not switch from dream to reality during the day. That is, every night when we fall asleep, we plunge into a state of schizophrenia. They even came up with a special term to describe this condition - "our nightly madness".

Illusory dreams Almost every person can see, but a schizophrenic will see such “dreams” in reality, while being awake. His brain contains a mixture of mismatched memories, which occurs not only in a dream, but also in reality.

Strange dreams usually cause confusion among those who have seen them. In fact, such dreams warn you that, due to some oversight, you may find yourself in an unusual situation from which it will be difficult for you to find a decent way out. Often dreams...

What does the dream portend: Foreign language

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To teach - you have a real prospect of getting a new position. Talk - there will be a relationship with a foreigner.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Strange fire?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Fantastic, strange fire to see, dark and black, fire drawing in light - danger to life, death of the soul. The city is burning - the image of your own body in a waking state / overwork / your body being destroyed by alcohol, drugs. The earth around you begins to burn - obsessive...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about the City?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a big city in a dream is a sign of great goals and aspirations. Entering it or arriving means the implementation of your ambitious plans. Villagers dream about big city predicts the futility of their hopes for the best, and for the city he predicts an increase in income and profitable...

How to interpret the dream “Brooch”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A dream in which you see a brooch predicts that success or an unexpected gift from a loved one awaits you. If your brooch has strange looking and you are at home at this moment, then try to benefit from your friend’s advice. If …

Dream - Nudity

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Nudity is usually associated with sex, but more often it symbolizes insecurity, openness, and sincerity in a dream. Dreams with partial nudity are interpreted in approximately the same way: you show up for work or on a visit without any significant detail of the toilet, as in “Popov’s Dream,” a poem ...

Dream meaning - Alarm clock

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Surprise. A strange turn in affairs, independent of the sleeper. Your time has come.

How to interpret the dream “Noise”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A strange noise that you hear in a dream prepares you for some unexpected and unpleasant news. If the noise of your sleep caused you to wake up, unexpected changes for the better will occur in your affairs.

I had a dream “Sentence”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A strange and unexpected sentence is read to you in court - you feel remorse and are looking for a way out of the impasse. If you listen to a sentence being passed on another person, you will be tormented by jealousy and envy of your rivals. Expect a verdict - you will experience jealousy. Hear the verdict...

I had a dream “Minister”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

You dream about the minister of your country - to success. A foreign minister in a dream means unsuccessful changes and unpleasant business trips. If you see yourself as a minister, you can illegally arrogate the rights of others.

I had a dream “Carpet”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Happy symbol family life. Seeing a new carpet in your home means a holiday in your home. Blooming garden, depicted on the carpet - to love and happiness. The figures of children are fortunately in the offspring. Fruits or things - to wealth and...

Dream Interpretation: Why does a Monk dream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A strange person will appear who will interest you very much.

Cosmodrome - seen in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Being at the cosmodrome, seeing rockets and other equipment means that in the future you will find yourself in an unusual, strange house. Where you will be in danger.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Sex?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The future promises to be good if in a dream you made love with your loved one. Such a dream foreshadows a wonderful romantic dinner by candlelight. Making love in a public place means revealing what you tried hard to hide in reality. In complete darkness...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about War?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing an army returning from a campaign means a serious illness, possibly with complications. It is unfortunate to dream of soldiers who are defeated by the enemy. Expect a joyful event if you see a marching formation of soldiers and officers. War in a dream foreshadows difficult times, right down to...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about an Airport?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Airport, full of people, dreams of an important business meeting, serious negotiations or a meeting at which you must be fully armed. An airport seen in a dream suggests that the results of your labors will disappoint you, you will be upset and discouraged...

Most often, we dream about some things that are familiar to us, say, people or situations that surround us at home, at work, on the street or in some places where we have been... And if in dreams something appears to us “from another reality "? It is these stories that you should pay special attention to, say experts in the field of psychology and parapsychology.

Let's look at the most common plots of such “abnormal” dreams.

Recurring dreams

Recurring dreams themselves are not that uncommon. Let's say that children (and sometimes adults) may dream that they are flying. For a child, such a flight means that he is growing. But for a mature person, a dream about flying often symbolizes some place where he would like to return, or a situation that he would like to get into. In general, this is a symbol of lost happiness.

Recurring nightmares or unpleasant dreams may be associated with some situation that torments us in reality. So, if someone is chasing us in a dream, then these may be very real problems that we are trying to “escape” from. Seeing an old abandoned or destroyed house may indicate that we have “neglected” some area in our life or destroyed a relationship with someone. If you dream of something like this, you should think about what problems you currently have in your life. Solving these problems often leads to the cessation of negative dreams.

Dreams "from another era"

It often happens that we not only observe these pictures from the outside, but become direct participants in them. A woman may dream that she is dancing at a ball or being received by a noble aristocrat. To a man - that he fights in a war, participates in crusade. The lady dreams that she is in an old outfit, the man dreams that he is in knightly armor. In a dream, we see in the smallest detail the external appearance and interior interiors of castles, mansions and other buildings, the landscapes of the surrounding area... Of course, it may happen that we have previously read a lot on this topic or watched a corresponding film. But if nothing like this happened, then these may be memories from our past lives, parapsychologists say. But we dream about them for a reason. The fact is that often the root of our current problems lies precisely in previous incarnations, where we made a mistake (at least, this is what supporters of the theory of reincarnation believe). Having realized what we did wrong “in that life,” we can understand how we can change this life.

In turn, psychologists believe that dreams about past eras are dreamed by individuals who are not alien to romance. They are not very comfortable in their own time, so they try to “escape” into the world of balls and knightly tournaments.

As for dream books, they give the following interpretations. For example, if you dream of military action, this means quarrels and unrest at home or in the family. If in a dream you are wearing luxurious clothes with an abundance of rich jewelry, this either means an increase in your wealth or patronage from some influential person. If in a dream you have a high status, you see yourself as a king, an aristocrat or a high-ranking nobleman, expect changes for the better in real life. But if you see yourself, for example, as a beggar in rags, then you should expect difficulties, most likely financial.

Dreams about corridors and stairs

If you just dreamed of a corridor or a staircase, such a dream cannot be called unusual. But if in a dream you are wandering through endless intricate labyrinths, going up or down stairs and never reaching your destination, then this indicates that you are looking for new paths in life, trying to get out of the dead end in which you are now. If you do get somewhere, it's very good sign- therefore, in reality, a successful completion of your “wanderings” awaits you.

Dreams about evil spirits

It is clear that various monsters, vampires, witches, and ghosts are dreamed primarily by those who adore horror films or like to play related computer games. If you do not have such predilections, then such dreams may indicate very real enemies and ill-wishers. Moreover, their negative impact on your life may even be implicit. Such a person can secretly harm you, cause damage, or exert one or another type of psychological influence.

True, if ghosts come to you in a dream, this may be a reminder of obligations to those who have passed away that you did not fulfill. Has a ghost appeared to you several times in a row? Try to remember which of the deceased you promised something to during his lifetime and did not deliver? It may even be a small thing, but it is better to “repay the debt” if possible, otherwise the subconscious will continue to haunt you. In a word, do not ignore unusual dreams!

Dream Interpretation strange dreams

Sometimes it happens that when you wake up in the morning and remember your dream, you cannot understand why you could have dreamed something like this. Such visions are neither good nor bad, they are just difficult to understand. It seems that you can only see something like this under the influence of drugs. But such visions have a specific purpose.

Strange dream

Dreams that are considered paradoxical, unrealistic, devoid of meaning, visit people much more often than is commonly believed. The fact is that such night vision, in general, cannot be told to anyone, realizing that there is no point.

Scientists' opinion

I have strange visions

One foreign magazine published information that we begin to have strange dreams at a time when the body has essentially already rested. At the moment of falling asleep, the human brain begins to process all the information accumulated during the day and display it in pictures. Therefore, in the first half of the night we see real pictures that are understandable and accessible to our consciousness.

Why do I have strange dreams? The human body has already rested, the brain has processed all the information received and can no longer produce rational stories.

Who is the dreamer?

If you delve deeper into science, then very strange dreams should be considered from the perspective of the person who dreamed of this vision. It is believed that even animals see certain images. Also, scientific articles say that babies from birth, and even in the womb, can dream, but they are based on smells and sensations.

When a lonely person sleeps

Seeing night images that are difficult to interpret

Neurologist Patrick McNamara concluded that dreams differ depending on the social status of the dreamer.

At the beginning of the 21st century, a test was conducted; about three hundred people took part. They were divided into groups. The first group included people who prefer solitude. They claimed to dream every night. They also claimed that they often dreamed of something inexplicable and mysterious.

Then scientists came to the conclusion that people who do not realize themselves in society often have strange dreams, thereby filling a certain emptiness in their souls.

What does a player see in a dream?

It is believed that people who play video games often experience lucid dreams. What does something like this mean? Dreams of this kind can be controlled by the dreamers.

When in a dream you realize that you are dreaming, then you will take control of the development of the plot. Even bad dreams no longer cause such horror, because you understand that at some point you will wake up.

Gamers often encounter scary moments in the game, so they do not run away from danger, but try to overcome it.

See weird night dreams

To learn to control your night visions, you just need to play on the computer sometimes.

Dreams of people with amnesia

It is also a scientifically proven fact that people who suffer from amnesia see bizarre images in their dreams. This is explained by the fact that this category often forgets what it experiences in reality, and then the brain reproduces these stories in a dream.

Animals dream too

Of course, not a single dream book deals with the dreams of animals. Scientists have long proven that this is quite real.

What evidence is there that animals dream?

What do strange visions mean?

It is believed that the message of strange dreams is quite simple. These are just your memories or fears that are hidden in the depths of your subconscious.

The only difference is that the brain, drawing to the surface what you wanted to forget or could not remember, addresses you using symbols.

This topic has still been little studied, although several hundred works have been written to date. This area is so vast that it is not possible to “get to the bottom” of it.

You can often come across the opinion that the dreamer himself can decipher a strange dream; he creates his own destiny. The dreamer remembers everything that happened to him, albeit subconsciously, and not a single psychologist can provide qualified assistance.

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