How to quickly prepare for school after the holidays. So, what will help in this situation? Development of communication skills

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Summer is ending and autumn is approaching... The beginning is also approaching academic year. Many parents are concerned about the question: how to get their child ready to study after carefree summer holidays? And what steps need to be taken to ensure that the beginning of the school year does not become torture for the whole family and the process of adaptation to school is painless.

In three months summer holiday Young students manage to completely wean themselves from the rigid school regime, and it is very difficult for them to quickly return to the academic daily routine. Much depends on the character of your child, his age and temperament, but for almost all children, returning to school causes sadness and joy at the same time. So, how can you help your little schoolchild readjust and avoid stress?

1. Restore your daily routine.

During long holidays, children may experience sleep disturbances. Children, even before school age, on rest days they go to bed later and get up later.
What can you do to improve your daily routine?
  • A few days before the end of the holidays, you should try to shift your nighttime sleep. To do this, you need to start putting your child to bed a little earlier, reducing the time he is awake by ten minutes every day. You should act calmly, not forcing the child, but agreeing with him, discussing plans for tomorrow. In the morning, try to wake up the student early, gradually bringing the wake-up time closer to school time.
  • Be sure to limit your time watching TV and playing computer games. It is especially important to ensure that children stop playing outdoor games no later than two hours before bedtime. In the evening, it is better to read books, have a family tea party or play calm games. This will help children calm down and fall asleep faster.
  • It’s good if the family has evening rituals, for example, reading bedtime stories or a short walk. Psychologists recommend following the same procedure every day before going to bed, then the child’s body will prepare itself for rest in advance.
  • Remember that the child is elementary school you just need to get a good night's sleep. A minimum of 9-10 hours of sleep is a must! Find an incentive to wake up early. For example, some special family walks for which the child will get up early on his own and even without an alarm clock.
  • 4 hours before bedtime, exclude everything that can interrupt it: noisy games, TV and computer, heavy food, loud music.
  • Use means to help you fall asleep better: a ventilated room with cool fresh air, clean linen, a walk and a warm bath before bed and warm milk with honey after it, a bedtime story (even schoolchildren love their mother’s fairy tales), and so on.
  • Don't let your child fall asleep with TV, music or lights on. Sleep should be complete and restful - in the dark (maximum small night light), without extraneous sounds.

4-5 days before school, the child’s daily routine should already fully correspond to the school one - with getting up, exercising, reading books, walking.

2. Develop the child’s motor activity.

The child definitely needs active rest - walks fresh air, skiing, skating, sledding, in the summer - on a bicycle, roller skates or scooter, outdoor games. Often during the holidays, especially when they are accompanied by holidays, the child spends most of his time at home, which has a bad effect on his emotional and physical condition. Maintenance physical activity not only benefits your health, but also helps you quickly return to your work rhythm.

Therefore, the closer the end of the holidays, the more time you should devote motor activity. It is very good to start the day with morning exercises.

3. Provide the child with proper nutrition

A child needs to eat well at any time of the year, including during the holidays. Of course, in holidays Small deviations from the regime can be allowed. But during the holidays, children need to be given three full meals, preferably at the same time as on weekdays.
  • We adjust the diet at the same time as the sleep mode!
  • Immediately choose a diet that will be at school!
  • By the end of August enter vitamin complexes and special supplements that will add stamina to the child for September, improve memory, and protect against colds, which begin to “fall” on all children in the fall.
  • August is fruit time! Buy more of them and, if possible, replace snacks with them: watermelons, peaches and apricots, apples - fill your “founty of knowledge” with vitamins!

4. Complete school assignments

During long holidays, schoolchildren are given a list of tasks that the child should complete so as not to lose the acquired knowledge. They definitely need to be done, but not all at once, but distributed in parts for each day of rest. This way the child will not get overtired, will be able to rest, but at the same time will not lose the habit of daily activities. You should not force your child to study; what is important is a motivation system that will create a desire to successfully complete the task.

  • Spend about 30 minutes a day on lessons. An hour or more is too much for a child on vacation.
  • Be sure to read out loud. You can do this in the evening, while reading a book before bed. Ideal option– role-playing reading with mom or dad, this will bring you closer to your child and help overcome “literary” fears before school.
  • If a child has new subjects in a new class, then your task is to prepare the child for them in general terms.
  • Choose the same time for classes, develop the habit of studying in your child - it’s time to remember perseverance and patience.
  • Do dictations - at least small ones, 2-3 lines each, so that your hand remembers what it’s like to write with a pen and not with a keyboard, in order to return your handwriting to the desired slope and size, to fill in the resulting gaps in spelling and punctuation.
  • It will be great if you work with your child and foreign language. Today there are many options for learning through play that your child will definitely enjoy.
  • If your child has real problems with learning, then a month before school, take care of looking for a tutor. It is advisable to find a teacher with whom the child will be interested in studying.
  • Distribute the load evenly! Otherwise, you will simply discourage your child from learning.

How to mentally prepare your child for school – let’s get ready for the new school year together!

  • We eliminate interference. Not all children are eager to go to school. It happens that for a child this is a reason to remember the problems that he will face again in the school year (self-doubt, poor mathematics, first unrequited love, etc.). All these issues should be resolved in advance so that the child does not have fears before school.
  • We hang up a funny calendar with a countdown - “until September 1 - 14 days.” Let him write on each piece of paper, which the child tears off and puts in his folder, about his achievements for the day - “read a story for school,” “started getting up an hour earlier,” “did some exercise,” etc. Such a calendar will quietly help you set your child up for school routine.
  • Let's create the mood. Remember what your child loves most about school and focus on that. Prepare him for new achievements, communication with friends, and gaining new interesting knowledge.
  • We create a schedule. It's time to change your summer habits. Together with your child, think about what time to leave for rest, and what time to review materials covered last year or to prepare for new ones, what time for sleep, what time for walks and games, what time for exercise (you also need to prepare for physical activity). !). My hand probably forgot how to write in beautiful handwriting, and some columns disappeared from the multiplication table in my memory. It's time to tighten up all the “weak points”.
  • We replace empty time (useless games on the computer and fooling around on the playground) with useful family walks – excursions, hikes, visits to zoos, theaters, etc. After each walk, be sure to make a beautiful presentation with your child (on paper or in a program) about the wonderful day you spent together. Give your child a camera and let him take pictures of the best moments of your family cultural holiday.
  • We buy school uniforms, shoes and stationery. All children, without exception, adore these moments of preparation for school: finally, a new backpack appears, a new beautiful pencil case, funny pens and pencils, fashionable rulers. Girls are happy to try on new sundresses and blouses, boys try on solid jackets and boots. Do not deny children the pleasure - let them choose their own briefcases and stationery. If most Russian schools have a very strict attitude towards uniforms, then you can choose pens and notebooks based on your own wishes.
  • Wean your child off TV and computers with phones – it’s time to remember about improving the body’s health, outdoor games, and useful activities.
  • It's time to start reading books! If your child refuses to read the stories assigned according to the school curriculum, buy him those books that he will definitely read. Let him read at least 2-3 pages a day.
  • Talk with your child more often about what he wants from school, about his fears, expectations, friends, etc. . This will make it easier for you to “lay out the straws” and prepare your child in advance for a difficult academic life.

Autumn is associated not only with yellow leaves, cold and rain, but also with active study. The thought that the holidays are already over, and everyday school life, homework, and tests lie ahead, causes panic among schoolchildren and reluctance to study. How can you make sure that after the holidays your child gathers his courage and goes to school with great pleasure? There are many simple tips that will most effectively help you get into a working mood, both from a moral and physical point of view. We will talk about some of them in this article.

Why do you need to prepare for the start of the school year after the holidays?

During the summer holidays, children develop their own routine. They go to bed late and wake up late, eat only during breaks between games and focus on fast food, chips, crackers, Coca-Cola, rather than on healthy food, often hang out in computer games, watch a huge number of films, play outside until dark. In other words, they enjoy summer freedom to the fullest. But after the holidays, freedom ends, and all the children sit down at school desks. To ensure that this period does not turn into a complete nightmare for the child, preliminary preparation is necessary to help motivate the student to acquire new knowledge.

It is necessary to prepare for the start of the new school year in advance, so that later the child does not develop stress and aversion to school. It would be ideal if you start preparing with your child somewhere in early August. This is an excellent time for the student to tune in to school everyday life.

It is very important to prepare gradually so that the child does not completely lose the desire to learn.

You need to start preparing for school everyday life with your health. After all, to gain new knowledge it is very important to be healthy and strong. If your child is used to playing outside until late and watching his favorite movies until midnight, you will have to reconfigure him to school mode, that is, going to bed before 10:00 pm and getting up at 7:00 am. Be prepared that this will be difficult at first. But over time, the child will enter this mode and from September 1 he will easily wake up in the morning, feeling quite cheerful.

Proper nutrition

Nutrition is also very important for school-aged children. After all, they experience enormous stress on their brains. If in the summer you are used to pampering your child with ice cream, various fast foods, sweets, chips and other unhealthy products, then as school approaches, you should completely abandon them. At this time, it is very important to switch the child to a proper balanced diet, including a full breakfast, lunch and dinner. It is very important to pay attention to meat, fish, fruits and vegetables, which are rich in all nutrients. And instead of sweet carbonated drinks, it is better to drink grape or apple juice.

Walking in the fresh air

If your child cannot tear himself away from the computer, be sure to ask him to go outside for some fresh air. And when school starts, don’t neglect short walks after class.

Even half an hour spent in a park or forest will give your child good mood and will charge you with energy.

Cultural program

If during the summer holidays the child’s main interests were shooting games, dolls, ball games or other entertainment, then on the eve of school everyday life, introduce him to a more cultural program that perfectly develops and broadens his horizons. This could be a trip to the zoo, to the theater or to an exhibition. And after spending time together, ask your child to write a short essay about what he saw so interesting.

Purchasing new things

Shopping is a pleasant experience not only for adults, but also for children. Therefore, it will be very useful to go to a school fair. A new briefcase, a diary, shoes, a jacket, pleasant-smelling notebooks, beautiful pens and rulers - not a single schoolboy or schoolgirl can resist all of this.

New acquaintances

New friends will come in handy, especially if the child has been transferred to another school. Pleasant acquaintances will not let you get bored and will increase your self-confidence. If you have old friends, don’t neglect meeting with them. It's more fun to study and do homework together.

Interesting training

Doing homework is probably not something many students like, especially if they have a lot of homework assigned for the summer. But you still have to do them. What to do in this case, how to get your child to study? You can turn doing homework into interesting game. For example, if a child read a book assigned by school curriculum, he receives a prize in the form of a trip to a water park or horseback riding.

By devoting at least 30 minutes a day to homework, your child will more easily adjust to his studies.

Note to parents: what not to do?

There are many points that parents need to know so as not to spoil their child’s mood and prevent them from wanting to learn. We have highlighted the most important of them:

  • Under no circumstances should you overload your child with textbooks and homework. He should enjoy the summer. Include a little of everything per day.
  • Do not suddenly transfer your child to a strict regime.
  • Do not deprive the student of meeting with friends.

Taking into account all these nuances, the transition to school mode will be very easy and pleasant, and your child will probably study with great pleasure.

Questions and answers:

  1. Why do you need to prepare your child for the start of the school year in advance?

This is necessary to ensure that the child is mentally and physically in working order.

  1. How many days in advance do you need to prepare your child for school?

The sooner the better. Ideally - 3 weeks before September 1st. During this time, he will have time to tune in to school everyday life.

  1. How to properly prepare your child for school?

This must be done gradually. Otherwise, the child may lose the desire to go to school. Healthy sleep, proper nutrition, walks in the fresh air, a cultural program, buying new things and school supplies - this is proper preparation child for the start of the new school year.

  1. Is it necessary to study during the holidays?

You should not force your child to study during the holidays. But you still have to do your homework. The ideal solution would be an even load, that is, a month before the start of the new school year, you need to devote at least 30 minutes a day to homework.

  1. What is prohibited?

You should not deprive your child of summer by forbidding him to go out with friends, cram textbooks and do homework until nightfall. In everything you need to know when to stop.

After the summer holidays, and what to do to make the adaptation period go smoothly for both schoolchildren and their parents.

Summer holidays are a long enough period of time for both children and parents to relax and completely forget what the school regime is. After a long rest, it is difficult to return to work.

Take it on board simple tips for the adaptation of the child and parent to school life after vacation, camp and the usual summer idleness.

Daily routine

Now is the time to gradually return to the “school” routine of the day. A sharp transition from a state of rest to a working mode is stressful for both children and adults. You can now gradually wake up in the morning and go to bed a little earlier in the evening.

Summer setback in knowledge

Three weeks before school, you can, at a relaxed pace, without pressure or coercion, look through the reference books for the previous year. Or download a curriculum on the subject from the Internet, and at least just look at the titles of the topics.

Start with circles and sections

If during the school year it is planned that the child will go to clubs and sections, it is better to start studying in August.

Strengthen the body to protect against stress

The first months of school are stressful. Especially in a new school or in a new class. The education system is changing, but many children are still scared to go to school. And the life of teenagers, as it happens physiologically, is always stressful.

In a state of chronic stress, our brain becomes deficient in zinc. Zinc affects the functioning of the hippocampus, which helps process and remember large amounts of information.

Now is the time to strengthen your body. Use what you believe in: products containing zinc, vitamin complexes, dietary supplements.

A preliminary meeting will help you return to the team

For introverted, shy children who have also spent the summer months alone, returning to the team is a burden and a possible source of tension.

You can suggest that on one of the days remaining before, we meet with the whole class and go to the cinema or on a picnic. This will help reduce anxiety and may help children express aspects that they find difficult to express at school.

Before the first of September, it is important to come to school, walk along the corridors, go into the office

If a child brings something of his own to class - a book from the library, a flowerpot, a poster, a photograph - it is as if he is putting an imprint of “I am here.” This makes it easier to adapt and get used to the class.

It’s great if the class makes a common “newspaper” with photographs of all students.

Create a “stock of positivity”

If a child tends to focus on the negative, he “has nothing good and never will,” he tends not to notice resourceful events and joys - help him see the positive.

Make a collage of photos of the most joyful moments of summer. Let these pictures even be taken on a mobile phone. Write down all the most significant things in a “journal of memories”, gratitude, successes. It's great to put this into regular practice.

Put an end to summer events

Sometimes, when a child returns from camp, we have the feeling that he “didn’t come back.” His thoughts remain in the summer events. We need to help him complete the stage.

Celebrate your return from camp, from vacation, celebrate the end of your vacation. Greet even an adult child from camp or after any absence with a surprise - a balloon, a gift, a handmade poster, a cake.

We, adults, should also learn to consciously “put an end to” different processes. This makes it easier to make the transition to other actions and to “acclimatize” psychologically.

The child returned from camp and changed

It is important for us to give ourselves the opportunity to get used to the child who has changed over the summer. A child's life is constantly enriched by new relationships, new roles, new knowledge, words and “systems”. The focus of his attention will shift to other adults and children.

Our role next to the child, on the one hand, is unchanged, but on the other, it also transforms in its facets. It is important for us to try not to worry and not to regain our power and authority by force.

The child fell in love

A child's love is always new level relationships with parents. It is important to be respectful of your child or teenager's feelings. It is important to keep secrets if they are shared with us. It is important not to invade personal space if it is being protected from us.

Often a “feeling” child, when falling in love, ceases to be a “thinking” child. Academic performance drops during this time.

And adults don’t always know how to cope with the “load of feelings,” and it’s even harder for children. But it is important for them to go through their first experience of love, charms and disappointments.

Buying important and useful things for school

A child has very little choice in life. If financially possible, let him choose at least the design of covers and diaries and the model of pens.

The huge selection of goods in the store frightens a child, sometimes even hysterics occur when the child is offered to choose everything he wants.

The child is in a dual state. On the one side, new class schools are a boost in status. On the other hand, fear of this new thing, fear of growing up, may appear. It’s great if, in addition to rational and mandatory purchases, if the child wants, you buy something “childish” from an adult point of view.

Seems , Just recently we talked about how to help the child and parents get through the last month of the school year without a nervous breakdown. But somehow the summer flew by unnoticed, and now September 1 is very close, and time is inevitably approaching this moment.

How can you adjust to the work rhythm when it’s still summer and you don’t want to think about studying at all? After all, even adults find it difficult to immediately get into a working rhythm after a vacation, and even more so for schoolchildren after a long summer vacation.

The main task of parents at the end of August is prepare children for school not only in terms of “equipment”, but also in terms of psychology. During long holidays, children lose the ability to quickly concentrate on one activity, their body adjusts to an active pastime and “forgets” about lessons, books and desks.

And on the first of September, children run happily not to school, but to meet friends. But a few days pass and schoolchildren become tired, they are no longer in a hurry to go to school, and it is difficult to get them out of bed early in the morning. According to experts, this is how the “September 1st syndrome” is expressed.

* nervousness and capriciousness of the child,
* fatigue and refusal to obey parents,
* reluctance to talk about school,
* the child has difficulty concentrating while doing school homework,
* restless light sleep,
* loss of appetite or excessive desire to eat a lot and constantly, especially sweets,
* frequent complaints of headache.

During this difficult period for a child, you cannot accuse him of irresponsibility and laziness, scold him for low grades, compare him with other children, humiliate him and show impatience with his behavior. Not only its successful completion, but also the life of your child depends on how the adaptation period of the beginning of the school year goes.

So, what will help in this situation?

1. The most important thing is that the child is positive about learning, because usually the opposite is true. You need to tell him that school is good, because again he will meet friends and learn a lot of interesting and useful things.

2. During the summer holidays, the child relaxes, so it is unlikely that he adhered to the usual schedule. At least two weeks in advance, you need to return to the correct daily routine: often children go to bed late in the summer, and I get up at whatever time they want. But it’s better to do everything with rewards and various surprises so that the child prepares for school joyfully.

3. When going for office supplies and new clothes, take your child with you. Let him choose a lot for himself - participate in choosing new clothes for school, stationery. New clothes will help you feel more joy in anticipation of the start of the new school year. Don't turn preparing for classes into a regular routine.

4. Talk to your children. About parting with summer, about compulsory schooling, about relationships with classmates. The purpose of such conversations is to create and maintain an incentive to “start new life" By September 1, many schoolchildren are determined to study better and correct some shortcomings in their behavior. You can make a photo album “How we spent the summer.”

5. Spend the last pre-school weeks in the form of games and competitions.

For example, while paying at the cash register, a child can practice mental counting. When pouring sugar into tea, remember the properties of substances; when opening a can, remember the lever.

Set tasks for each day. For example, the same reading. “What and how much will you read today?” – clarify and be sure to check when talking about what you read. It is useful to take turns reading aloud or role-playing.

Many children lose the habit of writing over the summer. It's not scary. To help your hand remember spelling, write a little every day. For dictation, choose funny passages from books and funny sentences.

7. You need to prepare a gift for your child by the first of September, so his school year will start on a positive note and he will be happy to study and try. It can be anything, even an important and necessary thing.

8. At the beginning of the school year, you should not burden your child with activities outside of school. Postpone visiting clubs and sections. The child needs 2–3 weeks to fully adapt to the educational process.

The month of August is already coming to an end and very soon the first bell will ring for your child. But how can you gather together all the children who are “crazy” from summer freedom, especially if you have a hyperactive child? At the same time, we will help you prepare your child for school.

The right motivation

There is no need to lecture, shout or force your child to sit down with the books they were assigned to read this summer! Such a transition from the summer of doing nothing during the holidays to the harsh everyday life can be quite painful for your child and this will make him dislike school more.

Therefore, you can prepare your child for school in an exciting game with prizes and its own rules.

Let your whole family try to praise and encourage your child when he does something that was previously planned. We will talk about what you can plan in advance below.

Daily routine

It is clear that for every child this sounds very boring and tedious, but if your child wakes up on vacation with his grandmother closer to noon and falls asleep after 23.00, then it will be very difficult for him in the month of September. You can make the back-to-school transition more comfortable and smoother.

Preparing the child for school and normal mode of the day - gradually shift the lights out and rise to an earlier time.

Back to school shopping

School uniforms, physical education school, stationery sets, notebooks - actively involve your child in their choice.

Here you can bargain a little with your child: “Let us try on your shirts for school, and then you can choose the pens, pencils and pencil case that you like.”
The girl can be left to choose a variety of elastic bands and hairpins for her new school uniform.

The most important thing is that your child understands that he will not be dragged “in tow”, and he and his parents choose everything he needs for school. You can put all his purchases in a separate package.

Before you start shopping, together with your child, make an accurate list of all the necessary things that you must purchase for school. Based on the results of shopping, your daughter or son will cross out all purchases made and will receive incentive medals or points from you.

Summer vacation assignment

And now we move on to the least favorite part of all children during the summer holidays - homework for the summer. It is not advisable to leave all the homework for the summer to the last minute!

When preparing your child for school, maintain a certain psychological attitude, since it is difficult to overestimate the correct motivation for a child: “Parents go to work, and your job is to study at school and acquire new knowledge. An adult must also constantly learn something in order to always be successful in his profession. And so you study and lay down all your knowledge “one brick at a time” and your future profession is laid.” The sooner your child has a goal and a vision for his future, and the sooner he can understand the relationship between studying at school and success in his adult life, the more interesting and meaningful his studies will be.

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