How to get out of a crack in the floor. How and what is the best way to seal cracks in wooden floors

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  1. Reasons for appearance
  2. Description of the work process
  3. Application of wooden slats
  4. Puttying

Tree - natural material with good thermal insulation properties. Over time, cracks may appear in it.

As a result, the strength of the flooring will decrease, drafts will arise, debris and dirt will begin to accumulate in the resulting holes, and dirt will begin to flow from the underground into the room. bad smell dampness, rot. But you can seal the cracks, and do it yourself.

It is necessary to seal the cracks in the wooden floor in a timely manner: defects reduce strength and it becomes dangerous to move on the flooring.

Reasons for appearance

  • Seasonal changes in humidity. Usually associated with turning on the heating. The wood begins to dry out due to low humidity: The indoor air becomes drier. When the heating is turned off, the humidity returns to normal, but the structures and floors do not restore their previous shape. To protect the wood from drying out, you need to constantly maintain the microclimate in the room with air humidifiers.
  • Violation of flooring technology. The cement-sand base may not be sufficiently dried. The wood will begin to warp over time. Similar defects can also be observed when installed incorrectly. vapor barrier film between wood and cement.
  • Incorrectly selected material. High-quality floors are made from coniferous, oak boards, tropical trees. Linden, maple and some other species are not suitable.
  • Using poorly dried boards. When purchasing material, you should check its moisture content. The optimal value is about 6–10%. It is not recommended to purchase material from an open warehouse.
  • In old rooms there may be rodents that damage the floors. In this case, you need to seal the hole and fill all the passages with concrete mixed with glass or aluminum chips. It is not recommended to pour rat poison into holes: rodents can spread it throughout the rooms. The poison emits an unpleasant odor, which is then difficult to remove.

What will it take to fix the holes?


  • wooden wedges, lath, cord (nylon or nylon);
  • paste, sawdust, epoxy resin, tow;
  • special silicone, putty, PVA glue;
  • hammer, stiff bristle brushes, spatulas, woodworking tools, mastic.

Description of the work process

Furniture is removed from the damaged area. The floors in the room are washed. If the area is small, it is marked with chalk. Use a stiff brush or sharp spatula to remove adhered dirt. Can be removed paintwork, if it interferes with or contributes to the expansion of the holes.

The repair technology depends on the location and nature of the damage.

Application of wooden slats

This is the most effective way, but takes a lot of time. It is used more often if the gap is quite wide and deep.

They begin work by milling holes and slots with a saw: they need to be widened. Then they drive it in. Clean the ends of the boards sandpaper. If there is a gap between the board and the wall, then the walls are also cleaned. The slats are made from boards of the same type as the main floor, 0.5 cm smaller than the size of the holes. The slats are cleaned.

The boards are treated with glue and glued together. Make a mixture of glue and sawdust. Fill cracks and other minor defects. In some cases, damage between the wall and the floor is filled with sealant.

After filling the cracks, the surface is treated with varnish and paint to match the main shade.


If a hole or crack small size, it can be puttied. Several options are used:

  • Mix paste (or PVA) with sawdust. Before this, the sawdust is poured with boiling water and left for 2-3 hours to swell. Then add glue to the mixture and mix thoroughly. The finished solution should stretch.
  • To seal the gap between the boards, you can mix sawdust and gypsum dust in a 1:1 ratio. The mixture is poured with boiling water. Consistency ready solution should be thick and viscous. Can add citric acid(100 g per 1 l).
  • A mixture of paper (cardboard) and paste is less reliable. Pre-shredded pieces of cardboard and paper are poured with water to swell them. Mix with paste.

The mixture is applied to the damaged area with a spatula. After drying, cover with varnish and paint to match the color of the floor.

People often encounter problems such as gaps between the floor and the wall. They appear over time or as a result of the unscrupulous approach of finishers when renovating an apartment. Such spaces need to be eliminated as soon as possible. It’s worth asking in advance about how to seal the gaps between the floor and the wall. In addition to the fact that they spoil the appearance of the apartment, dampness and drafts penetrate into the house through the cracks. The presence of voids can contribute to the appearance of cockroaches. They penetrate through all sorts of cracks. How and with what can you eliminate the gap in the space between the wall and the floor? More on this later.

Stages of work

Sealing cracks will not require much time and effort from residents. There are several stages of work:

  1. The size of the space, its depth and length are determined.
  2. The material for work is selected. It all depends on the size of the gap.

What materials can be used?

To seal a small gap, the size of which is no more than one centimeter, it is permissible to use such Construction Materials, like putty and cement. Mounting plaster is also suitable for use.

If the gap is from two to five centimeters, then it is better to seal it with polyurethane foam. If it is more than five centimeters, then the work will become more difficult. You'll have to buy other materials.

What needs to be done at the preparatory stage?

Filling the resulting voids can be classified as cosmetic repairs. How to seal the gaps between the floor and the wall depends on the type of damage, as well as interior decoration rooms. All preparation will depend on whether the walls and floors in the apartment are decorated. The baseboard is removed, as well as the wallpaper. If the plinth for the floor is high, it is worth attaching it back, then the seam will be completely invisible. When there is a layer of paint, it must be removed by stripping. Whitewash is washed away by water. Before starting work, the wall must be completely dry.

All accumulated dirt should be removed from around the work area. When a gap is sealed in an already renovated room, the wallpaper must be partially removed. If the coating allows, only the strip above the floor is removed. You need to buy a film and cover all places where dirt from work can get in. Protective coatings will “save” floors from contact with polyurethane foam. The paint is difficult to wipe off the surface; precautions should be taken when painting. When you plan to work using water, it makes no sense to cover the area around with newspapers or papers.

What should I do to remove a large gap?

If it is necessary to seal the gaps between the floor and the wall and the voids are very large, then you can use foam or plastic. When you have unnecessary pieces of brick on hand, they are ideal for repair work. Large parts should be broken down into small components. The smaller the parts, the smoother they will “settle” inside the gap. The entire cavity will be filled as a result. An important point there will be neat filling of voids. The task is to prevent further expansion of the resulting void.

Some people use alabaster in their work. This material is cheap and economical to use. Beginners in the repair business ask about how to dilute alabaster. The main thing is to follow the recommendations on the packaging and not make the solution completely liquid. How to dilute alabaster? It should resemble thick glue in composition.

The above materials significantly save your budget. How to seal the gaps between the floor and ceiling? Polyurethane foam will cost you a lot, and after “filling” the cracks with improvised materials, you will spend a maximum of one can of foam on the top layer. This amount of foam is used even for large cavities.

Experts advise choosing TechnoNIKOL polyurethane foam. It has proven itself on the market for a long time. Distinctive feature TechnoNIKOL polyurethane foam is of high quality and quick adhesion.

It is necessary to fill the void by one third, to a maximum of 50 percent. Foam may only be applied thin layer, application of several layers is possible. It's worth waiting for the last one to dry before applying the next one. With this pouring method, there will be no excess foam and no flakes will fall out. Material consumption is significantly reduced.

How to fill a small or medium void between the floor and the wall?

The question often arises about how to seal the gaps between the floor and the wall if the space is small. To fill a small gap, you need to have precision movements and dexterity. Suitable for work soft materials. They must be plastic. It is important that the cavity filler has a high density. Such materials include construction felt. Tow is more often used. To prevent insects from settling in the cracks, they are treated with insect repellent sprays.

The material at hand should be rolled into rolls of small diameter, which is not very larger size cracks. The required filler is driven into the gap using a hammer. It is better to take a rubber construction hammer. It will help to smoothly fill the resulting void. It is necessary that the material is solid and there are no small parts. Usually cracks form in them.

If the cavity is very small and the tow will not fit in it, then it helps in this matter gypsum mortar. It quickly fills all the cracks. The solution fills the space as much as possible. You can also treat the surface of walls with it.

To avoid staining surfaces near the work site, you can purchase self-adhesive construction fabric. When the cavity is clogged, you can begin to decorate the seam.

What to do when cracks form during the wall repair process?

When a house becomes old, the walls become deformed. The wood floor begins to warp and dry out. What to do in such a situation? Professionals advise sealing the gaps between the floor and the wall. The faster the better.

There is acrylic sealant. They work with the help of a special device in which a balloon is placed. The spaces between the elements are treated with sealant.

How to use polyurethane foam?

In most cases, you have to use polyurethane foam, even if you only need a little of it. You need to know how to use it correctly. The gaps between the floor and the wall must be foamed immediately after the defect is discovered. Here are some tips:

  1. Before filling the space, you need to wet it with water. A special spray bottle is suitable for this. At home, you can take a bottle and make holes in the lid. After spraying, the foam is better fixed inside the cavity.
  2. We should not forget that foam tends to expand after filling the space. The moisturizing effect enhances expansion. It is necessary to carefully apply the foam in small portions.
  3. Most favorable conditions for sealing cracks with foam - this is a temperature from plus five to plus twenty-five degrees Celsius. You must first warm up the balloon in water at the desired temperature.
  4. Before starting work, the foam package must be shaken.
  5. You can only work with specialized glasses and gloves. It is important to remember that the composition of the foam is quite caustic. It settles firmly on the surface and on clothes. If contact with open areas cannot be avoided, then you should wait until the material dries, after which it will be easier to remove. If the foam has not hardened, it can only be removed with a solvent. It is possible to remove the foam after drying with a construction knife.

How to repair a wall after repairing defects?

Ideally, after removing excess foam, a small depression remains. What do you do in this case? It is usually sealed with a thin layer of putty. Using a spatula, distribute the mass evenly. Plaster work is allowed. When the layer of mortar hardens, you will get an even seam. It can be covered with a plinth or the seam can be covered with wallpaper. It is good to choose a floor plinth with a cable channel, it is convenient to attach. Finishing with tiles or wood is allowed, depending on the design of the room.

When is the best time to start repair work?

It is worth checking for damage between the floor and ceiling before starting finishing works and close them quickly. In this case, damage to already repaired surfaces can be avoided. By following these recommendations, you can save money that is spent on Decoration Materials.

If you had to seal a seam in an already renovated room, then you need to follow all safety measures and try to keep the repair in its original form. Particular care must be taken when using polyurethane foam. After all, it can expand.


So, we found out how and with what to seal the gaps between the floor and the wall. As you can see, the operation can be completely done with your own hands. But in order for the work to be of high quality, you should follow the recommendations of specialists and prepare the solution correctly.

During the operation of residential premises in apartments or houses, situations arise when spaces are formed between the wall and the floor different sizes and depth. There is a need to repair them, but not only because they spoil appearance living space, but also because this is a direct source of drafts, the penetration of dampness into the rooms, which brings with it hordes of insects, mold and mold.

Therefore, it is extremely important to immediately begin to eliminate it after identifying such a problem. Carrying out the work will not take much effort and time; it involves following several stages:

  • Determining the size of the gap - length and depth;
  • Based on the scale of future work, the material with which the hole will be sealed is selected.

To seal very small cracks (about 1 cm), you can use mortars of putty, mounting plaster or cement. Larger gaps (2-5 cm) must be filled with polyurethane foam. If the damage is much larger (5 cm or more), then you need to resort to more serious work and use other materials. Below is a consistent technology for eliminating gaps between a wall and a floor of any complexity.

Preparation for work

Sealing such cracks falls into the category cosmetic repairs. Preparation depends on what decorative elements your walls or floor are decorated with. If there is a baseboard, it must be removed, the wallpaper removed, the paint layer cleaned and removed, and the whitewash washed off. In the latter case, you need to let the wall dry completely. Remove all dust and dirt that may interfere with the quality fixation of the sealing materials.

If the installation takes place in a room where you do not plan to carry out complete renovation, then the wallpaper needs to be removed only partially, or try to carefully tear off the strip from the wall so that after finishing the work you can glue it back, returning the wall to its original appearance. All surfaces that may get dirt during the repair process must be protected with film, paper and secured securely - this will avoid additional costs when putting things in order. Such measures will protect the floor and walls from polyurethane foam, plaster and paint. Paper or newspaper should not be used if there will be a lot of water in the workplace - it is useless as a protective material in this case.

The goal is a large gap

To fill the hole, the ideal option would be suitable sized pieces of brick, polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam or plastic. If the parts are large, then they need to be broken or broken - small filling components guarantee that they will fit inside the hole as tightly as possible and thoroughly fill the cavity. Be careful that when filling the gap, you do not deform the existing hole or expand it.

These materials will help you save expensive mounting foam, which should be poured into the gap after the previous materials. Practice shows that using bricks or other fillers, only one container of polyurethane foam is required to restore even very large damage.

You should not fill it to capacity, because it tends to expand several times. Fill the remaining space by about a third, in very severe cases - by half. If the layer turns out to be very large, then apply it not at once, but in parts, allowing the previous layer to completely expand and harden. This will reduce the risk of overfilling and subsequent falling out of rags of foam, and as a result, will save its volume.

The target is a medium or small slit

The ideal option for filling such holes would be soft, plastic materials with high density - tow or construction felt. To prevent such materials from becoming a haven for insect pests, before filling they must be thoroughly impregnated with insecticidal substances, most often formaldehyde.

The material is rolled into small rolls, the diameter of which should be slightly larger than the size of the gap, and applied to the gap. Next, using a small rubber or wooden hammer, the roll is carefully but confidently driven into the hollow space of the damage. It is advisable to fill the void in one piece material, without small parts, so that unnecessary cavities do not form between them.

If the gap is so small that you physically cannot drive tow in there, then a soft spatula and a plastic gypsum mortar will come to the rescue. The technology is simple - apply a strip of plaster to the tip of the spatula and apply it to the damage, then gently press. This will allow the mortar to fill the entire cavity and immediately finish the wall surface to minimize finishing preparation.

To protect the surrounding area from dirt, you can use self-adhesive construction fabric (which will not work if you already have wallpaper) or the above methods. After the gap is completely clogged, the formaldehyde dries - you can decorate the seam.

The gap between the baseboard and the wall or floor

It usually forms when old walls become warped or wooden baseboards dry out. Such an error can be repaired very simply - using acrylic sealant; modern stores provide a choice of any colors and shades. The cylinder is installed in special device for supplying sealant and is applied over the distance between the elements.

Rules for working with polyurethane foam

Two thirds of cases still require the active use of polyurethane foam, even in small quantities. Therefore, it is important to figure out how to use it correctly. The recommendations are:

  • Before filling the cavity, its surface must be slightly moistened with ordinary water. To do this, it is advisable to use a mechanical spray bottle or a bottle with holes in the lid. This is done to better fix the foam inside the damage.
  • When filling, be aware of the foam's ability to expand. In addition, moisturizing the surface will only enhance this effect. The foam must be applied carefully, carefully, little by little.
  • Ideal working conditions with it are from five to twenty-five degrees Celsius. The cylinder must be heated in water at the appropriate temperature.
  • Before use, the container with foam should be shaken thoroughly.
  • Carry out work only with protective glasses and gloves - the foam is very caustic and firmly sticks to all things and objects. In case of accidental contact with finishing surfaces, it is recommended to remove foam only after complete drying; wipe off foam that has not yet hardened with a special solvent.
  • Hardened foam is removed with a sharp knife.

Finishing the wall after repairing the damage

Excess foam should be removed so that a small depression remains at the seam site. It will be filled with a small layer of putty or plaster using a spatula and brought to the same level as the wall. After the layer has dried mortar There won't be a trace left of the crack. The top of the wall can be finished in all sorts of ways - attaching a plinth, painting, adding wallpaper, finishing with tiles, plastic, wood, and so on.


It is advisable to detect and repair such damage between the floor and walls before finishing work begins, so as not to damage existing finishing surfaces during the work. Thus, the work will be completed faster and at lower cost. If the sealing takes place in the finishing room, then precautions should not be neglected, especially when working with polyurethane foam.


From the video you will learn in more detail how and with what to seal cracks.

Eco-friendly, beautiful and durable wood floors have one drawback. Gaps appear over time between wooden boards due to changes in temperature and humidity in the house or for some other reason. They can be repaired even by someone who does not have special skills. There are several ways to extend the life of wooden floors, which you can learn about in our article.

Reasons for the formation of cracks in the floor

Gaps between boards bother homeowners for many reasons. If there is a ventilated foundation under the floor, then cold penetrates into the room through the cracks.

Due to the fact that various debris gets clogged into the gaps, the floors take on an unaesthetic appearance. In addition, the boards themselves may begin to rot.

The cause of cracks can be:

  1. Drying of wood. This is the most common reason when using conventional wooden planks. You don’t have to worry about drying out if the floor is made of factory boards treated with the “vacuum drying” method.
  2. Installation error. Gaps may form immediately after construction is completed if the floor installation was performed incorrectly. In this case, the gaps arise due to the fact that the boards are “walking”.
  3. Dry air. If the air in the room is dry, then there is no need to remove cracks on the wooden floor. After some time, boards pulled together tightly will go in “waves.” You can check air humidity using a hygrometer.
  4. Small rodents. The cracks made by mice are not easy to repair. You must first get rid of the rodents themselves.

With timely care and careful operation of a wooden floor, you can only get by cosmetic repairs. The choice of method and means will depend on the size, location of the defects and the reasons for their appearance.

Traditional methods of sealing cracks

There are many “old-fashioned” methods of solving this issue that have been proven over the years. In some cases, they are more effective than the use of modern means.

Using the cord. Using a cord selected according to the width of the hole, you can seal cracks not only in the floor, but also on the walls. The cord will close the gap and eliminate unpleasant creaking boards

To carry out repairs, you will need to prepare a cord, rope or twine, putty, wood glue or PVA, and sawdust from any material. Work process:

  • Cover the cord completely with glue.
  • Make a mixture from sawdust, putty and glue.
  • Deepen the cord into the gap so that there is from two to four millimeters from the floor surface to it.
  • Fill the distance from the rope to the surface with the prepared mixture. The putty composition shrinks when it dries, so the gap is filled with the mixture with a small margin on top.

Frozen mixture coated with varnish or paint to match the wooden boards.

Glue with sawdust

Gaps and cracks can only be sealed with glue with sawdust, or mortar with the addition of cement. You should use fine sawdust and PVA glue:

If cement is added to sawdust and glue, then the following proportions must be observed to mix the mixture:

  • glue – 2 parts;
  • sawdust – 5 parts;
  • cement - 5 parts;
  • hot water– 15 parts.

First glue with water mixed until smooth, to which sawdust and cement are added. The resulting mixture should sit for about ten minutes. It can be given the color of a wooden coating by adding a coloring pigment or thick oil paint.

The mass should be heated before use. This solution dries within two weeks. Only after this the surface leveled with abrasive materials.

Using slats

The slats coated with glue become very flexible and can be easily driven into the gap. Therefore, this method is considered very effective and is one of the most common. To perform the work you must:

Small defects can be eliminated a mixture of PVA and sawdust.

Chipboards and plywood

If between the floorboards there is a large number of gaps of different sizes, it will take a very long time to seal them. It will be easier to use plywood or chipboards as a covering, on which the finishing coating is then laid.

Plywood can be fasten with dowels and self-tapping screws or with “liquid nails”, fixing them with ordinary nails. In places where screws are attached, the plywood may become deformed. To avoid this, holes should first be made in the sheets.

Paste, paper and copper sulfate

This is the cheapest way to get rid of cracks in a wooden floor. To complete it you will need:

It will be possible to paint the floor only after the composition has dried thoroughly.

Broken glass and cement

Glass and cement filled gaps putty on top. In stores you can buy a higher quality mixture, which consists of concrete mortar and aluminum chips.

Modern means

Today, construction stores offer a huge selection various means for sealing cracks in wooden floors.

Foam gun. By using polyurethane foam, you can seal the gaps and at the same time create additional thermal insulation. Work with the gun must be carried out quickly, since the foam freezes literally before your eyes. The gun is pre-adjusted for low feed.

A cocktail tube is placed on the spout of the tool for dispensing foam and flattened, which should be inserted between the boards. During operation, the foam should be pressed with a wet, soapy bar. If the tube does not fit into the slot, then you can simply lean it against the hole.

Excess foam can be cut with a knife only after it has completely dried. Otherwise, it will smear everything around, and the foam is very difficult to wash off. Polyurethane foam is destroyed by direct sunlight, so it must be painted over in several layers.

Silicone and acrylic sealant

Elastic material is suitable for floors that “play”. If it is not possible to fix them firmly, it is recommended to use silicone sealant.

It is very simple to use: the surface is cleaned and dried; the composition is drawn into a mounting syringe, the tip of which is lowered into the slot; The sealant is carefully squeezed out and spread with a spatula.

Silicone will remain elastic even after drying, so will last a long time. Available for sale silicone sealants different color.

Resistant to high humidity and temperature fluctuations acrylic sealants. They are easy to sand and can be coated with varnish and paint. Acrylic-based sealants are clear and do not have the vinegar smell that comes from silicone compounds. Created on water based acrylic sealant is easily washed off your hands.

In addition to the suggested options, you can use special putties. However, their disadvantage is that they often crack. In addition, the number of putty colors is not that many, so choosing the right color is quite problematic.

If the wooden floor is to be additionally covered with a finishing coating, then the gaps can be simply seal with wide construction tape. In this case, the floors will not be very attractive, but the tape will protect the house from cold and drafts entering through the cracks.

Sealing joints between floor and wall

The gaps that appear between the boards and the walls can be sealed in several ways:

All proposed methods for sealing cracks between wooden boards are effective. Therefore, it is recommended to choose based on the availability of ingredients and the condition of the floor. From the video offered in this article, you can find additional information.

Wooden floors are always beautiful, safe and durable. But even it can have one serious drawback - cracks and cracks that arise as a result of insufficient drying of the wood, improper use of the flooring or non-compliance with the temperature regime.

Deformed boards lead to significant heat losses, underground contamination, and the appearance of mustiness and dampness. Therefore, we will tell you about best ways seal the cracks in the wooden floor.

Methods for restoring flooring

There are three ways to eliminate gaps and cracks in natural wood floors.

Complete replacement of covering and inspection of floorboards

Global restoration work is carried out in case of serious deformations and damage to the sheathing on which the boards are installed.

The procedure is performed using a metal crowbar and a hammer equipped with a nail puller. This method is effective if eliminating cracks in the floor is impossible due to the large area of ​​damage.

The work is carried out in the following order:

  • Damaged coating elements are dismantled and new ones are purchased to replace them.
  • Floorboards are carefully inspected for defects, and entire elements can be reinstalled. If necessary, their surface is cleaned and leveled.
  • After finishing preparatory work carry out the final laying of the boards with reliable fixation on the support beams.

Partial coating replacement

Partial repairs are carried out if it is necessary to remove wide and deep defects in small areas flooring, as well as when floorboards creak.

The wooden flooring is carefully dismantled and replaced with new elements.

Often the second method of restoring a wooden floor is carried out together with the third.

Elimination of minor defects in flooring

Sealing cracks in a wooden floor involves redecorating the base using simple and accessible techniques.

The choice of a suitable method for eliminating defects is determined by their size and area of ​​distribution on the wooden surface.

Gaps and other defects in wooden flooring can occur in different areas, which determines the technology for eliminating them and the choice of the most suitable materials.

How to eliminate gaps between walls and flooring

When installing wooden flooring, small gaps are maintained between the wall and the boards, which ensures natural air circulation, taking into account the expansion of the covering when there is a sharp change in indoor temperatures.

In some cases, this can lead to an increase in the size of the cracks and the formation of other defects. To seal cracks with your own hands, it is recommended to use construction foam with foam balls.

Repair work is carried out as follows:

  • First, the baseboards are dismantled.
  • Problem areas are thoroughly cleaned of debris and dirt.
  • Polystyrene foam is placed into the deep cracks and then filled with foam.
  • After the foam has completely dried, the excess is cut off at the level of the floorboards.
  • The seams are sealed with a putty mixture to prevent dust from accumulating in the small pores of the foam.
  • Finally, the baseboards are installed.

Repairing cracks with glue and sawdust

You can eliminate defects between the boards with a viscous mixture made from sawdust and glue. There are two ways to prepare the mixture:

Method number 1

  1. Sawdust of fine dispersion is placed in a convenient container and poured with boiling water. Mix everything thoroughly and leave for 2-3 hours.
  2. PVA or carpentry glue is added to the steamed sawdust and kneaded to obtain a thick mixture.
  3. Defects existing on the floor surface are cleaned of dirt. In some cases, they will require slight expansion and deepening.
  4. The adhesive composition is applied using a spatula into the cracks and carefully pressed inward. Next, the mass is leveled and the residue is removed.
  5. The treated areas are kept for 2–3 days until the glue dries, then sanded with fine-grained sandpaper or special equipment.

Method number 2

  1. Prepare the repair mixture. Add 14 parts of heated water to two parts of glue and mix until smooth. Cement and sawdust are added to the finished composition in equal proportions - 5 parts each. All ingredients are mixed and left for up to 10 minutes. For coloring, you can add paint or colored pigment to the composition.
  2. Next, clean the problem areas and cover them with the prepared mixture according to the scheme presented in the previous version.
  3. The treated surface is dried for 14 days, after which it is carefully leveled and sanded.

This method is used to eliminate large gaps and level flooring.

Repairing cracks using putty

It is possible to cover the cracks with putty, provided that the gaps between the individual elements of the wooden covering are small.

For restoration work You can use homemade or ready-made composition for wood.

The putty can be filling (up to 6 mm) and finishing (up to 1 mm). The only drawback of this method is the possible cracking and scattering of the composition due to excessive heating. Therefore, putty to eliminate cracks is used only when a decorative coating will be installed on top of the floorboards.

Puttying defects in the floor is quite simple: the finished composition is distributed over the problem area using a spatula with a rubber tip and thoroughly compacted. After the putty has dried, the surface is leveled and sanded.

Removing cracks using paste and paper

The simplest and affordable way eliminating defects in wooden floors. To do this, use paste, paper and copper sulfate.

Repairs are carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. The paper is cut into small pieces, filled with water and left for 5–10 minutes to swell.
  2. To prepare the paste, flour, starch and water are used. The remaining ingredients are gradually added to the boiling water and stirred until a thick and viscous mixture is obtained.
  3. Vitriol is poured into the finished paste in a ratio of 1 to 10.
  4. The paper is wrung out and added to the base, mixed thoroughly.
  5. Surface preparation is carried out in a similar way as described above.
  6. The paste is applied to the surface of the cracks, slightly pressed inward and leveled. After the mixture has hardened, the surface is leveled with fine-grained sandpaper. Additionally, the restored surface can be coated with paint or wood varnish.

Repairing cracks with cord or twine

Another affordable way to solve the problem, which allows you to hide defects in wooden floors and walls. To do this, you need to prepare a thick cord, twine or rope, adhesive and putty.

Restoration is carried out as follows:

  1. The cord or twine is coated with glue along its entire length.
  2. Next, mix the putty mixture, sawdust and glue to obtain a viscous composition.
  3. The cord is placed in the cleaned cracks and slightly deepened.
  4. The top of the gap is filled with the finished composition, leaving a small margin for shrinkage. After drying, the surface is carefully sanded.

Repairing cracks with wooden slats

Technically the hard way repairing a plank floor is the use wooden slats. They reliably hide existing defects and prevent floorboards from squeaking.

Other ways to get rid of cracks in wood flooring

In addition to the proposed floor restoration options, there are no less effective ways solving the problem.

  1. Tow made of flax fibers. Used for sealing joints in plumbing products and cracks in wooden covering. The tow is lubricated with adhesive and inserted into the cracks. The surface is leveled and painted.
  2. Composition of cement and glue from epoxy resin. Used to eliminate minor defects and flaws. The ingredients are mixed in equal parts, the finished composition is distributed on the problem area. After hardening, the surface is sanded and painted.
  3. Sheet plywood. Suitable for cosmetic repairs of coatings with big amount cracks. The plywood is fixed on top of the boards using self-tapping screws.
  4. Silicone and acrylic sealants. The sealant allows you to eliminate wide and deep defects, as well as creaking wooden boards. The sealant is applied with a special nozzle in a thin layer into the gap and joint between the individual boards.

How to seal cracks that appear as a result of active rodent activity? To solve this problem, you can use a special composition based on cement and broken glass.

After restoration, the problem area is treated with putty, sanded and painted.

Important! Glass scrap can be replaced with aluminum chips or powder.

Any method of solving the problem of eliminating defects in wooden flooring is effective if you choose the right consumables and follow the technological process.

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