How to play Minecraft online. How to play Minecraft over a local network

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Let's start with the fact that you only need a friend and Minecraft itself. To begin with, one of you, for example, you create a world in which you want to play together. It is also very important that you and your friend have the same versions of Minecraft. For example, if you created a world on version 1.8, then your friend should also have version 1.8. Now you need to find out your ip, you can do this on this site, or just type my ip on the Internet. Here is a screenshot from that site (2ip), the arrow shows where your ip will be (click on it and it will be copied) -

After you have found out and copied your IP, temporarily write it down somewhere, for example, in a notepad. Now go into the world and open it to the network, ESC -> Open for the network -> select the necessary parameters and open the world online. Now a port should appear in your chat, for example - 51166 . See screenshot -

Then we take the IP that you learned from the previous paragraph, after the IP we put a colon (the colon is ‘ : ‘) and insert the port after the colon. This is what it should look like, I came up with an IP on the fly (this is not my IP) - 28.355.85.212:51166 . Now transfer this to your friend and your friend should log into Minecraft in Online game-> Add -> and insert there what you threw to him, for example, I have this - 28.355.85.212:51166 . See screenshot -

That's all, if everything is ok, then your friend will have your world in the list of servers and he just goes to it and that’s it, you can play together. The server description will look something like this (it will most likely be at the very bottom of the server lists) -

Now you can play with your friends!

Note, after you have opened a world online, do not exit it, because when you exit, the port will close and your friend will not be able to enter. If you have any questions, leave them in the comments or write to my group

Social games have always been more popular than single-player games. The same can be said about the super popular Minecraft game. Today there are a huge number of different servers available for company play.

However, if you want to play exclusively with each other, you don't need anyone else. You can download the Minecraft game on the Internet and install it on almost any laptop without any problems. All that remains is to connect via the network (LAN or WLAN) and enjoy the cooperative mode.

First of all, you need to create a network, if you haven't already created one. This is done using the Network Configuration Wizard. It is best to choose “private networks”, because in this case several will be offered various options network protection.

  • set a fixed IP address;
  • set the subnet mask;
  • register the gateway.

During world creation, a port can be assigned to a network. He does not have special significance, but if a friend could not see the created world as accessible, it is recommended to use it (the port).

Important! The IP addresses of the host and client must be different. For example, for the host it ends with 1, for the client with 2, 3, 4, etc.

If you do not want to waste time setting up the network, or you are unable to configure wireless network properly, you can use specialized software.

The Hamachi client can act as such an intermediary. With its help, you can play virtually any game over the Internet that provides network play (via LAN).

There is practically nothing to configure there. You just need to create a server and provide authentication information to a friend who is about to connect. In this case, the connection speed will be slightly lower than if you connected directly.

However, it is quite enough for comfortable gaming online.

Difficulties may arise if different versions of both the game itself and mods are installed on the host and client computers.

The player will demonstrate how to quickly and easily set up a network and Minecraft for playing together:

To play with your friend computer game Minecraft, you can choose any one for yourself convenient way, since there are a huge number of them. The most convenient and popular of them: local network, creating your own server, playing on one third-party server. Choose the best one for yourself and proceed with the steps of this article. Please note that each option has its pros and cons.

How to play Minecraft with a friend over a local network

This option is only suitable for those players who are going to spend time in Minecraft only together, and never separately. Because game world will be available to you only if another player is connected to the network. For example, your friend distributes a local network and tells you the server IP. You play together for a certain time, but as soon as your friend goes to bed and turns off the Internet connection on the computer, the server becomes no longer available to you.

If you decide to choose this option, then proceed to the algorithm.

  • Download the Hamachi program on your computer and your friend's computer. This program is publicly available on the developer’s official website and does not require additional payments. Open the program on your computer.
  • Open the “network” tab and in the drop-down menu select the line “Create a new network...”

  • Enter the network ID. This is a kind of login that your friends will enter to connect to your local network. Also create a password so that your friends can easily remember it. After entering, click “Create”.

  • Turn on Hamachi by clicking on the big blue power button on the toolbar.

  • Now enter the Minecraft game. See what version you have installed. Your versions with your friend must match.

  • Enter single player mode, this is the world you will be given to play with friends. Create your own world with any mode.

  • In the game, press the Esc key and in the menu that appears, click on the “Open for network” field.

  • At the top you will see the game settings: its mode and the presence of cheats. It's better to turn off cheats on initial stage, you can enable them later if you wish. Click “Open the world to the network.”

  • The port number will immediately pop up in the chat on the left, copy it into notepad, it is needed to form the IP address of your local network.

  • Now go to Hamachi again, left-click on the program header, two lines will appear in front of you, you need the top one “Copy IPv4 address”, click on it.

  • Now open notepad, first paste your IPv4 address there, then put a colon and paste the port number. You have received the server's IP address.

  • You have completed all the steps to create a local network for a friend from your computer. Now look at what your friend needs to do to connect. To connect to someone else's local network to play Minecraft together, open the Hamachi network. Click on the “Network” tab and select “Connect to an existing network...”

  • Enter the ID and password that your friend created in the previous step. Click “Connect”.

  • Now go to the Minecraft game, select “Network play”, then “Direct connection” and in the IP address input field, enter the numbers that your friend got in his notepad. Now you can safely play together over a local network. This method is good because the server is always on your computer, and your world belongs only to you.

How to play Minecraft with a friend on your own server

If your computer is too weak for a local network and begins to constantly slow down, then it is better to choose this option, since here the entire amount of data will be stored on the hosting. In addition, you can install special plugins that are not available in single player.

  • Go to any hosting site, for example,
  • Register your account or log in via Facebook.

  • To register you only need email address, create your password and login. After this, you will find yourself on the main page for creating a server.

  • Click on the blue “Get your server now” button.
  • You need to come up with a hosting name, enter it in the white input field.

  • After that, select your region. For example “Europe”. And the type of hosting is free, that is, “free”.

  • All you have to do is select the server type. If you want a functional server, with advanced options for the administrator, then select “CraftBukkit”.

The remaining options remain unchanged, since they cannot be changed on the free server type. After this, you can play on your own server, just copy the IP address. Please note that this is a free hosting, so you need to enter a captcha every hour.

In addition to these two options, you can simply select a server on the Internet and play with other players together with a friend.

How to play Minecraft online?

Minecraft is a kind of virtual sandbox in which you can fight monsters, master crafts and make items, and create entire worlds of your own. The Minecraft gaming community is one of the largest in the world. Many people call this game a real revolution in the indie gaming industry. The game does not have any official manuals, which has earned it even more respect from fans. In this article we will tell you only about the basic steps that any user must take in this game, and how to play Minecraft online.

Game setup

Beginner users should first complete the following steps:

  1. Set up game mode and options. When you first turn on Minecraft, the first thing you need to do is decide how you want to play: single player or online. The multiplayer game, in which multiple players play simultaneously on servers, is only available for paid accounts.
  2. In addition, you will need to set the basic settings, which include, among other things, the difficulty level and sound settings.
  3. The game has four difficulty levels: survival, creative, adventure and hardcore. The difficulty level mainly affects whether monsters or "mobs" can appear at night or from underground. In addition, on the difficult level you will also encounter zombies that can destroy wooden doors and kill the character.
  4. In multiplayer mode, you don't have to create your own world. You can join someone else's game. To select a multiplayer server, you will need to go to the game's website, such as PlanetMinecraft. After you have chosen the server on which you are going to begin developing the land, you can begin setting up the online game.

Enabling multiplayer mode

In order to start playing Minecraft online, you need to do the following:

  1. Launch the game.
  2. Click the Edit button in the upper right corner.
  3. Click External.
  4. Enter the name of your selected server, IP address and port number.
  5. Click the Add Server button.
  6. Sometimes the server fails to launch the game the first time. If the game does not load, try again.

Perhaps the main thing in the game is to survive the first night. The whole game is built on the cycle of day and night. Your task is to build yourself a shelter before sunset, before monsters appear ready to kill your character. Next, everyone chooses their own style of play, builds special strategies and determines a plan of action. Some people focus on building and collecting various valuable artifacts, while others prefer to focus on weapons. This game is especially good because it does not have any linear plot and clear rules of the game. Everyone can find something for themselves in it.

When you have learned to play MineCraft well, mastered all the basics of the game, and got to know its inner world, you can move on to online game, which you can play both with people from other cities on Internet servers, and with friends on a local network. In this article I will tell you how to play Minecraft over a local network and on the Internet.

How to play Minecraft on the Internet?

You can play MineCraft over the Internet on servers specially created for this purpose; you can find them on various online monitoring and ratings. To start the game we need the game itself (preferably latest version), a powerful computer (otherwise the game will slow down), high-speed Internet access (a channel of 1 MB/s will be enough) and the address of the game server. So, let's begin. Launch the game, log into it using your username, then select “Network game” (second button). A connection window will appear in front of you, in the first line enter the address of the server on which we will play, then click on the “Connect” button, in the English version of the game Minecraft with skins “Connect” and we get to the server. Once on the server, you will find that you cannot do a single action, this happened because you are not registered on this gaming platform, this is done quite simply, in just a few steps. To register on the server, click English letter“T”, a chat will open, enter the following command in it “/register pass”, where we change the word “pass” to our own password, that is, for me it looked like this - “/register trash784”. After a couple of seconds, the server will confirm your registration in the chat and allow you to log into the game, to do this, enter the command “/login pass”, where the word “pass” is changed to your password. It will look something like this “/login crosh”. After registering and logging into the server, you can start playing, perform various actions and do anything, from constructing buildings and farming, to destroying them and traveling around the game world.

How to play Minecraft over a local network?

You can also play MineCraft over a local network with friends, for example, this is quite important for playing for fun or simply when there are problems with the Internet (for example, engineering works). To play on a local network, we will need several computers (two or more), an Internet cable of a decent length, if there are many computers, then also a router or Wi-Fi access point. We connect all the computers with a wire, after which we go to the network settings. IN Windows 7 this is done as follows: Start -> Network and Sharing Center -> Change adapter settings. We find the name of our own network, open the properties, the “Network” tab, first select the TCP/IPv6 setting, a small window opens, uncheck it, save, open the TCP/IPv4 setting, go the following way: Properties -> Use the following IP address. Enter the following parameters:

  1. IP address:
  2. Subnet mask:
  3. Default Gateway:
  1. Preferred DNS Server:

Then click the save button, “ok” and close the settings. See below for setting up the server, after setting up the local network for windows xp. Settings for Windows XP: First, open the Control Panel and go to the following path: Control Panel -> Network Connections -> Local Area Connections. Open properties, the “General” tab, open TCP/IP, a window with properties will open, select “Use the following IP address”, enter the parameters:

  1. IP address:
  2. Subnet mask:
  3. Default Gateway:

Open the “Use the following DNS server” tab and enter the parameters:

  1. Preferred DNS Server:

Save the changes and close the settings. Creating and setting up a server. When we have configured the local network, we can proceed to creating and installing the Minecraft servers, which is not so difficult to create, this is done as follows:

  1. Download any game server that matches your version of the game, save it to a folder.
  2. Open the "" file, find the line "server-ip=..." and remove everything after the "=" sign so that you are left with a line with the empty value "server-ip=".
  3. We find the line “online-mode=false” in the same file, delete “False”, and insert “true” in its place.
  4. The server is ready, now you can start it. To start the game, open MineCraft and in the line with the server address enter: (for Windows 7) or (for Windows XP).

The second method, suitable for all types operating systems, in the “server-ip=” line enter the value “localhost”, save the changes, open the game and write localhost in the line with the IP address and then click on connect. But, this method does not work on all computers and not for everyone (due to many subtleties and features), so it is easier to use the first option. That's all, in these simple and quick steps you can set up Minecraft for playing on the Internet and with your favorite friends over the local network.

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