How to get rid of domestic rodents. How to get rid of mice and rats in a private home - folk remedies and other options

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Mice and rats often settle in people's houses and apartments due to the abundance of available food and comfortable conditions accommodation. If you don’t fight them, then your home can turn into a real mouse hostel, in which there will no longer be a place for a person. What to do, how to get rid of mice in a private house once and for all? Despite the many invented methods of destruction, these animals have strong immunity and high survival rate in any conditions. Mice gnaw everything that can be gnawed, a fetid odor emanates from their holes, but this is not the worst evil. The worst thing is that rodents carry very dangerous and fatal diseases for humans.

Mice and rats reproduce very quickly. If several individuals get into the house, then they can produce two mice per day. If you do not take measures to destroy them, then in a couple of weeks you will not be able to sleep peacefully.

Naturally, if you see a mouse running across the floor or curtain, you will be sure that pests have settled in the house. But often we are not even aware of the dangerous neighborhood.

The appearance of mice or rats in the house can be recognized by the following signs:

  • The appearance of mouse excrement. These are small black oval pellets.
  • In a house where mice live, a characteristic mouse smell is sure to appear.
  • Very often, especially at night, you can hear the rustling and squeaking of rodents.
  • The appearance of holes in walls, baseboards, floors and ceilings around water pipes.
  • Presence of nests. Mice preparing to reproduce build nests in dry and warm corners. These could be small pieces of paper or rags.

How to get rid of mice: popular methods of control


Most people know the most popular way to exterminate mice and how to get rid of them in a private home - buy a ready-made mousetrap. There are many modifications of these designs. You can buy them or try to make them yourself. The most humane of them do not even kill mice, but only catch them, after which they will need to release the pests into the wild, but as far as possible from the house.

classic way get rid of rodents in a private home or country house

The most important thing is to remember to put the bait inside the mousetrap. We know from children's cartoons that a common bait for mice is cheese. In fact, in reality mice rarely eat it, plus cheese dries quickly as mouse bait.

Peanut butter, sunflower seeds, sausage, grains of wheat or barley, bread or rice work very well. However, mice eat almost any food. The stronger and more intense the aroma of the bait, the faster the rodent will detect it and fall into the mousetrap.

Note: Please note that when using this method, you may need several traps.

Ultrasonic repellers

This is the most humane way to control rodents. If you are not a supporter of killing living beings, then you should pay attention to ultrasonic devices. This device emits ultrasound waves, which neither mice nor rats really like.

Opinions regarding the effectiveness of repellers have changed somewhat since their appearance on the market. Studies have appeared that prove that rodents adapt to ultrasound over time and calmly settle in houses with such protection. Therefore, if you have never had an ultrasonic repeller before, then it will protect for some time. But over time, you will still have to think about other ways.


This is a very effective remedy and those who want to get rid of annoying mice in the house should know about it forever. However, there are some risks associated with the use of poison. If children or pets live in the house, they can reach the poison baits and the result can be unpredictable. Therefore, such funds must be used very carefully.


One of the most effective ways. The special glue comes in convenient tubes and can be used more than once. The glue has a very long shelf life, so this option is also economical.

A trap with glue applied inside can accommodate many mice. True, there are reviews that sometimes rodents can come unstuck and run away, but there is not very much such evidence.

To make a glue trap, you will need some kind of flat-bottomed object and bait. The bottom must be extremely smooth, otherwise the mouse will be able to escape. The ideal option is a plastic tray with low sides, but regular cardboard will do.

Bottle trap

This is also a fairly humane option for those who are looking for a way to deal with mice in a private home. To make a trap you need to take a bottle with a narrow neck. Suitable for both glass and plastic.

The inside of the container must be generously lubricated. sunflower oil, and put bait on the bottom. We place the bottle at a slight angle, without covering the neck with anything. Up to eight rodents can be caught in such a trap during the night.

Cat or cat in the house

This is the most ancient method. It is not only suitable for exterminating rodents indoors, but will also help those who do not know how to get rid of bats in the attic. Cats are natural enemies of field mice and rats and will not allow them to stay in the same room together.

Although, sometimes you can come across reviews that a cat was unable to catch absolutely all the mice, since rodents find corners where cats have no access. However, it is even capable of repelling pests from your home.

Folk remedies against mice

If you do not like chemistry or do not have the opportunity to build one of the devices described above, try to get rid of mice in the house folk remedies:

  • Mice and rats cannot tolerate the smell or presence of ash. It sticks to their paws and prevents them from moving normally. To repel rodents, you can sprinkle ash in places where they are most likely to accumulate.
  • If a mouse eats flour with gypsum and sugar, then after a while this mixture will harden in its stomach and the animal will die. The smell of flour is very attractive to these pests, so they take great pleasure in “eating” such a treat placed near the minks.
  • There is such a weed - blackroot. Mice are very afraid of him unpleasant odor. Costolom, wild rosemary, and wormwood have the same effect. If you place twigs near the holes, the mice will not be able to get out for a very long time. And when hunger still forces them to come out of hiding, they can immediately fall into mousetraps carefully placed by their owners.
  • Our grandmothers also knew a great way to get rid of mice in the countryside forever. To make the expelled rodents forget the way to your home, plant regular peppermint around the building. The smell of mint will be great at repelling mice.
  • If there are mice under the floor, then you need to find all their exits to the outside and seal them with a cement mortar with the addition of finely packed glass. To prevent new individuals from getting into the house from the street, you need to build a small height (15-20 cm) collar in the basement and treat it with some kind of chemical. This will be the maximum effective solution get rid of rodents.


Mice will never choose your home if you take action preventive measures. These tips will help greatly reduce the chances of a mouse infestation in your home:

  • Seal all cracks and holes in the floor, walls and ceiling. On ventilation holes install metal grilles. Remember - a mouse can fit through even a very small gap.
  • Install screens on windows that are constantly open. Although mice are capable of gnawing a hole in the mesh, they will still be somewhat puzzled by such an obstacle.
  • Store all foods and grains in airtight containers made of glass, thick plastic or metal. Avoid using cardboard boxes for these purposes.
  • Moisten the area regularly, because even a few forgotten crumbs are very attractive to mice. When wet cleaning, it is advisable to pour a little white into the water.


Carriers of more than 70 types of dangerous diseases, rats, may well take up residence in your apartment or house if all the conditions are created for them: unsanitary conditions, cracks or holes through which you can get into your home. If you consider that rodents reproduce at an incredible rate, it becomes clear how urgent the task of getting rid of such “neighbors” is.

Deratization: its types

Important! If translated from french word“deratization” literally means “extermination of rats.” In fact, this term implies a whole “package” of measures, methods for exterminating not only rats, but also moles and mice. These measures can be aimed at preventing the appearance of rodents in an apartment (house) and at their destruction. In the first case, an environment is created in which rats cannot live (there is no food, water, they are constantly scared away) and they leave the territory. In the second, radical measures are used to destroy the colony.

There are many methods of struggle. But it is necessary to make an obligatory allowance for the collective intelligence of these rodents, when a rat that is ambushed or eats a poisonous bait will become a signal for the rest of the pack members, and they will not follow the same path.

The most effective of existing methods the following are considered:

  • Biological, i.e. eating rodents by other animals. Cats come first here, although dogs also catch them (dachshunds, fox terriers).
  • Physiological. You can get rid of rats at home using this method using mousetraps, glue traps, exposing burrows to kerosene, gasoline, acetone or boiling water.

Attention! When eliminating holes, you need to remember that rat teeth gnaw not only plywood, wood, but also cement, as well as soft metal parts, objects made of copper, tin or zinc. Therefore, in cement-sand mixture To seal the holes, you also need to mix in broken glass.

  • Ultrasonic. Repellers that produce ultra-high frequency sounds that are imperceptible to the human ear, but get on the nerves of the gray rodent.
  • Chemical. Radical. Affects defeat. Gives 100% results. This is pollination, aeration, bait with poison. Zinc phosphide and coumarin are the most used poisons for baits. In the case of pollination, the poison in a suspended powder suspension gets onto the fur of the rat, it licks it, becomes infected and eventually dies. Carbonating a room helps kill rats with gases (sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide), but this method is not used in apartments or private houses.

Options for getting rid of rodents

Rat traps and more

To get rid of rats in an apartment, they use the old proven method - traps. They work well where there is no mass population and rat offspring have not yet hatched. Folk craftsmen make traps, traps, rat traps with their own hands from auxiliary materials. It turns out pretty good. The glue trap is the simplest. It is applied to a piece of cardboard or plastic, the width of the strip is 4-6 cm. Lures are placed between the stripes. Striving for them, the rodent sticks and cannot escape on its own. Mechanical means industrial production more varied.

Just a note. The undoubted “advantage” of homemade and professional products is safety for humans and animals, based on the absence of poisons. Moreover, a mouse can get caught in the glue or in a trap. But for this to happen, the bait for the trap or rat trap must be placed with gloves so that the rat does not smell the person.

Poisoned baits

Pesticides will help get rid of rats in a private home. An effective remedy considered "Krysin". It's available. An animal that swallows poison dies within a few minutes. If this happens in the courtyard, it’s not scary. If the rat does not have time to leave the apartment, then, having died, it may begin to decompose in the collector, riser, under the floor, etc. This creates an unbearable smell. Therefore, it is better to fight rats in an apartment with Ratid, Goliath. With 100% effectiveness, these products “eat” the animal from the inside over the course of a week and a half. The rodents become unable to breathe, they leave the apartment and rush outside, where they die.

Unbearable ultrasound

The sound, safe for humans and animals, literally drives the rat crazy, affecting nervous system and hearing organs. This causes pain and panic. There are models with varying ultrasound frequencies that prevent rats from becoming accustomed to it. Electronic devices EcoSniper DX, TORNADO 200, Chiston-2, VK ​​240 (Weitech WK-240) and others are quite easy to install. The radius of their influence is designed for one small room(room) and a small infestation of animals.

The people's treasury contains many useful, experience-tested recipes that are quite effective in the fight against rodents.

  • You can get rid of rats using folk remedies using gypsum powder and flour. A simple bait is prepared by mixing the components in equal quantities. If necessary, replace flour with potato starch. The cakes are laid out near the hole, as well as in the place where spoiled vegetables, traces of excrement, etc. are found. Water must be placed nearby. It is important that the rat not only tastes the mixture, but also drinks it with water. Then the process of crystallization of the mixture will begin in her body, and she will die.
  • Soda is used as a destructive substance. Sodium bicarbonate (0.5 cups), flour (0.5 cups) and sugar (1 cup) are mixed and distributed in the “rat places”. The process of gas formation that occurs in the intestines of a rodent due to the action of soda is destructive for it.
  • The smell of spilled kerosene, turpentine, vinegar or scattered ash repels rats.
  • Habitats can be lined with branches of wormwood tansy wild rosemary.

Eliminating the consequences of deratization

With a large population of rats, repelling alone is not enough. We have to use methods of destruction. But since the rat often expires indoors, crawling under the floor or into a hole, between panel ceilings, into the basement or attic, over time its body begins to decompose, emitting a stench. If this happens, you need to take immediate action.

  • Try to find the “source” of the spread of odors and dispose of it. This must be done wearing a respirator and gloves, placing the rodent in a hermetically sealed package (preferably 2 bags).
  • Clean the ground, boards, bricks in the place where the rat was: cover with soda, treat with potassium permanganate, etc.
  • Organize ventilation of the apartment.
  • Things, linen and everything that can be washed.
  • Treat furniture with vinegar solution. Wipe hard surfaces with a mixture of hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and soap.
  • If possible, leave the apartment closed overnight with a towel soaked in vinegar essence inside it. In the morning, ventilate all rooms well.

These simple but effective methods will help get rid of the rat smell in your apartment.

100% result or trust the professionals

If rodents come into the apartment, it means that they “travel” throughout the house. Therefore, it is necessary to apply a set of measures to destroy them. Special services will carry out a number of activities and solve this problem:

  • inspect premises and basements;
  • select the necessary funds;
  • designate places and lay out bait;
  • If chemical methods it is not possible to use, mechanical devices for catching rodents will be installed;
  • they will carry out deratization of burrows and destroy broods;
  • I eliminate ways for rats to enter the premises;
  • carry out preventive measures.

Constant monitoring of the sanitary condition in the house and local area, timely response to the appearance of at least one rodent will help eradicate the problem as a whole.

Mice have been ruining the lives of humanity for a long time. Rodents love to eat food products, spoil other things. The enormous harm has forced people to come up with a lot of ways to get rid of pests. Choose for yourself the right way, listen to the recommendations of experts.

General information

House mice can inhabit a person's home. They are classified as synanthropic animals that live only next to a person or in his house. Rodents follow humans: they move onto ships, get into airplanes. Therefore, pests are able to invade new homes. They penetrate into homes through ventilation ducts, through cracks in the floor and walls.

House owners do not immediately notice the presence of uninvited guests, because mice are nocturnal and sleep during the day. Rustle sounds and squeaks are clearly audible at dusk, and that’s when people begin to notice rodents in their homes. In field conditions, pests reproduce only seasonally, in apartments - all year round. The mouse can reproduce at two months of age, and pregnancy lasts up to 28 days, so the pest population increases rapidly.

Before the birth of the mice, the mother becomes aggressive and may even attack a person. She arranges the future nest herself: she drags various pieces of paper, shavings, and wool into it. In a secluded place you can see not only a mouse, but also a lot of necessary things. Due to their small size, rodents are able to penetrate even microscopic holes in the floor and walls. Some pests, fearing for their lives, can attack animals larger than themselves.

Damage to people and homes

Suspect the presence of mice in the apartment or own home possible based on the following criteria:

  • Small holes appear in the baseboard area. Often, shredded pieces of paper can be found in these places;
  • there is mouse droppings on the floor and in secluded places;
  • there is a “musty” smell in the room, it is very difficult not to notice it;
  • extraneous sounds (rustling, squeaking). At first they are heard only at night, then residents hear unpleasant sounds during the day;
  • If there is a cat in the house, then its behavior changes significantly (the animal becomes aggressive, nervous, and often rushes from one corner to another).

Effective pest control methods

There are a lot of remedies for mice in a private home. Study the pros and cons of each, choose the appropriate method.

Fluffy pet

The cat has the instinct of a hunter. Many cats are capable of not only scaring away mice, but also killing some individuals. Why is this method not very relevant these days? An excellent hunter's instinct is observed only in yard cats, which, due to circumstances, are forced to constantly hunt, looking for food. Domestic purebred “fluffies,” especially those artificially bred, are completely devoid of this ability. Therefore, only by getting a truly predatory cat can you get rid of uninvited guests in the home.

Traditional methods

How to get mice out of the house using folk remedies? Soak a cotton pad with any strong-smelling essential oil (mint, citrus, lemon balm), place the products in favorite places rodent habitats. The scents will scare away mice and force them to look for other habitats. For this purpose it is also allowed to use turpentine and tar. Update unusual traps regularly, otherwise rodents will want to return to the house.

Traps and repellers

Many people prefer not to kill animals, but simply to catch them and expel them from their homes. There are plenty of methods that won't make you a murderer.

Advice! Tailed weasels are very smart and have a good memory. If they don't like a place or food, they will avoid it. Therefore, use the same traps long time not recommended.

At home, you can make traps from scrap materials that are also effective against small rodents:

If the number of pests is growing inexorably, humane methods of exterminating rodents do not help, use the help of professionals who have many resources to solve such a difficult task.

Using what means and how to quickly get rid of fruit? We have the answer!

Read the page on what to do if cockroaches appear in your apartment and how to get rid of insects yourself.

The entire procedure requires specialists from 30 to 120 minutes. It all depends on the size of the room and the neglect of the situation. The cost of anti-rodent treatment is quite high: for a resident studio apartment disinfestation will cost approximately 1,500 rubles, for the owner of a private house - more than 2,000 rubles.

How to protect your home from small rodents

Apartment owners are less likely to encounter mice than residents of private houses. Rodents enter human homes through cracks in houses, from garbage chutes, basements, and through ventilation.

There are several ways to protect your home from pests:

  • seal all cracks in the floor and walls;
  • In your own home, at dusk, close the doors and windows tightly;
  • close ventilation and sewer passages metal mesh, fasten it securely;
  • Place all foods in the refrigerator in tightly closed containers. Do not leave food items on the floor or kitchen surfaces. Remove pet food after feeding. Leftover food can become a tasty morsel not only for rodents, but also for other pests;
  • Keep your pets' cages clean so that their waste products and cozy nests do not attract uninvited guests.

For useful tips from Elena Mylysheva, watch the following video:

Mice- These are constant companions of man for many centuries. But this neighborhood has not yet brought pleasure to a single person; on the contrary, only disgust, panic, holes in the walls, stench, etc.

Mice also pose a threat of infection: leptospirosis, plague, rabies, etc. Therefore, immediately prepare for “war”: either they take you, or you take them!

Common house mice usually enter a person's home. They are considered synanthropic animals, that is, they are attached to people and always live close to them. The damage they cause is quite serious.

And so people are coming up with new ways to get rid of this scourge. There are more humane ways to get rid of mice in the house, but mankind has also come up with many cruel ones. The difficulty of catching lies in the fact that rodents quickly adapt to many conditions: they can withstand prolonged hunger, cold, and survive even in water.

Where do mice come from in an apartment?

At first, mice take a liking to basements, This good place for reproduction. Especially if they are littered with rubbish, and there is something to profit from there. And they get to the upper floors through ventilation shafts, garbage chutes, sewers, and make passages, gnawing numerous holes.

They can migrate from other houses. Or they get into the apartment during a move, when transporting things, delivering large items to the home, etc.

Why are mice dangerous?

These seemingly harmless rodents can cause significant harm not only to your home, but also to your health. You can easily become infected by eating foods contaminated with mice. Therefore, you need to think immediately, and there will be mice in the house forever.

You need to get rid of them for the following reasons:

  • spoil food in the house, furniture, wiring, electrical appliances, walls, etc.;
  • can cause a fire - they gnaw through wiring in hard-to-reach places invisible to humans;
  • cause intractable diseases - in their mouths there are entire populations of pathogenic bacteria, viruses that cause: various poisonings, plague, cholera, typhus, etc.;
  • easily transfer radiation from one place to another;
  • leave behind a difficult-to-remove odor;
  • are carriers of fleas.

Signs of mice in the house

Typical signs of mice:

  • the presence of mouse passages - holes in walls, baseboards;
  • chewed food and droppings left in them;
  • traces of vital activity - excrement with a specific odor and a grayish tint;
  • rustling or grinding is often heard, especially at night their fussing will be clearly audible;
  • if there are a lot of rodents, a characteristic mouse smell will appear.

What are mice afraid of?

Mice are afraid and simply cannot tolerate many things: unpleasant smells, loud sounds, sudden changes in light brightness, poisonous baits - they are quite effective, but due to dead mice and a terrifying stench, the home may be uninhabitable for some time.

Mice are afraid of ultrasonic devices. The only bad thing is that ultrasound does not pass through walls, so you need to equip every room with it. You can easily find in nature many things that rodents are afraid of. For example, if you cover the floor with freshly picked wormwood or agrimonies, or place them in the expected places of accumulation, the mice will leave this place and will not appear there again.

What sounds are mice afraid of?

They are terrified of loud, unusual sounds, especially those that arise unexpectedly: listening to music loudly, playing the musical instrument, Job washing machine etc.

What smells repel mice?

Rodents are repelled by strong, pungent odors, they have the smell of danger:

  1. Vegetable origin- coriander (cilantro), wild rosemary, chamomile, peppermint, wormwood, coriander, elderberry, black root, tansy.
  2. Non-vegetable- chlorine, ammonia, vinegar.
  3. Synthetic flavors- They can be bought or ordered online. After all, not everyone will be able to get chamomile, mint, etc., especially in the city.

How to get rid of mice in an apartment forever?

Follow these tips:

  1. The apartment needs to be cleaned. Clean out corners, shelves, and closets that you haven't touched before. Inspect the food supplies, remove all excess from the floor. Clean your apartment with detergent containing chlorine.
  2. Inspect the apartment for the presence of minks. You should especially look under the sink, behind kitchen cabinets, in the bathroom, etc. Cover all holes with construction foam. Place the type of poison that is optimal for you in places that are difficult for children and animals to reach.
  3. You can install mousetraps. You can use anything for bait: a piece of lard, peanut butter, cheese, etc. Remember to check the mouse traps periodically.
  4. Get a cat in your apartment. Mice cannot even stand the smell of a cat, so when a cat appears, they will soon leave the room.
  5. Prepare an unusual bait: cement and any cereal grains: wheat, oats, barley, etc. Mix everything in arbitrary proportions and scatter in the corners. Place bowls of water nearby. The death of all rodents in the apartment will be guaranteed.
  6. The most effective, safe, but expensive way to get rid of rodents is ultrasound. Using sound signals, the device will scare away uninvited guests, and they will have no desire to return.

Ultrasonic repellers

Now let's talk about how to quickly get rid of mice in an apartment. Recently they have become very popular ultrasonic repellers. The principle of their action: they affect the hearing with powerful ultrasonic attacks of a certain frequency, causing panic and unbearable pain in the ears.

Ultrasound, filling the room, does not allow mice to exist normally. Humans do not feel it, but for rodents it is unbearable. The instinct of self-preservation works flawlessly, and they begin to flee, leaving the territory within the range of the device.

The device imperceptibly affects the nervous system and literally words drive mice crazy. Today there are no more effective method rodent control. It is harmless to humans and pets.


hail is a popular ultrasonic, silent mouse that can forever rid a residential area of ​​uninvited guests. Impact area - 500 sq. meters. Can operate on 220 V mains and batteries.

There is no addictive effect. Ultrasonic waves negatively affect the nervous system. Rodents feel: discomfort, pain, disorientation. They lose the ability to: reproduce, consume water, food.

It affects mice using ultrasonic vibrations of various frequencies. The impact area is quite large - up to 200 square meters. m.

Operates from a 220 volt network, connected using a 12 volt power supply. Its current strength is at least 0.15 A.

Can work in 2 modes: night, day. The operating principle is a built-in generator that continuously produces ultrasonic and sound waves with a regularly changing frequency.

These sounds are unbearable for mice. And so after a maximum of 8–13 days they leave and never return.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies are good because they are not expensive, have been tested by more than one generation and are quite effective. Of course, they cannot be called humane, but they will help clear the area.

So, the following folk remedies are popular:

  1. Take a glass bottle with a wide neck. Pour some homemade sunflower oil inside and swirl so that it spreads along the walls. Lay it slightly at an angle, neck up. In the morning you will find live rodents that were unable to crawl back out of the slippery bottle.
  2. Mix: 1 tbsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. flour, 400 gr. plaster, a little oil. Arrange according to plastic plates. Intestinal blockage will be ensured.
  3. Take any leftover food and mix it with any ingredient of your choice: poison, cement, lime, crushed glass.
  4. You can buy special glue and apply it to any surface.- pieces of cardboard, plywood, etc. - in a layer of 2–3 mm. Don't forget to put pieces of bait in the middle. The only downside is that the glue dries out and needs to be lubricated periodically. Mice, running through the trap, become tightly glued to it.
  5. Place a half-liter jar turned upside down on an edge-on coin with a face value of five kopecks. Place a piece of lard, sausage, etc. in the middle. The mouse, seeing the food, will try to eat it, but the jar will cover it.
  6. Pour water into a bucket, up to halfway. Place a small board with a piece of any food in the middle. And move the bucket to any platform so that the animals can climb onto the bucket. And if they try to get to the goodies, they will simply drown.

Many people are still concerned about the question - how to get rid of the smell of mice?

You can use the same folk remedies:

  1. 9% vinegar- is a natural antiseptic, it neutralizes odors and kills pathogens. Mix 0.5 liters of water and 50 g. vinegar. Spray or wash any areas that produce odor with this solution.
  2. Potassium permangantsovka- destroys toxic fumes. Dissolve in water, create a rich color and wipe off dirty surfaces.


Peppermint has a very strong persistent odor, which mice hate so much. It includes a number essential oils, which are endowed with naturally repulsive properties. Peppermint will repel rodents with its pungent odor alone.

What to do:

  1. You can place fresh herbs on the floor, on shelves, near holes, cracks in the floor, etc. If you don’t have fresh ones, use dried ones.
  2. It is permissible to use mint alcohol tincture, it is equivalent.
  3. Use peppermint oil, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.

Soak cotton balls alcohol tincture or oil and spread. They need to be changed periodically, every 6-9 days. The room should literally be saturated with a minty smell.


Sagebrush has a bitter-tart intoxicating aroma. To combat rodents, freshly harvested (during the flowering period) or dried wormwood is used. You can hang it up or just spread it out.

A good raticidal effect can be achieved by fumigation: set fire to dry plants and ensure that it does not burn, but only smolders. They also use it: make a decoction, infuse it and sprinkle it in places where uninvited guests are expected to visit. Or you can buy it at the pharmacy.


Fresh elderberry branches have a repellent effect for all types of rodents. Elderberry roots produce poisonous hydrocyanic acid. If a building is surrounded by elderberries, rodents will never settle there.

The animals simply cannot stand its unpleasant, poisonous smell. If you cut elderberry branches and place them around the house, the rodents living there will leave the house forever.


You can fight against rodents even with the help of spices, herbs, and seasonings. Many scents are unpleasant to mice and have similar chemicals action. Especially coriander, this specific aroma will put pressure on the psyche of the little dirty trickster.

This ancient spice is popularly called cilantro. You can also drive away rodents using store-bought spices. Buy fresh herbs, coriander seeds or powder. Place or scatter them on kitchen cabinets, near cereals, stored food, etc. The amber emanating from them will quickly drive guests away from your home.

Traps and mousetraps

They fight against rodents such as rats, mice, moles in various ways, sometimes they start with humane ones. But they often end up radical. This is a forced defense, and therefore all means are good here.

There are mice in the apartment - how to get rid of them? They will help traditional methods- these are well-known traps and mousetraps. A very old, win-win way to get rid of mice is to install a mousetrap. And preferably more than one.

Install only in areas where mouse droppings have been found. Don’t forget to pre-lubricate the trap with homemade sunflower oil to quickly attract thieves to the fishing spot.

Equip it with a seductive bait, anything will do. And don’t forget to periodically move them to different areas, change smells, and clean them on time. Traps can be in the form of special adhesive tapes, Chinese plastic, homemade, etc.

Cats and dogs

The classic solution to the problem is a cat. But this does not always happen, unfortunately. Because not all cats and even cats can catch mice. Many people completely lack the hunter's instinct.

Mice are afraid of cats, this is a known fact, but this will not make them smaller. Pets are often pampered by their owners and fed, and therefore they do not need to get their own food.

If you have a dog living in your house, then you need to get rid of mice as quickly as possible. Their immune system is not the same as that of cats. She does not always cope with diseases that mice carry.

Professional pest control

You can do it on your own if we are talking about several individuals. But when the scale is alarming, only a professional pest control service can help. She will not only find their location, but will also understand the reason for their appearance and clear any room of them.

Expulsion of mice is usually carried out in 2 stages:

  • first - they will destroy the rodents that have settled in the house;
  • the second - they will deal with the mice that have settled outside.

Professionals use all sorts of methods and techniques for this: chemical and biological preparations, various devices, etc.

Preventing the appearance of mice in apartments and private houses

Prevention will help prevent their occurrence:

  • Maintain hygiene in your home.
  • You need to store food supplies so that they are not accessible.
  • It is necessary to inspect the house for its integrity; if necessary, seal all holes, cracks, manholes, etc.
  • Ventilation hatches must have metal grilles.
  • What smell in the apartment are mice afraid of? We already know that there are many, but especially mint, coriander, wormwood, and elderberry. Therefore, try to periodically place them one by one in problem areas. This will scare gray pests away from the house.
  • Try to place trash cans away from your home.
  • If you live in your own home, do not leave it in the fall front door open.
  • Do everything to ensure that birds of prey settle near your house, for example, make a birdhouse, the birds will help exterminate mice.


Dealing with a mouse infestation is never easy. But it’s still more convenient to do this in a clean, uncluttered room. This makes it easier to control the appearance of rodents. We make only thoughtful decisions, be patient in this difficult situation and act!

Rodents are carriers dangerous infections and diseases, so solving the question of how to get rid of rats and mice becomes relevant as soon as the owners suspect the presence of them in their home. There are many methods of controlling rodents, each of which has its own characteristics.

What is the danger of rodents settling in houses?

Rats and mice often settle in houses with the arrival of cold weather; they take a liking to barns, chicken coops, basements, and also, gnawing cracks, enter living spaces where they can harm people and things:

  • mice and, as well as blood-sucking insects (ticks and fleas);
  • they damage baseboards, furniture, and electrical wiring in the house, which can cause a short circuit and the possibility of a fire;
  • they dig holes in the basement and under the house, thereby damaging its foundation;
  • destroy food and food supplies.

Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of rats in a private home as quickly as possible, before they cause much harm.

Methods for getting rid of rodents

There are several ways to combat rats and mice:

  • mechanical: traps, mousetraps;
  • use of chemicals;
  • installation of ultrasonic devices;
  • calling a rodent extermination service (deratization).

Mechanical methods

Most efficient and environmentally friendly clean method, which helps to get rid of rodents, especially in a private home - get a cat that will successfully and happily catch mice and rats. Rodents are even afraid of the cat’s smell itself and may leave so as not to encounter it.

The next common method is making homemade or purchased traps. effective along walls in places where traces of rodents are found: eaten food or things, mouse or.


Ready-made mousetraps are quite effective for killing mice, but rats are too smart animals, so often after the death of one individual, those following the rat trap may not climb.

Traps homemade, helping to remove rodents from the house:

  1. Used flower pot(made of clay or thick plastic). A sharpened wooden support with bait strung is placed inside it. The pot is placed upside down, and when the rodent tries to climb for food, the support falls and the pot covers it.
  2. Take 3 liter jar, you need to pour a small amount of the mixture into it vegetable oil and water. The jar is placed in an inclined position so that when the animal climbs inside, it becomes vertical. The mouse will not be able to get out due to sliding on the oil.

Such traps will help get rid of rodents in a private home, garage, cellar or country house. and it is better to change the rats periodically so that the fresh smell of food is present. Afterwards, the device should be washed and reinstalled.

Ultrasonic repellers

  • guarantee good result using a formal contract;
  • In addition to the destruction of rodents, preventive treatment of the premises is also carried out, which will repel pests for a long time;
  • companies that professionally exterminate rodents provide a certain warranty period;
  • There are many sanitary services, which will allow you to choose the most suitable one in terms of quality and price.

The disadvantage of this method is the high cost of the service compared to the purchase. chemicals and in other ways.

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