How does a Libra man love? Libra man in marriage: horoscope of family life.

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Those born under this constellation enjoy great success with the opposite sex, but Libra women get married quite late. After Pisces, this is the most feminine sign.

Among the zodiac sisters, Libra is distinguished by its beauty, tenderness and gentle character, as well as big amount requirements for a future husband. Her lover must be smart, sociable and wealthy. Everything disappears somewhere in poverty: this is a woman with enormous power spirit, but most often not in the best health. She can hardly endure great physical effort, demonstrates poor resistance, and is unable, like Virgo or Aries, to deal with the excessive amount of adversity that befalls her. It is not surprising that the Libra bride greatly values ​​the enterprise and financial viability of her future husband.

For many years, these representatives of the fair sex have been waiting for a real prince from a fairy tale, because love is the most important thing in life for them. It is love for her husband that prevails in a typical Libra woman in marriage over motherhood, so the absence of children is not the end of the world for her. She does not attach too much importance to formalities, especially in adulthood, and happily lives with her partner without formalizing a marriage relationship.

Libra wife - married life: Libra's attitude towards her husband, family life, home

Libra can be a truly charming wife, especially if her husband leads an active social life and has a profession that involves frequent public speaking and simply being in public. A woman born under this sign is not suitable for the role of a homebody: she needs communication, exchange of opinions and general leisure with other people like air. A Libra woman in marriage is a lady, a lady, very chic, stylish, subtle and elegant, who can behave with dignity in any society. The receptions she organizes are unforgettable, and it’s not even about the food, but about how Libra receives guests. Lavishly showered with compliments and smiles, they leave her home relaxed and happy.

Few people, like the typical Libra wife, can decorate and decorate with such taste big house, and a modest one-room apartment. The interior of her home, the bouquets in vases, the color scheme of the interior - all this is very impressive, because it is evidence of her original, refined taste.

Libra is almost always very interested in culture, so even if her husband falls asleep at concerts, he should still often go with her to the theater, opera or philharmonic, or to dances in the open air, because these people adore music. Libra husband in family life should not grumble like an old aunt, looking at her astronomical bills and expenses on clothes, jewelry and cosmetics, visits to a beauty salon - after all, she does it for his own good. At the initial stage of marriage (with the exception of situations if Libra has a second life partner) appearance the chosen one and the style of his clothing will undergo serious metamorphoses. Because, having gotten married, the Libra woman will certainly make sure that her beloved does not spoil the impression of her with his ridiculous things in the wardrobe and is a worthy background for her.

Libra woman is married: problems, quarrels, separation, divorce

In marriage, Libra women most often try to remain faithful. But there are enough temptations around, because her beauty and “sweetness” of character catches the eye and sinks into the soul of other men, for whom the presence of a respected husband is not a deterrent. Such ladies will not suffer for long if something goes wrong in their family life. If the husband does not appreciate her or treats her rudely, then he must prepare for a quick change of role to the ex-husband and separation from his Libra wife. For representatives of this zodiac sign, divorce is not a life disaster - in any case, much less than the absence of real feelings and mutual respect in a marriage.

These guys are not afraid of marriage at all. We can say that Libra men need marriage.

Or rather, there is a woman nearby who can not only take care of him, but also give timely advice, help him find a wise solution in a difficult situation. life situation. That's why marry a Libra sign in principle it is not difficult.

But remember, the desire to get married does not have to be limited to one woman. It’s not a fact that you can become his only chosen one for life. Representatives of this sign are famous for polygamous relationships.

The answer to the question how marry a Libra, easy to find. Remember that the peculiarity of this sign is that it is difficult for him to make a decision on his own, he constantly doubts the situation, and, in the end, is simply afraid to be alone for a long time.

Gently convince him that you are ready to support him throughout his life. Always listen carefully to his problems and experiences, and, if possible, give him wise advice. Don’t forget to show him your care in every possible way and show tender feelings. For example, arrange for him romantic evenings, endlessly sing his praises.

From the first minutes of your acquaintance, show him that you are capable of being a reliable friend, a passionate lover, and a wise woman. Praise him in every possible way, say that there is no one better than him.

Show him that life with you is an endless series of joy and happiness. By being patient and following all these recommendations, you will very soon receive an offer to marry a representative of the Libra sign.

Yes, he also wants to get married. If only because he is extremely concerned about appearing successful and happy in the eyes of others. So a lot here is in your hands: if you really want a Libra man, take note of a few simple tips.

What kind of woman does he need?

He does not want unnecessary hassle: love, in his opinion, should be pleasant and unburdensome. He will try to stay away from depressed melancholic sufferers. Only those who bring positivity - rays of joy - will be immediately noticed by the Libra man. And if the lady also impresses aesthetically, half the battle is done - he falls for external gloss, prosperity and grace. No less important to him is how you look in the eyes of others.

How to please him

If his gaze is caught on you, then you need to take care of yourself: do not make any demands, do not get into his soul and do not put pressure on him. You don't need him to solve your problems - be sure to let him know that. Try to copy him: let him see that you are the same and see the world the same way as he does. Then he will trust you.

Always think about the atmosphere in which the date is planned. Don’t invite him to a Khrushchev-era apartment with shabby walls! But the meeting will go off with a bang in good company - one where everyone communicates, laughs and is not bored. You, of course, against this background should look like a real diamond: stylish, with discreet makeup, with a sparkling joke in your pocket. If the mood is not set or you are sick, it is better to disappear until better times: after all, he is unlikely to feel sorry for you, he will try to escape as soon as possible.

How to behave in bed

By nature he is a walker, but only for the time being until he has a permanent partner. For him it’s just happiness! Although it is worth remembering that sex is creativity, always something new, with interesting positions. He knows a thousand ways to please! Your task is to obey and praise, and then you will definitely not be disappointed, because the interests of your partner are as important to him as your own.

He will also appreciate your initiative, especially if it is something in the area role playing games. But it’s important not to overdo it here. And do everything in all seriousness: intimate relationships for - this is a serious matter, there is no place for jokes and laughter. Of course, don’t forget about the environment – ​​it should be extremely comfortable.

How to drag him to the registry office

If you have already realized that the Libra man has fallen in love with you completely and irrevocably, take the bull by the horns. He will do anything for his beloved. Take advantage of his little weakness, you know what? The fact that he absolutely does not know how to say “no”. Here it is important to structure the conversation correctly so that it doesn’t turn out that you are taking the fortress at once. Think through everything in such a way as to gradually bring the conversation to the right topic, and the Libra man will happily propose to you!

You remember how he is captivated by everything beautiful? The wedding ceremony must be thought out to the smallest detail - the exterior must be magnificent, you must be incomprehensibly beautiful, and the guests must be a match for this brilliant celebration. And your husband will be a Libra!

Despite the fact that Libras are not very faithful by nature, they like the status of a married man. Libra quickly proposes, and always in the most attractive way: a romantic dinner by candlelight, wedding ring in an expensive box, background music, and of course champagne. However, men of this zodiac sign make similar marriage proposals more than once, and they often have several marriages.

Libra man in marriage: what is he like in family and home life when he gets married?

Girlfriends very often envy the chosen one of their Libra husband. Cultured, polite, always well-groomed and fashionably dressed, he shows interest in science, but primarily in art. He knows what perfume is fashionable now and will take you to a prestigious restaurant to celebrate your wedding anniversary. And what kind of compliments he can give! And this unforgettable, charming smile of his... Just the walking ideal of a romantic and witty lover!

The charm of the Libra husband is combined with a gentle character. It is not the chivalrous attitude towards a woman that makes him nervous; he does not tolerate rudeness, rudeness and any primitivism. This person will never raise his voice against you (and will not forget if you do). He usually makes a good career, most often in law, art or journalism. There are not many such “civilized” men who will voluntarily go with you to the theater or philharmonic, read poetry and get bored watching an action movie rather than a psychological drama.

You probably won’t complain about intimate relationships with your Libra husband in marriage either. You're not too threatened long sleep in the marital bed. In addition, men of this zodiac sign quickly become virtuosos in the art of love.

But married life with a Libra husband is not as rosy as it might seem. This man understands women very well, but, unfortunately, most often treats them as a tool for realizing his own goals. In addition, he can sometimes be extremely self-centered. His wife not only often gives up her professional ambitions, but is also forced to constantly revolve around him as a faithful companion. He loves his children, but changing diapers or attending parent-teacher conferences is too boring for him.

How does a Libra husband provide for his family?

People of this sign are rarely workaholics and perform feats of labor, but at the same time they make a good career and earn, first of all, a comfortable life. By nature, Libra husbands are not misers in family life, but there are men in this sign who are too frivolous in financial matters. He often has several marriages, and whirlwind romances are also expensive. Therefore, it happens that a very gray Libra lands with a young mistress with a single suitcase, and the inexperienced chosen one of his heart pays alimony... to several wives.

Is your Libra husband cheating or not, is he jealous or not?

The Libra husband's horoscope is such that they cannot be classified as very faithful and morally stable representatives of the stronger sex. Libra husbands are easily carried away, cheat, and at the same time do not experience remorse that does not let them sleep at night. They are not particularly jealous, but the feeling of competition spurs them on.

Libra man: how to behave with him, how to live, how to be together and keep your Libra husband?

A Libra husband in marriage makes high demands on his wife. She must be beautiful, forever young, smiling and witty. In addition, she should prefer a life full of entertainment and interesting events, traveling with Libra to fashionable resorts where he will shine. An often tired, ordinary hardworking woman who in the evening after a busy day of work only wants to sleep, in the long run will probably “fall out of the game.”

It is very important that Libra immediately be lucky enough to find a woman to marry, gifted with a strong character, who would be able to properly dispose of this loving comrade. Firstly, she will immediately remove her husband from the pedestal, soberly evaluate his talents and will never demonstrate that Libra has become her whole world. The mere awareness of the existence of competition works like a dope in relation to Libra husbands in family life. You can always bring to the attention of your other half (although this, at first glance, may seem absurd) that there are other men in the world, and it can be replaced with “ best model" But the wife knows the truth about herself: when Libra’s contrite husband comes up and smiles charmingly, her legs will again become weak, and she will again - contrary to common sense - be in Once again forgive him everything...

Libra men give great importance creating a family, therefore, if you interest a representative of this sign as a woman, you can count on more. For the most part, men of this sign value family values ​​very much; they simply need a close and reliable person nearby, with whom they can consult on any issue.

If your lover is Libra According to the horoscope, you should constantly remind him that it is very good to be with a person to whom you can tell about your deepest dreams and plans. Believe me, a man of this sign will appreciate this opinion and will definitely think about the fact that he really needs this. But do not forget to assure him that you are truly close and loving woman will never make fun of his ideas and goals, no matter how illusory they may seem. Libras really need the confidence that they are understood and appreciated.

It is important to note that the emotional background of the relationship is also very important for Libra. They not only need support and understanding, but also demand from their partners relationships that will be interesting, stormy, emotional and vibrant. Libras do not like routine and will not be satisfied with a calm and warm swamp: they need a sea of ​​passions and an ocean of feelings!

In addition, you should remember that femininity for representatives of this sign is in most cases associated with attention, care and understanding. When Libra man If he believes that you will provide him with such an attitude, he will happily agree to marry. This category of men cannot live alone for a long time, so they are practically created for marriage. If the Libra man is convinced that you are not only a reliable friend, but also a passionate lover, consider that you will become his wife in the very near future.

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