How to set up iPhone backup to iCloud. How to create a backup copy of iPhone, iPad, iPod data

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Even such a high-quality product as the iPhone is not immune to failures, so the desire to create a backup copy of all data and applications on the device is quite reasonable. Backing up your iPhone is available in two different ways - using iTunes and iCloud. We described how to use both methods in this manual.

How to Backup iPhone Using iTunes

Step 1: Connect your device to your computer and open iTunes. If iTunes is not installed on your computer, download latest version You can find the utilities on the official Apple website.

Step 3. On the " tab Review"Tick the box " This computer».

Step 4: Click " Create a copy now» to create a backup copy of your device.

Step 5. In the menu " File» → « Devices" Press " Move purchases" By performing this operation, you will save all purchases (applications, games, music, movies, etc.) on your computer, which will allow you to restore all content in the future, in the event of a failure.

How to Restore iPhone from iTunes Backup

Step 1: Connect your device to your computer and open iTunes.

Step 2: Select your iPhone (or other Apple mobile device) in the iTunes window.
Step 3. On the " tab Review» click « Restore from copy" and select the backup you want to restore your device to. Wait for the recovery to complete.

How to Backup iPhone Using iCloud

Step 1. Go to menu " Settings» → « iCloud"on your mobile device.

Step 2. Select " Backup copy».

Step 3: Activate the switch " iCloud backup».

Step 4: Click " Create a backup" Wait until the operation is completed.
Please note that iPhone, iPad and iPod touch complement iCloud backup in automatic mode in the case when they are connected to the network, are in a locked state and are connected to Wi-Fi. This way, you don't have to constantly create an iCloud backup - the device itself worries about this. As for restoring from an iCloud backup, it is performed automatically as soon as you log in to the device using your Apple ID account information.

Many iPhone owners have encountered a situation where data was lost on their mobile device. This is possible if a failure or glitch occurs or due to user inattention. The first two options are excluded. Ordinary users who very rarely install programs and games on their phone are not in danger of program failure. In this case, you can do without backups. But if you are an active user, then in order to avoid unsuccessful experiments, you should make a copy of your iPhone data. An iPhone backup will help save all important data except games, applications that have been installed, as well as downloaded music, videos, and ringtones.

Two ways to create a copy:
1. On the device using iCloud;
2. On PC using iTunes.

A copy of the data directly from the phone.
How to backup iPhone directly from your device?
After opening the device settings, find “Copy to iCloud” and install this function. Every time you connect your iPhone to the Internet, a copy of your data will be automatically created.
1. On your phone, go to Settings, open iCloud, “Storage and copies”;
2. Launch “Copy to iCloud”;
3. When this function will be connected, you can create a backup copy yourself. All you have to do is click “Create a copy”.
The iPhone has up to 5 GB of free space, which will be quite enough for backup.

Backup your data on your computer.
The data may also be located on the PC's hard drive. Then you will have access to a copy of your iPhone even when the computer is not connected to the Internet. You will get all the information you need from the backup copy if your iPhone suddenly gets lost or breaks. You can quickly and easily restore your iPhone from a backup.
To create a backup of iPhone to computer:
1. Connect your device to the PC, then launch iTunes;
2. Open “File”, look for “Device”, then click on “Create a backup copy”. The save location is a local drive, even if you specified iCloud as storage.

There is another way to carry out the process of copying iPhone data.
1. To do this, you need to go to iTunes and find the device synchronization settings.
2. Open the “Backup sections”, click “Automatic creation of copies”.
3. Next you need to select “This computer” and click on the inscription “Create a copy now”.

Where can I find backups?
If your computer is Mac-based, then a copy of your iPhone data has been copied to a folder that can be found like this: open the Library folder, then in Application Support select MobileSync, and view the backup in the Backup folder.

With Windows XP, the computer saves a copy of the data in a folder that we look for as follows: open Documents and Settings, then look for the folder with the user name, go to Application Data, Apple Comruter, find MobileSync, open a copy of the iPhone data in Backup.

And if on personal computer Windows 7, 8 or Vista is installed, then you can find the backup copy as follows: the Users folder, namely, open the Username, AppData folder, find Roaming, go to Apple Computer, MobileSync and at the end Backup.

Now you know where iPhone backups are stored, you can find them faster if necessary.

To fully use the smartphone, the owner makes personal settings and enters various information. In the event of any force majeure, all these personal settings and information may be lost. Then you will have to restore everything manually, which will take quite a long time.

To make it easier to restore your smartphone settings, it is recommended to make a backup of your iPhone. If you have a backup of your phone in a secure storage facility, you can always quickly and without hassle return the device to its previous state.

A backup copy is also useful in case you purchased a new gadget and need to transfer settings and data to another iPhone.

How to make a backup on iPhone practically? Major reservations are made in the cloud iCloud storage and using the iTunes service.

Where are iPhone backups stored?

To begin with, it is useful to understand what iCloud, iTunes are and how they differ.

  • iTunes is a program with which you can or even to another disk, flash drive, memory card.
  • iCloud is cloud storage. In this case, the backed up data is sent to a remote server for storage. Data is accessed using the user's Apple ID.

Now that it is clear where iPhone backups are stored, you can begin practical actions.

To backup your iPhone, go to the “Settings” section.

  • Find the cloud icon and go to the iCloud management section.
  • There you will see "iCloud Copy" or "Backup".

When transferring data to the cloud, the smartphone must work via Wi-Fi.

Start the copying process and wait until it finishes.

Advice. Storing video in the cloud is hardly rational. After all, the videos have heavy weight and when making a reservation, a lot of paid Internet traffic will be consumed. Unless the user has unlimited tariff Internet connection.

Launch the iTunes application and connect your smartphone to your computer using a cable.

  • You may be prompted to enter a password.
  • The application interface will display the connected smartphone. Sometimes, for some reason, the computer cannot detect the connected device. In this case, check whether you have installed the most a new version iTunes origin and that it is compatible with the computer. Try replacing the cable and connecting your smartphone to other USB ports. Just in case, restart your computer and try connecting again.
  • Select the desired device.
  • In iTunes settings, you can set automatic data saving and specify the backup direction - to iCloud or to a computer
  • After that, click on the blue “Create a copy now” button.
  • Wait for the process to complete.

Now you can restore data and settings to your device or transfer it to another iPhone at any time. To restore in the same iTunes interface, click the “Restore from copy” button.

Now you know how to make an iPhone backup and where iPhone backups are stored. Don't forget to back up your device's personal settings and files to prevent losing important data.

We offer a short but very useful video - “How to backup iPhone data to iCloud”:

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Each owner of an Apple smartphone, regardless of its model, receives 5 GB of disk space in the iCloud cloud when registering an Apple ID. They are used to synchronize data between devices, store photos and backup. In other words, the cloud is an important part of the ecosystem created by Apple. Users who have several devices on their hands get more opportunities, but one smartphone is enough to set up a backup. In this material we will present step by step instructions, which explains how to back up your iPhone to iCloud.

The main condition for creating a cloud backup is a stable connection to Wi-Fi, since the mobile network is not used for this purpose.

  1. Open iPhone settings on the main page. We will need two sections on it, indicated by numbers in the screenshot.

  1. In the first we access the settings wireless network. First, make sure that the connection request switch is turned off. The next step is to click on the button with the letter “i”. This way we get access to the parameters of active Wi-Fi.

  1. Having opened the details of the wireless connection, we activate the switch responsible for automatic connection. Now, once within the range of this signal, the phone will automatically switch from cellular to wireless network.

  1. In the second section, we go down to the very bottom of the page. Turn off the Wi-Fi Assist switch. This must be done so that the smartphone does not switch to LTE while within range of the wireless network.

Having completed the preparatory manipulations, you can be sure that every time you put your iPhone on charge, it will create backup copy. The smartphone will not randomly disconnect from Wi-Fi, and signal stability when working with iCloud is more important than speed.

Making a copy

You don't need a computer to create a cloud backup. The user performs all actions directly on his smartphone. To simplify the interface in iOS 10.3, parameters related to the operation of Apple branded services are collected in one section.

  1. Open the main settings page. At the top there is an area with a photo and the name of the owner. Click on it to reveal your account settings.

  1. At the bottom of the screen there is a list of devices associated with the Apple ID of the smartphone owner. Having selected the desired device, click on its logo.

  1. Open the area marked in the screenshot.

  1. Move the switch shown by the arrow to the “On” position. From now on, the OS will automatically create a backup in iCloud using Wi-Fi network while the device is charging. If desired, a copy can be made manually using the framed virtual button.

Storage optimization

Some time after completing the settings described above, the user may receive a message indicating that the backup failed. In most cases, the system fails to complete the operation due to insufficient free space in the cloud. Both owners of old 4S and 5 models, as well as owners of new CE, 6, 7, 8 or X, encounter this phenomenon. Most simply ignore this message, thereby depriving themselves of the opportunity to use a copy of iCloud in the future. In fact, free 5 GB is more than enough to store backups even from multiple devices. The problem is solved by optimizing the data included in the backup copy.

  1. Go to the iPhone owner account settings. Click on the area marked in the screenshot.

  1. The number “1” indicates system programs that have access to iCloud for data storage. We remove permissions from those that are not used.

  1. Going lower in the list, we perform a similar operation for installed applications. Particular attention should be paid to instant messengers, since thousands of messages contained in dialogues are archived in the “cloud”, taking up useful space, while not representing anything valuable. Having edited the permissions in this way, we return to the beginning of the section. Open the area marked “2” in the previous screenshot to examine the contents of the storage.

  1. Opposite each program we see the size of the saved data. Open the section marked with a frame.

  1. Select your device to examine the contents of the backup.

  1. Similar to the operations performed above, we remove all unnecessary using the switches indicated by the arrows. By clicking on the area marked with the number “2” we open full list programs whose data is contained in the copy.

Once optimization is complete, you can create a new copy manually or wait until the system makes it on its own. Performing this operation once is enough to then safely use your smartphone for several years.


iCloud backups allow you to quickly restore your data after a hard reset or on a new device. For example, after replacing SE with X, it is enough to activate account Apple ID to access previously saved information without using a PC.

Video instruction

In the video below you can see how the described actions are performed on a real device.

Data loss is a fact of life - you drop your iPhone, it falls to the ground and falls into pieces, and chances are you lose most of your data on the device. Luckily, there are services like iCloud that automatically back up the data on your iPhone, making it easy to retrieve it if your phone is broken or damaged.

Unfortunately, this is not the most The best decision for backup, in particular because Apple itself is not the best when it comes to cloud services. Security is a big issue with iCloud and if you want to get... more space for storage, then this is quite expensive compared to competitors, especially if you have a big library photos and videos you want to save.

However, there are many other ways to reliably protect your data with backups using several free ways. The first step is to save all data from iPhone to your PC.

How to Backup iPhone to iTunes

To get started, connect your smartphone to your computer and open iTunes. From there, select "Transfer Purchases" under "File". This will save all the content you purchased through App Store or iTunes Store, on your computer.

Automatic and manual backup

The good news is that every time you connect your smartphone to your computer using a USB cable, the device performs a backup automatically.

There are times when you need to make manual copies to insure yourself. To do this, you just need to right-click in iTunes and select “Backup” from the context menu.

Recovering from an iPhone Backup

If you connect a new, empty iPhone to your computer, iTunes will offer to restore your existing backup to it. You can also restore the copy manually in case you added an application that is causing problems and you want to rollback.

Backup iPhone to Google Drive

Google Drive is a great place to back up large content, mainly because free space 15 GB, which you get with your Google account. This is more than enough to store important documents along with a photo library.

First of all you need to download Google app Drive for Windows or Mac. You just need to log in with your username and follow the installer’s instructions. You don't need to connect your smartphone, since iTunes has already backed up all your files.

Google Drive isn't a traditional backup service, but it works just as well because it makes it easy to sync files. To do this, find your latest backup and simply transfer it to the Google Drive folder that was automatically created during the installation process. If you have difficulty locating your backup, you can find it with using iTunes. In the “Settings” menu, go to “Devices” and right-click on the backup, and then on “Show in folder”.

Keep in mind that if you lose your backup on your computer, you can download an additional copy from Google Drive.

Dropbox and iCloud for backing up files on iPhone and iPad

Google Drive is great option for those who need a lot of space, but if you don't have a lot of media files, then Dropbox and iCloud can offer plenty of space for them. With Dropbox you get 2GB of free space and the setup is very similar to Google Drive as both services work on similar principles.

To do this, go to, register an account, download the correct version for your operating system. As with Google Drive, you can copy your backups to a Dropbox folder, thereby placing them in the cloud.

Dropbox is certainly not for advanced users, but it is perfect place to keep a third backup in case anything happens to your other two options.

And of course, even if iCloud is not best place For backup, it's good to keep it enabled as it makes restoring data and applications after a reset an ongoing process. It’s just very difficult to rely on it alone, so you need to have a couple of services for storing backups already made. You can make sure that copies of all files and applications are stored in the cloud by going to “iCloud” in “Settings”.

Hardware for backup from iPhone and iPad

But if you still feel paranoid even after all this, then you can always go the traditional route and back up on hardware such as external hard drives and USB flash drives. But keep in mind that they can also break suddenly.


These days, our data is as important to us as the things around us and it needs to be kept safely on the shelf. Data in the form of text documents, presentations, photographs, videos and other files are very important in our lives, and only after the loss of one or another file do we understand how valuable it was for us, regardless of whether it was a report or a photograph of our child.

Don't let this happen to you.

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