How to open a dumpling shop at home. Correct calculation - successful business

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Production of dumplings: general information about the product + business feasibility + market analysis + price segments products + 5 stages of production + list of necessary equipment + 4 distribution channels + features of organizing a home enterprise.

Recently, some aspiring entrepreneurs have become attracted to the production of dumplings. And among them there is an opinion that it is quite simple to implement the idea. This judgment is partly correct.

However, there are many important aspects here, if you lose sight of them, all your efforts will be in vain, and start-up capital irretrievably lost. To avoid such mistakes, carefully consider the material presented.

General information about dumplings as a food and production product

Dumplings are fast-frozen meat-containing products. They are in high demand all year round and are available in a wide variety of variations.

If you plan to sell dumplings in bulk, the first form is preferable. The tax office must indicate the code from OKVED 10.13.4. In order to supply dumplings for sale to stores, you will need 2 declarations with the OKP code, certificates of conformity, which are prepared after the development and registration of production specifications.

For this purpose the following documents are prepared:

This procedure takes approximately 10 days. The declaration will be issued within a week.

Then they submit to the SES and Rospotrebnadzor:

Product samples are taken to check quality and compliance with standard standards; after receiving permission, production can begin.

How is the production of dumplings carried out?

The production of dumplings occurs in 5 stages:

  • kneading dough;
  • preparation of minced meat;
  • cooking dumplings;
  • freezing;
  • packaging/packaging.

The first stage of production requires clean drinking water, eggs, salt and flour High Quality. Only it contains a lot of gluten, and it, in turn, affects the snow-white color of the dumplings and the preservation of their original shape when in contact with hot water during cooking.

The flour is pre-cleaned from metal impurities. It should have a temperature of no more than 20°C and a relative humidity of less than 85%.

The dough is kneaded using a special machine and must be elastic, otherwise there will be problems with rolling it out. If you do everything correctly, the dough sheeter will prepare the thinnest layers possible, making the dumplings delicious.

At the second stage of production, trimmed meat that has undergone input control quality, without preliminary aging and salting, they are deboned and placed in a minced meat mixer. The output should be a homogeneous product with moderate viscosity (not too wet, but not dry either).

Next, molding occurs according to the following scheme: a test tube is prepared, and the previously prepared minced meat is continuously fed into it. Then a drum is rolled over the stuffed tube, which makes shaped cuts. The dumplings are placed in refrigerators for freezing.

At the final stage of production, the products are stored in carton boxes, bags hermetically sealed with a clip or a manual sealer (dater). Packaged products are stored in medium-temperature refrigerators.

Technological equipment for the production of dumplings.

To make the dough you need:

    Flour sifter.

    It separates flour from any unnecessary impurities, enriches it with air as a result of loosening, which improves the quality of the finished product.

  1. Dough mixing machine, used for hard dough. The kneading organ must have a Z-shape, the bowl (the metal container in which the kneading takes place) - from 50 liters. There are desktop/floor models.
  2. Dough sheeter.

In addition, equipment for the production of dumplings includes:

The choice of dumpling machine must be approached responsibly. The main criteria are price, power, equipment. If your budget is small, you can buy a Chinese JGL-120. It will cost you much less than its European counterparts. With such a mechanism, daily production volumes can reach 700 kg.

If you purchase another dumpling machine, for example, JGL-135, production will increase to 1.3-1.5 thousand products per shift. On the other hand, the “Chinese” ones break down more often. Therefore, if possible, it is better to give preference to good technology.

Once the production process is complete, the dumplings will need to be frozen and stored. To do this, buy about 6 rack trolleys with the possibility of 2-sided loading, dimensions 66x80x180 cm, baking trays for it. They are sold in sets. Each contains 50 pieces. baking trays measuring 60x40 cm, which means 6 sets are needed.

To produce dumplings, you will also need a blast freezing chamber with a volume of ≥ 19 cubic meters. m., low-temperature chamber. The latter stores dumplings until they are sent to final customers. Its total volume can be 25 cubic meters. m.

Such refrigeration supply is very expensive, costing at least 2.3 million rubles. Alternatively, you can lease the required equipment.

The last stage of production involves a filling and packaging machine, which will also cost a decent amount if you take an automatic one. Semi-automatic will be cheaper.

If you want to save on packaging, use manual labor. But it is more advisable to buy semi-automatic machines with weight dosing of dumplings, for example, RT-UM-11, U-01. Polypropylene bags are used as packaging material and the seams are sealed.

Selling dumplings: which sales channels to choose?

There is no point in organizing a workshop for the production of dumplings if you do not take care of establishing sales. After all, it is from the sale of finished products that profits and funds for further development come.

Most often, dumpling producers choose:

  • shops and supermarkets;
  • small wholesale markets;
  • food bases;
  • federal/regional retail chains.

– no less important point. It is implemented by placing advertisements in local newspapers, printing and distributing leaflets, business cards, and colorful catalogs. If your budget allows, advertise your dumplings on radio, television, and Internet resources.

Is it worth organizing the production of dumplings at home?

Making dumplings at home– a fairly common phenomenon in Russia. Households produce 70 thousand tons of products for their own consumption (average figure). 14.6% is the share of households in the market.

Car sales are falling, sales of furniture, clothing, electronics are also decreasing literally every day. And only the sale of food products remains at the same level. It's time to start your own business before they fall too! The production of dumplings, a Russian national product, is one of the most profitable enterprises today. How to open a dumpling production, avoiding the numerous mistakes that novice entrepreneurs make? Read this standard business plan for the production of dumplings, maybe it will help you in organizing your business?


This project is a business plan for the production of dumplings - a business organization with a payback period of two years.

Project goals:

  1. Creation of a highly profitable enterprise
  2. Organization of obtaining a stable profit
  3. Satisfying the consumption market with dumplings and other similar semi-finished products.

Project funding source: own funds, or bank loan

Form of reference entrepreneurial activity: IP

Total cost of the project: 2 million rubles

Payback period: 1.5 years

Interest rate included in calculations: 23%

The total interest payments will be: 690,000 rubles

The investor's income will be: 690,000 rubles

Payments of loan funds and interest on the loan will begin from the first month of project implementation.

Main stages of the project implementation

The start of the project implementation is immediately after the acceptance of the business plan by the Customer, or after receipt of loan funds.

The main stages of the implementation of this project, the conditions and deadlines for their implementation are presented in Table No. 1:

Project stagesDeadlines
Conclusion of an investment agreement1 month
Obtaining borrowed funds1 month
Entry into the state register, registration
in administrative and tax authorities
1 month
Selection of location and design
1-6 months
Purchase and installation of equipment1 month
Recruitment1 month
Conducting a marketing campaign1-24 months

General description of the project

Dumplings and dumplings in our country are National dish, which Russian citizens, regardless of belonging to any social category, eat all year round, practically not subject to seasonal fluctuations in demand. Therefore, the production of dumplings is one of the most profitable food industries.

Almost every owner of a store selling meat products has encountered the problem of unsold leftover meat. Buyers, as a rule, are interested in a product of first freshness, unsightly in appearance, but still quite fit for consumption, the product must either be disposed of, or sold at a lower price, or frozen, which entails loss consumer properties, and again – a reduction in price.

Therefore, the best option for such outlets is to supplement trading activities with their own small production of dumplings, dumplings, frozen pasties, etc. In addition to “stale” meat, production can use cheap varieties of meat, and too fatty meat that is not in demand among buyers.

Such “equipment” has long been adopted by large chain trading companies that produce semi-finished products under their own brand. High-quality products, made according to original recipes, in beautiful packaging, at a relatively inexpensive price, are invariably popular with visitors to super and hypermarkets. Small retail outlets selling semi-finished products are also popular. In almost every region of Russia there are small enterprises that have mastered not only the production of dumplings as a business, but also dumplings, frozen pasties, etc., which position their products as environmentally friendly food from natural products, made according to ancient Russian or foreign recipes .

Equipment and premises

Starting production does not require large financial investments, the main investments will be required to “promote” the brand and search for wholesale buyers. In order to open a small workshop for the production of dumplings with a productivity of 50 to 270 kg of products per hour, a novice entrepreneur will need:

  • Apparatus for preparing minced meat – meat grinder and minced meat mixer
  • Equipment for preparing dough – flour sifter, dough mixer
  • Molding apparatus for sculpting dumplings and other semi-finished products
  • Refrigeration chambers with varying degrees of freezing for storing raw materials and finished products
  • Packaging machines

All necessary equipment must be placed in a room that fully complies with sanitary and epidemiological standards. The production of dumplings as a business must first of all meet all the necessary requirements established by law.

The main criterion when choosing a line for the production of dumplings is its productivity, which should ensure, with correct calculations, 100% sales of all products produced.

The dumpling shop, as the production of dumplings, will be constantly under the vigilant control of the relevant authorities, which eliminates the possibility of using stale products for production. That is why special attention should be paid to the problem effective use meat products, which ultimately affects the pricing policy of sales.

The area of ​​the workshop premises directly depends on the volume of products produced. For a small enterprise, 130-150 sq. m. is usually enough. meters. There are no special requirements for the location of production. It is important only if the dumpling production workshop also has its own retail outlet.

Raw materials for production

How to open a dumpling shop without any special knowledge? Is this even possible? Yes. Today, there is a huge amount of information for starting any business that is freely available.

The main ingredients of dumplings - minced meat and flour - must meet all hygienic standards, have high taste and certain “physical” properties. So, for example, the dough should not stick to your hands and equipment, the minced meat should have a uniform consistency, not too “dry” and not too greasy. Flour must contain at least 30% gluten, so it is more advisable to use 1st grade flour in production, which is superior to flour premium based on the content of this product.

The quality of preparation of ingredients largely depends on the quality of the equipment used. Equipment for the production of dumplings must be the best. So, for example, high-quality sharpening of the knives of a meat grinder affects the uniformity of the minced meat composition, and the quality of the dough produced depends on the serviceability of the dough mixers. Therefore, it would be advisable for production to have its own mechanic for repair and maintenance of equipment.

It should be noted that the dough mixer for making dough for dumplings must be special, specifically for such production. The dough in such a machine is obtained with a humidity of no more than 40%. The technology used in bakeries and confectioneries differs from that used in dumpling production, and will not be able to replace it. Therefore, you should be careful when choosing equipment.

It is also necessary not only to produce dumplings, but also to store them. Refrigeration equipment for storing finished products also has its own requirements. Firstly, you need to take into account that the temperature of the minced meat in frozen dumplings, ready for sale, should not exceed -18 0 C. The most the best option Freezers are devices capable of freezing finished products at the same speed at which they are produced - from 50 to 270 kg per hour. But such units are too expensive for small production, and therefore most often they use freezers with a volume of 5 to 20 cubic meters. meters, which are capable of freezing all products produced in one shift within 24 hours. The requirements for refrigerators for storing raw materials are somewhat milder - such chambers operate in temperature conditions from -20 0 to +5 0 C.

Packaging machines must have devices for dispensing products. It is best to use a packaging line, where not only the dispensing of bags is carried out, but also the formation of the bag itself from a roll of special film.

The design of the packaging itself and the design that will be applied to it should be developed in advance. The thickness of the film for the bag should be such that it does not tear during transportation.

Equipment for the production of dumplings can be purchased from numerous companies involved in their production. It was this factor that made it possible to organize the production of dumplings at home as a business, which is successfully used by “private traders”.

Produced assortment

Despite the popularity of dumplings, some seasonal fluctuations in sales are still present. In addition, it would be extremely unwise not to take advantage of the opportunity to expand the product range using existing equipment. Currently, equipment for dumplings can be universal, designed for parallel use in the production of manti, mini-chebureks, khinkali, dumplings with the most various fillings– fruit, meat, mushroom, fish, cottage cheese, etc. This will satisfy any, even the most demanding taste.

In addition, there are various recipes preparation of semi-finished products that can be produced under different names, but under one brand.

Table No. 2 shows the calculation of the raw materials required to produce 50 kg of ordinary, “table” dumplings per hour of line operation with a productivity of 50 kg per hour:

Required IngredientsCool doughChopped meat
premium flour15.4 kg
egg3 pcs.
water5-6 l
premium beef 14 kg
premium pork 7.5 kg
onion 1.9 kg
black pepper 0.025 kg
salt0.345 kg

Table No. 3 shows the average wholesale prices for raw materials for the production of dumplings in Moscow and the Moscow region (current as of February 2016):

Raw materialsPrice
high flour varieties30 rub/kg
water23.44 rub.
egg50 rub/dozen
beef320 rub/kg
pork280 rub/kg
onion20 rub/kg
salt6 rub/kg

Currently, there are quite a few small enterprises producing dumplings and other semi-finished dough products, but there is not much competition due to the constant expansion of market demand and an increase in the range of products. Organizing a dumpling business is quite a complex project, so you need a clear and competent business plan that includes everything necessary calculations, determining the timing of implementation stages and conditions for minimizing existing risks, and then opening a mini-workshop for the production of dumplings will be much easier.

Marketing plan

Before considering the state of the competitive market in the dumpling production industry, it is necessary to determine the current state of the consumer market. The crisis that began at the end of 2014 had a detrimental impact on absolutely all areas of production and trade. This affected the food industry to a lesser extent, and even less so the production of the category of “budget” products, which includes most types of dumplings.

What also “saves” the situation is that the production of dumplings and other semi-finished products mainly refers to small-scale industries that produce their products in small batches, which compares favorably with large-scale, mass production in large factories.

A particular positive point for an entrepreneur who decides to start producing dumplings is that the project requires a relatively short period of time - it will take a maximum of 1.5 months for the enterprise to reach full capacity. Equipment for the production of dumplings can only be one machine for the production of dumplings so that the business owner achieves success in implementing his plans.

The increase in consumer interest in refrigerated products observed in 2013-2014, which in turn, of course, affected sales of “frozen” products, was due to more short term shelf life of chilled food products, which ensured their freshness. IN currently Against the backdrop of falling household incomes, the dynamics of frozen food sales again increased to almost the previous level, and in some regions of the country even exceeded previous indicators.

Currently, there are 3 important factors influencing the market for frozen products and semi-finished meat products:

  1. Production of high quality products at an affordable price, affordable for the majority of the population and expansion of the offered range.
  2. Import substitution of foreign raw materials with Russian products.
  3. Increasing consumer demand for frozen semi-finished products.

Experts and market analysts predict, even despite negative assessments of the future state of the country’s economy and individual enterprises in particular, that the popularity of simple, satisfying products, which include semi-finished meat products, will continue to grow. The technology for producing dumplings is simple and easy to master, which makes this business extremely popular.

To promote products and form a positive consumer opinion about the products offered, it is necessary to carry out a set of marketing activities:

  • Creating a brand concept
  • Creating your own Internet resource
  • Creation comfortable conditions labor
  • Carrying out work with stores and catering establishments to enter into contracts for the wholesale supply of their products

Figure No. 1 shows the differentiation of the market by their cost:

Dumplings are a very popular product and are in demand all year round. It’s a shame that dumpling manufacturers add soy to the filling, and the minced meat itself is made from low-quality raw materials. The taste of homemade dumplings is a completely different matter; it is radically different from the products presented on store shelves. That is why a home-based dumpling business is able to satisfy customers’ needs for a quality product and bring good profits to the entrepreneur.

Today, a pack of regular dumplings costs on average about 90 rubles, while the price for homemade dumplings is several times higher. From one package of homemade dumplings you can have about 30 rubles of net profit, and if there is demand, then the price can be raised. Simple calculations show that when using the simplest dumpling maker with a productivity of 12 kg/hour, you can earn about 2000 rubles for 8 hours of work.

During the first time of producing dumplings, you can use your own kitchen, which should accommodate all the necessary equipment. It should be taken into account that the premises must be provided with several sources of electricity that are freely available. If there are no outlets nearby, you can use an extension cord with a surge protector, its cost is 400-500 rubles. In addition, the room must accommodate a large table for the process of preparing dumplings. It would be a good idea to equip your workplace with an additional source of lighting and a sink with running water. If things go well, then in the future you can develop a dumpling business at home to a full-fledged one or even.

Equipment for dumplings at home

To organize this you need to acquire the appropriate equipment. It is clear that we are not talking about production installations, for home production For dumplings, ordinary household appliances are suitable:

  • a freezer for storing finished products; it can hold up to 100 kg of dumplings - this is quite enough for working at home. Purchase freezer will cost 7000-12000 rubles;
  • a meat grinder for making minced meat, its price ranges from 2000 to 6000 rubles, but the productivity is approximately the same for all - 1.5 kg of minced meat per minute, it is important that the meat grinder is equipped with a convenient loading tray, which will save time during production;
  • dumpling maker - can be mechanical, costing 1000 rubles, at the very beginning of producing dumplings at home it is quite suitable, it can produce 12 kg of product per hour. Over time, you can purchase an automatic version costing about 70,000 rubles; in addition to dumplings, it is capable of producing noodles, ravioli and rolling out layers of dough for lasagna, while the thickness of the sheet is adjustable and, depending on the purpose of use, can be from 0.2 to 3 mm. The meat grinder comes with various attachments for forming dumplings and a measuring spoon. Meat, vegetable, cottage cheese, fruit and any other filling are suitable for production.

The cooking recipe can be absolutely anything, the main thing is that it satisfies the taste preferences of customers. This will guarantee constant demand for dumplings and ensure sales growth. Since the taste of dumplings directly depends on the filling, it is preferable to use high-quality raw materials in production, and also to develop some kind of “proprietary” recipe that makes the dumplings stand out. general background similar products.

Forming dumplings will not cause any particular difficulties, since the instructions for the dumpling maker necessarily describe the process of their preparation. Many dumpling makers have the function of rolling out dough; all that remains is to select the required thickness, for this you can use the appropriate attachment. Next, the rolled out dough is placed in the chute, the filling is loaded and forming begins. The edges of the dumplings can have either a smooth or wavy shape, this completely depends on the attachment used. In general, the entire production process depends on the model and features of a particular dumpling maker.

Note: You can download a ready-made business plan for the production of dumplings from our partners with a quality guarantee!

A real example of successful production of dumplings by hand molding:

Sales of finished products

The first trial batch, as a rule, is sold among friends, acquaintances and neighbors, but you cannot make a business from this; you need to look for additional places of sale - catering establishments and shops. But such places where dumplings are sold require certificates and declarations of conformity. Usually, 2 declarations are required for each of the OKP codes under which dumplings fall. To obtain certificates of conformity, it is necessary to develop and register technical specifications for production. To do this, you need to collect the relevant documents:

  • lease contract;
  • copies of OGRN and/or TIN;
  • recipe;
  • label layout.

The period for development and registration of specifications is 10 days, and declarations of conformity are slightly less than a week. On similar look only a voluntary certificate is issued for products.

Solving questions about receiving all necessary documents may seem complicated and, if unsuccessful, unnecessary. But nothing prevents you from trying to sell several batches to small cafes and among friends; if there is demand, then it’s worth starting to prepare documents to expand your business. In any case, the purchased equipment will be useful for personal use.

The article discusses the features of the process of organizing the production of a workshop for the production of dumplings. Considerable attention is paid to the analysis of equipment available on the market and the selection of technical equipment for the enterprise. Thanks to the presence of a technological process diagram, its stages become more visual and understandable.


The subject of production is dumplings.

Raw materials

The main raw materials for the production of dumplings are:

  • with 29-30% gluten content;
  • pork, beef, poultry;
  • chicken eggs or their substitutes: melange, egg powder;
  • milk or water;
  • bulb onions;
  • salt, spices.

Required equipment

The following types are involved in the dumpling production process: technological equipment:

  • meat grinder;
  • mince mixer;
  • sifter;
  • dough mixing machine;
  • dumpling machine;
  • low temperature refrigeration chamber;
  • packaging machine;
  • medium temperature refrigeration chamber.

Each of listed types technological equipment has distinctive features that should be taken into account when technically equipping the workshop.

Meat grinders

Meat grinders (meat grinding machines) are used to produce minced meat. Manufacturers of meat grinders offer models in tabletop and floor-mounted versions, powered by an electric drive.

When choosing a model for a dumpling shop, it is recommended to pay attention to the performance of the machine - it must ensure uninterrupted processing of the raw materials necessary for the production of products. In addition, it is desirable to have a “Reverse” function, which allows you to get rid of tendons and films wrapped around the auger, as well as stuck large pieces of meat, without specially stopping the meat grinder and disassembling it. The presence of a safety ring on the loading cup will significantly reduce the risk of injury to personnel.

Comparative analysis of the cost of meat grinders

Option 1 Option 2 Option 3




Cost, rub.


Thanks to the use of a worm gearbox, energy consumption is significantly reduced (savings up to 40%)

As can be seen from the information presented in the table, the cost of meat grinders is directly related to their productivity. The minimum price of industrial meat grinders is from 9 thousand rubles, which is most suitable for small enterprises. The maximum cost may exceed 564 thousand rubles, but such meat grinders, due to their power, are more advisable to purchase for large-scale production.

Meat mixers

Minced meat mixers are designed for mixing all the ingredients included in the minced meat into a homogeneous mass. The duration of one production cycle should not exceed 1 minute, otherwise the fat will separate from the meat and the minced meat will become dry, which contributes to a significant deterioration in the quality of the finished product.

The machines are produced in tabletop and floor-standing versions, with mechanical and electric drives. For a dumpling shop, it is recommended to choose electric minced meat mixers with the function of different mixing directions, since they are the ones who ensure the production of minced meat of the required quality and consistency. An important aspect is the presence of a safety grill in the working chamber, which minimizes the risk of injury to personnel.

Comparative analysis of the cost of minced meat mixers

Option 1 Option 2 Option 3


BX 35A



Cost, rub.


Have double mixing direction

The information presented in the table indicates that the cost of minced meat mixes is directly dependent on their productivity. The lower price threshold is in the range of 47-48 thousand rubles. For this price you can purchase machines with a productivity of 150-250 kg/h, having different volumes of working chambers: from 30 to 50 l and being excellent option for small businesses. High-performance minced meat mixers priced from 435 thousand rubles. are more suitable for large productions with a wide range of minced semi-finished meat products.


Sifters are devices designed for sifting flour in order to remove foreign impurities from it and saturate the air with oxygen. Depending on the design, they can be vibrating or screw, table-top or floor-mounted, and equipped with replaceable sieves with different cell sizes.

For a small dumpling shop, it is recommended to choose tabletop vibrating sifters, as they have fairly high productivity and, due to their compactness, can significantly save space in the room. It is advisable to give preference to models equipped with magnetic traps that can attract metal impurities that enter the flour during grinding and are unsafe for human health.

Comparative analysis of the cost of sifters

Option 1 Option 2 Option 3



Cost, rub.


Equipped with a magnetic trap to remove metal impurities

As can be seen from the information presented in the table, the cost of this type of equipment primarily depends on the manufacturer. Screeners Russian companies, not inferior in performance to foreign analogues, have a cost that is an order of magnitude lower. The minimum price of a machine processing 150 kg/h is in the region of 20-21 thousand rubles, which is an excellent option for small enterprises. High-performance models are more often used in the baking industry.

Dough mixing machines

During the production of dumplings, dough mixing machines are used to prepare stiff dough. The prepared raw material is placed in a bowl, where it is mixed to a homogeneous consistency using appropriately shaped blades - hook-shaped, Z-shaped or spiral-shaped. Available in tabletop and floor-standing versions.

When choosing a dough mixer, you should pay attention to its ability to prepare stiff dough - the machines used in confectionery shops do not have sufficient power and may not cope with the task. It is better to give preference to a floor-standing model with replaceable sliding bowls equipped with safety grilles or shields - this will ensure an uninterrupted process of preparing products and reduce the risk of injury to personnel.

Comparative analysis of the cost of dough mixing machines

Option 1 Option 2 Option 3


Pavlovsky OMZ
Ya-16 SHCH-3



Cost, rub.


Kneading lever simulates manual kneading

Automatic, equipped with two motors and heavy-duty parts

As can be seen from the information presented in the table, the cost of this type of equipment is tied to its performance. For a minimum cost of around 43 thousand rubles, you can purchase a Russian-made dough mixer that prepares up to 260 kg of dough per hour, which fully satisfies the needs of a small enterprise. Automatic programmable machines with a price of over 974 thousand rubles. designed for large industrial enterprises.

Dumpling machines

Dumpling machines are designed for forming dumplings. The models presented on the technological equipment market allow you to prepare products various shapes: “crescent”, including those with a scallop along the edge, “pad”, etc.

When choosing this type of equipment, you should pay attention to the presence in the basic configuration of replaceable frames, on which the variety of forms of manufactured products depends - in their absence, an additional purchase will be required, and therefore additional expenses. An important aspect is the functionality of the dumpling machine: the presence of functions for regulating the size of dumplings, the speed of filling and the thickness of the dough.

Comparative analysis of the cost of dumpling machines

Option 1 Option 2 Option 3


STARFOOD 1647003


Cost, rub.


Adjustable dough thickness and filling weight

Possibility of producing 18 types of products

Managed by two operators

As can be seen from the information presented in the table, the cost of dumpling machines depends on their performance and functionality. The minimum cost of this type of equipment is within 60 thousand rubles, however, the production output is low - from 70 kg/h. For small enterprises, a Chinese-made device in the middle price category (about 80 thousand rubles), producing up to 160 kg of dumplings per hour, would be a good option. The devices are expensive - from 750 thousand rubles. often purchased for large enterprises.

Low temperature cold rooms

Formed dumplings are frozen in low-temperature refrigeration chambers at a temperature of about -18o C. There are conveyor quick-freezing units that have high productivity, but it is not practical to use them in small enterprises.

Packing machines

Packaging machines and semi-automatic machines are designed for filling and packing frozen products into fully or translucent polypropylene bags with a branded pattern of the dumplings manufacturer.

When choosing equipment for a dumpling shop, it is recommended to give preference to automatic packaging devices - they do not require human presence during operation and have a wider range of functions: they can print the production date, have the ability to program weight, work with various types films, are equipped with replaceable dispensers for several product categories.

Comparative analysis of the cost of dumpling packaging machines

Option 1 Option 2 Option 3


Automatic machine for filling and packaging dumplings (“Donskaya upakovka”)

U-03-01 (“MAKIZ”)



up to 7 packs/min

up to 7 packs/min

up to 24 packs/min

Cost, rub.


Two-stage, equipped with a thermal printer

Two-stage, equipped with a dater, photosensor, and encoder.

Pneumatic drawing of film 500 mm wide is used

As can be seen from the information presented in the table, the cost of packaging equipment depends on functionality and performance. The simplest machines with a minimum set of options can be purchased for 142 thousand rubles. Small businesses are better off focusing on equipment in the mid-price category (from 450 thousand rubles) - it has a productivity of about 7 packs/min, which is quite acceptable for them, and has all the necessary functionality. It is advisable to use more expensive machines in large industries.

Medium temperature cold rooms

Medium-temperature refrigeration chambers are used for short-term storage of raw materials included in the dumpling recipe. When equipping a workshop, you should pay attention to the fact that their volume corresponds to the volume low temperature chambers.

Technological cycle

Technological cycle of dumplings production

Premises and communications

The dumpling production workshop must meet the following requirements:

Indoor temperature


Water supply

A centralized water supply is required. The quality of drinking water must comply with GOST R 51232-98. Hot water supplied to all sinks, showers, washing and industrial baths, temperature - not lower than 65o C.


Lead Wastewater must be carried out into the centralized sewerage system. Installation of sewer risers in the production workshop is not allowed.

Power line power

Mains voltage

The production of dumplings is one of the activities of meat processing industries, therefore this area of ​​activity is regulated by the relevant regulatory documentation: Sanitary rules and regulations, Construction codes and regulations, as well as current GOSTs. Compliance with their requirements guarantees the release of high-quality products that are safe for consumers.

Normative documents

  • GOST R 51232-98 “DRINKING WATER. General requirements for the organization
    and quality control methods"
  • “Sanitary and veterinary requirements for the design of meat industry enterprises”

A detailed analysis of the process of opening the production of dumplings with calculations of starting investments, profitability and future profits, as well as a description of the pros and cons of the business, features of the technological process, sales options and marketing strategy companies.

In this article we will talk in detail about how to quickly launch profitable business for the production of dumplings. Below it will be outlined - starting from registering an enterprise and ending with searching for a sales market.

Making dumplings at home can hardly be called a profitable business. It is more of a hobby that brings in a small but constant income. Opening a mini-production workshop in a specially equipped room is another matter. And that’s what we’ll talk about next.

Advantages and disadvantages of business

It’s probably worth starting with the pros and cons of the dumpling production business. This will make it easier to understand what awaits the entrepreneur in the future.


  1. A large selection of markets that are constantly in need of quality products. Many food retail establishments are trying to find more conscientious producers of dumplings who do not sacrifice quality for the sake of savings or their own benefits. The most popular dumplings are homemade ones.
  2. To open your own mini-workshop, you need a small start-up capital (more on this below).
  3. High profitability of the business, provided it is properly organized and run.
  4. The ability to constantly expand the range of products.
  5. Along with dumplings, you can also produce other similar products (for example, manti).


  1. High level of competition in the market. In order for production to truly become profitable, it is necessary to try not only on the quality of the products, but also on the variety of assortment. You will also have to make a lot of effort to find reliable buyers.
  2. There are a lot of requirements placed on the production premises and personnel by the fire service, SES and other authorities.

From this it is clear that there are more advantages than disadvantages. Therefore, it is advisable to at least try to prove yourself in this business. There will be profit in any case. And you can expand your product range and market at any time. The main thing is to run your business wisely and develop an effective marketing strategy.

Now it’s worth talking about what interests every entrepreneur first and foremost.

Profitability of the dumpling production business

Let's assume that in one work shift we get 500 kg of dumplings. The cost of finished products per 1 kg is 75 rubles. Sale price – 100 rubles. From 1 kg we get a net profit of 25 rubles. For one shift it comes out to 12,500 rubles. arrived. Per month - approximately 375,000 rubles. From this amount we remove the salary of the staff of, say, 5 people - 100,000 rubles. And minus also the costs of rent and utilities - 80,000 rubles. As a result, we get a net profit of 195,000 rubles.

From these calculations we can conclude that the business will pay off within a year. But this can happen faster if about or more than 1 ton of finished product is produced per shift. Also on initial stage raw material costs can be reduced. For example, buying not pork or beef, but chicken - it is much cheaper. In this situation, the business will pay off within six months.

Start-up capital for opening a mini-workshop

Now you need to decide how much money you will need to start your business. We will also make calculations using approximate figures. You can get more accurate data if you familiarize yourself with the prices of equipment, rental premises in your region, etc.

So, to open a mini-workshop, the first thing you need to do is purchase equipment. It will require from 500,000 rubles. up to 2,000,000 rub.

After purchasing the equipment, you need to take care of the premises. Here the expenses will be at least 40,000 rubles.

Raw materials will also require a significant amount of around 400,000 rubles. Although in this case you can save money by using less raw materials. But it's better not to do this. Its quality must also not be neglected. The company is new and needs to enter the market with high-quality products.

Costs for marketing campaign will be approximately 40,000 rubles. That is, this is advertising and promotion of products, searching for a reliable sales market.

It's worth saving money in advance. The amount depends on the number of employees. That is, with a salary of 20,000 rubles. and 5 employees will need 100,000 rubles.

It turns out that the minimum and mandatory investment in starting a business is from 1,000,000 rubles.

It should be noted that this figure for the production of dumplings at home will be significantly lower.

How to register the production of dumplings?

There are no difficulties during the registration process. Especially if you have chosen a good premises with high-quality renovation and all the necessary communications.

To legalize a mini-workshop you need:

  • How to register with the tax office individual entrepreneur. Choose a tax system (preferably simplified tax system or OSNO). Code economic activity and the required package of documents can be clarified at the Tax Inspectorate at your place of residence.
  • Obtain a license to open a catering establishment.
  • Prepare and receive documents permitting the use of a cash register (if necessary).
  • Visit the fire department and obtain all necessary permits from them. To do this, you will need to show the inspector the rented premises where the production will take place.
  • It’s the same with the SES – you need to get permission from them.
  • Obtain permits from Rospotrebnadzor.

Also, each employee of the mini-workshop must have a valid health certificate, which allows them to produce semi-finished products.

Registering a business can be time-consuming. Therefore, sometimes it is advisable to delegate such a task to specialized companies.

Choosing a room for a mini-workshop

For small production, about 300 square meters will be enough. m. It must fully comply with all the requirements of the fire and sanitary services.

IN production premises must have:

  • Hoods and ventilation.
  • Hot and cold water supply.
  • Sewage system with cleaning system.
  • Power supply for 220V and 380V.

The following premises should also be organized:

  • Manufacturing facility.
  • Warehouse for storing finished products.
  • Storage room for raw materials.
  • Toilet and shower room.
  • Administration office/s.
  • Room for staff to rest and eat.

All this must be present at the enterprise. Otherwise, the fire service and the SES will have a lot of complaints against you.

Equipment for the production of

Now that the business is legalized, the premises meet all SES requirements and the fire service needs to purchase equipment. In particular you will need:

  • Device for sifting flour.
  • Device for automatic dough preparation.
  • Automatic meat grinder for making minced meat.
  • Mixer for minced meat.
  • Devices for forming dumplings with replaceable frames.
  • Packaging machine (preferably several pieces).
  • Refrigerators for storing finished products and raw materials.

It’s better not to skimp on equipment. After all, it automates almost all important production processes, which will reduce personnel costs and increase production capacity.

Who will work in production?

In this case, you determine everything yourself. If the business is a family business, then there is no point in hiring strangers. It's easier to work as a close-knit family. However, it is more profitable to hire the following specialists:

  • Technologist.
  • Kitchen workers (cooks).
  • Director and accountant (if necessary).
  • Sales department employee (also, if necessary).
  • Equipment repair specialist.
  • Storekeeper and loaders.

Three specialists can be crossed off from this list at once. If you manage all administrative matters yourself, then you don’t need to hire a director, accountant and sales department employee. However, it is best to hire an accountant with experience, so that in the future there will be no problems with the tax authorities due to errors in accounting.

Sales market: who to sell finished products to?

Finding a reliable sales market is not an easy task. Especially in conditions of fierce competition. However, nothing is impossible. There are many people ready to buy quality dumplings. And here is a small list of possible buyers:

  • Large retail chains and shops.
  • Canteens of enterprises and companies.
  • Cafe.
  • Catering establishments.
  • Grocery outlets.

It is also worth considering the option of your own retail outlet. For example, open a company store under the company’s brand. But in this case, you will have to offer customers other products. You can additionally produce manti and sell minced meat own production or sell various seasonings, sauces and ketchups for dumplings. Simply put, open a store with a narrow focus, but with a wide range.

Marketing strategy and product promotion

Advertising your own company and promoting products is a very important stage in business development. Here you will have to spend a lot of effort and more than one thousand rubles. If you are not confident in your own abilities, or there is no free time, then it is better to delegate this task to an agency. However, experienced specialists will more effectively carry out advertising company and will find you buyers at the initial stage.

But if you decide to promote yourself, here’s what you need to do first:

  • Submit advertising in the media (newspapers, TV, radio).
  • Create a website with a range of products and ready-made price lists. Launch.
  • Distribute to various retail outlets and catering establishments.
  • Call potential buyers and offer your products.

To ensure that you receive fewer refusals when making a commercial offer or when making a call, it is better not to inflate your prices too much. It is optimal to make a markup of 20% -50%. Later, when the company develops, you can change the pricing policy. The main thing is that regular customers are convinced of the quality and consumer demand for your finished products.

Main stages of dumpling production

It is impossible not to affect the production process. You should at least theoretically know how dumplings are made.

Stage 1. Processing of raw materials. This includes sifting flour, defrosting, washing and cleaning meat, sanitizing eggs, making a brine solution and peeling onions.

Stage 2. Kneading the dough. It is advisable to automate this process with a dough mixer.

Stage 3. Preparation of minced meat. The prepared meat passes through a meat grinder. Following this, the onion is also chopped. Then all the ingredients are mixed in a mixer.

Stage 4. Formation of dumplings. Dumplings are molded special device. It is possible to produce products of any shape, since specialized equipment usually has several frames.

Stage 5. Freezing dumplings. After shaping, the dumplings are laid out into pieces and placed in the refrigerator for freezing.

Stage 6. Packaging of finished products. At the final stage, all dumplings are packaged, packaged and labeled.

As you can see, almost the entire production process is automated. Therefore, a staff of 5 people will be quite enough. Moreover, if time allows, you can take on some of the tasks yourself. Then you can save up to 50,000 rubles. per month on employee salaries.

The idea for producing dumplings is worthy of attention. If you want to open a profitable business with a relatively small investment, then this option perfect. Moreover, you will always have delicious homemade dumplings on your table.

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