How to properly water an orchid at home. Useful tips on what kind of water to water an orchid at home

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Orchids have been occupying a leading position in the popularity rankings for several years now. indoor plants. This is the most “giftable” plant. Therefore, an orchid often falls under the care of a person who is very far from floriculture and has very vague ideas about how to grow it correctly. , an orchid can grow at home and delight us for many years. This care is simple and not burdensome. Minor deviations from the rules of care do not cause significant harm to the plant. But, alas, as sad statistics show, almost half of donated orchids die after the first flowering. The reasons for this are different, but they are all a consequence of ignorance of the rules of care or careless implementation of them. The absolute leader among these violations belongs to improper watering.

Orchids cannot be watered like other indoor plants! As is known, in natural environment orchids grow on the bark of trees and stumps. That is, not in the ground. Therefore, the substrate in which orchids are grown consists mainly of tree bark, and it accumulates moisture very poorly and dries out quickly. This misleads its inexperienced owner and provokes the next watering. The result is waterlogging and problems associated with it.

When and how often to water orchids

First, let me clarify. Among orchids there is also a clear leader - phalaenopsis. This is what is most often given as a gift. More exotic ones, and others, are significantly inferior to phalaenopsis in terms of “purchasability and giftability.” Therefore, we will consider the rules for watering orchids using his example.
First of all, it should be noted that the frequency of watering orchids at home will depend on factors such as air temperature, humidity, substrate composition, pot volume, life cycle and time of year.
External primary signs of the need to water orchids are:

  • The roots of the plant have turned pale green or white shade. With normal watering they should be green.
  • The walls of the pot are dry. If there are even the smallest drops of moisture on them, they should not be watered.
  • The orchid pot is very light.
  • You can carefully lower a dry stick into the pot and check the humidity in its depths.
  • With prolonged overdrying.

Important! Dry pieces of bark on the surface of the pot are not a reason for the next watering.

The frequency of watering also depends on the time of year. Usually in summer orchids are watered once a week, but not more than twice a month.

Water for watering orchids

For regular watering, you cannot use water taken directly from the tap. At a minimum, it should be defended. But this is not enough. Ideally, water for watering an orchid should be boiled or passed through a filter. The presence of salts, iron and chlorine compounds in its composition is extremely undesirable. You can soften the water and make it more suitable for irrigation using peat. To do this, you need to take a handful of high-moor (sour) peat, wrap it in a napkin and put it in a container of water (about 3 liters) for 10-12 hours. Oxalic acid is also used to soften water.

Necessarily! Water for watering orchids should be warm.

Watering orchids at home - methods


The most effective and common way. If possible, purchase a special container for watering orchids that matches the size of your plant's pot. In fact, this is the same pot, but without drainage holes. When using it, you will avoid floating and overturning the pot with the plant. In the absence of such a container, you can use any other container of a suitable size. The pot with the orchid is lowered into it so that the water level is one centimeter below the top edge of the pot. Usually 10-15 minutes are enough for the substrate to become saturated with moisture. A sign of this will be the appearance of moisture on its upper layer. After this, the pot must be removed from the water and all moisture allowed to drain. During such watering, you can also feed the orchids by dissolving fertilizer in the water.

Top watering (using a watering can)

This method is also used. But you should be careful when using it. Do not allow water to get into the axils of the leaves. Its accumulation can cause rotting of the orchid leaf. For watering, it is better to use a watering can with a long thin spout. Watering is carried out in several stages. Water flows until it begins to flow through the drainage holes. Then a break for a couple of minutes, and the procedure is repeated. And so 3-4 times. Drain the water that has flowed into the pan.

Watering with running water (warm shower)

This is the case when watering with tap water is allowed. But only if this method is not permanent, but is used only occasionally. Otherwise use should be used garden watering can. This method of watering orchids is closest to natural, as it imitates rain. In addition to moistening the substrate and plant roots, dust is washed off from the leaves, possible pests and other nasty things. It also stimulates foliage growth. Watering is best done in a bathtub, but you can put a pot with a plant in a basin if you water it with a watering can. Water for irrigation should be warm, sometimes even hot water of 40-50 degrees is used. Watering the orchid continues until the substrate is saturated with moisture. After this, the water from the pot is allowed to drain and the orchid is left in a shaded place for 30-40 minutes. Then you should definitely wipe the leaves with a dry cloth, but the main thing is to remove all moisture from the axils of the leaves.

Spraying the roots

This method is unlikely to be useful to novice gardeners. It is used for orchids that are grown open method, without the use of substrate. In this case, a spray bottle with a very fine spray of water is used. With its help, the roots of the orchid, fixed to the supporting surface, are abundantly irrigated.

Watering orchids after purchase

This point deserves special attention. The fact is that in most cases, phalaenopsis, which are sold in flower shops, have a specific soil composition. In addition to the obligatory bark and sphagnum moss, they may contain anything that helps give and maintain presentation plants. We understand that the main thing for a merchant is to sell, and what happens next is our headache. Most often, in the composition of the substrate you can find some kind of moisture accumulators, called among gardeners “sponges”, “washcloths”, “sponges”, which, in fact, are what they are. These are pieces of synthetic material that absorb a large number of water and allows long time do not water the orchid, which is important during transportation and mass storage. There's nothing particularly scary about this. The material is synthetic, therefore, does not rot or decompose. But its danger lies in the fact that the watering schedule in this case changes radically. It is very difficult to determine the absence or presence of moisture in such a “battery”. And their very presence may raise doubts. Conscientious sellers always warn that the substrate contains a sponge. Otherwise, it may turn out to be an unpleasant surprise. Experienced flower growers, after purchasing any plants and after two weeks of quarantine, transplant them into fresh soil. But not every amateur can do this, and it is not advisable to do this during flowering. Therefore, when purchasing, be sure to ask the seller about the presence of such surprises. And if they are, then all watering should be carried out less than once and a half to two times. In any case, after purchasing, place the orchid separately from other plants (if any) and quarantine for 7-10 days. There is no need to water at this time. Then you can start watering. I recommend doing the first watering with boiled or distilled water. It is better to use the immersion method. And repeat it several times, changing the water. This will wash away unnecessary salts from the soil. Of course, the fertilizers with which manufacturers and sellers fertilized them will also go away. But you don't need them. Usually, these are very strong stimulants that deplete the plant. It is better to buy high-quality fertilizer and use it.

That's all the basic rules for watering orchids. But, there will also be a considerable number of nuances that will be specific to your plant, and here everything will depend on you. Try it different ways and decide which one is best for you and your plant. Observe the plant and substrate. It won't be long before you can accurately determine when and how to water your orchids.

How to water orchids - video

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Orchids have long ceased to be perceived as exotic plants and are found in most apartments, houses, offices and formal halls. They fit perfectly into any interior, creating an atmosphere of solemnity and elegance at the same time. It is no secret to those who practice their cultivation that these plants are quite capricious, require clear growth conditions and are reluctant to make compromises regarding these conditions. One of the points that should be given considerable attention is watering orchids, so let's try to figure out how often you need to water an orchid, how much water and specifically what kind of water is best to water an orchid. We will also determine the seasonal characteristics of irrigation.

In order for the plant to feel comfortable, grow actively, and even bloom, you need to create conditions for it that are as close to natural as possible. In nature, orchids almost never grow in water, so stagnation of moisture in a pot would be absolutely inappropriate. Watering time is determined by checking the condition and taking into account the type of orchid. For example, if Phalaenopsis, Odontoglossum, Cymbidium are grown, then the substrate should not dry out; it grows well in slightly moist soil, but not in a pot with stagnant water, but Oncidium, Dendrobium and Cattleya like to be watered only when the soil dries out. This is important, so when purchasing a plant, be sure to check the name of the plant variety.

Ways to water an orchid

Orchids are watered in a variety of ways, both under the tap and in the shower, and by bathing them in water completely, but in the most the best option is to place a pot with drainage holes in another, larger one and water from above. In this way, the orchid drinks enough, the entire bark is evenly moistened, the plant is not at risk of drying out, and the water does not stagnate. This method is called soldering.

Similar to this is the immersion method, when a smaller pot is placed in a larger one already filled with water. Soldering can be called an improved version of it, thus, water pours from above and the bark is wetted faster; when immersed, it takes longer.

You can water orchids in the shower, but this method, to put it mildly, is uneconomical, since in order to properly wet the bark, water must flow continuously for approximately 30-40 minutes.

Watering an orchid during flowering

Many people are also interested in whether it is possible to water an orchid during flowering; we will dwell on this in detail. Of course, it is necessary to water, and watering during this period has certain characteristics. If flowering occurs in the summer, then watering is intensified and occurs every three days; if the buds bloom in winter, the substrate is moistened no more than twice a week.

In between waterings, it is worth giving the bark a chance to dry; excessive moisture will be inappropriate. And one more very important rule is the temperature of the water, it should in no case be cold, warm, settled water would be the best option.

If the orchid pleases you with its color, then you should not neglect these rules. We remind you that she is capricious and can quickly drop flowers and get sick due to improper hydration.

How to water orchids in winter and summer

The question is: how often to water an orchid in winter, whether to water more intensively in summer, and whether spraying is necessary. The frequency of watering orchids in winter and summer is actually different; in winter, the plant slows down its growth, and the intervals between waterings become longer. It is very important to ensure that it does not remain in the outlet, so after watering it can be drained by carefully lowering the plant, or simply soaked with a napkin.

Water for winter irrigation should be warm, slightly higher room temperature. It is advisable to place polystyrene foam under the pots standing on the windowsills; if the root temperature drops below 14 C, the plant will suffer.

With the onset of spring and summer, all physiological processes in orchids accelerate and watering needs to be made more abundant; if there is a lack of water, the plant will wrinkle its leaves and require measures. The water temperature should be no lower than room temperature, the water should be well settled.

You can determine whether it is time to restore the amount of water by checking the condition of the roots and walls of the pot. If the condensation from the walls has disappeared, and the roots have become silvery, the pot itself is light - it’s time to water it. It is for such checks that orchids are grown in transparent pots.

Watering orchids after purchase

So, the orchid found its happy owner and moved to a new home. When to water an orchid after purchase and does it need some time to adapt and get used to a new place? Undoubtedly. For several weeks you should place it in a shaded place, away from other indoor plants. Do not expose it to direct sunlight. It is not worth watering and “feeding” the fertilizers that were recommended when purchasing it, the plant is still under stress, however, you should still focus on the condition of the plant, especially the leaves, and make decisions based on their condition. Usually, orchids tolerate a several-week quarantine well without watering or any other interventions.

The plant should be brought out of this state by moderate watering, which becomes more intense over time and by gradually getting used to the sun.

Watering orchids after transplantation

And the last thing we focus on is whether the orchid needs to be watered after replanting. If a store-bought plant does not grow in sphagnum moss, then replanting is not necessary, and it can remain in its native substrate for several years until the need to change the pot comes.

If the need nevertheless arises and the plant is replanted, then after it it needs to be watered abundantly. While the substrate is not yet compacted, it is good to water the plant for 5-7 minutes in the shower, and then immerse it in a container of water for 30 minutes.

For the first 7-10 days after transplantation, the orchid should be in a shaded place, watering occurs in the usual way.

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IN middle lane April is the time when the first flowering of plants in gardens and parks begins. The constant soloists of the spring that has come into its own are the bulbous primroses. But also among ornamental shrubs you can find those that will delight you with fragrant flowers, enlivening the still inconspicuous garden. The main riot of beautifully flowering ornamental shrubs occurs in the month of May, and most of them, as a rule, bloom in mid-May.

Inexperienced flower growers sometimes encounter this problem - the flowers and buds of the orchid wither and fall off, or the peduncle simply stops growing. To prevent this from happening, you need to know how to water an orchid during flowering.

Watering orchids during flowering is even more important than during other periods of their life. It takes a lot of effort to form and bloom flowers, and this food exotic flower It receives only from water and air, and not from fertile soil, like the plants of our latitudes. Experts advise watering orchids at home when the substrate is completely dry and the roots turn white.

How often you will have to water depends on many reasons - air temperature, humidity level, degree of light, and the period of life of the plant. In addition, the rate of moisture absorption and assimilation by the plant varies among different varieties. There is no exact schedule; an attentive owner will determine it himself while caring for his pet. If this usually happens 1-2 times a week, then you will have to water the blooming orchid more often, maybe 3-4 times. Fertilizing plants with mineral fertilizers is usually combined with watering.

A warm shower is fine if the water coming from the tap is quite soft or if a watering can is used. The pot is placed in the bath, watered, bypassing the flowers, with water at a temperature of up to +40 degrees, then left until excess water will not drain from the pot. The axils of the leaves need to be blotted with a napkin, and the flower can be returned to its place only when the humidity and air temperature in the bathroom are equal to the conditions of the room.

Caring for Phalaenopsis during flowering room conditions involves all these types of watering, the main thing is that the water does not fall on the flowers and does not remain in the axils of the leaves.

Flowers growing on blocks are soaked by immersing the entire plant in water except the flowers themselves. After 15 minutes, remove the plant, shake it lightly, and blot the leaf axils. Hanging varieties are watered by immersing their roots in warm water for 15–20 minutes.

Spraying an orchid

When Phalaenopsis blooms, it can be sprayed to increase air humidity. If you water better in the morning, then spraying is usually done during the day. Water should also be used only clean, soft and warm, a couple of degrees warmer than the air. Around blooming orchid you need to maintain a sufficient level of humidity, if the substrate does not dry out and the leaves are wet all the time, then the duration of flowering will be sharply reduced - after all, orchids do not bloom in the tropics during the rainy season. Spraying should simply maintain the desired level of moisture in the air. Care must be reasonable.

It is better to use a fine spray nozzle, direct the water onto or around the leaves; moisture getting on the flowers contributes to their destruction.

What are the dangers of improper watering?

The orchid loves moisture, especially during the flowering period, but overmoistening the substrate can lead to rotting of the roots. If you water the plant while droplets of condensation are still collecting on the walls of the transparent pot, the substrate will become compacted, its ingredients will begin to rot, and this will lead to a deterioration in the condition of the roots, and therefore the entire plant. This should not be allowed, because the orchid will stop blooming and may even die if the moment of replanting, which is possible for salvation, is missed.

To insure against rotting of the substrate, it is recommended to sometimes water the plants with water with a small amount of potassium permanganate. But it is better to carefully check the condition of the substrate before each watering; its top layer dries out quickly enough, but at the bottom of the pot it may still remain wet, in which case it is better to wait until watering.

An orchid is an exotic plant, so many lovers of indoor plants may think that caring for them is labor-intensive and burdensome, but this is far from the case.

Even a novice gardener can cope with this task. It's just important to create favorable conditions For .

It is very important to familiarize yourself with how to properly water an orchid at home. If you follow all the tips below, then favorite plant will delight you with lush color for a long time.

Orchids in different time requires different amounts of moisture each year. In addition, the watering regime also depends on the state of the orchid, whether it is blooming during a given period, or resting. This is exactly what we will talk about next.

Watering rules

Orchid after purchase

When buying an orchid, you must remember that even in flower shops and greenhouses they may not be cared for correctly. Given this, it is necessary to leave the plant for some time without additional watering.

This is done so that the substrate dries out a little, since it is not known when the plant was last watered and how.

Note: It is better to underwater an orchid than to overwater it, since excess moisture provokes the process of rotting of the roots, which has a detrimental effect on the condition of your flower. It is better to start watering the purchased plant a week after purchase.

Watering orchids during and after flowering

At rest, the plant needs less moisture than during active flowering. When the plant blooms, it is necessary to pay special attention to watering in order to prevent excessive drying of the substrate.

Due to lack of moisture, the flowers become smaller, and the plant does not bloom as actively and for a long time. But the other extreme should also be avoided. Too frequent overwatering can lead to rotting of the roots, and as a result, the death of the plant itself.

Watering orchids in winter and summer

Like other plants, orchids winter time do not need as frequent watering as in summer. On average, it is necessary to water orchids every three days in the summer, and in winter only 1-2 times a week. But don't forget about individual characteristics these flowers.

It is not necessary to strictly adhere to the watering regime, since the main indicator is the degree of drying of the substrate. Feel the soil with your hands, and if it is still quite moist, it is better to postpone watering a little.

Water quality

IN wildlife orchids are irrigated by rainwater. Unfortunately, getting rainwater at home is quite problematic, so you can use plain water from the tap, having previously prepared it.

First of all, check the hardness of your tap water. To determine how hard it is, look at how quickly plaque appears in the kettle. Remember that the faster this process occurs, the harder your water. In addition, there are special test strips for determining water hardness.

When watering orchids, use only soft water. It is possible to soften ordinary tap water using several methods:

  1. Boiling. If you boil water, most of the calcium salts will simply precipitate.
  2. Oxalic acid. For 5 liters of water you need 1/8 teaspoon of powder. The resulting solution is left to stand for 24 hours in an open container. After that clean water Carefully separate from the sediment. To do this, carefully pour it into another container.
  3. You can make the water softer and acidify it a little by immersing a small bag filled with high-moor peat in a bowl of water overnight.

It will be useful for your plants to pre-saturate the water with oxygen. For this purpose, water must be poured several times from one container to another. It is better to do this in a thin stream - this way the water will be better saturated with oxygen.

Also note that it is not recommended to water orchids with distilled water, since it contains almost no salts. It is better to dilute this water a little with regular, settled tap water.

Frequency of watering orchids

  • air humidity;
  • temperature;
  • degree of substrate humidity;
  • season;
  • period of flowering or dormancy;
  • the material from which the pot is made, etc.

Watering methods

When watering orchids, three main methods are used:

    1. Immersion. This method is best suited for watering and growing indoors. The essence of the method is that the pot with the orchid must be immersed in a container filled with water and left in it for 30-60 seconds so that the roots are sufficiently saturated with moisture. Before placing the orchid in its rightful place, you need to make sure that excess water is drained, since excess moisture in the pot can later lead to rotting of the roots.

    1. Watering through a watering can is carried out with a thin stream of water over the entire area of ​​the pot. After the excess water has completely drained into the pan, it must be poured out and the watering procedure repeated again.

Look video about watering orchids at home:

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