How to properly glue paper wallpaper: tips and tricks. How to glue paper wallpaper: tools, glue, wall preparation, step-by-step master class How to glue paper wallpaper

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Is it possible to glue paper wallpaper non-woven glue? The answer to this question is of interest to many ordinary people who have decided to independently renew the coating on the walls of their apartment or house.

Paper wallpaper has not lost its popularity despite the wide selection of other, more modern products, but the glue that was used a few years ago is no longer so interesting for buyers.

Both consumers and experienced craftsmen trust the non-woven composition more. Before giving a positive answer, it is worth saying to the question posed that not all wallpapers are paper based easy to glue and lie flat on the surface after applying non-woven glue.

Features of paper wallpaper and the subtleties of working with them

Duplex wallpaper consists of two layers and is heavier

Paper wallpaper is a coating consisting of one layer or having a second, additional one:

  • simplex;
  • duplex with embossed layer.

There are models coated with a special water-repellent composition, and canvases on which an image is applied (photo wallpaper). They are affordable, easy to use, and available in huge variety color solutions. However, such wallpaper quickly absorbs moisture and tears easily, so it requires careful handling during operation.

Paper wallpaper is a rather thin coating that requires careful preparation of the surface before gluing.

Try to stick wallpaper on level walls without bumps or cracks - this will affect appearance rooms

The walls must be absolutely smooth, since the slightest scratches or bulges will be visible after the glue has dried. The thin fabric does not hide surface defects, but rather, on the contrary, emphasizes them. But such wallpapers are environmentally friendly materials that perfectly absorb sound and allow air to pass through.

Simplex not only gets wet and tears quickly, it also gets dirty easily, so not a drop of glue should get on its surface. Work should be done in absolute cleanliness.

Neither simplex nor duplex can be glued in rooms with high humidity or in places where the wallpaper may be damaged by mechanical stress.

Surface preparation includes:

  • applying starting and finishing putty;
  • processing with abrasive materials;
  • padding.

The primer is applied in two layers and further actions are possible only after it has completely dried.

Use non-staining glue

The first step is to completely clean the walls of the old coating and eliminate all unevenness using putty and sanding. fine mesh or sandpaper.

Having completed the preparation, you can begin gluing, using high-quality glue that does not leave stains on the surface and does not penetrate the canvas.

Working with non-woven glue

Having received from experienced craftsman To confirm that paper wallpaper can be glued with non-woven glue, you need to choose packaging that will be sufficient to complete the intended amount of work. The prepared composition is not stored and is prepared immediately before use.

When working with paper wallpaper and non-woven glue, it is better to use soft cloth and a rubber roller. The pressure will be of high quality and safe for the wallpaper itself.

Do-it-yourself repair saves cash and allows you to perform certain work more efficiently, because a person does everything for himself. There are a lot of features in the process of wallpapering that you should know in order to complete all the steps quickly and competently. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the full instructions, supplemented with photos and video materials, so that your repair brings you only positive emotions, and the work performed is of high quality.

Preparatory work

Initially, you should perform a series preparatory work, which can also include the choice of wallpaper, glue and the process of preparing the wall for applying the material. Initially, you need to study the wallpaper market to choose options by color, size and special qualities.

Today, paper, non-woven and vinyl options are relevant. Paper ones are relevant because they are inexpensive, and the process of gluing them will be quite simple. Nevertheless, non-woven wallpaper one meter wide is considered a better and more rational option. These wallpapers are stylish, original, high quality. In addition, gluing them will not cause any particular difficulties.

Glue selection

Very important element finishing works the pasting is glue. When choosing, you should give preference to options with the following characteristics:

  • Chemical neutrality;
  • After drying, the glue should be transparent;
  • It must be environmentally friendly.

Depending on the type of wallpaper used, you can choose the right brand of glue. If it is paper wallpaper, ordinary glue will do, which is diluted with water based on clear instructions (located on the glue packaging). For synthetic paper-based wallpaper, it is recommended to purchase glue containing synthetic resin (the same glue will be required for non-woven wallpaper). For wallpaper to be painted, you should purchase especially strong adhesive - dispersed in ready-made form. For velor options, a special composition of glue is used.

Preparing the walls

The preparatory process begins with removing old coatings from the wall. If the wall was covered with wallpaper, then it must first be wetted with water; for this it is better to use a sponge. You should wait until the wallpaper is soaked, after which it can be easily removed using a metal spatula.

If the walls have been whitewashed, they also need to be wetted with water and the coating removed using a metal spatula. To clean the wall of paint, the surface is initially treated with sandpaper (with coarse grain), after which the peeling paint is removed with a spatula.

After removing the decorative coating, you need to inspect the wall for defects. If there are cracks and chips, they need to be puttied, then we carry out the process of priming and drying. Due to the fact that the wall will be initially primed, this will increase the level of adhesion and reduce glue consumption. For the initial treatment of the wall, it is better to take a special primer, or you can use glue diluted with water (no more than 30% of water is added) and treat the wall.

What tools are needed?

To carry out the gluing procedure you will need a set of the following tools:

  • Stationery knife;
  • Tape measure and plumb line;
  • Scissors and bucket;
  • Roller and brush;
  • A clean rag (necessarily soft).

On paper and vinyl wallpapers The glue should be carefully applied to the strips. If you use non-woven wallpaper, then the glue is already applied to the wall. When you have prepared the wall and prepared everything necessary tools, you can start wallpapering. It is recommended to turn off the electricity when working in the area of ​​switches and sockets.

Step-by-step instructions

Step 1: Preparing the Wallpaper

If the wallpaper does not have a pattern, then the process of cutting the wallpaper will not be difficult. If there is a drawing, then you will have to immediately carry out measurements and adjustments, otherwise certain difficulties may arise during the pasting process.

Step 2: Start pasting

The pasting procedure should begin exclusively from the window. In many rooms, the corners are not as straight as they should be. Therefore, before gluing the first strip, it is necessary to draw a vertical line along a plumb line on the wall.

Step 3: Applying Glue

The glue should be applied with a roller or a wide brush to a previously prepared canvas. It is imperative to wait a certain amount of time for the material to become saturated. So, paper wallpaper is soaked for five minutes, if the material is dense - 7-8 minutes, after applying glue to textile wallpaper you need to wait at least ten minutes. When using non-woven material, glue is applied to the wall, after which pre-prepared strips of material are glued to it. Be sure to make a slight overlap on the baseboard and ceiling, so that in the future it will be possible to carry out alignment if necessary.

Step 4: Smoothing

After applying a strip of material to the wall, smoothing must be done. To do this, you can use a rubber roller or a dry, clean cloth. If significant folds form, you need to tear off the strip and then carefully glue it back. Remember that you cannot stretch the material beyond the edges, as after drying you will get gaps at the joints.

Little tricks for wallpapering

  1. You need to start the pasting process from the window and finish above the door;
  2. It is recommended to stick the strips vertically, but you can use laser level or a plumb line to mark the boundaries of the intended location of the strip on the wall;
  3. When carrying out the process of gluing wallpaper in the area of ​​switches and sockets, it is recommended to remove them, this way you can eliminate unnecessary difficulties with cutting holes inside the strip. First you need to turn off the electricity in the house;
  4. If there is any excess (overlap on the baseboard or ceiling), it is better to cut it off after it has dried.

We also recommend watching the training video - .

They are one of the most common materials for wall decoration. People with modest incomes often choose them. But in order for this coating to look decent on the walls, you need to know how to glue paper wallpaper correctly, as well as the specifics of performing preparatory work and choosing a fixing composition.

Advantages and disadvantages of paper wallpaper

When choosing a material for finishing work, you should pay attention to the type of paper wallpaper:

  • simplex, consisting of one layer;
  • duplex, including 2 or more layers.

The second wallpaper option is considered more preferable due to higher quality indicators.

Paper wallpaper is considered a universal type of covering that is suitable for most rooms in the house with the exception of bathrooms. The following advantages contribute to this:

  • environmental safety of the material;
  • its hypoallergenicity;
  • budget price;
  • large selection of colors, patterns, textures, including embossed wallpaper;
  • ease of use;
  • breathability.

Add to list weaknesses This choice includes low paper resistance to moisture and mechanical stress. This coating breaks easily, especially if simplex is used, and if it gets dirty, the stains cannot be removed with wet cleaning. These parameters are determined sufficiently short term service not exceeding 7 years.

Preparatory work

The process of finishing walls with paper wallpaper includes 3 main stages:

  • removal of old coating;
  • surface preparation;
  • the gluing process itself.

Trying to reduce renovation time, some people decide to leave the old wallpaper on the wall. This choice can lead to unpleasant stains on the new coating, especially if it is light in color.

Removing old wallpaper can seem like a very time-consuming process. If the repair was done well, they are not so easy to separate from the wall, especially away from corners or door jambs. But there are a number of ways to easily remove paper wallpaper from a wall:

The second method is especially relevant if the pieces of wallpaper were overlapped rather than end-to-end. Glass wallpaper needs to be washed with a special solvent to remove it. A special composition is sold in stores for removing textile wallpaper. And if concrete wall has been painted, initially the top layer of coating must be washed off with a solvent or special liquid. Then you just have to scrape off the residue with a spatula.

Achieve the maximum flat surface It will be possible by puttingtying the wall. Immediately before gluing paper wallpaper, priming is done with a special compound or diluted wallpaper glue. These stages are carried out regardless of what the previous coating was.

Glue selection

An important stage of the work will be right choice fixing composition. Although there are no particular problems with adhesion in this case, it is important to consider some points.

When determining which adhesive is best for paper wallpaper, you should pay attention to the characteristics of the material itself. It absorbs water well, elongates and becomes heavier under its influence. In this state, the sheet can be severely deformed and torn, which will ruin the final result. All this must be taken into account when purchasing a retainer.

When purchasing material, you should check with your consultant whether it is possible to glue paper wallpaper with non-woven glue in a particular case. Once you have received permission, you should pay close attention to the following details. The composition should be diluted with water strictly in accordance with the instructions. A strong excess of it will affect the quality of work, and a deficiency will not provide the necessary adhesion to the surface. Such compositions require thorough mixing, and it is recommended to use them 10 minutes after completion of the preparatory work.

To apply paper wallpaper glue correctly, it is important to consider several points:

  • it is important to protect the front side of the material from drops of fixative;
  • for treatment with adhesive, the wallpaper strips are laid in several next to a 1.5 cm indentation, so as not to stain the table with the composition;
  • the basis for good adhesion will be the uniform distribution of glue over the surface of the strip;
  • It is better to start applying the composition from the middle and gradually move towards the edges;
  • it is unacceptable to leave dry areas, as in these places the risk of bubbles increases;
  • It is better to remove any glue that accidentally gets on the front side using a damp sponge without much friction.

You should start gluing the strip 10 minutes after applying the composition. This way, better adhesion to the wall will be achieved.

Correct gluing technology

The most important part of the work is cutting the roll into strips. The determining factor here will be the height of the walls with the addition of a margin of at least 3 cm. Plain wallpaper You can immediately fold and cut according to the resulting sizes. However, if there is a pattern on them, it is worth taking time to adjust. An important part of the work here will be drawing pencil marks regarding the direction of the sheet on the wall.

When purchasing wallpaper, you will notice that one or both sides of the canvas are equipped with a special edge that allows you to apply overlapping pasting. It can be used or cut to enable other technology. When deciding how to hang paper wallpaper, you need to pay attention to the thickness of the material. A thin coating, when glued end-to-end, is more likely to tear, and a thicker paper can lead to bumps at the junction of the edges.

Experts recommend starting to glue wallpaper from the window. This helps avoid the effect of butt shadows. The first stripe is considered the most important, on which the evenness of the rest of the coating depends. It should be positioned strictly vertically relative to the wall. This parameter is checked several times with a plumb line. First to apply markings, and then to evaluate the result obtained.

Used for gluing strips simple technology. The canvas begins to be fixed on the wall from top to bottom. When determining the height of the top edge, it is worth leaving up to 2 cm of allowance for the baseboards. The strip is aligned from the middle to the edges with gradual advancement downwards.

During the entire process, it is necessary to observe evenness. If a deviation is detected, do not move the already pasted canvas. Instead of correcting the defect, there is a high probability of tearing it. A wiser solution would be to separate it from the wall completely and re-stick it.

When you reach the bottom edge of the wall, cut off the excess with a wallpaper knife. To avoid an unsightly edge of the canvas, you should use only a well-sharpened tool.

Let's summarize: although paper wallpaper is gradually being replaced by more modern technologies, this coating still remains popular due to a number of undoubted advantages. And thanks to the use of the right technology in gluing, you can achieve a decent result.

October 23, 2017
Specialization: facade finishing, interior decoration, construction of cottages, garages. Experience of an amateur gardener and gardener. We also have experience in repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and many other things that I don’t have time for :)

Many people have encountered the problem of gluing paper wallpaper, but few people glue it correctly. The fact is that this procedure contains quite a lot of small nuances. Therefore, I want to tell you in detail how to glue paper wallpaper correctly.

Gluing process

Pasting paper wallpaper includes several stages:

Preparation of materials

First of all, you need to choose the right wallpaper glue. It must be said that in Soviet times paper trellises were often glued with PVA glue. On the one hand, the glue ensures high-quality adhesion of the material to the walls. However, when removing canvases glued in this way, some problems usually arise.

In addition, PVA glides worse and sets quickly, which somewhat complicates the gluing process. Therefore, I will definitely say that wallpaper glue is better than PVA.

The only thing, do not forget that there are currently many different wallpaper adhesives. Therefore, when purchasing, make sure that the composition is intended specifically for paper webs. Of course, paper trellises will adhere perfectly to glue intended, for example, for vinyl wallpaper, but the price of the latter is much higher.

In addition to glue, you will also need the following equipment:

  • Clean bucket;
  • Acrylic pigmented primer;
  • Paint roller;
  • Rubber roller;
  • Soft spatula;
  • Paint brush;
  • Building level;
  • Tape measure and pencil;
  • Sharp knife.

Surface preparation

Since paper wallpaper is thin, the base needs high-quality preparation. It must be said that improper preparation of walls is the most common mistake when gluing paper trellises.

Instructions for preparing the base look like this:

Illustrations Actions

Removing old coating. Often, beginners glue paper wallpaper onto paper sheets. But such a solution is a violation of technology.

Often, after such gluing, paper wallpaper comes off along with the old canvases. Therefore, take the time and effort to remove the old coating and prepare the base properly.

After removing the old coating, be sure to wash the walls to remove any remaining adhesive and any dirt.

  • Dry the walls;
  • Treat the surface with a pigmented primer, which will not only improve adhesion between materials and strengthen the surface of the base, but also provide it with an almost perfectly white color;
  • To achieve best result, after the surface has dried, apply a second layer of primer.

To get rid of old wallpaper, first soak it with water.

It must be said that if the base is uneven, you need to not only prime the surface, but also putty it with at least a starting putty. Otherwise, all the irregularities under paper webs will be clearly visible. The technology for filling walls has been repeatedly described on the pages of our portal, so I will not repeat it.

Preparing wallpaper and glue

Before gluing paper wallpaper, you need to prepare the materials by following these steps:

Illustrations Actions

Coating preparation:
  • Measure the height of the room;
  • Cut the canvases according to the height of the room, the only thing is that if the trellises have a pattern, add a step of the pattern, which will allow you to adjust the strips relative to each other;
  • If you are going to glue photo wallpapers, first lay them out on the floor and number them.

    You should not use scissors to trim the canvas, as the cut edges will turn out uneven. Better use a sharp knife.

Marking. To align the first canvas when gluing, draw a vertical line using a plumb line or level.

Since the first strip should be glued from the corner with a slight turn, the line should be located from the corner at a distance equal to the width of the canvas minus 5 cm.

Glue preparation:
  • Pour room temperature water into a clean bucket;
  • Swirl the water to form a funnel;
  • Gradually pour glue into the funnel and mix until a homogeneous jelly-like mass is formed;
  • Leave the glue for 15 minutes and then stir again.


Now that everything preparatory stages behind us, let's look at how to properly glue paper wallpaper . The work is carried out as follows:

Illustrations Actions

Processing canvases with glue:
  • Apply glue to the canvas using a wide brush evenly. thin layer. A common mistake beginners is applying too large quantities glue or its uneven distribution (most often the edges are poorly coated);
  • To hang wallpaper for one person, you should fold the canvas like an accordion, with the back side facing out, so as not to stain the front side with glue.
  • Start gluing the strip from top to bottom, aligning the edge along the intended line;
  • Using a rubber roller, soft spatula or rag, smooth the fabric from the center out to the edges to squeeze out air bubbles and excess glue;
  • Using a soft spatula, push the corner so that the canvas fits tightly to the wall and does not hang in the air;
  • If the corner is uneven, make several cuts in the canvas so that it lies flat and without wrinkles;
  • Align the second canvas end-to-end with the first and smooth it on the wall in the same way;
  • Using this principle, cover the entire wall.

  • Trim the excess fabric from the top and bottom with a sharp knife, as shown in the photo;
  • Cut holes for sockets and switches. They do not have to be perfectly smooth, as they will subsequently be hidden under decorative overlays.

This completes the wall covering. Ceilings are also covered using the same principle, with the only difference being that the work is done in a horizontal plane.

  • Pay attention to the joints. Most often, wallpaper peels off at the joints, so when gluing, press the joints with a rubber roller. If you notice that the edge of the canvas is not completely coated with glue, use a thin brush and treat the dry area with glue;

  • Remove the front side of the adhesive immediately. If glue gets on the front surface, immediately wipe it off with a damp cloth or sponge;
  • Give the canvas time to absorb the glue. Regular thin trellises can be glued immediately after applying glue to them. If the wallpaper is thick, for example, the so-called American wallpaper, after applying glue to it you need to wait 10-20 minutes until the glue is absorbed;
  • Do not ventilate the room. Until the glue dries, exclude any drafts in the room.

By following these recommendations, you can avoid a number of problems that beginners often encounter when hanging wallpaper.


We have figured out how to glue paper wallpaper, and now you can cope with the task yourself. Just watch another video in this article. And if any difficulties suddenly arise, write comments, and I will be happy to help you.

Novice craftsmen, when renovating their apartment, think that gluing wallpaper is a common task, and anyone can handle it. But we dare to disappoint you, high-quality and professional wallpapering has many stages, which we will talk about in our article.

How to properly glue paper wallpaper - preparing the room

Before you start working with wallpaper, you need to clean the walls of the previous coating. If you have pasted vinyl wallpaper, then first remove its top layer with a spatula, and then you can peel off the remains. When the wallpaper is glued overlapping, the joints are cut evenly and sanded.

  • If the wall has bumps and cracks, smooth out the unevenness with putty or plaster. After finishing the work, go over it with a primer, then the new wallpaper will lie smoothly and beautifully.
  • If the previous coating was glass wallpaper, wash the wall with a solvent, then putty and prime the overall surface.
  • To remove textile wallpaper, you need to treat the wall with a universal product designed for removing wallpaper. As a rule, there are no problems with this type, and you can easily remove them manually without resorting to various tricks.
  • When you decide to apply wallpaper where there was previously paint, you need to remove the paint with a special solution. Then scrape off the wet paint with a spatula, and fill the remaining part with an even layer.
  • Walls made of fiberboard, chipboard and plasterboard are pre-primed and sanded. Pay special attention to slab joints and screw and nail holes.

How to properly glue paper wallpaper - cut the wallpaper

After you have prepared the wall for wallpapering, proceed to cutting the roll. It is advisable to have an assistant in this matter.

  • The first step is to check that serial numbers wallpaper had the same meanings. Also look at the instructions for the wallpaper on how best to glue it. this type- butt or overlap.
  • Measure the height of the wall with a tape measure and mark the measurements with a pencil. Add 5-7 cm of margin to the measurements.
  • For easy cutting, prepare a wallpaper knife and a metal ruler.
  • Measure and cut 5 to 10 strips at a time.

How to properly glue paper wallpaper - dilute the glue

The work is done by one person, without any difficulties. The main condition for obtaining a good result is following the rules without violating the sequence. It is recommended to purchase glue for light wallpaper; the usual preparation is as follows:

  • Pour cold clean water into a container. To dilute an average pack of glue, you will need about 5-7 liters of water.
  • Gradually stirring, pour out the glue.
  • Mix the resulting mixture well and leave to swell for 10-15 minutes.

The finished glue should not have a liquid consistency or lumps; to get rid of the latter, mix the glue, pressing out the lumps.

How to properly glue paper wallpaper - treat with glue

This type of wallpaper tends to tear after glue gets on it, so do all work carefully and carefully.

  • The wallpaper strip must be unrolled on a flat and clean surface - a table or floor.
  • It is recommended to apply the glue with a roller or a wide paint brush, making sure there are no dry spots.
  • To prevent glue from getting on the front side, take the edge of the strip and fold it towards the middle, repeat the procedure on the other edge. Next, fold the fabric in half.
  • Leave the strip for 4-5 minutes to allow the glue to absorb. During this time, coat the wall with glue to the width of the wallpaper strip.

How to properly glue paper wallpaper - wallpaper gluing

  • Start gluing the wallpaper from the top marking line, gradually unfolding it along its entire length.
  • Next, you need to smooth out the glued strip; for these purposes, use a dry cloth or rubber roller.
  • Smoothing is carried out in the form of a herringbone - imagine that you are drawing with a roller christmas tree, moving from the middle to the edge, outlining each branch. With these movements we get rid of air bubbles and level the surface.
  • To glue the next sheet at the joint to the previous one, place the strip as close as possible to the edge of the already pasted strip. Smooth the edges of the strips at the joint especially carefully and remove excess glue from the front side with a dry cloth.

After pasting the wallpaper, wait until it is completely dry before proceeding with any excess trimming. Trim any unnecessary edges using a utility knife.

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