How to start the day right for success and good mood. How to start your day right

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When you learned to get up early in the morning, you probably noticed that you have more free time. You ask yourself: “What to do? Where to start the morning? Let's consider this question.

The first hour of the day is the golden hour.

Robin Sharma says that the first hour of the day is the most important time.

It is better to devote the first hour to self-development and working on yourself.

Do not turn on any computers or televisions. So that nothing clogs your brain unnecessary information.

Engage in self-development:

  1. writing personal notes;
  2. meditation and reflection;
  3. reading inspiring books.

Remember, how effective your first hour after waking up is, will be the rest of the day. Do useful things and be very effective for at least the first hour. Then everything will go on its own.

Morning Pages

Morning is the best best time for writing morning pages.

I’ve been doing this for years now and I’m not going to quit. Morning pages are very good at freeing your head from everything unnecessary.

When I write, I feel connected to myself. Morning pages are the same as keeping a personal diary.

You can meditate in the morning

I can't meditate. The only meditation I do is Forgiveness Meditation. I usually do this meditation while washing dishes or taking a shower, or while walking.

Another meditation is Shavasana, from yoga, when you lie motionless for 10-15 minutes and try not to think about anything. You shouldn’t do it in the morning after sleep, it’s better during the day, otherwise you’ll fall asleep again.

Often people’s day doesn’t go according to plan, they don’t get anything done, everything falls out of hand, and you have to hear the phrase: “Yes, everything is going wrong, I probably got off on the wrong foot.” But how to get off the wrong foot, how to start the day in such a way that everything goes well, so that there are no problems and troubles?
Today we will talk to you about how to make every day happy, how to start it right, how to energize yourself for work, success and good luck. We all understand that depending on the tone you set in the very morning, this will be the way the whole next day will be. Therefore, starting the day correctly is the key to the success of all planned activities.

The right start to the day: positivity comes first

A positive attitude in the morning can set the tone for the entire day ahead. If you wake up, smile and enjoy the sun, take a shower with good thoughts and drink a glass of fresh juice, then I am sure that every day will be just great.
But not all people can wake up in a good mood, and in order not to be gloomy all day, you need to somehow add positivity to the morning. Ask yourself three simple questions:
1. How will today bring me closer to my goal? Give yourself an answer in your mind, imagine that everything you are about to do will bring you one more step closer to your long-awaited dream. I'm sure your mood will lift.
2. What do I need to do to make today bring as much joy and positivity as possible?
3. What can I do to make my health even better? Go to the gym or pool in the evening and go for a short jog. In the morning you must plan it, make a positive message, recharge yourself with energy and desire to implement this plan.
Creating a good mood and positive attitude is not so difficult, and it will take no more than 2-3 minutes. It's not that hard to take three minutes every morning to smile, be positive, and plan your day.

Good breakfast

A good breakfast is the basis for a positive mood. Usually people wake up, take a long time to get ready, then are late, eat something on the go and run out of the house. It is not right. You need to eat well without haste. Be sure to include fresh fruits in your diet, and even better, fresh citrus fruits. Vitamins from fresh fruits will charge you with energy for half a day. No cereals or sandwiches can saturate the body as much as ripe and environmentally friendly gifts of nature.
Many may say that they do not have time for a leisurely and measured breakfast. Lies! Set your priorities correctly. Go to bed 15 minutes earlier, and in the morning you will have a quarter of an hour to spare.


Have a clear schedule of what you will do in the morning. Wake up, do exercises, take a shower, listen to music and have breakfast, get dressed and go out. Follow the plan carefully, then you won’t be late, you will always be confident in yourself and your actions, and you won’t ruin your mood in the morning. We have already discussed how to manage time more effectively in the article.

Double check

Starting your day off right also includes rechecking your plans. It is worth using the ABC analysis method, or as it is also called the Eisenhower principle. Scientists have proven that if you spend no more than 10 minutes analyzing and checking your tasks, this will save up to 2 hours during your working day. You shouldn’t simply waste two valuable hours, because they can be used for more useful and necessary things. If you decide to make a plan for your working day, then try to think through no more than 70% of the time, and leave 30% for unforeseen situations. They will definitely happen, so it’s better to play it safe and take the time to resolve them in advance.

No swing

Get down to business right away, without any delay. Very often, when many people come to work, they drink more coffee, talk with colleagues, take a smoke break, drink coffee again, discuss something, and only then, if they want, do they get back to work. This rhythm kills all positive attitude. People who take too long to get to work usually don’t have time to do anything and constantly let themselves and their team down. This is not the right way to start the day. There is a task, you see the goal, what to expect? Get started.

Key tasks first

Complete key tasks from the very beginning, do not be distracted by trifles, because they can bog you down so much that you forget about the main goal. You know that from the very morning you need to finish the project, write an article, call suppliers and agree on the shipment of goods - do it, everything else can wait. The mistake of many is that they start reading mail, which rarely contains anything important and useful, and sorting out small, not so necessary tasks, completely distracting themselves from the main task.
If your goal is to start the day right, then be able to prioritize and complete the main, important and serious tasks first.

Coordination of actions

If you have a young company or just a developing startup, then you must coordinate your actions with your team partners. Everyone should understand what they will do in the morning, what plans are set for the day, what is a priority task, and what can wait a little. Your team is a complex mechanism where each member is an important component. Only by acting together and in concert can you achieve maximum effect.
From the very beginning of the day, it is worth holding a short briefing, discussing goals for the day, week or the near future.

Morning is an important time when the key mood is laid for everything that happens to you during the day. If you use this time correctly, you can change life for the better.

Popular sayings: “How you start the morning is how you will spend the day”, “You got up on the wrong foot” only confirm this.

You can learn from this material how you can benefit from starting the day correctly and what practices and morning rituals will help you.

It is important to set the right mood for the new day, especially if you are engaged in spiritual development, make sure that the level of your unique vibration is maintained.

This skill will be useful to others too. I will give a few arguments why it is necessary to tune in to a new day:

  • The right start to the day will bring more joy into your life, happy events, new opportunities.
  • If you want to attract prosperity, abundance, more love, good luck into your life, take care of the beginning of the day. Think about what you fill your morning with, what emotions.
  • A conscious, correct start to the day will allow you to enter the flow, and your intentions will be more quickly manifested.
  • You increase stress resistance, you will react less to external stimuli. Every day we face environment, with vibrations, the mood of other people, which are not always positive.
  • By starting your day right, you will broadcast positive, kind emotions into the world, rewriting the mood of those you meet during the day.

I think the benefits are obvious. Now let's get started practical recommendations to tune in to the new day.

Simple solutions that will make your life brighter.

How to start the day to change your life

Be alone with yourself

After waking up, do not jump out of bed, even if you overslept or your morning is timed to the minute.

Don’t immediately remember things to do, you’ll still have time to do it. First of all, feel yourself, your body, “scan” every part of it, every organ.

While consciousness is still slow, is at the alpha frequency, try to remember what you dreamed about, what important realizations you received in your sleep. And immediately after waking up, write it down, if possible.

This is especially important to do if you asked your mentors a question the day before.

Many answers come in a dream, in the morning, but due to a sharp awakening from an alarm clock and due to the inability to wake up correctly, most of the awareness is lost.

If you immediately plunge into the hustle and bustle of a new day, they will disappear. That is why sometimes a lot of time passes before you receive an answer to your question.

The next stage of awakening is breath of acceptance. Take a deep breath with the intention that you gratefully accept whatever the universe has in store for you. Say an intention or setting for today. For example, one of these:

“I accept with gratitude and anticipation whatever the universe has in store for me today.”

“I am open to new opportunities that smoothly flow into my life.”

If you are working on a specific area in your life, say your intention to help you move forward in developing and resolving your issues.

Do a Thanksgiving Practice

Gratitude is a great way to start your day.

Thank life for what you have. Try to truly feel grateful for another morning in your life.

You are alive, surrounded by loved ones. And it doesn’t matter what the relationship is between you, send them rays of gratitude and love from your heart.

Every time you do this, you heal, drop by drop, bit by bit, what is unfavorable between you. It may not be so obvious right away, but over time you will understand that you did it for a reason.

After all, what you send out, you will receive back in multiplied form.

Do energy exercises

To get a boost of energy in the morning, do energy gymnastics. This simple exercises which can be performed standing, and even lying down, while taking a shower, and while in transport on the way to work.

Their implementation gives an immediate effect and adjusts your vertical - establishes a connection with the spirit.

Perform your favorite morning rituals

But if you have the time and desire, include other morning rituals in this set of activities. Or add mindfulness to your morning routine.

Below I will list some actions that you can make your mandatory morning rituals.

These are not instructions for implementation, but only ideas with which you can add meaning to your usual procedures.

  • Go to the window and greet the new day.
  • Practice “Breathing into the Sky” from introductory course.
  • Drink a glass of water pre-charged with positive intentions for the day.
  • Take time for breakfast, which you eat consciously, enjoying the process itself.
  • Add mindfulness to your shower by focusing entirely on the physical sensations.
  • Complete the Morning Pages, a practice from The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron. The author suggests pouring out your thoughts on paper immediately after waking up. This helps clear your mind of unnecessary husks and tune in to the creative process.
  • Add the Surya Namaskar technique or other exercises to your complex of morning activities for the youth and beauty of your body.
  • Play inspirational music.

If you have been practicing energy and spiritual practices for a long time, you probably already have your favorite ones. If you wish, share with us in the comments.

How to “fix” a bad start to the day

It’s not always possible to wake up and be in complete silence in the morning, especially if you have a large family, you are woken up by small children or noisy neighbors.

If everything didn't go the way you wanted in the morning, you always have the choice to stop and switch to another wave.

If you parted with your child or husband on a bad note in the morning, mentally return to that moment and rewrite the situation. How you would like things to happen. What would they say, what would they do instead of the actions that they did.

Send a ray of love from your heart and wrap it around your loved ones. It doesn't matter that you did it in your imagination. You have rewritten the vibrations of that event.

The past lives in our memories, whatever colors you paint it with, that’s how it will remain for you.

By rewriting the emotional background of the situation, you heal it, yourself and all participants. You move to another life line and erase possible consequences, which could come if you left everything as it is.

Every day is the beginning of a new life. You turn the page and write a new novel. Where you start, what feelings and thoughts you choose for your journey, such events will happen to you.

Think about what kind of life you want to see in the future and strive for it, taking here and now those actions that bring you closer to your desired reality, and not further away.

Ending the day properly is also important if you want to wake up rested and full the next day.

But this is a topic for a separate article. We will be happy to tell you next time.

When you learned to get up early in the morning, you probably noticed that you have more free time. You ask yourself: “What to do?”

Here are 12 tips to start your day right:

  1. The first hour of the day is the golden hour. Robin Sharma says the first hour of the day is the most important time. It is better to devote the first hour to self-development and working on yourself. Do not turn on any computers or televisions. So that nothing fills your brain with unnecessary information. Engage in self-development: writing personal notes, meditation and reflection, reading inspiring books. Remember, how effective your first hour after waking up is, will be the rest of the day. Do useful things and be very effective for at least the first hour. Then everything will go on its own.
  2. Morning pages. Morning is the best time to write morning pages. I’ve been doing this for years now and I’m not going to quit. Morning pages are very good at freeing your head from everything unnecessary. When I write, I feel connected to myself. Morning pages are the same as keeping a personal diary.
  3. You can meditate in the morning. I can't meditate. The only meditation I do is Forgiveness Meditation. I usually do this meditation while washing dishes or taking a shower, or while walking. Another meditation is Shavasana, from yoga, when you lie motionless for 10-15 minutes and try not to think about anything. You shouldn’t do it in the morning after sleep, it’s better during the day, otherwise you’ll fall asleep again.
  4. Affirmations. It is also useful to say positive statements in the morning; they set a good mood for the whole day. I like these: “I enjoy life every day.” “I celebrate every day” and “Life is an endless stream of joy, success and abundance.”
  5. Useful books. Can be read necessary books. I usually don’t have free time in the morning, since everything is spent on writing morning pages and practicing tai chi qigong. But if you don't like to write something, then read it. Read at least 30 minutes a day. This way you can read more than one book, and even the most complex and difficult one can be mastered. I recommend 100 books for self-development.
  6. Play sports. The best time to exercise is in the morning. It's much easier to force yourself to study in the morning. Yes, for this you will have to get up earlier. If you find it difficult to train yourself to exercise, then do it in the morning. In the morning there is much less resistance. I got the job done and was free all day. I like to do tai chi qigong in the morning because I have strength and almost never get tired. This becomes a good habit over time.
  7. Things to do. If you work at work or freelance, then leave all important matters for the first half of the day. In the morning, even the most complex and difficult tasks are done effortlessly. Therefore, for a long time, schools and universities worked from 9 o’clock. Creative activity is very high in the morning. Articles are written much easier.
  8. Plan for the day. It's good to plan your entire day in the morning. You need to write down your goals for the day and a program of the minimum that needs to be done.
  9. The morning should be calm and relaxing. No rush or hassle. If you can't live without it, then you might be getting up late. Now my husband and I get up together in the morning. I'll accompany him to work. We both allocate time in the morning according to a timer so that we have time to get everything done and still have breakfast together. I can say with confidence that morning is the best time when you can be together and have a heart-to-heart talk. In the evenings, when we are both tired, neither he nor I have any strength left to communicate.
  10. Articles in the morning. When my husband goes to work, I try to spend one hour writing future blog posts. I do this in the form of drafts and notes. According to the theory of ten thousand hours, one hour a day is not enough. But when you devote at least an hour to writing, then you end up with a lot of drafts. There is already something to work with further. That’s why I’ve already accumulated quite a few articles on my blog. Where to publish them? You can create your own blog, publish it on your page on a social network or .
  11. Gratitude exercise. In the morning, you can also write down everything you are grateful for. This puts you in the right frame of mind. You need to write down or speak out everything for which you are grateful to the Universe. Remember in the movie The Secret was the Gratitude Stone? So you can create such a thanksgiving ritual for yourself. What to be grateful for? For your health, your opportunities, your talents, the health of your spouse, your parents, for the food on your table, for the roof over your head.
  12. Glass of water. Immediately after getting up, drink one glass of water. This way your body will replenish the lack of moisture, and you yourself will wake up faster. Some also charge the water with positive affirmations.

Starting your day right can greatly improve your efficiency. It is very good to engage in self-development in the morning. If your morning is very productive, then by lunchtime you will be surprised to notice how you accomplished everything you planned. You will have free time, which can be spent on your favorite activities or finding your calling.

The only difficulty is to accustom yourself to getting up early. So at first you will have to fight the desire to sleep.

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