How to cook cottage cheese pancakes in a frying pan recipe. Lush cottage cheese pancakes - a classic recipe

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To start - classic recipe preparing fluffy cheesecakes, which is perfect for novice housewives. It is simple to execute, but despite this, the dish turns out beyond all praise: fluffy, juicy inside, and at the same time, it does not spread in the pan.

Product set:

300 g cottage cheese
1 egg
3 tbsp. tablespoons flour + a little for sprinkling
a pinch of salt
3 tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar
vegetable oil for frying


1. Place cottage cheese in a bowl. Fat content dairy product choose according to your taste. Just make sure that it is not too dry. Add all the sugar to the bowl.

2. Add salt and egg. It is advisable to take homemade, but if you don’t have one, store-bought will do. However, if the eggs are very small, it’s better to beat two of them.

3. Mix the mass well.

4. Pour flour into the curd dough.

Advice: It is important not to overdo it with flour, otherwise the cheesecakes will turn out hard, and if there is too little flour, the balls will simply spread over the pan. Liquid cheesecakes will be very difficult to turn over. Therefore, keep it in moderation!

5. Now you can knead our dough. It is better to do this with a fork, crushing pieces of cottage cheese. If the dough is homogeneous, the cheesecakes will turn out fluffier and more tender when frying or baking. Let's put the mass on cutting board or a table sprinkled with flour.
6. We also sprinkle our hands with a little flour so that the balls do not stick and begin to form small balls. Then the balls will flatten a little - they look more like cheesecakes!

7. Pour the oil into the frying pan and heat it up. We lay out our cheesecakes. If you are a fan of butter, you can fry with it, or use a healthier product - olive oil. Just keep in mind that the product will have a different taste.

8. To a nice crust golden color fry our cheesecakes and turn them over. We cook the other side in the same amount of time as the first. It all depends on how your pan holds heat. Usually one side of cheesecakes is fried for no more than three minutes.

9. When our fluffy cheesecakes are ready, you can serve them with various kinds filling: condensed milk, sour cream, jam or jam.

Recipe for delicious cottage cheese pancakes with vanilla

The aroma of vanilla will save even the most failed baked goods. The smell of this spice will turn anyone’s head; it attracts with an incredibly appetizing call. Cheesecakes with the addition of vanilla essence or vanilla turn out very tasty and fluffy. And if you are going to make cheesecakes from homemade cottage cheese, which has a slight odor, then vanilla will easily correct this unpleasant defect! So let's get started.

For 10 small cheesecakes you will need:

370 g cottage cheese
2 tbsp. tablespoons sugar (more is possible, depending on your preference)
a pinch of salt
2 large eggs
vanilla essence 2 drops or 1 g vanillin
flour about 3-4 tbsp. spoons
frying oil


1. Rub medium-fat cottage cheese through a sieve or crush it with a fork. If you have a blender in the kitchen, then the work is easier. The cottage cheese should be soft, without lumps, then the cheesecakes will be fluffy and soft.

3. Stir the curd mass until the salt and sugar dissolve.

4. Prepare the flour. In order for the cheesecakes to be fluffy, it is important to sift the flour and add it to our egg-milk mixture.

5. Knead the dough for cheesecakes. It needs to be kneaded well. It should not be very tight, or, on the contrary, liquid. Roll small cheesecakes with your hands.

6. Balls and place them in a frying pan already heated with oil. Fry until golden brown and turn over. It is better to set the heat to medium so that the dessert does not burn.

So the fluffy cheesecakes are ready for a quick fix! The recipe is quite simple to make and does not take much time.

Recipe for fluffy cheesecakes “like in childhood”

Menu from kindergarten remembers kind words almost every person. How delicious everything seemed then! You can turn pleasant memories into reality by preparing cheesecakes according to this recipe. The dessert turns out lush and aromatic, just like in childhood. Let's begin!

Product set:

300 g cottage cheese
a drop of vanillin (dilute the powder in boiling water)
70 g sugar
2 yolks (if the eggs are not large, then take 3 yolks)
75 g flour
frying oil


1. Thoroughly rub the cottage cheese through a sieve with a spoon

2. Separate the yolks from the whites and add to the cottage cheese.

3. Add sugar and sifted flour to the bowl with cottage cheese. Knead the dough.

4. Roll the curd mixture into balls; for convenience, you can use a cutting board sprinkled with flour.

5. Fry the curds on both sides in hot oil until golden brown. We decorate the finished dessert to taste and eat it at the table.

Advice: You shouldn’t put a lot of cheesecakes on the pan at once. The products will rise during the frying process and increase in volume. The cheesecakes may not have enough space in the pan and they may stick to each other.

Lush cheesecakes

According to this recipe, cheesecakes turn out very fluffy. They are absolutely harmless for babies, and on the contrary, very useful. But it is important to consider one point - all ingredients for cheesecakes must be fresh!

Product set:

2 packs of fresh cottage cheese, 250 g each
1 egg
a pinch of salt
1 tbsp. spoon of sugar
3-4 tbsp. tablespoons flour + a little for breading
vegetable oil for frying.


1. Mix cottage cheese with sugar and egg in a bowl.

2. Add sifted flour to the curd mass.

3. Mix all the ingredients and leave the dough like that. The secret to this preparation is to let the adze rest a bit. Therefore, it is important to wait a little time.

4. Pour flour into a plate and place our rested dough there.

5. Roll into small balls and place them on a cutting board for convenience.

6. Place the balls formed from our mixture into a heated frying pan, poured with oil.

7. Fry the cheesecakes for a few minutes on each side.

8. Place the prepared curds on a plate.

9. After the dessert is ready, it can be served with sour cream, condensed milk or jam.

Lush cheesecakes made from curd mass with raisins

The recipe for cheesecakes made from curd mass with raisins can easily be called an excellent solution for those who have no time to rub the cottage cheese through a sieve. You can also bake the curds prepared according to this recipe in the oven instead of frying them. Which is an excellent solution for those who are watching their figure. After all, you don’t need any oil for baking. The most you will need is baking paper, so you don’t have to worry about tearing the dessert off the baking sheet later.

Product set:

300 g curd mass with raisins
1 egg
55 g sugar
50 g flour + a little for sprinkling
frying oil or parchment


1. Beat the egg thoroughly with a whisk

2. Add curd mass to the egg. If you don’t really like sweets, then you don’t have to add additional sugar, since the mass itself is already very sweet.

3. Add the remaining sugar and sifted flour

4. Place a spoonful of the mixture on a plate sprinkled with flour, cover with a cup and form a cheesecake. And we do this with each spoon of mass.

5. Carefully place the cheesecakes in a frying pan with oil or in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.

6. Fry in oil until crusty, remembering to turn over. If we cook in the oven, then cover it with parchment and keep the dessert in it for about half an hour.

7. Place piping hot cheesecakes on a plate. The dessert can be decorated with berries and served with sour cream.

As you can see, it’s not difficult to prepare fluffy cheesecakes for everyone to enjoy. The main thing is to devote some of your precious time to this and stock up necessary list fresh products. Bon appetit!

Hello, dear guests of my blog! If your family can’t live without sweets, then you don’t have to buy them unhealthy confectionery products. Try making a dessert from healthy products, such as cottage cheese.

Even an inexperienced housewife can handle making cheesecakes. Today I will share with you some secrets on how to cook cheesecakes.

It turns out that the name “syrniki” came to us from ancient times. Previously, the word “cheese” was the name for cottage cheese.

To prepare such a dish, different ingredients are used depending on the preferences of the head cook.

By the way, many people call this their cottage cheese.

Any cheesecake recipe includes sugar, flour, semolina and eggs. To enrich the taste, you can use raisins, vanilla, dried apricots, pear and mint.

Cottage cheese products can be sweet or unsweetened. They are fried, boiled or even baked in the oven.

Sweets are eaten with the addition of jam, sour cream or. Unsweetened curd products are topped with ketchup, mayonnaise or sour cream.

To prepare the dish correctly, it is important to choose high-quality cottage cheese. You cannot make food from an expired or sour product.

If the mass is too dry, then you can add a little sour cream, kefir or milk to the mixture.

The following tips will help you make delicious cheesecakes:

  1. Choose fresh, non-sour cottage cheese. It can be full fat or low fat. The product must have a uniform structure, without grains.
  2. To get rid of excess liquid, place the cottage cheese in a colander or cheesecloth to drain the water.
  3. To bind the mass, not only flour is used, but also starch or semolina.
  4. Eggs are a required ingredient. Some recipes use yolks to add a rich taste and a pleasant color. For dietary dishes proteins are used.
  5. Sweet products can be prepared with raisins, dried apricots, cherries or dried cranberries. Sugar and vanilla are also added. For sugar-free options, garlic, herbs and dried vegetables are used.
  6. Cheesecakes must be formed with a small diameter. They shouldn't be too thick.

Curd products are most often fried in a frying pan, and also baked in the oven or cooked in a slow cooker. For frying, you must use high-quality oil.

The cookware should be heated before cooking. In order for the cheesecakes to bake, you need to cover the pan with a special lid.

It should be fried over low heat.

How to cook cheesecakes: popular recipes

Let's consider the most interesting recipes, which can be prepared at home. In the video you can follow the cooking options step by step.

Classic cheesecakes

To prepare a simple recipe you will need the following ingredients:

  • 500 grams of cottage cheese;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 200 grams of sugar;
  • 60-70 ml oil;
  • 4 tablespoons flour.

You should prepare it like this:

  1. Break the eggs into a deep bowl.
  2. Then add sugar, salt and cottage cheese.
  3. Mix all ingredients thoroughly with a spoon or fork.
  4. Add 150 grams of flour to the mixture. Flour is also needed to coat the products before frying.
  5. While the oil is heating in the pan, form the curd dough into balls and dip them in flour. Then make a flat cake of small thickness from the ball.
  6. Place cheesecakes in hot oil and fry on both sides.

Place the baked goods on a napkin to drain off excess oil.

Cottage cheese with semolina in the oven

For the oven, prepare the dough with semolina.

You will need the following components:

  • 400 grams of cottage cheese;
  • 2 eggs;
  • an incompletely filled glass of sugar;
  • 100 grams of raisins and nuts;
  • half a glass of semolina;
  • an incomplete glass of flour;
  • spoon of sour cream.

Cooking goes like this:

    1. Place the cottage cheese in a container, add semolina, eggs and sugar.
    2. Mix the mixture with a spoon or fork to obtain a homogeneous mass.
    3. Then add flour and sour cream, mix.
    4. Then add chopped nuts and raisins and stir.
    5. Place parchment paper on a baking sheet and spray it with oil.
  1. Make round pancakes from the curd mass and place them on a baking sheet.

How long to bake depends on the features oven, but the average time is 20 minutes. As soon as the cheesecakes turn golden brown, remove them from the oven.

Serve with jam or sour cream.

Unsweetened recipe

Many housewives are wondering whether it is possible to make cheesecakes without sugar and whether it will be tasty. Try this recipe, I think it’s very tasty.
You will need the following products:

  • half a kilogram of cottage cheese;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 100 grams of feta cheese or hard cheese;
  • 100 grams of flour;
  • dried herbs;
  • spices and salt;
  • vegetable oil.

Preparation includes the following steps:

  1. Place cottage cheese in a cup and mash it.
  2. Separately, beat the eggs with a fork.
  3. Then mix both components.
  4. Grate a piece of cheese and add to the rest of the food.
  5. Add salt, herbs, flour and spices. Stir the ingredients until smooth.
  6. Make pancakes from the dough small size and roll them in flour.
  7. Pour oil into a frying pan and heat it.
  8. Place the cheesecakes in a frying pan and fry them.

You can make cheesecakes in reserve. To do this, you need to put them in the freezer, and if necessary, take them out frozen and fry them as usual.

If you don't have eggs, you can cook tasty dish and without them. This is how sweet cheesecakes are prepared with the addition of raisins.

To add flavor to baked goods, add vanillin, mint leaves or cinnamon to the dough. Try making cheesecakes with different ingredients to achieve the perfect taste and combination of products.

Experiment and enjoy your meal! If you know any original recipe share it in the comments.

See you again, dear fans of my blog!

You will rarely meet people who would refuse cheesecakes for breakfast. Almost everyone loves them, be it adults or children. Housewives also love to cook them, as their recipes are uncomplicated and simple. Having mastered two or three recipes, you can make almost any variation. After all, there are many variations in their preparation, but there are only a few basic cooking principles.

For six days in a row I prepared these cottage cheese products for breakfast for my family, different every day. Then we tasted them and shared our impressions - which ones seemed more tasty to others. Opinions were divided, some liked some more, others liked others... In principle, this is how it should have turned out, “how many people, so many opinions.” And all because it is almost impossible to make them tasteless if you follow some basic rules.

The first recipe is the basic one, you can use it to prepare classic version. So let's start with it.

From given quantity There are 10 ingredients.

We will need (for 8 pieces):

  • cottage cheese - 300 gr
  • flour - 4 tbsp. spoons (full)
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • sugar -1 tbsp. spoon
  • salt - a pinch


1. Grind cottage cheese with sugar. Add salt, stir. You can grind it using a regular potato masher for making mashed potatoes.

2. Beat in the egg and mix everything well.

3. Then add flour. To make the products fluffy, the flour must be sifted so that it is better saturated with oxygen.

4. If desired, you can add butter or ghee to the resulting curd mass. This makes them soft and even more delicious. But I don’t add it because I want them to be lower in calories.

Stir the mixture and let stand for 10-15 minutes, and if time permits, let stand for up to half an hour.

5. Then lightly sprinkle the table with flour, or you can do without it if the dough is thick enough. Place the curd mixture on the table and roll into a ball. If she needs more flour, she will take as much as she needs.

Then roll the dough into a sausage, about 5 cm in diameter. Cut crosswise into 8 equal pieces.

6. Roll in flour, or you can not use flour, but simply wet your hands with water or vegetable oil, and form the blanks.

7. While we are forming the first batch, heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan. The first rule is don’t pour too much oil! From large quantity oils finished goods become very fatty and their taste is lost.

Pour just a little oil into the frying pan, about 4 tablespoons. Place the prepared pieces and take a look. If there is enough oil for everything, then let them fry like that. If you see that they have immediately absorbed all the oil and the pan is dry, add just a little. They should not "swim" in oil. The photo shows how much there should be in the pan.

8. Fry on each side for 4 - 5 minutes. The fire should not be made very large - the workpieces will burn. And a small one won't do either - they won't fry. Medium heat is what you need!

9. While they are frying, stay close to the frying pan. Make sure they don't overcook. If this happens, the crust will be tough and the tenderness will be lost.

10. But during this time the next batch needs to be formed. There will be only 3 of them in it.

When you prepare a dish, it often happens that you have to do several things at the same time. At the same time, do not get distracted and do not lose sight of anything.

11. We made the next batch, and during this time the first one was fried. Remove it with a spatula and place it on two or three layers of paper towels to remove excess unnecessary oil.

12. Fry the second batch. During this time, put the kettle on and prepare sour cream or jam, or maybe someone likes the finished product with honey, or just sweet tea. I usually put everything I have on the table at once. And everyone has the opportunity to try them in different versions.

The classic cooking recipe is the basis. All other recipes based on this are just copies, where the amount of ingredients changes slightly in one direction or another.

The finished products according to this recipe are very tender and tasty. This is my favorite recipe. Everything is balanced and there is nothing superfluous. I try to take this recipe as a basis, sometimes adding some nuances for variety; I’ll tell you about them later.

The next very popular recipe is with the addition of semolina.

How to cook cheesecakes with semolina and raisins

From this quantity of products, 10 - 12 pieces are obtained.

We will need:

  • cottage cheese - 500 gr
  • egg - 2 pcs.
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • semolina - 5 tbsp. spoons
  • salt - a pinch
  • raisins - a handful or two (as you like)
  • vegetable oil for frying - 4-5 tablespoons


1. Grind cottage cheese with eggs, then add sugar and salt. To stir thoroughly.

2. Add semolina.

Stir and let stand for 20-30 minutes so that the semolina swells.

3. During this time, wash the raisins, preferably light ones, as they make the finished products look more aesthetically pleasing. I add raisins to make them more tender. Since with semolina, in my opinion, they turn out somewhat tougher than in the classic version. And the raisins give them lightness and prevent them from falling off when fried.

After washing, it is best to briefly pour boiling water over the raisins. Now it is being treated with something, apparently for better storage. And when it sits in boiling water, a greasy film forms on the surface of the water. That's what we don't need. And also don’t forget to clean the raisins from the sticks and dry them with a paper towel.

Add it to the curd mass.


4. Prepare cold water in a bowl.

5. Wet your hands with water and first form the curd dough into balls of the same size, and then into round pieces. You can roll them in semolina, or you can fry them so that a rough crust does not form.

Don't make them too thick or they won't cook through inside.

6. Heat the vegetable oil and fry the prepared products on both sides until golden brown on the surface. minimum quantity oils

There is no need to fry it too much - the crust will become hard and the finished dish will lose its delicate texture. This is the second basic rule! Remember that we fry over medium heat for 3-4 minutes on each side. And we don’t get distracted so as not to miss the time when it’s time to turn it over.

7. Place the finished products on 2 - 3 layers of paper towels.

8. Serve with whatever you like. We love them with currant jam, or traditionally, with sour cream.

The finished products prepared according to this recipe are tasty, but their crust is a little tougher than the classic ones.

The addition of raisins is very pleasant. She comes in very handy here. I often add raisins to the classic version of the recipe. My granddaughter especially likes this dish.

The following recipe is for those who are watching their figure. If you use low-fat cottage cheese to prepare this recipe and fry them in a minimum amount of oil, you will get a minimum amount of calories in them.

Dietary recipe without eggs and flour

We will need:

  • cottage cheese - 300 gr
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons (you can take only 1 tablespoon of sugar and add raisins)
  • vanilla sugar - a pinch
  • semolina - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • raisins - a handful (optional)
  • salt - a pinch
  • oil for frying - 2 - 3 tbsp. spoons


1. Grind cottage cheese with sugar and vanilla sugar, add salt, mix.

2. Add semolina, stir. Leave for 20-30 minutes for the semolina to swell.

Add raisins if desired.

3. Form “koloboks” of the same size. Then give them the required form using your palms. To prevent them from falling apart, wet your hands with cold water.

If that doesn't work, lightly roll them in flour.

4. Immediately place in heated vegetable oil. Fry over medium heat until golden brown, then turn over to the other side. Fry on each side for 3 - 4 minutes.

5. Serve with whatever you like.

I prepared cheesecakes according to this recipe from low-fat cottage cheese, with a minimum amount of oil. Moreover, I didn’t roll them in flour, and they actually turned out to be dietary. So, for those who want to lose weight, they will be just what they need for breakfast!

Sometimes there is a little kefir and a little cottage cheese left in the refrigerator. And then you can cook them with the addition of kefir. I also really like to cook this dish with raisins. Although they turn out just as good without raisins.

Cheesecakes with cottage cheese on kefir

From this quantity of products you will get 12-13 pieces:

We will need:

  • cottage cheese -300 gr
  • kefir - 0.5 cups
  • flour - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • sugar -2 tbsp. spoons
  • vanilla sugar - a pinch
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • raisins (optional)
  • salt - 1/2 teaspoon
  • soda - 1/2 teaspoon
  • vegetable oil - for frying


1. Grind the cottage cheese thoroughly with a spoon or masher to prepare puree.

2. Add egg, sugar and vanilla sugar. Mix.

3. Pour in kefir, without stirring, add slaked soda to it. If you use baking powder, then mix it with flour and add it along with it.

4. Then add flour and salt. Let stand for 15-20 minutes. The curd mass should be neither liquid nor very thick. Add raisins if desired.

5. Sprinkle the table generously with flour and place the curd mass on it. Roll it in flour so that it does not stick to your hands.

And if you want the products to turn out without a large amount of flour, then you can do without it.

6. Warm the oil. And just put the resulting mixture into the pan using a tablespoon. Scoop up a heaping amount and place in hot oil. Remember that we fry over medium heat and make sure that they do not overcook.

7. Get rid of excess oil using paper towels.

8. And serve hot with tea with sour cream or jam.

With cottage cheese and fruit filling

These cheesecakes can be prepared with any fruits and berries. Today I chose banana for the recipe. We made this option for breakfast today and everyone was very pleased. Our curd products turned out very tender and tasty. We really didn’t find a banana in them. Only a light taste and aroma remained, and the banana itself was almost completely dissolved in the cottage cheese.

We will need:

  • cottage cheese - 250 gr
  • flour - 4 cups
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • banana - 1 piece
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon
  • salt - a pinch
  • vegetable oil - for frying


1. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve or mash it using a masher to prepare mashed potatoes.

2. Add flour and egg. Stir until smooth. The mass should be thick and not fall off the spoon.

3. Then add sugar and vanilla sugar and mix again. Let stand for a while so that the flour swells slightly.

4. Meanwhile, peel and dice the banana. Add to the total mass.

5. Stir gently so that the banana pieces remain intact.

6. Pour flour onto the table and lay out the curd mass. Form a sausage.

7. Cut it into 8 equal parts. Form blanks. If it is difficult to do this with your hands, since the dough sticks, then help yourself with this with a knife.

8. Heat the oil in a frying pan and place the preparations in it.

9. Fry for 3 - 4 minutes over medium heat on each side.

10. Serve with hot tea and sour cream.

Enjoy eating!

Using the same principle, products with apple filling turn out to be very tasty. I also like them with grated zucchini. I also recommend trying it, you will like it!

How to cook cheesecakes in the oven

And of course, another recipe is cooking in the oven. This option is often chosen by those who do not like products fried in oil. Here they are baked and therefore lower in calories than their fried counterparts. In addition, they are free of carcinogens that inevitably form during frying.

We will need:

  • cottage cheese - 300 gr
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • flour - 3-4 tbsp. spoons
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • baking soda or baking powder - 0.5 teaspoon
  • salt -0.5 teaspoon
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons


1. Beat the egg with sugar and salt using a whisk.

2. Add cottage cheese, mix thoroughly. If you use soda, then quench it with vinegar and add to the cottage cheese.

3. If you use baking powder, add it to the flour, mix and then add the flour to the resulting mixture. Mix everything thoroughly and leave for 15-20 minutes for the mixture to infuse.

4. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.

5. Form dough pieces into pieces and roll them in flour.

6. Line a baking tray with baking paper. Oil it well. Lay out the prepared pieces.

7. Bake for 15 minutes. Readiness can be determined using a toothpick. If you pierce the finished product with it, and then take it out, and there is no dough left on it, then they are completely baked.

You can bake them in the oven in any way - with semolina and flour. If you make them with the addition of kefir, then you need to add more flour to make the dough thicker. Cheesecakes with raisins, banana, apple or zucchini can also be easily baked in the oven.

Recipe for cooking with cottage cheese in the oven

Here are almost all the most basic cooking options known to me. Of course, there are many more recipes, but if you read them more carefully, you will see that all the others are just variations.

You can cook them with various additives and fillings. Can be done different feed. That is, instead of sour cream, serve them with mousse from fresh berries, or make delicious gravies and sauces based on sour cream. Here, as your imagination dictates.

How to make delicious cheesecakes

  • The first secret, thanks to which the finished products will always be tender and tasty, is properly purchased cottage cheese. Cottage cheese must be fresh, not sour or fatty. Cottage cheese with a fat content of 7-18% has a soft, plastic consistency, and it makes them the most delicious. Or you should generally take low-fat cottage cheese.
  • If the cottage cheese was purchased a little dry, then you need to add a little milk, or kefir, or sour cream.
  • if the cottage cheese is too liquid, then you need to put it in gauze and put it in a colander, or hang it so that excess liquid glass This is in case you make them without flour. When a lot of flour or semolina is added to the dough, it turns out tough.
  • It is better to rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, then the products will not only be tasty, but also juicy.
  • do not add too many eggs, this will make our dish tough again
  • you should not make them too large and thick in volume. This will make it more difficult for them to fry and they may remain raw inside, which will harm their taste.

  • do not overcook them so that the crust is not too fried. Such samples crunch on the teeth and are not very pleasant to eat. To prevent them from overcooking, you should fry them over medium heat and use a frying pan with a thick bottom, and preferably with non-stick coating.

Well, when you know all the secrets and basic cooking recipes delicious cheesecakes, you will always get them aromatic, tasty, juicy and tender. Let them turn out that way!

Bon appetit!

For breakfast, we often serve various sandwiches, scrambled eggs, and omelettes, forgetting that all these dishes cannot be considered healthy food, although it is very nutritious and gives a person energy for the whole day. Breakfasts should not only be filling, they should also be healthy. One of the options for such a breakfast is cheesecakes with cottage cheese. In this article we will present you a classic recipe for their preparation.

The history of cheesecakes with cottage cheese

Have you ever thought about why cheesecakes, which are based on cottage cheese, are not called “curd cheese”, for example. The fact is that cottage cheese is a product that is prepared on the basis of raw milk, which, when sour, turns into a cheese mass. It is used for preparing various dishes, especially creams and desserts. Our Slavic ancestors invented syrniki - pancakes that were prepared on the basis of sour milk and flour. And their milk constantly turned sour because there was a lot of it

There is also another version of the origin of cheesecakes. One day a Roman merchant was traveling home, taking milk with him. The road was long and the weather was hot. The milk turned sour, but the merchant really liked the taste. When he arrived home, he gave the drink to his wife to try. She saw that there was sediment at the bottom of the bottle in which there was milk, she decided to mix it with flour and prepare something like pancakes. This is how the cheesecakes turned out.

How to make cottage cheese pancakes using classical technology

Ingredients you will need to make curd cheesecakes:

  • 500 g of cottage cheese of any fat content (you can use both homemade and packaged);
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar;
  • 3 tbsp. flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 50 ml sunflower oil;
  • 50 g vanilla;
  • a pinch of salt.

The process of making cheesecakes from curd mass or cottage cheese:

  1. Pour the cottage cheese into a wide plate, mash it with a fork and mix with sugar and salt.
  2. Once you have a homogeneous mass without lumps, add the eggs.
  3. After mixing everything, pour flour into the curd dough. You should have a thick dough, not a liquid one, otherwise your cheesecakes will not be fluffy. Therefore, keep in mind that if the cottage cheese is very watery, you may need a little more flour.
  4. Lastly, add vanilla sugar to the dough, and then wrap it up cling film and leave aside for 10 minutes.
  5. Pour some flour into a separate container, which you will use as a breading.
  6. Wet your hands in water and form the curd dough into balls, which you need to roll in flour.
  7. Heat a non-stick frying pan and pour some vegetable oil into it.
  8. Place cheesecakes in a frying pan and fry them on each side until golden brown.
  9. Remove the finished cheesecakes from the pan and place them on paper towel so that excess oil drains from them.
  10. Prepare a plate for serving, place cheesecakes on it, which can be decorated with berries, mint, powdered sugar, honey, condensed milk or berry jam. All these additional ingredients will only complement the taste of the cheesecakes and their extraordinary aroma.

Cooking time for cheesecakes is only 30 minutes. Don’t be lazy to wake up early to prepare a delicious and healthy breakfast for your loved ones, which will lift everyone’s spirits and energize them for the whole working day!

In a frying pan - a delicious dish that is ideal for breakfast. If you have cottage cheese in the refrigerator, be sure to take a little time and prepare the curds. This simple and tasty dish will appeal to both children and adults.

Many people can’t do without sweets, they don’t have to buy factory-made sweets, just make homemade cottage cheese cookies, they can easily replace store-bought sweet cookies. Even a young, inexperienced housewife can easily cope with their preparation. They are much healthier and tastier.

There are many recipes for cottage cheese pancakes, we will focus on the most popular options for cooking in a frying pan.

Classic cheesecakes in a frying pan - Recipe with step-by-step preparation


  • Cottage cheese – 500 gr
  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Flour – 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

Grind the cottage cheese with a masher and beat in the egg.

Add a pinch of salt and add sugar. And bring it to homogeneity.

Pour in the pre-sifted flour. Mix the ingredients.

Now, having wetted our hands in water, we make the cheesecakes in the form of a ball.

Take the resulting ball, roll it in flour, remove the excess and form the curd.

Place in a preheated frying pan with sunflower oil.

Fry on both sides over medium heat.

Now our dish is ready. Place them on a plate and serve with tea.

Knowing this, you can prepare this sweet miracle at any time.

Delicious recipe for cottage cheese with semolina

Another variation of making curd dough is the method without adding flour. Instead we add semolina and the product turns out softer and juicier.

We will need:

  • Cottage cheese 9 or 18% - 180 g;
  • Egg – 1 piece;
  • Sugar – 1.5-2 tbsp. l;
  • Semolina – 2 tbsp. l;
  • Fine salt - a pinch;
  • Raisins – 2-3 tbsp. l (optional);
  • Flour – 2-3 tbsp. l. only for cutting;
  • Sunflower oil – 3 tbsp. spoons.

Cooking method:

The fattier the cottage cheese, the tastier the cheesecakes are. Regardless of fat content, it should not be wet. We leave our choice to crumbly. If your mixture is wet, put it in a colander for 10-15 minutes and the whey will drain.

1. Grind the curd with a masher until smooth, add sugar.

2. Add semolina here, mix and leave for 5 minutes (semolina will absorb the whey and swell).

It is advisable not to leave the curd mass for a long time, as the sugar melts and it becomes liquid.

3. Scald the raisins with boiling water, place them on a towel to dry and add to the mixture, mix evenly. If it turns out a bit runny, add a little flour, literally a spoonful, to bring it to the desired consistency.

4. Sprinkle the table with flour. Spread the cottage cheese and divide it into two or three parts. Roll one in flour and form a flattened sausage.

5. Divide the sausage into pieces. One by one, roll in flour, make balls, then press lightly with your palm to make round, fluffy cheesecakes. Try to hold them in your hands less and work with the dough using flour.

6. All the preparations are done, put the frying pan with oil on medium heat. We've warmed it up, now lay out the cheesecakes.

7. As soon as the edges begin to turn golden, lift them and look. If they are rosy, turn them over, if they are pale, leave them to fry. The second side also takes about three minutes to cook.

8. Turn off the fire. Cover the pan with a lid and let the cheesecakes stand for a few minutes.

9. Place them on plates and serve. Bon Appetit everyone!

Cooking cottage cheese in a frying pan


  • Cottage cheese – 500 gr.
  • Flour – 4 tbsp. spoons
  • Sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt – 0.5 tbsp. spoons
  • Egg – 2 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil
  • Vanillin – 1 tsp. spoon.

Cooking method:

1. Mash the cottage cheese well with a fork (or in a blender)

2. Add eggs, a pinch of salt and vanilla, mix thoroughly.

3. Pour in the sifted flour and stir the mass well again.

4. Wet a spoon in water and scoop up a little curd mass.

5. Lightly roll in flour, remove excess and form cheesecake.

6. Heat a little sunflower oil in a frying pan, lay out the curds, cover the frying pan with a lid and fry over low heat until golden brown.

7. Then turn it over and let it brown on the other side.

8. When the dish is ready, place it on a plate, sprinkle with powdered sugar (optional) and serve with sour cream. Bon appetit.

Simple homemade recipe

Very tasty curds, great option for breakfast or dinner.


  • Cottage cheese – 400 gr.
  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Sugar - to taste
  • Raisins – 4 tbsp. spoons
  • Vanillin – 1 teaspoon
  • Flour – 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Vegetable oil - for frying
  • Honey, sour cream - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Take the cottage cheese, preferably dry, you can first rub it through a fine sieve.

2. Add salt, sugar, one egg, flour, mix everything thoroughly. Then pour in the vanilla and raisins (they should not be very dry, but if they are dry, pour them in for 10-15 minutes, rinse and then add to the cheesecakes), knead the mass well.

3. Leave for 5 minutes. Our curd has stood and thickened a little; when we add sugar, it always becomes soft and slightly moist. We put it on a board and make a random rectangle.

4. Divide into 6 equal parts.

5. Form the blanks. Take a plate with flour, sprinkle each curd, and shake off the excess flour thoroughly.

6. The frying pan is heated, add oil and start frying. Fry over medium heat for about 2-2.5 minutes, then turn them over.

7. If the curds turn out to be thick, we cover with a lid. And cook over low heat for another 2-2.5 minutes.

8. We got such delicious and beautiful cheesecakes with sour cream. You can add a little honey on top.

Eat for your health.

Perfect cheesecakes in a frying pan

Tasty and fluffy, airy and tender, aromatic and soft cheesecakes in a frying pan are not at all difficult to make if you have a proven and reliable recipe on hand.


  • Cottage cheese - 300 g;
  • Eggs - 1 pc.;
  • Flour - 100 g:
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp;
  • Vanillin - 1 tsp;
  • Vegetable oil - for frying.

Cooking method:

1. Place the cottage cheese in a deep bowl, add salt and sugar, and add vanillin. Make it your own. Beat in one egg.

2. Mix everything thoroughly with a spoon. It is necessary to obtain a homogeneous mass.

3. Beat in the egg.

4. Knead the dough. You can do this with a spoon, then you will feel pieces of cottage cheese in the cheesecakes, it is better to beat the mass with a blender, then they will become homogeneous. The choice is yours! Also now you can put any fillings you like most into the dough: chocolate, cocoa, strawberries, apples, cheese, herbs, ham, etc.

5. Dust your hands with flour and form small round curds.

6. Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil very well and lay out the cheesecakes. By the way, you can fry them in butter, then they will be more tender and creamy in taste.

7. Over medium heat, fry them until golden brown and turn them over to the other side, where they cook for the same amount of time.

8. Serve the finished fluffy cheesecakes with sour cream, condensed milk, jam, berry sauce, etc. Of the many recipes for this dish, one of the simplest and most frequently used is classic way preparations. I hope this one detailed recipe will help prepare this dish for those who are doing it for the first time.

Video on how to make cottage cheese with raisins

Bon appetit!!!

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