How to make peach jam? Correct recipes. Peach jam: recipe

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In my opinion, it is impossible to find a more luxurious jam than peach jam: it is so aromatic that it seems as if a piece of summer is hidden in one spoon; it is so amber that it seems as if the sun has drowned in a drop of syrup; it’s so delicious that you can’t believe it’s possible to stop.

Strange as it may sound, peach jam comes out best if the fruits are slightly unripe - hard and dense. It is worth making jams and jams from soft, juicy peaches, but in talking about jam we will start from the fact that you ran to the store and chose the most successful peaches - elastic, stubborn, characteristic. By the way, the same technology can be used to make any jam from hard fruits - the results are excellent: aromatic pear, deliciously transparent apple, pleasantly tender melon.

This time I added vanilla to the peach jam. It turns out very tasty with a small amount of almond essence and nuts (by the way, absolutely any nuts, not necessarily almonds). Great option– with lavender or thyme. Oh yes, rosemary – fabulous! I tried adding coffee beans once - it was original, interesting, but not for me.

Well, and finally, a secret. Do you know how to make delicious peach jam that no one has ever tried before? Don't pay any attention to him. Let yourself prepare it yourself - and everything will turn out perfect.

Oh yes, I forgot to mention the most important thing.

I don't like peach skin. Even in jam, it seems rough to me and remains on my teeth with an unpleasant desire to scratch. This is why I make jam from nectarines and peaches - they are close relatives, and in a jar they are practically indistinguishable from each other. At least no one except me feels or sees the difference. And it just works for me!

So, the recipe for peach jam.


  • 1 kg peaches,
  • 800 g sugar,
  • vanilla.


Cut each peach along the center line in a circle. If the fruit is almost ripe, it has a couple of days left to finally fill with juice (and these are exactly the fruits that are required for jam), you can turn its halves along the axis in different directions - and then you will have a separate seed in your hands, and a separate pulp . If this doesn’t work out, don’t be discouraged - then you’ll just work a little differently.

In general, we cut the peach in half, after which we divide each half into slices - not transparent, but not thick, either. optimal size– about 3-5 mm at the thickest part. If dividing into slices does not work out right away, cut the necessary pieces directly from the pit.

Sprinkle with sugar. Place the chopped peaches in parts into the pan in which you will cook the jam. Sprinkle each layer with a small amount of sugar.

By the way, about sugar. I do not recommend using less than the specified amount (this is the minimum, believe me!) - firstly, the peach jam may simply not thicken, and secondly, sugar is necessary for the finished product to be stored all winter (or longer, if necessary).

When we pour out the last batch of sugar, move the pan vigorously back and forth so that the sand is evenly distributed over all the fruits.

Leave for several hours - the sugar should completely dissolve, and let the peaches juice out.

Let's cook. Place the pan on the fire, bring to a boil over low heat (!) and simmer over the same heat for about 10 minutes, without stirring or disturbing the fruit. Turn off the heat and leave the future jam alone for half a day. Boil again in the same way (low heat, do not interfere).

We leave it. We repeat this three or four times.

Before the last boiling, add vanilla.

If necessary, adjust the syrup. Sometimes after the first cooking it is clear that the fruits have released a lot of juice, which simply will not boil down into the “correct” syrup without turning the peaches into mush. In this case, I drain the syrup, boil it separately, and then return it to the fruit.

Check readiness and pour into jars.
It’s easy to check if the jam is ready: drop a small amount of syrup onto a plate. If the drop does not spread and remains in the shape of a ball, everything is ready.

Pour the peach jam into sterilized jars and close with sterilized lids. Turn it over and hide it under several layers of blanket for a day. After complete cooling, the jam can be transferred to the pantry and stored at room temperature.

Enjoy your peach scents!

Any housewife can cook a delicate treat with a pleasant taste. Properly prepared peach jam will become a real culinary masterpiece. It will definitely be appreciated by your friends and relatives, as well as unexpected guests who dropped by for a quick visit.

Peach jam with lemon and orange

Children and adults will love this sweet dessert made from fresh fruits. Serve it with hot drinks or use it to make fluffy homemade buns.


  • pitted peaches – two kilograms;
  • orange;
  • sugar - three kilograms.

After you master the peach jam recipe, try changing its composition. For example, replace the main ingredient with other ripe fruits or berries. Cherries, apricots or currants are perfect for this purpose. As a result, you will get wonderful desserts with original tastes and aromas.

The recipe for Five Minute peach jam is very simple. The dessert got its name from an unusual and simple way of processing food.

First you need to prepare the fruit. Place the orange and lemon in a deep cup and pour boiling water over it. After half an hour, cut them into pieces, removing all the seeds along the way. If you omit the last step, the jam will turn out bitter and tasteless.
Wash the peaches and cut them in half. Of course, we won't need any bones either.

Grind the prepared fruits using a meat grinder, mix them with sugar and boil over medium heat for five minutes. After this, the fruit mass should be cooled at room temperature and placed in the refrigerator for a day. The next day, bring the puree to a boil again, then reduce the heat and cook for another five minutes.

All you have to do is put the dessert into jars and roll it up. Store it along with other winter preparations in a dark and cool place.

Peach jam with cognac

The unusual taste of this delicacy will quickly become popular with your friends and family. You can safely offer jam to children, since the alcohol evaporates during the cooking stage. If you want to use the recipe for peach jam in slices, then prepare the following ingredients in advance:

  • ripe soft fruits – one kilogram;
  • sugar – 800 grams;
  • cognac – half a glass;
  • ground cinnamon - one pinch.

We have described the recipe for jam with peaches and cognac in detail below. Be sure to read all the recommendations, as they guarantee an excellent result.

Wash the fruits well and peel them. Remove the pulp from the seeds and cut it into large slices.

Peaches can also be boiled with their skins on. Just be sure to rub them with a stiff towel to get rid of any scratchy fluff.

Cover the fruit slices with sugar and let them sit undisturbed (this step will take you one to three hours). When the fruits release juice, place them on the stove and light the fire.

If you get hard peaches, they will release very little juice. Therefore, you can add another 50 ml of water to the pan.

When the fruit mixture boils, remove the foam from the surface, add cinnamon and pour in cognac.
Boil the peaches for one hour, then immediately pour the hot dessert into sterilized jars and close the lids. Next, the blanks need to be turned upside down and wrapped in a warm blanket. The next day, when the jam has cooled, transfer it to the pantry and leave until the right time. And if you don't want to wait too long, then open one jar and try the treat immediately.

The finished dessert turns out very sweet and juicy. Fruit pieces can be used to decorate homemade cakes and pastries.

Making jam in a slow cooker

Modern kitchen appliances Every day he helps housewives prepare hearty lunches and dinners. But we suggest using it during the harvest season, when it’s time to prepare for the winter. Jam with peaches and cinnamon will decorate a family tea party and lift the spirits of its participants even on the coldest evening.

Required products:

  • 1200 grams of whole peaches;
  • one kilogram of sugar;
  • cinnamon stick.

Cooking peach jam in a slow cooker will not take much of your time.

Rinse the fruit under running water and remove the skin from them.

You will greatly simplify your task if you first dip the fruits in boiling water for a minute and then transfer them to cold water.

Cut the fruit in half and remove the seeds. Cut the pulp into slices, place them in a multicooker bowl and cover with sugar. When enough juice has been released from the peaches, you can start cooking.

After a couple of hours, turn on the device, set the “Porridge” or “Parboiled rice” mode. Bring the fruit mixture to a boil without covering the bowl with a lid. Skim off the foam and cook the dessert for seven minutes. Cool the jam.

When four hours have passed, the multicooker needs to be turned on again. Boil the jam again and cool. At the third stage, add a cinnamon stick to the bowl and cook the dessert for another seven minutes. We no longer need cinnamon, so we need to take it out and put it aside.

Peach jam is ready for the winter. Prepare small jars, wash them with any detergent, and then clean it well with soda. Rinse the dishes several times and sterilize them in any convenient way. Place the tin lids in boiling water for a few minutes. Place the hot jam into jars and seal it with a key. Don't forget to place the dishes upside down and cover them with several blankets.

The very next day you can serve a sweet dessert with tea or any other hot drinks. Store the remaining jars in a dark and cool place.

Sweet aromatic jam with peaches can be prepared with any aromatic additives and spices. If you love culinary experiments, surprise your family original taste sweet dessert. And if you like to bake pies and puff pastries, then this treat will be your best helper. It produces delicious aromatic fillings and beautiful decorations.

Video recipe for peach jam in the microwave

Amazing jam recipes - video

Super quick recipe fruit preparation for the winter - five-minute peach jam for the winter.

Few people like to spend a long time in the kitchen, especially when it comes to canning and preparations for the winter: there is a lot of work, but you won’t be able to immediately enjoy the taste of cold appetizers, salads, compote or jam. In this case, it is always useful to know simple, quick and delicious recipes, which will help save time, but at the same time, the result of such accelerated work will definitely be delicious, homemade preparations.

Another example, the recipe is very popular on the pages of this culinary blog; a sweet berry dessert is prepared with seeds, literally, in 5-7 minutes. And if you can cook quick jam from cherries, then why can’t you do the same with other berries and fruits? Of course you can! Here's a quick recipe for jam from pitted peaches with skin for the winter.

Five-minute peach jam is thick, rich, with a bright taste and aroma of juicy, sweet peaches. Don’t be lazy, prepare a couple of jars, but in winter, during your morning (or evening) tea, you will be pleased not only with the jam, but also with yourself for not being too lazy to take part in the preparations and not being afraid to try new recipe. Peach jam can be used as a filling in sweet pies or pies, pancakes, soaked into cakes (the old fashioned way), served with cheesecakes, pancakes, crispy toast, or enjoyed as a snack with tea.


  • 1 kg. peaches (weight without pits, if you don’t have a scale, buy 1,100 kg of peaches);
  • 1 kg of sugar (from 700 g to 1100 g, depending on the sweetness of the peaches and your preferences. If you are cooking for the first time, take a 1 to 1 ratio);
  • 3 cans of 0.5 l.

Five-minute peach jam for the winter

Peel the peaches and cut the fruits into medium-sized cubes.

Place the peach cubes in a deep container: a bowl or saucepan. Add sugar.

You can sprinkle each layer of peaches, or you can add a small pile of sugar, and then mix carefully so as not to crush the tender pulp.

Literally in 5-10 minutes. The sugar will mix with the peach juice and begin to melt and dissolve.

This time you can go about your business. Want to speed up the dissolution of sugar? Then you need to stir the fruits very carefully in a bowl so that the peaches release even more juice. This is not necessary, because the sugar will very quickly turn into syrup even without outside help.

Pour the peaches in syrup into a saucepan.

It is better if the dishes have a thick bottom. You can't make jam in aluminum pan. Ideally, a brass, copper or stainless steel basin (the wider the better: the liquid evaporates faster). If you have an enamel pan, check it for chips or cracks. The injured surface (iron) will oxidize.

So, an enamel pan (which is in every home) or basin, as well as brass, copper or stainless steel containers.

Place on low heat and let it boil.

Cook over low heat (the peaches should be boiling) for 5 minutes, it’s not for nothing that the jam is called five-minute jam.

At the same time we set to sterilize glass jars with screw-on lids. Fill half a pan with water, put lids and jars on the bottom, with the necks in the water.

The jars are not close to each other, maybe, like me, one jar will not fit in the pan. It's not scary, the main thing is that within the same 5 minutes. the container was sterilized with boiling water.

Turn off the burner with the jars, place them on the table with the neck up and let them dry a little so that the drops evaporate. By the way, my practice shows that if you neglect this rule, you will not get bad results. The jars do not “explode” and the jam is stored for a long time.

Pour the peach jam into jars. I got 3 cans of 0.5 liters each. As you can see in the photo, the container is not completely occupied, but this is because I poured out a little jam for testing. And it was incredibly delicious!

Don’t be afraid not to add jam to the top; again, practice shows that nothing will happen to the jars. They stay there all winter without any “adventures”.

Close the lid, turn it over, wrap it in a towel and leave to cool until the morning.

Make a little more jam, for example, take not 1 kg of peaches, but 1,200 kg, because you will definitely want to eat two or three spoons of a sweet dessert or treat your family with winter preparations.

Bon appetit!

Nowadays, peaches come in different varieties, tastes, shapes and even countries of origin. Every year, breeders develop new varieties of fruit, improving its taste and appearance.

Previously, these fruit trees grew only in hot countries, but now frost-resistant varieties of peach are also available that manage to ripen in a short time in different climatic conditions. However, the beneficial qualities are the same for everyone

The fruits are saturated with mineral-vitamin complexes, organic acids and beta-carotene; they also contain healthy oils. Peaches have a mild laxative effect due to the presence of dietary fiber and fiber.

Positive effects on the heart muscle and lowering cholesterol levels in the blood are also properties of peach.

Peach oil, obtained from the seed, is widely used in cosmetology. And the berries themselves have long been chosen by nutritionists, who have even created special peach diets.

Fragrant fruits are widely used in cooking. The beneficial duo of peach and game has been a success for many years, and liqueurs and liqueurs are not inferior in taste to other fruits and berries. When eaten raw, peach fruits are often a good addition to salads.

The production of peach compotes, jams and preserves has become a natural tradition, because the taste of the fruit, with proper heat treatment and proportions, becomes brighter and more delicate, and every housewife is proud of the way this treat looks.

Properly prepared peach jam for the winter will delight the whole family with its finest taste, bringing benefits and saturating it with vitamins.

Peach jam

Observing all proportions and subsequence steps of this recipe, any housewife runs the risk of preparing perfectly beautiful jam with an amber effect - even slices of fruit in crystal syrup.

Compound :

  • Peach fruits - 1 kg
  • Sugar – 1 kg
  • Purified water – 100 ml

Step-by-step cooking instructions:

Be sure to rinse the peaches several times under running water. Remove the skin and remove the bone. Do all this carefully so as not to

damage the appearance of the fruit. For convenience, you can cut the fruit.

The peach should be cut into equal thin slices along its entire length, placed in a wide pan with a thick bottom and left.
Now it's time to start making the syrup, and this is easier than it seems. Pour sugar into another pan and add water. Boil the syrup until there are no sugar crystals, stirring.

Add vanilla extract and lemon juice to the almost prepared syrup.

After preparing the syrup, pour it over the pre-laid peach slices and mix gently.

Bring the jam to a boil over medium heat. After boiling, cook for no longer than 5 minutes, otherwise the fruit will lose its original appearance.
It is important to remove foam in a timely manner.

Particular attention should be paid to sterilizing jam containers and lids. Be sure to thoroughly rinse and dry the jars.

Boil the lids or pour boiling water over them.

Distribute the heated jam into containers and screw the lids on tightly.

Peach-nectarine jam with whole pieces

Compound :

  • Nectarine – 1 kg
  • Granulated sugar – 1 kg
  • Purified water – 200 ml
  • Juice of half a lemon

When making jam, you will need selected nectarines; only ripe and firm fruits will produce a tasty and beautiful product.

Cut the washed and dried nectarines into slices and divide them into pieces no larger than 2 cm. Set the chopped fruit aside.

Preparing syrup from a mixture of sugar and water, as in the previous recipe, only lemon juice is added afterwards to the ready-made, slightly cooled syrup.

This allows you to make the taste of the fruit brighter and quickly saturate the fruit, saturating them with sweetness.

When the syrup has cooled to about 45 degrees, it should be added in advance

divided into slices and leave for 24 hours, stirring once every

4-5 hours for proper absorption.

After 24 hours, bring the mixture of berries and sugar solution to a boil and leave on the switched off stove for another day without using a lid, but only covering the pan with a light cloth, protecting it from insects and dust particles. Stir the jam in the same way.

The next day, wait for the jam to boil and cook over low heat for 9-10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Boil until the liquid has evaporated, the volume of which approximately corresponds to the level of water taken during the preparation of the syrup.

Pour hot jam into pre-prepared jars and close the lid tightly. To make the jam look more advantageous, you should first lay out the fruit slices and then pour in honey-rose syrup. The remaining syrup can be used as a topping for impregnation or added to porridge. Thanks to the right amount of sugar and lemon juice, this jam will be perfectly stored even under a soft lid, when stored at room.

Simple and quick recipe

peach fruit jam

Compound :

  • Peach – 1 kg
  • Sugar - granulated - 5 cups
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Vanilla extract - to taste

Cut thoroughly washed, peeled and pitted peaches into 3-5 cm slices.

Place in a container and sprinkle with sugar, leaving for a while.

The recipe is quick, so it is important to rinse the cans of soda and thoroughly rinse off any remaining residue with running water.

Distribute fruits soaked in sugar into even layers into jars.

Prepare a large saucepan and place the jars there, tightly closed with lids, as for sterilization, filling with water 2 cm below the top of the jar. Boil the jam in containers for 20-30 minutes.

After boiling, vanilla and lemon juice are added to the jam, then the lids are rolled up.

The jam is ready!

Despite its quick and simple preparation, it tastes just as good as other recipes!

Peach slice jam without

water use

Compound :

  • Peach fruits – 1 kg
  • Granulated sugar – 1 kg

From this volume of products you will get about a liter of jam.
Cut the washed and peeled berries into slices,

Place in layers in a large bowl or basin, sprinkle with granulated sugar and keep in the cold for 5 hours.

Place the container with the berry-sugar mixture on the stove and wait until it boils. Then reduce the heat and cook the jam for 2.5 hours, stirring occasionally.
Then place the basin on the fire, bring the mixture to a boil, and cook the jam from the sliced ​​peaches over low heat for 2.5 hours.
Cool the finished jam to about 60 degrees and pour into jars, sealing the lids tightly.

The jam has a thick syrup and a rich peach flavor.

Whatever recipe the housewife chooses for making peach jam, the product from this fruit will turn out tasty, healthy and beautiful. Jam with liquid syrup can be used to soak baked goods or pour over ice cream. or add V beverages. Thick jam use For fillings V pies, buns or stuffing pancakes With cottage cheese. In a word, peach jam will become excellent addition To anyone table!

Prepare necessary ingredients. Wash the peaches well and remove the pits. Cut the peach flesh into slices. It is best to use hard peaches, then the slices in the jam will be more elastic and will not boil over.

Place the peaches in a saucepan in which we will cook the jam, add sugar and leave at room temperature for 3-4 hours (overnight).

During this time, the peaches will release juice, and the sugar will begin to melt or completely dissolve in the peach juice.

Place the pan on the fire and bring to a boil. Then simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. If foam forms during cooking, it must be removed.

Place the syrup that remains in the pan on the fire, after boiling, reduce the heat and simmer for 10 minutes from the moment it boils. This way we boil the syrup to make it thicker.

Then add the peaches to the syrup and cook for another 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Pour the jam with delicious peach slices into sterilized jars and roll up with boiled lids. From this amount of ingredients we got two 550 ml jars of jam and a whole bowl for testing.

Very tasty peach jam in slices is ready.

Let your winter tea parties be delicious, with the aroma of summer.

Bon appetit!

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