How does a lie detector test work? Preparing for a polygraph test

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A lie detector, or polygraph, is used not only in forensic science to determine whether a suspect is guilty. Some companies also offer to take a polygraph test when applying for a job. In this way, HR department employees have the opportunity to find out whether a potential employee of the company is capable, for example, of committing theft, and so on. It is worth noting that only those who have completed special courses and have a standard certificate have the right to conduct polygraph testing.

How does a lie detector work?

Before taking a polygraph, you should learn how this device works. A lie detector is a sensory device that uses sensors to record heart rate, blood pressure, muscle tone, sweating, blink rate, and other things. The sensors are connected to a computer, which displays the test results in graphical form.

How is testing carried out?

Basically, the person being tested is hung with sensors. In addition, he is placed on a special sensor and asked to sit still. After all, a reaction to a provocative question can even be muscle contraction. Before taking a polygraph, the person being tested must report if something is bothering him or if he wants to go to the toilet. For maximum objectivity of test results, the person being asked the questions should feel comfortable.

Before testing begins, the detector reads all parameters from the person. This is done because many people are worried about the fact of being checked, and not because they are guilty of anything. A person can be honest and principled, but at the same time impressionable or simply neurotic. That is why, before taking a polygraph test at the FSB, for example, it is necessary for the examining officer to take the primary parameters of the readings of all body systems.

What is a polygraph test?

First of all, it is worth noting that, in principle, a lie detector can be deceived, since the program is designed to record measurements of the body’s state: respiration, pulse rate, blood pressure and other biophysical data. And if you calmly answer the questions asked, the device will not detect changes in your condition. It would seem that this is the answer to the question of how to pass a polygraph. But you should know that possible control over the body's reaction is taken into account in this program. To do this, you will be asked simple questions for the first twenty minutes to set up the polygraph specifically for you.

What affects the test result

Before taking a polygraph test, you should know that the result largely depends on the internal state of the subject. A person being tested on a lie detector must sit still, he is prohibited from moving his legs, arms, head, eyes, tensing his muscles and even swallowing saliva. All these actions are a distraction and can provoke a physiological reaction, which will be recorded by the polygraph, which, in turn, will affect the result.

Is it possible to fool a polygraph?

If a person is detained on charges of committing a crime, then sometimes a lie detector is the only way to prove his innocence. Therefore, it is worth knowing how to take a polygraph at the Ministry of Internal Affairs. First, the person is advised to get a good night's sleep before testing. You need to answer questions as truthfully as possible; if there is a misunderstanding, then you should explain everything in as much detail as possible and, while remaining calm.

If there are any negative aspects or violations in your biography, then they should not be hushed up. On the contrary, it would be more correct to try to openly talk about them. A law-abiding person should not be afraid and think about how to pass a polygraph at the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The key to the right result will be composure, sincerity and straightforwardness.

How to fool a lie detector

Experts who conduct polygraph testing assure that it is quite difficult to deceive. This can only be done by a person who thoroughly knows the operating principle of this device and has excellent self-control. On the other hand, it is easy to maintain external equanimity, but the polygraph records indicators of the internal state. And controlling your emotions is much more difficult. When a person is asked a question, and in response he tells a lie, his body automatically reacts to this lie. The device may not register this answer as false only in two cases:

  1. If a person sincerely believes in his words.
  2. When he answers a question without analyzing it and without thinking about the answer, that is, automatically.

In order to pass the test, you first need to just relax, especially if there is nothing to blame you for. You should not think about the importance of what is happening and immediately tune in to a negative result. At least you won't worry and try to remember all your mistakes accumulated over your life. For example, they often ask: “Have you ever stolen?” And a man who, in principle, never took anything from someone else, suddenly remembered that in kindergarten took a toy without asking, and answers “no”, then his answer will be recorded by the detector as a lie. The reason for this result will be an internal conflict between the memory and the answer. Therefore, remember: when taking the test, do not try to remember life situations, do not think or analyze the questions asked to you. Answer as sincerely as possible, but also somewhat automatically.

By the way, automatism can help fool a polygraph. For example, a person may answer questions detachedly without forming mental images of situations from his life. But only a few are capable of achieving a completely detached state and correctly alternating positive and negative responses. But you can achieve this state by switching your attention to some other, more important problem. In this case, you actually brush off the questions asked to you and, therefore, do not have time to analyze them and form them in your head mental images situations that compromise you.

Lie detector information

The first analogue of the polygraph was created and used by the Italian psychiatrist Cesare Lombroso back in 1895. Back then it was called a hydrosphygometer. But a detector suitable for crime investigation was invented by police officer John Larsen in 1921. A polygraph, or lie detector, allows you to record even minor changes in a person’s psychophysical state, according to which a specialist makes a conclusion about the veracity of his answers.

Polygraph testing is not recommended for people with weak nervous system and with mental illness. Women who are heavily pregnant may refuse to be tested. It is also prohibited to test teenagers under the age of majority. But if necessary, adolescents can undergo testing in the presence of parents or persons guarding the child, or with their written permission. And one more thing: before taking a polygraph, you must give written consent to this procedure.

The idea of ​​a polygraph originated many years ago. The impetus for its development was the research of the Italian physiologist A. Mosso. Such techniques made it possible for the first time in 1902 to prove the innocence of the defendant. Today, the polygraph is used to test applicants for positions, so you can often hear the question, how to deceive the polygraph?

What is a polygraph?

A polygraph is a sensor unit that includes a set of sensors connected to a computer device. This is an inseparable complex of the apparatus and the psychologist. There are analog and digital types of devices on sale. The first of them have long occupied the niche of rare goods, and the second are popularly used when interrogating criminals, candidates for a position, or to find out.

How does a polygraph work, what does it react to?

A polygraph is a psychophysiological study. The device consists of:

  • sensors that monitor data on the psychophysiological state of the subject’s body;
  • A computer that records and processes data from sensors;
  • output device in the form of an oscilloscope, printer, monitor screen for displaying information received by sensors on a diagram.

The detector detects and records microstress in the subject. Sensors are attached to such places on the human body where the psychophysical state of the body and changes can be clearly identified:

  • breathing in the chest area;
  • breathing in the abdominal area;
  • electrical conductivity of the skin;
  • blood filling in peripheral vessels;
  • heart rate.

After the device is installed, the subject begins to ask questions. First, simple questions are asked to check the equipment. These could be questions about first name, last name, place of birth, marital status. The answer is given 15-20 seconds, which allows you to think before answering. Once the polygraph examiner begins to understand how the machine responds to “honest” answers, he is surprised to begin asking basic questions. During the procedure, the state of the body is recorded before the answer, during its utterance and after.

Why is a polygraph dangerous?

A polygraph is a medical-biological device capable of recording a psychophysiological surge and reaction of the human body. In order to successfully pass a lie detector test, you must not only master your emotions perfectly, but also control your heart rate and blood vessels. That is why the polygraph examiner, before conducting the test, always asks whether the subject has any health contraindications.

The device closely interacts with the subconscious: emotions, memories, experienced stress. This is the main danger of the device. Although it does not physically affect a person in any way, it can provoke the appearance of:

  • hysterics;
  • heart attack;
  • nervous attack;
  • epilepsy;
  • miscarriage;
  • asthmatic attack.

Who should not take a polygraph for health reasons?

According to the existing law on what diseases cannot be tested for a polygraph, citizens suffering from:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • colds with severe cough and runny nose;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • strong alcohol intoxication;
  • drug addiction;
  • deviations in mental activity;
  • damage to the central nervous system;
  • mental or physical exhaustion;
  • pain syndrome;
  • pregnancy (the fetus also experiences fear and anxiety, which is immediately recorded by the device);
  • epileptic seizures.

What should you not do before a polygraph?

An upcoming polygraph test causes stress and fear in many people, even if the person intends to tell only the truth. This condition occurs due to ignorance of the principles of operation of the device, fear of being caught in a lie. That's why many people ask how to prepare for a lie detector test, and what not to do before a polygraph:

  1. Do not try to predict the test questions, this may cause self-judgment and unnecessary anxiety.
  2. Relax, thanks to good health, physiological reactions will be as accurate as possible.
  3. Don't treat test day as something special. Start your morning with a run and a cup of coffee.
  4. Do not take any medications unless prescribed by your doctor, otherwise antidepressants will interfere with your test results.

Is it possible to fool a polygraph?

Is it possible to fool a polygraph? Yes, it's possible. When figuring out how to pass a polygraph without problems, this can be done, for example, by simply biting the tongue and causing tension in the legs, mentally counting sheep. Each of these actions will cause physiological reactions that will be immediately recorded by the device. Mental arithmetic will prevent the subject from fully comprehending asked question, which will lead to an uncertain result.

History remembers the case of the unjustly convicted Fey Floyd. After failing a polygraph test, he was convicted of a murder he did not commit, and it was only several years later that the truth came out. Floyd decided to take revenge on his offenders and became a real expert in the field of polygraph testing. He taught prisoners who confessed to him that they had committed a crime how to deceive a polygraph, as a result of which most of the criminals were able to pass the lie detector and were found innocent.

Ways to fool the polygraph

There are several ways to fool a lie detector:

  1. Reduced sensitivity of sensory analyzers. To do this, drink some alcohol the day before the test. On the day of the test, your reactions will be somewhat slowed down, and the polygraph will not be able to give an accurate result.
  2. Medications. Before using them, it is important to know and understand your body’s reaction to “chemistry”. So, if a subject has taken psychotropic substances for the first time, he may, out of habit, begin to behave inappropriately, which a polygraph examiner will immediately notice.
  3. Non-chemical method. To do this, you need to not sleep for several days. But it is worth remembering that an experienced polygraph examiner will always notice such a condition.
  4. Control of emotions. It is important not only to be able to give the desired reaction to a question, but also to control facial expressions.
  5. Physiological reactions. For example, some, in an attempt to counteract the polygraph, thought of putting it in the shoe under thumb foot button. When pressed, the pain causes a false reaction.

Labor legislation (Article 86 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) allows the employer to collect information about the applicant vacant position by any means with his written consent and does not prohibit conducting lie detector tests when.

However, it is strictly prohibited to collect and process information related to religious and political preferences the applicant, as well as his personal life. The law also prohibits information about criminal records, reasons for dismissal from previous jobs, and relationships with management.

It is best to fix the conditions and procedure for passing the polygraph in local regulations, and also establish an employee consent form. Often they undergo verification after they have already been hired, for example, when trying to identify the culprit in the theft of funds, but Without written consent, this procedure cannot be carried out anyway.

The main purpose of passing the test is to identify the unreliability of the future employee.

Some professions require extreme honesty, and when and studying from previous work does not always reveal everything negative aspects person, so more and more often employers are resorting to such a procedure for last stage interviews, if the applicant meets all other criteria.

Some candidates are eliminated already at the stage of announcing the need to undergo verification. Some people find this humiliating, others really are hiding something and are afraid of possible publicity.

What professions require passing?

Most often, a detector test is resorted to if the future employee will have access to inventory items:

  • trade workers - cashiers in stores, sellers, especially expensive groups of goods ( jewelry);
  • bank employees;
  • applicants for the position.

For the latter, the procedure for passing a polygraph test was introduced in 2013. It helps identify personnel who are not suitable for the position. When joining the FSB, it is also necessary to undergo such a test after successfully passing a Psychophysiological Examination.

Who should not be tested?

  • pregnant women in the fifth month and above;
  • persons with psychological disorders;
  • not reached;
  • persons in a state of intoxication.


There are several main stages of testing:

Introductory conversation

carried out in a quiet room so that nothing distracts from the procedure. Only two people are present - the polygraph examiner and the person being tested. The person is explained the purpose of the procedure, how long it will take, what questions will be asked, and whether he has the right to refuse to answer or ask clarifying questions.

They also list the actions that are prohibited to perform during the procedure:

  • movement of arms and legs - you need to look at one point;
  • move your head;
  • strain your muscles.

Written consent

The test taker must give his written consent to the voluntary procedure.

Installation of sensors

To carry out the procedure, they now use laptop computers with a touch unit to which sensors are connected.

The block registers parameters and converts signals into digital codes, which are then entered into the computer.

Several sensors are put on a person:

  • Electrical conductivity sensors are installed on the fingers;
  • on the chest and stomach - breathing sensors;
  • A heart rate monitor is also placed on your finger.

Setting up the device for a specific person

Questions are asked with data known to the psychologist conducting the procedure. For example, full name, date of birth, names of parents or children. This is done so that one can understand the physiological reaction of a person to lies and truth.

The test itself

The test taker is asked questions to which a detailed answer is not expected. You can only answer “yes” or “no”. This can be a group of tests, after each of which the polygraph examiner can ask clarifying questions, this is called an inter-test conversation.

Questions are aimed at identifying lies. The procedure usually lasts from 40 to 120 minutes.


The result of passing the test is a polygraph record - a polygram. It is transmitted along with explanations to the customer. It is prohibited to disclose the results to other persons.


All questions are divided into neutral, significant and control. When compiling results, only significant ones are taken into account.

Neutral ones serve only to fill the conversation; with the help of control ones, the specialist puts a person into a state of excitement and emotional arousal.

The most common topics of questions are theft, alcohol addiction, participation in thefts, bank loans, negative intentions towards the company, and gambling addiction.

Human factor

The polygraph always shows the correct data. But the result that is transmitted to the customer depends on the correct analysis of the parameters. There are special programs for this, and a lot also depends on the polygraph examiner.

This should be not only a computer operator and a unit with sensors, but a professional psychologist with extensive experience. In fact, there are very few such specialists, and the likelihood that this procedure will be carried out by one of them when hiring is very low.

You cannot fool a lie detector, nor can you fool a well-trained and experienced polygraph examiner.

However, there are some tips that will help you carry out this procedure with the least amount of anxiety:

  1. The night before the procedure, you need to get a good night's sleep.
  2. Avoid drinking alcohol for at least several days before the procedure.
  3. There are several myths that claim that you can fool a lie detector.

All of them are based on the need to evoke fake emotions by answering control and neutral questions.

  • Use an external stimulus. For example, put a button in your shoe and press it while answering.
  • Throughout the procedure, think intensely about something that evokes strong emotions.
  • Do not sleep the whole night before testing.
  • Drink plenty of fluids before the procedure.
  • Believe your lies.
  • Control your breathing and heartbeat.

It should be remembered that when trying to deceive a polygraph, you can only cause harm - by deliberately distorting the data and preventing the correct decoding of information, you can create more doubts about reliability.

Refusal of the procedure

The employee has every right refuse this procedure both during work and during reception.

This will not entail any consequences and, by law, cannot influence the decision of a potential employer. If the applicant proves that it was the refusal to undergo a printing test that was the reason for the refusal to hire, the employer may be fined. But it is too difficult to prove that this was the reason, since there may be large number other reasons, so in practice he does not get a job. Typically, such refusals are not subject to appeal in court.

Even if, during testing, it was revealed that the applicant had previously participated in thefts or committed any other illegal actions, this cannot be the reason for the refusal, and the culprit will not bear any responsibility, since this polygraph conclusion cannot act as separate evidence.

If you think that a polygraph test will not threaten you, then you may be very seriously mistaken, especially since this device is often used even when applying for a job.

It goes without saying that not everyone wants to tell the truth, which is why there are a lot of ways to outwit a lie detector. By the way, it’s not that difficult, the main thing is to understand the mechanism.

We will now talk about how to keep your secrets to yourself and successfully, hassle-freely pass the polygraph.

Lies are often told in secret in order to find out the truth.
Pierre Buast

Let's turn on artistry

Of course, the most best option, this is high-quality acting according to the Stanislavsky system. The trick is to become so immersed in your lies that you believe them yourself.

Agree, if you believe in a fiction, then for you it is no longer a lie, which means your body will perceive this information as true, and therefore will give the specialist conducting the test the corresponding result.

It goes without saying that for this you simply need to think through all aspects of your deception in advance, so much so that you can discuss this topic for a very long time without inventing the plot along the way, but as if remembering it:

  • Add little things into your story, like what the weather was like, what you smelled - just don't overdo it and don't distract from the main topic.
    If you have already decided to deceive the polygraph with the help of acting, then emotions will definitely not be superfluous, they just need to be changed, turning fear into anger, and repentance into humility.


Now let's move on to blood pressure, which also needs to be controlled.
There are two ways for this:
  • contraction of the sphincter muscles,
  • biting the tip of the tongue.

Just remember that you need to do this without any additional facial expressions that could give you away.

More, control your breathing– under normal conditions, we inhale no more than once every 2-4 seconds. And it's better not to detain him– there is a risk of increased heart rate.

Secret No. 1

Updated: There is a long-standing myth that it is possible to fool a lie detector using a pushpin.
The essence of the deception is this:
  1. Place a thumbtack inside your shoe under your foot.
  2. When you are asked a security question, for example, “What is your name?”, answer and step on the button.
  3. Pain causes a slight surge of emotions and is reflected in the detector readings as if you were telling a lie. Thus, when telling a real lie, the readings on the device will be the same or similar, and it will seem that you are telling the truth. Those. sensors will react to a lie in the same way as to a question about your name.
  4. The polygraph examiner does not notice anything strange in the almost identical polygraph readings and gives you a positive resolution.
The catch is that in many testing companies at the moment Before the test, they check the subject for such “pranks”, including checking shoes. Thus, at the moment this method of passing a polygraph test can be considered almost inapplicable. We do not recommend checking!

Is it worth it?

We can conclude that successfully passing a lie detector test is not entirely easy, but it is quite possible; you only need a sincere desire and patience. But the answer to the question of whether this is worth doing, each person must give to himself.

One thing is true in any case: if you have made a firm decision to successfully pass the test and deceive the polygraph, then try to do it efficiently, otherwise serious problems and long discussions about what exactly you wanted to hide cannot be avoided.

There are a number of cases in which you may be subjected to a polygraph or lie detector examination. These tests can bring a lot of anxiety, especially since it is too common for innocent people to be acquitted without reason, as a result of job failure or false criminal charges.

Why? Because polygraphs are far from perfect. In fact, many experts consider them a farce, and almost all scientists who have studied them understand that polygraphs are extremely limited. Fortunately, this is the reason why they are easy to deceive.

10. Refuse

Refuse to take a lie detector test if possible. In the US, private sector employers may not terminate employment or take other similar negative actions based solely on a polygraph refusal. If the polygraph is part of a criminal investigation, you have the right to refuse, and you should refuse, even if you are innocent, due to the possibility of a “false positive.”

9. Study!

Learn everything about the polygraph before you sit down. The most important thing to know is that printing is not an exact science. In fact, to the extent that it is a science at all, it is in its infancy, and sometimes often produces incorrect results.

8. Think ahead

Find out what the tester is looking for. A polygraph is administered to help find out specific information. Prepare in advance by thinking about what exactly they are looking for, what things you may not know. The polygraph will ask you many uncomfortable questions, but only a few of them are important.

Take a lie detector test someday. Very often, when a person is hired, they use a lie detector. A simple interview is significantly different from a lie detector. He takes into account every movement, especially if there is an emotional leap.

6. Define issues

Determine the types of questions you will be asked. There are three main types of questions. You will be asked specific, blank questions and tests. Unnecessary questions are those that are obvious, such as “What is your name” or “Have you ever eaten pasta?” Relevant questions are important, such as “Did you leak that note to the media?”, “Have you ever stolen money from an employer?”, or “Have you ever sold drugs?” Control questions are those where your reaction to the questions will be taken into account.

5. Stick to the topic

The job of the polygraph is to obtain confessions. The entire examination is an elaborate ruse to deceive you during confession. Regardless of what the lines on the graph show, nothing is more accurate or dangerous than your confessions. The polygrapher will likely try to convince you that he or she can "see" lies in your speech, even if there is nothing abnormal. Don't fall for it.

4. Basic information only

Let's just say what you need. "Yes" or "No" are the answers you should answer. Resist the temptation to explain your answers or go into detail, although the polygrapher may try to force you to do so. Be polite, but don't provide more information than necessary. Answer the questions firmly, seriously, and without hesitation. This is not the time to joke or try to be crafty

3. I don’t know anything AT ALL!

Hide your knowledge of printing. Don't disclose that you have done extensive research prior to this study, as if you don't know much about lie detector tests. The polygrapher may try to trick you by mentioning some technical terms and abbreviations, such as, “Your test passed NDI.” "NDI" means "no deception indicated," you need to act as if you have no idea what it means.

2. Managing your blood pressure

Skip the reading machine from test questions by changing your blood pressure and heart rate.

1. Handle after the event

After you are disconnected from the machine, the polygrapher may leave you in the room for a while and come back. The polygrapher can deceive you, as if you know something. This is a trick. Remain calm and repeat your refusal firmly but politely.

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