How to preserve grape cuttings in winter in order to get excellent seedlings in spring? Methods for storing grape cuttings in winter.

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Propagation of grapes using cuttings (chubuks) is interesting and beneficial because in this case the new plant will be a copy of the mother bush. This result can only be achieved by propagating grapes vegetatively, but when propagating by seeds this is simply impossible. Therefore, for many gardeners, the issue of harvesting and storing grape cuttings in winter time.

When to start preparing

The best period for harvesting grape cuttings is autumn. Moreover, seedlings are cut before the first significant frost occurs.

Important! When the temperature drops below 5 °C, the amount of nutrients, therefore, it is recommended to harvest chubuks before this moment, so that the seedlings are maximally enriched with all the elements necessary for future growth.

It is difficult to indicate specific dates, since different regions The period of onset of the first cold weather varies. The main indicator of the readiness of the vine for harvesting for the winter can be considered the falling of leaves in the autumn. In most regions this occurs at the end of September or in the first half of October. However, in the northern regions, leaf fall is not at all indicative - there the cold snap occurs much earlier, and the trees simply do not have time to shed their leaves before the first frost.
In order not to miss the necessary moment when preparing pipes, it is recommended to take into account the climatic features of your region and monitor the weather forecast and deciduous processes in advance.

It is permissible to cut cuttings before the first December frosts - the main thing is that the temperature does not fall below -10 ° C. In this case, the vine will not have time to completely lose nutrients, but will also undergo hardening at low temperatures.

The time frame of such temperature conditions in different regions may fluctuate, so it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of your climate zone. However, the sooner you cut the cuttings, the large quantity there will be live buds on them. The eyes are quite sensitive to low temperatures and are easily damaged by frost. Therefore, unless you are trying to harden off the vine, it is best to prepare the shoots when the temperature is between 5°C and 0°C.

Important! You can cut shoots for propagation of grapes, starting from the first days of October and ending in early December-just from the moment when the temperature drops to 5°C, but will not be lower than -10°C.

How to choose cuttings for cutting

Cuttings are cut only on well-ripened vines. The plant must be completely healthy and strong. If the shoots have even slight traces of disease or pest damage, such a bush is not suitable for propagation.

VIDEO: HOW AND WHEN TO ROOT GRAPE CUTTINGS Select in advance the bushes you want to propagate. Decide on the variety, make sure the plant’s productivity and its good health. From the beginning of autumn, you can mark for yourself the bushes that interest you, so that there is no confusion later.

Only the ripened part of the vine is suitable for cutting chibouks. It is very easy to check shoots for maturity, because the difference between young green branches and already ripe ones is quite obvious:

  • mature shoots have a characteristic dark straw color, while young parts have a greenish tint;
  • on the ripe part the bark is harder and rougher;
  • young green and ripened shoots are very different in their temperature at any time of the year - green ones always feel much cooler, and ripened ones are always warm.

Important! A mature grapevine may be suitable for vegetative propagation from one year of age.

Here is what is not suitable for cuttings:

  • unripe and thin grapevine;
  • very thick, fattening vine;
  • coppice shoots;
  • plants that are damaged by fungi and pests;
  • shoots with too short or, conversely, too long internodes;
  • infertile and barren bushes.

VIDEO: PREPARATION OF VINES FOR CUTTINGS Mandatory conditions that grape stems must meet:

  • high productivity of the selected plant, its health and maturity;
  • the thickness of the pipes should be approximately 1 cm in diameter;
  • it is best if the shoots contain from 5 to 7-8 internodes, although some use a length of only 3-4 buds - however, the more internodes, the greater the plant’s chances of successful growth;
  • chibuki are made from the middle part of the branch, starting from the 4th eye.

Did you know? Interesting way check the vine for ripeness: the test can be carried out using a 1% iodine solution. If a cut of a shoot is dipped into the solution, then in unripe specimens it will remain light green in color, but in mature cuttings it will turn black-violet.

Another recommendation for selecting bushes for cuttings is their location relative to the sun. It was noticed that plants that grew on sunny side, then produce stronger offspring. But chibouks from vines growing in the shade then germinate poorly and grow more slowly.

How to cut correctly

To properly cut grape stems, you must adhere to several basic rules:

  • the pruning shears used to make the cut must be clean and disinfected;
  • the middle part of the branch is cut into 3-4 or 6-8 internodes;

  • the lower cut is made immediately below the node, and the upper cut is made approximately in the middle between adjacent nodes;
  • the chibouks must be completely cleared of leaves, tendrils and stepsons;
  • seedlings must be prepared and processed before storage;
  • cuttings are grouped by variety in small bunches;
  • bundles are fastened with twine or wire and provided with labels with the necessary information.

Usually the first buds near the vines are poorly developed, so the first cut should be made higher (near the tendril or where the grapes were)

Important! The label on the bunches should not be made of paper, as paper can cause rot and mold to spread to the shoots. It is best to select labels from materials that are not subject to decomposition due to moisture- foil, plastic, metal.

Preliminary processing

Before the grape stems are sent to the cellar for storage, they must undergo pre-treatment.

It is imperative that the cuttings are saturated with moisture before wintering, then they will grow much better. To do this, simply put the chopped branches in a container of water and leave them there for 24 hours.

For disinfection, you can prepare a solution of potassium permanganate, preferably an intense pink color. The cuttings are soaked in this solution for half an hour and then dried in air.

But the most popular method of disinfection is to use a 3% solution copper sulfate. The planting material is dipped into the solution in the same way and dried.

At this point, the processing and preparation of grape cuttings can be considered complete.

Optimal temperature for winter storage

In winter, the cuttings are stored in a fairly cool and humid place. A cellar, basement, refrigerator, trench or trench are quite suitable for this. In this case, the temperature regime should be in the range from 0 °C to 4 °C.

When the temperature rises above 6-7 °C, swelling of the kidneys may begin, which is extremely undesirable.

It is believed that the temperature approaching zero slows down the vital activity of the shoots, which results in minimal consumption of nutrients, which will be very necessary after planting the cuttings for their further growth.

Important! It is considered ideal if no temperature changes occur during storage of the pipes, and it is 0 °C throughout the entire period.

Air humidity in the storage area should be 60-90%.

Cellar storage

To preserve the grapevine during the winter for further germination, it is not enough to simply stack the stems in the cellar. There are two main ways to store chibouks: in plastic bags, and also in sand or pine sawdust.

In plastic bags

With this method, you can use not only plastic bags, but also cling film.

Before you wrap the shoots in plastic, they need to be lightly sprinkled with water. After which the bundle is carefully wrapped in film or bag. In this case, it is necessary to make small holes in the polyethylene - thanks to them, air ventilation will be ensured.

It is important to ensure that the chibouks do not dry out, freeze or overheat. They need to be ventilated periodically and sprinkled with water if necessary if the vine is still too dry.


In sand and pine sawdust

In this case, wet sand or pine sawdust. This way you can significantly reduce the plant’s consumption of carbohydrates and provide the shoots with constant moisture.

In addition to storing in polyethylene, cuttings can also be placed in wooden boxes covered with sand or pine sawdust.

Did you know? To do this, a layer of this material, at least 10 cm thick, is poured onto the bottom, bunches of grapevine are laid on top, then covered with a layer of the same thickness.-The total area of ​​vineyards on our planet is approximately 80,000 square meters. kilometers. It would seem that this is a lot. However, on average, per capita there is only about 1 kg of table grapes per year, while the body’s annual need for it is

almost 10 kg.

Since not everyone has a cellar, let’s consider other ways to stock up on chibouks for the winter - for example, in a storage closet or in the refrigerator.

In the closet

This is the easiest way to store pipes. It consists of digging small trenches in the ground, into which the shoots are laid out, after which they are covered with earth on top.

The depth of the trench should be approximately 25 to 50 cm. But the length and width are selected according to needs, depending on the number of cuttings and their length.

It is important that the dug trench is located on some hill; it may be located next to a building. This arrangement will ensure good ventilation and avoid stagnation of melt and rain water.
Before laying out the cuttings, it is advisable to fill the bottom of the trench with a small layer of sand (about 5 cm), then carefully lay out the bunches of vines, and also pour a layer of slightly damp sand (7-8 cm) on top. The remaining soil, which was previously dug from the trench, is poured on top.

With this storage method, there is no need to ventilate, rearrange and check bunches of grape cuttings.

In a refrigerator

This is also a simple method, the only disadvantage of which is the inability to store a large number of Chubukov.

Bunches with chibouks must be wrapped in plastic bags. Either wet sand or sawdust must be poured there. You can simply wrap the twigs in a damp, clean cotton cloth. Then all this is carefully packed in polyethylene. A small hole is made in the film for ventilation. The package is then placed in refrigerator for storage.
Periodically you need to take out cuttings and ventilate them, moisten dried ones, and remove damaged ones.

Removing and inspecting cuttings in spring

Grape cuttings are removed from storage places in early spring, closer to mid-March.

Each shoot must be carefully examined and checked to see if it is viable. To do this you need to make an incision. If everything is in order with the vine, then the color on the cut will be light green.

It is necessary to remove unsuitable shoots:

  • darkened;
  • too soft;
  • too loose;
  • changed color;
  • with fallen off bark.
The presence of small mold allows you to continue to use the cutting; you just need to carefully remove the mold from the shoot with a soft sponge or cloth.
Saved chibouks must be cut on both sides - top and bottom, and at least two buds must be left.

The lower cut is made immediately after the bud, but the upper one is made just above the bud, about 2 cm. In order not to confuse where the lower cut is and where the upper one is, the lower one is made at an oblique angle, and the upper one at a right angle.

Once the cuttings have been removed, inspected and found suitable for planting, the process of preparing them for germination can begin. In general, storing grape stems in winter period doesn't pose a big problem. Main? so that the cuttings are cut on time and stored in a cool and humid place with a stable temperature conditions . Subject to these conditions, in the spring you will be able to extract rich.

planting material Annual strong shoots are cut into pieces 25–35 cm long. The middle and lower parts of the shoot are used, immature buds are cut off. The best examples are two-year-old shoots, 7–10 mm in diameter, growing from the very center of the bunch . Seedlings can be different lengths

, even one-eyed. To ensure that the variety takes root, it is enough to purchase 2-3 shoots. Information on how to store grape cuttings in winter will not help you if you choose a low-quality shoot. Thus, a well-ripened branch cracks easily when bent. The degree of its ripening is determined by inspection appearance

and assessment of response to iodine. Fresh sections are treated with a one percent iodine solution. Unsuitable for propagation, weak branches give a pale green tint, while high-quality ones turn almost black.

Storing grape cuttings in winter - choosing a place

If possible, the cuttings are placed in the ground immediately after purchase. 5–6 cm of shoot are left above the soil level. Storing cuttings in the ground may not be safe if your area experiences early frosts. However, to prevent damage to the grape shoots, before frost appears, cover them with the same soil, with a layer of 10–15 cm. In the spring, the soil cover is removed, and all that remains is to wait for the young shoots to appear. There are situations when they do not have time to decide on the place to plant the cuttings. In this case, pieces of grapevine, wrapped in a damp cloth, can be stored in a cool room until spring.

Both professionals and amateur gardeners confirm: storing grape cuttings in a cellar or refrigerator is effective - up to 70–80% of cuttings take root. high level humidity will almost certainly cause mold to develop. Storage involves some measures to disinfect and ensure ventilation of the room.

Precautionary measures - watch the cuttings

So, before storing, each of the cuttings is dipped in a 5% solution of ferrous sulfate. This helps prevent mold damage. After this procedure, you need to wait until the bark becomes weathered, and only then the cuttings are carefully stacked. Don't be alarmed if the surface of the shoots darkens.

One of the common methods of growing grapes at home is propagation using chibouks. This can be done by planting rooted shoots in the ground or by grafting in the spring. Here, novice gardeners have a question about how to properly store in winter.

To propagate a favorite or liked variety, a pencil-thick cutting (with the exception of a thin trunk in some varieties of grapes) and about 60-70 cm long is cut from the vine. A prerequisite for obtaining a high-quality seedling is the presence of at least 3-4 strong bud nodes on it. .

Why do you need to cut the cuttings in the fall?

Among people who have no experience in growing grapes, there is an opinion that it is easier to propagate them in the spring. The main argument is that there is no need to fear that the cutting will dry out or rot over the winter (which very often happens when growing grapes). In fact, with this approach, you can waste time: a chubuk cut in the spring and planted in poorly warmed soil will most likely dry out without having time to take root. Another disadvantage in this situation is that a fresh wound will remain on the “revived” vine, and the plant will “sore” for a long time. Thus, it is more rational to store grape cuttings in winter.

How to choose suitable material for propagation?

Chubuk is cut from the middle or lower part of the fruiting tree (this is required condition) of a healthy one-year-old vine, which is first checked for maturity. The easiest way is to try to bend the branch a little: if it has reached the required level of development, a slight cracking sound will be heard. Additionally, you can lubricate the cut area with iodine solution: in a mature vine it will turn black. Very thin or thick shoots are not suitable for seedlings, as they will not produce high-quality planting material.

How to properly prepare future seedlings?

The main question that experienced winegrowers are asked about grape cuttings is: “How should you store them during the long winter in order to get healthy shoots in the spring?”

There are a few things to consider here. It is best to harvest the chibouk in late September or early October (adjustments are made depending on the weather). At this time, the vital activity of the plants decreases, and pruning will cause less harm to the grapes. Since branches preparing for winter lose most of their moisture, it is necessary to partially replenish its reserves before storage. This is done quite simply: all the leaves and tendrils are removed from the cut cuttings, a fresh cut is made in its lower part, and the stem itself is placed in water (preferably rain or melted water, but always clean) for about a day. This procedure will protect the twig from drying out, and it will safely survive the winter. You can additionally dip the sections on both sides in warm paraffin - this will prevent the rapid evaporation of moisture from the trunk.

Someone additionally makes several light longitudinal grooves up to 3 cm long on the bottom of the chibouks to ensure additional development roots in spring.

It is recommended to moisten the prepared cuttings in iron sulfate(a few seconds are enough), and in its absence - in slightly colored quinozol or basezol, then dry well. This treatment will help fight mold and various diseases.

Storing grape cuttings in winter

When planting chibuks in the fall, several conditions must be observed that will allow you to obtain strong shoots in the spring, ready for rooting and growth.

It is very important to create the necessary thermal conditions for the cuttings: not lower than 0 degrees and not higher than +4. If the temperature drops to negative, it can freeze, and if the temperature is higher, the buds will begin to swell and the roots will grow. Or the cutting will become moldy and simply rot.

The next important point is to ensure the necessary humidity (the optimal option is 60%) so that the chibouk does not dry out, and regularly ventilate the room.

If the cuttings are stored in the basement, they become a threat to rodents, for whom they will turn into excellent food.

Where can you keep chibouks?

There are three ways to preserve grape cuttings in winter. At home, this is a refrigerator, a trench, a basement. The choice of location depends on the amount of material. Several cuttings can be placed in the refrigerator, but when preparing them for sale or for planting over a large area, the second option will be more successful. The storage method affects the characteristics of caring for cuttings during the winter.

For several seedlings, ordinary plastic bottles without a bottom with a volume of one and a half liters are also suitable. A little sand is poured into the first and two cuttings are installed, the second plays the role of a lid: to make it easier to put on, small cuts are made on the walls. The cork on the bottle cap is periodically opened to ventilate the pipes.

Cold storage

It is better to use the chamber for vegetables and fruits, since there the temperature is most favorable for the chibouk. In its absence, it is possible to provide winter storage cuttings (of course, in small quantities) on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. To establish the required level of humidity, experienced people advise wrapping the lower part of the pipes with a cloth soaked in water and wrung out, then placing them in a plastic bag and tying them well with a rope. The only caution is that you should not wrap the seedling completely, as this will lead to its rotting. Next, all that remains is to check the condition of the cuttings monthly and, if necessary, treat them: wipe the area where mold appears with a cotton swab soaked in a pink solution of potassium permanganate. Before placing the chibouk back in the refrigerator, it will need to be dried.

Creating conditions for seedlings in the basement

It is more common to store grape cuttings in the cellar in winter. First option: pour into a container of suitable size (box, old bath, with a small number of cuttings - a bucket) of clean sand lightly moistened with water in a layer of up to 10 cm. Then install the prepared shanks so that they do not touch each other, and deepen them a little. The advantages of such storage are that top part Chubukov remains free from sand, and this allows you to visually determine their condition in winter. Seedlings should be positioned according to their natural growth, i.e. the root part of the stem should be at the bottom. Next - mandatory regular inspection of planting material and maintaining the required level of moisture.

The second method: stack cuttings (for example, carrots) in a container with sand and cover them (the layer between them should be about 4-5 cm). During the winter, it is necessary to constantly moisten the contents of the box, and also be sure to inspect the pipes and swap the lower and upper rows. If necessary, the basement is ventilated, which will prevent the temperature from rising, especially as spring approaches.

Instead of sand, sawdust and moss are suitable, the main thing is that they are always wet. An assistant in this case can be polyethylene, which is used to cover the container.

Using a trench or hole

This method is more suitable when you need to save a lot of seedlings, or there is no cellar. In an elevated place, a trench is dug about a meter deep and 5-10 cm wide than the length of the cuttings (if they are positioned vertically). After treating the bottom and walls with lime mortar, sand is poured into it - up to 10 cm. The pipes are laid horizontally or vertically, in bunches, the space between them is filled with sand, and soil is poured on top. At correct device the ground should rise slightly above the trench, which will protect the storage area from waterlogging, especially in the spring. For the same purpose, it can be covered with film. Next to the elevation, additional grooves are made to drain water.

Unfortunately, such storage of grape cuttings in winter does not allow monitoring their condition; moreover, an unsuccessfully prepared trench can be flooded. And such a storage facility is open to rodents.

When preparing several pipes, each batch should be placed separately from the others.

Checking the condition of seedlings before planting

In the spring, we monitor how the seedlings and cuttings were stored during the winter. The chubuk, ready for development, should have a fresh, healthy appearance, a green layer will be found under its bark, and a leaf embryo will appear in the eyes. You can put several branches in water - the buds on those that have successfully overwintered will swell in a couple of days.

How to grow grapes from cuttings: rooting methods

Overwintered chibouks begin to prepare for planting in February. The best option- put foam rubber soaked in water in a bag, place the cuttings on it, wrap it well and put it in a dark place. After ten days, check them for the appearance of root buds. “Revived” cuttings should be planted in a plastic bottle cup filled with a mixture of soil and humus, covered with the top of the bottle without a lid and placed on a windowsill or other lighted place. When the roots fill the bottle and 4-5 leaves appear, the bottle can be removed.

16.08.2017 7 399

Storing grape cuttings - find out which method is the best?

Storing grape cuttings is important point for winegrowers. In winter, in the cellar, basement, wet sand, soil, refrigerator and other places there should be optimal conditions so that the chibouks survive until spring and do not deteriorate, rot or disappear. How to properly organize the process at home and when is the best time to do it, read on...

How to prepare cuttings for storage - step-by-step guide

The most common way to get new grape bushes in a home garden is to use shanks. Rooted sprouts can be planted in the ground and can be grafted when spring comes. Gardeners who are starting to grow grapes are often looking for a solution to the problem of how to preserve grape seedlings until spring.

To propagate your favorite or favorite grape variety, you need to cut a cutting from the vine, the diameter of which is equal to the diameter of a pencil, and the length is 60-70 cm. To get a high-quality seedling, it is necessary that there are four strong nodes on it - buds.

Some novice gardeners, without great experience In viticulture, it is believed that grapes are easier to propagate in the spring. After all, during this period the cuttings most likely will not dry out or rot. This approach may not give desired result, because cuttings that were cut in the spring and planted in cold ground, does not have time to take root, it will dry out. And if the vine comes to life, then because of the fresh wound it will hurt and grow poorly. For a successful propagation process, it is necessary that the cuttings be carried out in the fall, and the storage of grape cuttings last until spring.

The harvesting of chibouks begins in the fall, when the first frosts occur on the soil. The shoots must have undamaged, healthy buds. Sprouts are harvested from absolutely healthy mother bushes. The variety must be suitable and productive for a particular region. The mature vine has brown bark. Grape cuttings contain from three to eight internodes. The chubuk should be about 10 mm thick, 20 to 40 cm long, without mechanical damage. The chubuks are taken straight and healthy; it is necessary to prepare and process the cut material for wintering without delay.

In order for the storage of grape cuttings to be successful, several steps must be followed when preparing the shoots:

  1. Place the cuttings in water for 24 hours, this gives strength to the cuttings
  2. Place in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate or copper sulfate
  3. Dry with paper towels
  4. Wrap in film and tie with string
  5. Write on the label the packaging time and plant variety

If you follow this sequence when preparing cuttings for storage, then they will not care about winter.

Storing grape cuttings cut in autumn - methods

Storing grape cuttings in winter can be done in many ways.

For storage you can use a cellar or basement. Place the Chubuki in wooden box up to one and a half meters deep, the length of which exceeds the cutting by 20 cm. A layer 10-15 cm high is poured in a box with wet moss, sawdust, sand and covered with a lid. Air must constantly flow into the place where cuttings are stored, because... Chibouk fabrics live and breathe. If there is oxygen starvation, the tissues themselves will be poisoned, and the buds inside the eyes will die.

Storing grape cuttings until spring may involve using polyethylene film. The cuttings are placed in damp sawdust, sand or moss, and placed on the floor of the basement or cellar. After making holes in the film, cover the cuttings.

When solving the problem of storing grape cuttings, you can resort to using plastic bags. One bunch of chibouks is placed in a separate bag. The top of such a container should also be closed loosely, and holes should be made in the walls.

If there are few shoots, then you can use the refrigerator to store them. A damp cloth works well for wrapping cuttings. IN plastic bag They are stored on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Storing grape cuttings in the refrigerator requires periodic inspection, moistening the fabric, and new packaging.

Storing grape cuttings can be done in another simple way, but effective way. Since the shoots do not dry out in the soil and there is a constant temperature, storing grape cuttings in the ground is successful. Prikop should not be flooded or exposed to cold northern winds. The dimensions of the pit exceed the dimensions of the bundle by 15 cm. There should be enough space for all the bundles. The bottom of the pit is lined with spruce branches, moss or sand.

Moss, sand or earth are also placed between the layers of bunches. Spruce branches and sand fill the gaps between the cuttings and the walls. The last layer of the trench also consists of sand, or spruce branches, 15 cm thick. When the temperature drops to 0 degrees, the “storage” is covered with earth up to half a meter.

If there are few seedlings, then it is possible to store grape cuttings in plastic bottles. The bottom of a 1.5-liter bottle is cut off, sand is poured into it, where a couple of cuttings are placed. The second bottle is used to make a cap. The bottle cap must be opened periodically to ventilate.

Regardless of the method used to store grape cuttings at home, we must not forget about periodic ventilation and moistening of the substrate. Cooling down to -1 °C and warming up to +4 °C are unacceptable. Eyes can sprout, get sick and die.

Preparing cuttings for rooting in spring

When calendar spring arrives, you need to start preparing the cuttings for rooting. – the process is not complicated, but responsible. Preparation begins with checking the condition of the wood. A cut is made across. If the vine green color, and moisture is visible on the cut, then the storage of grape cuttings was correct, and they live.

The viability of the kidney is checked in the same way. If the inside of the bud is green, then the cutting is preserved for planting. We checked the vine and divided it into cuttings with 2-3 eyes, the top is cut 1-2 cm above the eye, the bottom - 0.5-1 cm.

The settled melt or running water, any stimulant is added to it (Heteroauxin, Kornerost, Radifarm, Ribav Extra, Zircon, honey, sodium humate, etc.). The shoots are soaked in this water for up to two days, 2 or 3 longitudinal scratches are made on them, and the varieties are marked. In order for the roots of grape stems to grow well, the drug Kornevin is rubbed into the cut and scratch areas.

How to store grape cuttings cut in the fall, which method is the most optimal, dear winegrowers, is up to you to decide. But, as practice shows, only with years and accumulated experience can you find the right answers to all questions.

Cuttings or cuttings are the main propagation material for grapes. They are cut in the fall and rooted in the spring. In addition to preparation, it is important to organize proper storage and sprouting chibouk. This determines how quickly and efficiently the vine will take root in the ground after winter.

Harvesting technology

The optimal time for cutting chibouk is the second half of autumn. Choose a time when the first frost has already hit, but the temperature has not dropped below -10°C. Under such conditions, the vine has already undergone cold hardening, but still contains a lot of starch, sugars and other necessary substances. An external sign of timely harvesting is the fall of all the leaves from the vine.

Advice. In regions with an early arrival of winter, there may be no leaf fall. In this case, the material can be cut when the grapes are finally ripe, and the cork layer easily peels off from the vine.

How to get grape cuttings:

Attention! It is important that the cutting site is not in the middle of the internode, but 2 cm from the node. This will come in handy if you are grafting grapes.

How to prepare cuttings for wintering

Preparation of the chibouks should begin immediately after cutting, otherwise they will lose moisture and may not come to life in the spring:

  • tie the cuttings in a bundle, securing them with twine or wire, 5-10 pieces each;
  • Soak the workpieces for 2 hours in a disinfecting solution (0.5% quinosol or 5% ferrous sulfate) or spray with a 3% solution of copper sulfate.
  • Hang a label on each bunch indicating the variety and number of cuttings - this data may be forgotten over the winter.

Advice. Some gardeners prefer to store long vines, 1-1.5 m each. In this condition, it tolerates winter better. The lashes are cut in the spring, just before germination.

Sometimes, before planting cuttings for the winter, it is practiced to soak them in clean and soft water for 5-20 hours. But this procedure is only relevant if the vine still has time to dry out in the cut state. The final step before storing the chibouk is ventilation. The vine must not be left with moisture on the surface.

Attention! Carry out disinfection especially carefully if you received or purchased planting material from an unknown supplier.

Features of winter storage

The gardener's task is to minimize the loss of nutrients from the grapevine. To reduce carbon consumption, you need to keep the plant at low temperatures. However, the thermometer should not fall below 0 °C. It has been scientifically proven that the optimal temperature for storing chibouk is +4 °C at fairly high humidity air.

Methods for storing planting material:

  • Burying it on the site. The simplest option. Find a quiet place without stagnant water and make a trench about 30-40 cm deep. Without packing, place the bunch there and cover it with soil.
  • In the cellar, in plastic bags. The cuttings must first be moistened and maintained in this condition throughout the winter. Get rid of mold by wiping the wood with a 3% solution of copper sulfate.
  • In the cellar, in slightly damp sand or sawdust. All this is placed inside the bag, where an ideal atmosphere will be created to save carbon and reduce the activity of bad microflora. It is important not to over-wet the material.
  • In a refrigerator. Place a couple of shelves inside the device so that there is only 10-15 cm between them. Wrap the tubes with gauze soaked in a disinfectant solution. Wrap all materials in polyethylene. Care is the same as when stored in a cellar (in plastic bags).

Attention! The temperature in the refrigerator should be +4…5 °C.

Germination of cuttings in spring: how to do it

Only germinated cuttings are subject to spring planting on the site. At the end of winter, take out the material: inspect, moisten and wipe off mold. If necessary, update the slice. The next step is artificial awakening of the kidneys:

  1. Treatment with honey-containing products. Use Ecogel or a homemade equivalent: 2 tbsp. l. honey per 2.5 liters of water. Soak the bottom of the chibouks for three days.
  2. Applying notches. Using an awl, make 3 shallow cuts between the pair of lower buds. In this state, the cutting is immediately ready for rooting.

The first home of a grape cutting should be a small container with a capacity of about 1 liter. The composition of the soil is a mixture of equal parts of garden soil, humus and sawdust (perlite). Deepen the branch by 2-3 buds. Water and tamp with your hands to remove voids. Care during this period consists of regular irrigation and loosening of the substrate. To form a full-fledged young plant, the cutting will need from 3 weeks to 1 month.

The grapevine is capricious and has poor resistance to diseases and fungal infections. If at the cutting stage you provide for everything weak spots crops, you will get healthy and productive grapes.

How to propagate grapes: video

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