How to file a complaint to the labor inspectorate. Anonymous complaint to the labor inspectorate

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An organization that protects the rights of citizens in terms of labor relations and provides the parties to an employment contract with information about existing standards is called a labor inspectorate. Any dispute based on violations of Russian labor legislation can be resolved if the complaint against the employer is labor inspection justified and submitted according to all the rules.

Where to file a complaint against an employer?

The answer is clear - you need to complain to the labor inspectorate.

The labor inspectorate is the very government supervisory body that can help you. He monitors the implementation of the norms and rules of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in each individual organization that conducts its activities officially and in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation.

If you work in an organization that is not registered in any way, conducts its activities illegally and, accordingly, you are not registered in it, then you can contact the prosecutor or the Ministry of Internal Affairs with your complaints.

Private and collective complaints to the labor inspectorate

An application to the territorial body of the state labor inspectorate (hereinafter referred to as GIT) can be sent by any citizen whose rights have been violated. You don't have to be an employee of the company to do this. For example, this could be a person who has already terminated employment contract or someone who he believes was unfairly denied employment.

You can also write a complaint to the labor inspectorate collectively - this will add weight to the statement, since it will reflect the opinion of several people at once.

Anonymous complaint to the labor inspectorate

Attention: anonymous applications are not accepted by the inspectorate. But, if an employee is afraid of persecution or prejudice from a manager, how can he complain to the labor inspectorate without harming his career? You should know that the state inspector must protect a secret protected by law if the applicant himself objects to its disclosure.

What does the labor inspectorate check?

If, on the basis of a complaint, an inspection is carried out by the labor inspectorate, what is checked and what events can provoke it depends on the nature of the violations.

It could be:

  • delay or non-payment of wages, compensation (calculated) payments upon dismissal;
  • violation of the work schedule or vacation schedule, failure to provide breaks from work for rest;
  • cases of industrial injuries, non-compliance with safe work standards;
  • incorrect calculation of sick leave payments and other insurance payments;
  • failure to provide a position provided for by the labor contract (employment contract) or provision of a position that does not correspond to that specified in the contract, other violations of labor rights.

Powers of the labor inspectorate

GIT has the right to perform the following functions:

  • control over the strict implementation of labor legislation;
  • consideration of cases and drawing up protocols (within the scope of authority) on violations of an administrative nature;
  • issuing orders on the need to eliminate violations, preparing various documents to bring violators to justice;
  • forwarding the collected information to regional executive authorities, courts, and law enforcement agencies.

Contacting the labor inspectorate

Deadlines for filing and consideration of a written complaint

The possibility of contacting the labor inspectorate is limited to 3 months starting from the day the employee learned of the violation. For disputes regarding dismissal, the period is 1 month from the date of receipt of the documents. If you are late to go to court (the deadline is 1 month), the employee can safely write a statement to the labor inspectorate against the employer about the legal violation that has occurred. Even if there are legal proceedings in the case, the State Tax Inspectorate can also conduct an investigation.
To confirm receipt of the complaint, the inspector must endorse the complainant's copy. He is obliged to give a response to the filed complaint within 30 calendar days. The response time may be increased if there are good reasons, about which the applicant must be warned. The response is sent to the address (electronic or postal) specified in the appeal.

Attention: If the sender’s coordinates (address, last name) are not included in the complaint, then it will not be considered.

Ways to file a complaint

A person has the opportunity to choose how to complain to the labor inspectorate about an employer in a way convenient for him:

  • Visit the territorial office of GIT;
  • Use postal services and send your request by registered mail;
  • Fill out the online form on the official website of the labor service and attach the necessary documents to in electronic format online - //onlineinspection.rf/problems

How to contact the inspectorate

How to write to the labor inspectorate for an employer and where to start:

  1. Determine the address of the inspectorate responsible for your employer (as a rule, the division occurs territorially), and if you small town, then GIT - 1 per city;
  2. Draw up a complaint that will contain complete information about violations of legal rights;
  3. Attach copies of documents confirming your identity, as well as the stated facts;
  4. Use the convenient document submission form.

How to write an application to the labor inspectorate (sample)

There is no unified application form, but it must be compiled in such a way that the information it contains can reflect the current situation. Let's consider the data that must be indicated in the complaint:

  • Name of the territorial labor inspection body, full name its leader, position.
  • Full name of the complainant;
  • The applicant's address for receiving a response;
  • Name and address of the working enterprise;

The explanatory part states:

  • The applicant’s position, date of acceptance/dismissal from work (if these events took place)
  • Facts and arguments directly indicating a violation of labor legislation, the result of an appeal to the manager and attempts made to resolve the issue;
  • Expressing your point of view on options for solving a problem;
  • Date of application, signature.

The complaint specifically indicates detailed circumstances, dates, names of citizens involved in the violation of the law, and also refers to documents (copies must be attached to the application) that are important for the consideration of the case. For example, an application to the labor inspectorate about non-payment of wages will contain information about the planned and actual date of payment of wages, and methods of calculation. Only the facts are indicated, without describing events that are in no way related to the case. The complaint is accompanied by copies of documents confirming the applicant’s identity, employment or dismissal from work, etc. A sample application to the labor inspectorate can be viewed and downloaded for review.

Consequences of consideration of the complaint

As a result of your complaint, at the end of the investigation, a report is drawn up. If the facts are confirmed, the employer faces the following consequences - the State Labor Inspectorate has the right to react as follows:

  • issue an order to further eliminate violations;
  • draw up a protocol (within the powers) on administrative violations;
  • suspend an employee or personnel of the organization from work;
  • prepare documents on bringing labor law violators to justice;
  • provide relevant information to local authorities, law enforcement agencies, and the court;

If you write a complaint to the labor inspectorate against an employer for violations that are not within the authority of the State Labor Inspectorate, then within one week it will be sent to the authorities that deal with these issues. In this case, the applicant is notified that the application has been forwarded.

After studying the circumstances of the case, the applicant is sent a written response about the results of the inspection. It provides an explanation of whether the violations have been confirmed and what measures have been taken against the manager. If it is not possible to solve the problem within the competence of the labor inspectorate, then the citizen is explained options for further actions provided for by law to restore his rights. The results of the inspection can be used as an argument in court.

Citizens have the right to challenge the decision by filing a complaint with the higher management of the State Tax Inspectorate or appeal to the prosecutor's office and court. If the applicant is not satisfied with the complaint to the labor inspectorate against the employer, a sample document for applying to higher authorities to recognize the decision of the State Labor Inspectorate as illegal can be downloaded here.

Lawyer at the Legal Defense Board. He specializes in administrative and civil cases, compensation for damages from insurance companies, consumer protection, as well as cases related to the illegal demolition of shells and garages.

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    Hello, my wife has not been paid maternity leave for a month, although by law the employer is obliged to calculate the amount of maternity leave within 10 days after writing the application and pay on the next salary date, but this does not happen, they answer that they cannot raise money and there is barely enough to pay employees. Tell me the complaint How will the labor inspectorate correct the situation?

  • Irina 18:19 | 12 Mar. 2017

    Good afternoon. I worked for a cleaning company for a month in January. At first, the manager delayed concluding an agreement with me. As soon as January ended, he told me that they no longer needed me and that everything would be paid for me. Next, he blocked my phone numbers so that I could not reach him. During my work there was not a single complaint against me. I managed to scan the sheets from the journal where I kept notes about my completed work. At the hostel where I cleaned during the evening shift, the janitors can confirm that I worked for a month for cleaning. Can I contact the labor inspectorate so that this company can be punished for violating my rights by not concluding an agreement with me, thereby deceiving me and not paying me the promised payment? Thank you.

    • Lawyer 21:34 | 12 Mar. 2017

      Irina, hello. The legislation allows the start of labor relations without drawing up an employment contract on the basis of an oral agreement. However, a time limit is established - 3 days from the date of commencement of work the TD must be signed (Article 67 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Allowing an employee to work without a TD for more than three days is a violation of the law. Those who have received admission are subject to administrative, civil or criminal liability depending on the severity of the offense (Article 67.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

      You have the right to file a complaint with the Labor Inspectorate. TI will conduct an audit of the company’s activities, and if it finds confirmation of the fact that an employee was hired without concluding contracts, hold the organization’s administration accountable. The actual work of an employee without registration of a TD is also subject to payment, as when concluding an agreement. But in order to receive the expected salary, you will need to prove that these were the conditions in force at the time of your work.

      To actually receive arrears of wages, including compensation for delays, we recommend going to court. The detailed algorithm is described on the website. In court, you will need to prove the existence of an employment relationship with the defendant. Written evidence and witness statements are suitable for this. And to justify the amount of claims, it is necessary to provide confirmation of specific amounts. Witness testimony about the amount of another person's salary cannot be taken into account by the court.

  • Good afternoon, please advise how to draw up an application to the labor inspectorate. The situation is this: I got a job in 2009 in a commercial organization, with an official salary, and worked for 5 years with virtually no vacation, took 1 week a year, but at the same time registered study leave, provided the necessary documents for its registration (although almost the entire vacation was at the workplace, but that’s not the point.). In general, after 5 years I went on maternity leave, returned after 3 years, the director was not happy with me, he reduced my rate from my previous salary, I lasted six months and quit. I was waiting for the final payment more than ever, because... for 3.5 years a good amount should have been obtained. But when I received it, I was only compensated for 8 days of vacation for this half a year, when I had already worked after maternity leave. They said: “say thank you, at least they paid me something.” This was explained by the fact that allegedly the previous accountant incorrectly issued my vacation. Although before going on maternity leave, just in case, I rewrote all the information about my accruals. The labor inspectorate tells me that they have little authority to prove anything, try to resolve everything peacefully. But I’m assuming that they don’t want to bother themselves once again. Please advise how to draw up an application, what documents and data to request for verification? And maybe I need to try to restore some documents or will there be no point? And I’m also in personal file, I caught a glimpse of a statement that was not written in my handwriting and I assume that they will be attaching fake statements.

  • driver 09:23 | 27 Sep. 2017

    Hello! I worked in the organization for almost 4 years. The working hours were from 6.30 to 22.00. For 15 and sometimes more hours, sometimes until the morning hours. There was no regulated break for lunch and dinner, we ate as best we could, then in the car what happened they took with them some pies, etc. I worked as a driver “for the family” but was officially registered at the enterprise. Now I was “asked” and I quit my job at will.They issued certificates, labor compensation, compensation for unused vacation and calculations. The calculation of working time in the time sheet was entered in 11 hours. Based on this, can I request a recalculation of working time based on the waybills that are at the enterprise?

  • Maria Polyanskaya 00:04 | 28 Sep. 2017

    Hello! On September 12 I wrote a letter of resignation for September 25. I was suspended from work without reason and without orders. I never received a payout or a work report. What documents must be attached to file a complaint with the prosecutor's office and the labor inspectorate?

  • Marina Zholobova 08:37 | 09 Nov. 2017

    Hello. I work in kindergarten educator. For a long time, there has been a tense situation in the team, constant conflicts involving one person (working as technical staff). The person does not respect any subordination with anyone at all. Constant reports and statements from teachers and nurses do not give any result. The matter came to my attention, we had a big conflict with ... I wrote a report addressed to the manager. The manager, in turn, forwarded this report to the dispute resolution commission, of which I was the chairman. By agreement with the members of the commission and the head, another person was temporarily appointed. But when I was invited to the commission, it turned out that the participant in the conflict arbitrarily appointed her sister as the chairman of the commission, the cat also works in this institution. They did not provide me with any official paper. During the meeting, various name-calling was addressed to me, threats that they would not let me work for a long time and it would be better for me to quit, etc. It is not clear for what reasons the manager did not respond in any way. I believe that my rights were violated, as I had to quit because of one person, since it was impossible to work.

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  • Hello.
    During the period of work in the store, 18 days of compensatory leave for working on holidays and 278 hours of forced overtime were accumulated. The management refused to pay for overtime hours and work on holidays after the fact, citing the fact that they can only take time off. But when asked to agree on time off, there was always a reason for refusal, such as: it’s high season, shortage of staff, poorly trained staff (trainees), etc. We agreed (orally) with the management that upon dismissal, all assigned compensatory days and overtime hours would still be counted.
    The time has come to write a letter of resignation of one's own free will and, accordingly, to work for 14 days. Of the 18 days off for work on holidays, only 3 days were agreed upon, because... they were of the current year 2017, and the remaining 15 days and 278 hours burned out, because... were for the period 2014-2016. In response to my words about the illegality of these actions and the request to provide a written refusal, the phrase was said: there will be evidence that they worked on these days, there will be a further conversation. After I reminded them that all this data was stored with them, they said that all this data was burned and could not be restored.
    I have saved all the work schedules, taking into account overtime and work in holidays, but most of them are in electronic form (without signatures and seals).
    What do i do? Please help us restore justice.

  • Hello! I worked at a municipal unitary enterprise for 14 years. 3 years ago, as part of optimization, municipal unitary enterprises of nearby areas were merged into a regional joint-stock company. Recently it turned out that in different regions there were different salaries for employees of the same position. Now we all ended up in the same organization, but our salaries were not equalized. Is this a violation? If yes, where can I complain? (the manager answers our questions only with promises, but the matter does not move forward).

  • Good afternoon. The employer closed the store where I worked as an administrator and made an order to move me to other stores, made several orders.
    Now the situation has developed that the employer calls me every day and forces me to resign. The employer also threatens to look for flaws in my work and fire me under the article.
    The funny thing about the situation is that I, as a store administrator, when I come to each store of the company, I work together with the assigned administrator in the store. Those. We are two administrators in the same store at the same time. This is how our job responsibilities overlap. For example, an excerpt from the responsibilities:
    1. Organization and operational management of the store
    2. Ensuring key performance indicators
    3. Providing daily and monthly reports
    4. Drawing up staff work schedules
    5. Bring to the attention of staff the planned indicators for the day and month
    6. Conduct training and education
    7. Recruit salespeople
    8. Fire salespeople
    9. Interaction with landlords
    and so on, including responsibility for goods and money.

    As you understand, there is a conflict of interest. Two store administrators have equal job responsibilities. For example, I can approve the hiring of a salesperson for that store, but the second administrator does not want to. And the internal conflict begins.
    At the same time, the employer has the right to require me to fulfill my job responsibilities. And the employer himself created this situation.

    I want to contact the labor inspectorate about this. What legal acts and articles can be appealed to in this situation?
    There was no change in working conditions according to the papers, Article 74 of the TKRF, the papers are in order. And the work seems to be conditioned by an employment contract, so Article 60 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation cannot be applied either. But it turns out that there are actually changes and there is a conflict of interests between two administrators at the point and we seem to be preventing each other from working according to their positions.

    At work, I was called to the head of the organization, where memos were presented to me. I wrote an explanatory note. As a result, I received a reprimand. The situation was complicated by the fact that for health reasons I had surgery. I am on sick leave, and the employer is looking for every opportunity to get rid of me.

    I want to contact the labor inspectorate regarding the removal of the reprimand. What legal acts and articles can be appealed to in this situation?

  • Anna 12:18 | 21 Mar. 2018

    Hello! My employer delayed my salary for a year, paying only a quarter of it, and in some months did not pay me at all. All the time he motivated by the fact that customers do not pay on time, the company does not have money in its accounts, etc. He said that he would pay later. After not paying for the last two months, he said that in order to save money he was sending me on leave without pay, I did not write an application for this leave, I told the employer that I would look for another job. I found a job, but upon dismissal, the employer said that there was no money in the accounts and therefore would not issue a paycheck. Can I indicate in a letter to my employer (and subsequently in a lawsuit) the amount due to me for those days for which he sent me on unpaid leave, if I did not write an application for such leave? Thank you in advance

    Hello. There are a lot of violations at work in a suburban company. Contacted hotline to the president and a letter was sent to the labor inspectorate. After this, attacks against me began. Today I received a notification that fixed-term contract It ends with me on August 1st, even the reason is not indicated. According to the contract, I was hired instead of a cashier who was on maternity leave. However, this cashier comes to work when management needs it. How to protect my rights and defend the right to work.

    Good afternoon I wanted to reschedule my vacation at work, my boss is against it, he asks me to join the trade union, joining costs about 10 thousand rubles a year, I don’t want to join, I have Small child, my wife is on maternity leave, I have official document refusal! help me solve the problem please!

There are several ways to write a complaint to the labor inspectorate, including online. The main thing is to clearly argue your position and correctly state the essence of the claims against the employer.

Very often, when disagreements arise between an employer and an employee, the latter has no choice but to complain to the appropriate authorities. Most often, workers go to complain to the labor inspectorate.

What is GIT

State inspection Labor is a government body whose responsibilities include oversight of compliance with labor laws and labor protection at all enterprises in the country.

The Labor Inspectorate has the following powers:

  1. conducts scheduled checks employers for compliance with the law and, if violations are detected, issues orders to eliminate them and imposes penalties on the perpetrators or on the enterprise as a whole;
  2. Conducts unscheduled inspections based on complaints received from employees. At the same time, inspections are not limited to the area of ​​labor legislation to which the received complaint relates. That is, when inspectors come in response to a complaint about delayed wages, they can check the maintenance of other documents;
  3. participation in commissions to investigate fatal accidents or those involving serious consequences for a group of people. Based on the results of the investigation, makes a decision on the nature of the accident and the degree of guilt of its participants and the employer;
  4. consideration of complaints and disputes on labor issues between an employee and an employer. IN in this case Not all disputes that arise are within the competence of this body. The most common questions are about unlawful imposition of penalties, illegal dismissal and non-payment of all due amounts, as well as delays in wages. At the same time, questions about the amount of payments should already be sorted out by the judicial authority, although the employee can also address this issue to the State Tax Inspectorate.
  5. consulting both employees and employers on issues of labor legislation and labor protection, clarification of current legislation. Moreover, the employer’s representative’s request for help does not entail an inspection, even if during the consultation it turns out that errors and inconsistencies were made.

When to turn to GIT for help

​As a rule, if serious disagreements arise between an employee and an employer, they lead either to punishment or to the dismissal of the employee, which is not always legal and justified.

But since the worker is unable to resolve such issues on his own, he has no choice but to resort to the help of state bodies protecting the interests of workers.

In what cases should you write a complaint to the labor inspectorate?

An employee has the right to contact the State Tax Inspectorate in any case when his rights are violated, or he thinks so.

But at the same time, he must understand that in the current realities, contacting the labor inspectorate means a conflict with the employer and most likely he will have to quit. Although it should be said that this is still more applicable to private companies, in government organizations the employee is more protected.

The most common cases when an employee goes to the state labor inspectorate:

  • violation by the employer of the Regulations on remuneration and the Collective Agreement;
  • unlawful imposition of disciplinary sanctions. Here it is possible that the punishment was legal, but an error was made in the execution and the employee knows about it. In this case, unfortunately, the State Tax Inspectorate will still take the employee’s side, since paperwork is considered a priority for any offense. This applies to all labor issues;
  • wrongful dismissal, especially if it was made under a negative article without compelling reasons. The employee is forced to file a complaint so that the “bad” record does not affect his future employment;
  • delay of wages. In this case, contacting the inspectorate is advisable only if the entire salary is official;
  • unlawful layoff or transfer to another job;
  • violation of the rights of pregnant women (sending on a business trip, engaging in overtime work and night work, etc.). The employer should remember that pregnant women are a special caste, and they are allowed almost everything. Labor inspectors always make decisions in favor of the pregnant woman, and the penalties in this case can be quite significant. This is exactly the case when the employer must, for his part, make every effort to resolve the conflict.

These are the main reasons why complaints come to the labor inspectorate; in fact, there are many more of them.

Note! The fact that an employee turned to the labor inspectorate does not mean at all that he will be right, but even if he is found guilty of a conflict, the labor inspectorate does not apply any sanctions to him, leaving this at the discretion of the employer.

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or by phone:

A complaint against an employer is written in any form; there is no standardized form for filing it.

It must contain the following details:

  • the name of the state inspection where it is submitted;
  • Full name and identity of its manager;
  • Full name, passport details and registration address of the citizen filing the complaint;
  • the name of the document, that is, the complaint;
  • text of the complaint. It should state the essence of the matter in as much detail as possible;
  • the date the complaint was written and the signature of the employee who wrote it.

The complaint can be handwritten or typed on a computer, this does not matter and does not affect its legality.

The complaint can be collective, then it will have the signatures of all the employees who compiled it.

Note! If the complaint does not contain information about the person who compiled it, then the inspectorate will not accept it for consideration, but at the same time, a note can be placed in the complaint that the applicant requests that his identity not be disclosed.

This measure is only appropriate when we're talking about about general violations, and not those that concern a specific employee, since in this case it is unlikely to remain incognito.

How to send a complaint to the labor inspectorate

There are several ways to file a complaint with the labor inspectorate.

  1. First of all, you can take it in person and give it either to the inspector or to the reception. In this case, you need to keep a copy for yourself, on which the receiving party will put the incoming number and date.
  2. You can send a complaint by registered mail. In this case, you need to pay attention to accurately filling out all the data of the person who filed the complaint.
  3. Another way to complain about an employer is to fill out the appropriate form on the official website of the state labor inspectorate.

Whatever method of sending a complaint is chosen, inspectors still accept it for consideration. They have a period of one month to conduct an investigation and make a decision, after which they make a decision, which they inform the person who filed the complaint.

How the investigation is carried out

Upon complaint, GIT employees are required to conduct an investigation. The method of conducting it depends on the circumstances of the case; it can be conducted in two ways:

  1. An on-site inspection is carried out when an inspector comes to the enterprise that appears in the complaint and requests the necessary documents there. This type of inspection is less desirable for the employer, since during the inspection the inspector can check other documents and, if he finds disagreements with the law, has the right to issue a fine and order correction;
  2. the inspector calls the employer's representative with everyone necessary documents to himself and there considers all the circumstances of the case on the basis of the provided papers. For the employer, this method is preferable, since only specific documents are subject to verification.

The inspector chooses the inspection method at his own discretion.

Actions of the employee and employer after receiving a response to the complaint

If the response received does not satisfy one of the parties, they have the right to appeal it to other authorities, the prosecutor's office or court.

You also need to remember that the employee has the right to appeal to several authorities at once, but if their decisions do not coincide, then the decision made by judicial authority. But it can also be appealed.

The appeal period is 10 days, that is, during this period the dissatisfied party must have time to file a complaint.

Note! According to current labor legislation, an employer cannot fire an employee who complains about him to the labor inspectorate, so if this happens, the employee needs to collect all the evidence and again file a complaint against the employer.

A complaint to the labor inspectorate should be considered as a last resort when all ways to resolve the conflict between the parties peacefully have been exhausted. Because although inspectors more often make decisions in favor of workers, for the latter this will not be a guarantee of maintaining their rights in the future.

Application to the labor inspectorate - when should you write it? 4 good reasons + operating principle of the labor inspectorate + sample application + 3 ways to submit a document + 5 stages of submitting an online application.

The integrity of the employer is the main stumbling block in many legal cases. A person who works day and night has the right to stable wage payments, and if problems arise with this issue, contact the labor inspectorate.

The legislative framework Russian Federation provides for a number of measures that can influence the employer and resolve the issue as quickly as possible.

Today we will look at how to correctly write and submit an application to the labor inspectorate, as well as how exactly such cases are considered in legal aspects.

What is the job of the labor inspectorate?

Labor laws are aimed at supporting employees throughout the country, but in order for them to be respected, a special department is needed that will be able to resolve labor disputes between the employer and the employee from the enterprise. As of 2017, such a body is the labor inspectorate.

The Labor Inspectorate is a department subordinate to the Ministry labor activity civilian population of the country.

Any head of an enterprise that is officially registered is obliged to comply with the decisions made by the labor inspectorate in full. If your employer conducts an unofficial type of activity, you should write an application to resolve the issue to the prosecutor's office or tax office.

What does the labor inspectorate do:

  • carries out raids on both public and private facilities in order to identify offenses related to the work activities of employees;
  • examines cases related to accidents that occurred at the enterprise;
  • regulates the issue of social payments, which mainly include benefits;
    monitors the work of guardianship departments of enterprises that care for citizens with physical/mental problems;
  • deals with the resolution of labor disputes written on behalf of the team (only for government agencies);
  • tests working conditions;
  • analyzes legal standards for employees on labor protection at enterprises.

The main goal of the labor inspection– consideration of employee applications and taking measures to resolve them pre-trial. In addition to the main areas of work, the labor inspectorate also resolves other issues related to employee-employer relations.

The official body that represents the interests of the inspectorate is Rostrud.

In what cases does a person write an application to the labor inspectorate?

Before the labor inspectorate directly deals with the issue, the application is considered by a special department - labor dispute commission. If during the work no solution was found that satisfies both sides of the conflict, the labor inspectorate directly comes into action, carrying out a scheduled/unscheduled inspection of the enterprise where the employee works/worked.

In the legal aspect, all actions of this body are based on the Labor Code of Russia ( You can see detailed information about in which cases a person can write an application to the labor inspectorate in the table below.

Legal aspects of filing an application with the labor inspectorate:

ArticleContents of the problemPreventive measure
Art. 142 Labor Code of the Russian Federation
When wages were delayed for more than 15 days. In this case, work is suspended until the debt is fully repaid by the employer.Until the debt has been paid, the employer is obliged to pay for the employee’s “downtime” time, based on the average calculation of his salary.
Art. 236 Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Compensation from the employer Money for late payments of official wages.Interest is paid for each overdue day in the amount of 1/300 of the rate of the Central Bank of Russia.
Art. 5.27 clause 6 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation


Refusal to pay wages to an employee of an enterprise is an administrative liability.Fines:

Individual entrepreneur – up to 5,000 rubles;
for the culprit – up to 20,000 rubles;
Legal entity – up to 50,000 rubles.

Art. 5.27 clause 7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation


Repeated refusal to pay wages to an employee of the organization.Fine:

Individual entrepreneur – up to 5,000 rubles;
for the culprit – up to 30,000 rubles + possibility of dismissal without the right to work for up to 36 months;
Legal entity – up to 100,000 rubles.

Art. 145.1 clause 1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
Cutting wages to employees with personal intent for 3 months or more.Fine up to 120,000 rubles;
or disqualification for up to 2 years;
or community service for up to 2 years;
or imprisonment for up to 1 year.
Art. 145.1 clause 2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation


Complete refusal to pay wages for more than 2 months.Fine up to 300,000 rubles;
or public works with disqualification for up to 3 years;
or imprisonment for up to 3 years.

Rostrud, as one of the control bodies from the labor inspectorate, is obliged to respond to every employee’s application and resolve the issue as quickly as possible.

The threat of filing an application with the labor inspectorate can stimulate the employer to pay wages, since an unscheduled inspection can bring much bigger problems than saving money on several employees.

In addition to penalties for non-payment of wages, an employee can write a statement if one of the following 3 reasons occurs:

    Error in the amount of compensation after dismissal.

    When an employee leaves work due to dismissal, he receives a full payment from the accounting department along with compensation. If this amount is too small or absent altogether, you have the right to write a statement to the inspectorate.

    The result will not be long in coming: you will be able to receive compensation within 10-15 days from the date of filing your application.

    Denial of benefits.

    Social benefits are a very important source of income for preferential categories citizens of the Russian Federation. Individual entrepreneurs, and sometimes government agencies, try to save on benefits and do not provide payments in full, or refuse to accrue them at all.

    If such situations arise, you should immediately submit an application to the labor inspectorate for consideration.

    Denial of leave.

    According to current legislation, each employee has the right to vacation after 6 months of continuous employment. Many private organizations ignore this right, explaining this by high workload.

    A bonus can be an incentive, but keep in mind that 2-3 years without vacation can have a very negative impact on a person’s psychological state.

Having the goal of solving one of the issues described above, you can safely send an application to the labor inspectorate. A timely appeal will save you from unreasonable oppression from management and provide an opportunity to clarify the situation in the legal field.

How to write an application to the labor inspectorate?

For citizens of the country, the legislation does not establish a uniform form of appeal to government bodies in writing, therefore each person makes a statement independently.

In order not to be refused due to illiteracy in drawing up a document, we have prepared for you a couple of tips that will help you work correctly not only with an application to the inspectorate, but also with other official documents.

General set of rules:

  • use business language when writing text and describing the situation;
  • omit jargon and obscene expressions - they may lead to refusal to consider the application;
  • any application must contain the signature of the originator;
  • the header of the document must contain basic information about the government structure to which it is sent;
  • do not forget to indicate return contact information for communication;
  • If the application contains any additional documents, attach them to the document.

Sticking to these simple tips, you will be able to draw up a high-quality statement that will not pass the eyes of the labor inspectorate.

1) What filing options are there?

Today, employees have access to several methods for submitting an application to the inspectorate. Depending on the level of employment, as well as work schedule (many institutions work at the same time as the state inspection department), a person can decide for himself which option suits him best.

There are 3 main methods of submitting applications.

Method No. 1.

Personal visit. In 90% of cases large settlements

have 1-2 inspection departments capable of receiving visitors and conducting consultations on issues of interest to them.

It is very important to use a personal visit if you are not completely sure that you are right - professionals will be able to advise you and help you decide on the decision to apply for an employer.

  • What documents to take with you:
  • identification;
  • a copy or original of the employment contract;
  • documentary evidence that can tip the scales of justice in your favor;

Sitting down at the table and taking a sample from a consultant, writing the correct application will not be difficult. But if you don’t want to do it on the spot, we will describe below in detail the procedure for compiling it at home. After handing over the completed document to the employee, you will receive a receipt confirming the action taken.

Method No. 2.

Sending by mail.

The preparation algorithm does not differ from other options - only the completed application will need to be sent to the recipient not in person, but through postal services. If additional papers are attached to the letter, make an inventory of them and attach them to the application itself.

When sending by mail, it is better to use certified copies of documents rather than originals - this will help avoid problems if the letter suddenly gets lost in transit. Most the best way sending documents - ordered letter

with delivery confirmation. You will have a coupon with a serial number in your hands, which will allow you to track the parcel all the way to the labor inspection department.

After receiving and reviewing the case, one of the employees of the government agency will contact you and discuss the details of resolving the issue of interest.

Method No. 3.

Online application.

The official website of Rostrud provides network users with the opportunity to electronically submit an application to the labor inspectorate.

The advantages are obvious - by devoting 30-40 minutes of personal time, a person can, without leaving home, send an application to the appropriate authority and receive a comprehensive response within 1-2 business days. We will talk about this method in more detail below.

Whichever option you choose, you will need skills in drawing up an application. And if during a personal visit, it is possible to fill out a document together with a consultant, then doing this at home, a person may encounter certain difficulties. 2) Sample application to the labor inspectorate. So that you can fill out the application at home, we have prepared a sample for you with a ready-made

practical example

situations of non-payment of wages to an employee. There may be another reason - it all depends on the situation in which the employee of the enterprise finds himself.

  1. A cap. Contains main information about the labor inspectorate or the authorized person who will receive your application.

    If this is a department, it is enough to write the postal address of the institution. If the recipient is an individual, in addition to the standard data, write your full name. and the position held by the person.

  2. Name. Regardless of the purpose of your request, you should always adhere to established standards in submitting documents to official control authorities and write the word “Application” in the table of contents.
  3. Content. The main part of the application must contain the most important information, as for the matter.

    The description should include:

    • detailed information about the employer;
    • exact data on the concluded employment contract + the current position of the employee in the organization;
    • date of payment of wages along with the period of delay;
    • how much the employer owes the employee and what measures the person took to obtain the money.

    State the requirements of the case in as much detail as possible, indicating all the nuances. When writing an application from 2-3 people at once (collective), the amount of debt is described for each to an individual in a separate order.

  4. Don't forget to cite articles from legislative framework, thereby confirming their words in the legal field.

  5. Conclusion. Contains the signature of the applicant(s), as well as the date on which the current application was made by the individual.

Following the structure described above, you can draw up a document yourself, using a sample application to the labor inspectorate as visual material.

How to write an application to the labor inspectorate online

Why make a lot of unnecessary movements when you can send an application to the inspection while sitting on the sofa in front of your laptop monitor? This service only recently began operating, but news about the new capabilities of the Rostrud service quickly spread across the Internet.

We decided to describe the step-by-step algorithm of this procedure and draw attention to the nuances that may arise when drawing up an online application.

There are 5 steps to submit your online application.

Stage 1. Reason.

To use the procedure in question, go to the Onlineinspektsiya.rf resource, where on the main page select the section for reviewing issues for employees.

In the section that opens, select “ Report a problem" When you hover your mouse over you can see additional information on the issue of writing an online application to the labor inspectorate.

Please indicate the category(1) your question belongs to. The structure of the site will allow you to optimize your search as much as possible and make a step-by-step selection from the initial category to a narrowly focused question (2).

Having confirmed the reason you are interested in, mark the result (3) that you expect from solving the problem.

Stage 2. Filling out personal data.

Before you start working with the document online, confirm your registration through the government services website. This measure helps reduce the amount of spam sent to the labor inspectorate, since only verified citizens can get an account on the government services website.

If desired, the user can familiarize himself with the information that the labor inspection resource will use - just click on the “? » next to the corresponding item.

After logging into your account On the government services website you can continue working further.

A form will appear containing three fields to fill out – full name (1) and contact information (email address and telephone number in international format) (2). For general visibility, the user must fill out two nickname fields, which indicate the data visible to other users.

Stage 3. We draw up an application to the labor inspectorate.

To make the information readable, forms with fields that will require your attention will appear on the site one by one. Try not to make mistakes when filling out - your information may be used in legally significant documents.

Initially, you should submit information about the individual/legal entity for whom the application will be written. Enter an organization or individual (1), then add an address (2). You can show the location either through a standard description or using the Yandex.Maps service.

Next comes the block with step by step description accurate information about the employer, including legal address, position, what you hold in the organization, and brief information according to the person himself (1-5). All filled fields are hidden for other users; only an authorized labor inspectorate employee can view the information.

Finally, we have reached the main block, where the user can “pour out his soul” to the inspection workers in a business style and reveal the situation in the most detailed form (1).

If you have additional documents confirming your words, upload them through a special form (2). Enter data that you do not want to make public in the last field (3).

Stage 4. Submitting an application.

Double-check the information you entered before submitting. As already mentioned, any inaccuracies can negatively affect the procedure for considering the case, even leading to the rejection of the application.

On last stage indicate which petition most suits your goals (1).

Do not forget to study the user agreement of the service (2), although many people do not like this step, in this case it is necessary. Click the “Submit" button (3) - your application has been delivered to the labor inspectorate and will soon be reviewed.

Stage 5. Consideration of the application.

Implemented within 30 calendar days since writing. Your case will be reviewed by a separate inspector, who, after studying the facts of the case in detail, will visit the employer and conduct an unscheduled inspection.

What the labor inspector will check:

  • under what charter does the legal entity/individual operate;
  • documents containing figures on bonuses and incentives for employees;
  • all types of employment contracts of the enterprise;
  • financial statements;
  • list of protocol records according to the decision controversial issues within the organization.

The result of the inspection is a specialist’s conclusion, drawn up in the form of a report, which confirms or refutes the arguments of the employee who wrote the application.

If all the information specified in the employee’s application took place - in 10 days authorized labor inspection bodies issue a reprimand for the management of the organization.

What measures can be taken:

  • requirement to resolve the issue regarding the employee who sent the complaint within 1 month, and then report according to the sample to Rostrud;
  • imposition of a fine if the case is recognized as an administrative violation;
  • sometimes the work of the organization is temporarily suspended until the issue is resolved;
  • dismissal of the responsible employee from his position + imposition of penalties;
  • In rare cases, it is possible to initiate a criminal case.

Preventive measures against several employees leadership positions can be combined and distributed depending on the degree of guilt of each of them.

When can an online application to the labor inspectorate be rejected?

    Lack of personal information.

    Anonymous statements are not legally valid unless they are a threat to a person's life. By deliberately or accidentally omitting some personal data, or indicating someone else’s, you risk being left without attention from the labor inspectorate.

    Excessive subjectivity.

    Such phrases as “I think”, “I assume” and so on are not documented and have no legal value. When describing the situation, use only reliable facts that took place and have confirmation.


    A large number of spelling errors and obscene language will 100% guarantee that your application will be rejected.

    Errors on the server.

    Although the labor inspection service runs on stable servers, there is always the possibility of a system failure. After a month has passed and you still have not received a response to your application, resubmit your application.

Specify your mailbox when filling out contact information - this step will allow you to find out about the status of consideration of your application + will give you the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the reasons for the refusal, if any.

Is it possible to appeal the decision of the labor inspectorate?

Do not think that the labor inspectorate is always favorable to the injured party. Each case is assessed objectively, and if there is insufficient evidence of management’s guilt, from the inspector’s point of view, the result may be partial or complete failure fulfilling the applicant's requirements.

To appeal the decision of the labor inspectorate, you must complete 3 steps.

Step #1.

Letter to the management of the labor inspectorate. If you are not at all satisfied with the outcome of the case, you must within 30 days from the date of its announcement

write a letter of complaint to the head of the department in your region. Indicate doubtful points in the decision of the inspector who dealt with your case, and provide your own arguments on this issue.

If your request was granted, we stop; if not, we move to step No. 2.

Step #2.

Collection of information.

The inspectorate resolves cases pre-trial, but when appealing, the participation of this authority cannot be avoided. Collect a package of papers that, in the opinion of the labor inspectorate, are ambiguous in nature and cannot be taken as full evidence of the employer’s guilt.
If the evidence presented is not enough, find other arguments that will help defend your point of view in court.

You will know when to contact the labor inspectorate,

The judicial authorities will issue a sample application on which you will need to write a request to consider your issue. At the request of authorized persons, provide the previously sent application to the labor inspectorate (or a copy thereof). Along with the application, the documents you collected regarding the case are also submitted to the court.

To have the best chance of success, hire a lawyer or at least get advice. After payment of the state fee, a date for consideration of the case will be set. The average waiting time before a final court decision is made does not exceed 1 month from the start of the proceedings.

Application to the labor inspectorate– the fastest way to get a solution to the problem without lawsuits. A correctly drawn up document will speed up the application review process and provide a greater chance of success.

Workers often have no idea where and how to turn if their labor rights are violated. Some agree to turn a blind eye to violations because they are afraid of being left without a job. But in such situations it would be wrong to remain silent. A sample application to the labor inspectorate for an employer in such a situation will be very useful.

Appealing to the Labor Inspectorate is the right of everyone who witnesses a violation. Complaints are also made by those who observe injustices being done to others.

Here are just some of the offenses that can be recorded in this way.

Violation of hiring proceduresProblems arise due to a lack of information regarding salaries, conditions and procedures for receiving incentive payments. This is a direct violation of current legislation. Employers do not have the right to formalize testing periods for pregnant women. Another option for illegal actions is the application of penalties to an employee who violated the rules, although the citizen was not familiarized with them from the very beginning.
Discrimination against subordinates during labor relationsThe requirements of the Labor Code provide annual leave, compensation, timely payment, but employers often refuse this. Forced overtime work is used in conditions that do not comply with the law.
Dismissals are also often carried out with violationsCommon examples are late notification of dismissal or reduction; lack of all payments due during dismissal; transfer of compensation later than the day of dismissal; absence of a work book on the last day.

The presence of at least one of the conditions gives full right to file a complaint with the labor inspectorate.

Where and how are complaints filed?

The application is submitted to labor inspectorate employees in the region where the violation was noticed. Each subject has its own branches under any circumstances. There are three ways to submit documents:

  1. On a personal visit. To do this, a citizen arrives at the department and hands over documents at the reception desk.
  2. By registered mail, with appropriate notification. The method is considered more convenient, except for the high probability that the document will be lost during the transfer process.
  3. Using an electronic form, via Internet channels. All papers are scanned and then sent on the appropriate page.

Claims to employers regarding missing wages

Two copies are made of this document. One of them, with a special mark, remains in the hands of the subordinate. The claim will become the main evidence for the court if the case comes to trial.

Employees have the right to stop working if the delay in payment is 15 days or more. But this must be reported to the manager in writing, otherwise absence from work can be considered absenteeism. Labor inspection staff are required to verify the accuracy of information from any complaints. After this, a certain decision is made.

Regarding illegal dismissal

To resolve the issue, a citizen will have to go through several stages:

  1. It all starts with research on the topic of which inspection department is assigned to a specific enterprise. You also need to know the name of the manager for sure.
  2. Next, a letter is written asking that the dismissal be recognized as an illegal procedure. Such applications contain personal data of each party and information about the institution to which the application is sent. Specific facts that violate the rights of an employee are presented in a strict business style. The application must be submitted no later than one month after the employment relationship was terminated.
  3. It is recommended to immediately send complex and confusing cases to the courts.

Complaint in case of unofficial registration of subordinates

And here the Labor Inspectorate is involved in solving problems. She is sent statements and requests that the manager’s actions be declared illegal. The main thing is to collect as much evidence as possible in favor of the fact that the time was actually worked at the enterprise. Any type of paper will help here:

  1. Something to which there was access while the citizen performed his duties.
  2. Witness's testimonies. It will be enough to involve at least two colleagues - then the court with almost 100% probability will side with the applicants.
  3. Often a simple verbal message to the manager helps to get the documents completed. You just need to say that in the absence of payment and relevant papers, the citizen is going to file a complaint with the inspectorate.

Correct filing of complaints for all situations

The document must contain the following information to increase the likelihood of consideration:

  1. The full name of the department of the territorial labor inspection along with the full name of the head of this institution.
  2. Information about the applicant himself, including registration address and full name.
  3. Title of the document.
  4. The essence of the appeal. The applicant describes a situation in which, in his own opinion, rights were violated. We must write about what happened, where and when. The specific norms violated by the manager are indicated separately. Describes the harm caused and the evidence that can be used when considering the case. The information of the organization where the violation occurred is also written here.

Additional rules for filing complaints

It will be useful to study them for any method of transmitting a message - both written and electronic. Compliance with the following conditions helps to avoid controversial situations and additional questions:

  1. The applicant's details must be correct. Papers drawn up anonymously remain without consideration.
  2. It is recommended to compose the text in the appeal concisely and objectively, without adding personal experiences about what happened. Business style is maintained when writing any proposals.
  3. It is important to have only reliable facts that have actually been tested in practice.
  4. Slander, insults, and obscene language are prohibited.
  5. If possible, it is worth attaching scanned copies of documents as evidence.

Using the official website

This opportunity became available to citizens starting January 1, 2017. Now the circulation algorithm looks like this:

  1. The procedure begins with registration on the State Services website. Mobile phone, email and full name - this is the data that visitors will need.
  2. Through Personal Area on State Services it will be easy to enter the portal owned by the Labor Inspectorate itself.
  3. On the page, select the “Report a problem” tab. Selecting a tab before authorization leads to automatic redirection to State Services to complete the procedure.
  4. The visitor looks at the proposed options and decides which category suits him best.
  5. Next, the result that you would like to achieve is selected - consultation with a specialist, imposition of administrative liability on the employer, and unscheduled inspections.
  6. The main thing is to carefully fill out all the proposed fields.
  7. All you have to do is click on the send message button.
  8. After that on email confirmation comes that the application has been accepted. From this moment, 30 days are counted, which are given to the inspection for consideration.

About the timing of consideration and response

1 calendar month is the maximum period from receipt of a complaint to consideration of the issue in detail. That's what the law says. The consideration of cases of illegal dismissals takes place faster – within 10 days.

After the application has been examined, the company most often organizes an unscheduled inspection. Afterwards, a resolution is issued requiring that the identified violations be eliminated by a certain time.

Labor inspectorate: how can it act after receiving a complaint?

Within 30 days after transfer, the documents are carefully studied, as are the arguments presented by the originator. If all the information is confirmed, then the following scenarios are possible:

  • An order is issued requiring the violations to be eliminated.
  • The manager is held accountable: criminal or administrative.
  • The company is ordered to temporarily suspend operations.
  • Some employees are suspended from work.

Regarding anonymity

The issue of leaving anonymous messages remains relevant. The legislation states that the Inspectorate does not have the right to consider anonymous complaints. But the citizen himself can separately indicate that his data should not be disclosed. All you need to do is check a box on the electronic application form.

About collective complaints

This is another option that allows citizens to report a violation. Most often, the messages describe discrimination against the entire team.

But the law does not prohibit collective reporting of violations directed at one specific employee. The main thing is to accurately indicate the full name of the representative of the company on whose behalf the document is being drawn up.

About inspections by the labor inspectorate

In total, the test is carried out in two main options.

PlannedThey are carried out on the initiative of the inspectors themselves; no additional applications need to be submitted. Processes are being organized in relation to enterprises where violations were previously identified and accidents occurred. The inspector warns the organization's management before scheduling an inspection day.
TargetHere, only the initiative on the part of the subordinate is important. The inspection is carried out by the inspector responsible for the territory where the organization is located. The authorized person first tries to identify the violations described in the application by the citizen. If illegal actions are identified, an order is issued to eliminate them, and a fine is issued in a certain amount. Strict measures may be taken depending on the degree of guilt.

In such circumstances, the inspector has the following powers:

  1. Suspension of activities throughout the enterprise or specific divisions.
  2. Organization of legal proceedings regarding existing violations.
  3. Investigation of any circumstances related to the accident.
  4. Bringing to administrative responsibility those who are guilty.
  5. Issuing orders to remove from work persons who are not familiar with safety rules. Or those who have not confirmed their knowledge and qualifications in this area.
  6. Presentation of instructions that identified violations must be eliminated.
  7. Ensuring that the enterprise complies with the minimum legal requirements.

If the question remains unexamined and unanswered

It is necessary to submit a complaint again if the first document was left without consideration at all. The fact of retransmission must be indicated. The text also indicates the date when the initial application was sent.

If the inspection staff refuse again, they must justify their response in writing. If you disagree with the decision, the applicant has the right to further appeal to the court.

Filing claims, rules of registration

Before going to court, you need to prepare a whole package of documentation. Most of the position is issued by the manager, no later than three days in advance. It is recommended to submit formal written requests because it is common for managers to want to stall for time.

The claim is filed to the city or district court responsible for the address of the manager’s location. The main thing is that the document is drawn up in accordance with current legislation, otherwise consideration will be denied.

The following rules are followed:

  1. The header indicates the name of the court where the claim is being sent.
  2. After this, the plaintiff indicates his personal data, address permanent place residence.
  3. Information about the defendant is filled in in the same way.
  4. The phrase “Statement of Claim” is written in the center. The continuation of the phrase indicates the reason why it was necessary to start creating a claim.
  5. In order for the court to immediately proceed to the hearing without additional questions, the essence of the case must be described in as much detail as possible. If possible, then specific laws violated by the leader are written down.
  6. When the problem is stated, the plaintiff describes his demands in detail.
  7. Copies of the employment contract along with work book become mandatory applications. The more evidence of violations, the better it will be.
  8. Claims are filed no later than three months after the violation became known.

Sample application to the labor inspectorate for an employer

Writing a complaint is not at all difficult. It is enough to fill out this sample according to the rules described above:

What to do if the inspector’s decision is not satisfactory?

First of possible options– appeal to the management of the specialist who made the initial decision. The main thing is to clearly state the essence of the problem. And try to make sure that the other party has enough time to consider all the circumstances presented.

If management refuses to consider complaints, then complaints are sent to law enforcement officers. Usually this is the police or the prosecutor's office.

Finally, there remains the court, which acts as a last resort. It is recommended to take such steps only after checking all previous methods. And you need to make sure that they do not give any result.

Final Thoughts

If a leader clearly violates rights and current legislation, there is no need to be afraid to defend their interests. Compiled complaints from employees often solve problems in favor of the latter. The main thing is to competently approach the collection and preparation of the necessary documentation.

Employers who do not pay can be held criminally liable. wages for 3 months or more. In this case, the documents are immediately sent to the nearest police station. Article 145.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is the main basis on which they are held accountable in such circumstances.

Is it difficult to contact the labor inspectorate? Watch this video:

Form for receiving a question, write yours

Today I decided to consider a topical issue for many - how and where to complain about an employer. After reading this article, you will find out what it is Labour Inspectorate, in what cases you can complain about an employer, how to correctly draw up a complaint, how to file it, and what results this can lead to, and also where else you can file a complaint if the labor inspectorate does not help you. Take note and save the link to the article just in case.

Current realities are such that conflicts between employees and employers are not uncommon, but rather a pattern. Moreover, very often employers to one degree or another (including very grossly) violate labor laws. Most often, their employees simply resign themselves to this, clinging with all their might to work as the only possible source of income (which is already wrong), and allow them to do whatever they want to themselves, ready to endure any inconvenience and hardship, just so as not to be fired. In my opinion, this is a completely wrong position.

Every employee should be at least a little familiar with the current labor legislation of his country, and know that he has not only responsibilities to the employer, but also rights. And he must be able to competently protect and defend his rights if they are not respected, especially if they are not respected rudely. In particular, he should know how and where to complain against an employer if he seriously violates his rights, and not be afraid to do so. Because employers will treat employees the way they themselves allow.

What is labor inspection?

Where to complain about an employer? To monitor compliance with workers' rights, there is a special state body - the labor inspectorate (in different countries it may be called differently, but the essence is the same).

The labor inspectorate is a government organization designed to monitor compliance with labor laws, resolve labor disputes between employees and employers out of court, and has the authority to impose sanctions on employers who violate the law.

For example, the labor inspectorate in Russia is official name federal Service for labor and employment or Rostrud. In Ukraine, this is the State Labor Inspectorate of Ukraine.

The Labor Inspectorate is subordinate to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population. In addition to considering employee complaints, this structure also performs many other functions, but now we will only be interested in how to complain about an employer to the labor inspectorate.

When can you complain about your employer?

Let's start by considering situations in which you can file a complaint with the labor inspectorate. In short, these can be any violations of labor legislation, including violations of employee rights defined in the Labor Code. Here are the most common examples.

  1. Unreasonable refusal to hire. Few people know, but the Labor Code clearly defines the reasons why a person may be denied a job. It often happens that they refuse without reason or on false grounds.
  2. Violations in payment of wages. For example, payment of wages in a smaller amount than provided for in the employment contract, delays in the payment of wages, unjustified deprivation of part of the salary that does not comply with the employment contract, etc.
  3. Forcing to work overtime without pay and providing additional days off. In this case, it also makes sense to complain to the labor inspectorate, especially if it is systematic.
  4. Failure to provide required leave. This is also a fairly common violation of labor legislation, and the labor inspectorate can help solve this problem.
  5. Prohibition of going on sick leave. Sound familiar? This is also a gross violation of labor laws, which will be applied to you as long as you allow it.
  6. Forcing to perform work not provided for in the employment contract and job description. If you are often forced to do someone else's work in addition to your own, this is also a violation Labor Code, which can be appealed by filing a complaint with the labor inspectorate.
  7. Violation of the dismissal procedure. If the employer is unreasonably forcing dismissal, threatening to fire “under the article” without good reason, or has already fired with any violations of the law (for example, without prior notice and without working the required time), it also makes sense to complain to the labor inspectorate.

How to file a complaint with the labor inspectorate?

Now let's look at how to complain about an employer to the labor inspectorate, and what is necessary for this. There are four ways to file a complaint:

Method 1. Submit a complaint to the labor inspectorate by mail. This is the longest, most expensive, but also the most effective method complain about the employer. Because an official letter is a document that cannot be ignored: in any case, you will be required to provide the same official response to it.

Method 2. Submit a complaint to the labor inspectorate online. This is the simplest option, but not always effective, because your email request may simply be “lost”, left without consideration, and you will not necessarily receive an official response to it. You can file a complaint with the labor inspectorate online in Russia through the website onlineinspection.rf.

Method 3. File a complaint with the labor inspectorate via the hotline. About the same as the second method, only in this case the complaint will need to be stated orally, over the phone, it will be recorded from your words. Getting an answer here also cannot be guaranteed - it all depends on whether it is considered justified and requires consideration.

Method 4. Come to a personal appointment at the labor inspectorate. This is a very good option to get professional advice on an issue that interests you. They will immediately tell you how justified your complaint is from the point of view of labor legislation, and will tell you how to correctly draw up a complaint, after which you will put it in writing and register it locally, or send it by letter.

How to properly file a complaint against an employer?

Before complaining to the labor inspectorate, you still need to try to resolve the issue you are interested in with the employer “peacefully” - through negotiations. Because filing a complaint is a serious matter and can entail serious consequences for the employer (I’ll tell you which ones a little later). So, if there is an opportunity to resolve the issue “amicably” - use it, and only when this does not work - proceed to filing a complaint.

Step #1. Compose the text of the complaint. There are no strict forms for filing a complaint with the labor inspectorate. The complaint must be written in a business style in free form, and must contain:

  • To: name and full name of the head of the territorial labor inspectorate;
  • From whom: full name and passport details of the applicant, registration address and address for receiving a response;
  • The name and legal address of the employer to whom the complaint is being made, your position at this enterprise, full name of the manager, full name and position of the person you are complaining about;
  • The essence of the complaint: what exactly the employer is violating, preferably with references to articles of the Labor Code and/or clauses of the employment contract;
  • Requests or suggestions: what exactly do you ask or propose to do to the labor inspectorate (for example, conduct an inspection at the enterprise, hold the manager accountable, advise you, etc.)

If you file a complaint online, the site will have all the required fields to fill out.

People often ask: is it possible to send a complaint to the labor inspectorate anonymously? No, you cannot, such a complaint will not be considered.

Step #2. Support the complaint with documents if necessary. The complaint will have much more weight if it is supported by documentary evidence. For example, if you refer to your employment contract, attach a copy of it. If you are complaining that you are not being paid (or are not being paid as much as you should), please attach a statement from your bank account. Etc.

Step #3. Submit your complaint and wait for review. If you send a complaint by mail, it is advisable to do this with a return receipt - this way you will know for sure that the letter has been delivered to the addressee and count down the response time. Consideration of a complaint can take from several days to a month, and in rare cases, up to two months (if, for example, an inspector is required to travel to another region). Everything depends on the nature of the complaint and the method of filing it. Each complaint is submitted to a specific inspector, who studies it, makes a decision, agrees with management and gives a response.

Step #4. Get a response to your complaint. Once your complaint has been reviewed, you will receive a response. If it requires an inspection at the enterprise, the response will most likely indicate that an inspection has been ordered, and you will be notified additionally based on its results.

Please note that if it suddenly turns out that during the consideration of the complaint your issue has already been resolved, then you have the right to withdraw your complaint. True, if it indicates serious violations, an inspection at the enterprise may still be ordered, they just will not notify you about the consideration of the issue.

What answer will the labor inspectorate give?

Now let's look at what results and actions your complaint against your employer to the labor inspectorate can lead to. There may be several options.

  1. Appointment of an on-site inspection at the enterprise in order to identify violations.
  2. An order to eliminate violations to the head of the enterprise and a deadline for its implementation. As a rule, this is 1 month. Within this period, he is obliged to eliminate the violations and report this to the labor inspectorate. Otherwise, more serious measures will be taken against him.
  3. Bringing the manager to administrative liability - a fine for violating labor laws. This fine can be quite substantial (depending on the type of violation).
  4. Removal of a manager (or guilty official) from office on a temporary or permanent basis.
  5. In some cases, a temporary cessation of the enterprise’s activities until the violations are eliminated.
  6. In some cases, bringing the manager to criminal liability.

When can a complaint to the labor inspectorate be rejected?

Let's look at the most common reasons why a complaint to the labor inspectorate may be rejected:

  1. You have not provided all your personal information.
  2. You have entered your employer information incorrectly or incompletely.
  3. Subjective point of view (your complaint is written emotionally, but does not contain compelling arguments, is not supported by documents, and does not indicate what exactly the employer is violating).
  4. Illiteracy. If the complaint contains a large number of errors, composed incoherently, illiterately, contains profanity, it will also be left without consideration.
  5. The complaint did not reach the addressee (for example, something happened when sending online system failure, the letter did not arrive, it was simply lost due to the human factor, etc.). In this case, it makes sense to send a repeated complaint, indicating that it is repeated.

What to do if the complaint was rejected or you are not satisfied with the outcome of the review?

If the labor inspectorate rejected the complaint or gave an answer that does not suit you, but you are sure that the employer is violating the norms of the Labor Code, there are several options for further action:

  1. Appeal the response of the inspector who reviewed your complaint with his immediate supervisor.
  2. Contact professional lawyers in the field of labor law who will help you draw up a complaint more professionally and will accompany its consideration.
  3. Complain to the labor inspectorate parent organization. For example, you filed a complaint with the regional labor inspectorate, it was unreasonably rejected - you complain to the central or higher organization - the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection.
  4. Complain about an employer tax authorities, if we are talking about tax evasion (black or gray salary).
  5. File a claim against the employer in court.

Now you know how and where to complain about an employer, how the labor inspectorate works, what nuances of filing complaints and appeals need to be taken into account. I hope this information was helpful to you.

Do not be afraid to defend and defend your rights if they are actually violated. Employers will always treat you the way you allow. See you again at !

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