How to cook apple and tomato juice in a juice cooker, recipes. Apple juice and puree in a juicer for the winter

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In a juicer you can quickly prepare delicious juice and then enjoy the natural vitamin drink all year round.

Juice cooker: how to use

Many housewives who have just bought such a wonderful saucepan as a juice cooker want to watch or download a video on how to cook apple juice. In fact, there is nothing particularly complicated in the process of juicing a drink using a unique device.

Before you start the process, you need to understand what a juicer is and how to use it to make apple juice.

A pressure cooker looks like a tall saucepan consisting of several parts. Water is poured into the very bottom; in the middle there is a juice collector, from which a special tube extends. And at the very top there is a colander into which clean and chopped fruits, berries or vegetables are placed.

The juice cooker is easy to disassemble and clean, which makes it very convenient to use. It does not make noise, does not become clogged with pulp, and there is no sediment left after use. Apple juice It’s very easy to get from a juicer. When heated, the juicer evaporates boiling water into the colander area where the apples are located. Under the influence of steam, they begin to secrete sterile hot nectar, which then flows through a tube into the collection.

A juice cooker allows you to make a pasteurized drink that can be stored for a long time. Stores for 6-8 days in the refrigerator.

About apple juice

Great idea prepare useful and delicious drink at home. Making your own apple juice in a juicer for the winter will be a wonderful alternative to store-bought juices.

Everyone knows about the benefits of this drink. The undeniable advantage of apple nectar is a rich set of vitamins and minerals. It also contains natural enzymes that help digest food and pectins that normalize the functioning of the intestinal tract.

If you regularly consume apple juice, you can restore the condition of your skin and nail plates. Thanks to it, they increase immunity to colds, treat atherosclerosis, remove kidney stones and treat the liver. Children can increase hemoglobin and cure anemia, prevent gastritis.

It is necessary to limit consumption in case of gastric ulcer. Frequent use increases the load on the cardiovascular system and kidneys.

Apple juice from a juicer for the winter: the recipes are very simple and do not require many ingredients.

Aromatic, tasty juice is made from sweet apples, but it happens that a little sourness is missing, which gives juiciness to the taste. It is recommended to add citric acid. You can mix with sugar and sprinkle on apples, or dilute in hot water and pour over the apples.

Apple juice in a juicer

  • apples;
  • sugar.

Apples should be washed very well, all rot, wormholes and damaged areas should be cut out, and all cores and seeds should be cleaned out. Otherwise, the juice may have a bitter taste, and the seeds will clog the holes for draining the juice.

There is no need to cut the apples very finely. It will be enough to cut small fruits into 4 parts, and large ones into 6-8.

Cooking method:

You can add a sprig of celery to the bottom of each jar, which will add beneficial properties to the juice.

The cooking time depends on what type of apple is put into the juicer. The cooking time for apple juice is approximately a little less than an hour. If you look into the tank where the apples were stored, and there is only puree, then the device can be turned off.

Spicy apple juice

The recipe for apple juice in a juicer for the winter is very simple and will not take much of your time.
  • apples;
  • carnation;
  • ginger;
  • cinnamon;
  • sugar - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour water into the juicer and place it on the fire.
  2. Apples cut into medium slices are placed in a special compartment with holes.
  3. Top the apples with spices or sugar. Remember that the more sour the apples, the more sugar you need.
  4. Wait until the water boils and place the container with apples there.
  5. Apples should be boiled for about an hour, then drain the juice into a prepared jar.

If the apples do not heat up enough, the juice flows out very slowly and cools very quickly. The water should boil well.

Apple juice with zest and lemon balm

Nectar will taste better if you add aromatic ingredients to it. This can be zest and various herbs.
  • apples;
  • lemon balm sprigs - 2 pieces;
  • sugar;
  • orange/lemon - 1 piece.

Cooking method:

  1. Coarsely chop or chop the apples and place half in a juicer sieve.
  2. Citrus fruits must be treated with soda to remove plaque from the peel. Clean them.
  3. The resulting zest should be placed on a sieve or cheesecloth so that the pieces do not clog the sieve.
  4. The zest should be placed on lemon balm branches and sprinkled with sugar on top.
    The resulting mass is topped with the rest of the apples and sprinkled with sugar again.
  5. Place the juicer on the stove and cook the juice for about half an hour after the water boils, then stir and let it brew.
  6. The resulting drink should be poured into pre-prepared jars.

Do not add granulated sugar to the juice immediately after cooking, even if it has a sour taste. The drink will not last until winter evenings. If the apples are sour, you can sprinkle them with sugar.

Spiced apple juice with grapes

  • apples;
  • grape;
  • sugar;
  • zest;
    cloves - 2 pieces;
  • cinnamon stick - 1 piece.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the chopped apples in the machine until about halfway through.
    Wrap the spices in gauze. You can add mint or lemon balm to taste.
  2. Place the resulting gauze bag on top of the apples and sprinkle generously with sugar.
  3. Before cooking the aromatic juice in a juicer from apples, peel the grapes and place on top. Particular attention should be paid to cleaning it - there are usually a lot of twigs, dust and dirt on the grapes. There is no need to sprinkle granulated sugar on the grapes.
  4. Place the juicer on the fire and cook after boiling for half an hour to an hour. Then stir the fruit to strain out the remaining juice. Be careful not to tear the spice cheesecloth.
  5. Pour the resulting drink into prepared jars.

There is still some flavor left in the boiled peel and pulp, so it can be put into clean jars and sealed. This mass is perfect for later preparing the filling, you just need to add sugar, and you can also make jam.

Bon appetit and healthy, have a delicious winter!

This drink is one of the most beloved and widespread throughout the world. It also makes an excellent base for many other juices. Much has already been said about its benefits for the body, and it has been proven by many scientific studies. This article contains recipes for its preparation, as well as preparations for the winter.

Apple juice, like any other fruit juice, retains not only the taste and aroma of the fruit, but also all its beneficial properties, because it is made without heat treatment.

this juice contains:

  • Minerals, enzymes and trace elements: K, Na, P, Zn, Mn, phytoncides, flavonoids, etc.
  • It also contains fructose, malic acid and proteins.
  • Vitamins A, C, E, group B and PP.

Its very important property is that it is low-calorie, making it ideal for dietary nutrition.

The benefits of this juice are:

  • Scientists have proven that if you drink a glass of this juice every day, it helps to rejuvenate the entire body.
  • Drinking juice prevents the appearance and development of cancer.
  • Is an effective and safe laxative
  • Relieves inflammation of the gallbladder and kidneys
  • Protects brain cells from destruction and prevents the development of sclerosis and Alzheimer's disease
  • Has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system
  • Lowers blood pressure.
  • The vitamin C it contains strengthens the immune system and helps fight viruses.
  • Increases hemoglobin levels.
  • Improves the condition of hair, nails and teeth, which is especially important for women.
  • Being hypoallergenic, it can be given to a child every day from the age of one year, and the iodine it contains will help develop his mental activity

What are the harms of juice?

Scientists claim that this juice has no harmful qualities, but there are some points that should be taken into account.

It is not advisable to consume apple juice:

  • To people suffering diabetes mellitus It is better to drink the juice carefully, and it is better to choose non-sweet varieties of fruits.
  • People suffering from stomach diseases should consult a doctor before use, because its acid can be harmful.
  • It is not recommended to give juice to children under the age of one year.

Apple juice recipe for the winter

  1. To make it, it is better to take fruits collected from the tree. They contain more juice and taste much better.
  2. Prepare dishes for storage in advance and sterilize them.
  3. Before starting, rinse the fruits and remove all excess; it is better to trim off spoiled areas in advance.
  4. The proportions of the resulting juice are approximately 50/50. From 5 kg of fresh fruits, approximately 2.5-3 liters of juice are obtained.
  5. If you have the opportunity, try to take fruits of 2 different varieties, then the resulting drink will be much tastier.
  6. The best varieties for such preparation are: Antonovka, Anis, Grushovka, but other fruits can also be used.
  7. This type of juice is ideal for experimenting and adding other fruits and berries to it. This way you can get many different delicious drinks.
  8. Unfortunately, it is impossible to make clarified juice at home, but you can clarify it as much as possible by getting rid of sediment by straining or adding a little to the finished drink citric acid.
  9. This juice retains most of the vitamins and minerals and therefore will be very useful in winter.
  10. Before putting it away for long-term storage, leave it for 2 weeks in a warm room and constantly monitor it. If during this time you do not notice any traces of fermentation, you can safely put them in a cool place.
  11. If it still cannot withstand such storage and the fermentation process begins, then pour it out of the jars, boil it and use it immediately to make fruit drinks or desserts such as jelly.
  12. During cooking, the juice produces a lot of foam, which must be removed immediately so that the finished juice does not ferment.

To prepare the drink, prepare in advance:

  • Fresh fruits (However, their quantity does not matter, start from how many dishes you have for storage).
  • Not aluminum pan suitable size.

Extract the juice from the prepared fruits using any method available to you. Be sure to strain the finished liquid using gauze and pour it into a saucepan and place it on the fire.

As soon as the first signs of boiling appear, turn off the heat and get rid of the foam. After this, strain again and return to the fire without bringing it to a boil.

Pour the finished drink into containers and close.

Do you need sugar for apple juice?

When preparing for immediate consumption or storage, sugar is not used in recipes. The finished drink has the taste of fruit and sugar can only do harm, adding harm. But if you use sour fruits or like sweeter drinks, you can add it based on your taste preferences.

But be careful, the whole drink with added sugar cannot be used if you have diabetes, and it also has fewer health benefits.

How to make apple juice for the winter using a juicer

  1. After squeezing, strain it thoroughly through cheesecloth, and then heat it on the stove without bringing it to a boil, as described in the previous recipe.
  2. Pour the resulting juice into prepared containers and close the lids, and then place them in a container with water, where the water will cover them up to the neck. And then sterilize for 15-30 minutes.

How to make apple juice in a juicer for the winter

A juicer will help reduce and simplify the preparation of the drink several times. In this case, the fruits must be prepared in advance, cut and cored. The juicer device consists of 3 containers: the bottom one is used to fill in water and put on fire; the middle one is necessary in order to collect the secreted juice; V top part chopped fruits are laid.

To prepare this drink, prepare:

  • Clean and chopped fresh fruits
  • You can add sugar to taste

Place the prepared fruits in the upper part of the juicer. To better separate the juice, you can sprinkle a little sugar on top. Fill the lower part with water to the required measure and send it to the fire. As you cook, check and lightly press the fruits for better release of juice. As soon as all the juice has come out, turn off the heat and pour it into prepared containers.

Apple juice at home - a simple recipe

The easiest way to make juice yourself is to use special devices such as a juicer or juicer. But if you don’t have such devices, you can use a meat grinder or blender. To do this, after you pass and chop the fruits, squeeze out the juice from them using gauze or a slotted spoon.

You can improve the flow of juice and increase its quantity with the help of sugar. To do this, sprinkle the chopped fruits on top of it in advance and let it sit for a while.

The process of making a drink yourself consists of the following steps:

  • Select freshly picked fruits and wash them thoroughly.
  • Cut them into pieces, removing the core.
  • Extract the juice in any way convenient for you. At this stage, the resulting drink can already be drunk, but it is not suitable for long-term storage.
  • To preserve the drink, pour it into a saucepan and heat it without bringing it to a boil. As soon as the first bubbles and foam appear, turn off the heat and remove the foam.
  • Strain it using cheesecloth and return it to the fire without bringing it to a boil. You can also add sugar to give it a sweeter taste.

Apple juice with pulp, recipe

To make such a drink, follow these steps:

  • Prepare fresh fruits in advance: wash them, cut them into pieces and remove the core.
  • Using a juicer or meat grinder, squeeze out the juice and separate it from the pulp.
  • Place the pulp in a saucepan, pour in a couple of glasses of water and put on the fire until it boils.
  • Skim off any foam that appears and pour the juice here.
  • Place on the fire without bringing to a boil.
  • As soon as the first bubbles and foam appear, turn off the heat and remove the foam.

Apple juice without pulp, recipe

To prepare this drink, follow these steps:

  • Prepare fresh fruits in advance by peeling and cutting them.
  • Separate the juice using any available method.
  • Strain it into a saucepan using several layers of gauze and send it to the fire.
  • At the first sign of boiling, remove from heat and strain again to completely remove sediment.
  • If you want to lighten it, add a little citric acid. You can also add sugar to taste.
  • Place on the fire again and before it comes to a boil, remove and pour into containers.

Carrot-apple juice recipe

This drink turns out to be very tasty, healthy and quite easy to prepare. When preparing fruits, give preference to the freshest and juiciest ones in order to get more juice.

This drink can also be prepared with or without added sugar. It all depends on your taste preferences.

To prepare it follow these steps:

  • Wash the selected fruits, peel them, cut them into small pieces, removing the core of the apples.
  • Extract the juice in any way convenient for you. It doesn’t matter in what order you take the fruits, you can even combine them at once.
  • Strain the resulting juice using several layers of gauze.
  • Pour it into a saucepan and put it on the fire.
  • As soon as the first bubbles appear, turn off the heat and remove the foam.
  • Pour into prepared containers and close.

How to make apple juice without a juicer

If you don’t have a juicer at hand, you can extract juice in the following ways:

1. Using a kitchen grater. To do this, grate the chopped fruits without the core on a small nozzle and use gauze or cloth to squeeze the juice out of the pulp.

2. Kitchen blender. To do this, grind the prepared and cut into pieces fruits using a blender and squeeze the resulting mass through cheesecloth.

3. Using a meat grinder, grind the fruits and separate the juice with gauze.

4. Place the chopped fruits in a saucepan, add water so that it covers the fruits and place on the fire. After boiling, turn off the heat and leave to steep overnight. After this, squeeze out the fruits using a colander.

Directly pressed apple juice

Nowadays, many juice companies are trying to move away from the old methods of making juice, where it was reconstituted, sugar and acidity regulators were added.

Directly pressed juices, which are absolutely natural, healthy and tasty, are becoming increasingly popular. In their production, only natural apples are used and the juice is made by grinding them. After that, the juice is bottled and kept fresh by sterilization, without adding sugar or concentrates.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to obtain such juice at home, since special equipment is used to prepare it.

Apple juice calories

This drink contains only 44 kcal in 100 ml of the finished product.

It also contains:

  • Proteins - 0.4
  • Fats - 0.4
  • Carbohydrates - 10
  • Easily digestible carbohydrates
  • Dietary fiber
  • Organic acids
  • Lots of vitamins and minerals.

Apple juice video

Can I drink apple juice while breastfeeding?

Monitoring the diet of a breastfeeding mother is very important. And although during this period a woman is advised to drink more liquid, apple juice should be treated with extreme caution. It is not a prohibited drink, but it should still be taken little by little and with caution.

Why juice is harmful when feeding:

  1. Since such a drink is very concentrated, it can cause allergies in an infant.
  2. If you drink it in large quantities, then it benefits digestion, in large quantities it can cause unpleasant consequences, such as diarrhea, etc.
  3. This drink contains acids that can harm the stomach.
  4. In small quantities it helps rid the body of excess liquid. Therefore, it is very necessary for mothers suffering from edema. However, with constant use, it begins to remove fluid from the kidneys, thereby leading to the formation of stones in them much more actively.

You always want to preserve the summer harvest - fruits, berries, vegetables - for the whole year, while spending as little time and effort as possible on processing them. A juice cooker can significantly help with this - a unique invention, a saucepan specially designed for cooking juice, indispensable during the fruit and vegetable season for preparing preparations for the winter.

In a juice cooker you can quickly (steaming time is no more than 1 hour for any fruits, berries and vegetables) prepare wonderful juice, compote or decoction, and then enjoy natural drinks all year round.

The juice cooker, thanks to a special technology for preparing drinks (pasteurization), preserves the taste and aroma of vegetables, berries, fruits, as well as the beneficial properties of these products for a long time. Natural fruit and berry juices prepared using a juicer are a dietary and medicinal product that can be stored for a long time. It is useful for adults and children, sick and healthy. Enriching the body with vitamins and microelements, natural juices help improve digestion and normalize the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

The advantage of this juice cooker is that it can be used not only for cooking juice, but also simply as a steel pan (bottom pan with a lid), as well as a steamer (bottom pan for water, sieve and lid)!

The operating principle of a juicer is that fruits and berries are heated with steam and at the same time the process of juice extraction and pasteurelization occurs.

The juicer is made of thick stainless steel, the top cover is made of fireproof glass with a hole for steam release.

Apple juice in a juicer

Slice the apples and place them in the top hopper. If you cut the apples larger, they will slowly heat up in the juicer and therefore slowly release their juice, while the resulting juice will be diluted due to the condensation of water vapor. Very small pieces of apples quickly turn into a puree that clogs the holes in the colander of the juicer. Steam access to the central layers is stopped, which makes juice extraction difficult and the resulting apple juice dilutes.

Apple-sea buckthorn juice

Ingredients: 1 kg apples, 1 kg sea buckthorn.
Preparation: Pour water into the lower section of the juicer.

Core and cut the apples into cubes and place in the top section of the juicer. Place sea buckthorn on top. Close the lid and put on fire. Very soon the juice will start flowing down the tube.

Cherry juice

  • cherry – 1 kg
  • sugar - 100-150 g

Wash the cherries and place in a juicer. Add sugar and cook.
Pour the hot juice from the juicer into prepared hot jars or bottles and seal immediately.
There is no need to sterilize cherry juice from a juicer.

Pumpkin juice in a juicer

  • pumpkin - 1 kg
  • sugar - 50-150 g

Wash the pumpkin and cut off the skin. Cut out the seeds and fibers. Then chop the pumpkin and combine with sugar.
 Place the pumpkin in the juicer and cook for about 45-60 minutes.

If someone pumpkin juice I don’t like it because of the taste - the inherent pumpkin taste can be easily eliminated by adding lemon and sugar to the drink.

Tomato juice in a juicer

Place ripe, washed, finely chopped tomatoes into the juicer. It is advisable to choose juicy varieties of tomatoes. Add a teaspoon of sugar and salt to them and start making juice. After filling the prepared container with juice, close it with lids. But if you throw a couple of celery sprigs at the bottom of the jar before pouring the juice, you will get not only a healthy, but also an aromatic and very tasty drink!

Grape juice in a juicer

The berries must be poured into the hopper up to the pile. Cover the juice cooker with a lid and continue heating over low heat. As the berries heat up, they become brown and settle to the bottom; they need to be crushed and filled with fresh ones, about ¾ of the volume, so that it is convenient to stir. The process of juice secretion itself lasts 45 minutes. It all depends on the ripeness of the berries. Once 45 minutes have passed, open the clamp and pour the hot juice into the jars. If you want to get sweet juice, then pour granulated sugar into the loading hopper along with the berries.

It has long been no secret that packaged juices of almost all brands today are more like juice drinks than a natural and high-quality product. A lot can be said about the benefits of juices, especially for young children. Of course, real 100% juice is much healthier and tastier for a child than those drinks that are sold in stores. If you want juice right here and now, you can use a juicer, but in winter and spring you won’t be able to do this trick. You can prepare juice using a juicer.

How to cook juice in a juicer?

There are a lot of recipes for a juicer and they are all prepared according to the same principle. A juice cooker consists of several pans placed one on top of the other. Pour at least three liters of water into the lower pan. Place fruits or vegetables in the top pan. The juicer is put on fire. The water begins to heat up and evaporate. The steam heats the fruit and they begin to release juice. The juice flows through a special tube into a pre-prepared container. You can get much more juice from a juicer than from a juicer. Before adding fruits or berries, they need to be washed and pitted. Large fruits need to be cut into several pieces. With this treatment, all vitamins are preserved and the juice is pasteurized, so it can be immediately poured into jars and stored for the winter. The juice is sweet and concentrated. The juicer operates silently and does not require your direct presence.

Juice Cooker Recipes

You can simply add fruits and vegetables and pour water into the bottom pan. Or you can show a little imagination and get a lot different recipes for a juicer - the result will pleasantly surprise you.

Tomato juice in a juicer

This drink is very beneficial for the functioning of the heart and has a positive effect on vitality. Tomato juice can be prepared very simply in a juicer.

It is best to choose ripened and fresh vegetables. Wash thoroughly and cut the tomatoes into slices. It is better to choose juicy tomato varieties for these purposes. Add a little salt and sugar to the tomatoes. Next, turn on the juicer. Be sure to taste the first drops of juice for salt and sugar.

Apple juice in a juicer

To prepare apple juice, you need to cut the fruit into medium-sized slices. If you make them too large, there will be too much steam condensation in the juice, and too small slices will simply turn into puree. To make the juice sweeter, add a little sugar to the fruit. To obtain 2-3 liters of juice you need to process about 5 kg of fruit.

Plum juice in a juicer

You can also prepare plum juice with pulp in a juicer.

To prepare it, take 4 kg of ripe plums. Sort them thoroughly and rinse them. Place the fruits in the juicer. From 4 kg of plums you get 1-1.5 liters of juice. Pour sugar into an enamel pan (at the rate of 300g per 1 liter of juice). The resulting juice is poured into sugar and the remaining pulp, previously rubbed through a fine sieve, is added. Bring the whole mass to a boil over low heat. After 2-3 minutes, the juice and pulp are ready. Next, everything is poured into a sterile container and rolled up. Having prepared the juice in a juice cooker according to this recipe, you can drink the drink as is, or you can prepare jelly or compote.

From the puree remaining in the juicer after preparing the juice, you can prepare a lot of delicious desserts or make thick jam. This results in waste-free production with a minimum of time and resources. Juices in a juicer are always sweeter than when using a juicer. And such juice can be stored for a long time, and it does not change its taste.

Apple juice– everyone’s favorite and most common fruit juice. It has transparent light color, pleasant sweet and sour taste and fresh alluring aroma of ripe fruits. Apple juice has valuable beneficial properties: apples are rich in vitamins A, C, B, iron, manganese, potassium, calcium, sodium, and pectin.

Its use is especially beneficial for health, normalizing blood pressure, treating anemia, and maintaining the immune system. Drinking such a valuable drink is intended for everyone, and is especially useful for baby food. It is with the apple that children begin their first acquaintance with fruit because of its taste and beneficial qualities.

One of the best ways To obtain a healthy apple drink, prepare it using a juicer. This method produces fresh, vitamin-rich apple juice. But for preparing juices for long-term storage (preserves for the winter), it is most convenient to use a juicer, with the help of which pure concentrated juice from apples is released under the influence of steam and is immediately sterile.

Today's site website will show detailed recipe preparations aromatic apple juice through a juicer, which can be stored in winter. Try cooking with us!

Apple juice through a juicer for the winter: recipe

To prepare aromatic apple juice using a juice cooker (the recipe uses a juice cooker with a capacity of 6 liters) you will need:

  • Apples - 5 kg
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons

Juice preparation:

1. Rinse selected apples thoroughly with water.

2. Cut into slices, removing the core.

3. Place apple slices in the upper mesh pan of the juicer, covering them with sugar.

4. Pour water (about 4 liters) into the lower pan of the juicer and bring to a boil. Place the middle part of the juice cooker (designed to collect the dripping juice) and a saucepan with fruit and sugar on top of a saucepan of boiling water. Close tightly.

5. After 20-30 minutes of boiling, loosen the clamp on the outlet tube and drain the first juice (about 1 cup). This juice is not sterile, so you need to pour it back into the pan with the fruit to boil again.

6. You can already see how the apples have steamed and decreased in size, giving up some of the juice. Now you need to reduce the intensity of the heat and continue cooking the juice in the juicer for another 40-50 minutes.

7. Turn off the juicer and leave for another 20 minutes to allow the juice to drain. Then you need to remove the clamp from the tube and drain all the resulting juice. Drain the remaining juice (not falling into the tube) through the wall of the juice collector. The juice is poured into sterilized jars or bottles. Wonderful natural apple juice is ready!

On average, the whole process takes 1.5 hours, and the result is 2.5-3 liters of pure apple juice. Very healthy and appetizing, it perfectly preserves the aroma and taste of fresh apples - which is why its preparation is so popular among other fruit juices.

Apple juice options

The taste of apple juice is pleasant to everyone. It is so versatile that it goes well with any fruit and berries: strawberries, currants, raspberries, pears, grapes, plums and many others. Therefore, you can safely combine apples with your favorite fruits, giving apple juice additional taste, color and aroma.

Apple-strawberry juice

One of good options such a combination is apple-strawberry juice. Strawberries make the juice brighter, richer, sweeter and more aromatic. In addition, strawberries, rich in vitamin C, iodine, potassium and iron, will increase the beneficial properties of apple juice. To prepare apple-strawberry juice, you need to wash the strawberries, remove the stems and place them in a mesh pan along with the apples. Juice from strawberries is released faster and in greater volume. The cooking process remains the same.

Apple-grape juice

Another option for assorted juice - apple-grape. Unlike the first option, grapes soften the taste of apple juice, making it lighter and more transparent (if white grapes are added). Vitamins B and P, ascorbic acid, iodine and potassium contained in grapes complete the list useful properties apple juice. To obtain apple-grape juice, you need to wash the grapes and, without separating the fruits from the branches, add 2-3 medium bunches to the chopped apples in the net. Cook according to the apple juice recipe described.

Have you tried making apple juice using a juicer? Share in the comments!

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