How to raise a patriot of your country. Raising patriotism in children

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You don’t choose your homeland, just like your parents. You can change your place of residence and citizenship, but your spiritual roots will remain the same. And we will still worry about the fate of the country that gave us our childhood, albeit from a distance. Remaining in its vastness, we will be forced to experience all its crises and upsurges. And if we want the latter to prevail, we need to educate patriotism in ourselves and the people around us.

Unwitting enemies

Experiencing times of crisis with the country, many of its citizens become despondent. They make pessimistic forecasts for the future of their state. By sharing such thoughts with loved ones, they involuntarily make them doubt that Russia will get out of the next hole and recover from the shocks. This mood discourages both of them from fighting for a better life. As a result, many become resigned to the current state of affairs and forget that their future depends only on themselves. After all, you need to fight for well-being; you can only hope for free cheese in a mousetrap.

The stories of such “foretellers,” passed from mouth to mouth, begin to come true over time. Moreover, this happens regardless of their initial proximity to reality. General disbelief prevents the birth of new positive and useful ideas, dooms any endeavor to failure.

The right approach

Instead of crying, waiting for the situation to worsen, successful person will understand the origins of the problems that have arisen. Only after finding the root causes can one look for adequate and effective solution, capable of bringing everything back to normal. In addition, this will help avoid repeating annoying mistakes in the future.

Having assessed the situation, a successful person will understand that all the country’s troubles are connected with the spread of harmful ideas in it. Despite the impossibility of their execution at the current moment, they seemed attractive to most. As a result, the state has reached a dead end. Thus, the main thing that needs to be fought is attempts to implement utopian theories. They need to be replaced by a progressive movement towards the development of democracy and civil society.

Also, a person tuned to well-being will contribute to the coming to power of responsible people, strong people. They must be wealthy enough to have experience managing funds and people. In addition, for wealthy people, power is less of a temptation: their position does not depend on the title of their position.

Wanting to improve the situation in the country, a successful person will advocate for an increase in the number of rich people. Not only do they run the country better and help raise the standard of living of those who work for them. The prosperity of the state is in their interests, because in the event of economic crises, those who have something to lose suffer first. Accordingly, they will make every effort to ensure that the situation in the country is stable and predictable.
A successful person will also pay attention to cultivating patriotism in himself because his children will grow up looking at his actions. In a family where a sad and dark future is predicted for their own country, weaklings who have resigned themselves to all adversity will grow up. If parents actively participate in the life of the state and believe that only well-being and prosperity lie ahead, then the children will also be conscious citizens leading the country in the right direction.

Reasons for pride

By cultivating love for his homeland, a successful person will always remember those positive features that exist in his country.

An education system that has proven its high efficiency over many years.
High scientific and technical potential.
A developed life support infrastructure that allows its citizens not to be afraid of outbreaks of diseases inherent in third world countries.
Accessible health and social care system.
The peaceful coexistence of many nations, their positive influence on each other, the creation of an interethnic culture that has no analogues in the world.
Scientists who are accepted with open arms in all foreign scientific circles.
Many Greatest scientific discoveries and breakthroughs were made under the leadership of people from Russia.

Of course, a successful person understands perfectly well that not everything in his country is prosperous. However, he does not believe that the situation is changing for the worse. He is aware of his responsibility for everything that happens and is ready to make his contribution to strengthening the state. It is absolutely obvious to him that it is impossible to change life in the country overnight. But he will be happy to work to pass on to his children a Russia that has become better and more comfortable.

Patriotism for a successful person is not an empty phrase. He treats his country with love and cares about the future of its citizens. To do this, in the present he is actively working to resolve current problems and search for their origins. He adequately perceives the difficulties that befell Russia in the past and tries not to repeat past mistakes. For this purpose, he helps people come to power who propose realistic, rather than utopian, scenarios for moving the country forward. As a rule, it supports people who have certain means that allow them to be independent and fair. In order not to lose faith in the capabilities of his country and its potential, a successful person always remembers those sides of Russia that all its residents can and should be proud of.

The Russian Government approved and published the “Strategy for the Development of Education”. At the stage of formation, the program was criticized, and many complaints remained about latest edition. Most of the document's opponents failed to see the main thing in it - how to instill in a child the spirit of patriotism.

How to raise a patriot? Fortunately, many parents still ask this question. Nevertheless, the school education of the 20th century was not in vain. Most psychologists and educators are confident that patriotism is an inherent human feeling, just like love for parents. A self-preservation complex, if you like, kicks in; every parent understands that it would be nice for their children to love them - who knows? But how many people are doing something for this? Practice shows that, unfortunately, no.

What should you teach your child? So that he “does not disappear in this life.” Behind this statement lies so much disgust and abomination that there is no desire to even reveal it. There is definitely no need to teach bad things; everything nasty awaits the child already at home, starting with relationships in the family and ending with the TV or computer. Some bad things are taught by the street. Next is the school, where for decades there has been no “educational content of teaching” in principle. And there is no way to explain to our liberals in the Ministry of Education that it is impossible to teach without educating, that this is the basis, the classics of pedagogy.

“Patriotism must be taught,” said Archpriest Pavel Velikanov, associate professor at the Moscow Theological Academy. “I would even say it this way: “tell” why you love your Motherland, in the simplest and most accessible words.” Therefore, in order to raise a patriot, you must first be one, but if you didn’t succeed, then become one.

“It is not enough to love the Motherland for its successes of victory, although this, especially now, must be talked about,” continues Father Pavel. “But, first of all, we need to talk about love for the moral ideal by which our best people understood Russia.”

To do this, you need to learn yourself together with your child, there is no other way. Simply learning a few quotes and retelling them won’t work. Modern children can be anything they want, bad or good, but they are all incredibly sensitive, and can swallow lies from anyone, but not from their parents. You often hear complaints: “I told him. I warned him." Words are of no use if the parent himself often acts contrary to what he says.

For example, there is a phrase that should make a Russian person’s spirit turn over: “this country.” Having allowed yourself at least once to come home from work irritated or humiliated by your superiors and throw this phrase into the air in your hearts, so simply: “In this country, nothing can be done normally - in this country you will never be appreciated!” adults themselves instill children’s attitude towards the Motherland. Is it any wonder that a few days later, a son or daughter, returning from school, will also say in their hearts: “It is impossible to study in this country.” A logical continuation would be the fashionable saying: “We need to get out of this country.” Where? For what? These questions suddenly cease to be relevant.

I remember how twenty years ago, Channel One showed the arrival of Mstislav Rostropovich and Galina Vishnevskaya. The world-famous singer was planning her first anniversary in many years at her native Bolshoi Theater. Back then, in 1998, many were still confident that going, living and working abroad was the same as going to a dacha near Moscow for a week or two. When asked by a journalist whether Galina Pavlovna advises young opera performers to undergo an internship abroad, Vishnevskaya replied: “Where I was born and came in handy! Let them go! If they want to sip grief to the very top. Understand, Rostropovich and I were kicked out! And we left as very famous performers in the world. With the stars! And then, in the first years, we were stuck around, no one knows how - sometimes there was nothing to eat. But you can study well in Moscow, the main thing is that you have the desire to study.”

Mstislav Rostropovich and Galina Vishnevskaya during their visit to Moscow, 1997. Photo: Vladimir Yatsina / TASS

I don’t think that now it’s impossible to go somewhere to study abroad, especially considering the terrible level of education that “reformed” secondary and higher schools are increasingly offering us. The main thing is that you can leave in different ways - you can be “Ivan, not remembering himself and his kinship,” or you can be a patriot - a Russian, a citizen of his country. Even in a practical sense, this is necessary: ​​“non-Russians,” that is, those who do not possess the traditions of Russian culture and the characteristics of Russian and Soviet education, are not needed by anyone. There are plenty of our own there, and others from different countries.

Moscow State University professor, philosopher Andrei Ashkerov says: “There are two types of patriotism. One is based on the distinction between native and foreign, the other is on the perception of native as universal. The first patriotism is visceral, pre-reflective. It is easy to call upon him, but he has no tongue to give an answer. This is the patriotism of a people who are silent. The second patriotism involves understanding and interpretation; it is broader than a simple attitude towards the Motherland. This is the ability to place yourself inside the epic, to imagine what is happening to you through the category of historical fate.”

It is in order to “put yourself inside the epic” that patriotic education is necessary. It is necessary, since this is not available or not enough at school, for parents to do this. Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Russian Pedagogical University named after. John the Theologian Nadezhda Khramova continues the thought:

“In the 90s they told us - no ideology! But any educational process without ideology is impossible. This simply contradicts the teaching methods of any subject, both humanities and natural sciences. Liberalism came to us, which in practice excluded everything Russian, Russian as a value, even in a purely scientific sense. To the point that in our school, our students began to instill the war gene, an inferiority complex, that it was supposedly the Russians who started the Second world war! When the content of education is removed from school now, that’s generally the end. Because only content and educational elements together can teach something. After all, patriotism is not taught “head-on”; all this happens through textbooks on literature, history, and also physics and mathematics.”

Pavel Velikanov believes that it is time to define concepts in science and public discussion. Especially with the word “liberalism”: “Liberalism is one thing in the USA, but this word carries completely different concepts in Russia. For science and public debate, this is extremely confusing and, most importantly, divides people.” Andrei Ashkerov adds: “For a Russian to be free, there is no need to profess liberalism.”

It seems that now there are no ardent opponents of a single school textbook, for example, in history. But the lack of approved and generally accepted educational content is simply frightening. The famous publicist Alexander Privalov writes: “Read the famous Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) state standard education), where it is written what a graduate of our domestic schools should be like. Soul-saving reading. You will find out that this graduate is six-winged, like Seraphim, and smart, like three Aristotle. He has mathematical thinking, geographical thinking, physical thinking and chemical thinking. This is all written in the standard. It doesn't say whether he knows the Pythagorean theorem or not. Does he know Ohm’s law, does he know on which side of Russia the Northern sea ​​route. This is unknown. But he has geographical and physical thinking.” What exactly these textbooks will instill patriotism in our graduates also remains a mystery.

Graduates on Red Square. Photo: Alexey Filippov / TASS

The general atmosphere of discussion of the draft of a unified school history textbook makes one think that suddenly there will be no Battle of Kalka, Napoleon’s crossing of the Berezina, the surrender of Smolensk to the enemy, or the Battle of Kulikovo. There is a fight against negativity.

Associate Professor Father Pavel Velikanov says: “It is very important that the child loves that ideal or not ideal, but visible God's image I simply loved Russia as it is, without judgment. You can't make a myth out of history. Because it ends with one thing - injury! Trauma and disappointment for the child. After which he is unlikely to become a patriot. It’s one thing when we turn history into a myth, and a completely different thing when, on the basis of knowledge, we create, according to Alexei Losev, “the myth of that future Russia, to which we should go together, to what we must come to.” This is the education of patriotism. And yes, it’s work. Philosopher and poet Olga Sedakova adds: “They love this Russia. Russia, which lives and thinks - and therefore does not live for itself. And they offer us the image of Russia, which lives in spite of everyone. Who needs such a country?

Such a doll-plasticine country is not needed, first of all, for our children. If you mechanically repeat memorized phrases, sprinkle slogans divorced from life, everyone will see boredom, and even disgust, on the child’s face. But when children are told a specific story about how my family and I were late for the last evacuation train leaving Kyiv, how they were shot during the occupation cousin, because he handed over dressing materials to a wounded partisan, how a ship capsized in the Kola Bay with our sailors due to the negligence of shipyard workers, they listen attentively. This is the education of patriotism.

Today, it is becoming increasingly difficult to show the younger generation “the traditions of deep antiquity.” There are a lot of museums and memorial complexes and there is something to see, but organizing an excursion, according to teachers, is quite difficult. It is necessary to collect a whole bunch of certificates and permits. Principals and teachers who continue to take students to historical places are literally accomplishing a feat.

Some parents are sure that children should not visit places, for example, associated with war, where they can see a lot of unpleasant things. Nadezhda Khramova comments: “Just the opposite. The child develops a visual memory, a moral sense, and not a socio-psychological feeling of guilt, as our liberal opponents sometimes scare us; on the contrary, children develop a sense of dignity and confidence.” The guys listen to the terrible life with rats and cockroaches during and after the war, and about wartime betrayals, they listen to the bitter, unpleasant truth. This is the only way love for one’s country can arise, because one loves not for something, but in spite of everything. “Patriotism is, first of all, love,” concludes Archpriest Associate Professor Pavel Velikanov. - Love of life, character, truth. Patriotism must be defined as God's plan and concern for man. Whatever this plan may be, it’s not just that God settled you in Russia and made you Russian. It means you have a goal, you have a destiny. There is a meaning to life."

Today, teachers pay increased attention to patriotic education.

The main task in cultivating these feelings is the formation of deep attachment in children to their people and culture.

Education of patriotism to date great attention is paid to which is one of the main goals of education.

It is no secret that today many young people do not have a clear orientation in life. They live without thinking about moral principles.

The strength of a country is determined by its civic community. Raising a future patriot should begin with instilling love for one's Fatherland. Already, starting from 3-4 years in kindergarten , the basic moral values ​​are laid down, which are designed to educate a generation that is not indifferent to the historical past of its people.

Raising children eldest to school age It should be taught by teachers who themselves know its history and culture. Patriotic education program for children preschool age according to Federal State Educational Standards involves familiarization with the natural expanses of the native land and heroic personalities. Also, the foundations of personality education are laid in the family.


According to the program according to federal state standards tasks are set based on the cultivation of conscious desire build your life in the future on the basis of family values, love for your small homeland.

be encouraged in the family must, close.

So forms and methods should have the following directions:

  1. Spiritual and moral(visiting museums, creating thematic folders with the help of parents).
  2. Cultural and educational(conversations, concerts, meetings with interesting people).
  3. (feasible work on improvement, Timurov's help) orientation.

You should also pay attention to civil law (familiarity with the elements of state symbols, the constitution), sports and patriotic (outdoor games, sports competitions) work. Pupils younger age They already recognize themselves as full-fledged members of the circle of relatives and are immersed in the world of family traditions. This lays the foundations patriotic education of children in the family.

Expansion of local history information about the history and memorable places of the small homeland is taking place both in kindergarten and at school. The formation of environmental awareness and respect for nature must begin in children from 3-4 years.


Our priority is to instill morality in children. Preschool children perceive emotionally and figuratively the world around us, which allows us to lay the foundations of moral and patriotic values. The main core in the education of a comprehensively developed personality is morality.

Moral Foundations are called upon to form a humane attitude, hard work, patriotism, and collectivism. These norms should be manifested in various areas of children’s life: in the family, communication with peers. Sometimes such influence is not adequate to moral standards.

IN preschool age The purposeful education of moral qualities is carried out in the children's team. A big role belongs to educators who, preparing children for school, try to instill in them the qualities of love for the Motherland, modesty and honesty, combining love for people and manifestations of sensitivity.


For kids primary school age characterized by curiosity and the ability to absorb received information.

Therefore, educators are tasked with awakening in children junior preschool age lively cognitive interest, curiosity about the history and traditions of the Fatherland.

This task should be subordinated to all educational work in the dhow.

Personal qualities can be developed through literary works and musical compositions. Their impact shapes emotional coloring knowable moral phenomena.

One of nature is the way to educate morality. Its influence makes it possible to educate children of primary preschool age moral feelings. They are expressed in the need to help people around them and build confidence in their own abilities in children. Thus, the foundations of patriotism are laid.

One of effective ways The development of morality is an active activity. Morals can be instilled through play and through labor activity. All these components contribute to the formation of the practice of moral behavior. Communication plays a significant role in this aspect. With its help, ideas about morality are corrected and feelings are nurtured in children.

Also an effective means of education is the environment in which the child develops. Parents should fill it with goodwill and love. This is very important, since its impact affects the formation of moral qualities.


Raising patriotic feelings in preschool age is a rather labor-intensive and lengthy process. In the development of personality, love for family, kindergarten, native land, and country plays an important role. The development of morality largely depends on the influence of loved ones, educators, and what impressions the child’s soul will be enriched with.

Love for the Motherland begins small, when a respectful attitude towards the mother and surrounding people is instilled. It is necessary to learn to find around you what is worthy of admiration (home, street, surrounding nature). This will be facilitated by various exhibitions and competitions, such as: “Miracles in the garden”, “Mom’s Golden Hands”, “Flower Fantasies”, “Visiting Samodelkin”.

Creating photo exhibitions of people different professions introduces children to the various facets human life, reveal the versatility of its manifestations. It is necessary to pay attention to the historical past native land, its culture and traditions. Participation in folk holidays(Easter, Maslenitsa, etc.) introduce children to folk customs.

To celebrate memorable dates associated with the Great Patriotic War, you can organize meetings with veterans, Afghan soldiers, and poetry reading competitions on military topics. You can organize work for the participation of preschoolers in projects such as “Under a lucky star we live in our native land”, “Victory Day”, “Be a citizen of our native country” and others.

In the family

A child’s first patriotic lessons are related to family, which is due to the transmission by mom and dad of their life perception.

At home, the first spark of great love and care for nature, loyalty to one’s land is lit. Family holidays designed to give rise to bright, warm feelings.

The manifestation of patriotism by relatives in everyday life is of great importance.

This could be a joint look through a family album of photographs, grandparents' stories about their lives, their memories.

At this age, we need to make children understand the need to constantly strive to live better, which means learning something, acquiring new knowledge and skills.

You cannot extinguish the manifestations of noble feelings in children by rejecting their help, forcing them to remain silent when they should talk about injustice. Disadvantages of family education lead to various vices, when some young people do not have a sacred attitude towards their mother, family, and homeland. The main thing is money and satisfaction of personal needs.


The power of parental example in raising patriots of one's country is significant. Children know how to listen and remember, and parental memories of the past will leave a deep imprint in their hearts. Everything that is characteristic of a real family - sacred attitude towards spiritual and cultural values ​​must be passed on as a legacy. In the future preschool institutions, the school will polish the qualities that are necessary for a patriotic citizen.

  /  Raising patriotism in children

How does your child spell the word “homeland”? With a capital or small letter? Of course, this does not indicate true feelings for one’s native country. So is it necessary to cultivate in a child a love for our region, city, Russian Federation? And who should be involved in patriotic education: parents or teachers? Let's talk about everything in detail in our article.

You will learn everything about the patriotic education of your child. We will talk about when, why and who should instill love for the homeland.

What is patriotism?

Patriotism refers to both the homeland for a specific person in general, and a feeling of devotion to one’s fatherland, love for the Motherland, the desire to serve its interests, and protect it from enemies.

Patriotic education can be given a dozen definitions, but we will focus on the one that, it seems to us, best reflects the essence of this process. So, patriotic education is the systematic activity of government bodies and organizations to develop in citizens a high patriotic consciousness, a sense of loyalty to their homeland, readiness to fulfill civic duty and constitutional responsibilities to protect the interests of the country.

But if everything is clear with adults: someone received a portion of patriotism in the army, someone professionally studied history and military affairs - many factors could influence an adult, then how can you tell a child that loving Russia is good. And is it necessary to do this?

Recent statistics show that the younger generation has little sense of patriotism these days: surveys in schools and sections among children different ages show that young people are not particularly interested in their homeland, its fate, or history. And the feeling of love for her practically disappeared from the radar.

How to instill in your child a love for school? Read our article!

It is very important to instill love for one’s native land and country from early childhood. Patriotism is a defining feature of modern personality.

Patriotic education of junior schoolchildren still remains relevant, this is due, first of all, to the fact that the Internet contains a huge amount of negativity that undermines the innate faith and love for one’s people.

That is why schools need a mandatory program of patriotic education for younger schoolchildren.

Patriotic education is an important stage in the formation of a citizen.

Thanks to the introduction of patriotic education for younger schoolchildren, children develop the correct attitude towards their native country - values ​​and respect important events the past and current achievements of our fellow citizens, an explanation of the concepts of virtue and evil, a formed idea of ​​the significance of Russia and the value of this country. All these events will help raise a young generation capable of performing feats, ready to defend the interests of their own country.

Patriotism is characterized by the following features: religious tolerance, public law-abidingness, and good attitude.

Patriotism is based on centuries-old traditions and numerous foundations of one’s own country. The patriotic education of junior schoolchildren is not only a matter of the school; there must be the support and participation of each student’s family.

What is patriotism - definition

The main tasks of instilling patriotism in younger schoolchildren

The goal of instilling patriotism in the younger category of schoolchildren is to develop the following qualities in younger schoolchildren:

  • instilling in schoolchildren a sense of personal self-respect through virtuous actions, showing love and respect for family members, and respectful attitude towards the older generation;
  • the formation of an objective idea of ​​a person’s personal environment, the ability to present oneself correctly in society on the basis of accepted norms;
  • through showing interest in one’s own family history, its personal traditions, respect for the country’s past, love for one’s small homeland is formed, as well as responsibility for its future.

These are the most basic qualities that are formed in schoolchildren in the process of patriotic education.

Patriotic education - definition

Some important features of instilling a sense of patriotism in junior classes
For children aged 7 to 10 years, the education of patriotism should be carried out in a playful way during visits to interesting events that are understandable to schoolchildren of this age. Among the main events aimed at developing patriotism among primary schoolchildren are thematic cool watch, various business games, festive meetings with veterans, personal conversations, exciting quizzes, collective competitions, creative activities, field trips, various trips, familiarization with the important historical past of the native land, the unique traditions and customs of the Russian people.

A mandatory part of any school curriculum is military-patriotic education. Its main goal is to develop a feeling of love for the Motherland, to develop readiness for future service in the army - the upcoming defense of our country. Collective excursions to historical museums and thematic trips to places of military glory effectively cope with the priority task. All these activities help to introduce schoolchildren to general history our country, its immense spirituality.

Excursion to the museum - a method of studying military history

Fundamentals of moral and patriotic education

Patriotic education should become part of the educational process, and also be firmly integrated into extracurricular and extracurricular activities.

When solving the problem of patriotic education, any teacher needs to build his work on the basis of the following conditions and individual characteristics junior schoolchildren:

  • taking into account the relevance of the knowledge provided for children of the specified age;
  • the educational process must be continuous and systematic;
  • it is necessary to select an individual approach to each child, taking into account his personal characteristics;
  • various types of activities should be used by him on the basis age characteristics younger schoolchildren.

System of moral values ​​- list of components

As the main parameters of the success of the educational activities of each teacher, it is worth highlighting the social activity of younger schoolchildren, their desire for constant self-improvement, a developing sense of self-worth, the presence of common moral qualities, an objective assessment of the child as a citizen, patriot.

Formation of a sense of patriotism in children at an early age

As mentioned earlier, a huge role in instilling a sense of patriotism in a child belongs to his parents. Many moral qualities are developed in children in the early grades. Parents begin to lay the foundations of patriotism by awakening in the child a wonderful feeling of love for green trees, fragrant flowers, the surrounding nature, such a close and dear home. True love and devotion to the homeland begins in a child with manifestations of love for his own mother, father, grandmother, a pleasant feeling of being needed, a warm attitude and love, care with which he is surrounded.

Patriotic education begins from the first days of school

The feeling of love for one’s own people begins to form from love for surrounding peers and adults.

The Importance of Moral Education

Instilling a sense of patriotism in children contributes to the formation of a correct civic position, a sense of love and respect for the older generation, therefore the importance of this aspect of personality development should not be underestimated. The participation in this process of the family where the child is being raised is also important, since almost every family has moments when their ancestors performed heroic deeds, serving and defending their homeland during the war. It is necessary to tell primary school children more often about their famous great-grandparents and great-grandfathers, about their contribution to the history of the Great Patriotic War, review war photographs together, study full story own clan, this also contributes to the education of young patriots. Studying family letters and diaries gives children the opportunity to get in touch with the stories of their own family and experience their difficult destinies.

Cultivating patriotism - importance

We should not forget that parents themselves are the most important example for their children in any matter, including in cultivating a sense of patriotism.

The main tasks of moral and patriotic education

The main problem of instilling patriotism in younger schoolchildren is that the general attention to patriotism as a manifestation of morality has weakened significantly in recent years. As a result, many young people have developed a deficit of such important moral qualities as humanity, law-abidingness and collectivism, aimed at maintaining ties in many communities - from a narrow family circle to the state as a whole. One of the frequent manifestations of the spiritual emptiness of modern youth and the reduced level of culture is a sharp drop in the importance of patriotism as the defining values ​​of our people. Nowadays, the younger generation is often alienated from the general national culture, from important socio-historical experience.

Directions for educating patriotism

The modern problem of instilling a sense of patriotism among young people requires the introduction of a new ideology in educational and educational activities.

General school programs

Patriotism is in fact the power that is capable of overthrowing all obstacles in its path and declaring to the whole world about our country with deep respect. That is why one of the priority areas of educational work in the classroom is moral and patriotic education, the main goals of which are as follows:

  • the child's becoming a free citizen of his native country;
  • gradual development of a sense of possible involvement in the destinies of the Fatherland;
  • developing a high sense of pride in one’s own country and people.

Each teacher needs to take into account the main areas of work that is carried out in the lower grades in order to develop a sense of patriotism in them.

Directions of educational work

The school conducts educational work in the following areas:

  • special class hours dedicated to conversations about the native land;
  • collecting necessary materials and preparing speeches about their native lands;
  • thematic excursions, collective implementation of simple design work;
  • introduction elementary lessons history;
  • competitions for recitation of poetic verses, creative drawings, essays.

Patriotic education after school hours

An important source of accumulation of moral qualities is in schoolchildren’s familiarity with the world around them. In addition to the school base, which helps to form a sense of patriotism in children, parental education and their values, which they strive to pass on to their children, make a huge contribution to the development of this quality.

In childhood, in the process of interacting with others, the baby receives the necessary emotional experience. In such active contact there arises the basis for more serious feelings child. The process of raising a young patriot begins with his favorite places - his sweet home, his native street, where he lives.

To instill in your child a sense of pride in his native land, you can follow the following tips:

  • it is necessary to often focus the child’s attention on the beauties of his native village;
  • during active walks in the fresh air, explain to your child what is on your home street, discuss the meaning of each item;
  • Give your child a general idea of ​​the work of many public institutions: post office, local store, district library. You can observe the work of the employees of these institutions together and note the value of their daily work;
  • Together with your child, you can take an active part in the work of landscaping and improving your surrounding yard;
  • constantly expand your child’s horizons;
  • it is necessary to teach the child to adequately evaluate his actions and the actions of others;
  • read to him often interesting books about the native land, its outstanding heroes, about the unique traditions and culture of its people;
  • The child needs to be actively encouraged for his intention to restore order and for exemplary behavior in crowded places.

Exploring the native land - important element nurturing love for the Motherland

Patriotism is a feeling very similar to affection, devotion and responsible attitude towards one's homeland. The goal of adults raising a child is to teach him at a young age to be attached to his native places and to show responsibility in his small actions. Before a child learns to empathize with the troubles and challenges of his homeland, he needs to instill a sense of empathy for his neighbors.

Enthusiastic feelings at the sight of the country's vast expanses and natural resources will manifest itself in a child if he is taught to notice everything beautiful around him.

That is why it is so important to teach a child to see all the beauty of the surrounding places, their important sights, to celebrate natural beauty edges in different seasons, notice characteristic features streets, this is the daily work of teachers and parents. By their attitude to what they see, they show a certain example, a true standard of citizenship.

Excursions to historical sites foster respect for history

One last thing for parents

If parents sincerely love their Motherland and are devoted to it, then they will be able to show their child all its attractiveness. In this case, you can be absolutely sure that they will be able to raise a true patriot. Moral and patriotic education is a rather complex pedagogical process, where parents always need to lead by example. It is based on the development of important moral feelings.

The complex concept of “Motherland” includes all surrounding living conditions: occupied territory, climatic features, general organization of social life, unique language features, but it is not limited to this either. A child’s sense of homeland begins with all that beauty that the child sincerely admires and that evokes a response in his heart.

Although he is not yet able to realize all these impressions, but, passing them through his own childhood perception, they play an important role in the formation of a young patriot.

Studying national customs is an important part of cultivating patriotism

The spiritual and creative component of patriotism must be instilled in children with early years. This is directly related to a person’s spirituality, its depth. It is necessary to introduce the child to folklore and the peculiarities of national fine art. It is national folklore that is a real storehouse of moral and cognitive development children. Also, do not forget about national festivals and customs; it is in them that numerous observations of the subtle features of natural seasons, general weather changes, and the behavior of surrounding birds, insects and plants are concentrated. All these observations inevitably lead to work, because all this is learned in the process of active activity.

In folklore there is respect for human labor, admiration for the dexterity of human hands.

When children are introduced to national fairy tales, proverbs and unique riddles, they are introduced to universal moral values, which in modern times is becoming special meaning. The main task of every parent is to pass on these important values ​​to their child, raising him to be a true patriot.

Video: Patriotic education. Connection of generations

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