How do you understand the meaning of the word similar 15.3. Essay-reasoning on a moral and ethical topic

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Sections: Russian language

In part 15.3 the task is set: to write an essay-argument on a moral and ethical topic.

Among the concepts there may be well-known moral categories: friendship, maternal love, beauty, kindness, humanity, selflessness, pride, giftedness and others.

Let's get acquainted with the task. How do you understand the meaning of the expression LIFE VALUES? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-argument on the topic “What are life values”, using the definition you gave as a thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments confirming your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, the second from your life experience.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Essay plan

1. Thesis and commentary on it.

2. Arguments:

a) from the proposed text + micro-inference;

b) from life experience + micro-conclusion.

3. Conclusion - conclusion.

It is necessary to write the essay in such a way that the commentary, micro-conclusions and conclusion-conclusion do not contradict each other.

Evaluation criteria

The answer to task 15.3 (essay-reasoning) is assessed according to the following criteria:

Criteria for assessing an essay-argument on a topic related to text analysis (15.3)


Interpretation of the meaning of the word

The examinee (in one form or another in any part of the essay) gave a definition and commented on it.

The examinee (in one form or another in any part of the essay) gave a definition, but did not comment on it.

The examinee gave an incorrect definition, or there is no interpretation of the word in the examinee’s work.

Availability of example arguments

The examinee gave two example-arguments: one example-argument is given from the text he read, and the second is from life experience, or The examinee gave two example arguments from the text he read.

The examinee gave one example-argument from the text he read.

The examinee gave an example(s)-argument(s) from life experience.

The examinee did not give a single example-argument.

Semantic integrity, speech coherence and consistency of the essay

The work of the examinee is characterized by semantic integrity, verbal coherence and consistency of presentation: – there are no logical errors, the sequence of presentation is not broken; – there are no violations of paragraph division of the text in the work.

The work of the examinee is characterized by semantic integrity, coherence and consistency of presentation, but one logical error was made, and/or There is one violation of paragraph division of the text in the work.

The examinee's work shows a communicative intent, but more than one logical error is made, and/or There are two cases of violation of paragraph division of the text.

Compositional harmony

The work is characterized by compositional harmony and completeness; there are no errors in the construction of the text.

The work is characterized by compositional harmony and completeness, but one mistake was made in the construction of the text.

The work contains two or more errors in the construction of the text.

Maximum amount points for an essay according to criteria C3K1–C3K4

Text by Muravyova I. Life values

(1) I close my eyes and see my alley. (2) First Workers. (3)Two-story wooden house, in which I lived the first ten years of my life. (4) I never see him in the summer, only in the winter. (5) I smell the snow and lick it off my colorful mitten.
(6) In the last preschool winter, I was sent to a “group” - that’s what they called the children who walked in the park in the morning with an “intelligent” teacher. (7) The “group” appeared the perfect way overcome my shyness. (8) Grandfather brought me to the park as expected: at ten. (9) The teacher, a thin lady from the “former”, said that I looked like Malvina, and her name was Vera Grigorievna. (10) Having made sure that the children were “intelligent”, and there was nothing to say about Vera Grigorievna, the grandfather moved along direction to the main alley leading from the park to the street (we were walking on a small side one!). (11) I burst into tears and rushed to catch up with him. (12) Vera Grigorievna rushed after me, the intelligent children dropped their shovels and rushed after Vera Grigorievna. (13) I was the first to run to my grandfather and, blinded by grief, buried myself in the pocket of his heavy, good-quality coat. (14) Grandfather gave up: the sound of my sobs, no doubt, worked flawlessly. (15) Having shaken off the snow from a massive bench with openwork paws buried in a snowdrift, he firmly sat down on it, raised his collar and froze like a statue. (16) Vera Grigorievna and I and the confused children returned to our side alley. (17) I calmed down: my wide back with a raised astrakhan collar was ten meters away from my eyes. (18) I danced in a circle around a huge hollow oak tree and sculpted Easter cakes out of snow, trying to make them no worse than those of the other children , it turned out to be much more fun than walking hand in hand with my grandmother, as I did before. (19) Every ten minutes I looked up from my fun and checked whether my motionless back was still in place, slightly covered with slow snow. (20) The back was there and did not move. (21) One time, however, she wasn’t there, and I was about to burst into tears, but I immediately calmed down: my grandfather had not gone anywhere.
(22) Having become numb, he jumped up next to the bench and rubbed his whitened cheeks with his palms.
(23) At exactly one o’clock the festivities ended, and holding hands, my grandfather and I went home. (24) The trees were glassy from the frost, and gentle bluish stove smoke rose from the chimneys.
- (25) Aren’t you cold? - my grandfather asked me. (26) I shook my head negatively. (27) New impressions overwhelmed me. (28) The winter was long, cold and snowy. (29) Every morning from ten to one I walked in a “group”, and my grandfather sat on a bench with openwork paws buried in the snow. (30) How could I, six years old, know what it means to sit motionless and freeze in the name of love ? (According to I.L. Muravyova)*
*Irina Lazarevna Muravyova is a modern writer, winner of literary awards.

Initial essay writing

How not to write an essay “Life Values” (punctuation preserved)

Life values ​​are what a person values ​​most in life: for some it is health, and for many it is money, because you can buy everything with it.
In Muravyova’s text, the grandfather valued the girl’s peace. He had to freeze for many hours in the cold. It is unlikely that the granddaughter will appreciate this, because she is small, does not understand anything, and then, when she grows up, she will forget the sacrifices. He probably really valued peace in his family.
To support this, I will give an example from the media. Often, through various channels, they turn to the population to help, transfer funds to an account in order to cure sick children. This means I’m right: money is more important than anything else, and together we help cure the hopelessly ill.
Thus, money is one of the values ​​in life.

We are working on the composition of the essay

THESIS - the main idea that requires explanation and proof

We suggest starting your essay with rhetorical question. It is logical to start the essay by selecting a synonym for this concept. We avoid the formulation: pride is when..., life values ​​are what...


An excellent confirmation of this idea is the text...
Turning to the proposed text, one cannot help but see that...
IN this text there is a clear example...
Let's prove this by referring to the text...


The transition to argumentation will be the following cliche phrases (templates):
This concept can be illustrated using a text example (examples from the text).
To confirm what has been said, let us turn to the text.
In the text (author's surname) you can find an example that confirms the correctness of my definition (thought or thesis)
The sentence... confirms the idea that...
Examples (we name the word-concept from the task) can be found in life.
To support this, I will give an example from life (from fiction)


should be logically connected to the commentary, argumentation, and micro-inferences at the end of the second and third paragraphs. We use introductory words: so, thus, therefore.

Speech formulas:

  • We came to the conclusion...
  • To summarize, we can write that...
  • Drawing conclusions from what has been said, we see...

Let's try to write an essay according to the scheme

What are life values ​​2(based on the original text by Irina Lazarevna Muravyova)

Life values ​​- beliefs, principles, guidelines, priorities. Every person has their own values ​​in life. They are formed in childhood and lay the foundation for the rest of life. This is a compass that determines not only a person’s fate, but also relationships with others. But despite the difference of opinions, life values ​​are those beliefs that a person really values.

Argument 1+MV(micro pin)

This concept can be illustrated using an example from the text by I.L. Muravyova. This fragment describes the attitude of a grandfather towards his little granddaughter. He waited motionless in the cold for the girl's walk to end just to ensure her peace of mind. The old man really loved his granddaughter and was ready to sacrifice his own health for her. For my grandfather, she was the meaning of life and the main value for which he was ready to do anything.

Argument 2+MV(micro pin)

In "Song about the merchant Kalashnikov" M.Yu. Lermontov you can find an example confirming the correctness of my thesis. Main character of this work, Stepan Paramonovich and his entire family took honor very seriously, so the dishonor inflicted by Kiribeevich was a strong blow for them. Seeing his wife in terrible condition, the merchant suspected her of misbehavior, but after listening to Alena Dmitrievna’s excuses, he believed her, because he knew that she was honest and faithful woman. Kalashnikov considered it his duty to punish the guardsman for his action and restore the good name of his family. He understood perfectly well that he would not return alive from this fight, so he transferred the care of his family to his brothers. The most important concepts for members of the Kalashnikov family are duty, loyalty and honor, for which they will sacrifice everything.

Consequently, life values ​​are important guidelines, rules on which decision-making and the meaning of human existence depend. These are principles that a person follows throughout his life.

Evaluation criteria

S3K1-2b; S3K2-3b; S3K3-2b; S3K4-2b = 9 points

What is choice

What is choice
(1) Mom, when I was not yet in school, worked as an engineer and did a lot of drawing. (2) The drawings were so beautiful, and her preparation with shiny things was so unusually attractive that I could not pass by. (3) Of course, they caught me and didn’t let me in, but I still ruined several drawings and broke some compasses.
“(4) He is clearly drawn to the exact sciences,” my mother said seriously to my father.
(5) At school it immediately became clear that I was not drawn to the exact sciences. (6) I studied very averagely. (7) Mom said that if I continue like this, I will become a loader. (8) The expression on my father’s face at that time was such that I guessed: he doubted that my mother was telling the truth.
(9) In short, I never considered the profession of a loader as a promising one.
(10) When I was in high school, my parents taught at the university. (11) Mom taught thermodynamics, and father worked as the head of the department at the Faculty of Economics.
(12) But algebra, geometry and physics were still the darkest subjects for me. (13) My parents themselves understood that I would not follow in their footsteps, and did not even hint at it.
(14) What opportunities did I have? (15) University, cultural institute and, of course, medical. (16) I always liked medical school. (17) Firstly, my beloved uncle taught there. (18) Secondly, my second cousin studied there, whom I also liked. (19) But somehow the so-called anatomist was frightening. (20) I understood: I couldn’t even just enter the building where she was located. (21) Then I started going to the cultural institute. (22) I listened and watched performances of the student choir, concerts of students of the variety department, performances staged and performed by students. (23) Of course, I didn’t understand this well then, but I felt deathly boredom and the terrifying joylessness of what I saw. (24) The smell of the “anatomist” seemed to haunt me, it came from everything there: in all the performances the uselessness of what was happening was visible. (25) Useless to anyone! (26) Neither the speakers nor the audience. (27) This lack of hope for joy made me firmly abandon the idea of ​​entering a cultural institute. (28) But I wanted... (29) I don’t know what I wanted. (30) Nothing definite. (31) I wanted to be a student. (32) I wanted to study not very hard and not very boring... (33) I wanted a fun, interesting, real life. (34) The main thing is real life, with the whole being. (According to E. Grishkovets) *

* Grishkovets Evgeny Valerievich (born in 1967) - modern Russian writer, playwright, director, actor, musician. He became famous after he was awarded the Golden Mask national theater award in 1999.

How not to write an essay “What is choice?” (punctuation retained)

Choice is when someone makes one decision from among many options available. A person often finds himself in a situation of choice: profession, institute, loved one and friends. A person has to give in to some values ​​and norms while rejecting others. Choices have to be made every day, even if they are small.
The boy was deciding on his choice of profession. He chose it based on his favorite subjects and his capabilities. IN source text the boy was afraid about his future, but he himself didn’t know what he wanted. He just wanted to have fun.
IN folk tale"Kolobok" he had a choice to run away from his grandparents or not to run away. Since he knew that they wanted to eat him, he decided to run away. But on the way he encountered dangers; other animals also wanted to eat him. But he outsmarted them. And he ran away from them. But luck smiled on me and he was deceived and eaten by a fox. Whatever choice he chose, the outcome was the same.
Sometimes you need to be very careful when choosing, because the wrong choice can cost a lot.

Option 1 of the essay “What is choice?”

Introduction: thesis, commentary

Choice is a person’s conscious decision-making, for which he is always responsible, and which lead to certain consequences. If a person does not know how to make the right choice, he will not be able to manage his life, since it is the choice that determines the situation. Right choice depends on willpower: a person is able to give up what he wants now in favor of a future perspective.

Argument 1+ MV (micro-output)

In the text by Grishkovets E.V. the main character experiences great difficulties with self-determination in life: he cannot choose anything specific, rushes from one option to another and only wants a “fun, interesting, real life.” When faced with minor problems, he immediately changes his mind and looks for new option, with which he does the same. MW: To take the right step, you need fortitude that does not allow you to retreat from your goal under the onslaught of problems.

Argument 2+MV (micro pin)

To support my thesis, I will give an example from the novel by A.S. Pushkin" Captain's daughter". This, of course, is Shvabrin's choice. He is ready to sacrifice ideals and principles in order to save his life. The tragic events associated with the Pugachev uprising help to understand the character of the hero: having become a traitor, he thought only about saving his life, forgetting that he had sworn an oath to loyalty to the fatherland, the empress. He chose life, so he kissed Pugachev’s hand and began to serve the impostor. This is the choice of a traitor.

Not only should the choice of profession be deliberate, but in general any event in life should be correlated with moral standards and principles.

S3K1-2; S3K2-3; S3K3-2; S3K4-2 = 9 points

Option 2 of the essay “What is choice?”

Introduction and commentary

Choice is the opportunity or necessity to choose one or another option for the development of events, a path in life. The choice can be very painful, because sometimes the decision cannot be changed, or it is extremely difficult, and sometimes life leaves a person no choice at all.

Argument 1+MB

The main character of the text E.V. Grishkovtsa stands at a crossroads. He needs to decide on his choice of profession and educational institution, in which he is hampered by the lack of any aspirations: “I don’t know what I wanted. Nothing definite.” To him, all options seemed equally unattractive. The words “I wanted to learn not very hard” may conceal a reluctance to overcome oneself. Probably, the main character should have done just that and gone to, say, medical school. MW: The choice requires courage and prudence, because correct option may, at first glance, be unpleasant and undesirable.

Argument 2+ MV

But it was as if life itself had made a choice for me. In fifth grade, I was taught Javascript programming by my math teacher. This must have been a key event in my life, because it determined my future profession once and for all. It seems as if I had no choice: I was so interested in it. MW: Sometimes it seems as if His Majesty Chance decides for us.

The choice determines how our lives will turn out in the future. It can be very painful, or it can be an insight: mine! In order for a person to make a choice, a willingness to face the future is required.

S3k1-2; S3K2-3; S3K-2; S3K4-2 = 9 points

What's happeneddevotion ? Loyalty is the willingness to sacrifice something for the sake of something, the ability in any situation to remain faithful to something or someone, be it an idea or a person. I will try to justify my definition of this ethical concept.

As the first argumentthe correctness of the thesis expressedYou can quote sentence 15 from the text by V.V. Chaplina. It describes Wolverine's devotion to maternal duty - protecting her children. As soon as her cubs were in danger, she, no matter what, rushed to protect her offspring.

As a second argument confirming my point of view, I will give an example from my life experience. I know two friends. They served together during the war in Chechnya. One day, during a retreat, one of his comrades was wounded. He could not move and remained to cover the withdrawal of our troops. Suddenly his friend lies down next to him and says: “Russians don’t abandon their own!” This is true devotion: despite the threat to your own life, remain faithful to your friend, do not abandon him in difficult times.

I think that by presenting two arguments, I have proven my understanding of the word “devotion”. It's a shame it's rare these days. (Belov Nikita)

Essay 15.3.

I guess, thatfriendship is a relationship between people based on trust, sincerity, and self-sacrifice. I will prove this using the text offered to us for analysis and my life experience.

For example, in the work of Rosa Gosman we're talking about about the friendship of two girls: Olga and Elena. Olya writes poetry. She herself understands that they are not very good (1). However, Lena always praises them (13). But the friend is insincere: she flatters Olya, and laughs at her behind her back (19-21). Therefore, when Olya finds out the truth, the girls quarrel. In this situation, Olya behaves very generously: she forgives Lena, and she, having received good lesson, changed her attitude towards Olya’s hobby, and the girls renewed their friendship (45-50).

In addition, I want to give an example from my life. My friend always helps me, keeps secrets and supports me in all my endeavors. I also try to answer her in the same way. That's why I consider her a true friend.

Thus, I proved that friendship is built on understanding and trust. The role of friendship is enormous in today’s world, because it’s good to know that you have someone to rely on in difficult times.

(Ekaterina Listishenkova)

Essay 15.3.

I know thatfriendship is a relationship between people based on trust, sincerity, and self-sacrifice. I will prove this using the source text and my life experience.

The work of A. Ivanov gives an example of true friendship. Ovechkin was ready to sacrifice his own life to save his friends. He fearlessly jumped onto the tree trunk and began to chop it down (45-46). Ovechkin knew the risk he took, but he didn’t stop and completed his job (48-57).

In addition, I want to give an example from my life to support my point. When I had a problem in my life, about which I was very worried, my friend was there all the time, supporting and encouraging me. I thought that it was she who helped me forget that incident. I want to express my gratitude to her for this.

Thus, I proved that friendship really plays a big role in a person’s life, the whole world rests on it. (Ekaterina Listishenkova)

Choice is an internal struggle to exalt one option over many others. Every day we face elections. What to eat for breakfast, which way to go to school, whether to help grandma cross the road or not. Our future fate may depend on this or that choice.

In this text, Zhenya Lesnevsky, who found the phone in minibus, there was a choice: return the phone to the owner or keep it for yourself.

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Having chosen the second option, he soon regretted his action and tried to correct it, but nothing worked.

In A.S. Pushkin's work "Eugene Onegin" Tatiana, already a princess, has a choice: to remain faithful to her husband or to cheat on him with the love of her youth - Eugene Onegin. But she makes the right choice - she remains faithful to her husband.

Choice is a difficult and important thing in our lives. Any choice can affect our destiny, and before taking an action, we need to think several times!

Updated: 2017-02-23

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I think that fearlessness is a character trait that not many people have, which manifests itself in emergency situations, but which can be cultivated within yourself.

Who do we call fearless? Clearly not a person who lacks the instinct of self-preservation, who receives a dose of adrenaline for his own pleasure, while risking death. We'll call it stupidity.

Every day, emergency workers save the lives of others, be they adults, children or animals. This is who really deserves respect. We will characterize them as fearless.

The pioneers were not afraid of weather conditions and destructive elements. Thanks to them and their courage, we have new information, we can have an idea about appearance planet and its phenomena. In discovering the unknown, they had to be fearless.

Let's turn to fiction. In Bondarev’s story “Hot Snow,” the platoon commanded by Kuznetsov showed considerable courage, thanks to which Soviet army went on a counteroffensive. Can we say that war heroes had no fear? They were no less afraid than other civilians.

Our experts can check your essay according to the Unified State Exam criteria

Experts from the site
Teachers of leading schools and current experts of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

IN war time only fearlessness could motivate the defender to close the German bunker and raise the last company behind him to attack. After all, the fate of the entire country depended on where you took a step - back or forward!

Based on the above, we can conclude that a fearless person is capable of feats, his risk will be justified and will serve as an example for other people.

Brief dictionary concepts and terms on moral and ethical topics

with examples from essays

Altruism -a moral principle that prescribes a person to suppress his own egoism, selfless service to his “neighbor,” and the willingness to sacrifice his own interests in favor of the interests of others.

Asceticism –a moral principle that prescribes self-denial for people, renunciation of worldly goods and pleasures, suppression of sensual aspirations in order to achieve any social goals or moral self-preservation.

Unselfishness- lack of self-interest, greed for property, desire to accumulate wealth, acquire rights; unwillingness to use something to the detriment, offense or loss of others.

Gratitude - a person’s attitude towards a person (group of persons, organization) who has provided him with a benefit or service in the past, expressed in a special feeling of readiness to reciprocate the benefit and in corresponding practical actions.

Nobility -moral quality, characterizing people’s actions from the point of view of the sublime motives that dictate them. It includes a number of more specific positive qualities: courage, dedication, loyalty to high ideals, generosity, etc.) This is high morality, dedication and honesty.

Politeness -a moral quality that characterizes the behavior of a person for whom respect for people has become a daily norm of behavior and a habitual way of communicating with others. The opposite of politeness is rudeness, rudeness, arrogance and a disdainful attitude towards people.

Generosity -a character trait expressed in selfless compliance, condescension, lack of rancor, the ability to sacrifice one’s interests, generosity of soul, nobility.

Mutual assistance -this is helping each other, supporting each other in difficult situation. Mutual assistance is based on the principle “you - to me, I - to you.” This means that the person who helped you expects reciprocal actions from you, but these actions may not always be performed for the good.

1.What is mutual assistance? This question has a deep spiritual aspect. After all, without mutual assistance, I think, humanity itself would not exist. In mutual assistance, philanthropy is realized when strangers come to your aid, helping you out of trouble.

2. Mutual assistance is, first of all, helping a person who needs it. It has a boomerang effect: your help to another person will come back to you.

Mutual assistance –relationships between people in a team arise in conditions of common interests and goals, when the pooling of efforts and separation of functions presupposes mutual support for the individual efforts of everyone.

Power– this is the ability and opportunity to have a decisive influence on the activities and behavior of people using any means: will, authority, law, violence (parental authority, state, economic, etc.).

The first associations that arise for me with the word “power” are politics, government, king, state and similar concepts, that is, power for me is, first of all, power in society .

Human inner world

This is his spiritual world, consisting of feelings, emotions, thoughts, ideas about the surrounding reality. There are people with a rich inner world, and there are people with a poor one. A person’s inner world can be judged by his actions. A set of qualities, a person’s own unique reality, which not only distinguishes him from others, but also greatly influences his own life.

this is a kind of mental space in which the entire spiritual life of an individual is located, all of its energy is concentrated in it. In the inner world, the formation and preservation of human cultural values ​​takes place, and then their transformation. This is a kind of virtual reality that serves as an intermediary between the neural networks of the brain and the surrounding immediate reality of a person.

1. Psychologists and philosophers believe that the inner world has the following components: emotions, feelings, worldview and intellect .

2. The inner world of a person or, in other words, the spiritual or mental world of a person has a complex structure, consisting of such basic elements as intellect, emotions, feelings, worldview.

3. The inner world of a person is a world that a person creates exclusively for himself. This is a world that is somewhere in a person’s thoughts, in the information field, but can be no less real for him than the world around him. First of all, the inner world is the mind, which, depending on its development, experience, flexibility, shapes a person’s attitude towards others and the environment, forces him either to hide from the real world in the inner world, or to open up and transform the outer world according to the laws of the inner world.

War -conflict between political entities - states, tribes, political groups, and so on - occurring in the form of armed confrontation, military (combat) actions between them armed forces. One of the goals of war is one’s own survival or the destruction of the enemy. As a rule, war has the means of imposing one's will on the opponent.

Leo Tolstoy, the great humanist of the 19th century, said: “War is madness that makes you doubt the intelligence of people. This is the most disgusting thing in life... an event that is contrary to human reason and all human nature.”


- it is purposeful and organized process personality formation.

— the impact of society on a developing person. In the narrow sense of the word, education is the systematic influence of parents and school on a child, i.e. for an immature person...


- This is a conscious decision-making from a set of proposed options, this is a preference for one option over another. A person is constantly faced with a situation of choice; it is a vital necessity. It is especially important to accept correct solution when choosing a future profession, because a person’s future life depends on it. Sometimes making such a choice is very difficult.

This is a person’s making one decision from a set of proposed options, self-determination of the individual in relation to principles, decisions and actions. Preferring one over the other is a vital necessity for a person who, while living life, is forced to constantly choose “as his property,” to one degree or another, evil or good.

1.What is choice? This question was answered very precisely by Abraham Maslow, a famous American psychologist, who said: “Life is a process of constant choice.” We, indeed, were faced with a choice every day, and it depended only on ourselves whether we would follow the path of good or evil.

2.What is choice? According to Wikipedia, choice is the presence of different options for exercising one's will; the presence of choice is associated with the justification of human free will. And in explanatory dictionary V. Zorina “Eurasian Wisdom” gives the following definition to the word “choice”: “choice is a spiritual and practical procedure during which the consciousness of an individual carries out a selective preference for certain values ​​and norms, rejecting others.” As we can see from the above definitions, choice requires the presence of several different options.

The choice is moral

This is a conscious decision made by a person, this is the answer to the question “What should I do?”: pass by or help, deceive or tell the truth, succumb to temptation or resist. When making a moral choice, a person is guided by conscience, morality, and his own ideas about life. This is a person making one decision in a situation where he has to act for the benefit of another person or in accordance with his views and beliefs.

1.Sooner or later, every person faces the question of moral choice, whether it is a man or a woman, it doesn’t matter. What is a person's moral choice? This is a choice between “good” and “evil”, between what is “good” and what is “bad”.

2. Moral choice is a choice between good and evil that a person makes in any variable situation.

Exposure –a moral quality in which certain aspects of self-control are manifested; includes:

*a person’s ability to exercise control over his feelings, to subordinate his actions to achieving a set goal, despite emerging obstacles and unforeseen circumstances (perseverance);

* the ability to overcome difficulties, to suppress the cowardly desire to abandon planned tasks (perseverance);

* loyalty to chosen ideals and principles despite hardships and deprivations, passive or active opposition and coercion from open enemies (perseverance).

Heroism –a special form of human behavior, which in moral terms represents a feat. The hero takes upon himself the solution of a task that is exceptional in its scale and difficulty, and assumes a greater measure of responsibility and responsibilities than is imposed on people in normal conditions generally accepted norms of behavior, overcomes special obstacles in this regard.

Rudeness -a negative moral quality that characterizes disregard for cultural behavior is the opposite of politeness.

Humanism –the principle of a worldview, which is based on the belief in the limitlessness of human capabilities and his ability to improve, the requirement of freedom and protection of personal dignity, the idea of ​​a person’s right to happiness and that the satisfaction of his needs and interests should be the ultimate goal of society.

Welcome -one of the most general concepts of moral consciousness and one of the most important categories of ethics. Good is the most general form of differentiation between moral and immoral, having positive and negative moral meaning, that which meets the requirements of morality and that which contradicts them: beneficence, virtue, justice, etc.

Kindness -This is the spiritual quality of a person, which is expressed in a tender, caring attitude towards other people, in the desire to do something good, to help them. Kindness makes our lives brighter and more joyful. It can change a person and his attitude towards the world around him.

What is kindness? Kindness is responsiveness, emotional disposition towards people, the desire to do good to others.

Confidence- an attitude towards the actions of another person and towards himself, which is based on the conviction of his rightness, fidelity, integrity, honesty.

Duty -necessity expressed in moral requirements in the form in which they appear to a certain person. This is the transformation of the requirement of morality into the personal task of this particular person, formulated in relation to his position and the situation in which he finds himself. this moment. The individual acts as a bearer of certain moral duties to society, who is aware of them and implements them in his activities.

Dignity –the concept of moral consciousness, expressing the idea of ​​​​the value of every person as moral personality, as well as the category of ethics, which means a person’s special moral attitude towards himself and the attitude towards him on the part of society, which recognizes the value of the individual: self-awareness and self-control of the individual, on which a person’s demands on himself are based.


This is not just an emotional attachment, it is a close relationship based on trust and sincerity. A true friend will not deceive you under any circumstances. He will find the strength to tell the truth, even if it is not easy for him to do so.

1. Since the time of Socrates, it has been considered one of the main virtues, expressed in mutual affection and spiritual community of two people. At the same time, friendship based on mutual love, respect, openness and absolute trust in each other was awarded the highest moral assessment.

2. What is friendship? Friendship is a form of communication between people based on common interests, mutual respect, mutual understanding and mutual assistance; implies personal sympathy, affection and affects the most intimate, sincere aspects human life; one of the best moral feelings of a person .

Life values ​​- it is what people consider important in their lives. These are their beliefs, principles, guidelines. This is a compass that determines not only a person’s fate, but also his relationships with others. Life values ​​are formed in childhood; they lay the foundation for the rest of life.

1.What are Life Values? Life values ​​are goals and priorities that, controlling a person’s life, determine his essence. For some, what is important in life is material well-being, that is, money, or power, or career. Others value their family, their homeland... Everyone chooses their own priorities.

2.What are life values? I think these are the values ​​that serve as guidelines in a person’s life, a standard, criteria for the quality of life and the “correctness” of decisions and actions.

3.Each of us strives for something, wants to achieve something. The life values ​​that we adhere to help us with this. After all, what we do and who we become depends on our core values.

4. Life values ​​are our internal compass by which we must check our every step on the road of life. I think that any of us would consider family, love, and friendship to be among our life values. They are the ones who serve as a support for a person.

Envy -a hostile feeling towards the success, popularity, moral superiority or advantageous position of another person. Envy arises in a person on the basis of selfishness, ambition and vanity. Feelings of envy worsen people's character and relationships.

Evil -the opposite of good, the concept of moral consciousness, which serves as the most general expression of ideas about the immoral, contrary to the requirements of morality, deserving of condemnation. Negative actions of people are usually assessed as moral evil.

Treason –infidelity common cause, bonds of solidarity, camaraderie, love.

Sincerity –moral quality characterizing a person and his actions; is expressed in the fact that a person does and says what he believes is correct, acts for the sake of those considerations that he is ready to admit to himself, etc. Sincerity is the opposite of hypocrisy and deception.

Art. Real art

is a creative reflection of reality in artistic images. True art is like a powerful force that can awaken strong feelings in a person, evoke emotions, and make one think about serious life issues. Works of true art are national treasures, the most important spiritual values ​​that must be passed on to other generations.

1. Have you ever wondered what art is called real? In my opinion, this is art that makes a person better, awakens his soul, makes him think about the meaning of life.

2. Real art is a form of knowledge of life, it is an imaginative understanding of reality.

3. “Art is a great struggle against loneliness. And the eternal power of art lies precisely in the fact that it extends a hand to all the lonely,” said the famous director Pavel Lungin. Interesting point of view, isn't it? I agree, this is precisely the meaning of real art.

4. The answer to the question “What is real art?” I find in the words of Yuri Bondarev, who said: “Art is designed to preserve the human in man.” Only such art can be called real.

5.What is art? Art is a creative reflection of reality in artistic images. A person’s contact with works of art contributes to his spiritual enrichment. True art is like a powerful force that can awaken strong feelings in a person, evoke emotions, and make one think about serious life issues.

6. Art is a creative reflection of reality in artistic images. True art is not only capable of awakening strong feelings and emotions in a person, distracting for a while from the drab everyday life, giving pleasure, but also filling life with meaning, finding the key to oneself.

Books. Precious books - These are books that develop a person’s imagination and imagination, give him new impressions, transport him to another world and lay the foundations of morality. Every child should have such books, because the acuity of perception in childhood is very great and early impressions can then influence the rest of their lives.

What book can be called precious? I think only the one that awakens the best aspirations in a person, softens the heart, teaches how to think, and educates. A precious book is an engine of thought, feelings, a source of knowledge, a friend and adviser. Precious books can also include a book that is dear to a person as a memory of someone, like a family heirloom.

beauty- something that gives aesthetic and moral pleasure.

Moral conflict - situation of moral choice. In a conflict situation, it is necessary to make a choice between conflicting moral values ​​in favor of one of them and, through resolving the contradiction, to realize a moral goal.


A set of traditions, customs, social norms, rules governing the behavior of those who live now and transmitted to those who will live tomorrow.

- a system of values, life ideas, patterns of behavior, norms, a set of methods and techniques human activity, objectified in objective, material media and transmitted to subsequent generations.

Some complex whole that includes spiritual and material products that are produced, socially learned and shared by members of society and can be transmitted to other people or subsequent generations.

Cultured man

1. What kind of person can be called cultured? I think this is a civilized, intelligent person.

2. A cultural person is a person who observes the basic norms of behavior of a civilized society, but relates himself and society only in the proportion that allows him to remain a person and individuality.

3. A cultured person can be called a person who knows and is always ready to observe the basic norms of behavior, while he is internally convinced of their necessity. A truly well-mannered person behaves appropriately not only at official receptions, does not flaunt his refined manners, but shows his good manners in the most insignificant actions of everyday life.

Hypocrisy -a negative moral quality, consisting in the fact that obviously immoral actions are ascribed moral meaning, lofty motives and humane goals. Hypocrisy is the opposite of honesty, directness, sincerity - qualities that manifest a person’s conscious and open expression of the true meaning of his actions.

Personality –subject of moral activity. A person becomes a moral person when he voluntarily subordinates his actions to the moral requirements of society, understands their content and significance, is able to set moral goals for himself and develop decisions in relation to specific circumstances, independently evaluate his actions and the actions of others, and educate himself.

Love -this is the most intimate feeling that one person can experience for another. This is a kind of attraction, desire, desire to be close to the object of your love. Love ennobles, makes you perceive differently the world, admire and admire the one you love, and even perform feats. The opposite of love is hatred.

1.What is love? Love is a feeling characteristic of a person, a deep attachment to another person or object, a feeling of deep sympathy.

2. Amazing precise definition The word “love” was given by the writer George Sand, who said: “Love is the happiness that is given to each other.” One cannot but agree with this statement. Love is a feeling that makes a person happy and makes him do crazy things for the sake of his loved one.

Mother's love - this is the most beautiful and powerful feeling, this enormous strength, capable of working miracles, restoring life, saving from dangerous diseases. Maternal love is multifaceted, it manifests itself in selfless dedication, care, and worry for one’s own child.

1.What is Mother's love? This is the most beautiful and powerful feeling in the world. Your mother will never betray you, will always support you, and will share your joy and sadness with you.

2.Maternal love is a concept that is almost impossible to describe in words. Maternal love makes a woman rejoice when looking at her child, worry about all sorts of trifles as if something serious had happened, and in difficult times the mother is ready to do anything for the sake of her child.

3.Maternal love is the source of life on earth, emitting light, warmth, tenderness and affection. A mother is ready to do a lot for her child, even self-sacrifice.

Cowardice -a negative moral quality characterizing the weakness of the individual’s will; is expressed in the inability to defend and implement the moral principles in which he believes, due to fear for personal interests, fear of incurring adverse consequences, fear of difficulties or lack of faith in one’s own strength.

Dream- a special type of imagination, a cherished desire, the fulfillment of which often promises happiness.

1. In S.I. Ozhegov’s dictionary the following definition is given: a dream is “an object of desires, aspirations, something created by the imagination, mentally imagined.” I think a dream is the first step towards a goal! There will be no dreams, there will be no goals and there will be no movement forward on the path to your happiness. Only dreams can make a person accomplish the impossible; they light the flame of hope and self-confidence in our souls.

2. A dream is a certain feeling of desire for something specific, for which a person is ready to take action. A dream is our thoughts and desires, which seem inaccessible and impossible to us, it is strength, it is the meaning of life, it is interest in life. A dream is the most valuable thing a person has: it fills his life with meaning.

Mercy- willingness, out of compassion, to provide help to those who need it.

Moral –a form of social consciousness that appears in the form of norms, rules and principles that guide people in their behavior. Morality regulates human behavior in all spheres of public life without exception.

Courage -a moral quality that characterizes a person’s behavior and moral character. Courage is characterized by such qualities as courage, perseverance, endurance, self-control, selflessness, self-esteem, calm courage, presence of mind in trouble, danger, bravery, fearlessness.

Skills –actions that a person has so mastered during a long exercise that he has begun to carry them out more or less automatically. In moral activity, choice can be regulated through skill necessary ways, ways, means of action.

Hatred -moral sense, corresponding to relations of mutual hostility between people. It includes a number of interconnected moments, for example: disgust and desire for harm to another, refusal to help a hated person, opposition to all his aspirations.

Diffidence - This is a lack of faith in yourself, your strengths, capabilities and abilities. Insecure people have low self-esteem and suffer from an inferiority complex. This trait is very disruptive in life. It is necessary to fight it, overcome it.

1.What is self-doubt? I think this is, first of all, a person’s dependence on the opinions of others and doubt in his physical and mental strength. In addition, this inability to make independent decisions and low self-esteem, and, as a result, uncertainty is the cause of many troubles.

2. Uncertainty is the fear of accepting independent decision due to doubt in one’s strengths, capabilities, abilities, fear of failure.

3. Uncertainty is fear, internal fears associated with low self-esteem. Fears that fetter a person, preventing him from growing and developing further, causing him to hesitate when solving any issues or taking actions - all this is the definition of what self-doubt is.

Moral- a set of norms that determine human behavior.

Responsibility - such a property of a person from the point of view of fulfilling the moral requirements imposed by society; expressing the degree of participation of individuals and social groups, both in their own moral improvement and in the improvement of social relations. If a person's duty is to practically implement moral demands, then the question of the extent to which this task is fulfilled or the extent to which a person is guilty of not fulfilling it is a matter of personal responsibility.

Deviant behavior (deviant) – a special type of moral evil, expressed in negative deviations from norms and patterns of behavior.

Behavior –a set of human actions that have moral significance, performed by him over a relatively long period under constant or changing conditions.

Utility– one of the forms of manifestation of the social significance of objects and phenomena, as well as human actions; the positive role they play in satisfying someone's interests or achieving goals.

Integrity – a positive moral quality that characterizes a person and his actions; means loyalty to a certain idea in beliefs and consistent implementation of this idea in behavior.

Nature -the material world of the Universe is, in essence, the main object of study of the natural sciences. In everyday life, the word “nature” is often used to mean natural habitat (everything that is not created by man).

1.What is nature? We will find the answer to this question in the words of the Russian writer M.M. Prishvin. In his opinion, nature is “fire, water, wind, stones, plants, animals...”, that is, everything that surrounds a person, and the person himself, of course.

2.Have you ever wondered: what is nature? It seems to me that the answer is obvious: this is the world that surrounds us and of which we are a part. This " Living being", as the American writer Fenimore Cooper said, "which must be understood"

3. Nature is everything that surrounds us: from the most distant star in space to the smallest grain of sand under our feet, Nature is endowed not only with an amazing instinct of self-preservation, but also with internal intuition, which allows us to understand where the enemy is and where the friend is. And if there is a friend in front of her, living nature, she is ready to share love, joy...

4.Nature is the natural habitat of man, the world around him in all its diversity of manifestations.

Professional honor - concern for the authority of one’s profession in society.

Repentance –recognition of one's own guilt and condemnation of one's past actions; manifests itself either in a public recognition to others of one’s guilt and readiness to be punished, or in a special feeling of regret for one’s actions and thoughts. Repentance can be a manifestation of conscience or a feeling of shame, but in both cases it plays the role of a person’s self-esteem of his actions, which guides his further actions.


A generalized personality trait that appears in initiative, criticality, adequate self-esteem and a sense of personal responsibility for one’s activities and behavior

- this is the property of a person who knows how to set a goal and achieve it, solve problems that arise in his life life path. Independence is freedom of choice and the ability to pay for this freedom yourself, to take responsibility for your actions, for own choice solutions to one problem or another.

What is independence? We find the answer to this question in the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” by S.I. Ozhegov: “Independence is independence, freedom from external influences, coercion, from outside support, help. Independence – the ability to act independently, make judgments, have initiative, and determination.” One cannot but agree with this interpretation. Indeed, independence is a person’s ability to make decisions and be responsible for them.


1. If we turn to a social studies textbook, we will read that a family is a group of people based on blood relationship or marriage. However, it seems to me that this definition does not fully answer the question: what is a family? In my opinion, family is a special world that unites the closest people, in which everyone is comfortable, because it is imbued with love, tenderness and care. If this is not the case, then the family breaks up or becomes unhappy.

2. A family is a living organism: if one person feels bad, then everyone feels bad; if one person is happy, then with this happiness he “infects” all his relatives. Relationships in the family imply a high degree of trust, and if trust is lost, then family ties are broken, only it, together with love, holds the family together, makes it strong and strong.

Strength of mind -one of the main qualities that makes a person strong not physically, but morally. Strength of spirit consists of self-confidence, determination, perseverance, perseverance, inflexibility, and faith in the best. Strength of spirit makes a person find a way out of a difficult situation, look into the future with optimism, and overcome life's adversity.

1.What is fortitude? Strength of spirit is one of the qualities that makes a person persistent and unbending. This strength comes from will and perseverance. They say about courageous people that they are made of iron and do not bend or break.

2.Fortitude (grit) - high spiritual and mental fortitude. Thanks to her, goals are achieved and peaks are conquered. This is all our internal energy, without which we cannot achieve anything in life.

3.Fortitude is the core of a person. It is mental strength that allows him to achieve life goals and overcome obstacles, makes us capable of real action.

Meaning of life -a concept that shows why human life and activity are necessary.

Conscience -the ability of an individual to exercise self-control, formulate moral duties for himself, demand that he fulfill them, and make a self-assessment of his actions.

What is conscience? Conscience is an internal assessment, an internal awareness of the morality of one’s actions, a sense of moral responsibility for one’s behavior.

Shame -one of the manifestations of a person’s moral self-awareness; a moral feeling in which a person expresses condemnation of his actions, motives and moral qualities.

Happiness -this is the state of a person’s soul, this is the highest satisfaction with life. Each person puts his own understanding into this word. For a child, happiness is a peaceful sky above his head, entertainment, fun, games, loving parents. And it’s scary when a child’s happy world collapses.

1. What is happiness? “Happiness is a human state that corresponds to the greatest internal satisfaction with the conditions of one’s existence, the fullness and meaningfulness of life, the fulfillment of one’s human purpose,” we read on Wikipedia. I would add that happiness is harmony in the human soul.

2.Have you ever thought about the question of what happiness is? It seems to me that happiness is such a state of mind when everything is seen in pink color when every world of life brings joy. Happiness must be real... The home must be warm... Love must be mutual... Friendship must be reliable...

3. Happiness... How much ambiguous and magical is contained in this word, how much incomprehensible is hidden in the meaning of this feeling. I think a person becomes happy when he gives himself, his work, his love to another person...

4. The word “happiness” includes several concepts: love, family, the opportunity for self-realization, financial success, career... Everyone determines for themselves what happiness is for them. For me it is definitely family. Only when I am close to my family do I feel happy.

5. Happiness is love for one’s home, the ability to dream, make plans, make the most impossible dreams and live in the belief that they come true. Happiness is the feeling of the warmth of the spring sun, it is confidence in tomorrow, this is the concern of loved ones, relatives...

5. Happiness is a state that a person experiences here and now, a state of mind when a person is overwhelmed with joy, delight, and other positive feelings. In addition, the state of happiness implies that there are no negative feelings and emotions that give rise to suffering and pain.

6. The formula of happiness can be defined as follows: “Happiness is many powerful sources of joy in a person’s life and the absence of sources of suffering,” when the sources of joy are put in the numerator, and the more there are, the better, and the denominators are sources of suffering.

7. Happiness is the joy living in a person’s heart, and the greater and more powerful it is, the stronger the state of happiness.

8.Happiness is the state that you experience when you realize that you are loved by those whom you love.

Family happiness

Family happiness... This state can only be defined with words such as love, harmony, mutual respect and the desire to do something important and meaningful for each other.

Respect -one of the most important requirements morality, which implies an attitude towards people in which the dignity of the individual is practically recognized.

Formalism –purely external adherence to commandments and norms, formal fulfillment of duty, when a person does not think about social significance of his actions, does not realize the real meaning of his moral activity or is not able to motivate it from the point of view of the needs of society and man.

Values(see “Life Values”)

Cynicism –a moral quality that characterizes a contemptuous attitude towards the culture of society, towards its spiritual and moral values. Cynicism refers to words and deeds in which an outrage is committed against what constitutes the historical achievements of human culture, a mockery of moral principles, ridicule of ideals dear to people, and a violation of human dignity.

Humanity -humanism, humanity, human attitude towards others. IN in a general sense- a system of moral and social attitudes that presupposes the need to show sympathy for people, provide assistance, and not cause suffering. Since man is a social being, humanity is the required behavior in society.

Callousness of the soul- heartlessness, soullessness, dryness, coldness, insensitivity, unresponsiveness.

Honor -the concept of moral consciousness and the category of ethics, closely related and in many ways similar to the category of dignity. The concept of honor reveals a person’s attitude towards himself and the attitude towards him from society.

Reading is a specific form of linguistic communication between people through printed or handwritten texts, one of the main forms of mediated communication.

1.Reading is the perfect combination of business and pleasure. On the one hand, this is a hobby, undeniable pleasure from the process, on the other - knowledge in its pure form.

2. The process of reading is an increase in vocabulary and literacy level, too, but the most important thing is the development of a person’s inner world.

3.Reading is a fun, useful and important activity: it’s nice to immerse yourself in the world of imagination and fantasy after a long day; warm and cozy sitting with a book in big chair, wrapped in a blanket, while it’s raining and cold outside... A lot of interesting and new things can be gleaned from huge Talmuds and large volumes; where knowledge hides between dusty pages...

4. Reading is the art of managing yourself, your thoughts, feelings, intellect, it is creative process(dialogue with the author), this is one of the best pastimes that allows you to become better.

Generosity- providing selfless help to others, lack of stinginess.

Selfishness -life moral principle and moral quality that characterizes a person from the point of view of his attitude towards society and other people; means giving preference when choosing a line of behavior to one’s own interests over the interests of society and surrounding people and is the most open manifestation of individualism.

Ethics– a philosophical science, the object of study of which is morality: the origin, structure, functions, as well as problems of the development of morality: questions about how a person should act (normative ethics) and the actual theoretical questions about the origin and essence of morality (theoretical ethics).

Etiquette –a set of rules of behavior concerning the external manifestation of attitudes towards people.

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