How to choose an instantaneous electric water heater. How to choose a water heater for an apartment

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The presence of hot water supply is one of the main signs of a comfortable home. Instantaneous water heaters running on electricity make it possible to fully provide people living in a private house or apartment with water heated to a certain temperature. What water heaters of this type are, as well as which model to choose, will be discussed in detail in this article.

Electric instantaneous water heater: operating principle

Instantaneous electric water heater

A instantaneous water heater is a device in which the liquid is heated while it moves. The main advantage of such water heating installations is their compactness. Electric heaters also allow you to heat the liquid almost instantly, which is especially convenient when installed in a country house, when the housing is not used on a permanent basis.

An instantaneous water heater consists of a flask small volume, in which the heating element is located. Water, passing through the flask, is heated to a certain temperature, after which it flows to the water dispensing points. To prevent water from boiling, as well as to turn on the device in a timely manner, the device uses various sensors and relays. To ensure electrical safety, the water heater body must be connected to the grounding contact of the wiring.

Depending on the power of the device, the water heater can be installed at one water point or have distribution to all consumers of hot liquid.

What types of flow heaters are there?

Flow-through electric heaters are divided into the following types:

  • Pressure.
  • Non-pressure.

Pressure devices are suitable for providing multi-storey buildings with big amount water collection points, but this type of heater will only work if a fairly high pressure is created in the supply water supply.

Pressure electric water heater

Non-pressure devices operate in a water supply system without significant pressure, but it will not be possible to use this type of heater for several consumers. Typically, non-pressure devices are installed directly next to the faucet or shower. Many models have a built-in tap at the bottom of the water heater.

The device must be installed correctly, because if you install a non-pressure water heater in a system where there is high blood pressure liquid, then during operation the device may be damaged as a result of a rupture of the working shell.

Pressure and non-pressure devices may also have different type heating element. The device can be installed:

  • Bare spiral

If the device uses a conventional high-power heating element, then scale formation when using hard water can be the main reason for the rapid breakdown of the device.

TEN instantaneous water heater

An uninsulated spiral does not have this drawback, but during operation it can easily be damaged if there are air pockets in the plumbing system.

All instantaneous electric water heaters can be divided by type of control. The principle of regulating the temperature of the heated liquid can be as follows:

  • Hydraulic
  • Electronic

Devices equipped with hydraulic control are very reliable, but, as a rule, in such devices, to switch operating modes of the water heater, the toggle switch located on the device body must be mechanically switched.

When using electronically controlled water heaters, you can quite accurately set the temperature on the display, which will be maintained automatically.

An important characteristic flow heaters is performance. It is expressed in the volume of water heated to a certain temperature for 1 minute. The greater the number of water points operating simultaneously, the greater the productivity should be.

Instantaneous electric water heater: pros and cons

Flow-type water heating equipment has disadvantages and advantages compared to the installation of other hot water supply systems. To understand the main pros and cons of instantaneous water heaters, the positive and negative characteristics such devices.

  1. Unlimited production hot water.
  2. High liquid heating rate.
  3. Suitable even for small room, because it does not take up too much space.

Compact flow-type water heating device

  1. Water does not stagnate like in storage boilers.
  2. Relatively low cost.
  • Relatively low heating temperature, especially in winter.
  • There are not many negative characteristics of instantaneous water heaters, but inexpensive models, there may be serious problems with proper regulation of water temperature.

    Adjusting the water temperature

    As mentioned earlier, instantaneous water heaters can have mechanical or electronic control of liquid heating. Regardless of the type of device used, the device must be operated at the correct temperature conditions:

    • For a shower - 40 degrees.
    • For washing dishes – 45 degrees.

    This value of hot water temperature allows you to achieve not only comfortable use of flow-through equipment, but also significantly save energy. Despite the increased power of this type of water heating devices, the cost of hot water supply is reduced due to the short operating time of the device.

    How to choose an electric instantaneous water heater for an apartment or shower

    From the right choice water heating device will depend not only on ensuring hot water in the required volume, but also the duration of operation of the device. When choosing a flow device for installation in an apartment or in a private house the following principles must be followed:

    • Power device must not exceed the maximum permitted current value. If an overly powerful device is installed, then when the hot water tap is opened, an emergency shutdown of electricity is possible. If you need to provide hot water big house, then in this case it is recommended to choose a three-phase device. Before purchasing such a device, you should also make sure that it is possible to connect a three-phase electrical network.
    • Control type The device also has a significant influence on the final decision in favor of purchasing a certain model of instantaneous water heater. The electronic option for regulating the water temperature allows for more precise setting of this parameter, as well as making heating changes using a remote control.
    • Appearance devices, as well as quality paint coating is not the least important when choosing an instantaneous water heater. With equal technical indicators, preference should be given to a model that fits perfectly into the design of the room.

    Fits perfectly into any interior

    If a water heater is purchased for installation only in the bathroom or kitchen, then it is enough to purchase a device with a power of about 5 kW. The cost of the flow device, in this case, will be only about 2,500 rubles.

    In order for water heating equipment to serve for many years, without any deviations in operation, it is recommended to purchase devices from well-known manufacturers.

    Top 5 models of instantaneous electric water heaters

    You can simplify the process of choosing a high-quality instantaneous water heater if you follow the recommendations of real buyers of this type of electrical appliance. The following models are most popular among the population:

    Electrolux Smartfix

    Electrolux Smartfix

    Powerful, compact and inexpensive water heating device. The water heater capacity is 3.7 liters per minute. Hydraulic system device control allows you to select 1 of 3 temperature modes. Electricity consumption when switching modes also changes accordingly. The device has a built-in overheat protection system, as well as a set consisting of a water tap, shower hose and nozzle. The main disadvantage of this device is the only inability to connect more than 1 water point. You should also take into account the fact that a water heater of this model will only work if a minimum liquid pressure of 0.04 Bar is provided in the water supply.

    Timberk WHEL

    This model of instantaneous electric water heater from a famous Scandinavian brand has excellent performance characteristics. Despite the limitation in using the device at more than one water point, the device is very popular among buyers due to its low cost and high performance. At the same time, the compact dimensions of the device allow installation anywhere in the bathroom or kitchen. The weight of the device is also small and is only 1.19 kg. This device allows you to heat water from 16 to 60 degrees with an intensity of up to 4.5 l/min, but only if connected to a water supply with a minimum pressure of 0.03 Bar.

    Hyundai H-IWR1

    Instantaneous water heater designed for installation at only one point of consumption. The device is equipped with standard nozzles, so it can be used immediately after connecting to the water supply system and electrical network. The productivity of the water heating device is 3.6 l/min with a power of 5.5 kW. The flow device has built-in overheating protection, so the entire control process consists only of mechanically setting the maximum water heating temperature.


    The CLAGE CEX 9 water heater is designed to operate under high pressure, so it can be installed in such a way that all water points can be supplied with sufficient hot water. Of course, high productivity is reflected in the cost of water heating equipment. The price of a water heater of this model is approximately 10 times higher than small models installed directly at the water point. The power of water heating equipment is set at the installation stage. The heater can operate in 6 or 8 kW mode, but even with increased power, the device requires a voltage of 220 V for normal operation.


    A 24 kW instantaneous water heater allows you to provide one or more water points. The heating capacity is at least 12 l/min, with a difference of incoming and outgoing liquid of 28 degrees Celsius. Thanks to the installed heating element made of high-quality copper, it is possible to achieve trouble-free operation of the device for a long time. Also, the water heating system has built-in protection against overheating, which will also allow the device to remain operational in the event of a failure of the main heating-regulating elements. The presence of supplied three-phase current is prerequisite for connecting STIEBEL ELTRON , therefore, choose this type of instantaneous water heaters only for installation in a private home.

    The difference between an instantaneous water heater and a storage water heater lies, first of all, in fast heating water, while the amount of hot liquid can be unlimited. These are the main advantages when choosing autonomous system hot water supply of this type.

    How to choose a water heater for an apartment? There are two main types: storage and flow. You should choose according to the principle of operation, and also based on the number of people in the family. It is worth considering both the location and how large the tank will fit in your room. Below we will answer all the questions that concern the buyer when choosing a heater.

    Everyone has their own understanding of the word “best”: this includes design, capacity, technical characteristics, cost, durability. For apartment residents, the issue of hot water is acute. summer time year, so the boiler is needed a couple of times a year.

    It’s worth starting from the heating system: there are gas and electric water heaters. Gas is a cheaper type of fuel, so it is more rational to use it. However, connecting the equipment is complex and requires the installation of a boiler pipe.

    Electrical equipment is connected to a power source. If you want, you can turn off the device at night, saving resources. It can be installed in a private house where there is no gas pipe.

    Which water heater is better to buy: instantaneous or storage? Let us consider separately their advantages, as well as the most popular models.

    Storage boiler

    This device is a tank where water accumulates. The case is equipped with thermal protection, which allows you to maintain temperature and save energy. Compared to flow-through, storage consumes less electricity due to its operating principle (only 1.5-2 kW).

    It is enough to connect the boiler to a regular outlet to use hot water every day. When the set temperature is reached, the heater turns off and then turns on periodically.

    The downside may be that the tank volume is too large for your home. It should be calculated according to the purpose and number of people. For example:

    • A volume of 40 liters is enough for washing dishes in the kitchen or for taking a shower for one person.
    • For the kitchen and shower, two users will need a capacity of 80 liters or more.
    • A 100 liter boiler is suitable for three people.
    • Four people - from 120 liters.

    See the table and choose the volume wisely:

    One of the disadvantages is the wait for heating. The device also requires constant Maintenance master or user. It is necessary to check the safety of the magnesium anode, which protects the tank from corrosion. How to clean a water heater, read the previous article.

    In addition, the cost of storage equipment is higher than flow-through.

    Which heating element should you prefer?

    For heating, a heating element is installed in the storage boiler. It comes in dry and wet types.

    • Dry (closed). The element is enclosed in a flask, so it does not come into contact with the liquid.
    • Wet (open). Submerged in water.

    The closed type consists of a flask. It is made of steatite or magnesium silicate. The element heats the shell, and it transfers heat to the environment.


    • Increased service life. The element does not come into contact with liquid, so it is not afraid of scale and corrosion.
    • The possibility of current leakage and breakdown on the housing is eliminated.
    • Low energy consumption.
    • Easy replacement.

    An open (wet) element has its advantages:

    • High heating rate.
    • Affordable price.
    • Inexpensive service.

    Types of storage heater

    Devices also come in two types: open and closed.

    Open or free-flowing are installed only on one point. For example, a sink in the kitchen or a shower in the bathroom. The method of mounting the pipes allows you to install the tank both above and below the sink.

    The principle of operation is this: you open the water supply tap, a cold stream enters the tank, displacing the hot one. When heated excess liquid flows out. To protect the operation of the equipment, a fuse is connected. This type is easy to use and install.

    Closed They are connected to the water supply and operate from the pressure in the tank. To regulate it, it is established safety valve. Huge advantage closed type the possibility of using a hot stream at several points of intake.

    However, if the pressure in the pipes is less than 6 atm, the equipment will not work.

    To reduce the amount of water consumed, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

    • Take turns showering, 40 minutes after the previous person.
    • Turn off the supply while lathering.
    • Today you can find special attachments on sale - aerators, which save consumption by 30%.

    Instantaneous boiler

    Due to the absence of a tank, the water heater has compact dimensions. Many models are equipped stylish design, so you can place the water heating device anywhere.

    It also allows you to instantly get hot water. To determine throughput, which is suitable for your family, do this:

    • Place a 10 liter bucket in the bathroom.
    • Turn on the shower at normal pressure when you wash.
    • Record the time it takes to fill the bucket.
    • 1 minute - select 10 liters per minute pass.
    • 30 seconds - 20 liters.

    When installing this type of device, it is important to consider the type of network. If the device power is 12 kW, it is possible to connect to single-phase network. From 12 to 36 kW - to three-phase.

    Flow devices also come in two types:

    • Pressure ones are installed on the riser and turn on automatically as soon as you open the tap. Can provide multiple collection points.

    • Non-pressure. Supplied complete with shower head. Good for use in the summer, for example, in the country. The temperature reaches 30 degrees. However, the nozzle clogs quickly, so it is not suitable for permanent use.

    Mini-heaters have now been developed for hand washing. They are installed on taps and flow about three liters per minute.

    The main advantages of flow technology:

    • Compactness.
    • Easy to install.
    • Hot water is supplied instantly.

    During operation, equipment consumes a lot of energy. To supply hot water for simple washing in the shower you will need more than 7 kW.

    Model overview

    To make the right choice of heater, you need to evaluate its technical characteristics. Consumer reviews told us which company to prefer. Let's start the review with storage technology.


    Stylish appearance, flat design will take up little space. The body is made of stainless steel, its dimensions are 43.5 × 87.5 × 23.8 cm. The pressure model consumes only 2 kW.


    • The electronic panel is controlled by a microprocessor. Touch buttons and a rotary thermostat ensure convenient use.
    • The universal Touch Handle allows you not only to turn the device on and off, but also to adjust the temperature.
    • LED display allows you to track readings.
    • Turning off the heating is accompanied by a sound signal.
    • Built-in diagnostics allow you to quickly identify a breakdown and display a fault code on the screen.
    • The panel is locked. Now children will not be able to accidentally change the settings.
    • You can control the equipment using the remote control.
    • The Power Proof feature allows you to set three temperature settings to save energy.
    • 3D Logic security system, which includes: DROP Defense - protection against increased pressure and leakage; SHOCK Defense - RCD is included with the boiler; HOT Defense - protection against overheating.

    The tank capacity is 50 liters. It can heat water up to a maximum of 75°C. Weight is 13.4 kg.

    Cost - from 11,000 rubles.


    Excellent technology in terms of price-quality ratio. The Flat Plus series features a flat and compact shape. Case dimensions: 88.7x43.6x23.5 cm. Tank volume is 50 liters. Can serve multiple locations.

    Electronic control includes an indication on the panel as well as a display. Heating duration is 1 hour 25 minutes. Power consumption - 2 kW. To protect against leaks, it is provided check valve, the system is also protected from overheating.

    Price - from 9,000 rubles.


    This model is the most technologically advanced, according to users. Universal housing: vertical and horizontal placement. The inner flask is made of Inox+Technology stainless steel. Dimensions: 49.3x121x29 cm, capacity - 100 liters.

    The maximum temperature - 75 degrees - is reached in 234 minutes. A special Bacteria-stop technology system is provided for water purification. The additional “Anti-freeze” mode provides for maintaining a constant temperature. There is protection against switching on without water and overheating.

    Among the shortcomings are the weak fasteners that come with the kit.

    Cost - from 12,000 rubles.


    This is a premium model. Energy-saving heater with dimensions 51x105x51 cm. The body is made of stainless steel and coated with proprietary “Anticor” enamel. Its thickness is 0.4 mm, the enamel does not lose its properties under the influence of temperatures. Volume - 100 l.

    Copper heating elements do not become covered with scale for a long time. A titanium anode is installed nearby. It does not break down and therefore does not require replacement or maintenance.

    The electronic control panel includes an LCD display and the following functions:

    • Night mode.
    • Boiler function. It heats up once (up to 82 degrees) and turns off automatically.
    • A check valve and a safety valve are installed.

    Power is 4 kW.

    Price - from 89,000 rubles.

    AEG MP 8

    One of the most compact flow-type heaters. Productivity is 4.1 l/min. Power -8 kW, operating pressure - from 0.6 to 10 kW. Dimensions: 21.2x36x9.3 cm.

    The copper heating element is in a flask, so it is not afraid of scale. A protective relay reduces power if the heating element suddenly exceeds the temperature. A flow sensor in the housing records the amount of water, and the heating is adjusted accordingly. This saves energy.

    Cost - from 19,000 rubles.

    POLARIS Mercury 5.3 Od

    The interesting design and small body of the model could be ideal for your home. But the boiler can only be used in the summer, since the heating temperature is insufficient for winter. The set includes a hose and shower head.

    LED indicators on the panel allow you to determine the water temperature. Equipment productivity - 4 l/min. Power - 5.3 kW. For protection, a valve and a temperature relay are provided.

    Weight only 3.1 kg.

    Price - from 8,000 rubles.

    ELECTROLUX Smartfix 6.5 T

    Model for wall placement measuring only 13.5x27x10 cm. Will fit perfectly into the design of almost any room. Flow rate is 4 l/min, designed for one point. The built-in protection sensor prevents the product from overheating. Copper heating element eliminates the formation of scale.

    This model is equipped with a tap (T). You should pay attention to the letters at the end of the name. For example, S indicates that a shower is included, and ST indicates a shower and faucet. The electromechanical panel allows you to select one of three power modes: 3, 3.5 kW, 6.5 kW.

    Cost - from 4,000 rubles.


    Closed flow technology. You can get a hot stream instantly, right after opening the tap. The LCD display displays not only the specified parameters, but also error codes, because the system provides self-diagnosis.

    • Twin Temperature Control - adjust readings from 20 to 55 degrees.
    • Top and bottom connections - installation possible even under the sink.
    • Thanks to the Multiple Power System function, you can independently regulate the power: 6.6-8.8 kW.

    Case dimensions: 18x29.4x11 cm.

    Price - from 21,000 rubles.

    After weighing all the pros and cons, you can understand whether you need a boiler. Pay attention to the characteristics, installation method and operating principle.

    Flow-type electric water heating systems have significant advantages over storage devices. First of all, it is the perfect design and compact dimensions of the unit, allowing the equipment to be installed in small rooms. They also have a high speed of heating water, which makes household work easier.

    In order to decide which is better to buy a flow-through electric water heater, you should know that the installation of the device requires an individual electrical cable and a circuit breaker on the panel. Therefore, installation of equipment is prohibited in buildings of the old type of development. IN in this case It is recommended to use equipment with a power of up to 3.5 kW.

    How to calculate the required power?

    Good instantaneous water heater must meet not only the consumer’s criteria, but also the water consumption required to carry out all household processes.

    The maximum value of the power indicator of an electric heating device is calculated according to the following formulation:

    Р= R*∆t / 14.3

    Decoding of component symbols:

    • P - maximum power value of the device, kW;
    • R - flow rate of circulating water, liters per 60 seconds;
    • T is the required temperature regime of the liquid coming from the mixer;
    • ∆t - required temperature increase, o C. ∆ t = T - tvx.
    • Tvx - temperature regime of cool liquid: cold season +5°C, hot season - +15°C.

    These values ​​can also be determined more in a simple way. The performance indicator inherent in the most suitable option must be divided by two. The result will be the expected water flow rate in liters per minute at temperature conditions- 20-30°C.

    For example, a device with an efficiency of 16 kW provides the user with 8 liters of heated liquid per minute. This amount will be enough to fulfill one of the goals listed in the table.

    If it is necessary to distribute the water supply to several points, you need to focus on collecting the most frequently used water. If you plan to pick up at several nodes simultaneously, then you should select a high-performance unit.

    It is recommended to install a 13-36 kW instantaneous electric water heater in residential buildings where consumption is provided large quantity electricity. In connection with the division of classifications, two types of units were formed: three-phase and single-phase.

    Pressure or non-pressure devices

    In addition, the equipment has two groups of pressure and non-pressure equipment.

    Pressure-type flow-through electric units make it possible to use water from any mixer installed in the cottage. The device is installed directly on the cold and warm outlet pipeline. This method is considered the most convenient in case of disconnection centralized system water supply.

    Starting and stopping the operation of the device is carried out at an automated level, using a control unit that responds to the flow rate.

    A set of the best instantaneous water heaters includes bath-shower and kitchen attachments. The parts function exclusively for one water pressure unit. This modification is most suitable for use during the warm season in a private home.

    If water intake mixers are located at a large distance from heating equipment, it will be more profitable to purchase separate devices for each unit. This method will significantly reduce the energy consumption for heating the liquid in the pipes.

    VIDEO: how the flow machine works

    Since non-pressure technology is not able to provide the home with a large amount of liquid, the openings of the shower element are small. This way you can get good pressure.

    If the coolant has a high hardness index, it is necessary to regularly wash the nozzles with a solution that removes scale.

    Most non-pressure equipment is designed for use in countries with warm climatic conditions. The devices are not designed for harsh weather conditions, so they cannot perform well at low temperatures. The water will be heated to no more than 30 o C.

    Review of popular models

    The technical market presents a wide range of heating equipment from various manufacturers. To choose the right device, you should study the technical characteristics of the most suitable models.

    Techniques vary according to technical specifications, performance and additional options. The units of the Swedish company are equipped with an effective heating element in the form of a spiral.

    The instantaneous electric water heater on the tap has an expanded clay filter and a copper flask.

    The Polish brand is one of the best instantaneous water heaters of systemic and non-pressure types. The parts that have direct contact with the fashion are made of copper and brass material.

    The entire line of these units is equipped with an overheating protection system and has a safety valve. The front panel is decorated with a display with temperature and on/off indicators. The main complaint of users is frequent shutdowns and periodic “lumbago” cold water.

    When using, make sure that the device does not operate at full power. This leads to overheating of the wiring and possible short circuit.

    The kit does not include a cable or plug. They are purchased separately. Recommended cable cross-section is 4 mm. A separate connection via the machine is required. The quality is excellent. In its price category, this is a leader, which is consistently included in the TOP 10 instantaneous water heaters.

    The line of this manufacturer is equipped with a complete set:

    • overheat protection;
    • water filter;
    • plug and wire for connection

    In general, it is characterized as a medium-power, trouble-free device, easy to use and quite reliable. Due to its low performance, it does not require separate wiring, but for safety reasons it is not recommended to turn it on simultaneously with other powerful electrical appliances.

    The WHE 4.5 XTR H1 model requires mandatory grounding. As for negative reviews, many users agree on one thing - it’s inconvenient without an on/off button. First you have to open the tap and then plug the device into the outlet.

    Before you order a 2016-17 water heater in an online store, you should first answer a number of questions:

    1. Possibilities of the house in which the installation of the device is planned. Do they meet the requirements of the unit?
    2. Decide on the installation method and, if you do not plan to carry out the process yourself, order an installation service from a specialist.
    3. Check warranty periods and availability of spare parts.

    In any case, regardless of the condition of the wiring, first of all, after purchase, make a separate cable and connect it to the panel. It would also be advisable to check the condition of the water supply and connect the water heater using flexible hoses.

    VIDEO: How to choose a water heater? Which one is better to buy?

    The MirCli virtual showcase has collected on its online pages the best electric instantaneous water heaters that the market has to offer. Here you can choose a model of suitable performance and functionality. Buying it will not be difficult: a convenient catalog and sorting filters will help you decide on the device, favorable prices will be a pleasant bonus, and short time Deliveries throughout Moscow and Russia will satisfy even the most impatient.

    Who makes the best electric water heaters?

    European developers are traditionally recognized as leaders in the production of home appliances. Their products boast high consumer performance. The site presents famous brands from different countries, the equipment of which combines convenient operation, high-quality “filling”, modern design with good ergonomics:

    • Zanussi. A well-known brand from Italy, long loved by customers from Russia. Hot water always and without extra effort- this is the motto of the company.
    • Aeg. German developer with extensive experience and impeccable reputation. Its premium quality boilers are highly appreciated by users from all over the world.
    • Electrolux. Swedish company with production facilities in Europe and East Asia. Equipment under this brand can safely be called intelligent due to the use of advanced developments and technologies.
    • Stiebel Eltron. Another German with first-class equipment for domestic use. They can be called an example of excellent premium water heaters.
    • Timberk. Budget-friendly and very high-quality units from a Swedish manufacturer, one of the best-selling devices for supplying hot water.

    Many companies have located their production facilities in Asian countries, but this has not deteriorated performance characteristics, because control is carried out at every stage of assembly.

    How to choose a suitable electric instantaneous water heater?

    Several criteria will help you decide on the best unit that will fully satisfy the needs of consumers:

    • Power. This is the most important indicator, so it must be determined first. To calculate the power characteristic, you need to use the formula:

    [desired output in liters per minute]*([desired leaving water temperature]-[actual incoming water temperature])*0.073.

    The result will be the minimum indicator from which you can build.

    • Functionality. The assortment is so diverse that you can find a model for literally every taste. Choose what is convenient for you - control type, built-in protective elements, integrated features for comfort.
    • Design. This parameter also needs to be determined solely based on your personal preferences, as well as the location of the device.

    To date flow models water heaters are in great demand among buyers. This is primarily due to their compactness. At the same time, they are not inferior in performance to storage types. It should also be taken into account that the energy consumption of flow-through modifications is very low. There are quite a few manufacturers on the market.

    Recently, the range of instantaneous water heaters has greatly expanded. They differ in their characteristics and controls. You should also take into account the rather serious variation in the price of the product. In order to understand how to choose an instantaneous water heater for an apartment, you should familiarize yourself in more detail with the basic parameters of the devices. Additionally, you should know the main components of the model.

    How does a water heater work?

    At the bottom of the device there are inlet and outlet pipes. They may differ in diameter. Above the pipes there are filters. Next, a special anode is installed, above which the heating element is located directly. There is a special gasket under the thermostat. The mounting board in the device is installed above the control unit.

    Hot water is removed through a heat exchanger. The heating element probe is located near the flow sensor. Additionally, the water heater includes a housing, a power supply with a switch and thermal insulation sheets.

    Important device parameters

    First of all, for instantaneous water heaters, the power of the device is taken into account. Additionally, the documentation indicates such a parameter as performance. Power supplies, in turn, have their own characteristics. In this case, it is important to note the maximum voltage and frequency of the instantaneous water heater. The pressure sensors in the device can withstand different pressures.

    If we consider two-valve modifications, then the above parameter fluctuates on average around 3 bar. The protection system is most often installed in class IP30. This tells the buyer that the device’s power supply is protected, and the model will not have problems with overheating. Another interesting indicator is considered to be the maximum temperature. Last but not least, the dimensions of the device should be noted.

    How to decide on a purchase?

    In order to understand how to choose the right instantaneous water heater for an apartment, it is necessary to assess the load that will be placed on the device. If no more than three people live in the apartment, then the maximum power of the model should be approximately 12 kW. All this will allow the performance parameter to be kept at the level of 3 liters per minute.

    The maximum temperature must be at least 50 degrees. Also, the choice of instantaneous water heater for an apartment should be based on the parameters of the power supply. In the device it is most often set to 220 V, and its frequency can be around 20-30 Hz. If your home has certain problems with voltage surges, then it is better to select a 30 Hz model. The protection system should be marked IP 30. It is better to select probes of the anti-corrosion type, because they can last quite a long time. Heating elements are most often installed in a shielded type. However, recently, manufacturers have also begun to produce soapstone analogues. In this case, it is quite difficult to give preference to any modification.

    If you choose a budget option, then it is better to choose a shielded heating element. In order for a technician to easily connect the device to the water supply system, the inlet and outlet pipes must be 2.3 cm in diameter. A good instantaneous water heater will cost around 5 thousand rubles.

    Reviews of Electrolux models

    Flowing water heaters (electric) for the apartment presented trademark quite different quality systems protection. According to buyers, the models are absolutely not susceptible to overheating.

    Additionally, it should be taken into account that their average productivity is 3 liters per minute. Thus, the models of the presented company are well suited for large families, this is confirmed by users.

    However, in terms of performance, there are also more modest instantaneous water heaters on the market. Their maximum power is on average 5 kW. They are very compact in size. As for the design, many note that everything is beautiful here, the lines are smooth. A good instantaneous water heater will cost the buyer around 5 thousand rubles.

    Advantages of the Electrolux 20T model

    This instantaneous water heater for an apartment has good reviews. Many buyers choose it because of its high productivity of 4 liters per minute. This model is suitable for a family of five people. The heat exchange zone of Electrolux 20T is very extensive. If we talk about the power supply, then the maximum voltage it can withstand is 230 V.

    Thus, if there are certain overloads in the electrical wiring in the house, this device can withstand them. There are only two operating modes. According to buyers, the electricity consumption in this case is 3 W per hour. Many people note its economy. The hot water outlet pipe has a diameter of 2.5 cm. The thermal insulation of the device is installed with a thickness of 2.1 mm. The presented instantaneous water heater for an Electrolux apartment costs about 4,500 rubles on the market.

    This instantaneous water heater for an apartment is unique, and its power is as much as 12 kW. It uses soapstone heating element. Thanks to this, the device’s productivity reaches as much as 4 liters per minute of use. The instantaneous water heater is controlled by a push-button type. There are three modes in total. The user can set the maximum temperature to 50 degrees.

    The power supply installed is of fairly high quality, and is absolutely not afraid of overloads. In this case, its operating frequency parameter is at the level of 25 Hz. The unit has a thermal switch. The heat exchange zone is quite extensive, and the thickness of its thermal insulation is as much as 1.5 mm. The manufacturer provides a protective gasket under the thermostat. Separately, it should also be noted the reduced noise of this model. This was largely achieved through the installation of a high-quality casing.

    According to buyers, the instantaneous water heater makes virtually no sounds during operation. At the same time, there is also no vibration. The Electrolux 35S is more than simple to install. The pipes in the lower part are standard, and are suitable for the water supply system of the house. Fastening to plastic outlets is permitted. This instantaneous water heater costs about 5,100 rubles in the store.

    Water heater "Electrolux 30S"

    According to customers, Electrolux 30S is the best instantaneous water heater for an apartment among budget models. Its heating element is of a shielded type. Its length is exactly 7 cm. The mounting plate in this case is located above the control unit. Due to this, manufacturers were able to significantly expand the heat exchange zone. It should also be noted that the model performs quite well.

    According to users, it is suitable for a family of four. The maximum temperature on the panel can be set to 50 degrees. The power supply is programmed to switch between two modes. This instantaneous water heater for an apartment costs around 4 thousand rubles.

    Consumer opinion about Thermex devices

    Many models of the presented brand do not have gaskets installed under the thermostat. As consumers note, this element can wear out quickly, and this should be taken into account. If we talk about the advantages, it is important to note high power devices. However, its operating frequency parameter does not exceed 25 Hz. The mounting plates installed in instantaneous water heaters are the most common ones, and they can withstand average loads.

    The blocks have thermal switches. Buyers also note fairly high-quality regulators. In general, the models of this brand are distinguished by their versatility, and they have quite a lot of modes. Due to this, instantaneous water heaters can be safely called universal. It will cost good model on the market around 6 thousand rubles.

    Features of the water heater "Termex S600"

    This instantaneous storage water heater for an apartment is valued by many buyers for its versatility. As mentioned earlier, the devices of the presented company have many different modes, and this copy is no exception. The user can select a maximum temperature of 50 degrees. The pipes in this instantaneous water heater are of standard size.

    However, before purchasing, please note that plastic pipes It is better not to mount the device. This is due to the fact that the clamps are installed quite rigid. In this case, wear of the plastic outlets will be inevitable. This was noted by many craftsmen involved in installing such equipment. If we talk about the advantages, then a reliable protection system also deserves attention. In this case, it is installed as IP 30. Thermal insulation sheets used in the device are exactly 2 mm thick. The Thermex S600 model has a copper heating unit. This instantaneous water heater for an apartment costs approximately 5,800 rubles.

    New model "Termex W200"

    Many buyers value this instantaneous water heater for apartments for its compactness. The productivity of the device in this case is at the level of 3 liters per minute. All this became possible thanks to the installation of a shielded heating element. Its total length reaches 7 cm. All fasteners for mounting the model are included in the standard kit. The diameter of the outlet of the pipe is 2.7 cm. The thermostat probe is exactly 6 cm long.

    The control unit in this case is installed of a multi-channel type. In total, the device is designed for six different modes. Thus, the performance of Thermex W200 will change. When using turbo mode, power consumption is exactly 3 W per hour of operation. The presented compact instantaneous water heaters for an apartment will cost the buyer around 5,700 rubles.

    Review of "Termex S350"

    According to experts, this model, among other devices, is distinguished by the presence of a shut-off valve. Thanks to this, this instantaneous water heater for an apartment can withstand a maximum pressure of 3 bar. The design is simple, but it will look great in an apartment. The Thermex S350 model weighs exactly 5 kg. One of the features that should be noted first of all is the high-quality thermal switch. When the system overheats, it helps quite well.

    Additionally, it is important to mention the quality of the control unit. In total, the device allows you to choose from seven different modes. There is also a turbo function, which some users consider to be a significant advantage. The user is also able to operate the presented instantaneous water heater in an economical mode. The nominal capacity of the device is 3 liters per minute. This model is suitable for a large family. The only disadvantage we can note is the high cost of the product. On the market they are asking about 6,100 rubles for it.

    What do they say about the "Vailant" models?

    Many models of this brand are equipped with manual switches. They use mesh type filters. The outlet valve of the heat exchanger can withstand a maximum pressure of 4 bar. The casings of the heating elements are quite dense. Due to this, their noise level does not exceed 45 dB. The protection system for instantaneous water heaters is available in the IP30 series. Models use thermal insulation sheets with a thickness of at least 2 mm. Protective gaskets are installed under thermostats by the manufacturer. If we talk about the disadvantages, then experts mention the rather complex setup of models. This is due to the fact that the control units have quite a lot of functions.

    Probes, as a rule, are mounted specifically anti-corrosion. If the water in the house is used Bad quality, then this is a big advantage. However, this element is displayed quite significantly on the price. Heating systems are mainly installed with a length of at least 7.5 cm. The cold water pipe has a diameter of exactly 2.3 cm. Water heaters of the presented brand do not have flow sensors. A good model will cost around 5,400 rubles.

    Water heater "Vailant VED12"

    This instantaneous storage water heater for an apartment has mostly positive reviews. According to buyers, this model has a high-quality manual switch. The control unit in this case is installed as a multi-channel model. The owner is able to use the economy mode. The electricity consumption of "Vailant VED12" is a maximum of 2 W per hour.

    The performance of the presented instantaneous water heater is at around 3 liters per minute. This model has a mounting plate. According to experts, the Vailant VED12 instantaneous water heater can only be installed using fittings. It does not have flow sensors. Also of note is the rather small cold water pipe. Due to this, the user may experience certain problems when installing the device on the wall.

    The manufacturer provides only mesh type filters. They are installed at the instantaneous water heater under the control unit. The owner can set the maximum temperature to 55 degrees. In this case, probes are used with a special anti-corrosion coating. The presented instantaneous water heater for an apartment costs around 5,200 rubles.

    Model "Vailant VED24"

    If you believe the reviews of the owners, then this instantaneous water heater is ideal for a small family.

    Its probe is installed of an anti-corrosion type. In turn, the heating element is shielded and its length is 7.2 cm. A protective gasket is installed under the thermostat. Thermal insulation sheets are used with a thickness of 2 mm. The control unit of the presented model is of a multi-channel type.

    Due to this, the user is able to select different operating modes. In this case, the manufacturer provides a push-button setting. This instantaneous water heater costs about 5 thousand rubles.

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