How to protect yourself from wasps in nature. We use folk remedies against wasps

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As a rule, wasps are not considered very annoying insects, so people do not feel much discomfort from them. The only thing is that they quickly flock to something tasty when a person eats food on the street, and this is only possible in the summer. That’s when the presence of wasps is felt, especially if there are a lot of them, which indicates the presence of a nest somewhere nearby. Towards the end of summer, they begin to be attracted to food, such as ripe watermelons, apples, pears, grapes, etc.

Wasps not only bring benefits by destroying various insects, but also harm. Wasps are especially dangerous in summer cottage, if you do not take care of their destruction. And the main thing here is to know how to properly get rid of wasps so as not to harm your health and the health of your family members. Today much is known effective methods, each of which has both advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it is important to choose the method of getting rid of insects that is suitable for a particular case.

Why do wasps appear in the country? There is no clear answer to this question. They appeared and appeared! But why is a topic for a separate scientific conversation. Some summer residents themselves specifically attract wasps, knowing that they can destroy many pests. At the same time, they risk their health, although everything is quite relative. If wasps are not provoked, they are unlikely to attack a person. Unfortunately, not everyone is so prudent, especially children who are interested in everything. Therefore, they may be the first to suffer. In addition, housewives are terrified of wasps, which is why they have to make a decision to destroy them. By the way, it should be noted that in nature there are many varieties of wasps, which differ in both color and size. In addition, there are wasps that live in colonies (social wasps), and there are solitary wasps that prefer a solitary way of life.

Adult wasps feed on the nectar of flowers, the juice of vegetables and fruits, as well as berries. At the same time, they do not fly past meat or fish. Wasp larvae prefer small insects, including spiders. Different kinds wasps reproduce in different ways. In wasp colonies, the queen is responsible for reproduction. At the same time, the male fertilizes her once in her life, after which she provides the colony with young wasps throughout her life. Those that have chosen a solitary lifestyle select moments for mating, after which they lay eggs.

Why do wasps settle in dachas, near people? interest Ask, although there are a sufficient number of versions. For example:

  • They return to their former nesting sites. First of all, scout wasps appear and check for the presence of comfortable conditions, after which the entire colony appears.
  • Availability of food for existence. Wasps settle in places where they can access food: near flower beds or fruit plants.
  • Near colonies of pests that the larvae prefer to feed on. Adult wasps make sure that the larvae do not have problems with food.

It is not easy to determine that wasps have settled on a summer cottage. Some summer residents do not even suspect this. Or maybe this is correct, since no one bothers them and they do not show aggression. Unfortunately, some summer residents do not like the fact that wasps are constantly flying around the territory. They interfere with eating normally, especially if there is a fear that a wasp might bite. In this case, you will have to track where the wasps are flying and then begin to destroy them. To do this, you need to prepare a tasty bait and place it in a visible place. The wasps will immediately fly off, and after eating they will head to their nest. If you are careful, the nest is not difficult to find.

Many people believe that wasps, compared to bees, for example, do not bring any benefit and it is better to destroy them immediately. In fact, this is not so and wasps bring significant benefit, since they destroy some pests in entire colonies. These are predatory insects that constantly obtain food for their larvae. Therefore, wasps take an active part in preserving the harvest, taking care of health garden plants. Naturally, when a person interferes with nature, with his phobias, the harmony is disrupted. Crops and beneficial insects suffer from this interference.

As for the danger of wasps, this danger is somewhat exaggerated, and may even be far-fetched. And yet it is believed that:

  • They can harm the harvest of berries and fruits that ripen by the end of summer. Naturally, a swarm of wasps will not be able to eat all the apples, but they can spoil them.
  • If there are bees at the dacha, then the wasps can easily kill all the bees.
  • Wasps bite very painfully. Moreover, each wasp can make several bites, compared to bees, which bite once and die.

Therefore, we can conclude that the presence of wasps in small numbers only brings benefits, but if there are a lot of wasps, then they can cause harm. In addition, many wasps bring a feeling of discomfort: there is no time for relaxation in the country.

Rules for wasp control

If you find a nest of wasps in your dacha, then dealing with them is not at all difficult. The main thing is to take care of your safety in order to protect yourself from the bites of these insects. Procedure:

  • Prepare clothes with long sleeves. Clothing must be tight, otherwise the bites will be felt through the layer of fabric.
  • With the onset of darkness, wasps are not particularly active, so this period is most suitable for controlling wasps.
  • If one wasp does bite, you should not kill it, since it can secrete a special substance that increases the aggression of the entire swarm.
  • If you were unable to cope with the wasps the first time, then you can continue the activity only after the insects have calmed down.

The process of destroying wasps requires that there is no one nearby who lives in the country. It is better to send all other family members, along with pets, for a walk. And most importantly, if it is decided to destroy wasps, then the matter must be completed, otherwise the wasps will bite everyone who is near them.

You can get rid of wasps forever by destroying their nest. There are several ways to do this. For example:

  • Burn the nest. The method is effective, but under certain conditions, if the nest is located in a place where there are no easily flammable structures. If they built a nest somewhere on a tree, which is located at a considerable distance from residential buildings, then this will not be difficult, but if the nest is in some kind of outbuilding, which happens quite often, then it is better to abandon this idea. To destroy the nest, it is better to use a portable gas torch.
  • Flood with water. The method is much safer, therefore, it can be used in any conditions. You can do this: fill the nest with water from a hose or drown it in a bucket of water. In any case, you need to act quickly and carefully, wearing protective clothing.
  • Application chemical substances . This is a proven and effective method that gives almost 100% guarantee of getting rid of such unpleasant neighborhood. The advantage of this method is that the event can be held anywhere. To combat wasps, almost any preparation intended to combat insects is suitable. Most suitable option- This is the use of aerosols. With the help of spraying, you can quickly deal with insects, and in addition to everything, you can put a plastic bag on the nest.

When the nest is destroyed, but some of the insects survive, these insects will begin to look for another place to build a new nest.

To get rid of wasps in your dacha, you can take a different route and not put your health at risk. To do this, it is enough to install poisoned baits. Although not quickly, the effect will appear and the number of wasps will noticeably decrease. In this case, no special effort is required.

The most effective may be:

  • Beer and sugar or jam. You can add to them a large number of insecticide or ordinary boric acid.
  • All components are thoroughly mixed and the bait is placed in a visible place. The main thing is that children or pets do not get to it. Alternatively, the bait can be placed on a tree. After some time, the wasps will move to another place.
  • If the bait is placed in the attic, then under it you can lay plastic film. Dead insects will fall on it.

Traps are often made from plastic bottles. To do this, cut off top part in the place where the narrowing begins. After this, the cut part is turned over and placed back into the bottle. It turns out a container with a funnel. A bait is placed at the bottom of the container that the wasps will not be able to refuse. Once the wasps get inside the trap, they will no longer be able to get out.

The designs of traps can be different, sometimes the most unexpected, since there are no limits to human imagination.

At the end of summer, many summer residents and owners of private houses begin to wonder how to scare away wasps? Very often these insects begin to attack for no apparent reason. Their bites can be quite painful. It’s difficult to get rid of them, but they still exist for this purpose. effective ways.

Popular repellent methods

Before starting the procedure, you should wear thick clothing that covers all areas of the body. You must wear gloves on your hands. It’s good if they are saturated with a smell that repels wasps. It is recommended to protect your face with a mosquito net.

Before you start repelling wasps, you should make sure that there are no children or animals nearby. It is better to start as early as possible, before the swarm reaches enormous sizes. Then it will be more difficult to do.

You can repel pests different ways. One option is to pour boiling water over their nest. You can pour diesel fuel, kerosene or gasoline into a spray bottle and spray the nest with these products. Widely used in wrestling household chemicals, including Domestos, Dichlorvos and other products.

Traditional methods

If you are allergic to chemicals or you just don’t want to use them, you can use natural means. For example, it is enough to plant bitter wormwood on personal plot. With this plant, you no longer have to think about how to keep wasps away from your home.

Mint has excellent repellent properties. Place the dried bunches of the plant in the corners of the house and around the perimeter. Geranium will not only decorate the room, but also repel insects. Melissa has the same properties.

Many summer residents are sure that a great option struggle are dummies of a hornet's nest. Insects prefer not to settle next to other houses in order to avoid war between families.

The smell of gasoline, motor oil, and acetic acid also repels pests perfectly. So outbuildings in which nests have appeared can be treated with acetic acid.

Proceed with destruction better evening after darkness falls. This is due to the fact that during the day insects are in search of food, which means it will be impossible to find them at home. In the evening, the entire swarm is in the nest. In addition, wasps can be quite aggressive during the day. So measures to destroy them can be dangerous.

It is better to prepare a fabric bag and a bucket of boiling water in advance. If the nest is at a height, then they approach it on a stepladder. First it is placed in a bag, and then this bag is lowered into a bucket of boiling water. As a result, all the wasps in it die.

You can hang bunches of red pepper near the nest. The smell of this plant is believed to repel insects. They may even leave own house.

Another way is to pour kerosene on the nest and burn it. The method takes minimal amount time, but it is worth remembering that this is quite dangerous.

Traditional methods performed quite well in pest control. But still many people believe that without special means it is impossible to prevent their occurrence. If the swarm is still small, then folk remedies will be very good. But if it has reached a significant size, it is no longer possible to do without purchasing special medications.

How to scare insects away from their resting place?

It's no secret that wasps are attracted to sweet drinks, fruits, and berries. They can even fly onto cookies and sandwiches.

If you are going on a picnic, it would be a good idea to build a small trap. You can place it 10-15 meters from the picnic site. To do this, you need to tie it to a tree plastic bottle, one-third filled with sweet water. The bottle cap must be screwed on very tightly. A little above the water level in the bottle, you should make several holes, half a centimeter in diameter.

Insects will fly towards the sweet water, but they will not be able to fly out. It is not recommended to use this method on the balcony, because the bottle may attract too many wasps.

In conclusion, I would like to note that if you notice insects settling nearby, then you should not hesitate to destroy them. In addition, you should always have anti-allergy medications on hand, even if no one in the family has allergies, as well as ice.

Wasps that have chosen to live near humans pose a rather serious danger. I think it’s no secret why wasps are so dangerous. Almost every person has seen a hornet or a wasp, but it is still very interesting to get to know them better. After all, knowledge about the enemy is a great help in the fight against him.

What a wasp looks like - photo

There are about twenty thousand species of wasps all over the world, differing in color, body shape, type of housing construction, size and degree of aggressiveness. In addition to the fact that wasps are aggressive stinging insects, they are known for the characteristic construction of their nests - in appearance they resemble paper jugs. It should be noted that the types of nests are quite different. For example, there are open nests, with honeycombs, and there are closed ones. Some Hymenoptera prefer to build nests in hollow walls and other inaccessible places. It is in such cases that we can say that there are wasps, but where they are flying from is unknown.

Vespiary can be found in a barn or garage.

Wasps can also take shelter on trees, in the corners of terraces and other similar secluded places. Sometimes the nest consists of honeycombs fastened together.

The body of the average wasp (16-21 mm) is black, with a yellow pattern on the head and chest.

Common wasps nest in the ground, for example in burrows abandoned by rodents. They are even able to expand their home to a significant size, so that more than one thousand individuals can live in it. Their length is 13-19 mm.

Below you can see a closed wasp nest in the ground, which was apparently destroyed by a forest animal.

Hornets prefer to live in hollow trees, in birdhouses, under roofs and in the ground. Hornets are much larger than wasps; working individuals have a body 22 mm long, and females up to 35 mm. Their color is brownish with a yellow pattern on the head and abdomen, the tint of the wings is yellowish.

Wasps in a house or country house are found on the surface of old buildings and fences, where they scrape off wood, which they use to build nests.

Hornets love tree bark.

When building a nest, the female first creates a cell in which she lays eggs; it turns out that along the edges of the nest there are cells in which one egg lies.

Wasps feed on meat, insects, fish, berries and tree fruits. They chew off pieces of food and feed them to the larvae.

Having gotten to know wasps better, it becomes clear that they should be quite comfortable in nature. Then why do they fly into houses and apartments?

Where do wasps come from in an apartment?

Often, wasps settle in a house next to people, considering that this place is convenient for placing their colony. With the onset of spring, females go in search of places where they can build a nest. They fly into the room through the window, open window or even in the cracks window frames. In the apartment, the female looks for a secluded place and begins to build a nest there. IN big house or apartment, you may not notice insects right away. But in a month, when the offspring appear, it will be impossible not to notice the wasps.

Most often, wasps settle in attics, loggias and balconies, and sneak into the room to look for food.

Insects can gnaw passages even through cement mortar, let alone wooden blocks.

The destruction of wasps is a necessary measure, since their bites are very dangerous for humans.

Why is a wasp sting dangerous?

A wasp sting is extremely difficult for a person to bear. And if bees sting only in defense, then wasps are very annoying, they fly into vehicles, get under clothes and into bags.

With the help of a sting, the female wasp lays eggs, but when threatened, she releases a toxin from there.

By the way, only the female has a sting. The danger of bites lies in the injection of poison, more than once. The venom contains serotonin, histamine, amino acids, peptides and a strong neurotoxin. The substances act on red blood cells and hepatocytes in human blood. Repeated entry of the poison into the bloodstream provokes an allergic reaction. The consequences can be dire - Quincke's edema, anaphylaxis and death.

In addition, a wound will appear on the skin, and bacteria can penetrate into it, after which inflammation will develop, developing into a purulent process.

According to experts, insect venom can cause partial paralysis, myocardial ischemia, vascular collapse, bronchospasms, hemorrhagic vasculitis, and this is not a complete answer to the question of why a wasp sting is dangerous.

By the way, not everyone has allergies. Many people experience discomfort after a wasp sting and forget about it after a couple of days. Causes allergic reaction depend on heredity and sensitization (the allergen was encountered for the first time, a false reaction).

Allergy symptoms - redness and itching at the site of the bite, pain, swelling, dizziness, Quincke's edema, loss of consciousness.

Being bitten by wasps is very unpleasant and even dangerous, which means you need to minimize the risk of their appearance in advance.

How to protect your home from wasps

Wasps and hornets are attracted to sweets, open food, and strong-smelling perfumes, so you should definitely place them on windows. Mosquito nets. Do not leave sweets, pies or sugar on the table or nightstands. You can also put a mesh on all cracks and ventilation shafts. The smell of vinegar and the drug “SOCHVA” with the smell of smoke repels insects. Wasps will fly around the windows if the curtains on them are sprayed with a solution of food vinegar. After half an hour, a person will no longer feel the smell, and insects have a keen sense of smell, vinegar will definitely scare them away.

If wasps have already settled in the neighborhood, then it’s time to act more harshly.

Wasps - how to get rid of insects in an apartment

Since a wasp nest in the house causes a lot of trouble, the question of how to get rid of wasps is acute. The fight against them first of all involves. To locate their home, you need to monitor the movement of insects. You can even use a trick, put meat or fish on a saucer, the workers will take the food and fly off to feed the female and the larvae.

The nest indoors does not need to be immediately sprayed with pesticides. So the wasps will get angry, and then there will be no mercy for anyone. It is better to wait until the insects fall asleep and carefully prepare for the “operation”. It is necessary to find clothes with thick fabric, leather gloves, and reliably protect your eyes, face and neck. Make sure that every area of ​​skin is covered and protected from bites. Children and pets should not be in the room.

The first stage of the operation - the destruction of wasps - involves putting a bag on the nest, preferably a very tight one, and tightening it at the attachment point. Then, cutting a small gap, insert a cap of spray (“Karbofos”, “Dichlorvos”) and fill the wasp’s nest.

In those places where it is not possible to put a bag on the nest, the fight against wasps looks a little different. In this case, a tube is attached to the spray, on which a rag is pre-wound, to block the exit from the hive. The tap hole is plugged with a tube and the insecticide is injected. In ten minutes the wasps will die. Now the nest can be removed and burned, and the room can be ventilated.

On the balcony and loggia, the nest is destroyed in a similar way. You can also pour boiling water over the nest, although there is a risk of scalding your own body. The place where the hive was attached must be thoroughly cleaned, treated with a solution of vinegar, potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide. Otherwise, the remaining smell will attract wasps, and they will form a new colony here.

A wasp nest under the roof or under the eaves of windows is just as dangerous, because wasps can or have already made passages into the building. It is necessary to inspect the surface; insect passages are holes 4-6 mm wide.

At night, these passages must be treated using any wasp repellent, after which pieces of cotton wool moistened with insecticides - “Fufanol”, “Sipaz” - should be pushed into the passages. Plaster the holes with Karbofoos added to the mixture.

If it is impossible to destroy wasps yourself, let the relevant services solve the problem.

Ground wasps - how to get rid of insects in your summer cottage

Most the right way To get rid of earthen wasps on the site - call a specialist. After treatment, the problem will be solved for a long time. But if the wasp nest is small, you can get rid of the insects yourself.

  1. Wasps cannot tolerate the smell of petroleum products. If possible, douse the nest and the soil around it with diesel fuel. This must be done carefully so as not to anger the inhabitants of the nest.
  2. Another way to get rid of wasps in the country is to pour poison or gasoline into the sprayer. The contents are carefully sprayed near the nest. The surviving wasps will still leave this place forever.
  3. The nest can simply be burned, but this must be done in the fall, when there is no one left alive except the queen. The place where their home was located needs to be treated with chemicals.
  4. Ground wasps will die from exposure to various powders and gels. The chemical is poured near the nest, applied to the bait, and the insects themselves will carry the insecticide into their abode. Then all that remains is to get rid of the nest.

What means allow you to effectively and without negative influence on people's health to get rid of annoying insects?

Effective remedies for wasps - drugs

Almost all insecticides are now universal and are aimed at killing many insects. But fighting wasps requires taking into account some nuances.

A fast-acting insecticide will give you 100% results in getting rid of adult wasps, queens and larvae. Baits and traps are effective against insects flying to the site in search of food.

Anti-wasp drugs are conventionally divided into two types.

The first group is means for preparing traps and baits. They are highly toxic to insects, but safe for humans and do not have a persistent strong odor.

The second group is means for quick and reliable destruction of wasps.

The form of release of the drugs is concentrates in the form of sprays, aerosols, powders and gels. There is also a special glue to which wasps stick.

Drugs that kill wasps:

  • a powerful remedy for wasps - “Get”. The drug has a slight odor, is not dangerous to humans, it is included in baits and used to completely destroy the nest;
  • also included in the baits boric acid. The substance is odorless, harmless and accessible, and has a powerful toxic effect on insects;
  • Dichlorvos has been used for a long time, it can be replaced with another aerosol preparation. But its use requires precautions;
  • "Delta Zone" - effective drug with a weak odor, which allows it to be used in baits;
  • "Karbofos" is an effective and inexpensive product, but has an unpleasant, pungent odor;
  • insecticidal gel is both poison and bait. The gel is convenient to apply to various surfaces or pour into the nests. The gel “Absolut”, “Fas” or “Globol” will destroy the wasps;
  • Cardboard is smeared with special glue, and sweet bait is placed in the center. Naturally, they will flock to the treat. It is very easy to get rid of stuck insects later. The adhesives “Kapkan”, “Apcoll”, “Alt” and many others are equally effective.

It is difficult, almost impossible, to get along with wasps, and fighting them is a severe necessity. Whether to do it yourself or with the help of specialists - everyone decides for themselves. It is not easy to destroy wasps; usually the fight takes place in several stages. Because a common person does not have experience in using pesticides, the quality of processing may suffer from this, and professionals will carry out a complex of work, after which insects will not appear for a long time.

And of course, the most compelling argument to turn to specialists is the skills of professionals in the field of wasp removal tactics. It is worth noting here that the method or technology for removing wasps in the case of a nest closed type(in a wall or other inaccessible place) must be very delicate, as with ants. This is achieved by luring out workers and gradually poisoning the entire hive, as well as some other techniques. Otherwise, following the approach of “stir up, burn, gouge, etc.”, having achieved the destruction of wasps, you can cause significant damage to property or even burn down the house.

Effective wasp removal should allow you to get rid of them with minimal losses. It is important to prevent catastrophic consequences, as in the following video.

“Controlling wasps is not as easy as they think. Unfortunately, there are no means by which all wasps could be destroyed in a short time.”

An article written more than 100 years ago began on such a pessimistic note. However, its author gardener A. A. Ginzenberg, suggested “some methods of struggle that, even if they do not completely rid the garden of these uninvited guests, then in any case they will significantly weaken their invasion.” Almost all of these methods are still effective today. Especially if you use their modernized versions.

About the life of wasps

“By winter, almost all wasps die, with the exception of fertilized females. These latter spend the winter under rocks and in other sheltered places. In early spring, these females wake up. They make nests, laying eggs in them, from which the larvae subsequently emerge. These larvae are fed by females. During the spring and summer, females produce worker wasps, which help the females expand nests and raise new generations.

Thus, the very way of life of wasps indicates to us best time to fight them - in the spring.”

Destroying nests on branches is actually safest in early spring - early summer, when there is a queen and several soldiers in the nest. Since mid-summer, this procedure carries a high degree of risk.

Security measures

“When fighting wasps, it is better to put a net over your face, which is used when caring for bees.”

All operations against wasps must be carried out late in the evening. Have a mosquito net or beekeeper's net on your face and protect your body with thick clothing.

1. Alcohol poisoning

“They take bottles (for example, champagne bottles or other large ones) and fill them ½ full with some sweet liquid. It is extremely useful to add a little ordinary vodka to the liquid. So filled bottles are hung and laid out in those places where the strongest growth of wasps is observed. Wasps willingly climb into bottles, where they drown.

Trap bottles should be looked through from time to time and sweet liquid added. They should be placed early spring and clean up in late autumn.”

Using food bait traps is environmentally friendly and relatively safe way fight against many types of insects, including wasps. You can use molasses, fermented honey, dissolved sugar, or a mixture of sugar and beer.

True, numerous bottles on the site, and even with a characteristic smell, can cause certain rumors among neighbors. In addition, if the number of wasps is high, traps will not be able to completely cope with them. Especially without periodic inspection and updating of food bait.

Modern method. In order not to damage your reputation, bottles can be replaced with jars with a volume of 700-750 ml. A layer of sugar up to 1.5 cm thick is poured onto the bottom, filled with water (100-150 g) and mixed. Then up to half the volume of the jar is filled with beer. A cross-shaped hole is cut in the lid of the jar, the length of each cut is no more than 10 mm. The resulting triangles bend inward: they will prevent the wasps from getting out.

2. Smoking kills

“The large wasp - the hornet - mostly makes its nests in tree hollows. To destroy the nest of these wasps, you need to cover up all the exit holes in the hollow, and smoke through the lowest hole with some material that gives off acrid smoke.”

Smoking wasp colonies out of tree holes is a good idea.

Modern method. You can use sulfur bombs. However, you should remember safety and use personal protective equipment. If successful, you need to seal the hollow as quickly as possible - after a while the wasps may return to their habitable place.

3. Defense - in attack

“Some breeds of wasps make their nests on tree branches, in stables, barns, attics and other rooms. They do this: they put some kind of scraper on a stick and, with its help, dump the nests into an open bag. When they have collected enough, the bag with nests is dipped into boiling water. This operation must also be carried out late in the evening.”

The century-old idea of ​​first determining where the complaining neighbors are flying out from, and then destroying their houses is quite sound. It is also correct to schedule the operation for the evening: during the day, taking any action against wasp nests and especially hornets is more expensive for yourself.

Modern method. After sunset, treat the exit hole of the wasp nest (or “entry” if the house is located in a wall, woodshed or other enclosed space) with any anti-flying insecticide, possibly in a regular spray can. Spraying for 3-6 seconds is sufficient. Immediately after this, you need to tightly seal the entrance with construction foam you brought with you or pre-kneaded clay. After a day, you need to check whether the striped neighbors are using some other exit.

An article from the journal “Progressive Gardening and Horticulture” of 1910 was prepared by Vladimir Veselov, a historian.

Wasps are permanent inhabitants not only of country houses and gardens; they also settle in urban environments; a nest can appear in an apartment in a multi-storey building. Despite the fact that these insects actively participate in plant pollination and destroy small pests (for example, aphids), their proximity to them cannot be called pleasant for humans. Wasps sting painfully, spoil food and carry some infections.

Where and why wasps appear. They are attracted to sweet foods: berry bushes, fruit trees, fallen fruits. Wasps prefer to build nests in attics, in niches under the roof, and in dense thickets. Do not neglect sheds, woodsheds, toilets, showers. In the city, wasp nests can be seen on the roofs of houses, balconies and loggias, in cracks, and drainpipes.

To find a wasp nest, use the “old-fashioned” method: place bait (meat, fish, berries or fruits) in an open place. Insects will certainly pay attention to the delicacy and will constantly move from the “dining room” to the nest.

About precautions:

  • For wasp removal work, prepare clothes made of thick material. The collar, sleeves and legs should cover exposed areas of the body.
  • Don't forget about special or work gloves and a protective mask.
  • If you are getting rid of wasps on the balcony apartment building, warn your neighbors about the upcoming operation. Angry insects after the destruction of the nest will try to find refuge in open loggias and windows.
  • Do not make sudden movements. If wasps get out of the nest, do not wave them off, but calmly move away to a safe distance. Wait until the insects calm down and come back.
Big nest and the right equipment

How to repel wasps from balconies and windows:

  • Hang red (hot) pepper pods near the insect habitat.
  • Using a spray bottle, spray the curtains with 9% table vinegar.
  • Treat the cornices with onion or garlic juice.
  • Spray the surfaces with water (half a liter) with added essential oil peppermint (30 drops) or soap solution.

Methods for controlling wasps at home and in the country

Destroy wasp nests better at night or early in the morning while all individuals are inside. After eliminating the swarm, remove and burn the remaining “house”, and treat the place where it was located with a saturated solution of potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide.

1. Traps. Take a plastic bottle (volume 1.5-2 liters), cut off the top. Place bait in the lower part (a piece of meat or fish, rotten fruit, a spoonful of jam). After first removing the cap, insert the cut “funnel” into the bottle, neck down. Hang the trap on a balcony or tree, attach it to the wall. In search of food, the wasps will climb into the bottle, but will not be able to get out of there.

The most simple trap The bottle can be filled with beer

To construct a glue trap you will need a piece of plastic or cardboard. Apply to surface thick layer slow-drying glue (preferably without a pungent odor) or varnish, place the bait in the center. All that remains is to wait until the entire swarm (or at least the majority of individuals) gathers in the trap.

Sticky traps are just as effective

2. Insecticides (chemicals). Insecticidal preparations are widely available in gardening stores. Prepare the solution following the instructions (each drug has its own dosage) and pour about 200-300 ml of the activated product into a thick plastic bag. Place the wasp's nest in a bag and secure it well with tape (the structure should be airtight). Usually the swarm dies after 2-3 days.

To kill wasps using an insecticidal spray, attach an extension tube to the sprayer (pre-wrap the end with thick cloth). Seal the entrance to the nest with the resulting structure and inject the product inside. After 10-15 minutes the swarm will die.

3. Lures. Simple baits help in the fight against wasps. Add a few grams of insecticidal preparation to the “delicacy” (beer, jam, fermented juice) and leave the container with the bait in open place. Update the “table” over the course of several days.

Poison bait in action

Do not use honey - it attracts not only wasps, but also bees. Do not leave the bait within the reach of small children and pets.

4. Fire and water. The most obvious “helper” in destroying a wasp nest along with insects is fire. However, burning can get rid of earth wasps or nests in a stone niche. If you have wooden house or dacha, there are ignition sources nearby, gasoline, kerosene and other flammable liquids are stored, it is not worth the risk.

You can destroy a wasp nest by flooding it with water. If the insects' "home" is under the eaves or on the wall, use a hose. Alternatively: immerse the nest (without removing it!) in a bucket of water. Support the structure from below with a beam or stepladder. Make sure there are no gaps on top through which wasps can get out. Leave for at least a day.

5. Alternative methods. Typically, wasps do not tolerate any proximity, and therefore choose “free” territory. Hang a dummy nest (you can find it on sale, make it yourself, or choose an object with a similar shape) in a place where wasps gather, and you will see that they will soon leave their home.

A fake wasp's nest can even serve as decoration

To get rid of earth wasps, prepare a cement solution and fill the nest with it. For 1 kg of cement, take 3 kg of sand, and add water in such an amount that the solution does not come out too liquid (usually a little less than a liter).

A nest in the ground can be concreted with cement

What to do if bitten by a wasp

  1. Remove the sting from the wound if it remains there - but the likelihood of this is very low, since the wasp (unlike the bee) has a smooth, serrated sting. The insect remains alive after the bite and can sting again.
  2. Disinfect or wash the bite area with soap and water.
  3. Apply ice or a wet compress.
  4. If a limb is damaged by a wasp sting, apply a tight bandage to stop the spread of the poison.
  5. Give the victim plenty of fluids ( mineral water, weak tea) and an antihistamine.

The first signs of an allergy to wasp venom: rapid spread of swelling, itching, rash, dizziness, attacks of suffocation or difficulty breathing, fever. In this case, consult a doctor immediately. At risk: asthmatics and diabetics, allergy sufferers, children, elderly people, pregnant women.

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