What color goes with beige? What color goes with beige in the interior? What to combine beige with? Combination of colors in clothes: options for beautiful combinations. Does beige go well with pink?

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Still, there are colors that are most advantageous for you. And their skillful combination with the rest creates the concept of elegance and taste. Dressing monochrome, when all the details of your toilet are the same color, has long been a sign of bad taste.

There are few exceptions to this rule - if you are not a bride or in mourning, then your clothes should contain three shades - the main color, an additional color that harmonizes and shades the main one, and, possibly, a contrasting detail, an intriguing color accent. Selecting and combining them correctly is often a very difficult task.

A lucky few, endowed by nature with a subtle artistic taste and color perception, can choose color scheme wardrobe, relying on your intuition. For everyone else, in order to always be stylishly and tastefully dressed, you need to learn a few rules established by Sir Isaac Newton!

White color - with everyone

Beige color boldly combines with calm tones, and can also be perfectly combined with more saturated and bright colors. Beige color is combined with colors: khaki, marsh, cocoa, gray, taupe, chestnut, chocolate, yellow-green, olive, rusty brown, terracotta, eggplant, purple, bright blue.

Pink color- with white and soft blue, with light gray, intermediate between red and white tones.

Red color- with yellow, white, brown, blue and black, lilac and pink, black and silver, black-brown and sand. Red tones are now boldly mixed with each other, and look stunning at the same time. A more moderate option is to combine red with black.

Bordeaux- the color of a woman who knows her worth. Bordeaux goes well with black and dark blue, as well as with colors: green, olive, gray, blue-green, tomato and other shades of red. Berry tones go very well with Bordeaux: blackberry, blueberry, elderberry.

Fuchsia, crimson, purple colors are combined with colors: yellow, orange, dark green, green, bright blue, purple. Raspberry color also harmonizes well with pink and white colors.

Coral color has twelve varieties, these include pink-orange shades and rich red-orange. Combines with colors: white, beige, gold, nude, brown, dark brown, khaki, shades of gray, scarlet, pink-peach, lilac, lilac, hot pink, orange, yellow-orange, pale yellow, dark blue , gray-blue, black.

Yellow– represents the sun, wisdom, fun, self-confidence and freedom. Gold color is the color of fame and wealth. Yellow color goes well with colors: marsh, blue-green, orange, warm brown, chocolate, black, dark blue.

Golden color goes well with colors: olive, brown, red, purple, dark green, violet. Yellow color - with blue, violet, lilac, turquoise. Yellow color without decoration or addition to it is unattractive.

Yellow color combination table

Orange color– a cheerful, bright, summer and positive color, dynamic and ethnic, the color of the brilliance of the setting sun. Bright orange color goes well with bright colors: bright yellow, mustard, beige, purple, brown. Muted orange or terracotta goes well with calm shades - pale yellow, gray-green, khaki, brown, chestnut, chocolate, navy or taupe. Contrasting black goes well with orange and yellow.

Orange color combination table

Brown color- with sky, cream, yellow, green and beige, denim blue, smoky blue, light green and white; the color of May grass and very light green, lilac and faded pink. Brown color goes well with olive, gold, blue-green, orange, lilac, light pink, all shades of beige, ivory and gray. And the unexpected and extremely successful combination of warm brown and turquoise will make an excellent impression.

Rust brown goes with plum and brown; purple with orange and creamy white; light green with camel; red with yellow and creamy white; brown with blackberry.

Brown color combination table

Green color- with brown, orange, light green, yellow and white flowers and only light greens - with gray and black tones. It is intermediate between cold and warm tones.

Green color combination table

Olive color harmonizes with colors: blue-green, warm green, khaki, apple green, herbal, eggplant, burgundy, cherry, purple, dark purple, brown, golden, red, orange.

Mustard goes with colors: brown, chocolate, terracotta, yellow, beige, khaki, blue-green, coral, hot pink.

Blue goes with orange; brown and peach, khaki and faded orange, creamy white, blackberry with splashes of brown, light brown and tomato; greyish-orange and purple.

Mustard color combination table

Night blue combine with pungent pink and pine green; red and white; pale pink with dark brown and silver; May greens with blue-green; gray with bright yellow and pale pink.

Blue color comes in light and dark tones

Light blue - with white, yellow, orange, pink flowers, is intermediate between red and blue.

Dark blue - with light blue (cyan), gray, red,
denim blue, smoky, plum blue; with green and white; gray, light pink and brown; pink and green-blue; vanilla yellow and light blue; dark brown, purple.

Blue color combination table

Blue goes with colors: pink, lilac, coral, light purple, yellow, bright blue, dark blue, gray, white, beige. Turquoise is combined with white, yellow, orange, purple, blue-green.

Blue color combination table

Lilac pink goes well with lavender and dark blue; dark brown with pink-red; brown with light brown; silver with denim blue and yellow, goes well with lavender.

Purple color - with white, yellow, orange, pink colors, is intermediate between red and blue. Bright hues purple are called purple. They are combined with yellow, orange, gray and white colors.

Towards the purple color include the colors of violets or dark lilac inflorescences, purple. Lilac is the color of femininity and is associated with sophistication, grace and elegance. The best thing lilac color goes well with dark neutral shades - black, gray or navy blue.

Purple- the color of nobility and luxury. Pairs best with blue. Lilac color and all its various shades are considered one of the sexiest, mysterious, mysterious and sensual colors. Lilac color goes well with colors: pink, white, blue, lilac of a darker or lighter shade, lemon, the color of a withered rose, silver shades, blue, cornflower blue, lilac and violet.

Table of combinations of purple and lilac colors

Grey colour– the color of elegance, intelligent, harmonious, calms contrasting combinations, used in a business dress code. Light gray looks good in the finest natural lace or sensual silk, graphite gray in suede, and smoky gray in fine wool.

Gray color is boring, so it is better to combine it with contrasting colors: white, blue, black, burgundy, red. For an elegant outfit, it can be combined with other shades of gray, lighter or darker, and even beige. Light gray color is best combined with pastel colors: soft pink, yellow, lilac, blue, purple, coral.

Gray-blue goes well with ocher, white and brown; with brown and beige; with purple and pink; with lobster red, turquoise and white; with silver and blue; with May greens and white.

Combination table gray

Apricot x goes well with camel and brown; light brown, beige and splashes of pink; gray-blue, blue and ocher; sky blue; green, white and silver; red and white.

Camel is combined with blue-gray and purple; beige-brown, blue and lilac; ocher and brown; yellow, red and white; green and white; lobster red.

Khaki goes with gray-orange and tomato; lobster red and white fur color; blackberry, plum and yellow-gold; golden and blue-green; red, soft green and peach; purple, red and peach.
It's even better if you pair a solid khaki with a printed garment in these vibrant colors.

Khaki color combination table

Black, white and gray are used as finishes.

Black looks good next to orange, yellow, pink, red, lilac and salad tones, with caustic pink, gray, lemon, indigo, gray, lush green with azure, pale green with bright green.

The right combination of colors in clothes will make your look complete and harmonious. General rules say that this can be achieved by combining:

  • sharply contrasting colors, for example, red - blue, red - white, red - cornflower blue, red - green, orange - black, orange - cornflower blue, green - white. Such combinations are used in sportswear, children's and youth clothing;
  • contrasting colors, for example, cherry - pink, blue - cornflower blue, lilac - lilac, green - light green. Such combinations are used in various types clothes; semi-tonal colors, for example, soft pink - soft blue, soft light green - soft lilac.
  • solid colors, for example, brown - beige, light red - dark red. Such combinations are used in everyday clothing and clothing for overweight women.

All pastel colors are combined with each other, regardless of shade.

Pastel colors are beige, peach, pink, light blue, etc. Those. all colors that add a lot of white. These colors can be combined with each other in any order. Be careful with pink - the only color that is fattening.

Use from 2 to 4 colors. If you use only 1 color, it creates a feeling of dullness and paleness. If you use more than 4 colors in your clothes, then when they see you, people's eyes jump from one color to another, not knowing where to stop, which unconsciously increases anxiety.

You can combine either related or contrasting colors. All other options are inharmonious.

Related- these are colors that differ from each other in shade (red, pink, dark red).

Contrasting- these are colors that are completely opposite (purple - yellow, blue - orange). The only contrasting combination that is risky is green and red.

Every color combination in the interior needs neutral tones. Beige, grey, brown and other soft natural shades act as a soothing background - a canvas for creating stylish design interior And sometimes they are even chosen as the main color scheme. If you read Dekorin, then you know that . Beige, like an eternal classic, sometimes acts as an excellent companion for him. How to correctly combine their shades in the interior - read on!

A successful combination of beige and gray in the interior - 5 secrets

It's funny, but the combination of such simple and neutral tones as gray and beige in the interior makes it look very unusual. Even elegant, as you will see in the photos we have collected here. Maybe it's because neutrals are rarely chosen as the basis of a scheme, or because one of these tones is warm and the other is cool. Be that as it may, you can be sure that gray and beige colors can harmonize perfectly with each other in the interior, just as they do in nature. Below we offer you 5 ideas on how to create a successful combination of beige and gray in the design of different rooms.

1. Contrasting combination of gray and beige in the interior

Beige looks really cool when paired with much lighter or darker shades. Looking elegant in contrast is unique property beige shades, which is why they are so loved.

Which color combination will you choose: warm beige with cool gray or dark gray with light cream beige?

2. Soft gray-beige interior with natural materials

As you know, contrast enlivens the interior. But what if you prefer a more calm and natural environment? Then choose light shades of beige and gray (such as creamy beige and blue-gray tones), which look fabulous when combined with natural materials, for example, wood, stone, indoor plants and so on.

3. Interior in beige tones with hints of gray

If you want to complete your interior in beige tones, and use gray on details, then you should opt for a warm color scheme and soft textures. For example, in a beige interior, wood and various brown elements look good, as well as warm metals - bronze, brass, copper, etc. Complete the formula with a warm brown-gray “taupe” shade and freshen it up a little with cream and white.

4. Gray interior with beige details

Gray color is considered an excellent “background”, largely due to its ability to highlight even the most subtle textures. Therefore, in a gray interior it is best to use materials such as marble, decorative rock, wool and silk. For decor in beige tones, in this case, it is better to choose patterns and textures that will distinguish them from gray details. Take an example from the following photos!

5. Adding bright colors to a combination of gray and beige

When the contrast between gray and beige in the interior is not emphasized by either the depth of shades or textures, the design can turn out to be too bland, if not boring. In this case, it would be useful for the room to add a few bright objects red, black, purple orange, green or other color.

Combination of gray and beige colors in the interior - 20 photos

At the end of this article, we invite you to look at a few more photos of interiors that show us beautiful combination gray and beige colors. Remember: no matter which of these shades is fashionable today, beige and gray will always be appropriate, and therefore are a win-win option for your home.

Also read:

Beige can be combined with almost any other color, which expands the designer’s palette of possibilities when decorating the interior. The interior in beige tones can be made in any style - from classic to modern.

Beige is a natural color that can have a variety of shades - milky, caramel, sand, cream and others. As a rule, beige shades in the interior are used as the main ones; they serve as an excellent backdrop for display. decorative elements and bright accents of the environment, as they are neutral.

Beige color in the living room interior

The living room is the room that serves as the “face” of the house. Guests are brought here, family and friends relax here. Calm, cozy colors as the main ones will serve as a good backdrop for demonstrating the preferences of the owners of the house - collections, souvenirs brought from travel, family photographs.

The interior of the living room in beige tones is conducive to leisurely conversation and pleasant communication. Almost any color can be chosen as an additional one, but complex colors - lilac, green, brown - look especially advantageous. If the living room has small sizes, a light beige interior will help to visually “enlarge” it, and a dark one will make an overly large room more comfortable.

The kitchen interior in beige tones must be complemented with companion colors, chosen depending on the size of the room and where its windows face. In “northern” kitchens it is better to give preference to warm tones - orange, yellow-green, yellow, and in “southern” kitchens - cold ones, such as blue, turquoise. Light colors will help to “enlarge” the room a little, while a combination of dark and light colors will help correct its geometric flaws.

The bedroom is the room in which you need to provide conditions for relaxation and rest. However, it often happens that it is in the bedroom that you have to allocate space for a modest home office. Finishing these various functional zones has something in common: it should not distract attention to itself, and the interior of the room in beige tones copes with this task perfectly. It calms, generates confidence in a person, gives peace and at the same time - freshness and clarity of perception.

The work area in the bedroom can be highlighted in a contrasting tone of the same color, for example, light beige walls in the interior of the sleeping area will go perfectly with dark beige walls in the “home office” area.

This color is especially suitable for decorating rooms for little ones. It will not have a stimulating effect on the child’s nervous system; moreover, decorative elements will look advantageous against its background, which can be changed as the child grows up, ensuring that the situation matches the child’s perception. At first it could be stickers with images of cartoon characters, then alphabet letters, and later posters with portraits of your favorite performers.

The modern beige interior of a nursery suggests development and change, which can be achieved by simple means. For this it is enough:

  • change fabric elements (curtains, carpets, bedspreads, pillows);
  • use wall stickers of a different theme;
  • replace or repaint furniture.

Use the beige color of the walls in the interior and other rooms of the apartment. For example, small hallways look more spacious due to the light shade of beige, isolated toilets “grow” in size, balconies and loggias become more comfortable and “homey.”

The interior of the bathroom in beige tones allows you to visually enlarge the room, without introducing excessive severity and coldness into it, which happens when using white as the main one. Beige design interior design is modern, fashionable and elegant.

What colors does beige go with in interiors?

As mentioned above, beige can be combined with almost any other color, including white and gray, which, like beige, often act as the main ones, as well as with black, which is a contrast.

  • White and beige interiors are appropriate where it is necessary to create a calm, classic atmosphere conducive to rest and relaxation. Most often, this combination is used in bedrooms and living rooms.

  • Black and beige interior is essentially contrasting and creates an active environment suitable for both living rooms and kitchens, as well as utility rooms.

  • Gray-beige interiors– soft, calm, allowing you to relax – and at the same time having a pronounced “cold” character. Gray-beige color in interiors is used in cases where the windows face south, especially in low latitudes. This allows you to “cool” the atmosphere of the room and give it restraint.

The combination of beige with other colors in the interior can be either calming or bright and exciting. Depending on the purpose of the room, it is necessary to select color combinations.

  • Beige-brown interior. The combination of these colors is the most natural and calm. Depending on the intensity of the brown tone, you can create a light, transparent design, or a contrasting one, filled with movement and energy. These colors combine beautifully with each other, and the use of different shades and degrees of saturation makes it possible to create expressive, memorable living spaces.

  • Beige and blue interior. The beige color goes well with the blue shade, the space visually increases. This option Suitable for living room, kitchen or bathroom.

  • Beige and turquoise interior. Fresh turquoise is a clean, bright, joyful color. He creates good mood, and therefore is often used in children's rooms. Beige in this pair acts as a balancing color, bringing peace and comfort.

  • Beige-pink interior. A great combination for a girl’s or young woman’s bedroom. Pink as an additional color will create a romantic mood, and the main color will promote relaxation and good rest.

  • Beige-green interior. Both colors are natural, so their combination is very suitable for eco-style. By varying different shades of both colors, you can get designs that have completely different impressions. Grass green, olive, gray-green in combination with dark beige and complemented by brown furniture will create the feeling of a corner of wildlife and are suitable for the living room, and bright “neon” tones on a light yellow-beige background will decorate a children’s room.
    • Beige-yellow interior. Quite a bright combination that evokes appetite, and therefore is appropriate when decorating dining rooms and kitchens. Can also be used in children's rooms, especially if complemented with green and blue color accents.

    The combination of beige in the interior with other colors allows you to create really interesting and unusual designs, reflecting the latest fashion trends and consumer demands.

What color is beige?

Beige are shades that are close to skin color. IN English language the word "nude" refers to both naked body and connotation, which can refer to an evening dress or other item.

As you probably imagine, there are many skin tones out there. It is more difficult to find the same body color than a different one. Therefore, there are more than 1000 beige shades.

Every year there are fashionable dresses for every day in beige color, but their shade varies depending on the fashion trend. This color can deviate into any tone, with the possible exception of black. And even more complex colors, such as peach, lilac, ocher can be reflected in beige. The most commonly used neutral shades are beige, followed by greyish, brownish and orange. Pink, yellow, peach and purple shades appear at the whim of designers.

Beige color 2012

Beige color in clothes is classic. It stands on par with black, white and grey. Every year and every season, designers, regardless of fashion, create either an entire collection in beige or a couple of models to go with it. Because this color has that valuable characteristic of “permanent” colors in fashion, such as severity and neutrality, everyone can choose a shade that suits them, matches them perfectly, and is suitable for any event. In addition, this color has a lot of beige shades, which gives a flight of fancy and a cure for boredom.

This year, sand, pink and bronze shades of beige were presented, and the peach shade also retained its influence. Although this fashion manifested itself more in underwear and swimsuits, dresses of this color also appeared on sale.

In general, the more neutral the shade of beige (not leaning towards any shades), the more stable it is on sale and in couturier collections.

Beige color in clothes. Who will it suit?

As you know, skin color is very capricious when it comes to color selection.

So, representatives of the “spring” color type will go for neutral (2), pink (5), green (6), yellow (7), peach (8), orange (9) and darker shades of these.

Representatives of the “summer” color type are more suited to cool shades of beige. Warm ones can significantly spoil your appearance: unhealthy pallor and a sickly bluish tint to your face will be evident. When choosing beige clothes, give preference to gray shades of beige (1), neutral (2), lilac (3), brown (4), green (6) and darker shades in this range.

Representatives of the color type "autumn" can count on green (6) shades of beige, yellow (7), peach (8) and orange (9), as well as darker shades of these colors.

Representatives of the “winter” color type do not want pale shades; they will drown out their contrasting appearance. But light, pure colors will contrast with their appearance. Therefore, “winters” can take a closer look at pink beige (5), green-beige (6), yellow-beige (7), peach-beige (8), orange-beige (9). You should only use very light shades, as darker ones will look paler to them.

Now let's look at the beige dresses

If you want to follow fashion without radically changing your wardrobe every new season, then this color is ideal for you. Collections of beige colors, such as black, white and gray, are necessarily presented on the catwalk, and combination with fashionable shades will add charm and freshness to a new trend.

What about the fashionable style? - you ask. Yes, a style becomes outdated if it is not classic, but you can always take your eyes off it with “fresh” accessories.

What fashionable combinations with beige will be this season (already autumn)?

Fashionable clothes 2011 are replete with rich colors. A shade of beige can act as a balance for too bright colors, such as scarlet, malachite, bright orange, etc. Concealing the variegation, this shade adds gloss instead of being garish. It is perfect if you want to maintain austerity in a bright look.

Color combination beige

Gray beige color

A strict, cool shade of beige is perfect for an office wardrobe. Don’t look at the fact that it is boring, just like gray, when combined with other rich colors, it transforms before your eyes. You can place accents at your discretion.

Jewelry made of indigo lapis lazuli, amethyst, ruby, agate, silver and gold will go well with a gray beige dress.

What shoes go with beige? Look at the picture.

Gray beige color is combined with lilac (or “Victorian blush”), crimson, fiery, yellow ocher (or bamboo), emerald, cedar, malachite, royal blue, denim, violet, pale lilac, violet, flooded quarry, silver, gold, sepia and chestnut.

Neutral beige color

Classic beige: strict, elegant, pronounced. This shade will suit both muted colors, which will be close to the retro style, and rich, complex shades. This color is imbued with luxury. Accentuate it with jewelry made of diamonds, gold, black pearls, topaz, coral and turquoise.

What shoes would go better with beige? A selection in the picture.

Pay attention to the combination of beige color with pale pink, pale peach, bright orange, dark red, rose color, yellow ocher color, fainting frog color, malachite, light gray-blue, blue-blue, pale lilac, purple, beige-lilac, silver, gold, bronze, brown colors.

Lilac beige color

Delicate, touching shade of beige. The unusualness of this shade is fascinating, and combinations with it create truly masterpieces. A dress of this color will look good both in the office and on holidays, although this shade is still closer to leisure. Jewelry for this color can be various topazes, amethyst, moonstone, pearls, gold and silver.

Shoes for beige are shown in the picture.

This shade of beige is combined with the color “honeysuckle”, ruby, soft pink, pale peach, yellow ocher, fainting frog color, malachite, thrush egg color, cobalt, metallic gray, purple, gray violet, pale lilac, silver, gold, cocoa color and dark brown.

Brown beige color

This color is reminiscent of coffee with milk, and it can be considered that way, since many of the names of the shades overlap each other. The main criterion for beige is its similarity to skin color, and it can be darkened or lightened.

Brown beige or dark beige is a warm shade that tends to warm us up in cold weather. Having such things in your fall or winter wardrobe will give you the opportunity to experiment for a long time.

It is better to select jewelry for this color from an opaque or translucent stone, such as agate, cat's eye, jasper, amber, malachite, gold and silver.

For beige shoes, see the picture.

Pink beige color

Unlike lilac beige, this shade has more yellow undertones, making it a warm color. This shade perfectly refreshes the skin, there is still a piece of summer sun in it and it is ready to give it in any cloudy weather. In summer, this color looks beautiful on a tan. The color is perfect for the beach and the office. His image: fragility and sensuality.

Transparent and translucent stones are suitable for decoration: diamonds, topazes, rose quartz, moonstone, emerald, gold and silver.

See the picture for shoes to match the beige dress.

An interesting combination this season will be with beige: dark pink-beige, rose color, red-orange, pale orange, sunny yellow, cedar color, fainting frog, malachite, thrush egg color, regatta, violet gray, pale lilac, khaki color , silver, gold, brown and dark brown colors.

Green beige color

This shade, of course, can be called yellow-beige, but yellow is a warm shade, and this one is definitely cold and it will look in combination with the same cold colors. As in pink beige, this shade has the freshness and vigor that excess gives yellow color. The color perfectly refreshes the face and looks good on a tan. Decorate it with transparent stones such as topaz, beryl, aquamarine, amethyst, kyanite, gold, silver.

Look at the picture to see what kind of shoes the beige color goes with.

This shade of beige is combined with dark pink beige, honeysuckle, burgundy, olive, fainting frog, cedar, khaki, sky blue, electric blue, purple, soft lilac, beige pink, silver, gold, bronze, dark brown.

Beige color is not only light. The darker the beige, the stronger the brown tint appears in it, but there is a line at which beige remains beige. Of course, it is difficult to catch her, but we will try.

Let's look at 6 more dresses in different shades of beige

Yellow - beige color

A fresh, romantic shade of beige. If you want to add lightness to your business style, then a blouse or suit in a yellow-beige shade is perfect. This shade not only removes dullness from a formal suit, but also encourages more trusting relationships.
Yellow-beige is also good in everyday life. Rest, summer holidays, business and personal meetings are not alien to this shade. And he is also not picky about the color of accessories. You can use pale transparent and matte stones, bright - ornamental and semi-precious non-transparent.

Yellow - beige color is combined with light pink, fuchsia, sunny yellow, apricot, carrot, light green, wormwood, blue-green, royal blue, sky blue, lilac, violet, brown-beige, latte, pink brown, bronze

Peach - beige color

Another one of the intricate shades of beige. He is romantic, gentle and mysterious. This shade is more suitable for underwear, light summer dress or lace evening dress. A blouse or blouse would be appropriate in a peach-beige office.
It is better to choose accessories for this color that are transparent and not bright: pale yellow, pale pink, barely lilac, etc.

What colors does peach and beige go with? With pearl pink, red, wheat, pale yellow, peach, emerald, fainting frog color, pale green peas, turquoise, denim, blue-gray, amethyst, light lilac, light beige, orange-brown, milk chocolate color

Orange - beige color

This is a fairly common shade. Although it can already be called brown, it still remains beige, as it blends in with a dark skin tone.
Orange-beige color will be appropriate in any clothing style. If you want to create a small but varied wardrobe, look for a turtleneck or blouse in this shade.
A not catchy orange-beige color works great in office and business clothing. Without distracting attention, it encourages positive communication due to its softness and warmth of color.

It is also better to choose accessories for it that are not flashy, but contrasting: black, dark brown, dark sea green, dark red, etc.

This shade of beige can be combined with salmon, amaranth, sand, champagne, bright orange, lime, green, pine, denim, black sea, blue-gray, lavender, light beige, light brown, chestnut

Dark brown - beige color

The shade is close to coffee with milk - a borderline shade of beige. It resembles the tan of representatives of the “summer” color type - a cool, nutty color.
With a strict cut of clothing, a dark brown-beige shade will look expensive, and with an intricate cut it will look exotic. It will fit well into casual, office, casual, evening and business styles.
Accessories for this color are suitable in discreet but rich colors. Such as burgundy, denim blue, gold, emerald, etc.

This shade of beige can be combined with lavender, brown-yellow, sand, pale orange, dark green, gray-green, pea green, dark gray-blue, light gray-blue, not bright red-violet, dark purple , orange-beige, walnut and chestnut.

What color does this beige brown shade go with? With warm, velvety colors such as orange-pink (or coral), soft pink, red, burgundy, orange, yellow ocher, fainting frog, malachite, emerald, blue-gray, blue, pale lilac, beige-pink , silver, gold, yellow-brown, dark brown.

Dark gray - beige color

Perhaps some would argue that it is beige, since skin of this color is difficult to find. But you can’t call it gray either. It is just one of those transitional shades that appear only in comparison. Next to classic gray and other cool shades it will look true beige, but next to warmer tones of beige it will look gray.
Dark gray-beige color is a strict shade. It will be appropriate in a winter wardrobe: warm clothes, strict closed suits, etc. It is welcome in business, casual, and casual style.
Accessories for this shade can be either discreet or bright.

Gray - beige color is combined with light pink, fuchsia, yellow ocher, golden brown, bright orange, gray-green, malachite, pale green, blue, aqua, turquoise blue, gray-lilac , latte color, pink-brown and taupe

Protective - beige color

Just like gray-beige color is borderline. This is a very pleasant, soft shade with a hint of military, which adds a charming twist to a feminine appearance. Good for business, casual, office, romantic, club style, as well as casual.
Accessories for this color are glossy or transparent in complex shades, such as terracotta, pearlescent pink, pale yellow, etc.

There are color combinations: protective beige and soft pink, terracotta, sunny yellow, apricot, tangerine, wormwood, pale emerald, green tea, regatta blue, aquamarine, blue-lilac, light lilac, white-beige, pale brown, old bronze color

Simple, laconic and versatile beige color. He is the basis of femininity, tenderness and grace. Let's talk about the combination of colors in clothes with beige as a base. Who will it suit and in what case will it be appropriate in the image?

Who chooses beige?

You can immediately say about lovers of beige shades: they are calm, balanced and peaceful people. Most often, this color is chosen by business people, for whom their own realization comes first.

Adherents of beige shades are sincere people who value true friendship and comfort.

Beige color - the best option for the base of any image. Juicy and rich shades look good against the background of this color. Beige is a fairly neutral color. He will never “steal” attention from you to himself. Quite the contrary: it will favorably emphasize all the advantages of the figure and highlight the expressive features of the face.

50 shades of beige

The combination of beige color with other colors in clothing suggests several important rules. They are simple, but they need to be taken into account.

Beige can be divided into warm, cool and neutral shades.

Warm colors include yellow, orange, peach, powdery, and brown undertones.

For cold ones - purple, gray and green shades.

Neutrals include sand, cream, vanilla, ivory.

Who is beige color suitable for?

Beige has different shades. Slightly, but they differ from each other. Which shade is right for you?

  • “Winter” color type: if you have a contrasting appearance, dark hair and very light skin, you can safely choose almost any shade of beige. Slightly vague shades of this color, blurred into “nude” with a yellowish tint, will suit you. The whites of the eyes of girls of this color type are always pure white, sometimes with a blue tint.
  • “Spring” color type: a girl with slightly tanned skin and light brown hair should pay attention to peach, creamy, pink-powdery, and golden shades. Spring itself “wakes up” in these colors. Such “warming” shades will suit you too. But muted gray-beige will slightly dim your luminous color type. It is better to avoid this shade.
  • “Summer” color type: the delicate soft color scheme of a girl’s appearance suggests choosing ash-cool shades of light brown. Flesh shades, without a pronounced warm undertone, cool - these are yours.
  • Color type “Autumn”: for “warm” girls - warm shades beige. Caramel, clay, pistachio, ocher, savanna - these nude undertones will highlight warm facial features.

An important criterion when choosing a shade is contrast. For example, if a girl has fair skin, she should not wear things in a cool beige shade. Otherwise, the pale face will become even lighter and will not look entirely healthy.

It often happens that, having chosen a beige dress you like in a store, at home you cannot understand why you bought it. The impression is not at all the same, and the shade is clearly not yours. The thing is that you have chosen a so-called non-complimentary shade for your natural body color. Plus, they didn’t take into account the bright lighting in the store. Be sure to pay attention to these nuances. Because the beige color takes on all the available lighting. It is able to change under the light of a lamp. And in daylight, beige will look different on you than in the store. This annoying mistake happens to many girls when purchasing.

Beige in different clothing styles: when is it more appropriate?

Beige is rightfully considered a universal color. The combination of colors with beige in clothes can be any, as well as the chosen occasion.

Remember a few simple secrets:

  • To create a romantic look, all shades of beige without exception are suitable.
  • For a casual style, beige can act as a background to balance out bright details. In this case, beige can be combined even with “flashy” colors.
  • For an office business style, a discreet combination of a light beige top and dark bottom is suitable. The latter can come in black, grey, brown and even the alternative white.
  • For a cocktail party great option- beige dress. For such an occasion, girls often try to dress in bright, rich colors. But neutral beige is a noble color; it will make you stand out against a bright background. Gold pumps will go well with a beige midi dress.
  • For an evening out, a floor-length beige dress is a lifesaver for every girl. And if you successfully choose silver and gold accessories, the image will acquire luxury and nobility. Good colors for combination: blue, jade, soft pink, brown. These shades will emphasize the fragility and tenderness of your evening dress.

The beige shade can and even should be worn as an everyday look. You can pair a beige top with boyfriend jeans or bright blue trousers. However, let’s try to determine what it’s like to wear clothes with beige as a base using examples.

Beige + white

A light look is achieved by combining white and beige. Clothing (photo below) must be appropriate for the summer season. Because this combination is light and casual in a summer way.

The combination of these shades will help you create different looks: business, evening, and everyday. This is a basic color combination. You can add a bright color accent in the form of your favorite accessories.

Beige + black

The combination of colors in clothes: beige top and dark bottom makes it possible to create a strict business image. Such a union will visually balance the proportions of the figure. You can wear a beige jacket under a total black look. It will look very stylish. And a splash of white will enliven the image.

Such a universal combination will be expressive, effective, and deep. Psychologists recommend wearing these colors during negotiations, interviews, and exams, since they create a neutral, positive and, most importantly, favorable background for communicating with your opponent.

Black can act as a separate wardrobe item, or it can be just a detail.

Beige + gray

The combination of gray and beige in clothes looks very cozy and comfortable. The shade of gray can be matched to beige, or you can choose a little darker.

Additional colors as accessories: turquoise, pink, burgundy, yellow.

Beige + blue

The combination of colors in clothes: beige and blue looks warm and cold at the same time. Almost all shades of blue can be combined with beige: from rich electric blue to sea green. But there should be a “pinch” of blue in this ambiguous tandem.

Shades of blue symbolize balance and calm. If a person chooses any shade of this color, he can be described as reasonable, reliable, attentive and responsible. Shades of blue in combination with beige are perceived positively and favorably by others.

Beige + turquoise, mint, blue

The combination of colors in clothes “beige + blue, mint or turquoise” looks light, playful and fresh in summer.

With this combination of seemingly different colors, you can create interesting images for every day and lift your spirits.

Beige + red

The combination of colors in clothes: beige with bright red in a single image - looks dignified, bold and original. Beige favorably emphasizes the red color and at the same time balances the image as a whole. This combination is an excellent solution for an everyday look.

Red color is complex and insidious. It suits absolutely everyone without exception. But the beige shade will definitely become your ally and not your enemy in creating a stylish look. Moreover, beige will in no way shift the attention from men that you are counting on when choosing this shade.

Beige + brown

The combination of dark beige in clothing suggests splashes of white. This combination is quite popular among fashionistas.

When it comes to characterizing a person, the color brown creates the impression of reliability and consistency. It is easy to gain trust and respect for such a self-confident person. This is the color strong man.

Dark brown color goes well with mid-tone beige.

Beige + green

The combination of colors in clothes: beige (photo below) with green - looks impressive and natural.

There is something natural about this combination. Good choice green in combination with white - an emerald shade. This natural and bright tandem is perfect for a business look.

Beige + Marsala

The combination of colors in clothes “beige and burgundy” is considered universal. Individually, these colors are self-sufficient. And when combined, there is no need to dilute this “strong tandem” with another color. The color of Marsala is enchanting and deep. Its main feature is the unique combination of burgundy with a brown undertone. This color will make any everyday look special, like the Sicilian glass of wine of the same name.

And in combination with beige shades, the image does not require additional details.

Beige + purple

The combination of colors in clothes: beige + purple - makes the image gentle, warm and cozy. Variations of images with reddish wine shades look interesting.

Who thinks purple is a sad color? This unique combination will make you want to try this look. The mix of tones can be used both in individual items of clothing (jacket, cardigan) and as an accessory.

This season, the current shade is ultraviolet.

Beige + yellow

In psychology, yellow is the color of positivity. It is recommended to be worn by those people who are often stressed or prone to depressive states. Psychologists strongly advise surrounding yourself with a sunny yellow tint. By trying this “positivity” on themselves, people get rid of lethargy, drowsiness and sadness. In addition, yellow increases concentration.

For a complete feeling of harmony, joy and happiness, you can try on an image that combines beige and yellow.

Why not attract the attention of others in such a bold look? You seem to tell everyone: I am a responsible, freedom-loving, creative and positive person.

Beige + pastel

The next advantageous combination of colors in clothes: light beige and pastel shades. It opens up wide possibilities for creating interesting color combinations.

Everything is built from details and nuances. Such a gentle tandem color shades will make the image elegant and aristocratic.

What to wear with?

A beige item, in particular a basic dress, should be in the wardrobe of every modern girl. This is a versatile item that can easily be combined with other items of clothing.

For a beige dress, it is better to choose shoes in white, gray, burgundy, blue, dark blue, emerald, turquoise, blue, light pink, light yellow.

Beige trousers will help you create a lot of unique interesting looks in different styles.

The beige color and all its shades are noble and will be appropriate everywhere, without exception. Beige deserves your attention and a separate shelf in your wardrobe. Do you agree?

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