Which stone is suitable for the Capricorn sign? Precious and semi-precious stones of Capricorn

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A correctly selected talisman stone will attract the desired events into your life, improve your health, and protect you from troubles. However, natural stones affect women and men differently. Find out which stone is suitable for a Capricorn woman to achieve the result you need.

About Capricorn women

Representatives of this sign are active ladies, careerists who strive for financial success. A Capricorn woman can marry for convenience, but even in this case, family members will never complain about the lack of attention and care.

If a girl is a Capricorn according to her horoscope, she experiences failures painfully and is prone to depression and melancholy. That is why the best talismans for Capricorn are those stones that help achieve the desired goal, talismans for good luck in business.

The main mascot stones for the Capricorn woman

Which ones are suitable:

Of the gemstones that suits you best

This is the main stone for Capricorn; it plays the role of a powerful amulet, protecting the owner from the negative thoughts of others.


Capable of enhancing negative qualities its owner, therefore it is not recommended for hot-tempered women. Balanced ladies wearing ruby ​​jewelry will become even calmer and gain protection from hidden enemies. Remember not to wear together with other stones.

Of the semi-precious stones you need first black .

It will help you complete the work you started, protect you from envy and...

Malachite jewelry

They will give you patience, wisdom, and spiritual strength. To prevent malachite from attracting excessive or unwanted attention from men, choose silver items. Malachite has a positive effect on joint health, restores damaged tissue, and improves vision.

To stabilize your emotional state, wear rhinestone

The stone will soften a violent character, and will help inert ladies to open up.

Black agate

Protects from poverty family quarrels, gossip, will establish connections between generations, will make a woman attractive and desirable in the eyes of men.

By date of birth


It all depends on the decade within which the woman was born:

  1. If you were born during December 22 to January 2 inclusive, suitable stones for you are agate, malachite, rock crystal, serpentine, moonstone. These stones will help you not to lose your own point of view and achieve material success.
  2. A woman born between January 3 to 13, recommended onyx, . Talismans with these stones will strengthen your leadership skills and help you achieve your goals.
  3. A woman born with January 14 to 20, it is worth wearing ruby, opal, tourmaline, as a talisman. These are talismans that charge their owner with vital energy, making her active.

Stones for success in love

It is considered the love talisman of Capricorn women. Free girl he will make her popular, and he will protect the married woman from adultery. Pomegranate will relieve depression in case of unrequited love, and will help timid girls express their feelings.

Jewelry with garnet will help you get rid of fear of public opinion, as well as make a wise decision in a difficult situation.

Don't ignore cornelian. It will become an effective talisman for marriage for a girl who wants to meet the whole life.

Carnelian gives its owner youth and attractiveness, calms nervous system and gives strength to fulfill your cherished desires.

Which stone promises prosperity?

Suitable for a career woman as a talisman green chrysoprase. It will protect you from unscrupulous business partners and help you manage large sums correctly.

Green chrysoprase

It will help you to achieve the support of your colleagues and recognition from your superiors. Will become a talisman on the way up the career ladder. The stone will not allow you to succumb to emotions and commit a rash act, and will give its owner leadership abilities.

It will also help a Capricorn woman to achieve prosperity green pomegranate –. Protects from envious people and enemies.


You can make a Capricorn sociable and successful rhinestone, but this stone is more suitable for men. For a Capricorn woman it is better to choose hair jewelry- This is a type of rock crystal. The stone enhances women's intuition, promotes professional growth and, as a result, financial independence.


Talisman stones for health


To improve health and ensure good health, a Capricorn woman should choose tourmaline. It will help out in case of fatigue, relieve muscle pain and back pain, and strengthen overall immunity. Jewelry with tourmaline gives vigor and energy, helps improve heart function.

Green tourmaline gives strength and heals, being a talisman. Black tourmaline is suitable as an amulet - a talisman against disease and danger.

During the period of rehabilitation after serious illnesses or injuries, Capricorns are recommended to wear black onyx as a talisman. Additionally, it strengthens self-confidence and helps to complete the work started.

Not every stone is a talisman

For the gem to become a real talisman and amulet, wear it as often as possible. The most effective talismans are stones that were given to the owner or passed on to her by inheritance.

Be careful - the donor presents the product, putting his energy and thoughts into the gift, even subconsciously. Choose jewelry as a talisman only if you are confident in the sincerity of the donor.

Which ones should you not wear?


Negatively affects the life of a Capricorn lady. Products made from this stone lead astray and make a woman stubborn and principled. For the same reason, sapphire jewelry is not recommended for Capricorns.

If you are going to wear a talisman stone as jewelry, give preference jewelry from gold and silver, excluding costume jewelry.

The Earth sign Capricorn is strong and more than self-sufficient, so he almost doesn’t care what stones he wears. Moreover, he can afford to limit their selection and wear any stones regardless of the time of year and without looking at the month and the dominant zodiac sign in them.

Capricorn is considered a sign of hope, because according to the horoscope it effective December 22, on Solstice Day with the shortest day of the year, but after its completion the night begins to wane. Therefore, people born under this sign are characterized by activity, assertiveness and offensiveness. However, at the same time, they have difficulty completing the work they have started and some inconsistency in their actions. Fire stones, which are considered dangerous for other signs (for example, Labradorite, serpentine, Arabic onyx), will help Capricorn women cope with this.

Capricorns will also be helped to achieve their goal by dark, cold stones with strong energy, which no other sign can cope with, because its planet is the gloomy but powerful Saturn.

Women of this sign only need to choose a few stones. different types and wear them at will, regardless of the circumstances. This set must include one dark color, one fiery and one rich green, they will help the owner in different moments of life.

  • Black or steel hematite.
  • Black and gray pearls.
  • Black or bright red corals.
  • Black or blue Labrador (Lunnik).
  • Dark blue lapis lazuli (with pyrite).
  • Black or dark brown obsidian.
  • Dark green malachite (with patterns).
  • Arabic onyx (preferably with contrasting stripes).
  • Green coil (serpentine).
  • Bright green garnet (uvarovite).
  • Blood red garnet (pyron).
  • Intense red dark ruby.

Let's take a closer look at the properties of some stones.

Talismans for women

As already written, Capricorn is one of the strongest signs of the horoscope, so it can easily wear those stones that are contraindicated for most other signs. In Capricorn, on the contrary, they bring out the inner powerful essence and allow one to cope with some confusion and inconsistency. How do stones influence the character of this sign?

Arabic onyx. This is the stone of a person - a leader. Onyx will help you achieve success on a difficult career path, will help the owner achieve the respect of colleagues and recognition of merit from his management. And in modern world This is no less important for women than for men. This stone also helps the owner control his emotions and actions. At first glance, this is not necessary for the seemingly cold-blooded Capricorn, however, sometimes a whole whirlwind of emotions can be hidden under the icy mask.

Malachite. This stone is simply necessary for the health of Capricorn, maintaining his mental and physical strength, improving well-being and restoring the internal balance of the body. Women of this sign strive for stability in everything, so malachite will be an excellent talisman for them.

Ruby. One of the most beautiful gemstones, which will also help in career and advancement on the path to success, adding financial stability. It should be among the jewelry of any business woman seeking recognition in this field. But among other things, ruby ​​will be an excellent assistant in your personal life, helping to create a strong friendly family, will ensure understanding and harmony between partners.

But remember that it is very strong fire talisman, which has too powerful energy, so it should not be worn often by women who have health problems ( high blood pressure and heart).

Coil. It has a second name - serpentine and is considered one of the most dangerous semi-precious stones. It’s rare that a horoscope sign can afford to wear it, because quite often serpentine, instead of helping, on the contrary, puts up obstacles. But he takes away negative energy from Capricorn without a trace, but it is not advisable for him to wear a coil all the time.

The most valuable stone is considered to be one that has been inherited, as it has the ability to remember family problems and helps protect its current owner from them.

Other useful stones

Also useful for a Capricorn woman will be:

Jasper. This red stone will help strengthen women's heart health, and also reduce blood pressure, relieve headaches and insomnia. For Capricorns, the stone will also bring prosperity to the home, help them find strong friendships and achieve success in their studies and work.

Agate. Black agate is more suitable for men, it will help them become more attractive to women, and will also strengthen relationships that already exist. White agate is suitable for both sexes; it will make its owner softer and help awaken good and kind qualities. In addition, a stone of any color will relieve lingering coughs and throat diseases.

Nephritis. This stone is an assistant in married life; it will preserve family relationships, find understanding between a woman and a man, help avoid quarrels and increase sexual desire. But jade cannot be worn as jewelry; its place is on the bedside table in the form of a talisman figurine.

What should Capricorns not wear?

Capricorn, of course strong sign, but there are stones that he is not recommended to wear. And there are those that are completely contraindicated, because they can turn all its advantages into disadvantages and create obstacles in achieving the goal.

  • Sapphire.
  • Amethyst.
  • Aventurine.

First two stones will take away all the strength from its owner, bringing in return irritability and constant fatigue, which will not pass until Capricorn takes them off and puts them away. But aventurine will endow the owner with unnecessary frivolity and a tendency to rash actions, which is highly undesirable for this horoscope sign, which sometimes finds it difficult to bring its undertakings to completion.

Yellow pearls, mother-of-pearl, beryl, emerald, amazonite, white opal and yellow diamond are also contraindicated for Capricorn.

It is not recommended for this zodiac sign to wear jewelry made of blue aquamarine and turquoise, moonstone and black opal, orange agate and carnelian, and also use chalcedony, carnelian and chrysolite as talismans.

Obsidian can be used in rare cases, when it is necessary to concentrate forces on a specific task or to hone the art of an orator, but it is also unsuitable for constant wear, since it turns a person’s caution into elementary cowardice.

We wear stones correctly

It’s not enough to choose a stone that suits the owner’s horoscope; you also need to learn to wear it correctly. Each stone requires special treatment, and the strong fire and dark talismans of Capricorn are even more so. Otherwise, they may become “offended” and, instead of helping, bring harm to the owner.

For example, malachite cannot tolerate unnecessary pretentiousness and will categorically not accept a gold frame. Its ideal companion in jewelry will be silver, which will reveal the true rich essence of this stone. For a Capricorn woman, jewelry made of large malachites framed in silver would be ideal.

Onyx also does not like gold settings, it is a modest stone and simple silver chains will be a great companion for a pendant made from this stone.

Ruby- a precious, expensive and very strong stone, so only special works of jewelry are created with it, which, of course, flatters him. He loves gold in any form and will look great in rings, earrings and pendants. But remember not to wear it too often, especially large stones.

Agate jewelry For Capricorn women, it is best to wear it in the form of beads or as a pendant.

The serpentine is a special stone, one of the strongest and most dangerous, but at the same time it does not like to be shown off. It is best worn in a breast pocket or as a pendant on a long leather cord or chain hidden under clothing. He will protect you well, albeit secretly.

Jasper, on the contrary, loves to show off and will be an excellent assistant in the form of rings and beads.

If there is a temporary need to use obsidian, place it away from your heart, for example, in a trouser pocket, or insert it into silver ring and wear it on your middle finger.

Well, and most importantly - remember, all the stones that suit you according to your horoscope are, first of all, amulets and talismans, accordingly, they drive away all negativity and bad energy, absorbing it into themselves. To clean the stone and allow it to work well again, do not forget to place it under cold running water at least once a week, which will take away all negative emotions.

For Capricorns, as for other zodiac signs, it is difficult to identify specific stones that will be especially useful. To choose suitable talisman stone, you need to take into account a number of factors: the date of birth of the representative of the sign, his gender, character traits, professional occupations and some others personal characteristics. However, having studied general recommendations, you can still make a certain choice.

Choosing a talisman stone for Capricorn by date of birth

Capricorns in the first decade (from December 22 to January 2) are under the protection of Jupiter. Representatives of this period are characterized by balance, self-confidence, and calmness. Representatives of the sign clearly know their life goals and firmly move towards their implementation. The following stones will help them maintain their focus and give them strength to move forward: serpentine, rock crystal, amethyst, agate, red jasper, jade, obsidian, tiger's eye and malachite.

The second ten days of the period (from January 3 to January 13) is the time of leaders. However, to realize their destiny, these Capricorns sometimes lack motivation and simple vital activity. Heliotrope, opal, chalcedony, onyx and chrysoprase can add energy to a somewhat inert zodiac sign.

Representatives of the final decade (from January 14 to January 20) are patronized by the Sun itself. Capricorns born during this period are great workers, devoting most of themselves to work, but at the same time they are characterized by depression and apathy. The following stones are useful for them: zircon, hyacinth, tourmaline, garnet, sapphire, opal and alexandrite.

Talisman stones for Capricorns

Opal – best stone for Capricorn

Opal is rightfully considered one of the most strong talismans for Capricorn. He overcomes attacks of apathy and helps achieve his goal. For conservatives, opal will give flexibility and allow them to see new perspectives. Opal also changes the character of Capricorn - from a somewhat inert individualist, the stone will turn into an optimistic person who enjoys life, always ready for open communication. The stone is also able to warn its owner about possible health problems - in such situations the opal darkens.

Capricorns are enviable family men

Representatives of the Capricorn sign, both men and women, are characterized by seriousness, reliability and stability. Such traits usually attract people looking for a marriage partner. Indeed, they are excellent family men, but if you do not add openness and positive emotionality to the character of this zodiac sign, then it can become boring with him.

Jade figurines will be a good talisman for maintaining well-being in the home and excellent relations between spouses.

Garnet enhances Capricorn's creative abilities

Encourage Capricorn to manifest positive emotions, garnet will help to introduce an interest in creativity into his character and strengthen his imagination, and the same stone in serious situations, on the contrary, will help him become more collected and reasonable. The best setting for opal would be platinum or silver.

Ruby will be very useful for businessmen and simply business people. This stone will provide authority and recognition among employees and will give determination to its owner. In addition, a talisman with a ruby ​​will protect against accidents and the evil eye, and strengthen love relationships.

Talisman stones for Capricorn women

Rock crystal will save the Capricorn woman from loneliness

Despite the fact that women born under the sign of Capricorn are usually very attractive in appearance and not lacking in intelligence, they often live alone. The nature of this zodiac sign is such that it constantly erects an invisible barrier between itself and its surroundings. Rhinestone will help break down this wall and make a woman softer and more open.

Garnet will smooth sharp corners V family life Capricorn women

Women living in marriage often show increased demands on their spouse and children. This happens because they are overly concerned about the opinions of others about their family. Pomegranate will help reduce this character trait to reasonable limits, and love and harmony will reign in the woman’s family. The same stone makes a woman of the Capricorn zodiac sign wiser and more optimistic.

Blue agate will energize the Capricorn woman

Agates of bright colors are very good for representatives of the sign. They take care of a woman’s health, charge her with energy, make her attractive and protect her from enemies. The talisman with agate will also take care of family relationships, will prevent quarrels, ensure peace and quiet in the house.

Carnelian will take care of the health of the Capricorn woman

For girls, astrologers recommend jewelry with carnelian as a talisman. The stone will keep a girl young and attractive, help her meet her soul mate, and prevent conflicts. Carnelian takes care of health and has a positive effect on the condition and functioning of all organs. It is also believed that carnelian is capable of fulfilling the wishes of its owner.

Talisman stones for Capricorn men

Chrysoprase will protect Capricorn from the evil eye and intrigue

One of the character traits of the Capricorn zodiac sign is extreme honesty. Subconsciously, he expects the same honesty from partners and even competitors. If the upcoming contract seems even the slightest doubtful to a businessman, then the deal will not take place. Give courage in making decisions and increase positive result from the concluded agreement, a talisman with chrysoprase can be used. The stone is also useful in strengthening physical strength, protecting against gossip, the evil eye, and slander. The stone will create and help maintain its owner’s reputation as an honest, smart and successful person, which is very important for a businessman.

Onyx will develop leadership qualities in Capricorn

Representatives of this zodiac sign are by nature reserved and not very self-confident, which outwardly creates the impression of arrogance. This can become an obstacle to leadership. A talisman with onyx will rid Capricorn of negative traits, add sensitivity and sociability to its owner, and the road to leadership will be open. The stone will also protect the owner from various negative situations.

Pomegranate will help Capricorn in finding a life partner and relieve loneliness

Young Capricorn men do not think about starting a family for a long time, they often do not even have a permanent partner, they simply do not consider marriage and family an important life goal. A talisman in the form of a ring with a red garnet will help to somewhat reduce the severity of Capricorn’s character and draw his attention to the female half of humanity, to meet a girl with qualities that he considers worthy of himself. In addition, the talisman will help organize and elevate high level all contacts, both business and friendly.

Rauchtopaz promotes the development of intelligence

The male half of the Capricorn sign will also benefit from rauchtopaz. This stone promotes the development of intelligence and logic. The mineral will be of great help to people working in the field of information technology, scientists and anyone who, due to their line of work, has to store large amounts of information in their memory. The stone will also reduce Capricorn's overdeveloped ego and give it a character of altruism.

Stones contraindicated for Capricorns

The sign of Capricorn is opposite to the sign of Cancer, therefore, they will not suit Capricorn. These are peridot, sapphire, pearl, beryl, emerald, turquoise, aventurine.

Pearl will make Capricorn's love relationships unsuccessful, sapphire will take away strength and strengthen negative character traits. Citrine can add depravity to this zodiac sign - passion for gambling and alcohol. Emerald will add isolation to the character, and this property is already overdeveloped in Capricorns. As a result, Capricorn can erect a final barrier between himself and the outside world and completely lose emotions, of which he already has few.

Are you earning enough?

Check if this applies to you:

  • there is enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • the salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take away everything that is obtained with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

Perhaps your money has been damaged. This amulet will help relieve lack of money

Let us briefly characterize a person born under the sign of Capricorn in order to understand what gems Are they best for Capricorn? Firstly, according to the Zodiac, this sign belongs to the earth element. This means that representatives of this sign are distinguished by their determination and steadfastly overcome life’s difficulties. They are not afraid of loneliness and know how to take responsibility. They do not know how to forgive others' mistakes and have difficulty communicating due to their secrecy.
Secondly, he is a very purposeful person who sets goals and persistently achieves them. Finds a suitable career ladder and immediately climbs it until he reaches the top. Selfishness manifests itself in relation to work, but Capricorns are generous and responsive to their friends and loved ones.
There are two types of Capricorns: workaholics and “commanders”. With the first, everything is clear - they work and only work, achieving their goals. The latter prefer to lead and it does not matter to them who will be subordinate to them: enterprise employees, relatives or family members, or perhaps members of a public organization, parents in the class in which the child is studying, or gardeners.
Weaknesses are a kind of boringness that goes away with age, they take cruel or aggressive revenge if betrayed, they like to take risks, and are more than compensated for by positive ones - persistence in achieving their goals, patience and willpower, trained from year to year, careful attitude to the traditional way of life, family values ​​and stability in everything.

First, about the stones that are suitable for all Capricorns according to the horoscope (December 22 – January 21).

Talismans and amulets of Capricorns

Tourmaline is the stone of all business people born under this sign. Tourmaline helps with concentration and clarity of thinking.

Jet - this mineral will help persistent, but at times impulsive Capricorns, comprehend the wisdom of their ancestors.
- a mineral for overcoming boredom for those who have it and depression for everyone else.
- for those who strive for power and material well-being. Ruby will protect its owner from envy and anger, promotes confidence, respect in the team and well-being in the family.
Malachite is especially suitable for those involved in scientific research. This mineral increases spiritual strength.
Hyacinth - helps strengthen all positive traits character, such as: determination, perseverance, patience. Hyacinth gives strength and vigor in difficult times.
– indispensable as a talisman for representatives of this sign. For them, jade is a mineral of change; it will suggest the right decision and the right path in life. If the mineral has become darker, it means that its owner has lost his way.
Onyx is a powerful amulet for attracting good luck and success. Onyx will help you strengthen your nerves, get rid of insomnia or anxiety.

Jet Ruby
Malachite Red hyacinth Nephritis

Zircon - will help develop intuition, and also gives self-confidence and optimism.

Which stone suits Capricorn by exact date of birth?

In the first decade (December 22 – January 1), Jupiter influences, so people of the Capricorn sign born at this time are self-confident and have their own opinion on everything. Their gems are agate, amethyst, rock crystal, serpentine, malachite, tiger's eye and bloody jasper. According to birthdays, astrologers recommend the following minerals:
22.12. – almandine
23.12. –
24.12. –
25.12. –
26.12. –
27.12. – coil
28.12. –
29.12. —
30.12. – amazonite
31.12. – chrysoberyl
01.01. - Hawkeye

Those born in the second decade of the sign (02.01. – 12.01.) are distinguished by their desire for leadership and the ability to captivate people; their co-ruling planet is Venus. Their character is characterized by inconsistency; if a person fails to find his goal, then he becomes a boring melancholic. In order to overcome skepticism and pessimism, onyx, sardonyx, opal, and chrysoprase will help them. By birthday these are the following gems:
02.01. –
03.01. – onyx
04.01. – rhodonite
05.01. – pearls
06.01. –
07.01. –
08.01. –
09.01. –
10.01. – zircon
11.01. – heliotrope
12.01. –

In the third decade (13.01.-21.01) the patron is the Sun, and people born during this period lack energy. And although they love and know how to work, due to a lack of energy, they may experience sadness and even despondency. Gems for them should play the role of recharging energy and will cope with it perfectly: alexandrite, hyacinth, opal, ruby, tourmaline, zircon. And an individual stone for Capricorn according to his birthday:
13.01. – onyx
14.01. – rhodonite
15.01. – jet
16.01. – onyx
17.01. –
18.01. –
19.01. - A
20.01. – spinel
21.01. - hyacinth

Capricorn birthstone - women

The main gems for beautiful representatives of the sign are: agate, garnet, rock crystal, sardonyx.


– the most suitable agates are bright, saturated colors: yellow or red. Agate bestows health and beauty on its owner and energizes her. In the family, agate promotes peace and understanding, protects against unkind eyes, troubles, quarrels and poverty.
– helps in showing love, gives good mood helps its owner achieve her goals, as it makes her wiser.
– makes its owner more feminine and attractive, as well as sensual and soft. Will tell you who you can trust.
- a symbol of beauty and love. Especially recommended unmarried girls. This gem will help them fulfill their desires and bring good luck in love. In addition, carnelian calms the nervous system.

Agate Garnet Carnelian

Capricorn Stones - Men

For conservative men, chrysoprase is recommended for success in business. Chrysoprase – gives confidence in one’s abilities and decisiveness when making decisions. Physically, amulets with chrysoprase enhance energy. The magical properties of the mineral are protection from the evil eye and damage, assistance in obtaining well-deserved recognition.
Obsidian is necessary for the development of reaction when making decisions. Obsidian as an amulet gives its owner a positive attitude towards ongoing changes, both in the external and internal world.
Almandine – magical properties This mineral allows one to overcome anger and at the same time excite passion, give joy, and drive away sadness.
Rauchtopaz is necessary for creative people, it gives insight, develops superconsciousness and intuition. For all others, rauchtopaz is also suitable. The gem promotes logical thinking and perception of knowledge. It reduces selfishness and fanaticism.
Onyx - it is recommended to use magical properties for those who strive to become a leader or manager. Onyx will reduce arrogance and arrogance, make its owner more open, and protect from troubles and dangers.
– suitable as a talisman against dangers and envy. It is best to wear green or black tourmalines, they provide better protection representatives of this zodiac sign.

Astrologers almost unanimously do not recommend that Capricorns wear Cancer gemstones according to the horoscope sign as the opposite sign, that is, white and opaque gems. Any of these minerals will not suit Capricorn: aventurine, beryl, turquoise, pearl, emerald, moonstone, sapphire, peridot, citrine.
– suppresses emotions and energy, which people of this sign don’t have much of anyway.
Pearls - there is a high risk of remaining lonely and not finding happiness in love.
Makes a person even more withdrawn, constantly delving into himself.
- will take away energy, make Capricorn a cynic or a conservative, and will give nothing in return.
– increases stubbornness, makes Capricorns deceitful, which leads to loss of purpose. For representatives of this zodiac sign, citrine is a symbol of passion and vice.

Capricorn is a sign that is resistant to outside influences, hardworking, judicious, responsible and persistent. His love for leadership is not because of a desire for power, but because he considers himself better than many. Such inflated self-esteem does not at all make the representatives of this sign look good, and moreover, it often depresses those around them. However, it is she who will help Capricorns achieve their goal.

Capricorn is a purposeful sign; he has enough strength and faith to go towards his goal for quite a long time. Caution and foresight are one of the main qualities of this sign. People born under the sign of Capricorn have a tendency to analyze and reflect; they carefully think through their plans.

When it comes to Capricorn's work or his plans, he shows enviable selfishness, but for close people Capricorn is extremely generous and is always ready to run to the rescue without hesitation. Representatives of this sign do not hide their love and devotion to family well.

Choosing a stone by date of birth

The patron of Capricorns in the first decade - from December 22 to January 2 - is Jupiter. Representatives of this decade go through life confidently and calmly, accumulating material and useful knowledge along the way. Capricorns always have their own opinion on everything; they are helped by quite powerful gems:, and.

The second ten-day period lasts from January 3 to January 13. Capricorns belonging to the second decade know how to captivate others. However, having lost incentives to be active, they can turn into boring couch potatoes. , and will be able to light a fire inside Capricorn and give an impetus to action.

People born from January 14 to January 20 belong to Capricorns of the third decade. They are protected by the Sun. Capricorns of the third decade need stones that can feed them with energy. Opal, and will help in fruitful work, which representatives of this sign love so much, and will not let you lose ardor in the process of activity.

Capricorn mascot stones

Opal will eliminate and weaken some unpleasant character traits of this zodiac sign: tediousness, selfishness, tendency to depression. The gem will instill confidence in Capricorn and calm him down. Opal will teach you to draw strength from communicating with people and will make the representative of this sign more interesting.

Capricorn, as a sign that strives for heights financial well-being and power, will do ruby. It will give you determination and courage, and will help you win the respect and trust of your team. The gem will protect you from envy and protect you from violence. The mineral will help create and maintain a family, bring love, and bestow happiness. If Capricorn gives a ruby ​​to someone he deeply likes, the stone will kindle a reciprocal feeling.

Malachite has the ability to increase spiritual power. Those Capricorns who want to conquer the heights of scientific knowledge should wear malachite.

Hyacinth will retain in its owner its best traits: determination, perseverance and patience. This gem will help during the next streak of failures: the stone will invigorate Capricorn and awaken cheerfulness in him.

Can protect against attacks from enemies and attract good luck onyx. This mineral will have a strengthening effect on the nervous system. Onyx in the ring will give Capricorn the strength to defend his interests. The gem will relieve insomnia, anxiety and fear.

Zircon will be able to instill self-confidence and optimism. This stone will develop Capricorn's intuition.

Capricorn woman stones

Pomegranate will help the Capricorn Woman open up, teach her to express her feelings and free her from the captivity of public opinion. This gem will give you a good mood, give you strength to achieve your desired goal and suggest a wise solution to a problem.

Most suitable talisman for young unmarried Capricorn Girls - . The stone will help you relax and calm down (it has a positive effect on the nervous system). The gem will help preserve youth, contribute to the preservation of youth and beauty, and bestow good luck in love. The owner of this stone will receive the abilities and strength to fulfill her wildest desires.

Rhinestone is able to destroy the wall that the Capricorn Woman unconsciously builds between herself and the world. This gem will teach the owner not to look for pitfalls in every word spoken, and will tell her which people should be trusted. Rock crystal will make the Capricorn Woman softer, more emotional and sociable.

Agate gives the Capricorn Woman longevity and health, protects her from dangers and gossip, and nourishes her with energy. The gem can make the owner more sexy, interesting and attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex. Agate protects the family from poverty and quarrels, and establishes connections between generations. The talisman will help you achieve career heights.

Capricorn stones for men

will work well with a Capricorn Man. The gem will enhance logical thinking and intellectual abilities. Rauchtopaz will make Capricorn less jealous, fanatical, and reduce the amount of selfishness. The stone is able to relieve stress and tune the owner to perceive new information.

External arrogance and isolation prevent a Capricorn man from becoming a real leader, a team leader. Onyx will make these character traits less obvious and will help its owner become more friendly and responsive. The talisman will protect Capricorn from dangers, accidents and disasters.

Chrysoprase will help Capricorn Men associated with business: the stone will give determination and courage to introduce reforms in their organization, and will help them adapt to the world of commerce, in which changes regularly occur. The talisman has the ability to enhance physical energy and strengthen both health and spirit. Jewelry with this stone will protect you from conspiracies, the evil eye, and damage. Chrysoprase will bring much-needed recognition to the Capricorn Man.

Stones that are contraindicated for Capricorn

Capricorn is the opposite, so he should not wear stones suitable for Cancer. These are all opaque and gemstones. In addition, Capricorn is not recommended to wear beryl, aventurine, pearls, emerald, moonstone, peridot and turquoise. A Capricorn woman who wears pearls risks becoming unhappy in love.

Citrine is a stone of passion and vice. He will show Capricorn the wrong direction, from which the representative of this sign is unlikely to be able to leave. Citrine will turn Capricorn's determination and prudence into unjustified stubbornness, deceit and cunning.

Emerald transforms the mysterious and secretive Capricorn into a real hermit who will lose interest in everything and go deeper into his experiences. Representatives of this sign do not have enough sensual energy and intuition to use emerald as a talisman and amulet. The stone will draw out of Capricorn those emotions and feelings that he already has in short supply.

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